
A Summer's Odyssey II


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A Summer's Odyssey II

By Jennifer Sue
Copyright© 2008 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.

I remember the night my odyssey started as if it were yesterday. A lot has changed since then... especially me.
That fateful summer changed me forever. I was forced to grow up as I temporarily became the head of my family.

Secondhand Life - Part 44

While Dennis and his crew were rounding up the supplies and going over the logistics for tonight's performance, Matt texted me asking if I had a few minutes to join him in the coffee shop.

This time I had the presence of mind to dress more modestly, and only received the usual amount of head turns as I made my way to the coffee shop.

Eden's Reality : Chapter 8

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves something unexpected happens, and he wakes up the next day as a girl. The woman who he thinks responsible appears, but she's not as helpful as he'd expected

All feedback is very, very much appreciated :)

I am sorry for how long this took to get out. I've had a horrible couple of weeks and it's December so everything's been busy in good and bad ways. Plus this chapter was really frustrating to get right in my head and it took me ages for it to flow properly. I re-wrote it about five times before being happy with it and I'm so glad it's over and I can move on! Wah!

Quest for the Silver Cleric

Quest for the Silver Cleric


by Dorothy Colleen



"When the Empire was in flower, the Weres came to fight. The Sea-folk were threatened, and The Dead ruled the night. The situation hopeless, the battle was as good as lost. Then the Silver Cleric came to save us, no matter what the cost.”

And when the troubles returned, the Sea-folk reached across time and space to find a very special person, someone both male and female, to find to rid this strange world of darkness, oppression and misery.

Danica finds herself in a strange world with new languages, cultures, personalities and challenges on a quest to find The Silver Cleric.

Secondhand Life - Part 43

I had hoped to sleep in, but Mikey woke me like a five year old on Christmas morning.

I scowled and wiped the sleep from my eyes while he kneeled next to me atop my covers nearly bouncing with excitement.

“...What?....” I grumbled groggily. “More shark stuff?”

Mikey just grinned from ear to ear shaking his head 'No' and thrust his iPad in my face.

It was an online video of the previous day's E.T.

Secondhand Life - Part 42

I nearly blew it, gleefully toying with the hapless Nancy the night before, but Matt managed to talk her down from her panic attack and rebuild her sense of intrigue at the opportunity of an entire day studying the enigmatic, and clearly pathological Katherine.

Nancy still seemed skittish when she and Matt joined me in the lobby to begin our grueling day of guerrilla shooting. True to their word, Rei and Andy had a number of outfits, manufactured overnight and perfectly sized to fit me like a second skin.

Eden's Reality : Chapter 7

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves something unexpected happens, and he wakes up the next day a different person.

All feedback is very much appreciated :)

Chapter Seven

Secondhand Life - Part 41

When I arrived at the hotel ballroom, I found no signage or indication that anything was going on inside beyond the two burly guys in tuxedos bookending the doors. As I walked up to the door, they each slid to the side, coming together to block the door. One produced a clipboard, and I announced “Ka...”

The guy looked up at me, then to his bookend, who gave him a glare like 'you have to ask?'. The bookend stepped aside and clipboard guy quickly followed betraying the trace of a sheepish look.

Secondhand Life - Part 40

I actually managed to doze before we hit Hawaii. I found myself resisting Dennis' gentle nudge. Then his annoyingly coy whispering – blowing actually – in my ear. I was too sleepy to recognize his playfulness, so at the time it only registered as mild annoyance. I kept trying to flick his face from my ear as he blew into it like a roadie testing a microphone.

“Helooooo. Yoo hoo..... Earth to sleepyhead..... wakey wakey.....” blow blow blow. Nudge nudge nudge. “Rise and shine baby. We're here.” I felt him lean in really close as he whispered “Time to get laid.”

Eden's Reality : Chapters 5-6

Eden's Reality: Chapters 5-6

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves something unexpected happens, and he wakes up the next day a different person.

