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(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju |
Riding Race through his portal this time is very different than when we transported to Idaho. First, he's so much more powerful in his full-blooded form than he was back then, and that means we're through the portal in the blink of an eye versus the seeming minutes of the last trip. Second … this time, he's carrying the pack with him, including Vick. And it's as if he's only added a pound of feathers to his back … he barely seems to notice them.
Compared to mine, the experience for the pack is an entirely different matter, however. I smile to myself. They may be terrified, but this is becoming old hat to me.
We're over California and not far from our destination. Race is circling in a slow descent. It's about to get real.
I take a calming breath and sit back to take inventory of my faculties. I run my left hand over my right arm and feel the invisible, smooth scales covering it, and revel in the knowledge that I'm protected by my invisible armor. I mentally reach out to my ring and sense that it's fully charged and brimming with energy ready for me to tap into. My dragon on my back is very restless … but ready. My connection to Sis is wide open and her white magic is flowing into me … at the same rate as my red magic is flowing into her … blending somewhere in the middle and creating a powerful pink mixture. I can feel Race's anger at the situation through our bond. And … I feel a sense of … calm being pushed into me from Var'Leth.
I suppress a groan. I'm as ready as I can be for this … whatever "this" is. I let out a sigh and shake my head. But I feel like such a patchwork of things that I'm afraid pulling one thread will unravel the whole quilt of my being.
I don't have much time to dwell on my thoughts as Race folds up his wings after he silently glides to a landing in a large dirt field. It looks like it's maybe an old vineyard … from back in the days before the searing hot and bone-dry climate burned most of the plant life around. Now there are only the vine supports left, surrounded by crack-riddled arid and dusty soil … well, what the scorching winds have not eroded away.
The pack climbs down from Race's back – all four of them looking a little green from the portalling.
I smirk but hold my tongue. Not long ago, I would have looked just like them. I nimbly hop down and stretch.
Race changes back into his human form. "I didn't want to fly directly to the site and create even more havoc." He frowns in concentration and another portal opens up. " It will be best if everyone holds hands and steps in with me. I can't guarantee that you will come out in the correct spot, if you don't!"
Sis shakes her head and still looks like she's going to throw up. "You mean we have to do that again? Really? Can't we just get an Uber, or something?"
Race frowns deeper. "If you don't mind, this takes a fair amount of effort to maintain. We still have about a hundred miles to portal."
I grab Sis' hand with my right hand and then Josie's with my other.
Sis shakes her head again and grabs Ginger's hand.
Josie grabs Vick's.
Then Vick and Ginger complete the circle with Race, and we all step into the vortex. We exit outside a mall a heartbeat later. There are scores of police cars with their lights flashing, surrounding the mall and setting up a perimeter. Total chaos is reigning with people frantically running around everywhere, screaming at the tops of their lungs. The police don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting this under control.
My training with Master Yoshi kicks in and I just take control. I look at Race. "We need to get inside and see what's going on." I turn my focus on the pack. "Sis, you and the pack need to do reconnaissance and set up our own perimeter, since you can all communicate with each other. Race can portal you in, if we need you. Just let me know through our link if you need us."
No one argues, which kind of surprises me. What surprises me even more is that I took control, in the first place!
The pack runs off in their human forms to see what they can discern about the situation from the outside.
Race silently creates a portal. OK, Princess. Brace yourself and let's see what the damage is.
I take his hand and we step into the portal … and out to absolute carnage.
Malls have made a comeback from the days when they were almost wiped out by the shipping giants, which was honestly before my time. But people finally figured out that they wanted to actually experience things before they bought them – especially after the shipping giants cracked down on free returns and started charging restocking fees because of backlash on so much merchandise being senselessly thrown away after it was returned. Now, malls stock just enough merchandise to let people handle and test the merchandise before ordering it for home delivery, which is still usually same-day. They are basically just elaborate showrooms with no actual stock and take up less real estate than in the old days, but they are usually packed. And this one is no exception ….
The layout of this mall is a central court and about a hundred small shops spread out over five stories radiating out from the court. We are on the ground floor and there must be several hundred people inside the mall on this floor alone – a large number of whom are pressed up against the exit doors that inexplicably won't open. There are dozens of bloody bodies strewn around on the floor and the smell of fear is pungent even to my nose. And then I see them … about a dozen Velociraptors. Half are observing the group of people trying to escape and the other half is looking up at the other floors.
