
Jessie's Ride Chapter 3

Jessie's Ride

Chapter 3
The move

I spent the next few hours packing the kitchen and my stuff. Ben arrived late that night. Something was different about him. I could not put my finger on it but it was there. I really did not want him to change now. My life was throwing too many curve-balls lately as it is. I told him about the sale and the move. His reaction was a shrug and to start packing. This made me think something was defiantly wrong! I decided to let him be for now. I could find out what was wrong when we were settled in the new cabin.

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Platinum Chef/ Delacroix side story Part V

 Chapter 83

The ball flew through the air cleanly from way out there in three point land.

“Holy shit.” Faye said.

“Damn. Big Daddy Kane in the house or what?” A nameless skin player gave Faye a hi five. “That’s like what. Twelve points… somethin’ ridiculous? What is it, Brickhaus?”

Brickhaus, a large barrel-chested dude with shiny hair and an Ed Hardy shirt looked at the game as a whole.

“Yeah. He’s at twelve. Score’s 68-61 skins. That’s game. Dude, where the fuck did you come from? Wait… you’re the bakery guy, right?”

Secondhand Life - Part 14

The European tour was nearly finished, but after I filled Dennis in on Matt's discovery, he collaborated with me to feign a severe case of what seemed to be norovirus, and Katherine – and her entourage – were excused from the last 10 days of the press tour, to take the gulfstream back home and recuperate. ...also sparing the rest of the company from coming in contact with this possibly highly contagious digestive scourge.

Secondhand Life - Part 13

“Well, now you've had the Uncle Kevin experience” I laughed to Dennis as we walked back to our hotel.

“Did it live up to your expectations?” Mikey asked playfully.

Dennis just shook his head. “If I didn't experience it for myself, I'd swear you two were exaggerating” he laughed.

“Trust me. No one could make up uncle Kevin.” I chuckled

“Only God!” Mikey said.

“...or maybe the other guy?” Dennis raised one eyebrow. All three of us broke into guffaws.

Secondhand Life - Part 12

As much as I was becoming obsessed with the woman whose life I was living, I became immersed in the nearly fulltime job of being the public face of Katherine Keller.

One of the highlights of our European tour was a hastily improvised performance after a chance meeting with a principal of the Vienna Light Orchestra, a group of serious classical musicians who do 'popular music' in an orchestral tradition to introduce general audiences to the experience of classical music.

Secondhand Life - Part 11

Rado Mitruczek was one of the 'old guard' of modern art in the former Eastern Bloc going back to the 1950s when he emigrated to Czechoslovakia before the 'Prague Spring'. His battles with authority over freedom of expression were the stuff of legend.

And it was mostly legend.

Rado's wrangles with censors were mostly theater... both the artist and the bureaucrats got a lot of mileage and cachet within their respective communities of supporters over the 'culture wars'.

Ilos Part 9 <old>

Virtual Reality, the dream of all gamers, is now a reality with the land of Ilos.

However, it's creators are unknown, and no one knows how the devices they have access it, only that they do.

Tasalin and Corvid, the final two 'main' characters, are introduced in this chapter as they deal with the start of Ilos.

Secondhand Life - Part 10

We had to curtail our fox and hound games for the European leg of the press tour. The studio spared no expense. We flew private across Europe as if we were some diplomatic entourage or a ceremonial royal family of some sort... and in a way we were. Right or wrong, in the minds of a lot of the general public, celebrity is the new royalty, only without any deference. Everyone was waiting for us to trip-up.

Our merry band of travelers, reassembled for this leg, was quite impressed at the chartered plane, though I knew it was in large part to spare me from airport scanners.

Secondhand Life - Part 9

It didn't take a private detective to find Matt Cutler. Want to find a guy on the UCLA track team? ….Hang out at the UCLA track.

I was dressed down in sweats and a hoodie with logo and school colors, courtesy of the campus shop. I looked like any other student ...maybe a little too student like with all the branded apparel. Still, no one seemed to notice.

Secondhand Life - Part 8

Monterrey was relaxing. I started making a habit of running on the beach and into town. It wasn't too long before people stopped treating me like a sasquatch sighting and actually started waving and saying hello as I'd run by.

