
Left at Eden - Chapter 3

Left at Eden

Hailey knocked on the store's door, “Anyone awake in there?” she teased. “7-11 is supposed to always be open you know.”

“Sorry, we don’t serve crabs,” Vanessa said from the other side of the locked door. Ella gave a small twitch of her arm, causing her gauntlet to spark. To her surprise, the crab spread one pincer and gave a little spark right back at her. Then started to wander back to the beach with its friend.

Junior Year ~ Part 4

Day three starts out the same as the last two—but it doesn’t stay that way for long…

I find Butch and start towards the bathroom. I am just about to enter when Jackie grabs my arm from behind and asks, “WHY are you going in THERE, Paige? That is certainly not where you belong!”

I shake my head and say, “It really makes no difference where I go. If I go in here I get stared at by boys that either think I’m a pervert or want to see my boobs. If I WERE to go into the girls’ room, I’d still get stared at because they think I’m a pervert.”

Broken Phoenix Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Amanda goes into her office and sits in her chair.

“My oh my what a day!”

*She then picks up her phone and dials up her husband.*

“Hey hun how’s you’re day been today?” Amanda’s husband asks.

“Oh it was great, and I have a surprise for you when you get home tomorrow.”

“Oh really? Well I can’t wait to see it.”

“By the way, you’ll be doing some assembling when u get home.”

“Ok hun that’s no big deal I figured I’d have to do something now that it’s spring.”

“Well hun I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Junior Year ~ Part 3

I groan this time as the alarm goes off at four a.m. I groan again and turn it off. I swing my legs sleepily out of bed before I fall back asleep. I stretch, yawn, and stretch again—then I pad into the bathroom to take a REALLY steamy shower.

Since it is my first day at school—ever—as a girl, I go easy on the makeup and clothes. NOT! I decide I may as well make a statement—especially since I’ll be using the boys’ room if and when I have to relieve myself.

Junior Year ~ Part 2

Momma looks at me, concerned, and says, “Maybe Angi is right, Love. Maybe a private school IS a better solution…”

I shake my head. If this whole affair has done nothing, it has taught me to stand my ground. I say, “Momma, think about it…do you REALLY think there aren’t bigots and bullies at private schools? All that will happen is that it will be covered up that I’m ‘TG’—then I have to ALWAYS worry that that will somehow be discovered.”



by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2016 Melanie Brown

Chris thought he knew what wanted from the alien world.

This story is a sequel to Ka-Pawli. It's not a Part 2. I recommend reading Ka-Pawli first if you haven't yet. --Ed

Foolish Weatherman

Takes place shortly before the events of the episode "Unfair Weather Friends" from the Hoenn saga of the anime. After being pressured by his coworkers at the Weather Institute about his blatant feelings for their newest employee Millie, Bart musters up the courage to ask her out to dinner. But while the evening seems to go almost perfectly for them both, looks can be deceiving...

Reflections of the Heart 5

Alex spent his entire life working towards the goal of becoming a woman - from schooling to job.
And now, just before surgery, his family gets in the way!

Reflections of the Heart

By Sydney Moya

Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Sydney Moya
All Rights Reserved.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 16

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

A Pack o' Parodies

None of these parodies are meant to be of the work of specific individuals. I hope none of them seem too meanspirited. Poe's Law may apply. Typos may or may not be intentional.

The Implausible Cheerleader

by: Anastasia Lynn Walker

To think I was a normal boy two days ago... but let me start at the beginning.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 18

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 18”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eighteen: Pardons, Patronuses, and Coming Out

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for any bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change.

The War of the Angels, part 2

"Oh shit," Krystie gasped as she gently lowered Mary onto the floor. "Someone get me some hot water! Joshua, do you have any towels?"

"There are some in the dressing rooms, I'll get them now," Joshua said, hurrying out of the studio.

"I am NOT giving birth on this damned floor," Mary said between gasped breaths. "And I am most definitely NOT giving birth without painkillers!"

"Jamie, call 999," Krystie ordered. "Charlotte, call Dan, get him here now."

"Will do," Charlotte said, dialling the number for Mary's husband's workplace.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 20 - Moving Day

Mom and Hannah’s wedding was a small affair with just a few friends. The judge was a friend of Mom’s. The honeymoon consisted of going home and going to bed. They put off a real honeymoon for when they had more time to plan.