I reach out and sense a weak shield holding the doors closed. It's just strong enough to keep the people from escaping. My dragon stirs on my back and, without thinking, I pull on my magic and place a red shield over the people at the exit. Then I send a tremor at the group of raptors to disorient them. Finally, I send another tremor at the doors, and the whole wall explodes outward, letting the people storm out. I seal the opening with another shield. The people are going to escape. The dinos are not. My shield is substantially stronger than what was there keeping the people in before.
We need to shield those dinos, Princess! I don't want …
Race's thoughts are interrupted as a vortex appears and the dinos quickly run into it before I can get a shield over them.
… them to be able to portal out. He shakes his head ruefully. Too late. We need to confirm that there aren't any more in the mall.
I maintain the shield on the exit. Both to keep anyone … or anything … from getting out. But also, to keep anyone from getting in. The last thing we need right now is for well-meaning first responders to come in with the potential for dinos to still be on the premises. And more could portal in at any moment.
Race reaches out with his senses and finally relaxes. "There are no more dinosaurs or other dragons in a hundred-mile radius. I think this may be over for the time being. You can drop the shield on the entrance, Princess … and let the pack know that they should come in. I don't know how much a healer will be able to do, but …." He lets the sentence drop … along with his shoulders and his head. It's clear that a healer won't be able to do anything for dozens of people on the first floor alone.
Sis? I need you and the pack to get in here, pronto. We need healers. I also need Vick to help me set up a shield to prevent these bastards from portalling back in. I don't need a secondary attack to target first responders! I'm shaking violently with anger.
I feel Race's hand grasp my upper arm. "Princess, get yourself under control! You're about to go nuclear! I don't want to have to portal us out of here! We're needed here!"
I feel his calming presence flow into me through our bond … and Var'Leth's, as well. You did well, Child. Now you need to calm down! It would be just like Grae'Bar to count on you causing a larger level event by not controlling your anger. Don't let him goad you!
Yes, Empress! Thank you, Love. I respond to both at once and tap into my yoga and martial arts training to calm my presence. I feel the anger slowly temper itself … it doesn't go away, but I'm able to forge it into a weapon that I can better control instead of a rage that I can't. I'm okay, now. I take another cleansing breath and am thankful that Race and Var'leth were able to help me get myself under control before I caused more damage than was already done.
At that moment, the pack runs in, and they all come to a sliding stop on the polished marble floor. It's like a scene out of an old Scooby Doo episode and I would laugh if the situation wasn't so gruesome.
I tap into my ring and place another shield over the entire mall, then look at Vick. "Can you help me maintain this? I don't want anyone to portal in while Sis and Ginger are checking on the wounded …."
He simply nods and I feel his white war magic connect with my red to reinforce the shield. We don't know what Grae'Bar is ultimately capable of, but he would have to expend considerable energy to burn through the shield … and I have the feeling that he won't. This was just the beginning … of a psychological warfare campaign. Right out of the "Terrorist's Handbook."
When all was said and done, I wanted to just roll up into a little ball and disappear. I know that an all-out war is coming and the thirty-four people … that we could count, not knowing if some were eaten … that died in the mall will be but a drop in the bucket. But those thirty-four people were senseless deaths. They weren't soldiers that were in the war, voluntarily or not. They had no idea they were even in a war … and they were mercilessly attacked and terrorized by the enemy.
Some would say they are the lucky ones. With the news of what happened flooding the mainstream media channels, there's no softening the blow. We were caught with our pants down … and they're still down. We have no idea how to prevent something like this from occurring again … on any scale.
The president is preparing to address the nation. I still can't get over the fact that he is my father-in-law! But that is totally beside the point!
I stoically stand next to my mate, husband, and sole reason for being. We're standing in the Rose Garden, behind the President of the United States of America, who is about to address the nation on live television. I have no role in this … other than to stand proud with my mate … husband … as a member of the "first family," in support of the president. My stomach still roils in acidic torture.
Relax, Princess! This is on father … not you. You did what was needed and he knows it. Next time, we will do better. No one blames us that they got away. We saved hundreds of lives!
I sigh in resignation. We saved hundreds … but scores still died. And the bastards got away. I could have stopped them! Sure, I saved lives with my actions, but I could have been more … efficient!
