Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 2

I sigh and fear whatever it is that she's about to do, now. "Why is it that I always dread seeing you, Otohime?"



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju | Dreamstime.com)


Chapter Two



We were a full thirty minutes later arriving back on Earth than Master Yoshi … not that anyone would ever know … or understand the significance of that slight … Earth-time … delay. Well, other than maybe Otohime.

But those days with Race on … whatever planet that was … were magical. On a whole other level! Well, and dinner last night at one of the most elegant restaurants in DC was a close … ummm, not second. Maybe third? Nothing gets anywhere even close to our … intimate time!

Unfortunately, however, Yoshi was right. It's time for all hands on deck! Grae'Bar is rapidly making more progress with his nefarious plans than we are with our potential counter measures. War is pretty much inevitable, at this point. And we still aren't sure what that means … for Earth … or beyond.

I'm glowing in post-orgasmic bliss from our morning shower and look at Race. We just arrived in the War Room a few minutes ago … after taking a little longer than normal to get ready this morning. It's really hard for us to break away from each other. "So, I take it that Grae'Bar has made progress since I was … side-tracked … five days ago?" I don't make mention that that was in reality months ago for me.

Sis looks at me and grins. She knows … everything … after talking to Master Yoshi, and then grilling me over our link. "Well, yes. There has been a lot of progress in the time since you were last with us." She's obviously trying to suppress a giggle … but suddenly gets deadly serious. "The dino-army is … best guess … over 50k strong, now. A mix of bad-ass carnivores and deadly 'support' types … but we still don't have a handle on what their protection factor is. We're obviously … just assuming … that conventional weapons won't have any effect on them. According to His Highness we need to err on that side of safety in our planning." She looks at Race and nods.

"Our entire current shifter population is well under ten thousand." Race grimaces. "Of course, the majority of Grae'Bar's dinosaur army won't be able to shift, but they will certainly be deadly to mortal humans. Even with our magical force added, the numbers aren't in our favor. If every registered mage was added to our 'army,' we would still fall short of their estimated fifty thousand. Like Sarah said, we don't know how magic plays into their side … our higher number of mages could be a slight advantage. We just don't know. And none of that is taking their mages and regular humans into account."

"Do we have any idea how Grae'Bar intends to get the dinos into the war zone … assuming he intends to invade our side?" I sigh. "Could he portal them … like … I was?"

"Normally, he shouldn't be able to … at least not in those numbers." Race shrugs. "Generally, normal dragons can portal themselves, but not others. He could ferry them maybe …." He shakes his head. "But there's a lot about Grae'Bar that we don't know, at this point. He really shouldn't have been able to do what he has, so far. He must have really let the dark magic consume him."

It's clear we need to figure out a way to somehow get better info than what we're getting through the satellites. But I have no idea what that might be …. I don't think we could send a spy, since it would be obvious they're not a dinosaur! I'm about to bring up the issue for discussion when the room darkens, and red lights start flashing all over the room.

Race? WTF?

"Battle stations, everyone!" Race is outwardly calm, but I can feel his agitation through our link. "Come on people, let’s move! George, what's going on?"

Vick, the only other person I know with war magic would normally be in the hot seat to answer Race, but he has been out for weeks now, on a long-term assignment, and his lieutenant, George, is at his station reading something on the computer monitor. He looks up and frowns. "A T-Rex has been spotted in Idaho. It's in one of our known hotspots for a group of anarchists out there. That's all that flags of interest for the area."

Race cusses loudly, then takes a deep breath. "Is there any other indication of an invasion?"

George shakes his head. "None that we're aware of, but it can't be a coincidence that it showed up where it did. I would bet anything that it's an attempt to recruit some spies … or allies on our soil. It was just pure happenstance that it was seen. If we hadn't been monitoring that group for other reasons …." He lets the sentence drop with a shrug.

Race nods. "Cancel the red alert, then." He looks at me. "Ready to go, Princess? We need to investigate."

I blink in surprise. "Ready? Ummm … sure?"

I'll meet you on the roof in ten minutes. And he rushes out of the room.

Ummm … sure. I shake my head and go over to hug Sis, Ginger, and Momma. "It seems we're going to investigate?" I laugh. "I guess I'll see you later … hopefully not after months, like last time!"



Well … this was unexpected! I hold tightly onto the "go bags" that Race had handed me before transforming into his sapphire dragon form and commanding me to get on his back. We are now steadily climbing in a steep ascent from the roof of the West Wing.

