Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 7

Oh! Stop being such a drama queen, Child! You are still just a princess, after all … You yet have a long way to go to get to "queen" status!



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju | Dreamstime.com)


Chapter Seven



The next week goes by in a flurry. Race and I are busy portalling across the country while I set up more self-maintaining shields at strategic sites. It is a delicate balance between the need to protect various high-profile sites and the available mage staffing required to maintain the security locks. While we are "traveling" the country, I am able to identify several more mages to add to our ranks, both ante- and post-emergence of their magic. Unfortunately, I don't find any additional red mages.

"I'm tired, Race." We're taking a much-needed break in a small micro-brewery pub outside of San Francisco. "I think we've done about as much as we can, for now. But I'm surprised that we haven't had any more attacks, to be honest."

Race nods as he takes a deep draft of his craft beer and licks the foam from his top lip. "Remember … it's all about balance. I think Grae'Bar is assessing our actions. Nothing is showing up on the satellite feeds, either … except a further build-up of his dino army."

"Have we heard anything from our allies?" I take a small sip of my beer and shudder a little at its bitterness. There's no doubt that while I will occasionally drink a beer, I'm much more of a wine girl … or bourbon or Scotch on a good day. "If the Russians really are engaging more, it could mean they are ramping up for a European attack … although, that still doesn't explain why they attacked us first."

"Well, they are still very sore about what the U.S. did back in the twenties after they invaded Ukraine." He drains his glass and signals the waitress for another. "The fact that things have been relatively quiet since the attack, indicates to me that they probably did it on their own … without Grae'Bar's orders or blessing. Like Father said, we do however need to start coordinating better with our allies now. In the end, we're all in this together. Grae'Bar for sure won't be satisfied with just taking over the U.S. He wants the planet … and beyond. With magic back in its infancy here, it's just a good place for him to practice his strategy for more advanced planets."

Aq'Race and your father-in-law are correct. It is time for you to start flexing your diplomatic muscle on your home planet and bring your planet-wide magical forces together. It is the only way to shift the balance enough to defeat Grae'Bar and his dark plans for the planet – your planet.

I grimace and take another, much larger sip of my beer. Easier said than done, Empress! I'm not a diplomat! Nor do I know any of the international players.

Nor was I diplomat when I first became empress some odd ten thousand of your years ago. You will not learn any younger, Child!

I drain my still full glass in one large gulp and shiver as I slam it down on the table with a loud crack, startling a gray puff of smoke out of Race.

"What was that, Princess?" He's giving me a look that is somewhere between bemused shock and bewildered amusement.

I grumble a request for another beer, accompanied by a double Scotch, to the waitress who happens to pass by and blow a dark cloud of my own smoke at Race. "The empress wants me to 'flex my diplomatic muscle' with our allies. I'm not a diplomat, Race. The fate of the planet … or the universe … or whatever … shouldn't lay on my shoulders! It's not fair … to me … or those who seem to be counting on me!"

He silently nods and waits for the waitress to return with my order. After she leaves, he takes my hands across the table. "Lexi, you are much stronger than you give yourself credit. And you don't have to do any of this alone. I will be there, right by your side – as will our entire diplomatic core. I assume the empress reminded you that she once had to once learn diplomacy, as well?"

"Yeah." I down half the Scotch with a shudder, then sit back and rub my finger along the rim of my newly refilled frosty glass of beer a little petulantly. "She might have mentioned that … and that she started over ten thousand years ago! That's so not bolstering my confidence or making me feel any better!"

Oh! Stop being such a drama queen, Child! You are still just a princess, after all … You yet have a long way to go to get to "queen" status!



I sigh as I check my dress and makeup in the full-length mirror in our room. Well … this is as good as it gets, I guess. Who would have ever thought I would be gussying up in a dress to meet with international dignitaries to save the universe when I was a little boy?

You look very nice, Child. Well … for a human that is!

I can sense the humor in her comment and know not to take it seriously. It doesn't alleviate my jitters in the least, however. Thanks … I think. "Mother."

You are welcome, dear Child! Now … stop procrastinating and go! Her amusement is palpable.

I shake my head and grab my chosen stilettos from the closet before padding down the stairs in my silk-clad feet. When I get to the bottom, I stop and slip into my signature five-inch heels prior to clicking my way into the kitchen to find Race. "Ready, Your Highness? Not that I am …."

"Yes, I'm ready, Princess. But don't you want to eat some breakfast, first?" Race gives me a sidelong glance. "You look lovely, by the way!"

"I'm not really sure what happens if you throw up your breakfast in a portal, but I think I'll skip finding out." I shrug. "Even if I made it through the portal … I would probably throw up on some dignitary's spiffy clothing. Not a good first impression, I would think. I mean I'm not a diplomat, but that seems like the wrong message to send. Just saying …."

Race chuckles. "Falling over from hypoglycemia is also not a great first impression, Princess! Remember, your metabolism has significantly increased with your advanced dragon merging. You need to eat something! We have plenty of time."

