
Stephanie, part 8

“You don’t lie to me,” I sing in my low, sultry voice.

“You don’t lie to me,” Lauren repeats in her own rich singing voice.

“You don’t lie to me,” Kayla sings with a devilish look in her eyes.

“You don’t lie to me…” Adeola sings as we all so a single turn before we all throw our arms in the air.

“No more lies!” The five of us sing in unison, earning a thunderous rounds of applause from our producer Stuart and our choreographer Krystie.

“BRILLIANT,” Krystie giggles. “Choreography was spot on, well done, girls.”

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 13

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Two.

Or, "Aspie Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."


Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.


Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.


Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 12

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Two.

Or, "Aspie Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."


Chapter 4: Halloween


Note: Sorry for the postspam, but I was very behind on posting chapters for this one, and I have a new one coming up soon.

"You did WHAT?" Ron exploded in the MAC classroom Monday afternoon. Harry had called an emergency meeting to inform them of what he'd forgotten in the midst of the scary voice the night before. "No way, that racist git? No bloody--"

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 11

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book 2”

By = Fayanora


Note: Fanfiction. Not making money off this. J. K. Rowling gets all the credit for the Potterverse.


Book Two: Aspie Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Chapter 3: Rumors and Scary Voices


The Other Half of My Soul, part 09 of 11

“Well, that was a complete waste of time,” Taylor said. “Do you know why the Knowing One used an illusion instead of a transformation when he came to see the portal here in the women’s quarters?”


“Um, I thought we’d decided that was because he’s a wuss?”

Goodbye Sun Chapter 1

Part 1

New York

Anthony stared at the mirror, trying to ignore the sounds of the school that echoed in the hallway and into the small bathroom. His perfectly cut blonde hair matched school regulations, not touching his collar. A year ago he'd had a ponytail that reached well below his shoulders, he'd managed to man up and not cry when it was cut off on his fourteenth birthday to meet the high school regulations, but he desperately missed it whenever he combed his hair.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 5

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 5: "Pete's Growing Up"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. This is the final chapter that will be posted so close together with the first four, as I have only begun to work on Chapter 6. If there is enough of a demand, I'll put my time into finishing this story ahead of my other projects.

The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma

The Crush:
Patty’s Dilemma

By Patricia Marie Allen

God, I just have to realize/accept that I’m not like other girls. All my friends at school are into the jocks, the BMOCs of the school. Not me. As a matter-of-fact, I’m not sure I’m in to guys at all. I mean, I can’t see myself doing all the things that lesbians do with each other, but when my friends talk about what they want to do with the guys they want to be with, I can’t see myself with one of their heartthrobs doing that kind of stuff either. It’s then, while they’re extoling the virtues the manly men they’re crushing on that I wonder if I’m a lesbian.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 4

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 4: "The Timber Grove Bender"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 1

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 1: "The Sapphire Ring"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

Red, Red Wine

RED (1).jpgRed, Red Wine
A Twisted Glen Story
by TGTrinity

In the fantasy world of Twisted Glen, a young squire named Podryn is in trouble. His master wishes the company of a lovely ginger haired girl, but there are none available in the village of Red Tree. In steps the lovely owner of the Crimson Hen, who offers Podryn a chance to not only fulfill his masters wish, but possibly fulfill his own desires as well.

Author's Note: This story has been posted on other sites, but is new to BigCloset TopShelf. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Jenny’s Story – 14 Life Changes Fast

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. Most of all he wanted to see himself look like a convincing girl in his own way of thinking. He never imagined or planned what happened… Brian is hidden away and Jenny is finding life to be more natural. Jenny knows beyond a shadow of a doubt who she is.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 18 - Breakfast of Champions

We flew first class from San Antonio to Hobby Airport where my mom picked us up for the half-hour trip home. We took Amie to home and helped her get her bags in. As we left Amie’s house, my mom said, “Jamie, I have a surprise for you.”

“Mom, there is nothing I need … really.”

“It’s not actually something for you. I will tell you this much … I’ve been dating someone.”

“Really? Cool! What’s he like? What does he do? Does he …”

“Slow down! You’ll meet this person when we get home.”

