
Journeys West - Chapter 19 - Going Home

Chapter 19 - Going Home

By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly
Proofread by: Qmodo

Mary Sue strode happily out of the Liberal Arts building and onto the quad. Dropping onto a bench, the afternoon sun felt great. Now that the summer heat was in the offing, but not quite here yet, it felt good to take a few minutes to just enjoy the afternoon.

Weave of Life: Part 5

Weave of Life


Rodford Edmiston

Part Five

"Here you go," said Sandra, handing a small suitcase to Thea. "Panties, several bras - yes, I'll help you figure out which ones fit best and how to put them on - a couple of pairs of slacks, three pairs of shorts, a couple of blouses, sandals, a one-piece swimsuit, a t-shirt and a skirt. Also, a CARE package of feminine hygiene products."

"No skirt," said Thea, with a delicate shudder. "Not ready for that, yet."

Summer Intern - 3 Make It to the Weekend

Summer Intern - 3
Make It to the Weekend

Marty’s identity was found out traveling on his Spring Break...
Sandy and Hannah enjoyed helping Miss Marti to Blossom...
And now she living 24/7 during her Summer Internship

How Romeo and Juliet Changed My Life - Part I

Steve and Dave have jobs at an amusement park for the summer, which go up in smoke when the park is destroyed by fire. Instead, they end up going to the Laughton Academic Achievement Camp for the summer. Both sign up for drama class not having the faintest idea what it was about, except that it wasn’t PE.

Journeys West - Chapter 18 - Aftermath

Chapter 18 - Aftermath

By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly
Proofread by: Qmodo

Leslie watched the elder Kaylock be loaded into the ambulance with mixed emotions. The paramedics could not tell her much about his chances though, she would have to speak with the doctors at the hospital. The man’s entitled attitude had made him unlikeable, but seeing anyone injured always bothered her. It was one of the reasons she had pursued law enforcement as a career.

Weave of Life: Part 2

Weave of Life


Rodford Edmiston

Part Two

The intensive care room lighting was dim, and the only sounds were from the sigh of air through overhead vents and normal operations of the various pieces of medical equipment. The patient lay in the bed motionless, except for the slow rhythm of subdued breathing. The adjacent observation room was completely unlit, but in a way far more active.

Weave of Life


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A valiant young man is severely injured helping a young woman. Who turns out to be an empowered agent of an organization which offers advanced technology and superhuman operatives to various parties. He is offered a chance to become empowered as a reward for his help.

Weave of Life

Rodford Edmiston

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 8

Book 3
Lady in Waiting Part 8
lady in waiting 2.jpg

In this and future episode’s of Book 2 I have borrowed very heavily from the excellent ‘Sharpe’ series of books by Bernard Cornwell which describe the times, the country and the life in the army perfectly.
I have avoided using any names in those novels but in a few places I have used Major Sharpe as a cameo character.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 24

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though. And the more this deviates from canon, the less that will happen. But some descriptions and things like that are too good to skip or try to reword.

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 7

Book 2
Lady in Waiting Part 7

lady in waiting 2.jpg

In this and future episode’s of Book 2 I have borrowed very heavily from the excellent ‘Sharpe’ series of books by Bernard Cornwell which describe the times, the country and the life in the army perfectly.
I have avoided using any names in those novels but in a few places I have used Major Sharpe as a cameo character.

Journeys West - Chapter 17 - The Search Begins

Chapter 17 - The Search Begins

By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly
Proofread by: Qmodo

Liz sat quietly, her arms wrapped around herself, knees pulled up on the chair. Even though the doctor had reported that things looked good for Samantha, she was still worried about her and probably would stay that way until she was able to see for herself.

Summer Intern (Continuation of Spring Break)

Summer Intern

Marti discovered herself and came out during Spring Break.... She was invited back to South Carolina for a summer internship... Joyfully in involves more than she expected.

