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The 'Spelling' Mistake, Chapter 1


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NB Although all of the great houses and historical figures are real, current period characters are purely from my imagination and have no link with anyone living or dead.

Chapter 1 - The Fish-kisser of Coggeshall

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This story is 35 words long.

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch - Ch. 3


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Sugar Pie Honey Bunch – Chapter 3

How I Spent My Summer Vacation as a Hank’s Honey

By SammyC

Copyright © 2022 SammyC

“Yes, Mom, Shuggie’s right here, sitting next to me. He’s fine.”

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This story is 33 words long.

Reluctant Diva 21


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Reluctant Diva 21
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 21 – A New Perspective
After a few moments the woman’s sobs ceased and we lay still, wrapped around each other. This was exciting, but totally scary! I knew I had somehow to take charge if I was ever going to. “I do want you, Maria, though not in the way you mean” I tried to reassure her. “You can stay here with me tonight. First, let’s get comfortable.”

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This story is 76 words long.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 16 - Charlie's Revenge

Charlie's father is located, but the extreme feminists are after him too.

There is a lot of action and violence in this part.
Notes , In the UK , an allotment is a piece of land divided into sections for people to grow fruit and vegetables. These are usually rented out by a local authorities.

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This story is 53 words long.

Hummingbird 6


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I found my arm moving under its own steam, and it slipped around his waist to return the hug.

“I am so glad. She looks happy, my friend”

“Caroline, I think she is. She was very unhealthy in the hospital, very sick. The surgeon… I nearly had no daughter, so now I must treasure her, treasure each day. Now, I think, with the cold weather here, she should choose a hat, one with many colours. Please, while I see to my girl”

His arm had stayed over my shoulders, and as he pulled away, his other hand squeezed my own as it sat on his waist, and then he pulled away and started the serious business of hat selection. Priorities, indeed. Once we had sorted her headwear, I led them back to the bus station, pointing out the railway station across the road for their future trips to London.

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This story is 149 words long.

SNAFU part 51


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Story Copyright© 2010 & 2021 Angharad

SNAFU part 51

by Angharad

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This story is 8 words long.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 18

Stash House:
“Hello boys, it’s party time.” An evil smile appears on Jester’s face.

She tosses two softball-size balls into the room. They explode, just before hitting the floor showering everyone in a thick cloud of glitter. Jester moves fast through the falling glitter towards the nearest guy.

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This story is 50 words long.

Chapter 13 - The New Normal

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description


When Rich, Heather, and I drove back to the bay area in his car, mine stayed with Jack and Erica after we three had properly 'decorated' it. By then I was feeling a little better about things, but not much. I think I did a pretty good job of keeping the boys blissfully unaware, but not Heather. She knew I was upset, and why, without me saying a word.

That week was hell for me. Once word got around that Jack and Erica had gotten married, I had every single serviceman at that base 'dropping by' the shop to give their condolences on the breakup of our relationship, and not too casually expressing their interest at taking his fictional place in my bed. I managed to duck out of them all that week by saying how I was still kind of heartbroken over the whole thing and just wanted to take time away from dating anyone, but I knew they'd be back.

I never realized before that week just how much Jack had helped my time in the Corps be as enjoyable as it was. After he got married, it was a chore. Just work... and I had eighteen months left in my cruise.

When Jack finally returned the next weekend, I got to hear all the details of their Honeymoon. Romantic evenings, dinners at the lake, feeding ducks at some park, I wanted to puke it was so sweet! I'll admit it. I was bitter. Bitter, jealous, and angry with Jack for taking away my protective cloak. I think that's why he did what he did.

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This story is 278 words long.

My Visit to Victoria’s


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My Visit to Victoria’s

By Jessica C


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This story is 8 words long.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 15



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Equality has finally come to the UQ. Now Peter may get to meet his father.

The next few months we a frenzy of hard work for the new parliament. The first task was to make sure the mistake of the past could never happen again. A law was passed that was enshrined in the new constitution that made it impossible to disenfranchise anyone, no matter gender, race or religion from voting.

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This story is 71 words long.

I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 3

I Was a Vegas Showgirl
Part 3
An original story by Julia Miller

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This story is 12 words long.

Jamie and Lily


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I took a deep breath as I peered out of the window of the car and onto the passing landscape. The hills were covered in snow and the glass was starting to fog from my hot breath. Autumn had come and gone and my older sister Lily some twenty months late had decided to finally take me out to the movies. I'd been in something of a melancholy mood all week. Sulking some would say, pouting others would say. Brooding was another word for it I guess.

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This story is 87 words long.

Hummingbird 5


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The girls were cooing over me when I went back to work, particularly over my tan, or rather the remnants of pink skin where my nose had peeled.

“How far down does the tan go, Caroline?”

