Speedway Demons -chapter 28

Speed Demons

Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.

Chapter 28
Darlington Speedway, Darlington, Sc.

Bobbie stood at the very back of the Drivers’ Tent. She barely paid any attention to the Prerace Drivers’ Safety Briefing. Of all the drivers in the tent. She knew the dangers that the Speedway presented. She knew her chances of winning from the pole position better than most. She also knew that after today she stood a good chance of joining a number of Stockcar Champions who had never won at this track.

“Thinking about your upcoming win?” Jim asked quietly from behind her.

“I haven’t won yet.” Bobbie sighed.

“Forget about it Jimmy. Bobbie won’t accept the fact that nobody here can touch her.” Beth chuckled. “At least not on this track.”

“Before we get caught up in the excitement of today’s race ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank you all for an exciting opening season for the ISA.” The Chairman’s announcement drew every drivers’ attention to the front of the tent. “I can honestly say that our inaugural season has had its ups and downs. Its thrills and spills, everything that makes for truly great racing. We have seen the birth of truly historical rivalries between both teams and drivers. You have all shown a level of skill and professionalism that speaks to the very core of our sport. You have all exceeded my greatest expectations for our fledgling sport.”

“Like that was ever in doubt. Get on with old man. We got a race to run.” Seth Fisher shouted from over by the water jug. “And I got a win to take home.”

“Like you have a chance in hell Seth. Sit down and shut up for once.” Violet Knight snapped from her place in the tent. “We’re all racing for fifth place today.”

“Speak for yourself Violet. The rest of us aren’t going to just rollover and let MRI take the top four slots.” Siegmund Kühne from Thunder Valley shouted.

“Save your breath Siegmund, and your energy for the race. We’ve all seen what the local heroes can do at this track. You’re nowhere good enough to challenge MRI here.” Hitarashi Sukejuro from King Night racing snapped before turning to face the rest of the gathered drivers. “With the exception of Red Star Racing. We have all had the chance to race against MRI on our home tracks. We have all had the ‘homefield’ advantage this season. Every time that one of us should have won. We have lost to MRI. That is fact ladies and gentlemen. Now that they have the ‘homefield’ advantage. You would sit here and cry foal. That you can actually beat them on their home track. For once let us face our fans with honesty and honor.”

“You and the rest of your team might be willing to just let them win Hitarashi.” Seth yelled as he stood up. “But Bisbee Snider isn’t going to give into a bunch of no name drivers from the Americas.”

“Seth, do yourself a favor. Don’t get in my way. Not today, not here.” Bobbie snarled as she walked slowly through the gathered drivers. “You got a beef with me that’s fine. Leave your beef on pit road. You go out there believing that you can take your grudge with you. This place will kill you. Not me. The track itself. I have tried to warn you and the others here. This track will change throughout the day. One lap it can be your best friend, the next it will eat you and your car alive. We don’t call this place the Track Too Tough To Tame for no reason.”

“Bullshit! How long are you going to try and scare us with these tall tales? Racetracks do not magically change during a race. The stay the same from the start of a race to the end. The only change is if the weather changes and it rains. Only then does a racetrack change.” Seth snorted as he waved away Bobbie’s warning.

“On second thought. Fuck you Seth. I hope you do go out there with that chip on your shoulder. Because you won’t finish the race.” Bobbie finally snarled as she turned to the gathered drivers. “Got a one-hundred Euros that this dumbass doesn’t clear the first stage. Any takers?”

“I’ll take some of that action. I say that he won’t make it beyond the first seventy-five laps.” Caleb McLean called out as he looked up at his teammate. “Sorry partner, but you don’t stand a fucking chance of winning here.”

Before Seth could say anything in response to his teammate’s comment the Chairman called the gathered drivers to order. “Ladies and gentlemen! Order Please!”

Once everyone calmed down and returned to their seats he took a deep breath. “As Darlington Speedway is a home racetrack for one of our teams. They shall be the last drivers introduced. As has been our tradition from the start of the season. This in no way points to their standing in the starting lineup.”

“Bullshit! You’re just trying to rub our noses in the fact that MRI holds the top four positions in the field.” Léonard Carrell yelled out in disgust.

“Shut the fuck up Carrell! When we raced at the Paris Superspeedway, Les Ailes de Justice were the last ones to be introduced. Just as King Night were the last to be introduced at the Mitsubishi Speedway. We have been doing this at every homefield racetrack from the beginning of the season. There isn’t one team here that hasn’t been given the honor. Yet you want to deny MRI the honor because they hold the fist four pole positions on the home track. God you’re pathetic!” Nazarova Grigorievna roared from his place with team Red Star. When Carrell sat back down Nazarova looked back up at the Chairman. “Please continue sir.”

“Thank you sir. As I was saying MRI will be the last set of drivers to be introduced. As it has been pointed out already team MRI does hold the top four positions in the starting lineup. We will be making one change to the introductions. For the first time we will start at the back of the field and work our way forward announcing each driver with their corresponding position. There is a tradition for the introduction of drivers here at Darlington Speedway. A tradition that we will honor. As you know each of your teams received a request for your favorite song.” The Chairman was interrupted by a round of laughter from the drivers. Holding up his hands to regain order the Chairman chuckled. “Yes I know that most of you do not have a favorite English song. So, to accommodate our American hosts. The Broad of Directors for the ISA has picked a select few songs for you. When you hear the music starts please standby to make your entrance onto the runway. That is all I have for you ladies and gentlemen.”

As the Chairman and the rest of the Marshals for ISA left the tent Bobbie reached into the breast pocket of her racing leathers. With a smile she pulled out a tin of Copenhagen tobacco. As she thumped her index finger against the lid to pack the tobacco her grin grew. “Don’t worry guys. I got enough for everyone.”

