
Vindex Spei


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Vindex Spei

Erlan, one of the few remaining immortal leaders of the Hegemon, has abandoned his post. He’s departed into the Fringe and worked to to build up the lost and abandoned colonies into a power of their own, the Kormault League. This has drawn ire from secret factions within the Hegemon who have decided the League should be put down and taken back. Erlan and those he's gathered fight against the Hegemon to preserve their freedom. Some of these individuals will do anything for the cause. One will use their special power to do the unusual and unorthodox to win.

The Bittersweet Gift

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry


A story of shared pain, bittersweet gifts, and of communal love.

This is a tribute to all first responders that have died in the line of duty. May their ultimate gift and sacrifice never be forgotten.


The Bittersweet Gift

By Shauna

Copyright© 2016 Shauna
All Rights Reserved.

My First Time

This story began 54 years ago, when my sisters, who were 13 and 16, began dressing their 3 year old brother in girls clothes. At first, I believe they probably viewed it as harmless fun, as merely a diversion. But their brother, who had no one else to play with, loved the attention, and it grew to be a frequent event. When they came home from school, there was their little brother to dress up like a doll.

Left at Eden - Chapter 9

Left at Eden
Hailey and Candy were waiting at the big stone building that was called the Labs, in the clinic section for a checkup. Lynn wanted to make sure they were done before sending them out on any exploration missions. Hailey was itching to get out and explore the planet and Candy just wanted to spend time with Hailey and her new friends.

Art Project – 13 Andrea/Andrew Being One

Andrew’s attention deficit and getting away with things finally caught up with him… Designing a gown instead of a suit Andrew had the responsibility to model it… Andrea is now the one most visible; Andrew is set on being himself or Andrea as he chooses…

The Wedding

The Wedding

Nikkie Silk

Part One

Trust me when I tell you I don't normally check the wedding announcements. I hate weddings. Ever since I was a page boy at my Aunt’s wedding, when my mother made me wear a pale blue tuxedo. I was only six, for God’s sake. She said I looked so cute.

The Heir--Or, The Unusual Path to CEO... Junior Year ~ Part 15

Quite honestly, the rest of the school-year is anti-climactic. Yes, we DO go to State as a cheer squad. No, we don’t win—we don’t even come close at third place. BUT WE WENT! And we will go next year, too—at least if I have anything to say about it.

Felicia slowly comes out of her shell. Emily and I spend a fair amount of time with her. They both come over to the house about once a week and we spend a lot of girl time—especially after I don’t have to go to cheer practice.

Left at Eden - Chapter 8

Left at Eden
The girls had walked home that night from the tavern; they had had a lot of fun. Hailey was changing. She wasn’t forgetting her friends, but was making new ones, since she knew there was nothing she could do about her situation. Besides, the call to explore was strong. She had already learned in her short time here, that in 60 years, they had only really thoroughly explored a dozen or so islands.

For a Season Part II: The morning after.

Sam is spending a year in America with Katie, a friend he met online. Both are aware of Sam's desire to be feminine. A man bun will no longer be Sam's go to hairstyle!

Purgatory: ReLife Chapter 03

Anime Girl City Night.jpg
Purgatory: Relife

Chapter 3

by Aurum

Copyright © 2016 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Death isn’t the end, but is the opportunity to begin again.
This is the story of second chances and unforeseeable
consequences. By changing early regrets, the momentum
of life will change in such unimaginable ways that not even
knowing the future will help predict what happens next.

The Good Knight


The Good Knight
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2016 Melanie Brown

Apologies. This popped into my head this morning while taking a shower and I wrote it at work while waiting for a vendor to call. Don't take any deep meaning into it. This was entered directly into the web editor on BC.

John is.. in another castle [3.2]

ourIceMain.jpg Sometimes you have to give in before you can win.
Sometimes you just mess up and have to make the best of things.
Sometimes you have to run.
..wonder which Hannah will do?..

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being the cause of all life's problems
(according to Hannah)
And Hannah gives Storyteller the cold shoulder.

Marti and the Doppelganger - Chapter 8

Marti and the Doppelganger
Chapter 8

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, Randi and the College Professor, Adam and the Three Wishes, Lisa and the Culinary Quest (aka Howard and the Completed pass), Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-in-Law, Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, and Cynthia and the Dropped Ball. The time frame of this story follows about three to four years after Charli and the Girl Cave. This story takes place a little more than a year after Bobbie Anderson wins the (British) Open and about ten years after Simoné and the Second Time Around.

It’s time for the big hike to the top of ‘Old Gray Back’, Mount San Gorgonio on most maps. This is a long hike; let there be no doubt about it. Fortunately, the person they hoped would be on the hike is there. Now to save her.

Junior Year ~ Part 14


I know that I have taken some artistic license with our U.S. legal system here, but this is all in the vein of fiction and fun—so, all of you lawyers and legal-minded readers, please forgive me!



The next day, about mid-morning, I am called to the front office and then straight into Ronnie’s office. I am, once again, surprised to find Mummy and Momma there—along with the school lawyers.

