Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 6

Otohime shrugs. "I don't really keep up with Earth 'entertainment,' but I do know that one … and you won't be restricted like her. You'll be much more powerful!"



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju | Dreamstime.com)


Chapter Six



Overall, the training session with the red newbies is fairly unremarkable. Val can only watch, since her magic has not yet emerged. Gwen is still shell-shocked from her encounter with the T. Rex – and she still smells slightly of dino-goo. Linda, Steve, and Bill, the rest of the merry "red gang" all do well for a first training session. Of course, I'm still getting used to being the trainer and not the trainee. At least I didn't get anyone hurt! Well, nothing beyond what a simple healing could remedy, anyway.

"Okay, everyone!" I look at the group of tired mages and smile. "Well done! Does anyone have any questions before we head back for dinner at the compound?"

No one speaks up.

I give the silence a couple more minutes and then look at Val. "How are you doing, Val? You will be fully participating soon enough, but you surely must have some questions …?"

She shrugs. "I … I … I don't really know what to ask. I mean I don't really understand any of what you all did today! And that … huge rock that you just vaporized …!" She shudders. "That was frightening! Will I be able to do that? How do I control it if I will?"

I smile wanly. "We will have to determine what your core magic is once it emerges. Up until now, it has been basically impossible for any of us … mortals …" I give Otohime a pointed look. "… to identify anyone with magic prior to it emerging, let alone the type. I'm the first human that we know of. I'm not aware of anyone … mortal … that can also identify the core magic prior to emergence. Mother Otohime? Care to chime in?"

Tubular bells chime in the air surrounding us. "Oh, Little One! Always a source of amusement!" She looks at Val. "The Princess has already identified that you have untapped red magic. Your core is fire magic. Normally, I would not tell you this, but it can be … frightening to unprepared individuals when such magic emerges, and they suddenly start uncontrolled fires. I'm carefully monitoring your progress and will make sure that you don't hurt anyone … or destroy anything important."

Val turns deathly pale. "You mean I'm going to be like 'Carrie' in that vintage horror movie?"

Otohime shrugs. "I don't really keep up with Earth 'entertainment,' but I do know that one … and you won't be restricted like her. You'll be much more powerful!"

I sigh. This is so not helping! Goddess help me! Oh wait … she is my goddess! "Don't worry, Val! That is why we're training. You just keep paying attention. You may not be able to participate yet, but you can certainly still learn! We'll all be there for you when the time arises."



I can't believe how hungry I am! I don't even flinch when Leslie hands me a plate filled to the brim with seconds of everything.

Don't worry, Child. It comes with our bond. As your Dragon side strengthens, so will your appetite … and your need for the extra nourishment.

I blush at the thought of eating like Race … or even the pack. They can certainly "pack" it in, themselves. I guess it's just a shifter thing. "Thank you, Leslie. This is delicious!" I look at Sis. "I really hate leaving the newbies to themselves. Are you sure they're okay … that you're okay with them staying here?"

"It's fine, Sis. They're fine. Relax and enjoy your dinner. I see your appetite is picking up. It's about time!" Sis grins knowingly. "Of course, it will pick up even more when you're with dragonling! Or is it dragonet?" She giggles.

Race almost spits out his food. "Both are correct … but we are a long way off from that! Just because you wolfies couldn't wait …!" He shrugs … but can't keep the teasing smile off of his face.

"Oh you! You just wait 'Uncle Race!'" Ginger giggles. "I can't wait to see you babysitting the little whelps!"

I enjoy the banter and the food. I'm afraid to relax too much, though. I can't shake the feeling that something is about to happen. My Dragon Sense is just not settling down and it's niggling the back of my neck.

I quickly finish my second helping and dig into the dessert that Leslie sets down in front of me. I moan in pleasure as I take a bite of the melt-in-your mouth delectation.

We should probably be taking our leave soon, Princess. I have this really bad feeling that something is going to happen. I don't know where it's coming from ….

I mentally sigh. It's probably coming from me … bleeding through our link. I've had the feeling all evening. I get these feelings all the time, but with my ramped-up dragon status it may be broadcasting more to you, now.

Do these feelings usually have merit?

I look him straight in the eye. They've never steered me wrong ….



I step out of my portal at the same time that Race exits his. We're back at the house … in our bedroom to be exact … and both in need of some desperate release. But we're also both on edge from my foreboding feelings.