“As far as my swimming cossie”

“Ooh! No topless beach, then?”

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This story is 47 words long.

The Joiners pt 11


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The Joiners pt 11.
images (2).jpg

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This story is 5 words long.

The Black Sword. chapter- 3



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The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

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This story is 110 words long.

Speedway Demons -chapter 23



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Speed Demons

Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.

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This story is 141 words long.

The Editor


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The Editor
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

It was my fourth Marion Potter book and at the end I found my eyes full of tears. It was unusual for me because while I can be as emotional as the next man, I was editing. I was looking for spelling and grammar and inconsistencies. When you are doing that, it is usually hard to get caught up in the story. It should be just words. But they were words that I did not realize had caught me in their web and were now winding me up in silk.

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This story is 98 words long.

Carla and Angela Part 1

**Warning, Erotic Sexual Scenes**

Carla stands in front of the full-length mirror in her and Angela’s bedroom. She couldn’t believe how her body had reacted to the blue pills she heard about and took. Her face had softened up and looked more feminine. Her features hadn’t changed much and anyone that knew her would still recognize her. However, she did shrink in height and her hair and eye color had changed.

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This story is 74 words long.

Girlfoe Chapter 3



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Wake Up

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This story is 2 words long.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 14

The election is looming. Will the men finally be free of feminist oppression or will the dark days’ return?

In the last week leading up to the election, the UFP ran adverts saying that the space ships that landed in London were fakes. They were all part of the propaganda trying to trick women into giving up their rights over men.

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This story is 61 words long.

The Best Advice



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A trans escort meets someone from the past.

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This story is 8 words long.

Pete's Vagina -8- Pep Rally

We had to find out sometime....

Pete's Vagina
8. Pep Rally
by Erin Halfelven

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This story is 13 words long.

The Crying Game


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I’ve only ever had one friend; a woman twenty-odd years older than myself who definitely was a woman who appreciated a little male company from time to time, even overnight occasionally.

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This story is 32 words long.

Just Friends


Just Friends
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

Alex should probably get a haircut

This has a different Tony. This story was actually started back in October but it wasn't finished. -- Ed

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This story is 33 words long.

Hummingbird 4


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“Yes, Nicole?”

“The children have gone for more drinks. How do you feel?”

“Shattered! Er, very tired”

“He is a handsome man, no?”

“Um, I suppose so, yes”

“Please be careful. This meal tonight, it was a generous thing, but do not dream too much. He has the puces, the cards for the pictures. Take time before another meeting, yes?”

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This story is 61 words long.

The Superiority of Girls


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Greg’s recognition of the innate superiority of girls is the key that brings him emotionally close to his mom and sister and opens up the door to romance.

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This story is 29 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3320


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The Weekly Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3320
by Angharad

Copyright© 2021 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Chapter 12 - Big Things Come in Small Buildings

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description


They buried Mary in the plot next to his father Danny there in Pittsburgh the following Saturday. It was just the two of them and Erica's father Frank there to say goodbye. They flew back the next day and Jack went to work on his big plan.

Jack told me about his plan for the weekend of March twenty-third, ninety-six. He'd thought of everything, but needed Heather and me to help pull it off. So we spent four weeks between Jack burying his mom and the weekend of the twenty-third plotting, scheming, and basically having a blast planning the surprise of a lifetime for both Erica and Richard. Rich almost caught us once. He walked into the shop while I had stuff out he shouldn't see, but he could be a bit oblivious at times. He never had a clue!

Rich once told me that he thought Jack didn't know how to plan ahead... that he seemed incapable of thinking more than five minutes into the future. He thought Jack was wasting his time and opportunities by not going to college on the government dime. We'd earned it, so why not take advantage? The truth is Jack did have a plan for what he wanted to do, he just had different priorities than Rich. He thought love and happiness, even in total poverty, were better than living in the lap of luxury...

...but Jack did know how to plan.

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This story is 250 words long.

Big Rock Candy Mountain Detour -1- Stealing Cigars


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Big Rock Candy Mountain Detour
1. Stealing Cigars
by Joyce Melton

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This story is 10 words long.

I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 2

I Was a Vegas Showgirl
Part 2
An original story by Julia Miller

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This story is 12 words long.

Life Goes On Chp. 9

Artemis 2.jpg

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I write sins . . .


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I Write Sins . . .

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This story is 3 words long.

Didi Starts School

Didi Starts School

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Gaby Book 23 ~ Ontario ~ Chapter *40*


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Book 23 full cover.JPG


*Chapter 40*
No Holds Bard in Stratford

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This story is 6 words long.

A New Style of Education - Part 68


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A New Style of Education

by Karen Page

Part 68

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This story is 9 words long.

The Reality of Existence



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The reality of existence
By Erin Amelia Fletcher

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This story is 8 words long.

