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The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 2

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 13

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 13

After about fifteen minutes, my dad started to regain consciousness.

“I feel strange. What did you do to me Michelle?”

“I just gave you a taste of your own medicine, Dad or should I say Mom?”

My dad got up and walked over to a mirror and gave out a piercing scream.

“Michelle, let me see what you injected me with.”

I handed my dad the bottle.

“Oh my God, that is my original DNA. You have given me back the body I had 20 years ago.”

Hillbilly Girl

Mark, a loner who grew up in a small Kentucky town, has always been a lonely and tragic figure. When his mother passes away it marks the end of his former life and forces him to rebuild as he moves away to attend college. Helped by Todd, his only friend, Mark finds himself anew but struggles to find happiness as Megan, his alter ego, insists on a place for herself.

My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

FTL-11...Faster Than Life.

FTL-11…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 11

I sit back in the seat and I stare at the thing well…the ship that’s waiting for us as it comes into view.

I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not an expert but there are a whole range of things that are very similar about all starships.

This was sleek.

Now most people don’t do bother with sleek designs not for starcraft. There is usually anti-gravity gear in place and while there’s some streamlining it’s usually about function than being something pretty.

Star yachts the rich owned things are pretty.

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 37

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 37
by Barbara Lynn Terry

(Author's Note: There are 123 presents to open at the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls, and I will not go through all 21 girls opening their presents. You have to read and digest this chapter to understand why there are so many presents for only 21 girls. Barbara Lynn Terry)

Chapter 1 - The girls continue opening their presents.

"This next present is for Susan Connor." Joy handed Susan her present.

The Purge

The small plastic yellow container with its childproof white top sailed through the air. It was a pill bottle and if you looked hard enough you could make out premarin 1.25mg with the dosage label stating take one pill 3 times daily.

The pill bottle hit the lilac colored wall of the kitchen followed soon after by two more small bottles in a wide pattern no where near the trash container. The person that threw them having never been a athletic person had a really bad aim.

How It Was - Part 2

Continuing the writings of experiences in the life of a young TS, in the years before the personal computer, internet, cellphones, camcorders, VCR, DVD, etc. etc. etc.

WARNING - There is a fist-fight at the bus stop. It really is not much of a fight and no one is injured but if you are very sensitive to physical violence, you might want to skip it. If you want to read up to that point, stop at "August 1968". Also, the words "queer" and "homo" are used, because they were the words used at that time.

Jem...Chapter 34

Jem…Chapter 34

Chapter 34

It feels really good to have Raven leaning into me against my back as she holds me while we finish the dishes I just get done washing the sink out when she turns me around and she tenderly kisses me and stares at me.

“You look really nice.”

“You already said that.”

“Well it bears repeating.”

“Thank you. I think that I have a really sweet girlfriend.”

“Say that again.”


Taylor's Modern Life Part 6

Michelle walked Taylor and the girls to the music store, pulling out Taylors iPod and getting it ready for her, then handing it over. “You know what we forgot to do Sweet Pea? I forgot to buy a wireless router for the new house, and order internet.” Michelle giggled.

“Oh yeah! The realtor lady said it was already wired for high speed. I guess that means we just have to get it turned on huh?” she giggled. “This is so cool!”

Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 1


~* Take it Easy *~

Chelsea grinned as she hugged me. “Hey you!”

Brittany smiled and hugged me next. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, huh? We heard you were in the hospital. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but getting better. I um... I had surgery to correct my birth defect,” I answered, blushing softly.

“Oh wow,” Chelsea answered. “So does this mean no more hiding in the coaches’ office?”

The Ken & Barbie Virus

Ken & Barbie Virus

The world is fine. The world is perfect, thanks to perfected biotechnology, genetic engineering and the like. Pollution is a thing of the past genetically engineered microbes dissolve waste and convert it into usable fuel products. The oceans are pure of toxic waste once more. Even the greenhouse gasses are being reduced.

Humanity no longer suffers from diseases, cancers or the like. The world is perfect — except when it is not.

I am about to become one of the unlucky not.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 11

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 11

I made it back to my room with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was glad that I was going to have the body I always wanted, but at the same time, I was wondering why did my father want it permanent for me? Was it out of love for me, that he wanted what was best for me or was it just another way for him to control me? I did hope it was more out of the first but feared that it was more from the latter.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 11

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 11
By Julie D Cole

I turned onto my side and pulled the duvet high over my shoulder. Jac’s leaned over me and turned off the light at the side of the bed and laid back. She didn’t pressurise me at all and instead she puffed up her pillows to make herself more comfortable.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-7

My Super Secret Life…Villain 7

Chapter 7

I wake up and smile last night went good and inside I turned a corner in my head. I went to the free clinic and I seduced the street doc I’ve been working with. I’m really new to this sex stuff and yet I’m sure he was pretty good.


I’m getting the big deal some people have about their first. Jeff’s a really decent person and yeah it’s sentimental as fuck but there’s no one that can take that away from me.

