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That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!
"Can I see him?"
"Yes, of course! I think you should go immediately afterwards though. In three or four hours they might notice that he is missing."
"Well, I better get home fast then."
A few seconds passed and I could hear my aunt sighing.
"I cannot believe it. Brook really did do it! I cannot believe that after everything I did to that boy he betrayed his god and his whole family in order to follow his perverted delusions."
If I hadn’t been gagged I would have been insulting my aunt.
"It’s the fault of modern society ma’am, they keep telling kids that they can be whatever they want but they forget to tell them that they still have to follow the rules of nature."
"You tell me. I spent the last 2 years of my life trying to raise this child the way my now dead sister would have wanted and this kid throws it all away the moment he moves away."
"Not even respecting his mother wishes, really the worst! I hope you punish him appropriately when you go back home."
"No worries about that, I will make sure he doesn’t this way anymore. Leon put him in between the front and back seats of my car. I would put him the trunk but, I want to have a discussion with Brook before we go home."
Leon was here, the bastard was here and he was helping his mother taking me away. What a spineless man! Saying he understands what I am going through, saying that he is on my side and that he always knew that I was different and yet helping his mother the moment he asks her something. I couldn’t believe this! I so wanted to believe that there were decent people on my mother’s side of the family but clearly this wasn’t the case.
I wasn’t outside for too long, Aunt Abigail and the security guard had clearly met somewhere outside of the school. It wasn’t the city, so it probably was somewhere around the woods that surrounded the school. I hoped to escape at some point and save Temperance before she was taken away, I would survive a few hours with my aunt, but I was afraid that my girlfriend’s grandparents would mess her up to the point where even years of therapy couldn’t help her anymore.
Sadly for me, one of the ways I could have escaped literary flew away a few minutes afterwards. My cellphone vibrated and one of my two abductors got rid of it.
"Leon? Get rid of the blindfold and place his head towards my seat I won’t be able to talk to him directly but at least this way he will be able to see the disappointment in my face."
I could feel Leon doing as he was told.
"Good, Leon take your seat and make sure that he doesn’t do anything that would put us in trouble. Now, Brook Woods, I cannot believe that you embarrassed your family in such a shameful way. I thought that with the education that I had given you your shameful habits would disappear but clearly it wasn’t the case. I should have flogged you harder that day, if only your naïve mother wouldn’t have come to stop me."
That sentence made me hate that woman a thousand times more but, it also helped me in so many ways. Since the day that my scars were seen, I had been afraid that the scars in my back had been the work of the mother that I so loved in the last few months of her life. My mother hadn’t been the most accepting of me acting in a feminine manner but, she wasn’t violent about it. I remembered stern talks from her, confiscation of some of my toys and the computer incident, but no beatings… From her at least, my stepfather did beat me a few times when mom wasn’t around for long periods of time. He would make sure to not leave any marks that thought I guess my mother wasn’t OK with it.
"Leon? Slap him for me will you, he clearly isn’t listening."
Leon did as he was told without saying even a word to me.
My face hit the backseat and my locket moved. For a few seconds, I saw something that caught my attention in the front of the locket. I looked at it and realized that the eyes of the falcon that was engraved in the heart shaped locket were red. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. I now realized, why I was allowed to always have my locket in me even in the classes that strictly prohibited any kind of jewellery… I smirked… It was my victory… Several cop cars were probably waiting for the right moment to get me out this car and to stop this stupid ride.
"Mom? He is smiling," said Leon in a panicked voice.
"You got rid of his cellphone, yes?"
I couldn’t hear an answer so I imagined that he nodded to that question.
"You also searched him for any kind of technological objects, yes?"
I assumed the same as last time.
"Keep an eye on him will you? See anything suspicious make sure to tell me."
"Yes, mom."