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch - Ch. 2


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Sugar Pie Honey Bunch – Chapter 2

How I Spent My Summer Vacation as a Hank’s Honey

By SammyC

Copyright © 2021 SammyC

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This story is 20 words long.

Diddle diddle dumpling


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Just an amusing conceit

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This story is 4 words long.

Reluctant Diva 20


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Reluctant Diva 20
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 20 – Coming of age

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This story is 10 words long.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 25/27

Lillyn is racing back to the Pyramids Of Kentoshan.
Thoroughly annoyed by the enforced detour.
But when her goal is already in sight, an unexpected call rattles her world yet again.

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This story is 31 words long.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 17

Los Zetas leader’s Mansion, Colombia, South America
Osiel Quintero was asleep in his huge bed with several naked women. One of the women sleeping with him was a blonde-haired woman that looked like she had been beaten and was drooling from the drugs he gave her.

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This story is 47 words long.



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My parents are Jewelers. Dad is a wholesaler, while Mom has a Jewelry store that's been in her family for ages. That being said, we are fairly well off, and I guess Mom and Dad were feeling a bit eccentric when naming us.

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This story is 43 words long.

Mare's Tales 24


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This story goes back decades but I feel I need to tidy up some of my contributions and give them finality before, well;

I'll be daily adding the final chapters until it's all posted. Basically the story centres on centaurs but it moves very slowly.

I must re-emphasise the caution about explicit content. This story first germinated in my sad little 'twenty-year-old' mind over fifty years ago when my gender appreciation, sexuality, morality and deviancy was truly all over the place. It might give some of the more academically and medically interested students some insight into how far I was down the road to total amorality. I make no apologies for what went before but it demonstrates how much I have climbed out of that awful pit.

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This story is 128 words long.

So near yet so far

My small workshop was quiet for once. I’d just finished a large job and was cleaning up when I noticed someone standing in the doorway.

I looked up and saw silhouetted against the later afternoon sun, a very shapely young woman. As I looked at her, she flicked her long hair. For half a second, I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack.

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This story is 67 words long.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.40



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Chapter 45

That first fuck set the tone for the remainder of Marcy’s evening. Marcy mainly stayed out of sight until she was too horny at which point she deliberately moved in John’s field of vision to tease him to an erection. She knew it was wrong, she knew she should do as little as possible for this slob, but she just couldn’t help it, that plug got her so very horny and she knew her Master’s cock was her only relief.

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This story is 85 words long.

I was a Vegas Showgirl

I Was a Vegas Showgirl
Part 1
An original story by Julia Miller

A high-flying divorce lawyer is brought to his knees by a Casino owner and is contracted to become a Vegas Showgirl...

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This story is 33 words long.

Dragon's Mark ~ Chapter 5



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" An uncontrolled red magic release like you were headed toward would make a nuclear explosion, like Ginger was comparing this to, look like a firecracker—especially with your war magic core."



Dragon's Mark

By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Edited by Angela Rasch.)

Chapter Five


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This story is 54 words long.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 25


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Michelle took a while to heal. She spent the first two weeks at home with Suzi looking after her. Suzi and Angus were sharing Sam’s old room. They were becoming very close now. Michelle wondered if they would end up married.

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This story is 42 words long.

Chapter 11 - The Impatience and Patience of Love

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Sex / Sexual Scenes
CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content


Erica once told me that the night she and Jack talked upstairs was one of the most romantic experiences of her life. Sounds great when you say it, but if you think about it you come to realize that the logical corollary to that is that it must have been all worse after that! Luckily for her, Jack was only getting started. Besides, Erica had a tendency to exaggerate!

Jack told me that they talked, cried, kissed a few times, and professed their love for one another. That and a bunch of stuff about living in contentment with pain and such. Blah, blah, blah. Richard was a wreck. He hid it well, but I knew him better than anyone except Jack, even better than Heather. He was torn between wanting to see Jack happy against his protectiveness of Erica. I guess that means protecting her from ever growing up, having fun, sex, a marriage, children... etc. Men are idiots!

The rest of New Years morning was uneventful, unless of course you count Jack's proposal to Erica, but then I'm pretty sure they both knew it was only Jack being Jack. I told you that story already, though. The next few weeks were hard on them. Jack had no Liberty and Erica was swamped with school. Richard and Heather had gotten to the 'comfortable' part of being a couple, so they were used to the separation. Plus, they were sleeping together, which took off a lot of the tension. Jack and Erica... well... Erica told me what they weren't doing.

It got difficult for them to go slowly after only six weeks. Their needs pushed them father and faster than they'd planned to go, but sometimes you realize you gotta to take hold of life fast, and live it while you still have the chance.

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This story is 325 words long.

Wannabe Part 2

Emma Bunton.jpg

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