Child! STOP! You did well! You were untested in these waters. You will swim them much better next time. Unfortunately, there will be a next time … and a next … and a next.
I shudder as I listen to my mate and my empress. I look at my father-in-law and past him at my mother-in-law, then back at the president and shudder again. He has been as much a rock in Race's and my relationship as Race has been … and all of that without a stitch of magic of his own …. Race's magic comes from his mother's side, although she doesn't exhibit much of her own.
Race squeezes my hand and I think about our "democratically" elected president. Yeah, yeah, yeah … I know we're not a "democracy." I know were a "republic." The point is that he, for better or worse, is a representation of the populace and not some result of birthright … or lineage. Race and I are magical "royals." Even Sis is a "royal" in that sense. She's "queen." That's … not elected. Is it right? I don't know. It doesn't matter … it simply is. I can only pray I do better than mad King Ludwig!
I shake my head and remember my first encounter with my now father-in-law. It was everything that I was not expecting!
I was still in my wheelchair. I was still very much questioning my magic. I was very much enamored by Race … not understanding at that point that we were fated mates … and meant to be. It was in that strange purgatory of knowing what was meant to be and what was going to happen, no matter what I thought. Race and I were still very much at odds with one another, but the fates were still aligned to correct our idiocy. We were in Race's office arguing, when the door opened, and he entered unannounced. He didn't knock, and he didn't apologize when he broke into our argument.
"Race, …." He looked a little annoyed. "Oh … I didn't know you had a meeting. No matter, we need to talk … in private."
Race's visage reflected his annoyance at his father's interruption. "Hi, Father. This is Alex. He's completely cleared and holds my utmost confidence, so there's no need for a 'private' meeting. Unless it actually is … 'private,' … which is … unlikely." He looked at me and blushed a little. "Alex. Meet my father, the President of the United States of America. Father, meet Alex, potential savior of all things magic … and the universe, at large. At any rate, you can speak freely in front of … him …."
It was my turn to blush at the unexpected compliment, as untruthful as it was. I bowed my head at the president and didn't even register the paradox. I had been in the presence of goddesses and refused to acknowledge their status with a bow. This was the president of our nation … not a position that demanded a bow, but one that I was amenable to providing. He didn't expect a bow … likely would be embarrassed by one. That is precisely why I honored him with one.
As expected, he was embarrassed by it. "Ummm … Hello, Alex. I think you know that it's not customary to bow to me, so please … don't. I'm an elected official, not royalty." He gave me a thoughtful look and shrugged. "I have a feeling that you're like Race … and that explains the bow. I suppose I should be bowing to you, but know that I have no magic, nor … despite Ronni's … Veronica, my wife … and Race's best efforts … any understanding of it." He looked at Race. "Am I close? No matter, if you vouch for Alex's clearance, then I need to tell you of a missive from China …."
He went on to explain a "threat" from China that was disturbing but lacked any specificity in terms of what was going on with the dinosaurs … or the dragons, for that matter. He had no real clue … not that that was his fault. This was all based on "other" intelligence gatherings and while he was up-to-speed on the dragons and the dinosaurs, he was clearly letting Race and his team handle that aspect. But, in a way, this was just as scary. China, as a country, was preparing for war—not just the "reptilian" faction of it. Even "conventional" intelligence was backing that up.
We crossed each other's paths more and more from that day forward and I got to know him and Veronica, Race's mother, fairly well … in spite of Race's and my issues back then. Unfortunately, other than a quick hug and congratulations, we have not had the time or opportunity to celebrate either Race's and my bonding … or our marriage. At least Otohime was sage enough not to kidnap the president or first lady for our wedding – even if it would have only been the blink of an eye, Earth time. It would have been completely counter to what she was trying to achieve with the marriage, in the first place.
And now this admirable and honorable man is preparing to address the nation on a topic that he has no direct knowledge of … other than that war is coming. Many will not understand magic's role in all of this, but they will understand the overall threat coming from the most populous nation on the planet. They won't grasp the severity of the role that the dinosaurs and the dragons will play … but they will understand the sheer magnitude of the numbers. And they will understand the concept of terrorism.
I stand at attention and squeeze Race's hand as the president starts his delivery.
"My fellow Americans, it is with great sorrow that I address you today …."