"Had I known that you would be so much trouble, I wouldn’t have bothered trying to hide your mother’s death to your father. I wanted you to grow up to be an acceptable member of society like your grandfather would have wanted yet…" She sighed and then started crying. "Why can’t you be normal Brook? I am trying to save you from an eternity in hell and yet you have to laugh at my face… Can’t you see that everything that I have done the last few years were for you! Father would have loved to see all of his grandchildren grow up to be good people… He always said that, always, always. He was even saying that when he was dying in my hands from that stupid heart attack… Do you understand how much effort I put in making sure that my father’s last wish was properly executed! How much it hurt to hit my children so that they would have acceptable comportments! How many hours studying with them, training them, watching over them, just to make sure that they would be people my dad would have loved… WHY BROOK! Why couldn’t you simply stay like god would have wanted! Why did you have to undermine all if my efforts…"
She started crying as intensely as I did when I tried to accept myself. I didn’t feel empathy, just pity… Some part of me could partially understand where she was coming from but that part was so miniscule it could as well not exist. That woman was vile and she had turned her sons and my other cousins in people who were as vile as her… I truly hated her.
Suddenly, I heard police sirens and I felt the car accelerate.
"How did you do it? How the hell did you do it, huh?! Leon, hit him good! Make him talk."
I waited for the hit to come, but something way more violent happened. I felt the car come suddenly to a complete stop and everything faded to black.
When I came back to myself, I could hear someone crying … someone that I hadn’t seen in months and that wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near here… I very carefully moved my arms that were hurting like hell and I got rid of the blindfold. I saw my dad standing near some EMTs or paramedics… I wasn’t that sure anyway… Seeing my dad there I was sure that I had been seriously knocked out. I blacked out again…
I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room. Around me, I could see Alexandrine, Allison, Chanel, Colette and Mackenzie sleeping in a corner of the room. I could also see a male teen that looked a lot like my father (my best guess was that he was my brother John) and a woman that looked very similar to the twins sleeping in the other side of the room.
"Sorry Brooke."
I was startled and then I looked at my right side to see my dad sitting on a char teary eyed.
"I’m so sorry for everything that happened all of this is my fault."
I didn’t say anything… I wanted to know what he was going to say after that…
"I shouldn’t have gone with this stupid plan to get you to be your true self…"
I smiled… I smiled when I realised what he was about to tell me…I know I shouldn’t have seeing how I had almost died earlier (that day?) but, how the hell couldn’t I smile at hearing that my father wasn’t a total asshole… just a reckless one… a reckless asshole that with his reckless plan had probably made me transition years earlier that I would have without him… I had spent the last few weeks hating him, yet now I couldn’t seeing as it would have been hypocritical of me…
"Dad, you are forgiven…"
He was still sobbing. "But..."
"This wasn’t planned... was it?"
"No, of course not! How could I send one of my kids to the hospital?"
"Then everything is right…"
"Did you know?"
"I suspected something at the beginning but then I just started thinking of you as an asshole and I started to thinking that maybe all of this was a coincidence."
"The whole asshole thing was part of the plan. If you thought I was a total ass, you wouldn’t suspect this to have been planned."
"The girls were on it, right?"
"Yes, of course I told the two youngest to keep an eye on you and I then told the twins and Chanel to keep them in check. Were they good to you?"
"They are the best sisters a girl could have. The luggage disappearing on my first day was that Allison?"
"Yes, we also paid the bus driver to not tell you anything and Mackenzie was seeing your girlfriend psychologist mom to make sure that we weren't making a mistake with this whole thing."
"Question. How would you have put in a situation where I was forced to change clothes if it hadn’t rained?"
"Allison would have been drinking something and then would have slipped spilling the liquid on you."
I smiled again.
"You are quite clever dad."
"So, are you kiddo. The girls told me about all the plans that created in the last few weeks; I can see how we are related."
We both laughed.
"How did you know about me? I was far from having figured it out myself."