What? You thought we were going to walk? I don't normally fly from here, but this is an emergency.

I laugh. No, not walk. Jet maybe? Are you faster than a jet? I hear his booming laugh in my mind and smile as sexual tingles run up and down my spine. Of course, it makes me wet down below, which doesn't make my tenuous "perch" on his back any more comfortable.

I'm not faster than a jet, no. But a jet can't do this …! A red vortex opens up in front of us and he flies straight into it.

Fortunately, I know what to expect, so the vertigo that hits me doesn't make me fall from his back and into the void. What seems like minutes later, but must have only been seconds, we pop out of the "tunnel" and DC is replaced by forested mountains below us. The trees are brown and struggling to survive the heat and insect infestations that have exploded with global climate change.

Welcome to Idaho, Princess!

I sigh. It's been a long time since I was this far west. I fight tears. Mom and Dad were still alive then ….

I'm sorry, my mate. He quickly lands and transforms back after I dismount, then gives me a strong hug. "I wish it didn't have to be under these circumstances that we came out here." He points at one of the bags. "There's some special armor in there. A gift from Otohime. It's made of dragon scales and blessed by the gods and goddesses, so it's nearly indestructible. Your katana could cut through it, but little else. I don't know about a direct dark magic hit from Grae'Bar."

I open the bag and take in a deep, awed breath as I remove and inspect the garment from its depths. It looks like a hooded unitard with built-in feet. But the "material" is the amazing thing. It's very similar to Race's skin when he's in his dragon form, except the scales the garment is made of are much smaller … and are a translucent, iridescent, pearly-white, not the deep sapphire of my mate's scales. The armor must contain millions of the tiny scales that seamlessly overlap, but move freely, as needed … the same as Race's larger scales do when he moves.

"It's … beautiful!" I can only whisper the words in a subdued, awed voice.

Race nods. "That it is! Now, strip and put it on. We need to move!"

Strip? "You want me to put it on with nothing else under it?" I grin and wink naughtily. "We obviously don't have time for any fun before we go … investigate!"

He groans. "You don't know how much I want to, right now …. Later! This is why I avoided us mating for so long!" He gives me a feral grin. "And yes. You wear the armor directly on your skin. You'll see why when you put it on."

I shrug and completely strip. We're in a grove of dead trees, but there is little chance anyone will see me. I struggle to get into the garment, since it's so skin-tight. But its elasticity and flexibility let me get it on without too much trouble. I put on the included gloves and look at Race. "Now what? Do I put my regular clothes on …?" WTF?

I was going to ask if I just wore the garment under my regular clothes, but suddenly it starts constricting on my body. Its elasticity had molded it pretty tightly to my body to begin with, but now it is … shrinking around me … and getting …hot!

Race! Help! Get me out of this thing!

Relax, mate! It's doing what it's supposed to. Just let it finish.

Resolving to kill him if I make it out of this thing alive, I try and relax as he suggests. As soon as I stop fighting it, it tightens itself into literally a second skin on me … somehow letting my hair through the hood and tightening on my scalp and face. Then it attaches itself! I can't explain it any other way. It bonds itself to my skin … becoming a part of it … of me. And then it turns invisible.

It looks very sexy on you, mate. I can't wait until you have scales of your own!

"Wait! You can still see it?" I run my hands over my skin and can feel it … but I can't see it.

"Yes, my mate. But I have the enhanced vision of a dragon." He smiles. "Technically, you're clothed, but you may want to put on something more 'visible' to humans, for when we meet up with our contact."

I shake my head and grumble under my breath. "Talk about the Emperor's new clothes …!"

I'm glad you're finally taking your new role seriously, Princess. But that would be Empress! There is nothing remotely "Emperor-ish" about you, anymore!

I just give him a scathing look as I pull my clothes back on. "Let's go, 'Your Highness!'"



We meet up with Greg Zimmermann a short time later.

He's head of the group of Feds that has been monitoring a particular group of anarchists for several weeks now. They're suspected of a number of highly illegal activities. But colluding with the Chinese is a new treasonous one. Assuming that is what they're doing, that is. Of course, that's what we're here to find out.

"You must be Greg." Race shakes his hand. "I'm Race and this is my m… ummm … fiancée, Alexa."

