
Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 19

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Chapter 4: Shadows

Roomies - Part 1

I don't know what possessed me to do it. I never go out alone. Well, I never go out clubbing alone. But try as I might, I couldn't talk any of my girlfriends into a spontaneous night on the town. It probably didn't help that it was a Thursday and they all had work in the morning. Still, I had been working all day and I desperately needed a change of scene. So I made up my mind, tucked my pepper-spray into my purse, and decided to check out that new place that I'd been hearing about.

Second Chances: A Scrooge and Christmas

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

Scrooge night.jpg

Second Chances:
A Scrooge and Christmas

One night can change your life, hopefully for the better.
Lyle Cane is in for one hell of a Christmas Eve surprise.

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

Secondhand Life - Part 46

I joined Eoin and Matt in the coffee shop, and had Eoin brief us on 'what we missed'. I didn't let on that I had already been briefed by Dez, but wanted to see the expression on Matt's face if Eoin's description was anywhere as detailed as Dez's. I was not disappointed. If anything, Eoin's retelling was even more lurid and juicy, and Matt's expression was priceless.

“Now I'm wishing I'd stayed. I could have made a fortune with those photos!” he opined.

Smoky Corners: The Universe - rules and notes


Audience Rating: 


Smoky Corners: the Universe

"Smoky Corners, Montana, is a nice, typical small western town. Nothing unusual ever happens here... at least on the surface. But, if you happen to find yourself on Mulberry Street, 239, standing in front of a quaint little curio shop ran by an old, bearded Asian man named Kato Chigiri, you may find more than you bargained for. And EXACTLY what you need..."

Hi, and welcome to what I hope will become a new, unique universe for fans of trans-fiction. - Haylee V

Secondhand Life - Part 45

When I got back to my suite, Dennis informed me that Matt wanted me to call him.

“No need. We just met in the coffee shop.” I smiled.

Denis grinned. “I just got off the phone with him. He seemed a little embarrassed.”

I rolled my eyes and called Matt.

“I'm still fine.” I smiled as he picked up the phone.

He laughed. “Jeez, I'm not that worried. No.... it's just... you sort of derailed me at the coffee shop. That wasn't what I wanted to talk about.”


----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

When a family goes into hiding within the FBI's witness protection program while
awaiting to testify at the trial of a dangerous criminal, they soon find out that
this criminal's friends are desperate and have a long reach. An equally desperate
measure was undertaken to ensure that their family becomes untraceable.

So to complete their new identities and family image,
one of Steve Wilson's two young boys had to become a girl!

Part One

by Arecee

Copyright © 2013 Arecee
All Rights Reserved.

I dedicate this Retro Classic to the author of this story - my close friend and surrogate father, Arecee, who passed away at the beginning of 2016. May your soul find a new and much more enriched and fulfilling life, just the way you would like it. With all of my heart and love...and until we meet again... Sephrena.

Secondhand Life - Part 44

While Dennis and his crew were rounding up the supplies and going over the logistics for tonight's performance, Matt texted me asking if I had a few minutes to join him in the coffee shop.

This time I had the presence of mind to dress more modestly, and only received the usual amount of head turns as I made my way to the coffee shop.

The Gift


This Christmas spare a thought for those who choose to help others. They have their own lives and issues that may run parallel to those they help.

(Warnings are for some bad language and references to "off screen" violence and possible sexual assault)

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

Unlikely Quarterback – 19 Elaine Rising

Unlikely Quarterback – 19
Elaine Rising

Bryce Royce learning he’s androgynous, says I’m Elaine…
Being Elaine not the boy Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now moving to be seen fully Elaine.

Morning after the Night Before - Part 2

Morning After the Night Before - Part Two

After the transformations of Halloween, we continue to observe the changes to Samantha and Olive

Thanks once again to Cressar for taking the time to review, tweak and Edit the story the changes are subtitle and allow the story to flow more smoothly. Any miss read through errors of the story are all down to myself,


“Unfortunately,” Olive continued, “I appear to have misplaced the charger.” Helen just looked and laughed with Olive.

Secondhand Life - Part 43

I had hoped to sleep in, but Mikey woke me like a five year old on Christmas morning.

I scowled and wiped the sleep from my eyes while he kneeled next to me atop my covers nearly bouncing with excitement.

“...What?....” I grumbled groggily. “More shark stuff?”

Mikey just grinned from ear to ear shaking his head 'No' and thrust his iPad in my face.

It was an online video of the previous day's E.T.

Secondhand Life - Part 42

I nearly blew it, gleefully toying with the hapless Nancy the night before, but Matt managed to talk her down from her panic attack and rebuild her sense of intrigue at the opportunity of an entire day studying the enigmatic, and clearly pathological Katherine.

Nancy still seemed skittish when she and Matt joined me in the lobby to begin our grueling day of guerrilla shooting. True to their word, Rei and Andy had a number of outfits, manufactured overnight and perfectly sized to fit me like a second skin.

