A Model is Born 11 – At Peace Sometimes

A Model is Born
11 – At Peace Sometimes

By Jessica C

Teri had been Terrance Carsten, Hattie’s twin
Who jumped at an opportunity to model as a girl with Hattie…
Now he’s caught up in being a known model…
They’re the Slade Sisters caught in a mystique of their creation…


It was two days of being hassled by my sister Hattie about the arrangement of having Drake and his friend Rob be our escorts while in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Come Thursday, we both have salon appointments after school with our hair to be styled up in curls. But it’s done in a way that after two changes of outfits, two pins can come out of our hairdos allowing our hair to drop into another pretty style. Mom says and Hattie agreed it wasn’t a big deal, but they say that about many things I see as special.

I pay extra attention to how it was done and bought a wrap to ensure I didn’t make a mess it when I slept. Sandra my beautician gives me a sample vial of a perfume that she offers for the fashion show. She was wearing it and I loved it.

We drove down to Indianapolis to stay there and fly out on Friday. Leah’s not going on this trip, choosing to stay at the University except to have lunch and drive Mom’s car with us to and then back from the airport.


It was embarrassing that I was pulled aside at the airport and asked why I was lying about being a girl when flying. They wanted my permission to physically check me. When I asked for my mother, one person said, “You’re old enough to speak for yourself.” I knew the others were aghast by the way I was spoken to. Another official began to say that I’m a transgender but she is told to remain quiet. For some reason, none of the other officials would speak up for me.

I raised my voice, saying, “Yes, I can speak for myself, but my mother has the document I need. …And my rights are also protected unless you think a teenage boy wanting to be a girl endangers this plane.” Someone said “Touché” in the background.

I looked at the name badge of the officer giving me a hard time. Seeing the name Murphy, I bit my tongue about Murphy’s Law. It was then another Officer brought my mother back who was demanding to know what was going on. That Officer pulled out a bottle from my carry-on and said, “With that confiscated, you may be on your way if there is nothing else.”

I said, “There is unless you can assure me that he won’t be pulling this on someone else.”

Officer Dean said, “It will be looked at, thank you. Each of us will receive a warning in our files. The instigator and all of us complicit by silence are guilty of permitting this.”

My mother says, “I believe you have both our names and information needed for your action. We have a plane to catch.”


We are flying in the Sky section, and are some of the first people off the plane and our luggage also comes off early. Mom says, “I have a message from Calvin that he’s picking us up and will meet us at the luggage area.” He’s driving a CRV, all we need do is text him which door we’re coming out, Hattie looks up pointing N37. Calvin was a little saddened that Leah wasn’t with us.

Officially Cal picked us up because the fashion show would benefit the therapy section of his hospital. Mom said later, “I think Calvin might have been doing it to care for one of his own. Despite his strength as a therapist, there are things that suggest to me he knows Terrance’s side of the street.”

Cal had already dropped us off at our hotel and left.


We’re in our room when a call comes, “You’re about to receive two southern belled gowns and asked to wear them for dinner at 7:00 p.m. There will be help with the corsets if needed. We thank you for your cooperation.” It is but a moment and there is a knock at the door and the gowns are here. They are magnificently beautiful but with gowns and three of us, the room has become crowded. A woman aptly named Betty Jo pokes her head in asking, “Have you showered and ready to put on your gowns?”

I say, “We barely have room to move. How are we to do this?”

Betty says, “You have the room next to you.” Opening the connecting door she says, “Didn’t you know that some of that furniture has been removed to accommodate you?” The fact that we receive only part of the information we needed is not new.

I am moved to the other room with my gown. Not wanting to endanger my hair to a shower, I am subject to a woman helping to bathe and dry me with an ample supply of dusting powder that I am not used too. Attie and I are both to wear period clothing from the 1800s. The woman and a college-age assistant help me into a corset and begin to tighten the cords and reducing my frame by several inches. With my waist down to twenty-one inches; it takes a moment for me to catch my breath and learn to breathe. Sitting up on a chair for my makeup to be applied feels strange. Longer eyelashes are applied and my face is lightened two shades with the base makeup. I watch the transformation as I can no longer see myself but this young woman from an era gone by. With the help of even a third person, the gown is lifted over my head. It becomes apparent as the gown is buttoned up that my hairdo from the day before was planned ahead of time. It goes very well with my appearance. My breasts bubble up showing ample cleavage that I didn’t know I could have. I am standing as my fingernails are painted a glistening red that stays looking wet to the touch. My lips are given another coating of lip-gloss and are a bright cherry red. With another application of blush, I appear to be done.