I'm totally surprised when Race and I are invited to the Oval Office directly after the speech. I mean Race is frequently there as his father's advisor on all things "magic," but this is my first time to be invited to an official meeting. The Secretary of Defense, Roberta Braun, the Chief of Staff, Craig Underwood, and the Press Secretary, Lola Scribner, are there, in addition to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
"Okay. I think that went as well as can be expected." George … President Cannon … looks at me and smiles. "I think you all know Lexi Cannon, my daughter-in-law … or at least you know of her."
I jerk a little in surprise when he introduces me as Lexi Cannon. I mean I knew marrying Race made the name change official, but this is the first time that I've actually been confronted with that reality. I haven't even opened the package of "official documents," including my new IDs, that Sis gave me when we got back from "the planet." I smile goofily to myself as it sinks in.
George goes around the room and introduces everyone. "Lexi will be regularly joining us in our daily briefings and strategy sessions, as will Race. Magic is now officially a standing agenda item." He looks at me … this time more seriously. "So, what are your thoughts on the attack, Lexi? You're both an expert on magic and dinosaurs."
I swallow as all eyes converge on me. I shake my head and blush. "I'm hardly an expert on magic. Yes, I possess it and I've had some extensive training, but I'm still very new to it. As for being an expert on dinos …. Yes, that's true." I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. "And as for my thoughts. Well, for what they're worth …. I'm very concerned that this attack and the ones that will certainly follow will cause a polarization between those with magic and those without. I'm afraid that those without are going to increasingly distrust those of us with it … unless we can somehow get ahead of that and give them a reason to trust us." I swallow again. I know I'm rambling and try and focus. "And … as bad as those raptors were … there are others in the wings that are far worse … depending on how they're deployed. Think of a few T. Rexes let loose in a large concert … or even here in the White House."
Lola gives me a frightened look. "But wouldn't they primarily attack each other?"
I shrug. "Normally, yes. But these aren't 'normal' dinos. They work together. Maybe not happily, but they don't attack each other. They attack people." I leave out the "and eat them" part, but the implication is clear.
Lola shudders and turns her very green head at the thought.
Race nods. "Lexi is right. I don't know if Grae'Bar planned it this way … or if he even cares. But this will certainly start to drive a wedge between the magical and non-magical communities. The polarization and resulting stress are not something that will serve us well … now that we're at war."
"That may be getting ahead of ourselves a bit … calling it 'war.'" Roberta shakes her head.
George puffs out his cheeks and forcefully blows out his air. "No, Roberta. Race and Lexi are both correct. We are at war. This was as much an opening salvo as Pearl Harbor or 9/11 was. People just don't realize it yet. It doesn't matter that thousands weren't killed this go-round."
The Joint Chiefs are all grimly nodding.
"The question is … how do we defend against it?" George looks at Race and me. "I know your taskforce has been struggling with that question … but I think you've been focusing on preventing a large-scale invasion. How do we defend against … this?"
Race and I both ruefully shake our heads.
Black smoke escapes Race's nose. "We have no idea, Father. Not yet. But we're going to have to rally the magical troops and figure out how to effectively integrate them into the conventional armed services … or at least figure out how to compliment those efforts. But that goes back to Lexi's original point!"
"Race, as I understand it … you're the king of all shifters, right?" George is looking at Race. He shifts his focus to me when Race nods. "And you, Lexi, are the queen of all magical beings on Earth, including the shifters?"
I shake my head. "Princess. I won't be queen until … well … later."
"But you are in effect the leader of all magical beings, right?" He continues to press me.
I shrug and reluctantly nod … unsure where he's going with this.
"Good! Then that means that you and Race are in charge of all magical operations. Effective immediately, you are now both standing members of the Joint Chiefs." There is murmuring among the other Joint Chiefs that he ignores. "Lola. Hold an immediate press conference and make it known. It will be a shock that both have magical powers … but it will either help our cause … or well …." He shakes his head. "It will just have to help! It's on you to convince people that it's a good thing that we have magic on our side, too. Use your special brand of magic to get that message across!"
I didn't know that Lola had magic!
She doesn't, Love. Well, not that we're aware of. But she does have some sort of special powers of persuasion. So … maybe it is some type of magic that we don't know about yet … or maybe she's just good at her job! I feel his mental shrug.
I nod and we both take our leave to go to the War Room and strategize with the team.