“You going to join us Beth?” Sam asked her smiling.

“Normally I’d tell you guys to piss off.” Beth told them with a sly grin. “But not today. Today I think I’ll let my country girl flag fly high. Give me that dip.”

After placing a pinch between her cheek and gum Bobbie handed Beth the tin. “Don’t tell Kelly shit. She hates it when I slip out to the barn for a dip.”

“Are you kidding?” Jim snarked with a sideways grin.

“Come on Bobbie. Kelly will know the second she sees you. We don’t have to tell her shit.” Beth snarked as she put her pinch in between her cheek and gum then passed the tin to Jim. “Don’t Bogart half the tin.”

“Are you kidding me? No way am I going to waste good tobacco. You know that once we reach our cars. We’ll have to spit these dips out.” Jim sighed as he took his pinch and passed the tin to Sam. “We got to figure out a way to dip and drive.”

“Use an open face helmet bro.” Sam told him bluntly as he took the tin from Jim.

“No can do partner. Not with the regulations on PSE stating that all helmets must be full face covering. After that wreck in Atlanta, we can expect even more changes to those regulations.” Bobbie told him. Before she could say more the opening notes of Glenn Frye’s Smuggler Blues reached their ears. “Oh man this is going to be good. You know Grinda and Picard are going to ham it up with that song.”

“And then some.” Jim chuckled. “I may not like some of the F-One Drivers but those two really got their shit together this year.”

As the four MRI drivers stood at the back of the tent waiting for their names to be called. They would share their opinions on their competition. For the most part there was no nasty digs towards the other drivers. With only two exceptions. Those two drivers were hated by everyone in MRI. When their names were called the four drivers reacted as one.

“Bloody Hell! Watch where you Yanks spit that shit!” Oscar Johnson snapped then chuckled. “Though I fully understand your feelings.”

“Sorry about that Oscar. Do us a favor. Pass the word among your teammates. Tell them to give those two yuck nuts a wide birth on the track. At least until after they spin out and wreck. Then you do whatever you want.” Beth told the Englishman.

“We’ve already discussed the matter Beth.” Oscar told her as he looked around at the remaining drivers. “Most of us have already decided to let those two hang on their own. The only drivers that are even thinking about helping them are their fellow dumbasses. Not even their own teammates are looking to help them on the track. They’re just pissed that after today they no longer have a ride.”

“What do you mean?” Bobbie asked him quickly.

“After today the following drivers will have their licenses pulled for Stockcar Racing. Seth Fisher, Nathan Watson, Jules Grinda, Léonard Carrell, Lilian Picard, Elco Schrijvers, Marc Wimmer, and Koychev Fyodorovich. The driving factor behind this is their attitudes towards other drivers. Especially female drivers.” Oscar told the four of them. “By the way. They place most of the blame on the four of you for most of their failures. Both on and off the tracks.”

“So, the ISA Commission has finally decided to take the matter of those chauvinistic pigs seriously. About damned time.” Beth snarled. “Those eight asshats have been running roughshod for too damned long. I think Tony was going to break Wimmer in half at the Talladega meet and greet.”

“I don’t think, I know he was going to break him in half.” Sam chuckled.

“I must ask Mrs. Tower. Would your husband and jackman really have beaten Wimmer?” Mori Unkei from King Night asked with a sly smile.

“Mori if there is one thing that can be said about my husband it is this. Don’t ever piss him off. He may not act like it, but he is one of the deadliest jackmen in all of the ISA. Before he joined our Formula One put crews. Tony ‘the Tiger’ Towers was a mixed martial arts champion.” Beth chuckled then gave the Japanese driver a nasty grin. “When he gets going. No one can stop him.”

Before Mori could comment the opening notes to Imagine Dragons’ Thunder rocked the air. When her name was called shortly there after Mori smiled. “Looks like I’m up. I’ll see you out there Bobbie. I’ll be the one out front after twenty laps.”

“Keep thinking that Mori. It’ll make for a fun filled day.” Bobbie snarked as the Japanese driver left to take her place on the stage. “That gal is going to be one hell of a driver and champion next season.”

“That might be true Bobbie, but she’ll still have to get passed me and the others. If you think I’m just going to let that happen without a fight. Think again.” Jim snarled. With a smartass smile Jim waved his hand at the remaining drivers. “The same can be said for the rest of the drivers here. You may be our inaugural Champion. But next year is another matter. We all know how Fate’s dice roll.”

“Screw Fate and her dice, Jim. There are only two things that matter behind the wheel of a Stockcar.” Bobbie chuckled. “Skill and who has the biggest balls.”

“The last time I looked. You got the BIGGEST BALLS OF THEM ALL!” Sam snarked.

“I’ve got big balls. I’ve got big balls. And they’re such big balls. And their fancy big balls.” Bobbie couldn’t help herself as she began to sing the lyrics to AC/DC’s famous song. As she sang Bobbie pointed towards her teammates before throwing out her arms wide. “And he’s got big balls. And she’s got big balls. But we’ve got the biggest balls of them all.”

“Oh god! You had to go and give her the ammunition didn’t you Sam.” Jim sighed as the remaining drivers laughed at Bobbie’s antics.

“Knock it off you jughead. We got introductions happening. No need in setting everyone off before they have to go before their fans.” Beth sighed before elbowing Bobbie in the ribs.

“Beth’s right Bobbie. Remember we’re supposed to be presenting a professional appearance. Not acting like a bunch of backwoods rednecks.” Jim said before spitting out a wade of tobacco juice on the ground. As the four drivers of MRI laughed at Jim’s comment and actions the rest of the drivers paid them little attention. They all knew that Bobbie and the others were the top dogs to beat. Bobbie wanted to laugh when the next song began to play and the two drivers that were introduced.

