
Witching Hour, Part 1


Witching Hour
Part One: The Change
by Roberta J. Cabot

I wasn't a fan of the show. Even though I knew what I knew. Now, I don't know. My sister was. But she's gone now. Has been for a while. I miss Kaye. Sometimes I miss her more than usual. Sometimes less. But I miss her.

Short Chapters: 20. Getting There

In this whole adventure I was never so conscious of looking girly as at this moment. Maybe it was because we were standing in near darkness on the shoulder of a busy highway, and I could see my little twill skirt flutter in the wake from the passing cars. Maybe the fact that my uncle, who was only slightly taller than me, was on his knees before me, and for once, now that I was looking down into someone's face, I felt a stab of pity mixed with the joy of feeling (for once!) taller.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Prudence House

Prudence House
by Jennifer Brock

A group of college students are fascinated by the creepy old house down the block. Would it be wise to try to make some money off its reputation? Come along for a sexy tale of tricks, treats, costumes, ghosts and witches.

Halloween Moon



"That is strange," I said aloud before touching the first letter with my forefinger.

I immediately felt a pleasant tingle along my arm and into my body. Under some strange compulsion, I slowly traced each of the throbbing letters of the word.

As I finally reached the last part of the letter 'E' the tingling stopped and I felt a little faint.

Halloween Moon

by Alys

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Before we start, there are 2 things I'd like to say. 1)Stories of my demise are grossly exagerated. 2) If you are not supposed to be reading this story,(you know whou you are) then please turn of your computer and go tell your parents that you were a bad boy/girl...... Now, GET ON WITH IT!!!!

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Written by Toni Trepasso

Letters from Sky - Part 9

"...maybe you think I'm totally weird but, Mars; they feel good, and they are, and I've never gotten to before, ... they are just real important. I mean there are so many things to wear now...."

Letters from Sky

By Jan S

Part 9

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Halloween 2000

"We love you and if this is part of you, then we have to accept it. We don’t necessarily approve of it, but you are our friend/brother/son and we will always care." This, to me, was a revelation and, to not have to hide anymore was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Halloween 2000

By Catherine Linda Michel

Ready? Okay!

Ready? Okay!
by Jennifer Brock

Craig was a humble accountant who mainly kept to himself, until the office Halloween party gave him something to cheer about. Will this journey of self-discovery lead Cathi down the road to love?

Short Chapters: 2. Halloween Wrapped Up In A Secret

"Cool," Louis said. "You know, Chapters, sometimes I think my mother likes you better than she does me."

"Really?" I said, and slid my heavy history book into my lap.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 1. No One Will Ever Know

Mom bit her tongue, and said calmly, "Victor, listen to me. If you put on a boy's costume, one of your friends might notice you. But if you dress like a girl, they never will. Think about it."

"But do I have to dress like a little girl?" I asked.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

The Magic Swing Set - Part 1

What would happen if you swung all the way over a swing set? Would the world change? Would you? In this story, two friends experience what happens when you take a trip over the Magic Swing Set.

The Magic Swing Set
Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown



by shalimar

“What are you going to wear to the Halloween party, Stephie?” Shelly asked one of her thirteen-year-old twins.

“I don’t think I’m going to the party,” the teen replied. “I don’t ever win the best costume.”

“You are going,” Shelly replied. “You will have a good time even if you don’t win.”

“But, ma!”

A Small Matter of Equity

This one was written for a contest with a word limit. I'm posting it here the way I submitted it. Happy Halloween everyone! Go Trick or Treat, go to a costume party, and have fun on the day.

A Small Matter of Equity


Maggie Finson

Anton Burgess carefully examined the ornate gold ring in

Computer Magic


Computer Magic

Unrequited love is something we’ve all had to deal with at some point in our lives. Did you ever wish things could be different? Kelvin did. Can you say “oops!”?

By Karen J. Taylor
Copyright 2007

A Year In My Life (Part I - 3)

This is the story of a year in my life. Well, maybe a little more than a year. It takes in from the middle of my junior year in high school, until the end of my senior year. It’s the story of my meeting the love of my life, Katie. And, what kind of trouble my brother got me into at the spring dance. Katie’s the love of my life, and we’ve learned a lot of things together. But, she had some ideas about Halloween that I wasn’t sure about. Then, Gwen go to the mall? Ah, I don’t know.

Halloween Trilogy of Transformation

Halloween Trilogy of Transformation
Julie O

Edited by Amelia R.


Note: This story was originally submitted to Sapphire's Halloween story contest in late September 2006. It still has not been posted at Sapphire's.

First Place Bride

First Place Bride

By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne

Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet!


Studying for my GSC


Jamie is just your average kid about to start at Pepper Creek Junior High. This, however is a world where gender is taught in school, and junior high is definitely differant to what you're used to...


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