Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 3

"This, however, does not make you immortal … only very hard to kill" Otohime looks at us seriously. "You can, however, still die in battle."



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju | Dreamstime.com)


Chapter Three



I stand in front of the altar in a traditional Japanese wedding kimono and can barely move. Otohime just snapped her fingers and there I was in the pale pink silk dress with red hibiscus flowers adorning it. It may be pretty, but it's definitely not made for easily moving in … or for generally breathing in, for that matter.

Race is beside me in the beautiful sapphire blue tux that Nyami Nyami "provided" for him. Similar to me, he just appeared next to me at the altar in the silk tux. The surprised look on his face must have mirrored mine, I'm sure.

The pack stands behind us in resplendent white silk dresses and they're holding bouquets of flowers that I'm not sure where they came from on this desolate desert planet. They look more tropical. Of course, I'm sure that gods don't have to worry about those small details.

Otohime and Nyami Nyami are standing in front of us, and both are smiling brightly.

"There is no need to prolong this ceremony." Otohime takes my left hand and places it in Race's right. She then takes our clasped hands into hers, one hand under ours and one over … like a hand sandwich.

Nyami Nyami nods and mirrors Otohime's enveloping of our hands, after placing Race’s right hand into my left and creating an unbroken circle between the two of us. "Receive our blessings and know that you will have healthy and bountiful lives."

I feel a tingling sensation and Race and I are both enveloped in a brilliant red light.

"This, however, does not make you immortal … only very hard to kill" Otohime looks at us seriously. "You can, however, still die in battle."

"Now, Race. For your gift." Nyami Nyami looks into Race's beautiful blue eyes. "Your connection with your Dragon Spirit is strong and you do him great justice." He looks at me and I know his next words are more for my benefit than Race's. "As you know, when you bond with your Dragon Spirit, it is a symbiotic relationship and you become a vessel for the spirit. Your dragon died in valor eons ago and was rewarded existence as a spirit to bond with worthy partners. There comes a time, however, when the spirits find extra-special partners, or other circumstances warrant extreme measures." He pauses and looks back at Race. "Kneel, Race Cannon."

Race looks confused but doesn't hesitate to comply with the command.

Nyami Nyami removes his hands from around ours and places them on Race's shoulders. They start glowing and Race is once again encompassed in a brilliant red aura. "In this case, both conditions are met. Aq'Qour, your Dragon Spirit agrees that you are that extra-special partner. And circumstances warrant your full merging."

I hear the pack gasp behind me as Nyami Nyami steps back and Race morphs into his dragon form. Only it's … not. He looks different. He's … sleeker, somehow. And more powerful looking than ever. I feel the surge of power through our bond … and his brief confusion. Race, Love? Are you alright?

He doesn't get a chance to respond.

"Rise, Aq'Race!" Nyami Nyami looks fierce. "You are now a full-blooded dragon with all rights and privileges thereof!"

Race? Hon?

He rises and looks every bit as fierce as Nyami Nyami. I'm fine, my mate. I don't think they're done, though ….

Otohime proves him right before I can reply. She tightens her hands around mine. "And now for your gift, Alexa Hirohito."

I suddenly feel sick. I'm not sure I'm ready for … or want … her gift. Not given her track record.

She releases her hands from around mine and there is a wedding band and a huge diamond engagement ring on my left ring finger. It must be several karats! Immense relief washes over me. If this is her gift ….

"You too have shown exceptional qualities, Lexi." Otohime looks deep into my eyes. "You have studied with Master Yoshi and the others and have made great progress. As you know, using your magic in human form comes at a price. There is a finite amount that you can pull from without having to recharge. You can lean on your sister's bond to extend that. But that comes at a price to her … and has a limited range. This ring will store immense levels of energy for you to use in emergencies."

I look at the ring in awe and can feel it pulling in energy from around me. It feels warm and tingly on my finger.

"It cannot be removed from your finger and is as much a part of you now as your katana." She reaches out and takes my hands in hers again.