“So what’s he like?”

“Well … totally different from your dad.”

The Enhanced: TRI - 38

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

The Other Half of My Soul, part 07 of 11

Taylor looked so worried and guilty that I had to give her a hug. “Come on. We can’t do anything until we talk to the Gray One, but for now, you need to relax. How about a game of — Tag! You’re it.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 17 - Cloudy with a Chance of Rice

On the first day of the new semester, we awakened to a cold, rainy morning. The combination of rain and temperatures below 40 degrees brought hope for snow to those of us from the southern part of Texas. Houston gets a small amount of snow about every 10 years, and I remembered a snowfall when I was much younger. San Antonio, however, was even farther south than Houston.

Jenny’s Story – 13 Playing for More

Jenny’s Story – 13
Playing for More

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. Most of all he wanted to see himself look like a convincing girl in his own way of thinking. He never imagined or planned what happened… Brian is hidden away and Jenny is finding life to be more natural. Jenny knows beyond a shadow of a doubt who she is... Jenny is surprised by others like her...

Jenny’s Story – 12 Loss and New Challenges

Brian got in touch with the women in him... help from Amber women made Jenny visible… Brian’s wish, Jenny’s desire of a girl suppressed …Time and events helped Jenny emerge more than imagined. Brian’s now the one deep inside and Jenny is finding herself… James has come into her life… Life was going so good, but it isn’t a fairy-tale. How would she get through this?

The Other Half of My Soul, part 06 of 11

I know it’s bad manners to laugh at one’s own jokes, especially hoary old chestnuts like that, but Serenikha’s amusement poured through our link so strongly that I couldn’t suppress my giggles for more than a moment, and then we kept setting each other off.

The Other Half of My Soul, part 05 of 11

“I like being a nagini well enough, just on the physical level, but — well, I don’t know how other people in my country will react.... Even if people are getting used to seeing magical stuff happen, they might stare at me a lot.”

The Other Half of My Soul, part 04 of 11

The guards wouldn’t let the Knowing One in to the women’s quarters, though, until he transformed himself into a woman, or maybe put on an illusion of being a woman; I had a suspicion it was the latter, given how fast the change was effected and the way “she” walked.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 16 - Pre-semester musings

Amie went to sleep quickly. I could hear her breathing. Her lungs pulled air into her lungs and utilized the oxygen to feed all the parts of her beautiful mind and body. The bible says that God made man “a little lower than the angels”. In Amie’s case, it wasn’t much lower. Such a combination of beauty, brains and talent were rare.

Guts and Lingerie 3 & 4

Sorry for not posting after a long time. So here are the next two chapters, Hope you enjoy!
To read the previous chapter Click Here
Chapter 3
Jenny woke up this time having the same dream again of Marge and him. He took a pic and

stuck it in its place. Today was the day he was waiting for! He went down prepared his

breakfast and had it quickly to enjoy the day. He went up to Marge's bathroom and took a

Jenny’s Story – 8 Life's More Complex

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. The desire to see himself look like a convincing girl has long passed where he hoped… Time and events have helped Jenny to emerge more than even she dared to have imagined. Brian is now the one deep inside and Jenny is in the process of finding herself…

Zoe - Part 1


Zoe - Part 1
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2015 Melanie Brown

Rob is taking the big step to start his life as a girl.

This is a continuation of the adventures of Zoe that started in the stand-alone story "A Summer Afternoon". You don't have to read that story first, but it's recommended. -- Ed.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 61 - 63

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Sixty One-

Their wagon rolled on, the land had begun to level out during the past few days. Tall pines crowded the trail; Hannah was smiling more as the snowy landscape was turning green with vegetation that had yet been touched by winter’s icy grasp. Within her heart was an anticipation that seemed to grow with each rotation of their wheels. Gideon and the children too weren’t immune to the excitement of the trail’s end. Theirs was a journey that had taken months, but like those who arrived before them, much would need to be done!

The Other Half of My Soul, part 02 of 11

“Shall I go and turn him over to the guard? Or castrate him myself?”

“Take him somewhere else first,” one of the other women pleaded. “I can’t stand the sight of blood.”