A New Job Twist Part 9

Saturday at six in the morning we are walking back into Fashionable Inc, hand-in-hand. This time Gerry leads me into the trainee entrance. We walk through my old locker room, then she stops me. I want to show you. Not everyone was able to make a cryx – they never are. Follow me.” We open the door out into the hallway toward the classroom. Instead we enter through the yoga room where twenty others are lined up. Then another very gorgeous lady walks in. “It is time,” she says. “You may enter the observation room.” Then she leaves.

Unlikely Quarterback – 6 Unexpected Acknowledgement

Unlikely Quarterback – 6
Unexpected Acknowledgement

Bryce Royce was androgynous and eleven before he was told… Bryce started to see and believe she was Elaine... That would have been okay, if Mr. Royce wasn’t so set on Bryce being his boy and a football player… Bryce tried to please his abusive dad to gain his love, hoping his father would reciprocate... His dad’s dream comes true, kind of… Elaine insists now is her time too.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 17

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 17”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Seventeen: The Broom, the Secret, and the Traitor

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for any bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change.

Lend Me Your Ears

Imagine that you are enjoying a warm summer afternoon on your back porch. Your mother is at work and your father is out of the picture. Your best friend, Aimee, has left town on a plane to visit relatives and your mutual best friend, Kim, has gone to an isolated, disconnected cabin with her family and wont be back for three weeks. Aimee calls while waiting at Baggage Claim and clearly has something on her mind that's bothering her. You offer to talk to her, but she tells you that it's girl talk and she wishes that she could talk to Kim. What do you do?

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 19 - More Changes

During summer vacation, Hanna and I became close. She invited me to go to her house when something was bothering me, and I took her up on the offer. At times, we had long talks and found that we saw eye to eye on a number of things.

One evening my mom came home from work and began showering and getting dressed up nice. She and Hanna were going to dinner. She explained that Hannah wanted to discuss something. It sounded kind of serious.

Limousine Fitness: Tryouts

Limousine Fitness- Tryouts.jpgLimousine Fitness: Tryouts
by TGTrinity
based on "Limousine Fitness" by Lilac Wren

Landon works for Limousine Fitness, where busy women allow others to take over their bodies for purposes of self improvement. When Landon is offered a job that is against company rules, he's put into a sexy model's body to tryout for a photo shoot... Only a ruggedly handsome Soccer star wants to do more than just play with her.

Author's Notes:
This is a brand new short story based on Lilad Wren's "Limousine Fitness". It's a sexy little romp with a few twists that I really enjoyed writing, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Girl 101 - I want a dress, please, mum.

Girl 101 - I want a dress, please, mum.

I liked girl's clothes - and I was going to learn about them - that was all too clear. Both mum and my friend Gemma and now the headmaster said so. Girl 101 for Boys .... what was going on?
And now .... everything was changing.

A New Job Twist Part 8

We are allowed in through a back door in the nightclub. “This club has a deal with us. We provide security and we often provide women. They will let you in. They will watch out for us. They will get us waters if they know a man is ordering us a drink. Many men will come here, looking for someone like us.” We walk in, both feeling the electricity and sex in the room. Gerry orders us two waters. “Your cryx gives you considerable power over the men. Avoid alcohol when wearing it. It evens the playing field.

FEMAIL: The Complete Story

FEMAIL.jpgFEMAIL: The Complete Story
by TGTrinity
cover by bela04

Colton Hughes has just signed up for the Beta Test of a lifetime. Over the next week he will begin to see changes that take him from being an overweight man in his mid forties to a hot, young college woman with her whole life in front of her. Will the changes bring him the happiness he seeks, or will he lose sight of what he really wanted?

Author's Note:
This is all eight chapters of FEMAIL available together. I'm also posting this as TGTrinity (my original pen name) instead of "Layne Smyth". The reason for the two names is simple, at least for me. I got a new job where I felt my more explicit writings would threaten my job security, but have recently found that what I do with my own time (as far as it's legal) won't reflect poorly on me. As for the story? I actually made FEMAIL while dealing with this new job, and having the two main characters deal with change in different ways was my way of coping with it. I truly hope you enjoy it!