"Your mother sent me a letter a few months before her death saying that you were trans and that although she couldn’t bring herself to raise you as a girl she didn’t see anything wrong with me doing it. I waited for news about her but for some unknown reason I only learned that she died two years after the fact."
"Aunt Abigail said something about that..."
Dad got visibly angry.
"I wish I had pressed charges the moment you talked about it with the girls; I shouldn’t have asked my lawyers to wait before you were O.K with it."
"Where is she now?"
"Dead. Abigail and Leon weren’t wearing their seat belt so they were launched in the air when their car crashed. When I learned that they had crashed into a tree I was so afraid that you were dead too." He sobbed.
"Two last questions, dad I am getting tired… How the hell did you manage to put sign me up to an all girl’s school and how the hell did you manage to put a tracker in such a small locket?"
He smiled.
"Money and connections, Brooke, you are inheriting both, but for now go to sleep princess. Goodnight princess…" He said kissing me on my forehead.
"Goodnight dad."
I only ended up staying a few days in the hospital and when I went back to school I learned that I wasn’t going back to the dorms. I was afraid that dad had judged the school to be dangerous and decided to put in another school but Allison and Mackenzie ended up telling me that the Falconer mansion was actually in the woods near the school and that them staying at the dorms was just part of the plan. I was happy about that because I couldn’t imagine being far away from Adele, Beatricia and Maud. I also couldn’t imagine being far away from Temperance and her very entertaining moms.
Temperance? Well, Temperance ended up being O.K the man not having being able to find her grandparents because they had died the year before.
Brittany and Kendra? Well, they were promptly expelled after being brought back to the academy.
The security guard managed to escape but the police are tracking him and I am sure they are going to find him one day.
Me? Well, I started HRT and I am becoming more beautiful every passing day, same thing for my girlfriend. I am also enjoying having very good friends and a pretty cool family. I would have never imagined myself saying this on my first day at school but, this is quite an enjoyable (not so) accidental new life.
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the end...
Fitting ending, it was both sweet and head slapping. Little things that we questioned and little clues that you dropped now make sense.
Congratulations and hopefully this is the first of many interesting series by you.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
nice ending. so glad this worked out for the best.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
glad she's safe, and dad wasnt a jerk
nice ending
No, dad was most definitely a jerk. Just a different kind of jerk than she was being led to believe. Tricking his daughter into transitioning like that... Very jerk thing to do. Nice thought behind it though.
Abigail Drew.
Lots of twists and turns
Lots of twists and turns coming at the ending, and thankfully for our heroine it all came out for the good for her.
Brittany and Kendra?
Great story. One question though. Why were Brittany and Kendra expelled? I don't think you gave a clear reason.
They were expelled for trying to bully Brooke.
Summed up nicely
I wish Dad WOULD have pressed charges then she would be in Jail & Brooke never would have wound up in the hospital from the accident that her Auint had tring to excape the police. As for her cousin he WAS a no good lying sack of scum so yeah him being gone is no great loss sorry to say. As for the rest well dad did have an elaborate plan in place to make sure Brook became Brooke his newest daughter. We will need maybe a solo follow up for AFTER school, not to mention college & life after college.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Pressing Charges
Sounds like a good idea, but could Brooke have coped with the resulting media circus?
And would Brooke have wanted too, because Temperance would have been dragged in.
Leon, he had lots of issues, foremost was he had been raised by Brooke's aunt, think about how members of cults are said to act, I'm not saying he wasn't responsible for his actions!
Thank-you for a good read
Thank-you for a good read that you never quite knew how it would end.
Best wishes
I see most people were happy with the ending. I wish I could say the same.
I felt like it was a deus ex machina ending. The story had real promise and I was hoping for a satisfying conclusion, but instead it seemed like everything up to now was revealed as a lie. Moreover, if I were in the protagonist's position, I would not feel grateful or happy. I would feel used and angry and would have a hard time trusting any of the people who were (supposedly) my family.