“Now that song fits those two and this track. Hitarashi Sukejuro and Kuno Junzo are going to do more than get a little Sideways.” Bobbie crowed. When the next two drivers to be introduced came from Bisbee Snider the Australia team. The MRI team damned near fell on their collective asses laughing. “My GOD! That song fits Joseph Lachman and Violet Knight perfectly. Those four drunks deserve that song.”

“You can say that again. Though I do have to say they never let their drinking affect their driving.” Siegmund Kühne of Thunder Valley put in just before his name was called. “Looks like it’s my turn.”

“Guys there goes our biggest competition today. He may not have the fastest car, but his setup is by far the best for Darlington.” Bobbie whispered for her friends.

“What are you talking about Bobbie?” Sam asked her.

“Simple. Siegmund was a drifter before coming over to the ISA. He’s already figured out that the best way for him to attack Darlington is a with a loose car.” Bobbie explained as the next song began. “Oh man can they get any more predictable?”

As the notes of AC/DC’s Highway to Hell filled the air. Bobbie and the rest of MRI watched as the last four drivers took their places on the walkway. As the final four drivers to take the stage Bobbie knew that the owners of Darlington Speedway was holding back a special song just for them. With a smile she looked over at her family with a soft and knowing smile.

“Almost time guys. No matter how this day turns out. Remember one thing. We carry the hopes and dreams of every last gearhead in Darlington. Our cars are more than just the apex of MRI’s engineering design and skills. They are a promise to all of our fans. Today we earn our Darlington Stripes.” Bobbie told them honestly as the opening notes of Bruce Springsteen’s Darlington County. As one the four Darlington County natives started laughing. “This rock this JIONT!”

“He’s the demon of the backroads! He’s the man with the Devil’s Own Luck! On row two in the outside position! He’s Darlington’s own Jim Fields!” The announcer called out over the loudspeaker. Jim gave his teammates a wicket grin and rushed up the stairs leading to the walkway used to introduce the drivers.

“Oh god. His ego just got a massive boost.” Beth sighed then giggled.

“They say fallow the trail of smoke and you’ll find his victims! He burns down the roads of Darlington and takes on all challengers equally! He is the gentleman of speed! He’s your one of your own Darlington! He’s Sam Hurley!” The second the announcer finished Sam flipped Beth and Bobbie a friendly salute before rushing up the stairs to walkdown the stage for their fans.

“Bobbie you know that after this every driver out there is going to be gunning for us.” Beth told her sister who just nodded her head grinning. “Oh shit! You knew that they were going to pull this shit didn’t you.”

“Yup!” Bobbie grinned then at Beth’s look of frustration sighed. “Think about it sis. In all of NASCAR history there has only ever been five drivers from Darlington. We’re more than just heroes around here. The last driver from Darlington County to actually driver at this track was Dange Hanniford in oh-seven.”

“They called her the Ice Fury in Formula One! They call her the Borg Queen! Because resistance on the track is futile! Her beauty is only match by her skills behind the wheel of a car! Starting on the front row in the number position! Put your hands together for our very own Beth McGuire-Towers!” The announcer called.

“That’s my cue sis!” Beth giggled as she gave Bobbie a fast hug and bounded up the stairs to take her place on the stage. Bobbie smiled as she walked up the steps to take her place behind the curtain and watch as Beth danced her way down the walkway.

“She’ll never change. Give her a chance to ham it up and Beth will jump all over it.” Bobbie chuckled as the last notes of Darlington County played through the air. Bobbie looked over at the event coordinator and quickly asked. “What the hell? Did they miscalculate the length of the song?”

“Not at all Mrs. McGuire. Please wait for just one moment.” The coordinator told her with a friendly smile. The sounds of synthesized bagpipes infused the air. It was a very familiar sound for Bobbie. She knew the song before the first words were ever sung. She knew that to most American Stockcar racers this song harkened back to the very roots of their sport. The coordinator smiled over at Bobbie nodding her head smiling. “We talked with your wife earlier this morning. She suggested the song. She said that Copperhead Road holds a special meaning for you.”

“You could say that ma’am.” Bobbie chuckled as she listened for her name to be called by the announcer. She didn’t want to miss her cue.

“Starting on the front row! She’s not only number one in the International Stockcar Association’s Drivers’ Championship, but she is also Number One in our Hearts! She has been the Baine of the Highway Patrol in big black Dodge Viper! She tamed the Darlington Knight! She is Darlington County’s very own Queen of Speed! She’s our very own hometown girl that brought pride back to Darlington! She earned her Formula One ride at the tender age of eighteen! She’s has been warming the hearts of fans around the world ever since! She is the woman! She is the Myth! She is the Legend! Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for our very own Bobbie McGuire!”

“Oh god! Could they have been any more over the top?!” Bobbie whined in embarrassment then put on a smile for the crowd. Before she stepped out onto the walkway Bobbie looked over at the coordinator. “Time to put on a show!”

As she danced her way out onto the walkway the coordinator chuckled. The woman knew that Bobbie would give her all for the fans. In a stadium filled with her hometown citizens Bobbie would give even more. This was her track, and no one was going to take that away from her. This little show was nothing to the formidable young woman. Harriet Marsh may have been born in Pelion South Carolina, but she had heard of the mysterious young lady who had begun her professional life as a Formula One driver. Bobbie McGuire was considered an outlaw by most respectable people, but she was still a hero to most of the people in South Carolina.

Pit Box for Bobbie. Pit Road.