Can't trust a cold blooded man...

Well I suppose there’s a lot of thought to organize here, so I’ll just have to start where it seems most logical. Somewhere very early on… I have no idea when the reasons for which will become clear later… In any case, I, like so may of my kind, was in no doubt as to who I was and even a couple of years later with access to the web all it did was make increasingly clear to me that I was not at all normal. Of course I already kew I wasn’t normal, I’d been hiding away my sister’s undies and such and wearing them to bed… they made me feel better , I don’t know.

Jenny’s Story – 7 More than Basketball

Brian has come a long way in becoming Jenny. The journey however is no where near being finished. Jenny may have much from Brian, but she's now coming into her own... More family finally comes into her life.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 15 - Back to School

Back to school day is here. We decided to fly even though we had just barely escaped disaster. We didn’t figure lightning would take a second shot at us, and neither of us wanted to endure the long drive in the Corvette again. I was happy not to have the specter of surgery hanging over my head. My new parts were still tender, but could hardly wait to take them out into the world.

The Enhanced: TRI - 37

A Love So Bold - Chapter 58 - 60

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty Eight-

From a great distance away, it had been lost in the clouds. The closer the wagons neared, it loomed over the treetops and could be seen for miles and miles around. "Mount Hood," Gideon whispered in awe.

"That's a huge hill, Pa!" Cade chirped as he looked on between his parents, "Are we going to have to cross it?"

"Oh dear, I hope not," Hanna sighed fearfully.

"No son, we will skirt the south end of it and move on from there." He glanced at the both of them, "Next big stop will be the Willamette Valley!"

The Other Half of My Soul, part 01 of 11

My psychic link with Serenikha had held steady all through high school, growing no stronger but no weaker, ever since my first trip to her world. I still shared dreams with her, and I still had occasional moments of aphasia, where I couldn’t think of a word in English, only in one of Serenikha’s languages. And then, my first semester in college, it suddenly seemed to get a lot weaker — I shared no dreams at all with her, and had much less aphasia than usual.


Bonnie Tyler is not the only one who needs a hero. Sometimes even those who seem equipped to handle everything on their own need one just as much. Maybe they don't need him to be strong, fast or fresh from the fight, but they probably don't want him to be a zero.

Fortunately, it is easy to turn a zero into a hero. First you brace the bottom left of the Z, then tie a rope to the top bar and pull until it rotates to form an N. Now reinforce both upright bars, before disconnecting the middle connector. Take the connector and cut it to fit between the two bars. Lastly, fasten the newly sized bar midway up the two vertical bars to form an H. There you go, you now have a H ero.

Feed Me


by Emma Finn

An attractive woman finds a comforting love in her new boyfriend, Adam, but Adam has... ideas about the way he would like her to look and soon his influence starts to put pressure on her to gain weight. And gain weight. And gain weight. Female to female transformation without an identity change.


Meeting Adam changed my life.

Welcome to Windy City, Chapter 2

I punched the cat-thing again, and a sparkly, silvery liquid burst out from its body.

It was beautiful.

The scene around me was of devastation - the street was pockmarked with crater, and a good chunk of them literally burned with high-precision laser. The buildings were similarly devastated - cut-apart by laser, smashed by thrown chunks of asphalt, or hollowed out by cat-thing’s ear.

It was surprisingly capable. Why did it need to contract magical girls at all?

Jenny’s Story – 6 Becoming Jenny

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. Most of all he wanted to see himself look like a convincing girl in his own way of thinking. He never imagined or planned what happened. Brian likes being Jenny too much to stop. He is now justifying in his own what he’s doing. He still tries at times to persuade himself he’s not really Jenny.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 54 - 57

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty Four-

"Hannah..." Gideon called out softly. He was standing at the end of a wagon with Charles behind him. She looked up from her project of wiping mud from Emma's hands and face with a wet cloth, and then handed the cloth to Rachel to finish.

She stood and looked toward her husband who was standing still. "Are you coming in for breakfast?" she asked, moving toward him. "Em found out that mud was pretty fun to squish in her hands and..." she had a puzzled look on her face as he had remained slightly hidden behind the wagon.


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