My stomach growls and betrays me on several fronts. "Fine! I'll make some oatmeal … even if I am craving something totally protein-related and very raw …. Stupid dragon impulses!" I try and suppress the black smoke that escapes my mouth as I talk but am unsuccessful and huff out another large cloud in exasperation. I shake my head in complete frustration and loudly bang things around in the kitchen as I fix my oatmeal.

Twenty minutes later, my stomach is no longer growling, but I'm still totally craving raw meat … and I still utterly feel like I'm going to throw up. I pull myself together and push the feelings aside, as best I can, to focus on the task at hand. "Okay, Your Highness. Can we move this along now? Are you happy? I ate something … but if I puke it up all over you, don't blame me!"

Race just shakes his head in mock horror and opens a portal. "After you, Princess!"

I sigh and step into the portal. I step out about a second later, relative time … but six hours actual Earth time, later. We're in front of NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where it's just past noon.



The "official" NATO meetings goes much better than I could have ever expected. At least I don't throw up on anyone … or myself! I call it the "official" meeting, because it's not restricted to magical beings. Europe and other parts of the "old world" have their own past with magic … and their own demons to slay that go along with that history. But, in general, there's a better acceptance of its existence than there was in the U.S. when it first started to reappear … or even now. So, there was less denial. That doesn't mean its use was … or is … approved by all.

For whatever reason, Grae'Bar has been focusing his efforts on the U.S., so there haven't been any known attacks outside of our boundaries … yet. But we shared what we know with the other members, and at least they acknowledge the danger of what is to come. With that, they have pledged their support to defending the planet.

I finish up the last of my briefing and take a deep breath as my stomach growls with genuine bone-gnawing hunger. I think I need to seriously find something to eat now! Something like a whole cow … or a horse would do!

I told you to eat more before we left. We still have to meet with the local magical community before we can go home. But I'll see if we can find you something to stave off most of the pangs. You're becoming a dragon, now. You need to eat!

I silently groan as I nod and close my laptop after it shuts down. I look up and flinch at the onrush of people coming up to engage us in conversation. But Lily, my new diplomatic attaché, expertly deflects them and steers me into a side room with Race.

"Okay, Princess. We're going to portal to an offsite meeting with the local mages and shifters. I've been told there will be serious refreshments available." Race smiles encouragingly, opens a portal, and then gestures me in.



I smile at Race as he hands me a plate piled full of the refreshments … which consists of long, thin strips of marinated raw meats. Given there is a large contingent of shifters at the meeting, there is a full spread and a corresponding long line of hungry individuals. Even so, I try not to wolf (or is that "dragon") down my food. I can't believe how much more I eat since I've merged more heavily with Var'Leth, but I'm not gaining any undue weight, so it must be going somewhere … appropriate.

The meeting with the local mages and shifters has turned out to be more of a meet and greet than anything formal, which is actually a relief after the formality of the NATO meeting. The food is excellent and just what I needed after the hours in those briefings. I look around the room as Race stands back in line to refill his own plate and wonder at how full the room, actually a large ballroom, is of individuals connected to magic. And this is just what is local to Brussels. Well, within a few hundred miles radius … but still ….

"How is the food, Princess? I hope it is to your liking?" A grizzly older man gives me a toothy smile and reaches out his hand to shake mine. "Forgive me, I'm Marlin, the local bear alpha."

I quickly swallow my bite of raw beef and smile back as I shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Marlin. And the food is absolutely wonderful! Just what I needed after those meetings. I was coming close to collapsing from hunger!"

"I am glad it … hits the spot. Is that the saying?” He gives me another toothy smile. “We don't get too many visitors in this community from your side of the pond … at least not from the U.S." He shrugs. "But let me introduce you around. I'm what you might call the host of this get-together. We'll just wait for His Highness to refill his plate. No one will mind. But where are my manners? You surely would like something to drink? Wine maybe?"

"I would love a glass of wine! Something red and earthy? I adore French wines …." I'm not desperate for anything alcoholic, but it seems like the proper response in this case.

Marlin's grin broadens and he takes my arm and steers me towards the bar. "Gerome, please pour the princess a glass of our special red reserve. I think it will be very pleasing to her discerning palette!"

The bartender nods and pours me a large glass of a deep, burgundy-colored wine and delicately places the glass in front of me on the bar. He smiles as he gently pushes it toward me. "What would His Highness like? I can get that while he's in line." He speaks with a heavy French accent and has the tell-tale yellow color in his pupils that mark him as a wolf. My Dragon Sense confirms it.

"Thank you, Gerome, is it?" I shrug. "Race typically likes beer … the bitterer, the better. But he will drink wine, too. Or hard stuff on a bad day." I smile and shrug.

Gerome nods. "We have some excellent beers. I would think an IPA or a good Pilsner?"