Var'Leth, my empress, I need your consult, please!
What is it, my child?
Is it possible to set up a permanent shield? Or do I have to be there to maintain it, and have it drain me?
I hear her comforting chuckle in my mind. All is possible, Child. But you are not strong enough for such, yet. We would at the very least have to be more fully bonded. As empress, you will easily be able to do it.
I grimace. Do you have any ideas, then? I need to protect the White House and Congress. If dinosaurs suddenly portalled in and started devouring congressmen …. I mean, I'm not sure we wouldn't be better off without some of those blowhards, but I still can't let that happen! And the president and first lady need to be protected at all costs. I'm surprised that Grae'Bar didn't start there! I shudder at the thought.
Well, there are enough magical beings in and around your "White House" that it would be difficult to portal in unnoticed. But your point is taken.
Who besides me can generate shields? Are there others that could maintain more permanent ones … even if only for certain rooms. Even parts of a room would be better than nothing. I know I'm grasping at straws. I feel her push a relaxing stream of health into me. I only recently learned that she is a strong healer, as are all dragon empresses.
Anyone with war magic can produce a strong protective shield, child. Any dragon can, as well. Although, full dragons can produce stronger ones than simply bonded ones. Full dragons with war magic can produce the strongest … except for the empress. Hers would trump any other … with the exception of a god or goddess.
So, Vick could with his war magic? How do we find others? We are so rare … war or red …. I feel a push in my mind and suddenly clearly know how to identify red magic in others.
Now, child. Reach out with your mind. Let it expand … and sense the others. There aren't many, but they are there.
I struggle to follow her instructions. After a bit, I'm able to relax my mind enough that it "expands." Not far, but far enough that I suddenly sense five more individuals with red magic in a several-hundred-mile radius. What's more, I somehow know how to find them. I just need someone to portal me to them.
Thank you, Mother Empress!
You are welcome, my child. With practice, you will be able to expand your mind more … and identify other types of magic, as well. Your dragon mark will help. Also, beware that this has strengthened our bond a certain amount. You may notice other changes, as a result as well.
With that, there is radio silence. I groan. What am I supposed to do with that? I sigh in frustration. I don't have time to ponder on it, right now.
Race? I need your transportation services. It's urgent!
I'm not a taxi, Princess! I hear him chuckle in my mind, and then he turns serious. What do you have in mind?
After we convince George to let Vick remain close enough to shield him and Veronica while we're gone, Race opens a portal to the location of the first red magic "signature" that I can sense. We exit the portal in the middle of Alexandria, Virginia – on the roof of an apartment complex.
I sense the individual is inside, three floors below us. I let Race know and nod to him that I'm ready. He portals us down to that floor and I quickly locate the door to the apartment that clearly houses the person we're looking for. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
A middle-aged woman opens the door and gives us a suspicious look. "I don't know how you got in here, but I'm not interested in …." She suddenly does a double-take. "Wait! You're Race Cannon … and Lexi. Right?"
I have to admit, I'm taken by surprise. I'm not used to "celebrity" status. I nod. "Yes, Ma'am. We're sorry to bother you, but I sense that there's someone here that possesses magic … a special sort of magic." I can tell it's not her. "May we come in? We urgently need to talk to that person."
She looks surprised. "The only other person here, besides me, is my daughter. She's not feeling well, today … and had to stay home from school. Neither of us have magic, though. You must be mistaken."
"Do you mind if we talk with your daughter, Ms. …?" Race doesn't let up.
"Myers. Jennifer Myers." She steps back and motions us in. "You may certainly speak to Val … Valerie, but like I said … it's a waste of time."
We step into the small apartment. It reminds me a lot of the one that I lived in several years ago … the one where "the event" happened that caused me to wind up in a wheelchair. I shudder at the memories it invokes. Thankfully, she doesn't notice and leads us into the living room, where a small child is lounging on the couch. She looks to be twelve or thirteen.
I don't think her magic has emerged yet, Lexi. You've identified her beforehand! That's an important new skill!
Assuming I'm right and not completely off my rocker! I force a smile. "Hello! Valerie, right? Or do you prefer 'Val?' I'm Lexi and this is Race."
The girl quickly sits up. "Yes, I'm Val. You're the president's son and his wife! I saw you on TV!"