As these thoughts ran through Harriet’s mind three people stood on top of Bobbie’s pit box watching her dance down the length of the walkway. To these three people the young woman held separate places in their hearts. To Robert McGuire, Bobbie’s father, she was his baby girl not his top driver that danced before the fans. For Julianna, Jewels to her friends, McGuire the young woman was only one of her three greatest accomplishments. The other two were Joey and Beth. The last person on that lonely pit box held the heart of Bobbie McGuire. For Kelly McGuire the young woman was far more than she appeared to be. To her Bobbie was the more just a Stockcar driver, the ISA’s inaugural Champion and the biological father to their children. Bobbie was nothing less than her hero in every sense of the word.

“They had to go and use that song for her intro.” Bob sighed as Jewels and Kelly chuckled. “Hope like hell she doesn’t let it go to her head.”

“Don’t worry dad. Bobbie may play the part of the clown at times.” Kelly giggled at the look Bob gave her. “But she’s always professional behind the wheel.”

“I know that Kelly. I’m just worry that she’ll get out there today and forget that this track can change at the drop of the hat.” Bob sighed as he voiced his concerns.

“Bob when was the last time our daughter ever turned her back on this track?” Jewels asked her husband with a grin. “The answer is never.”

“Mom’s telling you the truth dad. Of all the racetracks in the world. Darlington will always have Bobbie’s full attention. She knows that this place can end a winning run in the blink of an eye. I think her and Beth are still the only drivers that have test driven Formula One cars around this beast.” Kelly chuckled.

“Not quite Kelly. A few other F-One drivers have used Darlington for a test track, but they hardly ever do it more than once.” Bob corrected his daughter-in-law then chuckled. “Though Beth and Bobbie are not your normal drivers.”

“You can say that again.” Chief Hailee snarked as he joined them on top of the pit box. Turning serious Chief Hailee looked over at Bobbie’s car on pit road. He knew that he was about to break his word to Bobbie but felt that her parents need the truth. “Boss I think you should know something before the race starts.”

“Bobbie’s mind isn’t on the race. She’s worried that her cancer has returned. I’m I right Chief?” Kelly asked out of nowhere.

“Um… how the hell did you know that Kelly?” Hailee asked in surprise.

“Bobbie forgets that I get all the mail at home.” She said holding up a letter from the hospital in Atlanta. “This came in the other day.”

“What does it say dear?” Jewels asked with real fear.

“The results were inconclusive, mom.” Kelly whispered. “But I know what those tests are for. Bobbie is afraid that her cancer has returned.”

“And she her career as a driver is coming to an end.” Chief Hailee told the McGuires bluntly. “Which she has every right to be afraid of.”

“She’ll always have a place with MRI Chief. In the meantime, we say nothing to the rest of the team and Bobbie. We let her run this race the way she wants.” Bob ordered his senior Crew Chief and family. “I got a feeling that Bobbie is going to put on one hell of a show for us today.”

“Why’s that dad?” Kelly asked as she hide the letter in her purse.

“More than anything she wants that trophy for her wall.” Bob told her bluntly as he looked towards where the two-foot tall black crystal goblet sitting atop the black cherrywood base stood on the walkway. There stood Bobbie’s unicorn. “I never thought that a simple piece of crystal would hold so much for our daughter.”

“Dad that cup is more than just a piece of crystal. It’s her validation.” Kelly sighed as she watched Bobbie climb into her car. “In her mind ten minutes from now. Everything that she has ever been and ever will be. Will come down to four-hundred-and-sixty-two laps. Six-hundred miles at breakneck speeds and total insanity. She is going to be dancing three-wide into turn three looking for the outside wall.”

“With her ass on fire going for broke.” Jewels chuckled then sighed. “The one thing that will always hold true for my daughter. She will always be at home behind the wheel of a car. It is the only place that she is at home and truly feels alive.”

“The cancer damned near took her soul Kelly. The one thing it couldn’t touch was her will to survive. The moment she sits down behind the wheel of a car. It doesn’t matter if it’s a racecar or her own personal car. She’ll always push it to the limits. The only thing that lets my daughter knew that she is alive is pushing the edge.” Bob explained for Kelly. “Today will be here crowning glory.”

“One way or another, dad.” Kelly whispered to herself. Looking up at the clear blue sky Kelly felt a disquieting uneasiness come over her. For some unknow reason she knew that Bobbie would face more than just the other drivers today.

Bobbie’s Car. Pit Road.

Bobbie sat behind the wheel of her car pulling her personal protective gear. As she placed the earbuds in for her iPod Bobbie knew that today’s race was most likely her last chance. Bobbie looked out the windscreen of her car and sighed. “I guess it’s time to make the doughnuts.”

“Hay Bobbie! You here girl?” Danny asked her as he handed her, her helmet.

“I’m here Danny. All systems are go. Five-by-five and in the green.” Bobbie chuckled.

“Bullshit. I know that look on your face. Get your head in the game. The Lady is waiting for her dance partner.” He told her bluntly as he pointed towards the exit of pit road. “Today that dance partner is you. Now go out there and prove it.”

“Okay already.” Bobbie chuckled then smiled up at her friend and jackman. “Time to dance with the bitch in the black dress one more time.”

“Now that’s what I want to hear from my favorite Hellion. Go get them Speedy.” Danny told her as he pulled up her window safety net. Danny knew as he watched Bobbie pull on her helmet that the fire to win had returned. There would be nothing and no one standing in her way today. As Danny walked towards his place behind the pit road wall he looked back over his shoulder at Bobbie and her car. “Today will mark a turning point in racing history. Today a Valkyrie rides towards victory.”