I give Race a shocked look before I relax my face and turn to smile brightly at Greg. I limply shake his hand. "Call me Lexi. Not to cut the niceties short … but what can you tell us about this dinosaur sighting?"

"Nice to meet both of you. I wish it were under better circumstances." He smiles. "Congratulations on the engagement! I wasn't aware that you were engaged, Sir." He shrugs. "Anyway, we've been monitoring the group, as you know. We've been sticking to a particular schedule, since we suspected they were on to us, and we wanted them to let their guard down. So, when we did a surprise check … outside of the 'schedule' … we were the ones surprised when there were two unknown Chinese individuals and a … a … a … Tyrannosaurus Rex there with them. Or at least that's what it looked like to us."

I nod. "Do you have any pictures, by chance?"

"Yeah. Hang on." He pulls out a small tablet and hands it to me after unlocking it and navigating to a folder with pictures.

I take the tablet and stand next to Race as I scroll through the pictures. They clearly show two Chinese males and one T. Rex. It's hungrily eying the collective group of anarchists, who are nervously staring back at the dinosaur.

"Did anything unusual happen that you observed?" Race is intently looking at the pictures. This is the first time we got anything close to high-resolution pictures of one of the dinosaurs.

Greg grins lopsidedly. "You mean other than a dinosaur showing up?" He shrugs. "They talked for a while, then the T. Rex shifted into a human as a … a … a portal … or something … opened up. They all three stepped into it and disappeared … along with the portal thingy. It all happened so quickly that we couldn't get any pictures of that."

Race growls. "You're sure that the portal just appeared and they all three just stepped in? Were they holding hands … or otherwise in physical contact with one another?"

Greg shrinks back at Race's feral growl and pales. But he quickly recovers and shakes his head. "No. They all three just stepped in. I didn't notice that they were touching each other in any way."

I look at Race in surprise.

He's scowling and black smoke is escaping his nose.

"So … that opens up a whole new can of wormholes! Now, we need to figure out how many they can transport at once … and how far." I shudder at the thought of them being able to transport their army undetected into the country.

Race is glowering at the tablet and scrolling back and forth through the pictures again. "None of these are Grae'Bar or his known lieutenants. That means that either these individuals had a Goddess Crystal to transport them … or Grae'Bar is much more powerful than we feared and can generate portals from afar for others to use."

I sigh and point out the obvious. "And we still have no real idea what they were doing here." I look at Greg. "I don't suppose you were able to listen in on any of the conversation?"

"No." He shakes his head ruefully. "We haven't been able to get any bugs placed in their compound. We typically use laser or parabolic mics, but for some reason they wouldn't work. I mean they were functioning correctly, but it was like there was some sort of … shielding that wouldn't let the sound through. Of course, we weren't expecting that, so we didn't have anyone that could read lips, either." He looks slightly embarrassed.

I put my hand on his arm and shake my head. "There's no way you could have known."

"Lexi's right." Race nods. "But moving forward, we're going to embed a mage into all of the taskforces like this one and we need to read in all the leads on the situation. It would be great if we could get some undercover operatives into some of these groups. But that would be even more dangerous than normal, given that they could be transformed against their will."

"Or eaten." I shudder. "Could we maybe get a shifter in? Wouldn't they be protected from further … transformation?"

Race shakes his head and sighs. "Yeah … but they would be able to sense another shifter's magic. It would be a dead giveaway."

Greg pales. "You mean literally, don't you?"

Race grimly nods his head.



I'm standing naked in front of the floor-length mirror in my room. Well, naked except for the armor still somehow attached to my skin. I run my hand over my body and feel the slight unevenness of the scales, even if my skin is otherwise smooth to the touch … and the armor is still invisible to the … human … eye, including mine. I look at Race over my shoulder in the mirror.

He's standing behind me and giving me a smoldering look.

We got back from our trip to Idaho a few minutes ago and I'm ready for a shower. "How do I get this thing off? It's still skin-tight and … stuck to me!"

He chuckles. "Yes, you do need to remove it. I have plans for you that don't include any 'obstacles!'" He laughs at my indignant look. "Just will it to come off and it should release itself enough for you to disrobe it."

I roll my eyes. "Just will it off, huh? And how do I …?" I jokingly command it to come off in my mind at the same time I'm giving him shit … and it suddenly loosens on me and turns fully visible, again.

He laughs. "See! No problem. Do you need any help taking it off? I'm here to help my mate in any way I can!" He waggles his eyebrows.

