
Destination Unknown Part 2 Rewrite

Destination Unknown

By, Hilary Richards
Part 2



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Synopsis:  Ashley Roberts was terribly abused by his father. Until one-day things got out of hand and the police were called. Ashley's father was sentenced to a year in Jail. six months later his father was released and came looking for his family.  Ashley's mother Janet decided the safest course of action for her family was to move to Littleton, Colorado.  She had a sister there and thought a new start would be best for her children, far away from her abusive husband.  Since moving to Littleton a lot has changed in my life and also a lot of confusion and uncertainty about what laid ahead.


Destination Unknown Part 1 - Rewrite

Destination Unknown

By, Hilary Richards
Part 1



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Ashley Roberts and his older sister Megan are forced to move to Littleton Colorado after Ashley’s father was released from prison, Philip Roberts was an abusive drunk with a very foul temper and Unfortunately, Ashley was his main target.  Ashley was around 5’6 and weighed maybe a hundred pounds. He had been a disappointment to his father for years

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 2 – Ahead of Schedule

Jack and Jill by Trudy –
2 - Ahead of Schedule

Story reposted from November 2013

Mel gets into Jill’s character by design of Trudy...
And the help of his sister and mother…
He protests too little

The Relic

Office of Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Washington D.C

Time: 0900

“Lt . Col. Jack Arnold reporting as ordered , Sir”

“At ease “ General Marcus Payne replied .

“I need a status report for “Project Golden Bird”.

Topiary Genetics: Part 9

Saturday morning after yoga Hailey pulled Kelli aside.

"Jennifer Malone left her purse here last night. Why don't you jog over there to return it instead of running with the group today? They are a few blocks from the park on Elm Street, It shouldn't be hard to find."

"Oh yeah? Watch me get lost. I would be happy to take it to her though. She seemed nice."

A Model is Born 7 – Going to the Prom with Josh

A Model is Born
7 – Going to the Prom with Josh

Terrance jumped at modeling with his sister... Now he's caught up being a model... They're the now the Slade Sister caught up in a mystique of their own creation...

The Babysitter - Part 5 - Conclusion

After the incidents with Tom and his friend Fred, I decided that I had to be careful. I had acquired a girlfriend and, other than babysitting jobs, I did not appear outside in feminine attire. This was protective camouflage; to the outside world I was just a regular teenage boy.

Masks 18: Part 11

I was under the weather Friday and rather sick Saturday. See the October 7 post at: https://stickmaker.dreamwidth.org/ for a brief account.

I'm feeling better today, and posting the next installment as scheduled.



Rodford Edmiston

Part Eleven

"If our new facility hadn't been ready," said Dr. Nief, "the referring hospital would have treated him. I've spoken with the chief surgeon there and he admits they would not have taken the precautions we did."

The Babysitter - Part 2

Author’s Note: This is a continuation of The Babysitter. All of the people who commented wanted me to continue the story. This part starts where The Babysitter ended, so you might want to read that first.

I looked for somewhere to sit, and saw a straight backed chair. I walked over to the chair, and instinctively smoothed out the shorts as if they were a skirt before sitting on the front edge of the chair, my back straight, my knees together, and my legs crossed at the ankles, exactly as my Mother had instructed me to do. This was not lost on Tom’s mother, who was closely watching me. I saw her stare, and gave her a small smile. She smiled in return, but it looked like there was a question in the smile, like why did I sit like that?

Masks 18: Part 10



Rodford Edmiston

Part Ten

Randy led his family on a leisurely walk to the volcano, on a path which took them through the dormitory section of the school. He and Karen waved casually at the few adults and students they saw. One in particular caught Roy's attention.

"Who's that girl and why is she gray?" he asked, making no attempt to keep his voice down.

"That's Hazel," said Randy, quietly. "Her body is largely iron. She's one of our rescues. She finished high school here and is now one of our physical trainers."

The Babysitter - Part 1

“Young lady, you aren’t allowed in the pool without something on top,” commanded the life guard at our community pool. I looked around to see to whom he was talking. “You, yes you,” he added, pointing at me.

“But I’m a boy, not a girl, so I don’t have to wear a top,” I complained.

“Are you sure? Isn’t your name Emily?” he asked.

“No, she’s my sister. We sorta look alike,” I answered.

The Other Woman - Part 6

The Other Woman – Part 6

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 30

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

Notes: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though, but there's a lot more in this one than usual because it was unavoidable. Still, lots of details are changed, so don't skip by familiar parts or you might miss something.

Three Steps

The ‘Tape’ is a device that acts as a gateway to an alternate universe where your birth gender was different. A man can lay down the tape, walk over it and become a woman – and learn everything that his alter-ego has experienced during her life.

A person with trans leanings would jump at the chance... right?

Well, perhaps he shouldn’t.