If Bobbie heard her jackman’s comment she wasn’t paying attention. She had already let her mind to go that place where there was only her, the car, and the track. She knew that the championship cup was hers. Now all she had to do was win the race that meant the most to her. When the most awaited four words came.

“Drivers! Start! Your! Engines!” Bobbie flipped the two battery switches and mashed the starter button. With a nasty smile Bobbie pressed one last button in her cockpit. It was the one that would calm her nerves and drive her to victory. Bobbie chuckled as she led the field to rolling off pit road. She knew that Joey had been playing around with her playlist again as the opening notes of Judas Priests’ Turbo Love sounded in her ears.

Bobbie keyed her radio so she could talk with her little brother in the spotters nest. “Joey when I get out of this car. Be prepared to get your ass beat.”

“You wish! The only way you can beat me any more is behind the wheel of a car!” Joey chuckled. “But if you can last all six-hundred miles. I got a fresh jug of old man Horner’s best shine to celebrate with.”

“You on little brother.” Bobbie laughed as they rounded turn 1 for their first of five warmup laps. “Kathy what’s the track conditions like?”

“Like you don’t already know!” Kathy laughed out aloud before turning serious. “Though you do need to watch yourself on turns three and four. That area of the track is still slight damp from this morning’s dew. It should be dry enough to push one-eighty to one-ninety. No more than that though.”

“Don’t worry Kathy. By the time the green flag drops everybody will realize the danger that end of the track represents.” Bobbie told her as they entered the back straightaway. Bobbie knew that the track might look slick from their position, but it wasn’t. Bobbie knew there was one constant at Darlington. It didn’t matter what the track looked like it was always the opposite.

For the next five laps the field of forty drivers did their best to warm up their tires. It also took that long for Judas Priests’ Turbo Love to play out. As they rounded turn 3 the pace car turned off its lights and dropped to the inside of the track headed for pit road. The race was just moments away. Bobbie reached down and pulled her straps tight one more time. It was time to go racing.

When the green flag dropped Bobbie didn’t think twice as she started shifting through her gears picking up speed heading for turn 1. As she was doing this the opening notes to Swedish House Mafia’s Greyhounds blasted out of her earbuds. Hearing this Bobbie only had one thought run through her head as she drove to the bottom of the turn. Today she was the rabbit and the rest of the field the hounds.

With each passing second of the song Bobbie’s world fell away. Until there was only her, the car, and the racetrack known as Darlington. Even as Kathy called out her markers she knew that Bobbie was barely paying attention to her. “Bobbie slow down! You’re pushing things too fast for the track!”

“I’m fine Kathy. Just let me know when the first wreck happens.” Bobbie ordered her over the radio. “It should come around lap twenty-five to thirty.”

“Who do you think is going to buy the farm?” Kathy asked.

“It’s going to be either Seth Fisher, Nathan Watson, or Jules Grinda in turn two. Those three chuckle heads haven’t figured it out yet that you can highline that corner without pushing the edge of their cars.” Bobbie chuckled.

“Are you telling me that one of those three is going to earn their stripe the hard way?” Kathy asked over the radio.

“Let’s just say that they’ve watched one too many Southern five-hundred recordings. They’ll go high into turn three hoping to stay off the wall. Not wanting to let any of their speed drop off. That’ll be their mistake. They’ll overcompensate for the angle of the of the turn. The second they do they’ll hit the outer wall.” Bobbie told her as she exited turn 4 onto the front straightaway. For the next 5 laps Kathy said nothing. Then on lap 10 as Bobbie entered turn 1 Kathy yelled out.

“Bobbie! GO LOW AND STAY THERE!” Bobbie had no sooner exited turn 2 than she saw what Kathy was screaming about. There before her eyes was Bobbie’s worse nightmare. The eight drivers with the most to lose were wrecking. As she wove her way through the wreck Bobbie spotted the cars belonging to Seth Fisher, Nathan Watson, Jules Grinda, Léonard Carrell, Lilian Picard, Elco Schrijvers, Marc Wimmer, and Koychev Fyodorovich. The one that worried her the most was Jules Grinda. His car was tumbling end over end down the back straightaway.

When the yellow flag came Bobbie was clear of the wreckage. With a shacking hand she keyed her mike. “Kathy did the rest of the team make it through?”

“Everyone cleared the wreck Bobbie. Only the last eight cars in the field were caught up in the actual wreck. It happened just the way you said it would Bobbie.” Kathy told her honestly. “If it matters. Seth Fisher was the one to cause the wreck. He pushed things too far in turn two and ate the outside wall.”

“Not surprising. I knew I shouldn’t have repaired that asshole’s car.” Bobbie sighed as the red flag came out stopping the race after only 10 laps.

“Damn talk about your memorable starts to a race.” She grumbled as she pulled to a stop behind the pace car on the front straightaway. Shutting down her engine Bobbie knew that this was going to be a long stop. “How long do you figure this one will be for Kathy?”

“At least thirty minutes Bobbie. The emergency crews are having to roll a few of the wrecks back onto their wheels. From the looks of things, they’ll also need the jaws for a few of the cars.” Kathy told her honestly.

“Damned fools. Just had to do things their way. Are any of them hurt?” Bobbie asked.

“Won’t know for another twenty to thirty minutes Bobbie. For now, sit back and enjoy the break.” Kathy told her with a chuckle in her voice. When the signal to restart their engines came Bobbie had to laugh. “Fire it up Speedy. Your breaktime’s over. We’re going green in five laps.”

“What’s the word on the drivers involved in the wreck?” Bobbie asked her.

“With the exception of Seth Fisher everybody is fine. Seth on the other hand is on his way to the hospital. Nothing serious, just a broken left arm and leg. He got slammed hard by Jules Grinda. That is what sent Jules cartwheeling.”

