
Little Boy-Girl 2 the New Girl Part 4 Roberta 1

I went back and reworked this chapter so it's easier to read.

This chapter is about six kids that got kicked out of their Schools. Only to find out no other Schools will take them in. That’s until his mom finds the newest school in the county. That just might change their behavior.
With having to wear diapers and dresses.

Note this story sets up the next chapter
Little Boy-Girl 1 Chapter 31

The Other Half of My Soul, part 07 of 11

Taylor looked so worried and guilty that I had to give her a hug. “Come on. We can’t do anything until we talk to the Gray One, but for now, you need to relax. How about a game of — Tag! You’re it.”

Mother's Child Chapter 12

Sorry for the delay.

Leah is having problems adjusting, but then she meets someone unexpected. Will this meeting help or hurt? Leah's adventures continue.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Slayers Crossed - Chapter 2 Hold on! Fall down The rabbit hole?

Slayers Crossed
Chapter 2 Hold on! Fall down The rabbit hole?
By Lukas.I

Special thanks to jkoc for excellent proofreading.

Crossplay? How embarrassing can that be? And they say that curiosity killed a cat. You know what they say. Whatever doesn't kill you...

Little Boy-Girl 2

This story looks at the other Trans-Girls and brings their new life to light. Riley and Mackenzie start things and we'll look back at some of the others in the story. Then look at how they get along with the other Trans-Girls. Then we show what happens to a new bully that has to go to the new school and has to wear the girls uniform.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 64 - 66 (End)

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

-Sixty Four-

Gideon pulled his wagon to the side of the street, and Charles and Forrest pulled in behind. He set the break and wound the reins around the handle. Turning toward Hannah, he gently reached out and patted her leg. "I know the anticipation is probably killing you." He stood and began to climb out of the seat, "Keep the young-uns here in the wagon; I shouldn't be but a bit."

By the time he had reached the street, he was joined by both Charles and Forrest. Together they walked to the Land Office's doorway where they took their place in line with other new arrivals.

Hannah and the children sat and watched the bustle of the small town as people walked and rode past on horses or in wagons. There was an earthy smell from the street, it had not snowed here but it was still chilly. A few passersby tipped their hats toward Hannah, which made her smile and think, ‘If they only knew’.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 61 - 63

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Sixty One-

Their wagon rolled on, the land had begun to level out during the past few days. Tall pines crowded the trail; Hannah was smiling more as the snowy landscape was turning green with vegetation that had yet been touched by winter’s icy grasp. Within her heart was an anticipation that seemed to grow with each rotation of their wheels. Gideon and the children too weren’t immune to the excitement of the trail’s end. Theirs was a journey that had taken months, but like those who arrived before them, much would need to be done!

He Woke Up

The exchange was a set-up. My partner, James, and I with backup from a few other teams were to meet with an anonymous informant to learn where the disappearances were taking place, how they were taking place, and why. We had gotten indications that an ancient spirit from the Eastern Asia area, possibly Korea, possibly Japan, possibly some of the islands between. This is why we were called in, because we have been trained to deal with them.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 58 - 60

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty Eight-

From a great distance away, it had been lost in the clouds. The closer the wagons neared, it loomed over the treetops and could be seen for miles and miles around. "Mount Hood," Gideon whispered in awe.

"That's a huge hill, Pa!" Cade chirped as he looked on between his parents, "Are we going to have to cross it?"

"Oh dear, I hope not," Hanna sighed fearfully.

"No son, we will skirt the south end of it and move on from there." He glanced at the both of them, "Next big stop will be the Willamette Valley!"

A Love So Bold - Chapter 51 - 53

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty One-

Hannah had prepared breakfast for them all; while the children were eating, Gideon was seeing to their animals. “Once you are finished, put your dishes in our bucket and I’ll wash them.” She called out, “I’ll take care of them as soon as I’m done with Em.”

Cade quickly dropped his empty tin into the bucket and went off in search of his father. Watching from the back of the wagon where she was changing Emma, she saw Rachel kneel next to the bucket and begin to wash off the tins. Hannah smiled inwardly, as without being asked, the young girl took it upon herself to assist her.

An Accidental New Life - Part 8

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Summer of Love - Part 11

While I enjoyed seeing a lot more of my new housemate, I also began to worry.

“Shouldn't you be out ...I dunno.... busking or something?" I asked while I cut up some fruit for breakfast.

He just grinned. “What are you, the house mother or something? It's cool. Rent's covered.”

“I didn't mean it like that. Just.... you're a musician.... shouldn't you be... I don't know.... off making music or something?” I smiled.

Secondhand Life - Part 37

I was in the lobby of the spa 'waiting for my ride'.

In truth, my ride was discreetly nearby, waiting for ME. And I was waiting for Matt. I had given him the address and he had assured me that he would be here shortly.