Odyssey III Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Larry was all smiles when he, Rachel and Tony picked up Krista for church. “Kylie was released from the hospital this morning. She says she’s doing well, still a little tender, but doing a lot better. While she really wants to come home, she’s looking forward to at least getting out and seeing some of the local sites.”

“That sounds great,” Krista enthused. “I really miss her and I know you really do. Just a few more weeks and she’ll be coming home.”

Blind Date 2

2012 copy write post on free sites only personal use is granted just give me credit for trying to write it . sorry about the punctuations !


Blind date 2

As the door closed behind me I turned and looked at Dani. "You had this planed from the start didn't you "!

With a slight soft chuckle a confident "yes "was her reply .

"So whats in store for me on this blind date? " I asked looking at Dani with a slight grin .

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 36

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 36
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Janice sees her new home.

Tommy drove in the drive way of Shaiya and Janice' new home. They all got out of the car, and Shaiya unlocked the door. There was a small vestibule just inside the door, for hanging coats and putting their boots. After setting their boots under their coats, they went inside the inner door. There was a nice sized foyer that was the size of most living rooms you would find in an apartment in most cities.

The lesson

I was reading another story of "petticoat punishment in girls school" When my muse decided that this should be part of the story. Oh well what can you do?

The young girl stomped down the hallway her black Mary Janes making an unusual clacking sound as she was visiably upset. She turned eventually into a dorm room and closed the door making sure it was as secured as possible via a screw trick she had learned in another life.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-6.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 6.

Chapter 6

I get my things and head inside the house and put them away. The few groceries first then to my/Darcy’s room with my clothes and I start putting things away and trying to organize things into outfits, interconnected outfits and I turn on some tunes and try stuff out as I go checking myself out in the mirror and it’s so much more than just a girl playing dress up it’s me actually seeing and learning without people around to see me screw up with something kind of ugly looking.

What a good boy...Chapter 3

What a good boy...Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Fucking assholes.

Or really kind of rather bitches and assholes because I’m not really all that sure that the guys that are doing this have the balls to go and buy all of these feminine hygiene products landing all over the floor from me opening my locker.

the cross-world sword part 1 edited

My name is John phoenix im 23 and right out of college and had few friends. Then I got a job working at an archaeological dig site in ancient sparta. I was there several months, working in a area deep with in the castle surveying the last spot in my area.

I found a hidden switch behind an old statue that looked like ares god of war. So out of wonder I reached in to the statue and hit the switch that's when I heard a hiss like an ancient sealed room was opening.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 10

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 10

Upon entering the classroom I noticed besides the instructor I was the only other person there. Guess there are not too many women in my father's kingdom. No surprise there. We need to get my father into the new millennium.

The instructor introduced herself as Penny Brown and begin her lecture. I could see that I was not the only one who did not like this topic. I could tell her heart was not in it.

Jessica's Journey - Part 10


Jessica’s Journey

 Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

 By, Cain129

Part 10

Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.


Synopsis:   After spending the weekend with Scotty and her friends, Jessica returns home and gets ready to return to school and start living a normal life. A lot has happened but she feels ready to finally face the world and whatever life decides to throw at her.


How It Was - Part 1

There are so many really talented writers here on BCST, and I'm definitely not one of them. This is just something that has been rattling around in my brain for the last few days and if there really are Muses, mine has been bugging me to write this. I argued, "I'm a musician dammit, not a writer!" The Muse said, "Do it anyway". I came back with, "If I can't do something well, I'd rather not do it!" She countered with, "Don't be so friggin' arrogant. You'll never write like many of them at BCST, that's for sure, but do it anyway!" So then I said, "Yes Ma'am!"

First off, some will say, "you start out at 5 years old, how could a 5 year old write this?" Consider it a peek into the child's brain, not as something actually written by the 5 year old, k? Please? :) If anyone reads this and it doesn't bore them to tears, I'll post the rest of it.

Somewhere Else Entirely -51-

Garia's last major confrontation looms... and she heads out with the King to try and knock some sense into the Society of Questors. Of course, Garia has an idea, but can she quell the mob long enough for her plan to be heard?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

51 - Cauldron

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *18* Din Dins


Chapter *8.18*

Din Dins

Of course we weren't the only people in the room, my um 'guardians' seemed to know the mixed group of family and friends in residence, introducing me to various people that live in a world so far removed from mine that I doubt they've ever shopped in Aldi.


"Oh er sorry Frau Strechau, just admiring the paintings."

The First Queen in the Village 10

The First Queen in the Village 10

by WannabeGinger

Andy and Christine spent the evening before their ‘day of research’ just relaxing in the glow of an early evening bout of love-making. Andy remained in his Astrid mode. Christine relapsed into her married-woman-with-CD-husband mode.

Cider Without Roses 48

I stood in the sunflower house, watching the dust dancing in rays of light that shone through the new windows. In just a short time, the damage done that night was vanishing into the house’s history. My neighbours, perhaps shamed by the way they had hidden from the mob, had helped in small ways, and the money that the Blanchards and others had been directed to pay me as compensation had done the rest. Maggie was sitting in my kitchen, her son at her breast, and Matty and Elle were to join us with their small package later that day for a meal in the Spring sun in my garden.


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