Topiary Genetics: Part 5

Things were progressing nicely

The topic of the day in 'girl 101' was their wardrobes. Their instructor Marissa had told them that she would be starting to bring in basic items from discount and second hand stores for each of them. By the time they got to school they would all have a decent, if generic wardrobe to build on. First though she wanted to review what she considered a good basic wardrobe.

Summer Intern - 6 Her New Image

Summer Intern - 6
Her New Image

Marty’s identity was found out by Sandy on Spring Break...
Sandy and Hannah helped the Marti inside to Blossom...
She’s living 24/7 during her Summer Internship…
Relationships becoming complicated
The Martina is surfacing is here to stay...

Topiary Genetics: Part 4

Getting Stronger

At the end of the third week since the she woke in her new body, Kelli and her roommate Nicole were still practicing their fine motor skills by stacking blocks and hooking paper clips together on their tray tables.

"I can't wait," she said, "until they let us up by ourselves. I want to use the bathroom by myself."

Nicole replied, "At least we are out of diapers. I never thought I would be happy to use a bed pan before this. Pam said that by the end of next week we should be using walkers to get around."

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Seven

It had to be one of the best weeks ever for me at Fashionable. Besides morning and evening yoga, I was able to have two dates a day like the one above. I don’t think my cryx ever felt that full or powerful before. I wouldn’t see Joshua again. It was somebody new each time. It was a cook or busboy at a local restaurant. It was a policeman working for the city of Chicago. It was always someone that seemed to be owed a favor for what was done to turn the other way at what we were doing.

What Are Heroes Anyway?

Silvio lives in a dystopian future.
Thirty years ago the supervillains have won and shaped this dreadful new reality he lives in.
But there is one hope for Silvio and others like him. The spark of the Phoenix.
A fragment of the soul of the last heroine to fall. Embrace it and one can gain her power and fight back.
When Silvio finds one he has to learn that the spark isn't what he had thought it was and that maybe his view on what makes a hero a hero was wrong too.

Topiary Genetics: Part 3

Wake Up Time

Lewis and Daniel watched as the slimy naked girl was lifted from the tank onto the gurney where Daniel would do his initial assessment. Lewis was there to take samples and make a visual assessment about the accuracy of his computer models prediction of the participant's appearance. This was the last girl to emerge from the tanks. Lewis remembered talking to the old guy, his name was Marvin, no Martin, whatever - he had done well by him.

Topiary Genetics: Part 2


The vans had driven five hours from the meeting site to the Topiary Genetics facility without incident. The group exited the vehicles and was quickly brought through the painted steel door.

Hailey turned the men over to Dr. Erin McCullough, she then staggered to staff quarters for some much needed rest.

Erin assigned each of the men to what looked like standard double occupancy hospital rooms. Staff members handed them each a set of pajamas close to their size and a sedative as they moved toward their rooms.

Topiary Genetics: Part 1

Topiary: noun
The art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes.
Topiary Genetics:
A privately held research group thought to do significant business
with the United States Defense Department.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 29

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

Notes: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though, but there's a lot more in this one than usual because it was unavoidable. Still, lots of details are changed, so don't skip by familiar parts or you might miss something.

The Mistress chapter 3

The Mistress

By Ryan Rose

Chapter 3

The plot progresses. Kevin goes to see his step mother and learns some more about why she is doing this. She reveals something that he never expected. Then he learns something about himself.

I would like it very much if someone would offer to help me proofread this.
I know my grammar is terrible. If anyone is unable, then some points about what I should work on and watch for would be helpful.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Six

Security is a different beast as I make my way from day to day. One day I will be following an associate in their car into some new part of the world. Another day I will be wearing the black armor guarding and walking with a President or Vice President to some new place. Other days I will be told to remain behind to continue training in fight, self-defense, battle logistics of things no less. It is a very curious job. It has perks that I am able to go out and about more.

Alexa: The Lost Recordings Vol. 2

The second collection of short stories involving Alexa & Jenny. Some of these are bits that were edited out of chapters and others were just me having some fun with the girls. I hope you enjoy!

Lady in Waiting Book 3 Part 2

Lady in Waiting
Book 3 Part 2
Lady in Waiting 3.jpg

The showdown between Charlotte and the obnoxious marine officer finally takes place. Finally Charlotte Anna and the children arrive in England where Charlotte discovers that the bounty of looted gems is worth a small fortune.

The Beast - Chapter 1: In the Middle

It was raining. The rain was pouring down on the woods on both sides of the road. It was also pouring down on the road she was following, alongside with the wind, giving her a hard time to make her way up. She could only hope that this was nothing more than the occasional German summer storm that would not last for much longer than one or two hours. Although she assumed it was early afternoon, it seemed like dusk, and the rain being blown into her face made it even more difficult to spot any beings that might be closing in to her.


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