I can plainly smell his arousal, even with my "normal" human senses. Of course, I'm soaking wet down below, too. And I have no idea how to wash magical dragon armor. Ewww! I have to figure out something as I strip it off and my wetness runs down the inside of the legs.

I hold it out in front of me with two fingers and groan. "Is this thing washer and dryer safe?" I almost chortle at the confused look on his face. "I'm not putting it back on until it's … freshened up … and I hate handwashing things!" I throw it in a pile on the floor and go over to him. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself up and over the large bulge in his pants and wrapping my legs around his waist in one smooth motion. I whisper gruffly in his ear, "But that can wait until we take care of some more urgent matters." I rub my sopping wet womanhood on his shirt and nibble on his ear before I stick my tongue down in it. I know that drives him crazy!

He groans and I feel his bulge get even bigger under my bottom. He reaches down and undoes his pants, letting them drop to the floor. He moves his head to extract my tongue from his ear and turns to otherwise engage it with his in a deep kiss. He pulls his underwear down and I feel the tip of his slickened and now freed member snap up and slap itself in between my butt cheeks.

I can't help but giggle at the thought that it's laying there like a hotdog between my buns.

He growls ferally. Red smoke escapes his nose and is forced down my throat with our kiss.

I choke and can't help but grimace as it sears its way down.

Sorry, Love. I'll be more careful … I just lost control. You do that to me! He growls again, this time without the smoke and walks us toward the bed. He deposits me on it and pulls off his shirt when I let go of him.

I turn and get on my hands and knees, stretching my bottom up towards him and spreading my legs to bare my sopping wet slit. I wiggle my hips and look back at him provocatively.

He growls again and more smoke escapes his nose and lips. He slowly climbs on top of me and cups my breasts from behind. He tweaks my nipples and I almost orgasm on the spot.

I've not been a woman for long, and I always heard when I was a guy that girls need a lot of foreplay to get "prepared," but that doesn't seem to be me. Maybe it's a bonding thing … or maybe it's a dragon thing. Either way, I'm moaning uncontrollably, and I need him. I need you in me, now!

He growls in my ear, and I feel his tip brush my slit, then slowly start pressing its way into me.

When I say now, I mean now! I push my hips back and force him into me with one hard backward rocking motion and a moan of contentment.

We quickly get into a rhythm, and I adjust my angle slightly before squeezing harder and rocking faster. We both come at the same time and his mighty roar is only slightly louder than my screams of ecstasy.



I regretfully push him out of the shower. "I need to get ready. You need to get ready. We need to be in the War Room in an hour … and it takes me longer than you … now!" I'm surprisingly awake for only having had a couple of hours sleep. The rest of last night after our initial urgent release was spent satiating the needs of our bond … well, trying to. Those needs seem to be completely insatiable … as the last hour in the shower has plainly evidenced with no relief in sight!

Ten minutes later, freshly shaved and oiled, I step out of the shower and pat myself dry before putting my hair up in a turban and donning my little pink silk robe to sit down at my vanity and do my makeup. I go through the motions, without much conscious thought or effort, and towel-dry my hair when I'm done. I comb my hair and leave it to air-dry and allow the slight wave from my perm to "do its thing." I take one last look in the mirror and still can't believe that I'm the twenty-something year-old young woman looking back at me … but the fact that I'm still wet below and wanting to go find Race is a clear indication that it's no hallucination.

I feel my dragon stir on my back to remind me to focus and sigh. I quickly move to my closet to get dressed, putting on a comfortable sweater and loose, warm wool pants to give me plenty of room to move if Master Yoshi decides to pull a test on me today. But they still meet the dress code for "the office." Barely ….

I slip on some five-inch heels. They're surprisingly comfortable, once Sis wore me down and got me used to them, and the stiletto heels make a pretty wicked weapon in and of themselves. It doesn't hurt that they give me a little extra height … but they still leave me woefully shorter than Race. I shake my head as thoughts of kissing him start morphing into more … steamy ones, and I feel my "dampness" below start to edge toward "wetness."

I feel the low growl rumbling the walls more than I hear it. I can smell your arousal from all the way out here, Princess! They can't start the meeting without us, so if we're a little late ….