"Th … thank you, Otohime. It is a wonderful gift …." I even bow my head.

She cuts me off. "That is just a little engagement gift. Now … for your wedding gift!" She once again envelopes my hands and tightens her hold on them.

I suddenly feel sick again.

"As Nyami Nyami explained, a normal host-Dragon Spirit bond is a temporary thing. It can only last as long as the host is alive. When the host dies, the Dragon Spirit is released back into the ether and can bond with a new host. The bonded pair is mutually beneficial to each other but the host does not have full dragon rights … like having dragon hatchlings. Only full dragons can have full dragon children. The offspring of bonded and mated pairs will, however, have red magic and be readily available as hosts for spirits." She pulls on my hands.

I feel a tingling start to build up in them.

"Race is now a full dragon in his own right and can bear full dragon children." She smiles at my mate, then looks back at me. "You are not ready to be a full dragon, Little One, but you are ready to make the initial connection to your Dragon Spirit."

I try and pull my hands back. "No! I …." I'm suddenly surrounded by a brilliant red light and feel a little faint. My dragon on my back stirs and gets hot.

Hello, Child. Don't be afraid.

I feel sick … and confused. Hello? Just what I need! Another voice in my head …!

I feel a push of amusement across some new bond. Just wait until you are empress and have a connection to all dragons … living and past, bonded, or not! Not to mention being queen of all light magical beings on your home planet.

I feel more than a little faint at that. I'm sorry? Who am I … "talking" to?

Another push of amusement. I'm sorry, Child. I am Var'Leth, current empress. Our spirits are now connected, and our bonding will begin as you progress on your path as Empress-To-Be.

So, I'm not going to turn into a dragon? I'm so confused.

More amusement. Oh, you will turn into a dragon … a full one. Just like your betrothed. As empress, you must be a full-blooded dragon. But that will yet be a while. In the meantime, we will get to know each other better through our bond, which is much more than a simple communications channel. As you progress, our bond will strengthen … until you are ready. Now, you should focus on the others. I will be in touch. And the connection goes silent.

I look at Otohime in frustration. "What the fuck, Otohime?"



I stare at Race. He's back in human form … sort of. He looks like Race … sort of. He exudes this newfound … power. He almost glows. And he's hot! I mean he was always hot-looking. But now he is literally hot! He feels like he has a life-threatening fever … but he looks totally fine. Cool as a cucumber.

Sis breaks into my thoughts. Are you okay, Sis? You look really pale. Do I need to scan you? I'm getting better at doing it without contact, but I can still do it better with my hands on.

I mentally shake my head. No. I don't think there's anything that you can do … physically. I may need to talk to Momma later … I'm so effing confused!

Tubular bells sound in my head as Otohime laughs. It will be alright, Little One … at least this will. It's not like the fate of the universe lies in your hands, or anything as mundane as that.

I hate it when she just breaks in like that but don't get a chance to complain before she moves on.

"Okay. Now that the ceremony is over and the gifts have been received, it is time for the pack to go back home and Nyami Nyami and I tend to other business." Otohime looks at Sis. "Sarah, you will tend to the 'social aspects' of announcing Race and Lexi's marriage on Earth. You will find everything is all legal and in order. You will also make it clear that they are on a three-day honeymoon and will be unreachable. You should work with Race and his father's communications specialists … I think she is called a ‘press secretary?’"

Sarah nods, confused. But she doesn't question the command. "Yes, Mother Otohime."

Otohime snaps her fingers, and a red vortex appears. She indicates for the pack to step into it. Once they have been swallowed up by the swirling portal and it has disappeared along with them, she looks back at Race and me. "You will spend three Earth days here on the planet to … adjust. You both need to get your newly completed bond under control. Race will also need time to adjust to being a full-blooded dragon. And Lexi, you need to learn to trust your new bond with Var'Leth."