But Betty Jo approaches me with a dazzling set of dangling earrings. Diamond studs are put on just above them and then the silver and diamond bangles.

I ask, “How am I to eat with any decorum and remain intact like this?” The young college woman says, “You’re not. You will sit carefully at the table, while others have a meal you’re being asked to make do with dainty cookies and sips of water. The sugar will give you the energy you need and the water enough to sustain you. But please do not drink too much, you will not want to have change out of this and back into your gown.”

She is right about that and luckily she says she will be with me as long as needed. Her name is Kelli and she asks me if I ever meet other trans-girls on my trips. I confess it usually happens once or twice a trip. It is then she asks, “What’s the compelling reason a boy wants to be a girl?”

I say, “There’s no one answer as we’re not all the same. We do vary like other girls. For me to model as a girl is a decision, but then one day I woke up and being a girl wasn’t a decision. It is something I realize that I have been even before I thought about it.

“I have gone back to wearing Terrance’s clothes several times, but Terrance became my second self.” Kelli and I enjoyed talking up to when it was time to go to the banquet. I stood the half hour left of the social time. Kelli helped me to my chair and there were at least three people sitting between myself and my sister. And so it was for other models dressed like us. It became apparent that the gowns were specially made for this occasion and to part of a silent auction to someone wanting to buy it.

It was nine-thirty when the banquet and gathering were officially over. It took another forty minutes to get back to our rooms and for Kelli and Marsha to get me out of my gown and it is collected from the person who bought it. Betty Jo said, “You are likely to have someone with tonight’s program come and ask for your signature. She is likely to be the person who purchased the gown. We will appreciate your cooperation.”


Kelli was still there and says, “If you are hoping to meet up with Drake and Rob they are still open to it. They should be down in the lobby waiting for me to ring down and let them know if you’re coming or not.” I knew both Attie and I had received calls from them earlier in the evening, but I did not have my phone with me.

I was famished and needed to eat, while both of us felt a need to unwind. Our Mom was not wanting us to go out, but wouldn’t stop us. Once down to the lobby I was amused as Attie went running to be in Rob’s arms. I felt a need to show Drake I was happy he was here and gave him a good hug and kiss on the cheek.

We ended up quickly getting a sandwich and then went to a pub so we could dance and drink. Attie and I both ordered colas with a capful of rum. Come the second round of colas neither of us asked for, but my second one actually had more rum in it. Attie told me in the morning that I became a wild girl on the dance floor. I remembered having a fun time, but didn’t think I was that wild!

Attie and I were up early and over to the hall holding the fashion show. Some of the vendors were still setting up their booths, many were happy that we stopped by and allowed for them to take photos with us. There were the perks of free cosmetics and other samples that they provided us. Jetta for one joked with me saying, “Girl, your buds might be small, but you can’t fool, me saying you might be a boy. No way, you’re a girl all the way!” Seeing Jan Coffman taking a picture, I wasn’t sure if it was a set-up for continuing the mystique.

We were to be around for a social time for attending women from 10-noon. Attie was part of a panel discussion before we began to dress for the fashion show. It was there that I first met Andrea of Andrea’s Threads. Attie and I would like to have modeled some of her clothes but we don’t yet have an agreement to do so. She had recently graduated from high school and was attending a university in Fashion and Design as well as classes in business.

Our Momma was taking notes. We were sure to come the spring semester; we would be doing the same at the college near our town. Neither of us has a great desire to get deep into the designing of clothes as we do not have the eye for it.

I took notes as well but mine was in the fact that after a year of hormone replacement therapy Andrea’s breast was growing more like a normal woman’s. She now had gone from a B cup and was becoming a full figured woman. Needless to say, I was envying her and happy that we met. I can’t say that I know her as much but we have a kindred spirit.