(This is a continuation for my Spring Break series.
Readers are advised to begin there, though it is not a must)

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 6

Lady in Waiting
Book 2 Part 6
Modern Ball.jpg

In this and future episode’s of Book 2 I have borrowed very heavily from the excellent ‘Sharpe’ series of books by Bernard Cornwell which describe the times, the country and the life in the army perfectly.
I have avoided using any names in those novels but in a few places I have used Major Sharpe as a cameo character.

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 11

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

Dr. Belknap tells Sean about Kelly’s new diagnosis and prognosis. A father and son talk seriously during their long drive home. Adele seeks to meet the mysterious violinist. Paolo Cassini hears important news. Is Sean the mysterious violinist?

Freddy On the Loose: Part 17

TFOS: Freddy On The Loose, Part 17


Rodford Edmiston

Note: This story uses background and concepts from the Teenagers From Outer Space role-playing game, Copyright 2001 R. Talsorian Games, Inc. The characters and story are Copyright 2001 Rodford Edmiston Smith.

Adventure 17: Karen Gets Drunk

"I really don't like this," muttered Freddy, tugging her costume into place.

"In the first place, promoting some of the store's products with a magic show was your idea," said Karen. "In the second place, you show almost that much as a cheerleader!"

Journeys West - Chapter 16 - A Rattlesnake on the Trail

Chapter 16 - A Rattlesnake on the Trail

By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly
Proofread by: Qmodo

The sun was bright outside the bedroom windows but the muted glare really did not bother her. It registered somewhat, but the events of the previous day had taken a bit out of her. Their bedroom gymnastics contributed to that as well. As a result, Mary Sue snuggled back into the warmth of Pat's arms.

Roomies - Part 9

“I'll have a glass of your house chardonnay” Becca said and the bartender turned to me. “Club soda with a twist.” I smiled to disapproving looks from the others.

Lauren was looking the most annoyed, so I addressed her.

“I'm feeling dangerous enough in this dress. I'm not adding alcohol.” I tried a reassuring smile.

“God, Chrissie said you never have any fun. Now I know why.” she said dismissively. “But if you think you're designated driver forget it. No one drives my Lexus but me.”

“I can cab home.” I smiled.

“If you cab home after all we did getting you looking this hot, there is no God!” Becca laughed.

I think only Tina caught my panic response before I tamped it down, quickly replaced by a polite smile.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 24 Knights and Defenders

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits
By Daphne Xu

Ellen's older daughter visits Bikini Beach, and then returns home. Except that things aren't what they seem. This is an except from the sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", still being written.

The Annual Ski Trip chapter 2 added 6/21/17

Day 1 The Annual Ski Trip Begins
When their family was getting ready for their annual ski trip Chris’s mom had bought him a new pair of long underwear. When he tried them on he couldn’t help but notice how they clung to his legs. “Mom they make me look like I have chicken legs!” Chris had always had a small frame and had been teased for it in the past.
“It’s not as if anyone’s going to see your legs Chris. You’ll be wearing your ski pants. They’re just long johns.”
“But what about in the chalet?”

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 23

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Chapter Eight: Catching A Rat

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 5

Book 2

Lady in Waiting Part 5

Lady in Waiting 3.jpg

Charlotte has now found the Army totally by accident and is luckily with a detachment of the 95th who are patrolling the mountains looking for the French spy.

In this and future episode’s of Book 2 I have borrowed very heavily from the excellent ‘Sharpe’ series of books by Bernard Cornwell which describe the times, the country and the life in the army perfectly.
I have avoided using any names in those novels but in a few places I have used Major Sharpe as a cameo character.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 2

I'm leading Collin down the steps of our secret basement. It is the day. He seems calm – if not confident. As we stand outside of the door, I tell him. “I am required to ask you if you are willing to walk through this door. You will not be hurt by anything you see. But if you feel you don't want to do this, you will be okay. We will honor our five year deal with you.” Collin says, “I want to do this. I am ready.” I open the door for him, and then sit and wait.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 23 Fleet of Foot

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner


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