She waves her hand and the planet … flickers. Our surroundings sort of go out of focus and when everything is clear again, the planet is no longer a desert, but a lush paradise. She smiles. "Your first Earth day will be undisturbed. You can spend time getting your bonding under control. Of course, your urges and needs will never lessen … but you will learn to better control them. As you know a day on Earth is weeks here, so …." She waggles her eyebrows.

If I weren't still really pissed at her, it would be funny.

"The second and third day will have increasingly vexing tests sent your way, so that you can learn to hone that focus and control." She looks at Nyami Nyami. "I think that's our cue."

And they're simply gone.

I look at Race and feel the heat rise in me.

He's already unbuttoning his shirt ….



"So, you were in a time warp on that planet for three days … which was … what(?) … months in your reality? I know it's certainly weird!" Momma … Josie shakes her head. "We were only there for a couple of hours, but it was literally less than a blink of an eye here. No one even knew we were gone!"

I huff and stop thinking about how weird it is to think of her as "Josie," but she insists. Finally, I nod. "Yeah. The first … several weeks, I guess, were magical. We didn't do anything but satisfy our carnal needs. Let me tell you … I thought Race was a hunk before. He's so much more now that he's a full-blooded dragon! But that's what scares the shit out of me, Mom … ummm, Josie."

She smiles wanly at me. "I know you don't like calling me by my name, Hon. But we really are more like sisters now, than me being your mother figure. And it would be even more confusing if you started calling me 'Sis,' too! Don't you think?" She winks. "But that's an option, I suppose."

I expel my air in frustration, puffing out my cheeks, and shrug. "I guess."

"You know I'm right, Hon!" She grins. "So … a month of non-stop sex? Tell me more!" She giggles.

I blush as red as my magic and feel my mind explode. She really is treating me like a sister! I finally giggle back. "Nothing to tell. Not even my sister! You just explained it as well as I could … or would, anyway!" Then the memories of the following weeks flood my mind. "After that, it was less about non-stop 'fun' and more about finding a balance between that 'fun' and 'reality.' Otohime set up some random 'tests' that made us learn to focus on keeping ourselves grounded … even when letting loose. I don't really want to talk about the details. Suffice it to say that not paying attention was … painful and humiliating." I sigh. "But the 'fun' was … epic!" I giggle.

She grins and nods. "What about Race? I still need to talk to him, too. It's a shame his parents couldn't be there for the ceremony, but I guess even Otohime didn't want to risk it being noticed. We will have to have a 'normal' Earth ceremony to make up for it!" She smiles at the thought. "And how do you think he is taking his transformation? I know it came as a surprise to him. Not that I fully understand it, either. As a wolf, we're fully merged with our animal spirits from the beginning. So, it's hard to comprehend not being."

"Like a fish to water." I shrug. "And I mean that literally. It turns out that his core magic is elemental based … and focused on water magic. His Dragon Spirit … the one he is now fully merged with … was a water dragon. While he can fully function on land and in the air, he is most comfortable in the water. You should see his water form. It's sleek and beautiful. That's why Nyami Nyami is his God father. Both because of his African heritage and because of his aquatic connection. I had no idea, but Nyami Nyami is an African river god … and his true form is that of a water serpent."

Mom … Josie nods. "I looked him up when we got back. It all makes much more sense now, though."

I sigh. "He tried to explain the difference between being bonded with his Dragon Spirit and being merged with it, but I just have no point of reference."

She nods and then gives me a searching look. "And you, Hon? How are you doing?"

I huff. This is why I came to talk, but it still is … hard. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I'm … better." I shake my head. "Talk about not understanding! I don't get any of this bonding with spirits stuff! But I had some chances to connect with Var'Leth and we're starting to get to know each other better. I'm getting more accustomed to having another voice in my head, but this is different than my connection to Sis. It's more like my connection with Race, but even more intimate … at least in some ways. It’s not orgasmic intimate, but BFF intimate, if that makes any sense. Anyway, she makes a valid point. Like it or not, I guess I'm going to be the next Dragon Empress … and queen of all magical beings on Earth. When that happens, I'll have an open channel to all those under me. At least I will be in control of that … I think!" I pale. "Oh, Goddess! What if I'm not? What if they just pray to me and I hear it all, or something? What if I can't shut it off?" I start hyperventilating.