While I was thumbing through an old issue of Conde Nast Traveler, my phone chirped.

It was Matt. He was outside. Apparently once he saw that the address I had given him was a beauty spa, he decided that he could not step inside. I shook my head and chuckled at the thought. I texted for our car and then texted Matt.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 43 - 46

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Forty Three-

Pulling off his boots, he set them aside and then removed his pants so he was only clad in his drawers and long shirt. Hannah had removed her dress and sat in the chemise running a brush through her long hair. Gideon stretched out and watched her profile, illuminated by the soft glow from their campfire. She returned his gaze and smiled, feeling great thankfulness for his love.

He rose himself up on an elbow, enjoying the view she offered. There was a slight shadow that her form cast against her chemise; it allowed him a glimpse of her breasts as they swayed with the motion of the brush. He could already feel the telltale swelling produced from viewing such loveliness which had captivated him.

Secondhand Life - Part 36

I tried to sleep, but if I got any it was brief and fitful. I was a bit of a wreck the next day. Dennis understood and went easy on me. Mikey seemed to think I was hung over, and it seemed easier to let him think that. For whatever reason he went easy on me too, I was grateful.

I was sitting on the balcony just enjoying the warm sun and gentle breeze, maybe I was dozing in and out. Mikey came up behind me and gave me a gentle hug.

“I just wanted to say thank you for last night. ….and for everything actually.”

Mr. Jordan Can Wait - Part 3

Mr. Jordan Can Wait

Part 3
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2015 Melanie Brown

Michael Martin thought he was just going to work...

This is not a stand-alone story. It is recommended you read Parts 1 and 2 first. -- Ed

Secondhand Life - Part 35

Mikey was quiet and somewhat sullen as we walked outside to wait for our limo. I squeezed him into a close hug.

“I know you think this is the end. It's just the end of your coming out. Your introduction. You made impressions in there. So when you come back in act two, the players will recognize you as one of their own.”

Mikey looked up at me. “Do you really believe that?”

I nodded to him and turned to Dennis, who also nodded.

“I'm family, so I'm biased. ...AND... I'm here only because you let me be your plus one on your contest prize.”

An Accidental New Life - Part 7

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Secondhand Life - Part 34

Dennis stood as I approached our table.

“Damn, girl” he smiled “I thought we were going to have to send out a search party”

I smiled to myself. We knew each other so well.

“It was crowded by the stage, so I took a detour... around the back bar.”

Dennis' eyebrow raised “Is that A&A?” He shot me an inscrutable stare. “How on earth...”

“One of the bartenders saw me passing and asked if I wanted 'the usual'...” I shrugged.

Dennis nodded. Apparently Katherine's 'usual' was a state secret to everyone but the bar staff.

Mother's Child - Chapter 11

Leah is having problems adjusting, but then she meets someone unexpected. Will this meeting help or hurt? Leah's adventures continue.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Secondhand Life - Part 32

Mikey and I were sitting over iced teas and snacks discussing our 'Asia blitz'. He seemed a little distracted.

“....What?....” I asked him.

He shook off his distraction and glanced at me. “Huh?”

“You seem distracted. Penny for your thoughts.”

“US or Australian?” he laughed hollowly.

I simply raised an eyebrow and cocked my head.

“....I was just thinking.... it's been a pretty wild ride... way more than I expected.... than either of us expected?”

My nod was as understated as his declaration. He laughed again. It still sounded conflicted.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 26 - 29

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Twenty Six-

Crawling out from under the wagon, Hannah struggled to rise up; looking about in the early light of morning, she could not see any sign of Gideon. She was feeling out of sorts, as she made her way to the fire to replenish the wood to begin cooking their breakfast.

Arden climbed down from her wagon and came to assist Hannah. “You look a mess this morning, did you have trouble sleeping?”

An Accidental New Life - Part 6

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

An Accidental New Life - Part 5

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Mother's Child - Chapter 10

Lee goes into Burnout. Leah is born.

It's a new day and Leah has a lot to learn.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos. Some of you may have noticed that Lee/Leah's mother's name has not been consistent throughout the chapters. This has been fixed. Sorry for the error.

Mother's Child - Chapter 9

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos, and I apologize for the delay in posting.

Melanie's Story -- Chapter 49 -- Over and Out

Eric was at church the next day, but didn't try to talk to me until after the service. He told my uncle he'd drive me home and then he led me into a corner of the library.

Melanie's Story -- Chapter 44 -- Eric, Again

Things were going okay with Eric. Eric kept his side of the truce -- he didn't try to get near me, or talk to me, or even talk about me. I tried to act like I was ignoring him, but I kept catching myself trying to see what he was doing or hear what he was saying.

Mother's Child - Chapter 8

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.


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