Summer of Love - Part 9

“Well, since you're here, let's get a look at you” I smiled and playfully shook the skin around Kesey's neck. He cocked his head and leaned into my hands and his stubby tail began to wag.

Colin regarded me while I gave Kesey the once over.

“He's usually extremely shy, I'd even say ...skittish... around strangers. I've never seen him take to anyone the way he's taken to you....”

I smiled and regarded him for a moment. “What about you?”

He shrugged sheepishly.

Secondhand Life - Part 4

It seemed I had the rest of the day free. I wandered into Katherine's 'office'. I guess it was a tax thing or somesuch, but this was the room with all the Katherine Keller memorabilia.... her framed first Vogue cover.... a number of other framed glossy magazines and photos, including one with a very perplexed looking Dalai Lama which made me smile. There was her Golden Globe, her people's choice award, a number of teen spirit awards going back to the time she first started modeling. I hadn't realized how long she had been doing this. How long since she had been a part of the 'real world'.


In most areas of magic, I am generally considered to be a very weak wizard…but in one area I am almost peerless. In my specialty area of magic, I am generally considered to be one of the most powerful wizards in the United States. I am woefully unprepared to hurl bolts of lightning around or transform dogs into cats, but when it comes to sensing potentials in people, places and things…I am generally very capable. Because of this talent, I have been highly successful in training some of the most well known magic users in the world.

Curiosity Killed The Boy 1

Curiosity Killed The Boy

My older sister always had more clothes than I. Her closet and dresser were full. The closet in the spare bedroom was packed with outfits that didn’t fit her or were deemed out of style. There were boxes of her old clothes on the floor of the closet. Since Monica took care of her clothes, Mom had a habit of saving her stuff. “You never know when they may come into use,” she would say.

Secondhand Life - Part 3

I was accompanying my cousin on his contest winning trip to a lavish Hollywood premiere. I was merely his 'plus one' and chaperone. The last thing I had intended was to become the center of attention - as the stand-in for the reclusive, troubled starlet.

Summer of Love - Part 8

A big part of my mood swings – at least to my mind, was Rain's dilemma. Part of my brain kept telling me that it wasn't my life and it wasn't my problem. Rain would sort things out and choose her own path. But most of my brain – and all of my heart – kept trying to imagine the anguish she must be going through. A new life, growing inside her, and she was wondering if she was grown up enough for the responsibility that would take.... and remembering her own past, suddenly seeing her childhood from the perspective of the young girl who was her own mother.

Synergy - Prologue

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Girl with Sword

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Ilos Part 7 <old>

Virtual Reality, the dream of all gamers, is now a reality with the land of Ilos.

However, it's creators are unknown, and no one knows how the devices they have access it, only that they do.

Nick and Jess venture back into Ilos to see if they can find David, but end up running into a new friend instead.

Ilos Part 6 <old>

Virtual Reality, the dream of all gamers, is now a reality with the land of Ilos.

However, it's creators are unknown, and no one knows how the devices they have access it, only that they do.


David, now Aria, continues his journey through Ilos and learns a little more about his mysterious traveling companion.

Secondhand Life - Part 1

Call me Elsie. Everyone else does. Actually, it used to be L.C. And that was only because I never let anyone call me by my proper name.... never let anyone even know it if I could help it. What kind of parent names their kid Lorenzo Carlton? I used to half joke that I should be able to bring them up on charges, for naming your child something guaranteed to get them picked on at school surely counts as child cruelty.

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Platinum Chef/ Delacroix side story Part II

Chapter 78

Bobbie was still trying to figure out the plans for the school cake; it was just such a daunting project. There’s got to be something like 20 sheet cakes here. The amount of limes that would give their lives to form the tasty grass of Slacker’s cove would number in the dozens.

Shocking Developments - Part 1

Terrael grew up in paradise, until the Fomorians showed up. Now Humans, Hypers, and Fae all face extinction and Terrael is their only hope. Can he get used to his own changes and make the one change that can save them all?


Shocking Developments
Part 1 of 3


My mother’s eyes shot wide open. “You can’t seriously be thinking about taking Terry to see her,” she sputtered. “She wasn’t playing with a full deck before the Flare. After she threw away any cards she might have had left.”

Two Daughters

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, but I have had a great idea!

If I can get my DNA Gene-Splice technology to work it will revolutionise medicine. No more nasty side effects to drugs or aggressive treatments.