M … Josie takes my hands and squeezes them. "Lexi! Listen to me! You will deal with whatever comes!" She squeezes again. Harder this time … and although I'm sure she's not using even a fraction of her wolf strength, it hurts. It hurts like Hell!

The pain burns through my fog and makes me wince as I focus on her.

She lets up on the pressure before my bones crack and smiles. "That's better. Plus, you're not a goddess-in-the-making, right? Just your run-of-the-mill empress and queen. People don't pray to them … well, maybe they did in Egypt, but you know what I mean!"

I smile wanly and nod. "I'm not sure if you're trying to make me feel better, or not!" I finally laugh.

She laughs with me. "You and Race need to swing by the compound tonight. A lot has changed since the last time you were there." She blushes. "And I have some news of my own …." She pauses.

After a few moments of frustrating silence, I push out some "war" energy and violently vibrate the chair under her. "Spill! Don't make me get mad! You can't just drop a nuclear bomb and run!" I giggle.

She pales and then giggles back as she raises her hands in surrender. "Well … you know Vick was out on assignment and we haven't seen him in a while? Not since the first days of your assessments."

I shrug. "Yeah. So?"

She smiles and her eyes brighten. "I hadn't seen him since I was blessed with my wolf. I also had no idea that he is a wolf until he came back. It's a shifter thing not to broadcast who is what except to other shifters, who just know …." She squeals. "Anyway! We're bonded. We're fated mates! As soon as he came in the room, we … fully clicked. I had been strongly pulled to him even on the first day we met him, and now I understand why. And I now know how you felt when you bonded with Race. It was as confusing as it was beautiful. But at least I knew what was happening after his intense allure started making sense! I'm so in love!"

I pull her into a tight hug. "Congratulations, … Sis!" I push back and look in her eyes … those eyes that can now no longer stay still for even a moment … and have that wild, always searching look. "So, does that mean …?"

"We completed the bond that night … while you were off on your little planet having your orgy!" She nods. "We're now officially the beta-couple of Sarah's pack … well, of all wolf packs, since Sarah is queen of all wolves. That makes me a princess of sorts!" She blushes as she giggles.



I hold onto Race's arm as we step out of the portal. Even after months with him on "our" planet, I'm still getting used to the heat he puts off and have to consciously remind myself that he's not sick. I smile up at him. My five-inch heels don't even get me close to his height. I think he gained an inch or two with his transformation! I shake my head at the thought and straighten out my dress, then look at our destination … Sarah's main pack house. It's been weeks since we were last here … and that's Earth time. It's been close to a year, if you consider the time warp. The last time was right after she and Ginger purchased the property. Life has just happened in the meantime, and I haven't had a chance, or an urgent reason.

"Good evening, Your Highness! Princess!" A man that I don't know approaches us and interrupts my thoughts. "Congratulations on the wedding … and, of course, more importantly, the bonding!"

Race nods. "Thank you, Godrick."

The man nods and moves on without another word.

I look at Race. "You know him?"

He shakes his head. "Not, as such. As king of all shifters, I have … access to information. You'll understand better when you get there."

I want to huff, but the front door of the main pack house opens, and Sis and Ginger rush out, closely followed by Josie and Vick.

"Welcome, you two!" Sis smiles. "It's about time you came for a visit!"

Ginger grins. "I suppose I should do the formalities. Welcome, Your Highness. Welcome, Princess." She bows to us with a flourish.

I blush and wave her off.

Josie and Vick come over and both give me a hug. Josie hugs Race and Vick shakes his hand. Then Sis and Ginger come over and give us both a hug.

"Come on in!" Sis waves toward the house. "Leslie, our compound cook, is getting everything ready!"