“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer shitbird.” Bobbie snarked as she rolled out behind the pace car. Bobbie want to smile as Sam pulled along side her in the outer pole position. “When did Sam pass Beth?”

“He pulled an inside slide on her just before the wreck on lap nine. Speaking of that Bobbie you want the lineup as it stands?”

“Give it to me girlfriend.” Bobbie ordered her spotter. She wasn’t surprised to realize that Beth was in 3rd place right behind her, and Jim holding steady in 4th. From there going back the field was a mix of the teams. With almost no two teammates anywhere near the other to help them out. Today’s race was shaping up just the way Bobbie had expected it. With on exception. The wreck on lap 10 had thrown off her calculations for the first segment.

As they rounded turn 4 onto the front straightaway Kathy gave her the bad news. “Bobbie the Marshals are not counting these five laps towards the race total.”

“What the hell?” Bobbie asked in confusion.

“The ISA has decided to exercise that stupid Championship points clause. You know the one where they count the number of laps run for each race.” Kathy told her.

“Oh man. We go a whole season without using that clause. Then on the last race of the season they pull it out. That doesn’t make sense.” Bobbie bitched.

“This way they can put to rest any arguments over your claim to the championship title before they start kiddo.” Jewels told her coming up on the radio. “So I don’t want to hear you raising any fuse.”

“Yes ma’am.” Bobbie grumbled as she lined up for the restart. When the green flag finally came for the restart Bobbie took off to the sound of Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out For A Hero. Even as she entered turn 1 Sam was struggling to stay along side her. As they exited turn 2 onto the back straightaway Sam gave up the fight and fell in behind Jim. Bobbie never looked back as she powered down the straightaway into turn 3. Unlike the rest of her family, she never let up on the throttle. Bobbie did what Seth Fisher and the other eight drivers involved in the wreck tired. She took the track at full throttle.

As she powered her way around the track Chief Hailee along with her parents and wife could only watch in wonder. They all knew that Bobbie was a fantastic driver. Yet none of them knew the true level of her skills. Bobbie soon had a 4 car lead on the rest of the field. Not even Beth could catch up to her. When Chief Hailee radioed her to slow down Bobbie just pushed her car even harder. After her father called trying to slow her down Bobbie ignored him. When her mother tried Bobbie didn’t even answer the radio. It took Kelly getting on the radio to slow her down.

At the end of stage One Bobbie crossed the start/finish line with a 5 car lead. Even as she was pulling onto pit road for her second pit stop of the day Bobbie was chopping at the bit to be back out on the track. She had to win. The need had become an obsession. With 312 laps to go Bobbie knew she had a long way to go yet. As she pulled to a stop in her pit stall Bobbie grinned at the sight that greeted her. she had even gotten stopped good before her pit crew was over the safety wall. Twelve point nine seconds, four fresh tires, two cans of fuel, and one tearaway later Danny dropped the left side of the car and Bobbie was off.

“Great job guys. That time has to be a record breaking pit stop.” Bobbie called out over the radio as she pulled onto the track.

“We’re close Bobbie. They need to drop another eight tenths of our time before we break the record.” Chief Hailee told her as she lined behind the pace car.

“What is the record Chief?” Bobbie asked him.

“The fastest four-tire and refuel pit stop in NASCAR history was done by Alex Bowman’s team at twelve-point-one-seven-seven-six seconds.” Bob McGuire told her with a nasty chuckle. “Our teams are good, but they still have room to improve.”

Thankfully only Bobbie could hear her father’s words. They would most likely have caused a fight in the pits between the already four competitive pit crews. When the race restarted on lap 155 Bobbie took off as if the Hounds of Hell were nipping at her heels. Only her three fellow drivers from MRI could keep up with her. as the four of them powered away from the rest of the field they fell into a very familiar lineup with Bobbie out front leading the charge. Beth was right behind her followed by Jim then Sam bringing up the rear. They would hold this line for all of the second stage of the race. Even when they came in for their pit stops nothing changed. Not even the two yellow flags for single car wrecks affected them.

Only when Bobbie took the green/white checker flag for winning the second stage did she slack off on her drive for the win. As they pulled onto pit road Bobbie paused her play list. As she came to a stop for her sixth pit stop of the day Danny was shouting at the rest of the pit crew. “Let’s go! Move it people. Go! Go! We got eleven point one seconds to get this car moving!”

“What the hell?” Bobbie asked as the right side of her car bounced into the air over the sounds of screaming air guns. She quickly realized what was going on and checked the one readout that most cars didn’t have. Her pit clock. Just as the clock reached 5.979 Danny dropped the right side. At 6.78 seconds Danny had the left side of the car in the air. Bobbie knew that is was going to be close. How close she wouldn’t realize until Danny dropped the jack signaling her to leave. At 12.1778 Bobbie pulled out of her stall. As she exited pit road onto the track she keyed her radio. “Sorry Chief. I got a bad exit coming out of the stall.”

“Don’t worry Speedy. It was close enough that we knew we can break the record.” Chief Hailee radioed back to her with a chuckle. Bobbie just sighed and lined up behind the pace car. She swore that she would do her best to help her pit crew break that record on the next stop. With the last stage of the race being 162 laps long. Even as she was lining up for the restart Bobbie was doing the calculations in her head. Bobbie knew that she would have to have at least three more pit stops today. She could make on just two more but that was cutting things close.

“Forget it Bobbie.” Kathy told her over the radio. “I know what you’re thinking. You’ll need at least three pit spots to make the full distance. Even with two four tire and fuel pitstops you’ll be short. You’ll need at least one splash and dash to make all the way. That doesn’t take in the fact the track is changing.”