I hope this doesn't violate Erin's "keep it friendly" rule. Like I said, I liked the story and was eagerly awaiting each new chapter -- until about the middle of the previous one. I just wish the author had come up with an ending that (as I see it) fit better into the world the rest of the story had constructed.
Constructive criticism
Even if you didn't like the ending, I'm quite happy that you liked the rest of the story and that you also posted this comment. This is my first story and I wanted to end it while many people were still reading it. I will admit that I rushed the ending a little bit, because I didn't want to strech the story more than I already had and because I could see that in general less people were interested in the story than before.
Thanks for the comment.
Follow your muse
For what my opinion is worth:
It's better to follow where you think the story should go than to worry about what your readers (which means the readers who comment) think you should do, or, worse yet, worry about what will be popular. Whatever flaws your story may have, they will only be made worse if you let your readers' judgement substitute for your own. (This doesn't mean you won't occasionally see comments which make you say, yeah, you're right, I really should do it that way.) I've occasionally made the mistake of adjusting how I write or how I present a story to fit what I think the readers want, and it turned out to not actually make anyone happy, least of all myself.
Also keep in mind that the comments are usually not representative of most readers, and how many kudos a story or an installment of a story gets depends more upon the phase of the moon than the quality of the work. Write to satisfy yourself, and the readers you want will come. They may never comment, though.
As for this story: yes, I had the feeling you were trying to cut the story short, and in the process short-changed yourself. I don't know how your writing process goes, but I find that what in the end feels right is rather different from what I thought it was going to be before I started writing.
Finally, I have seldom seen people complain that a story is too long or that it's gone on beyond its natural end. Case in point: Easy as Falling Off a Bike. I think whenever Angharad dies, they're going to have to put a laptop in her coffin because people will still be crying for more episodes after she's planted.
Beautiful and a very happy ending. I love it. :)
I enjoyed the story a lot
I thught the ending was rushed but I can accept that. It was a good ending. I am not sure what the aunt was thinking. Surelly she would be the first person authorities would look for when Brook vanished. She was going to be the top suspect.
My only confusion is Leon. He seemed very reasonable when it all began. He accepted Brook and seemed okay with it all. He wouldn't stand up to his aunt but that can be understood. But he goes from that to conspiring with her and being active in her plot, and violent toward Brook. Thats sad. I was hoping he would finally stand up for Brook and save her himself.
I was hoping they would all surive and face prison
I'm glad to see a happy
I'm glad to see a happy ending.
Thanks for the tale, and I hope all your characters have a nice future.
Nice story
While the last chapter seem rushed, it helped fill in the blanks about the entire story.
Why Brooke was sent to a girls school, who made it happen, who all were involved, and who was against it.
According to the last chapter, Brooke wanted to become Brooke before coming to the school. But even when the opportunity presented itself, to be the girl he wanted, among other girls, he was extremely apprehensive least he be outed. Fortunately he had unknown help from some of the girls. And a couple of in house parents.
While I don't particularly agree with dads' method, I agree that his heart was in the right place. To allow his son to become the person he needed to become, even though it was wrought with apprehensions.
The Aunt had fallen off the rails long before Brooke was born, her dad, Brooke's grandfather, saw to that. He probably treated her as she treated Brooke, and was going to once again.
More than likely she responded to her father the way Leon was responding to her, which showed neither were allowed independent thought, that her father told her what to think, and she told Leon what to think.
The Aunts' father gave her a perverted view of society, and who was accepted and who wasn't. She in turn passed that to Leon and tried the same with Brooke before the school. With Brooke's current mind set, had she been able to returned to her house with him, he was going to have a very short life. She would have beaten him to death to save his soul instead of allowing him to fall into hell. Wonder what physical scars both the Aunt and Leon possessed?
Brooke had several wishes granted at the same time. The wicked witch and her monkey are dead. Her dad came to her when she needed him. He became the girl he needed to become. And she made supporting friends. A very nice ending to a very nice story.
Others have feelings too.