All feedback is very much appreciated :)

Jayti Singh

Originally published in parts on Classic BC March 2003 and now presented in its entirety.

What happens when a history experiment gone wrong meets a 15 year-old girl on the way to the Harem of Akbar the Great?

Note: I did try to make this story as accurate as I could within the confines of my research and to give the feel of India and England in the late 16th centuries. This involved giving people of that era 16th century attitudes and beliefs. Other than historical figures, any similarity to any real person is coincidental.

BigCloset has permission to post this story on their website. For permission to use this story in any other way, contact the author.

Warning: This story contains violence, some controverisal positions and relatively mild sex: Rated R

Jayti Singh

by aardvark

The Queen Of Country Music

Originally posted to Classic BC on February 24, 2004

A tabloid reporter visits a small town in the Ozarks and follows up a strange story.
JayJay, the official town crossdresser, relates the story.
The Queen of
Country Music

By Tyrone Slothrop

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 1

We Never Break A Promise
Warm Hearted
Proofed and Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: This is the introduction story for a new universe. All the normal copyright stuff applies.

Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless and unloved in the foster system . Eric was always a misfit in school and he wanted a new start. But Eric did not know how new it would be.

Eden's Reality : Chapters 3-4

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves he stumbles across something that changes his life, and his body, forever

(All feedback is very much appreciated!)

Chapter 3

‘Crap!’ I pushed myself off Alexis and walked into the bedroom, my legs shaking.

Eden's Reality : Chapters 1-2

Eden's Reality

A small 14 year old boy plans on escaping his abusive father and the house where he grew up in by moving to a boarding school with his two best friends, but on the night before he leaves he stumbles across something that changes his life, and his body, forever

(All feedback is appreciated!)

Chapter 1

Truth's Purity: Chapter 5-6

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He finds out why he's there, but refuses to accept his feelings

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

Chapter 5

I jolted awake from a tangled mass of fuzzy dreams and stared around at the unfamiliar bedroom around me. Where was I? What…this place was…oh god…




“Why do I have to have my hair plaited?” I grumpily asked for probably the twentieth time as I twisted my locks.

“You think I'm any happier, I look a right dork with these braids.”

The Pirates

pirate ship.jpg

Day after blistering day a 'ship of the damned' flying the black flag followed in our wake. When the wind eased, we would gain a league, when the wind freshened, they would gain it back.

We knew those following were spawn of the Devil, from glimpses through our captain’s powerful telescope at night. When the moon was full, you could see the Pirates from Hell were a collection of bones, held together by ungodly power.

Mother's Child Chapter 13

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters. I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos.

Unwanted Child

I originally wrote this non-Masks tale a few years ago with the intent of selling it professionally. Unfortunately, it's a size which few publications are interested in. Hope you folks enjoy it.

Unwanted Child


Rodford Edmiston

"Please, Josh..." said Horton.

"I think that should be Mr. Thompkins to you," said Josh, carefully keeping his tone neutral.

"Come on, Josh! We've known each other since you were a toddler!"

"We met fewer than a dozen times before I started legal procedures against my Mother. Let's keep this formal."

Elven Tales Book 1 Part 1

Elven Tales Book 1
How it happened to be

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Branek. All rights reserved.

If you want to contact the author for any purposes feel free to use [email protected]

Everybody talks about how great elves are. They are faster, stronger, smarter more beautiful than any human. Yada yada you get what I mean. Sadly no one talks about the downsides of being and elv, especially not nowadays. Trust me, being a male elvin the 21th century I have experienced it first hand. You don’t believe me? Well take a seat and listen…

A Pack o' Parodies

None of these parodies are meant to be of the work of specific individuals. I hope none of them seem too meanspirited. Poe's Law may apply. Typos may or may not be intentional.

The Implausible Cheerleader

by: Anastasia Lynn Walker

To think I was a normal boy two days ago... but let me start at the beginning.


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