I try and shake them off, knowing it is futile. But I don't let Race know that as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and pull myself up on him. I wrap my legs around his waist and kick my heels off before hooking my feet together behind him. I lean in and give him a deep, desperate kiss. I think it's time to test out whether the upgrades to my … now permanent … armor hold up to Mother Otohime's promise!

Race's chest vibrates with his amused reaction to my declaration. But his return kiss is anything but amused … it's as desperate as mine. Now you're talking, Princess!

I'm about to loosen my hold on his neck to reach down and start unbuttoning his shirt when disaster strikes.

If anyone can hear me, we need help! Now! The White House is under attack!

Vick? Is that you? I release my hold on Race and drop to the ground. "Race, did you hear that? We have to go! Now!"

"Hear what? What's going on, Lexi?" His pulse is palpably racing.

"I don't know how, but I picked up on a mental SOS from Vick. The White House is under attack. I don't know more!" I'm already focusing on the Oval Office and opening a portal. I don't wait on Race to open his own. I simply grab my shoes and his hand and pull him into the portal that I've already opened ….



We step out a split-second later … to the ultimate in chaos. If I thought the pandemonium at the mall was bad, this is a million times worse!

"Princess! Your Highness!" Vick is sweating profusely and doing his best to maintain a shield around the room. "Thank the Goddess you're here! I don't know how much longer we can hold on!"

I take the room in at a glance. The First Family is barricaded in the office with Vick and two other mages that I'm not too familiar with. The mages are frantically struggling to shield the room. There is a loud, continuous pounding on the door. Clearly a large dino is trying to break through, since I can smell it. I take a deep breath and center myself in my magic and push it into the mage's existing mix. The shield becomes completely impenetrable, and the pounding is dampened to an imperceptible level. Imperceptible for humans – I can still hear it with my now enhanced hearing. I slowly increase my levels and nod to Vick that he and the others can relax. "I've got it. What are we up against? I smell a dino of some sort." I don't comment that this new "ability" alone would normally be enough to freak me out.

Vick shakes his head. "A T. Rex and a bunch of Velociraptors. I didn't have a chance to reconnoiter too much before I scrambled in here and put up the shield." He is pale from the exertion and the other mages are collapsed on the floor.

I nod and expand my mind to try and pick up on anything outside the room – trying not to freak out that I can do that, too!

Race is ahead of me on the probe, however. "It seems the attack was intended to be an ambush. Since they didn't get Mother and Father during the surprise, they appear to be giving up. I sense them leaving now. But … they don't have the typical Chinese signature. These were Russian operatives. Don't ask me how I know, just trust that I can sense the difference."

I nod. I almost missed them before they disappeared but was able to at least catch a fleeting glimpse of their signature. I mentally catalog it for future reference and won't forget it anytime soon. "So, the question is … was this something that Grae'Bar planned or were the Russians striking on their own? Grae'Bar would have ultimate control over the dark dinos, right? But does that mean he is completely controlling them and their every move?"

"Good question, Princess." Race is shaking his head. "Yes, he has ultimate dominion over them. But I doubt he is monitoring their every action … or controlling them to that level. In the end, it doesn't really matter in terms of our situation. Our warning system was enough to protect Mother and Father, but they got in the White House … unimpeded. We have to come up with a much better protection solution against these guerilla-type attacks!"

I sigh and concentrate on my shield. I gather some more energy and expand it to envelope the entire building and grounds. At this point, no one is coming in or going out. I know that will create havoc of its own, but we'll deal with that in due time. Var'Leth. How do I put this on auto-maintenance? I know you said you could ….

You are correct, Child. I can, but not from here – not even through our current link. And you can't on your own… not without us bonding a bit more. Are you sure you want to do that? It will mean becoming a bit more of a dragon, as well.

I close my eyes and tremble as I bite my lower lip. Yes. Just do whatever we have to. I need to safeguard this building and the institution for which it stands.

I feel hot. Really hot as I feel us merge more … we become perceptibly more unified, and I feel my power increase. Suddenly, I know that I can simply let go … and the shield will maintain itself.

It is done, Child. But we are now more than halfway through being fully merged. We are decades of your Earth years ahead of schedule and I'm afraid that you will have to "grow up" a little faster than planned to catch up with your rapid puberty.

I have a really bad feeling about what that means but push the ominous vibes aside. I have to concentrate on the here and now. Thank you, my empress. "The building and grounds are fully secured. For the moment, no one comes in … or goes out. It is a self-sustaining shield and only I can modify it, so let's find out what the damage is and figure out what we need to do. We are safe … for now."