I nod and keep the smile plastered on my face. "Val, have you noticed anything strange happening to you lately? Any strange dreams. Anything odd?"
She shakes her head. "No. I don't think so. Why?"
I place a hand on her shoulder. I'm not a healer, but all mages have some healing abilities … and as future empress, I guess mine will strengthen significantly. In the meantime, Sis and Ginger have been working to help me hone what little I currently have. And somehow, my usually meager abilities seem slightly stronger today, which perplexes me. To make it even more consternating, my dragon mark helps me tap into some unknown "divining" ability, on top of my seemingly augmented healing ability. With those forces working together, I can sense that she does have magic and it's fairly strong—or it will be when it fully emerges. And it is clearly red. I squeeze her shoulder. "Val, I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just put it out there. You have magic … a very special kind of magic. It has not emerged yet, but am I right that it's been close to a year since you first started puberty?"
She looks confused.
Her mother speaks up. "Yes, that's about right. What does all of this mean?" She looks as confused and scared as her daughter.
Race looks at me and then focuses on the girl. "It means that your daughter will start emitting magic at any moment. It's hard to say when. Normally, we don't know that someone has magic before it emerges and there's no way to warn that person of the impending changes. Lexi seems to have found a new power within her that lets her identify the magic at an earlier stage, so your daughter won't be caught completely off-guard." He looks at the mother. "It's probably not a whole lot of advanced warning, but every bit counts when it comes to emerging magic. I will have one of my personal aides stop by and explain more. Her name is Pinkie. She will be here shortly." He quickly glances over at me before sighing and looking back at the two. "I don't want to just drop this on you and disappear, but unfortunately, Lexi and I need to go. We have other urgent … visits to make today."
I hate to just leave her confused like this, but at least she does have some advanced warning. I mentally sigh.
Pinkie will take care of her. I can only hope that the others on your "list" are further along in their development. He smiles warmly at me.
We quickly say our goodbyes and go back to the roof to portal to the next signature on my "radar." Luckily, she and the next two, both young men, are fully emerged. None of them are registered, though, since they are all very recently emerged. And all three have red magic, which is great news and makes me feel better about the accuracy of my "radar." Race communicates back to the team each time we confirm a person, in order to have someone come and bring them back to DC for indoctrination.
Each location we've portalled to has taken us further and further from DC and we're currently in Nashville, TN. After our final "jump," we emerge deep in what can only be the backwoods of the Appalachian Mountains … somewhere in eastern Tennessee.
My Dragon Sense warns me immediately as I step out of the vortex, and I instinctively drop to a fighting crouch and draw my katana without a thought.
Race growls and starts to transform into his dragon form.
A T. Rex is running after a young woman and is about catch up to her. They are much too close to one another, and far too far away from me to be able to precisely throw a shield only around the girl. So, I throw my katana at the dinosaur and give it a strong push with a wave of war magic. The sword flies through the air and stabs the dino firmly in its neck, burying itself to the handle. The Rex screams in pain, as I focus on the sword and send a wave of red energy-infused war magic into it. The metal katana acts as a conductor, and I force the minerals in the dino's body to start vibrating at a high frequency. After just a minor push of magic, the dinosaur explodes in a bloody mess … covering the poor girl in gooey gore as she falls face-first to the ground from the explosion. My sword returns to my hand, as clean as a whistle and I remain in my crouch, scanning for more dinosaurs. But I'm not getting any more warnings from my dragon mark or my Dragon Sense.
It all happened so quickly that Race hasn't even finished transforming yet, all ending in less than five seconds.
Okay, Princess. That was seriously bad-ass! Nice work! But I didn't even get a chance to engage. Next time leave some for me, and don't show off as much! He pauses. I don't sense any more dinosaurs or dragons in the vicinity. He grins ferally … and his eyes are full of lust. Bad-ass!
I shake my head and hurry to the girl. "Are you alright? I'm sorry about the explosion and the mess, but I didn't have time for anything else!"
She's obviously in shock and I can't blame her. She's covered in dinosaur blood and bits of … well … dinosaur. It doesn't smell too spiffy, either. Her clothes are tattered, torn, and completely threadbare … and that's not a result of the attack. They were in miserable shape even before being doused in dinosaur … goo.
Race, I could really use Mom … Josie's help, right now. Sis or Ginger would work in a pinch.