“What are you seeing Kathy?” Bobbie asked her quickly.

“Turns three and four, plus half of both straightaways are already in full shadow Bobbie. By lap three-seventy-five they’ll be turning on the lights. The track is going to cool down and tighten up fast. I figure there will be at least two to three single car wrecks and one eight to ten car wreck around lap four-hundred.” Kathy told Bobbie with all the confidence of someone who had studied Darlington Speedway for a lifetime. Darlington would soon show the world why it was called the Track too Tough to Tame as it changed with the fading sunlight.

“Woah there Kathy. That’s a lot of speculation.” Bobbie snorted over the radio.

“Fact not speculation Bobbie. The air temp is dropping fast. It’s already down to sixty-three and the sun isn’t even down yet. Once it is down the temperature is going to fall like a rock off a cliff. Track temp will fall just as fast. The cooler air will suck up all that heat from the day in a hurry. You know what happens then.” Kathy warned Bobbie with a nasty chuckle.

“Damn I knew we were going to pay for that red flag.” Bobbie grumbled over the radio. “Kathy let me know when the shadow reaches the entrance to turn one.”

“Then start counting Bobbie. I figure you got fifteen laps before turns one and two are in partial shadow. Another five laps after that before the whole track is dark.” Kathy warned Bobbie quickly. She didn’t need to make any calculations. She just knew. This was the track that her mother had them running laps around in the off season. She knew Darlington better than any driver out there. That included Bobbie. “Heads up Bobbie. They’re holding off on the restart.”

“What’s up Kathy?” Jewels asked over the radio on the team frequency.

“Don’t know yet, ma’am. Okay just got the reason for the hold. There is debris on the exit to turn four. Looks like someone threw a cooler at one of the other drivers. If I had to guess I would say that we got a fan pissed off at the Brits.”

“Nope it was one of the Aussies that got the cooler. Violet Knight cut Alexa Peters off on pit road.” Joey told them on the team frequency with a chuckle. “It seems that the Ladies of the ISA are bigger fan favs than the guys.”

“Not surprising Joey. Beautiful women are always a bigger draw than scruffy men.” Jewels told them all with a laugh.

When the green flag finally came to restart the race on lap 310 the track lighting had been turned on. Bobbie took off for turn 1 to the opening notes to the main theme for Days Of Thunder Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. Even as she was hugging the inside line Bobbie felt like she was that mythical stockcar driver Cole Trickle come to life. Without even thinking Bobbie keyed her radio and piped the music to her teammates. As they thundered down the back straightaway off turn 2 the four MRI drivers pulled away from the rest of the field.

Their closest competition came from Sakurazaki Mashai and Mori Unkei from team King Night. Even then they were four car lengths behind the foursome. As the race wore on the field began to spread out as the sun set in the west. On lap 363 Violet Knight blew a right front tire going into the wall on turn 3 bring out the yellow flag. Bobbie breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the flag. She was pushing the edge of her car’s fuel and tires. When they opened pit road two laps later Bobbie led those still on the lead lap in for their pit stops. The second Bobbie pulled to a stop in her stall she hit the button that would start the clock.

When she felt the left side of her car hit the ground Bobbie was off and racing for the exit to pit road. Once again winning the race but only by a few feet in front her sister. As she pulled in behind the pace Bobbie checked the clock. She had to blink her eyes and shack her head. The clock had to be wrong. “Kathy did you keep my pit time? Please tell that you did?”

“I kept Bobbie. I hate to tell you this, but you owe your pit crew a case of beer.” Kathy chuckled as she thought about Bobbie’s standing bet with her pit crew. In three season they had never won the bet. They had always come close but today they broke the record for a 4 tire, and fuel pit by a full second at 11.1776.

“To hell with beer. They earned a case of the good stuff.” Bobbie cackled. “Champagne for the whole crew. I never thought I would be paying off on this bet.”

“I heard that Bobbie. Putting in the order now. By the way. You aren’t the only one who has to pay out. Beth, Sam, and Jim are buying for their pit crews as well.” Chief Hailee told her with a nasty chuckle.

“Just send me the bill Chief Hailee. I’m the one who made the bet.” Bobbie told him feeling that the other drivers shouldn’t have to back up her bet.

“Not happening Bobbie. They opened their mouths now they pay.” Chief Stone chuckled.

“If you’re done complementing the pit crews Bobbie. It’s time to get back to your job. They’re dropping the flag this time around.” Kathy snapped. “It won’t be the walkaway like the rest of the day. This time the Rising Sun drivers will be on your backside like a school of pilot fish.”

“They can try Kathy. They’re more than welcome to, but this is Darlington. Here only the strong and lucky survive their stupidity.” Chief Hailee chuckled.

When the green flag came on lap 368 Bobbie dropped the hammer pulling away from Beth, Jim, and Sam. It took exiting off turn 2 onto the back straightaway before they caught up to her. Not that Bobbie cared. She knew that this was the most dangerous time in the race. With 76 laps to go Bobbie knew that someone was going to make a desperate move. One that would end up in a major wreck if they weren’t careful. Bobbie wanted as much distance between her and the rest of the field as possible. She may want to win the race, but she had to finish it first.

For the next twenty laps Bobbie let her music take her away and raced the track. She started weaving her way through the back of the field on lap 395. By lap 400 there was only twelve cars still on the lead lap with her and her teammates. Of those twelve drivers only four were male. The other eight were the ladies of the ISA. Today in this race, the ladies were proving that there was no deference between the sexes in automotive sports. The only female driver that was out of the race was Violet Knight due to no fault of her own skill. Her blown tire was just bad luck and that is part of racing.

“Bobbie back it down. The yellow flag is out.” Kathy told her on lap 402. “Before you ask pit road will be open in two laps.”