Dressed by teacher

Johnny has gone on a school trip to England as part of a student exchange where he is the only boy and there are 5 girls with 1 female teacher. Little did he know, his exchange partner and everyone else on the trip plan to keep it girls only.

Unlikely Quarterback – 5 Decisions, Decisions

Bryce Royce, as he was raised, was androgynous though it was eleven before he was told…
Sometime later, Bryce started to see and believe she was Elaine. …That would have been okay,
if Mr. Royce wasn’t so set on Bryce being a boy and a football player… Bryce tried to please
His abusive dad to gain his love, hoping his father would reciprocate.
His dad’s dream comes true, kind of… Elaine insists now is her time too.

A New Job Twist Part 7

On the surface, Michael Gorman is a very religious and studious man. But the chubby little man isn't very happy. He works for a church as a pastor, but feels underappreciated. He is invited to a very strange job interview with a corporate recruiter named Gary Nichols. Quickly, he discovers that Gary has a powerful necklace called a cryx that can transform the balding man into a beautiful woman. He says Michael can do it too. Will he take the job? How will this work with home life and work life?

A New Job Twist Part 6

On the surface, Michael Gorman is a very religious and studious man. But the chubby little man isn't very happy. He works for a church as a pastor, but feels underappreciated. He is invited to a very strange job interview with a corporate recruiter named Gary Nichols. Quickly, he discovers that Gary has a powerful necklace called a cryx that can transform the balding man into a beautiful woman. He says Michael can do it too. Will he take the job? How will this work with home life and work life?

TG Limerick Day 2016

TG Limerick Day

May 12 was National Limerick Day because it is the birthday of Edward Lear, who is credited with popularizing that poetic form in his Book of Nonsense, published in 1846.

So I decided to compose a few TG limericks for today.

1. There once was a boy from Purdue,
Who thought he was really a Sue.
She put on a skirt, turned into a flirt,
And sings in a café near you.

Discovery, Chapter 15 & Epilogue

Discovery, Chapter 15 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Steve is safe and the murderers are in jail. Certainly this is not the end of the story. There is the matter of the disposition of Ben Martindale’s estate. Also, what are Mannie and Steve going to do with the rest of their lives? You gotta do what you gotta do.

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

The weather takes a major shift and Mannie decides to catch up at the local beauty parlor. Once home she finds she just missed Steve who was going to meet with his friends in town. A series of phone calls makes her realize Andy Bennett has kidnapped him and probably intends to kill him. It’s not going to be easy, but Mannie is going to do her best to rescue him.

Discovery, Chapter 13 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 13 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie decides to take their love to the next level. There is another blizzard, and Mannie, her Mother, and Steve work on what’s to be done with the estate.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 16

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 16”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Sixteen: Freedom

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change. Which, fair warning, includes most of the conversation Fudge, Hagrid, Flitwick, and McGonagall have in The Three Broomsticks.

A New Job Twist Part 5

On the surface, Michael Gorman is a very religious and studious man. But the chubby little man isn't very happy. He works for a church as a pastor, but feels underappreciated. He is invited to a very strange job interview with a corporate recruiter named Gary Nichols. Quickly, he discovers that Gary has a powerful necklace called a cryx that can transform the balding man into a beautiful woman. He says Michael can do it too. Will he take the job? How will this work with home life and work life?

Discovery, Chapter 12 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 12 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Fortunately, Steve’s injury is not too severe. The group is snowed in for a couple of days. Steve’s friend, Gary Smith reveals to Mannie he is aware of what she’s been through. He also confirms Steve is very much in love with her. It’s not a problem. It’s time to get Mannie’s mother.

Discovery, Chapter 11 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 11 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Someone sabotaged a bunch of Andy Bennett’s trucks and frack water trailers. They also stole one of his trucks. Andy got a shot or two off at the saboteurs. Steve and his friends show up at the ranch. Steve’s been shot.

Discovery, Chapter 10 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 10 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

In spite of a previous comment, the story continues.

It was the bike. He saw it and recognized it immediately. What he discovers after that wasn’t quite the surprise some would have thought. Mannie tells Steve about her uncle and what she suspects. Sheriff John is not happy at all about this tree hugger cutting in on the woman he fancies.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 15

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Two.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.


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