When Race and I step out of our portal in our bedroom many hours later, I'm dead tired. But I'm also in desperate need of the type of emotional and carnal release that only my mate can provide. I know I will dream of the carnage of those we found outside the Oval Office for a long time. Pointless deaths in a pointless war that they certainly didn't sign up for. Not that any of us did.

"Come to bed, mate." I don't even bother with any pretense of foreplay. "I need you, now! Whatever this increased merging with Var'Leth has triggered in me, I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't get some relief. It's never been this bad before!"

Race picks me up and places me gently on the bed. "You're in your first heat, Princess. You must be far enough along in your merging that it has triggered it in you. It could literally drive you insane if we don't take care of your need." He grins tiredly. "Luckily, you have me to scratch that little itch. Of course, it will only be a temporary fix … until your next heat!"



I wearily push Race out of the shower. I got very little sleep last night. Between taking care of the first night of my first "heat," which took quite some time, and having vivid nightmares about the carnage in the White House – and worrying about my shield holding – I just couldn't settle into a good sleep.

I finish my shower and the pictures of the blood and what little other remains there were of the victims flood my mind, once again. At last count, we lost at least thirty good people in the attack. I feel a fire stoking in my stomach as my ire over the senseless loss rises and startle myself as a thick black cloud of smoke escapes my nose and surrounds me in the shower.

It is okay, Child. It is a normal dragon thing, and you will find yourself doing it more as our merging commences and you progress to the point that you will actually be able to breathe fire. The color of the smoke reflects your mood. The darker the smoke, the darker your mood. You have likely already noticed that with Aq'Race, though. And, like him, you will gain better control over it, with time.

I nod more to myself than anything but wonder if Var'Leth actually senses it. Yeah. I have noticed Race doing it a lot … and that the shade seemed to be reflective of his mood. It still is terrifying to see it coming out of me, though! What else can I look forward to … after our hastened "progress," yesterday? This "heat" thing was another horrifying experience. Does this mean I'm going to start laying eggs now, or something? Race wouldn't really talk about it.

Tubular bells explode in my head. Oh, Little One. You are such an amusement in these trying times!

Who invited you to my head, Otohime? I mentally grumble at the intrusion but know it's a useless expenditure of energy to complain about the invasion of my privacy. And just why is it so funny, anyway?

As empress, you will not have any privacy to speak of. Your head will be filled with all sorts of "invasions" and "intrusions." You will just have to get used to it, I am afraid. As to what is so funny, the vision of you laying eggs! The tubular bells explode again.

Child, I know you are struggling with understanding the changes happening to you. It is why this would normally have been done much more slowly – to give you time to adjust to smaller, more incremental changes in your puberty. As for laying eggs, that is not in your human nature, so … no, that will not happen. Even after we merge and you become a full dragon, you will retain your human form … and reproduction organs … as your primary shape. Just the same as Aq'Race has.

You're right, I really am struggling. If I retain my human female reproductive organs … which I'm still getting used to, as well, by the way … then what is this going into "heat" business? Human females don't go into heat … at least not anything like I experienced last night! I may not have been born a female but even I know that!

Tubular bells explode in my head.

Yes, Child. Human females do have a heat, of sorts. They also have eggs. They just don't lay them. Our merging will make you a hybrid human-dragon … with your primary form being human. Some aspects of your humanness will be slanted more toward your dragon side, however. That includes the actual "need" to procreate … not just the desire. It is difficult to explain until you have fully morphed.

I sigh and pitch-black smoke puffs out my nose. I throw up my hands in resignation and shut off the water. Okay. Whatever! I need to finish getting ready for another "wonderful day in the neighborhood."



Race and I step out of my portal and into the Oval Office. Currently, I am still the only one that can portal in or out of the domed shield over the White House, since I didn't have enough time to work out a solution last night. I now need to work with Var'Leth and figure out what I have to do to create security "gates" in and out that don't require my presence.

"Good morning, Father. How are things this morning? Is there an update on the … casualty count?" Race engages his father while I try and gather my wits for whatever I need to do today.

"Good morning, Race and Lexi." He shakes his head and frowns. "I wish I could say things were good. Being trapped in here has people on edge. They understand why but are still disconcerted by it. As for the count …." He fights his emotions as his voice breaks. "The final count is thirty-four completely senseless deaths. It will take another few days to … gather whatever remains we can and attempt to identify them. In some cases, there isn't anything left … where they were … eaten … whole." He turns a little green and swallows hard, fighting losing his breakfast. "In other cases, there's just a little blood or small bits of … of …."