I groan as I feel his raw emotions flood me with his message. I force myself to get up and go down to the kitchen where I'm hit with the tantalizing smell of coffee, bacon and eggs. "No! I want you so badly, right now! But we have work to do, the planet to save, and dragons/dinosaurs to slay!" I shudder with pent up desire, but resolutely click my way over the hardwood floor to the cabinets and pull out a bowl for my hot oatmeal after I pour a cup of heaven from the coffee pot. The eggs and bacon smell so good, but my lifelong conditioning of a "heart-smart" breakfast wins the battle.

Race growls again at my response, but he doesn't argue. He simply eats me with his eyes as he finishes consuming his dozen eggs and pound of bacon.

I guess I'll need to stock up on supplies, if he's going to be here … more often. We haven't even discussed the actual … logistics … of being bonded, yet. Things have just happened too fast … and furious!

I finish making my oatmeal and quickly eat it as he puts his plates in the dishwasher. I drain my coffee with a contented sigh and put my own bowl in the dishwasher.

He pours us two large travel mugs of the ultra-strong coffee and grimaces. "I told you that it would be … difficult … once we finalized the bonding. But you're right … we have to … focus!"

I go over to him and push up on his chin before pulling myself up on him and giving him a deep kiss. And that means focus on work and not my vagina or breasts! Eyes up, "Your Highness!" I giggle into the kiss before I break it with a smack and let myself fall to the floor. "We need to go, Hotness! You may be okay being late, but I have a reputation to protect!" I giggle again at the indignant look he gives me.

He shakes his head, and his eyes lose focus on me, like he's concentrating on something. Suddenly, a red vortex opens, and he gestures for me step in. "Ladies first!"

I gape at the vortex and give him a dark look. "You can portal us to work? Why didn't you lead with that?"

He wryly shakes his head. "It takes effort to maintain this, Princess! Please go through … but I did tell you we had time …."

I groan as he takes my hand and we step into the vortex and out in his office with only a slight nauseous feeling. Suddenly, I'm glad I went with the oatmeal!



I clammer on to him, not wanting him to get up. I'm still glowing in post-orgasmic bliss from the last thirty minutes on the couch in his office. We made it to lunchtime before we couldn't take it, anymore … barely!

He frees himself and gets up to pull his clothes back on after using some sanitizing wipes to clean up. He hands me the bottle of wipes. "I suppose we should get something better … but these will have to do, for now. And we really need to eat something …."

I grimace as I use the cold wipes to clean myself and I certainly won’t be recommending using alcohol around your vagina, should anyone ask! But the coldness does serve a purpose. Race gets really hot when he makes love to me. No, I mean he literally turns into this … furnace! And I'm still on fire from that. The cold wipes make me shiver, but I finish getting cleaned up and pull my clothes on, hopping around a little at the stinging from the alcohol.

Race hangs up his phone and smiles at me. "Food will be here in ten minutes. I should've thought of that before … ten more minutes …."

I groan and fight the urge to tear his clothes off … again. I decide to satisfy my curiosity to distract my other thoughts. "So … portalling …. Why did I ride your back to Idaho if we could have just stepped through? And … why did you fly to the house the other night … or to rescue me in the woods?"

He finishes buttoning his shirt and tucks it into his pants with a shrug. "It takes a lot more effort to create the portal in human form. For me to have created a portal from here to Idaho in my human form and take you with me, would have pretty much burned me out … magically … for several hours. I don't have that constraint in dragon form … at least not while traveling anywhere locally. As in on the planet. Yes, I could have portalled to your house in human form the other night, but I started out from home, so it wasn't a big deal to fly. It's always more awkward from here … so I usually come and go from here in human form."

My eyes are bugging out. "Locally is 'on the planet?' What is … not 'local,' then?"

He shrugs again. "Well … another planet, of course. Or even further. Like where you went to train. That taxes me even in dragon form. Only the empress or a god or goddess can traverse those distances without significant cost …."

I'm about to say something profound, I'm sure … I just don't know what it was going to be, because I get interrupted by a blinding red light.

"Hello, children. I'm so glad to see that you're getting along, now! It warms my heart!" Otohime appears in her sudden dazzling brilliance.

Race bows his head and focuses on her. "Mother Otohime. Welcome!"

I sigh and fear whatever it is that she's about to do, now. "Why is it that I always dread seeing you, Otohime?"