At that moment, Race comes up behind us. "If you have a good local Pilsner, it would be perfect!"

Several minutes later, after introducing Race to Marlin, we're making the rounds and a lot of small talk with the locals. In the end, several hours later and deep into the night, it's clear that we have many allies in our fight – especially, since they are all below us in the hierarchy of all things magical and will follow our orders without question, in any case. This is going to take some getting used to. And I thought simply getting used to being a girl was weird ….



I step out of the portal right behind Race and into our bedroom. I don't waste any time kicking off my heels as I pull myself onto him and give him a deeply probing kiss. Once again, I'm dead tired. I'm pleasantly full and feeling the added effects of several glasses of heavy French red wine. All of it together is lulling me into a state of relaxed exhaustion. But I need Race more than I need sleep, in this moment.

It seems that he is on the same page, since he quickly starts unzipping my dress as he returns my kiss. He gently puts me down on the bed and rapidly shirks his tuxedo.

I slink out of my dress and lay there in my bra, silk stockings, and soaking wet panties. I beckon him to join me … desperate for him to be inside me. I don't even notice the reddish smoke I'm exhaling.

He jumps onto the bed and then climbs on top of me in nothing but his socks, briefs, and shirt and I feel his own rock-hard need pressing into my sopping wet panties through his briefs.

I reach down and slide my panties down my legs, not worrying with my stockings still hooked to my garter belt. I'm too much in need to care. I desperately pull his briefs down, letting him spring free like a catapult. I hook my stockinged foot into his briefs and pull them down to his feet and then buck my hips up toward him. I don't need … or want any foreplay. I make that very clear. It seems my heat is still not completely over, and my desperation is still very real.

He gets my urgent message and enters my very slick opening in one strong thrust.

I desperately raise my hips to meet him as more red smoke escapes my moaning lips. I know there won't be much sleep to be had again tonight ….



I smile wanly as Sis infuses me with a magical "elixir" of energy … on top of what I “automatically” pull through our pipeline. I have also been draining my ring of its stores this morning … and chugging strong, black coffee to simply maintain any semblance of consciousness. "Thanks, Sis. I've lost count, but I think I've had a sum-total of six hours of not very fitful sleep over the past week. Var'Leth promises me that my stamina will increase along with our progressing bond, but I'm still mostly human at this point … and I'm beat. Do you happen to have any magical espresso that you can hook me up to intravenously?"

Sis giggles, then turns serious. "You're going to have to take better care of yourself, Sis. This war is just starting, and you can't keep burning the candle at both ends! I know that's easier said than done, but my magical 'energy drinks' will only carry you so far. Eventually, you will simply collapse."

I can tell I am putting a strain on her, too … draining her stores to replenish mine. I sigh, puffing out a meager grayish cloud of smoke. I shake my head, I'm even too tired to puff out a good cloud of "frustration smoke." A small trickle of black smoke escapes my nose as my mood darkens. "Acknowledged, Sis. I will keep that in mind. Just keep that 'energy drink' flowing, in the meantime. Okay?"

"Sure, sure, sure …." Sis giggles. "Your smoke signals are really useful to a healer! Just don't start playing poker! Anyway, let's get inside. I'm sure they're chomping at the bit to get started with the meeting!"

This time a large cloud of black smoke escapes my lips as I talk. "You just wait until I can actually breathe fire … then you won't make fun of me!" I sigh … sans smoke. I really do need to learn how to better control this new … habit. "Okay. Let's get this over with."

Sis opens the door to the large conference room and motions for me to enter.

I step into the room. The majority of the magical White House day shift staff is in attendance with only those needed for staffing the War Room or portals not present. It's a routine staff meeting and it's my turn to lead it today, since Race is dealing with an issue in the War Room. "Good morning, everyone! Let's get started …."



I'm resting my head on my arms in Race's and my office. I moved into the office with him when we both became a part of the Joint Chiefs. It just made sense for us to have an office together. It's lunchtime and I'm about to drift off to sleep … just for a quick ten-minute nap, I promise myself.

Princess? Can you come to the War Room. I need your assistance!

I jump as Race blasts my brain with his unwelcome message. Sure, Your Highness … I live to please!

I groggily pull myself together and sleepwalk to the War Room. I would portal, but not only is that a waste of magical energy, the fact is that I don't have the energy to spare even if it weren't also bad form. I stumble into the room and give my mate a bleary-eyed look … that turns to wide-eyed, instant attention when I take in what’s on the monitor that he's intently watching with black smoke seemingly pouring out of every pore in is body. It's showing the satellite feed of the main Chinese dino camp that we've been monitoring. Portals are opening up everywhere and small mixed groups of ten dinos, each, are entering them and disappearing to points unknown.

"I think things are about to get more interesting." Race turns to look at me. "We need to let Father and our allies know. I believe an attack is imminent. I just have no idea where it will be …."

And the secure connections to our NATO allies start going crazy ….

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