Captain Rodolfo’s Cabin-Boy

A boy of the land in the new world, becomes a pirate, but one with new makings...
The cabin boy will not be an ordinary pirate...
but one who can please women more with his gentle ways...
Roberto is in danger of becoming Roberta

Unlikely Quarterback – 12 Changing Colors

Bryce Royce was eleven before learning he’s androgynous…
Bryce being Elaine not a boy should be okay,
except Bryce as is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback; now more fully Elaine.

Marti and the Doppelganger - Chapter 5

Marti and the Doppelganger
Chapter 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, Randi and the College Professor, Adam and the Three Wishes, Lisa and the Culinary Quest (aka Howard and the Completed pass), Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-in-Law, Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, and Cynthia and the Dropped Ball. The time frame of this story follows about three to four years after Charli and the Girl Cave. This story takes place a little more than a year after Bobbie Anderson wins the (British) Open and about ten years after Simoné and the Second Time Around.

Their intervention goes far better than they could have hoped. They gain two more cabin mates. Lanu learns that her mother wasn’t always a busty platinum blonde.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 20

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 20”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Twenty: The Strange Prophecy

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change. Which, fair warning, includes most of the conversation Fudge, Hagrid, Flitwick, and McGonagall have in The Three Broomsticks.

Junior Year ~ Part 13

I hand each of the new Pinks a brochure on the way out. MOST won’t need them—not in Pink house; at least not the girls… Mummy has offered free counseling to anyone that is uncomfortable with their score—and assignment. It certainly will come as a shock to many. Depending on the demand for counseling, she has some other counselors lined up that have agreed to volunteer their time.

A New Job Twist Epilogue

Justine and I sip our waters at the Club 32 with Jamie and Ginny. It had been one year since I had started to wear the cryx. We drink toast after toast as we recount our successes and failures this last year. "Here is to being perfect girls," I told Justine, remembering Alex and Jacob and their failures to make a cryx. "Here is to selling candy bars at gas stations in Illinois," I cheered. And Justine piped in, "And dresses in downtown Chicago." She smiles at me, and then reaches out her hand. "Let's have some fun," she says.

Art Project – 12 More Fully Me

Art Project – 12
More Fully Me

Andrew had attention deficit, being a bit spoiled and getting away with things finally caught up with him… Designing a gown instead of a suit gained Andrew the experience of becoming Andrea and a designer… Andrea is now the one most visible while Andrew is set on being himself and Andrea as he chooses…

Marti and the Doppelganger - Chapter 2

Marti and the Doppelganger
Chapter 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, Randi and the College Professor, Adam and the Three Wishes, Lisa and the Culinary Quest (aka Howard and the Completed pass), Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-in-Law, Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, and Cynthia and the Dropped Ball. The time frame of this story follows about three to four years after Charli and the Girl Cave. This story takes place a little more than a year after Bobbie Anderson wins the (British) Open and about ten years after Simoné and the Second Time Around.

It turns out that Lanu is a rather special witch, and she demonstrates her powers to the two unpleasant girls. She may have done quite a bit to win the two over. Then, Marti begins to realize who Lanu is. This is big!

Left at Eden - Chapter 6

Left at Eden

Hailey and Candy were the first to arrive at Erick’s Pizza. It wasn’t long before Jenna met up with them, though Vanessa was running a little behind, and had no way of telling them. “Hey.” Hailey giggled. She was wearing her new Furran outfit, she wasn’t totally fur covered yet, but it worked.

Junior Year ~ Part 12

Momma shouts up the stairs, “Paige? Francie? Are you girls ready? Angi and I are leaving!”

I poke my head around the corner and say loud enough that Momma can hear at the bottom of the stairs, “Just a minute Momma. I can’t get my bag zipped!”

I go back into my room and Francie comes and SITS on my bag. I quickly zip it and pray that the zipper will hold against the bulging pressure mounting from the inside. I pull it up onto its wheels with a grunt and start pulling it towards the stairs. I look back and give Francie a cheeky look and ask, “Coming?”

Marti and the Doppelganger - Chapter 1

Marti and the Doppelganger

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, Randi and the College Professor, Adam and the Three Wishes, Lisa and the Culinary Quest (aka Howard and the Completed pass), Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-in-Law, Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, and Cynthia and the Dropped Ball. The time frame of this story follows about three to four years after Charli and the Girl Cave. This story takes place a little more than a year after Bobbie Anderson wins the (British) Open and about ten years after Simoné and the Second Time Around.

Martha (Marti) Lewis is going to a summer camp in the mountains of Southern California. She is attracted to the camp due to the scenery and secular approach. After a mostly uneventful trip, she meets two rather unpleasant girls who are going to the same camp. She performs a bit of subtle retaliation. Then she meets Lanu.


Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 17

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Note 3: I re-read this series recently, and OMG the number of continuity errors is embarrassing. I blame it on a combo of reading too much HP fanfic and having a poor memory.

Unlikely Quarterback – 11 My Perks, Someone's Problems

Bryce Royce was eleven before learning he’s androgynous… Bryce being Elaine not a boy should be okay. Except Mr. Royce seeing Bryce as is his boy and a football player! …Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback and now more fully Elaine.