“How many are coming in Kathy?” Bobbie asked her quickly knowing that she needed a fuel stop and fresh tires.

“All sixteen drivers on the lead lap will be making a pit stop Bobbie.” Kathy answered quickly. “No body has the fuel to go the distance. You want four or two?”

“Give me two tires and one can of fuel.” Bobbie told her after thinking it over. She knew that is was a gamble. But those six seconds in the pit would mean all the deference this close to the end of the race.

Though for Bobbie she knew it wasn’t much of a gamble. She knew how far and how hard she could push her car on two fresh tires and one can of fuel. So long as they didn’t have more than one overtime restart. Bobbie knew she would be fine. If they went to two or more she would be pushing her luck.

“Wrong kiddo. You’re getting four tires and two cans of fuel.” Bob ordered over the radio. “We’ll have fifty plus laps to run. Even then we’ll be pushing your fuel window. If we go into overtime restarts you’ll be good for only one.”

Bobbie wanted to argue with her father but knew that it was a hopeless situation. Once Bob McGuire made a decision about the cars. No one changed his mind. As she pulled in for her pit stop Bobbie grinned at his pit crew’s professionalism. Here was the backbone of Stockcar racing. They were the often unsung heroes of the sport. A pit crew could make or break a racer’s chance at a win. When the car slammed down Bobbie didn’t waste time. She barely beat Beth off pit road by inches.

As they lined up for the green flag to drop restarting the race on lap 410 Kathy gave her the update on the drivers that wrecked. “Okay Bobbie here’s the deal. Nazarova Grigorievna blew a rear then spun out clipping his teammate Koychev Fyodorovich. They’re both out of the race. Also, you should know that leaves only Rokossovsky Aleskeevich from team Red Star and she is barely holding.”

“How bad of a situation is she in Kathy?” Bobbie asked her.

“Unless someone decides to play nice with her. Aleskeevich will get shoveled to the back of the field in no time.” Kathy told her honestly.

“Screw it. Get with the Reynolds Racing team spotters. Tell them that I’m calling in their marker. If they let her get screwed over I’ll make sure that none of them cross the finishing line.” Bobbie ordered Kathy with a snarl.

“Consider it taken care of Bobbie. Good luck sister.” Kathy told her before dropping off the radio. She knew that Bobbie no longer needed her.

Bobbie smiled to herself as the green flag waved and floored the throttle. She passed under the flag stand to Weird Al Yankovic’s Smells Like Nirvana. Bobbie couldn’t help herself as she screamed into the empty air of the cockpit for her car. “I’m going to kill Joey when I get my hands on HIM!”

She knew that Joey had to laughing his ass off just then. Because of all of the spotters he was the only one who would dare to load her iPod with a song like this. As she powered off the turn 2 exit Bobbie gave up and started to laugh. Joey finally had the last laugh in their little game. He had warned her that he would upload at least one of Weird Al song before the season was over.

As she blasted down the back straightaway Bobbie also felt something else with her laughter. Release. Release from the pinned up tension she had been carrying over those medical tests. It was with a renewed hope for the future that Bobbie McGuire would face the rest of the race. A hope that nothing could squash. Not even a last second lose would destroy her newfound hope for the future. Not that a lose would be happening today. Throwing caution to the wind she unleashed the last amounts of power her engine held. As the massive V-8 demon that was her engine roared Bobbie took the fastest way around the Track Too Tough To Tame.

When she finally crossed over the finish line on lap 462 Bobbie had a lead over the enter field of more than five seconds. No one was near her as she blasted under the black and white checker flag for the win. Not thinking Bobbie let herself go to the outside wall and drag the right side of her car through the turns. After she repeated the stunt on turn 3 and 4 Bobbie keyed her radio. “I did it! I finally did it! I got my Darlington stripe and a win to go with it.”

“YOU’LL BE POUNDING OUT THOSE DENTS!” Bob McGuire hollered over the radio as he laughed at his daughter’s antics. “Don’t forget you got a burn out to do.”

“Already setting up for that daddy!” Bobbie shouted back as she laughed. Once she had stopped in front of the grandstands. She revived her engine then popped the clutch while holding the breaks down. The smoke coming off her rear tires filled the air of the grandstands. When she finally stopped Bobbie had blown both rear tires. After claiming the checker flag from the flagman. Bobbie limped her car onto pit road where her pit crew was waiting to push her into the Winner Circle.

As Bobbie climbed from her car the members of MRI gathered around her. Danny Hailee naturally had to ham things up by lifting Bobbie onto his shoulders. Even as the ISA Chairman was bring out the Drivers’ Championship Cup Bobbie was changing the script. “Screw that ugly as thing! I want my Black Diamond!”

“Hold on Speedy! We got it right here!” Jewels shouted as she pushed the ISA officials out of her way. In her hands was massive 4.5L bottle of champagne. She was going to celebrate this win with her youngest daughter come hell or high water. In her mind she was already thinking screw the ISA officials and their bullshit. This was more than just Bobbie’s win. It was a win for their hometown. Jewels wasted no time in filling the black crystal chalice as she walked towards Bobbie. Once she reached her daughter who was still held high by Danny Hailee she just handed Bobbie the trophy. “DRINK UP BABY! YOU EARN THIS ONE!”

Bobbie decided to just go with the flow. After downing half the champagne Bobbie upended the rest over her team. Laughing the whole time as she did so. When the cup was empty Bobbie raised it to her lips and kissed it fulfilling one last long held promise. “I did it Lisa. I really did it.”


Hello everyone. As you can see there is still more to come. Sadly there only one last chapter to this story. Until then remember that comments feed the muses.

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