The fashion show goes well for us. Attie had even fooled the announcer once when she, the announcer, wasn’t sure because we came out in each other’s turn and gowns. Attie and I each wanted one of the dresses but had to settle on something like them as there was to be no duplicate as they were auctioned as one of a kind to high bidders.


I met Ms. James’ the woman who purchased a gown I modeled as she wanted me to autograph it inside as well as her program. She was an older twenty-something beauty from Charleston, South Carolina. Our seamstress spent an hour and a half fitting her properly. Heather James and I visited though I tried to excuse myself when she changed clothes. Heather said, “I thought your work would have taken away your modesty.”

“I try not to subject the customer to what I experience backstage.”

Heather asked, “Is there any other gowns you could change into?” Bonnie our seamstress from Belk, showed her one. It was more of a showy dress for a night on the town. Heather asked, “Would you mind changing into that and show me how it looks on you. I’d liked to see it with the proper makeup as well. I know I’m asking a lot but it’s just among us girls.”

Bonnie said, “Use either nude or suntan stockings they’re here in this drawer. I can help you with makeup when I’m done here.” I can tell both Heather and Bonnie are happy thinking I’ll cooperate.

I knew I was nicely tucked away and the breast forms I was wearing were authentic looking. I turned away and lost what I was wearing except my panties. I knew where I put a bra from the show. It would go well with this dress. The suntan stockings were nice and the self-standing style. I needed a pair of three-inch heels, but I told Heather, “I’ll need to find something to go with this if you’re wanting me to wear this tonight.”

Heather asked, “Would you please do that for me. If you’d be willing for me to take you to dinner your mother and sister could come.”

I said, “That is nice of you. If you wouldn’t mind; I would be happy to come along with you and your group. But I’ll need to have my mother’s approval. Attie and I each have trouble getting our time alone.” Heather confessed she was the older of two sisters who were close. “I love my sister Haley, but when we were younger we treasured times apart. I will see you in the lobby of your hotel at say 7:30 this evening.”

I asked, “Is there anything special we’ll be doing and should be ready for?”

She smiled, “Be yourself and let me know then if there is something you’d like to do after a good dinner.”


I changed back out of the dress after Heather was finished and gone. I asked Bonnie about the dress and what it cost to rent or buy. Bonnie said, “It’s taken care of Ms. Harper and Heather James had it arranged if you agreed to go out with Heather tonight. Lisa halved the price to an extra five hundred dollar donation; Heather bumped it up to seven hundred. She said she was willing to go to a thousand.”

“They already we certain that I’d go out, how dare they!”

“Hold it,” Bonnie said! “Heather was in agreement after Lisa said, ‘You were in need of a relaxing night to just unwind. I was told your Mother said both you and Attie need to find a way to relax and a chance to be yourselves. You’re both moving too fast, staying too busy. I expect your mother will say something when you get back to your hotel.”

Bonnie had draped a plastic cover over the dress and held out a kit of accessories, “That includes the cream shoes from one of your dresses earlier. It should go well with the dress. Let us walk over to your hotel and know that Drake is not expecting to see you until tomorrow.”


Back up to the suite and Attie’s busy getting ready for being out. She too has someone hosting her evening out. The dark blue satin dress is also for a night out on the town. I ask, “Mom, what’s going on and what will you be doing all alone?”

Mom said, “I’m not going to be, but I’ll be able to enjoy the symphony without wondering about you two. Like I told Attie, I’ll see you whenever you get back in the morning. Hopefully no later than noon.” I went through a list of questions and needs about being out and where I’d stay. Finally, I’m told, “Relax and enjoy. I hope you know this is a unique time.”

I changed, did my makeup and used a curling wand to reset several curls. Attie complimented my selection of makeup in doing my face. I compliment her but it’s not the same thing. She and Mom have only had to learn to do things for the society we’re hanging around. We all feel a little like that women being allowed to rub up with the society people. Each gathering we feel a little more at ease, but we know we haven’t arrived or been accepted by everyone.

I’m down to the lobby and Heather is there with another young woman and I’m introduced to Haley Heather’s younger sister. I’m told, “Haley’s along with me; she comes with me so Don doesn’t have to suffer through some things I enjoy. This is my payment for all I do for Don James, Inc. Don’s expanding the family business into housing developments. It’s mostly developing homes for $800,000 and up into the millions. It might be around a lake or near golf courses or out away from others. Our own home is nestled in ten acres of trees and creeks yet less than ten minutes from the bustle of most of the things we like in Charleston.”