Art Project – 16 Mixed Up, Straightening Out

Art Project – 16
Mixed Up, Straightening Out

By Jessica C

Andrew’s problemos w attention-defic t caught up wit him…
Designin a prom gown insted of a suit,
Turned s’werdnA problemo in2 an op port unity…
And rea became visible W Andrew is set on beeing himself
or Andrea as s/he chooses…

Road Phantoms


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 



  At anytime over a million trucks are professionally driven on the highways and by-ways of America. Carrying everything from acid to yachts. Not all loads are so innocuous. Some are precious and some are out-right lethal. For loads that are deemed dangerous or valuable to be referred to as High-Security, special trucks are used. Trucks that look so normal, one would never guess it from any other. Trucks that run in secret, apart from their company, called Ghost Fleets. Others have no markings at all, and are specially modified. One such company that specializes in High-Security Loads; Phantom Lines....


Unlikely Quarterback – 18 Recognizing Elaine

Unlikely Quarterback – 18
Recognizing Elaine

By Jessica C

Bryce Royce learning he’s androgynous, says I’m Elaine…
Being Elaine not the boy Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now moving to be seen fully Elaine.

Left at Eden - Chapter 14

Left at Eden

They walked down the path towards the colony. It was a well worn path however. “There’s no real continents , there’s islands here, some are pretty darn large though.” Hailey said.

“I joined the girl scouts and a rock climbing club, just so I’d have excuses not to go home,” Amber laughed, adding, “I’m even a cheerleader. Or was.”

Aunt and Cousin

Jimmy is a typical 7 year old boy, This week he's going to visit his Aunty and cousin Paige. While there though, he discovers something about himself, another part of him, and he loves it.

(This is the first chapter, I will post more if people like this)

The Queen Of Country Music

Originally posted to Classic BC on February 24, 2004

A tabloid reporter visits a small town in the Ozarks and follows up a strange story.
JayJay, the official town crossdresser, relates the story.
The Queen of
Country Music

By Tyrone Slothrop

Unlikely Quarterback – 17 How Do You See It?

Bryce Royce learned he’s androgynous sees self as Elaine…
Being Elaine not the boy Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now moving to be seen fully Elaine.

Eyes That Sparkle

Originally published December 18, 2002 to Classic BC

Eyes That Sparkle

by Keshara


A letter published in an agony aunt column I read many years ago inspired this story. It was from a lost soul who was desperate to find the true person they wanted be. You could say that it is based on a true story, but as for the answer to their dilemma I do not know?

Art Project – 15 Applied Learning

Andrew’s attention deficit and getting away with things caught up with him… Designing a gown instead of a suit, unknowingly Andrew had the responsibility to model it… Andrea is now more visible; Andrew is set on being himself or Andrea as he chooses… Andrea passively confronts Professor Cozier

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 18

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Chapter 3: Trouble Smith


This story was originally published on 2/27/2004 on Classic Big Closet.


By Tyrone Slothrop

Chapter 1: Breathlessly, She Awaited Her Lover

I watched as Raoul's shadow darkened the moonlit wall of my boudoir. I could smell the scent of the man, his primal essence entering my spirit as I hoped he would stay long enough to enter me for real.

Left at Eden - Chapter 13

Left at Eden

“So come on,” Candy giggled. “How was Wendy your best friend, but you never knew she was so smart?”

“We didn’t hang out at school.” Hailey said as they climbed the large rocks. “It’s complicated. Um... Do you have transgender people on Furra Prime?”

And The Bass Player Gets The Girl


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Sometimes being a musician is not enough
and one must rise up to the challenge to play to a different tune.

And The Bass Player
Gets The Girl

By TGJaime

Copyright© 2007 TGJaime
All Rights Reserved.

This is a reworked version of the story I posted earlier.
So much better that I decided to remove the original.
Angela Rasch helped me immensley in editing, I owe her tons of thanks!
Thank you Angela!

Love and Zombies

Life is short, sometimes. Does true love ever die? This story is very dark, it came to me in a dream that should have been a nightmare if it wasn’t for the strange look of peace on the heroine’s face…
Sorry this is a little rough but this is the only day it makes sense to post this here. It's the first time I've been brave enough to post anything, enough of the waffle, on with the story...


Left at Eden - Chapter 12

Left at Eden

Wendy ended up becoming a Stardust blue Furren as well. The changes happened just as fast as they did with Hailey because of the ocean water. And unlike Hailey, it was a well documented fact that Wendy was absolutely, completely, and 100% boy crazy.

The funny thing about that though, is she found herself attracted to Brie, big time.

A Halloween Engagement – 3 Sameo, Not the Same

Our Halloween Engagement began last Halloween... We're scheduled to be married this coming spring... If we can get through this Halloween.

Reading Halloween Engagement would truly be helpful.

The Wardrobe

When Mark Walker accidentally discovers a door at the rear of his wardrobe, he finds an Edwardian scene frozen in time. But the four female mannequins are not just a display; Mark discovers they have an ulterior purpose - and a history.

Author's note: This story is different from my more conventional Big Busts stories, but I hope you will enjoy this Halloween special.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Left at Eden - Chapter 11

Left at Eden

“Someone call for me?” Hailey heard Tricia’s voice over the radio.

“Hi Tricia,” Hailey said, still giggling. “Guess where we are?”

“The bottom of the ocean?” Tricia laughed.

Unlikely Quarterback – 15 What a Mom Won’t Do

Unlikely Quarterback – 15
What a Mom Won’t Do

By Jessica C

Bryce Royce was eleven before learning he’s androgynous…
Being Elaine not a boy named Bryce, should be okay,


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