I look around and can't believe the "compound." The last time I was here, it was just the main house and only Sis and Ginger. There are now at least two dozen houses and several people milling around.

"How many people are here now, Sis?" I start to climb the steps up to the porch.

She smiles proudly. "There are now twelve couples in the pack, some with pups. There are another ten unmated wolves. Our little pack is growing. We even had to buy more land. We now own the hundred acres surrounding us. Plenty of room for a full pack. Word is getting around and people are coming from right and left to join the pack."

A full pack? What would that be? I mentally connect with Race.

Somewhere around a hundred couples is what we're shooting for to consider as a healthy pack. We're still working through some of that … as you know, this all new to us, too. We're going by history, as much as we can.

I feel my stomach growl as I smell the tantalizing aroma wafting out the open windows. "And you have a cook? Fancy!" I laugh.

She grabs onto my arm and pulls me inside. "So, Josie tells me that you and His Highness had a good time 'doing the time warp, again?'" She winks and giggles.

I swat her arm and deflect. "Not as much as 'Sis #3' here, it seems!" I point at Josie and Vick. "Congratulations, you two!"

"Thank you, Princess!" Vick smiles brightly. "We couldn't be happier! Well, until we have pups, that is!"

Josie blushes. "About that." She grabs Vick's hand. "I was in heat when we completed our bond." Her face breaks into the brightest of smiles. "Ginger confirmed that I'm pregnant. I can conceive, now! The magic did it! We're going to have pups, Vick!"

I squeal! I now know … after Kamorkis enlightened me … that she couldn't have children before she accepted her wolf, and that's why she adopted Sis and me, in the first place. I was hesitant to embrace what Kamorkis did, but her happiness is palpable. "Congrats, Josie! I'm so happy for you! You too, Vick!"

Race nods and smiles. It seems he knows something he's not letting on to.

Spill. What's that shit-eating grin for?

He shakes his head. Not my news to tell.

I want to bite him!

Sis interrupts our mental tug-of-war and has us all sit before she introduces us to Leslie, who starts bringing out a feast fit for a king. When we're all served and everyone but her have our mouths full, she drops the bomb. "Speaking of pups. You may not know it, but everyone's heat is synchronized to the alpha female. Since I'm primary alpha of the pack, that means that all females of the pack are synchronized to me. So … Ginge and I were in heat at the same time Josie was. Or … better said, Ginge and Josie were in heat at the same time I was. Anyway, while you were off planet-hopping and having your sex orgy …."

I choke on my food. "Hey! That's not what …!"

She laughs. "Cut me some slack, Sis. You deserved it! Besides you both are all the social news, here in 'real time,' right now!" She waves me off. "Anyway, Kamorkis visited Ginge and I. There's another pack out west that has a same-sex alpha pair … two males. She transported Ginge and me to their compound and we ummm … all did what was necessary for the good of our packs." She smiles a little wickedly. "Don't worry, we all enjoyed it immensely." She winks. "Kamorkis even set up a special little portal, so that we can visit each other more often. That will be important when our pups get old enough that we will have to split them between the compounds. But Josie … your pups will have plenty of playmates, I'm sure … between Ginger's and mine. We should birth them all about the same time."

I choke on my food again. "You're pregnant, too? Both of you?"

Sis grins. "All three of us!" She grins again wickedly. "For Ginge and I … well, for the good of the gene pool, we'll change partners next heat … to mix up it up a little better! Just because we're totally mated, bonded, fated, and signed, sealed and delivered, doesn't mean that we can't branch out for the good of the order! Troy and Zach completely agree!"

Race guffaws. "Good thing, Your Highness! You have a duty to your wolves … and to my shifters!" He grins and takes a drink of his wine, but his good mood suddenly disappears, and he goes stiff.

Race? What's wrong?

He looks at us and frowns deeply as he pushes his chair back from the table with both hands so tightly gripping its edge that I'm afraid he's going to break it. "There's been a dinosaur attack in California. We need to go … now!"

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