We went out to a fine dinner the three of us and to a concert of two notable singer entertainers, selected to please the crowd of thirty and forty-something do-it-well women. The amphitheater had room for a good orchestra, a nice stage, and great sound acoustics. We were maybe a third of the way back and close to the center. Once we sit down Haley makes a sound of recognition and quietly says, “If you’re going to mind my holding your hand of placing a hand on your shoulder. I will need to exchange seats with my sister. I am quite a romantic at heart and music invokes my emotions.”

I say, “Tell me about this?’

Haley says, “I teach in a less than ideal school situation. My boyfriend had wanted me to transfer or get another job.”

“So he must have come around or is that why you’re here with your sister?”

“Kind of,” she says, “it’s why I come with my sister.

“So he…”

Hadley said, “He left me and I have trouble holding boyfriends who don’t understand my motivation to teach. But my sister comes here or I go there, needing a respite to something like this that a teacher has trouble affording.”

I say, “Wow, I’ll treasure your touches. But it is good to know; I wouldn’t want to mistake them for your affections.” I smile and reach to her lap and squeeze her hand. Then we look at the programs and ready for the concert.

The intermission comes a little early by design, allowing any men time to excuse themselves and women to relax and take in the estrogen-laden atmosphere. I am quite comfortable, feeling honored to be one of them. We have a small glass of wine. I can tell it is a crowd that Heather more closely identifies with. Haley is comfortable. Few women if any recognize me. But only one person a young college girl comes to talk.

I’m told later that many of the women present are noteworthy and more recognizable, but we’re in a crowd that honors the wish for private moments. That hit me as an unrecognizable feeling I was having. I was relaxed and enjoying a free evening as Teri. Having Haley next to me, comforted me to have a caring friend with me. Some women were a little bawdy; relaxing in their laughter and comments. I was sure one comment was an attempt to embarrass others like myself. They were correct in assuming I was not used to it.

The singer for the remainder of the show approached the dominantly female audience with a more mature and sophisticated style. But the evoking of joy, sad tender times and love would run even more deeply. Not only did Haley’s hand squeeze my hand or affectionately rest on or around my shoulder. She also gave me well-needed tissues as I had forgotten a handkerchief.

I felt my body lower down respond becoming warm and inducing feelings I’ve been told I can’t be having. My budding breasts under my breast forms affirms I’m feeling things as Teri. Haley whispers, “I’m impressed by how much you’re one of us.” I moved to give her a kiss on the cheek, but apologize that I did. Haley said, “Apology not needed.”


We are one of several groups of women enjoying another glass of wine in the lounge of their hotel. It is good to be able to visit as three. I thought she might come across as a mother hen, but we’re equals, all basking in the evening warmth.

Once up to their suite, I’m given a set of satin top and women’s pajama shorts. We all prepared for bed and a half hour later are saying goodnight. I am out in the common room an hour later not able to sleep, I was quietly walking or sitting. I could tell one of them had gotten up to pee, but I was sure by now she was again sleeping. Haley made her presence known so not to scare me. She softly says, “When I have a time I enjoyed so much, it is hard to be alone as my mind can’t stop thinking of the night.”

We remember a few times we each thought was special. Haley had but I hadn’t heard beautiful music sung by a great female singer to be enjoyed by other women. We agreed it was touching to a woman’s soul and way of processing things. Haley was ready to sleep but I wasn’t. She takes me by the hand to her bed and gets into bed and has me spoon myself behind her. It was only minutes before I was sleeping soundly.

I woke to a warm kiss and hug from Haley.

Attie had been out with Drake which took away my desire to see him today. We would have a photo shoot at 1-2:30 p.m. for Belk before flying back home. It was to my delight that Heather and Haley were present at our photo shoot. Our cost for the weekend should have been $5,000 each plus expenses. Thirty-five hundred donated, our contract covered the time with Belk’s photo shoot and expenses. I also got to keep the evening dress that Heather had paid for me…

Haley’s enduring friendship was all by itself…

Story to be continued…

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