Junior Year ~ Part 11

Francie and I are about to leave when the police show up. They ask us to stay behind for a few minutes and make a statement. When we are done, the police are ready to charge the women, not only with theft, but also aggravated assault for forcing us to come here by dragging us, and potentially kidnapping. Once they find out about the ‘history’ we have and what it is all about, they are sure the DA will pursue a hate crime charge. The state has one of the toughest in the country.

Left at Eden - Chapter 5

Left at Eden

“My goodness,” Jenna said as she walked slowly around Vanessa. She licked her black lips thoughtfully. “You do look a Verran. And that top is to die for. I might have to start making both Verran and Furran fashion, though that would put me in competition with my good friend up the way,” she said with a laugh.

Purgatory: ReLife Chapter 02

Anime Girl City Night.jpg
Purgatory: Relife

Chapter 2

by Aurum

Copyright © 2016 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Death isn’t the end, but is the opportunity to begin again.
This is the story of second chances and unforeseeable
consequences. By changing early regrets, the momentum
of life will change in such unimaginable ways that not even
knowing the future will help predict what happens next.


This is my first time writing here, so I'll start with a story based on my first experience with makeup.

I guess it was a Friday night, my parents went out to a party and left me, Mark (10 years old) and my cousin Mia (13 years old) with a neighbor Julie (In her early 20's I guess) as our babysitter.

Purgatory: ReLife Chapter 01

Anime Girl City Night.jpg
Purgatory: Relife

Chapter 1

by Aurum

Copyright © 2016 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Death isn’t the end, but is the opportunity to begin again.
This is the story of second chances and unforeseeable
consequences. By changing early regrets, the momentum
of life will change in such unimaginable ways that not even
knowing the future will help predict what happens next.

First Day

On Tuesday morning I was sweating bullets.

“It’s only natural,” my Mom told me. After all, it was the first day of senior year, and many of us had gone through some big changes over Summer vacation, and I mean Big, capital B, changes; for some more than others.

The horn beeped, but I still hadn’t decided. Was a skirt too much, or should I have gone with jeans? Maybe shorts and leggings would be best; if I wore a dress would people think I had something to prove?

Junior Year ~ Part 9

Author's Note:

As I mentioned, I am on travel, so this is a bit of a shorter chapter. If I get any more posted this week, they will likely all be shorter--I will get back to more normal posting this coming weekend/next week (hopefully).

Happy Reading!



Life at school is settling into somewhat of a routine. The ‘reds’ are being quiet—I wouldn’t go as far as to say they are tolerant, but I think they know enough to lay low. That doesn’t mean that I trust the ‘truce’.

Junior Year ~ Part 8

Author's Note:

Hi All, I know the last chapter wasn't everyone's cup of tea--I needed to clean up some things with Misty and these last two chapters were the best way I could think to do it... Also, I know that the sex in the last chapter wasn't to everyone's taste. To be honest, it isn't mine, either. I won't be doing anymore in this series (at least not that explicit--teens in love, will be teens in love, after all... :) ).

Left at Eden - Chapter 4

Left at Eden

“In comparing your original DNA sample with both the new sample and with Candy’s,” Brie said as she sat down at the tavern with Hailey and Candy, “I can say with 100% certainty that your body is being rewritten at the genetic level. You’re becoming Furran, who also share that common DNA with the rest of us.”

Unlikely Quarterback – 10 Healing Can Hurt

Bryce Royce was eleven before learning he’s androgynous… Wrestling with identity Bryce believes he’s Elaine not a boy… That should have been okay, except Mr. Royce is set: Bryce is his boy and a football player!
Thus Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback

Junior Year ~ Part 7

Author's Note: This is a bit of a transition chapter--it takes some unexpected twists that not all will like. These are necessary to tie some pieces together in later chapters.

The rest of the week is comparatively slow compared to the beginning. I settle into my place as a full team member on the cheer squad—although, we have to practice in the gym until the field can be fully inspected and ‘de-gophered’.

Alecia calls me twice and is all excited about her stay here in a few weeks, when we have fall break.

Hannah is.. safe [2.17]

ourIceMain.jpg If you can't restrain yourself, then restrain yourself.. that makes grammatical sense I guess?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being the sensitive one
(well.. as much as he can be at least)
And Hannah works through breakfast.

Junior Year ~ Part 6

I look at Butch and Felix and know that if things get ugly, there is no way they can handle this many. That idiot Graham is out front and center of the crowd—many of which are on the football team. They don’t look at all friendly. And to think I used to be friends with most of them—even George and Rupe, my former best friends.

Before anyone can make a move, Chrissy and Ginny come up behind us in full cheerleading uniforms. They stand out in front of our group and glare at the football players on the other side.

Art Project – 11 Gaining Roots New and Old

Andrew’s attention deficit, being a bit spoiled and getting away with things finally caught up with him… Consequences of Andrews’s action have become Andrea’s blessing… Andrea is now the one most visible while Andrew is set on holding onto himself… Not all are so accepting of Andrea or the dual identity.


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