It will be quicker if I go get her and bring her here, rather than trying to take the girl with us. I'll be right back. But put up a shield around you. Just in case!
He transforms back to his human guise while I put up a shield, then he creates a vortex and disappears along with it after stepping in.
I focus back on the girl and steel myself to touch her. I so don't like the aspect of it!
She's still in shock and doesn't respond to me, at all. She has a hollow look in her eyes and she's shaking uncontrollably.
"It's okay. I'm just going to push a little healing magic into you until a much better healer can get here to look after you." I touch her arm and grimace at the nastiness that I know is a million times worse for her. I push a little healing magic into her and do some light exploration.
Her shaking subsides slightly as she somewhat responds to my magic. She obviously has very strong red magic, based on my "readings" of her, but like the others it's still very nascent in her. She looks to be about seventeen, or so … so she probably just recently went through her first age spurt.
A portal opens up and Josie steps out, followed by Vick, and finally Race – all holding hands in a human chain.
Vick quickly surveys the area and nods. "I've got the shield, Princess. You can let go of that."
Josie hurries to me and only slightly shrinks back at the sight … and smell … of the girl. She growls lowly as her canines and claws extend, and then she gets herself under control before fully closing the distance and kneeling down beside us. She places her hands on the girl's forehead and grimaces at the mess covering it. She shakes her head and starts concentrating.
After a couple of minutes, the girl's eyes become clearer and she gasps, then starts trembling again as she lets out a wild scream!
Josie moves her hands down and squeezes her arms and takes on a soothing tone. "It's OKAY, Hon. You're safe now. Can you tell us your name?"
The girl looks at us and is understandably frightened out of her wits. "Gw…Gw…Gwen. What was that … that … that thing?"
"A Tyrannosaurus Rex … a dinosaur." I take a deep breath. "I'll explain more later. Do you live around here, Gwen? Can we take you home?"
She turns pale and shakes her head. "S…s…something happened to me. I … I … got older all of a sudden after I had really strange dreams. My mother called me a witch and threw me out. They would kill me if I went back! I can't …!" She breaks down in sobs and streams of tears.
Josie pulls her into a hug. "It's okay, Gwen. We won't make you go back. When was this? How long have you been out here on your own?"
She shakes her head. "I'm n…n…not sure. A couple of weeks, I guess? I was trying to find some food when that … thing … showed up and tried to eat me!"
It's obvious that she's from one of the clans of Appalachian people … some call them "hillbillies" … that don't take kindly to outsiders. We could certainly take them on, but I don't know that it would change anything. We should probably just take her back with us and get her cleaned up and settled in … somewhere. Race is clearly agitated. I want to then come back and do some reconnaissance. What was that dino doing here?
I sigh. I'm pretty sure it was after Gwen. It's just an intuition, but I think it was targeting her while she was still vulnerable. If I'm right, we need to identify the rest of those with red magic as quickly as we can. How many are registered … besides us? I know you said we are rare ….
His mental growl vibrates my brain. Counting us and the five you found today, there are seven known red mages, Princess. We are it, so far ….
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Finally starting
To get their act together.. Lot of ground to still cover before they can direct attack its source.
Yes, still way too much to do!
And Lexi may not like what happens!
Thanks for the comment and the support!
This story is really getting intresting
To say the least I just got caught up on the story. Lexi has bonded more with her Dragon spirit & I know it will continue to grow stronger till she is fully bonded & becomes a full dragon her self.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Plenty of excitement yet to come!
There is a lot to happen before this is anywhere even close to finishing!
Red magic radar
So, with a radius of only several hundred miles, the best course of action, for now, should be to portal into megacities and search for people with red magic.
Thx for another nice chapter^^
Good plan!
Now for Lexi to just find enough time to implement it! ;)
Thanks for the comment!
Behold our empress in
Behold our empress in training taking baby steps on her way to full growth (power). Of course, with baby steps this large, when she reaches full growth it is going to be AWESOME! I’m loving this!
Baby steps …
LOL. I love the comment! I’m glad you’re enjoying the series! Thanks for the comments!
Behold our empress in
Behold our empress in training taking baby steps on her way to full growth (power). Of course, with baby steps this large, when she reaches full growth it is going to be AWESOME! I’m loving this!
Rare it might be,
There are probably others out there.
Yes … there is that hope!
Now … just to find them! :)