"It's okay, Father. I understand." Coal-black smoke is pouring from Race's nose like some chimney in London during the industrial revolution. "I will go and help with the clean-up. Lexi is going to work on a safe way to enter and exit the compound. Unfortunately, this is new to all of us … how it works, I mean." He starts to say something else but shakes his head and quickly leaves the room.

"Thank you for helping with this, Lexi." My father-in-law gives me a tired but kind look. "How are you holding up in all of this?"

My return look is just as tired, I'm sure. I try to make it no less kind. "All things considered I'm doing okay. Much better than yesterday. Although, I'm still overwhelmed by what is happening – both to me and to the world. How is Ronni holding up?" I haven't seen my mother-in-law since the initial attack yesterday and it worries me.

George shakes his head ruefully. "She's a trooper. Just like you. She's out there helping them clean up. There was no stopping her!"

I nod with a sigh. "Okay. We should probably get the team together to decide what we absolutely need, what we would like, and what would just be nice to have, in terms of entrance and egress from the compound. I never expected to see the day that the White House would become an actual fortress beyond a simple fence! Anyway, I can then work with Var'Leth to see what we can do with the items on that list."

Two hours later, we have completed our list and I've worked with the empress on solutions. It is much simpler than I imagined. But it is very mage-intensive, which makes it a long-term problem. It also makes it much more difficult to replicate in other places. The basics of the solution are that I "punch" two holes into the shield on both sides of the compound. These holes are patched with "private" shields from other mages, who can then individually control entry and exit into the compound. But each entry/exit point requires two mages, since we are using an "airlock" type system. This will mean letting groups of individuals in and out at one time, while still maintaining at least one protective shield at all times. If anything did make it past one of the shields while it was open, it would still be prevented entrance by the other shield making up the "lock."

We also plan to set up a comparable system for cargo and supplies, using existing tunnels and larger "holes" with similar two-shield locks. These will only be open at random times during the week to prevent establishing a pattern that could be exploited for an attack. While this requires fewer mage resources, it requires a lot more logistical coordination to have things ready at the proper time.

After setting up one lock and running several attack simulations to test the integrity of the solution, I'm confident that it will work. I then set up the remaining locks and work with the team to implement a rotating schedule of mages to staff the portals. I finally portal home with Race around nine p.m., barely able to stay on my feet.

"I'm dead tired, Race … but …." I smile and pull myself up onto him to give him a deep kiss. I could really use some of your special brand of attention, right now! I don’t think my heat is over, yet.

I don't even notice the pinkish-white, wispy smoke curling out of both our noses.



I look around the Oval Office and sigh at Roberta's inevitable question. Race and I are with George in another "full" meeting with Roberta Braun, Craig Underwood, Lola Scribner, and the other Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Roberta looks incredulous at our silence and blurts out. "So, you're telling me that you can create a shield powerful enough to keep the enemy out, you can portal anywhere, you can obliterate small mountains, but you can't portal yourself behind enemy lines, shield yourself, and obliterate that army of dinos?"

Race unconsciously lets out a cloud of frustrated black smoke.

I shake my head and put my hand on his knee to calm him down. I look at Roberta and frown. "Look. I get you don't understand the limitations of my magic. Hell! I don't understand half of my magic, at this point. What I do know, however, is that there is still a balance … precarious as it may be. For the same reason that Grae'Bar can't just portal in here and blow everything up, I can't do the opposite. There is sufficient light magic amassed here to protect us from an all-out dark assault and there is sufficient dark magic there to protect them from a light magic one. That means, for now, both sides are dependent on changing the balance – or defending it." I take a sip of water and focus hard on not letting any smoke of my own escape.

Race has calmed down enough that he takes over. "If Grae'Bar were to get enough of his dino army here, he could start to shift the balance. The same if he were to take out enough light mages or shifters." He shakes his head. "Think of it like a nuclear arms race … as long as both sides have similar defensive capabilities and destructive power, there is a balance. It doesn't quite translate to the magical balance, since that example relies more on deterrence than actual inability to attack. But it's as close as I can come to a comparison at the moment."

"I guess I get it … sort of." She shakes her head. "So, what do we do, then?"

George takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh. "We have to fortify our defenses. And it's time to engage our allies."

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