She actually smiles, although it is a little dangerously. "Careful, Little One. I am your goddess … like it or not!" She bathes the couch that Race and I had just "christened" with red light and then settles onto it, after swiping her hand over it and frowning in careful consideration. "Now, I want to amend Race's answer to you a bit, Princess. Since you already mostly know this, I'm not breaking any cosmic laws …. The empress, a god, or of course us goddesses can all transport between worlds and realms without concern … but so now can Grae'Bar. He's gained significant Dark power that simply cannot be under-estimated." She pauses.

Race's hands ball into tight fists and it looks like he's about to smash them through his desk.

I gently take one of his arms in mine and embrace it … willing him to calm down. Don't let her stoke you, Love. She excels at that!

She smiles. "I'm not stoking, Little One. I'm telling it like it is." She shakes her head. "I am a Goddess of Light and will do all in my power to fight the dominance of the Darkness. Unfortunately, there must be a balance between the two. It would be just as bad if the Light were to completely snuff out the Darkness. But Grae'Bar is using the slow decay and ebbing of the Light on many worlds, including this one, to his advantage. The empress' hands are tied as to what she can do … for now. So, it is up to you to ensure that Grae'Bar doesn't win on this world."

I look at her, totally confused. I don't even know where to begin asking questions.

Race takes a deep breath and lets it out in a slow growl. "We are doing our best, Mother Otohime."

"I know you are." She nods. "And while completing your bond was of utmost importance, you were correct Race that it would ultimately be a source of distraction for the both of you. At least in the short term. What we need is to get you two settled in …." Before either of us can respond, she snaps her fingers and we're sucked into a new vortex, only to be spit out back on the "training" planet that I had been on for months with Master Yoshi.

I fight the nausea and hang onto Race's arm to steady myself.

He at least looks a little green, too.

"Why did she bring us back here? Where is she?" I look around, ready to bite her head off!

He shakes his head but doesn't get a chance to respond.

Another vortex appears and spits out the pack. They're all clearly the worst off of us all—completely disoriented. Of course, it's their first portal experience.

Ginger is dry-heaving.

Mamma J is holding her up … barely.

Sis looks over at me, confused. What the fuck, Sis? What just happened?

Again, before I can respond, there's a huge bright red flash and Otohime and what can only be a beautiful Black god are standing on the planet with us.

Race sucks in his breath and bows deeply. "Father Nyami Nyami. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Race? What's going on? Who is Nyami Nyami? As usual, I'm not bowing.

He is my ancestral god, the Zambezi River God, or Snake Spirit. He honored me with my dragon, since it complements my water magic. My main dragon is actually that of a water dragon. He slowly raises his eyes to meet those of the Black god.

Otohime claps her hands. "Welcome to our little family gathering. Nyami Nyami and I are here to formally wed Race and Lexi, who will spend the next month, local time, here on this planet for their honeymoon. Since that is only about a day back on Earth, they will have time to settle into their bond and adjust to being mates and husband and wife. We thought that you would like your family here for the ceremony. Unfortunately, I could not bring your parents, Race, without creating an … incident."

"I am proud to see your bond so strong, my son!" Nyami Nyami's voice is like a deep sonic boom.

What the fuck, Sis? You're getting married? You couldn't warn us? Sis looks pissed.

Back off, Sis! This is all news to me! I look at Otohime. "I don't understand. Race and I are bonded … and fully mated. What does getting married have to do with anything?"

We are plied with a mixture of sonic booms and tubular bells as both gods laugh at my innocent, but sincere question.

"You can be so funny, Little One!" Her laughing subsides. "This is not about some human piece of paper declaring you 'wed.' This is about receiving a blessing of unity from your respective ancestral god and goddess. Being fated mates is not usually something that we gods interfere with … it just happens as it should. In your case, there was some … tweaking to ensure that it happened as it should. But this blessing is about the two of you coming together under us and prospering."

Nyami Nyami is nodding. "It's not about your bond or status as mates, at all. It's about laying a foundation for the two of you to spend millennia together. Assuming you survive the coming war, that is. We really have no control over your ultimate fate. Anyway, after the Princess accepts her Dragon Spirit, you will have thousands of years together … and provide much-needed offspring to continue the royal lines. That certainly is worthy of our blessing!" His booming voice is starting to give me a headache.

Sis beats me to a response. "Bullshit! Millennia? You're joking, right?"

Race shakes his head. "As dragons, we will live long lives. As Empress, Lexi will live longer than most. The current Empress is well over ten thousand of our Earth years old."

Otohime frowns. "And she is rapidly fading."

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