Just lay on this bed and we can fix it!

Just got a few little wrinkles to sort out, I am sure nothing will go wrong.....

Life is a Hoot!

Briana and Jeremy, young and in love, find out that life can come with some unexpected twists. Read on to find out how one rash decision changes things for them forever...and turns things into a real 'hoot' for BOTH of them!

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 9

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 9


He passes Mom’s hers and she does the exact almost same thing as I did and he picks up some bags from the floor that he brought in from Sears and Walmart and sets them on the bed.

“Your Mom and I agree that until you get home and can go through your things that I’d best make a pit stop for a few things for you so here you go. Now your Mom picked the sizes and hell she picked out most of this and sent me pics of what to get on the phone so if it doesn’t fit blame her. And the rest is stuff that I picked out.”

Oh…oh wow I look in the bags and it’s clothes and things and I can see packages of underwear and stuff and I look and look and look then I look at him and I look at her and I bite my lip.

“I…I don’t know if I’ve ever dressed like this before...”

*And Now…

Joey's Joy -- Part 1

Joey learns some unexpected life-lessons and finds out some unexpected things about himself along the way.

St. Paul’s

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I promise this is not going to be just another forced fem story, although there is this aspect to the story—my hope is that it will be a journey of discovery for Joey and that I can portray that journey adequately in the manner that I envision it. There will be some happy times and some sad times ahead—if you want, watch that journey with me as it unfolds.

Butterfly Curse

.Butterfly Curse

Written by Dauphin
Be careful when you visit a Chinese shop to see TV in piece, and if you get thirsty, remember that one bottle can be the Butterfly Curse
"A Sad story that sees a happy boy ruined and with no hope" Diana
"Sometimes its hard to see justice in the world, i wanted to write about that" Dauphin

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 6

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 6


I hug her back. “I’m different now aren’t I?”

I feel her nod in the hug. “Yeah, kind of a lot different but not…but I love you anyways.”

There’s something there…something kind of shining through. “Always?”

She sniffle nods.

“Good, cause I think I’m going to need that.”


I’m right there on the edge of saying…something, I don’t know what…but something and then the nurses are back in and with a wheelchair. “Alright Shawn you ready for your tests?”


*And Now…

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 5

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 5


I look at her. “I’m like my Dad?”
“Well with like that temperament and stuff.”
I…I really don’t know how to deal with that or how to feel about it? I mean I’m Sarah right so I just kind of thought that I’d take after my Mom more or something and not my dad and I really can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“Y...Yeah kind of…it wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.”
“Yeah…I thought I’d be more like you Mom.”
I look at her and she actually has this really sort of surprised look on her face.
And…I’m really surer than ever she doesn’t know.

*And Now…

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 4

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 4


And there’s people that are there like me on my friends list and that are trans too and stuff and they call me Whisper or Wisp or Song but several of them…

They call me Sarah.

And even reading it, reading it with that inner voice inside…you know the one that goes on while you’re reading something and there’s that inside narrative thing?

It doesn’t feel wrong.

It doesn’t feel like Shawn.

And there’s tears starting to run down my face.

I think I’m really Sarah.

*And Now…

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 3

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 3


I…I don’t know what’s wrong but it’s wrong and I know she’s trying her best but I end up crying through the whole thing and even when she’s done I’m still crying and I roll over to my side as best I can and cry into the pillow.

I think she was rubbing my back at one point and trying to comfort me and she was replaced by Mom and there is something that is like maybe visceral there?

I know Mom’s touch, just from the way she was with me before I know the difference and I cry all the harder once it’s her.

*And Now…

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 2

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 2

Chapter 2


I swallow. “Am I okay?”

“We don’t know, we’ll see what the doctors say Shawn.”

I nod.

That still just doesn’t sit right with me but what can I do?

*And Now…

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 1

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 1

Chapter 1


My throat hurts…

There’s a flicker in the darkness… a jingle of keys? Seeing them falling slowly into a hand and a feeling of excitement.

I see a blue car, a muscle car and we’re all running towards it.

We…I’m with a bunch of guys getting in the back seat.

I can feel a forward pushing me back feeling going fast.

I don’t think there was any like drinking or stuff but there was yelling.

The screech of tires and a girl screaming.



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