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Quick Cuts - Recent Content

Memories Part 6 Fri LadyDragon623
Kaden and Christy Were Close Fri Jessica C
The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 17 Fri SammyC
The Coven Chapter 2 Fri Su Shi
Stuck in the Middle -80 Fri Natasa Jacobs
Dragon's Fire Chapter 13 Fri Su Shi
Payback's a Bitch - 3 of 3(ish) - Follow through Fri Maeryn
Dawning... Plane Crash, Alternate Take Thu samquick
Eidolon Nexus: The Shattered Realm: Chapter 22 Thu LightBringer
Five Dresses Part 5 Thu Sue Ross
Mates 65 Thu Cyclist
Pete's Vagina -63- Locker Room Wed Erin Halfelven
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 3 of 7 Wed Marianne G
Southern Sunlight -4 Wed Natasa Jacobs
Working For A Living Chapter 16 (Final Chapter) Tue LadyDragon623
The Advert Tue Leeanna19
A personal history of mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 38. Tue Nagrij
The Seamstress and Her Moth Part 6 Mon Flyingmonkey
Off the Ground (Revision) Chapter 3 Mon Aylesea
Kern - 6 - A Good Man and His Daughter Mon Emma Anne Tate
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *28* Sun Maddy Bell
Ethertravelers 02.3: The Penisbirthers, Part 3/3 Sat samquick
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 2 of 7 Sat Marianne G
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3472 Sat Angharad
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 15 (Revised Final Chapter) Sat LadyDragon623
Christmas Concert-P17 (Final) Sat Teek
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: chapter 28 Thu Amethyst
Recovering From Trauma Chapter 10 Thu LadyDragon623
Demon Queened - Chapter 63 - Annoyances, Big and Small Wed princesskay
Open Arms Chapter 4 Wed Aylesea
A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 63 Ever Colder Wed Eolwaen
Altered: Chapter 28 Wed Amethyst
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Memories Part 6


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Kaden and Christy Were Close


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Kaden and Christy Were Close

By Jessica C

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This story is 8 words long.

Aria - Book 4 - Reformer's Fire by Emma Anne Tate on Kindle


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Isolation is difficult at the best of times, but at its worst when the world around you is falling apart.

Aria - Book 4
Reformer's Fire
by Emma Anne Tate
Now on Kindle

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This story is 32 words long.

The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 17

Dagger - Ch. 17 cover.jpg

©2025 SammyC

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This story is 1 words long.

The Coven Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Questions

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This story is 2 words long.

Princess Warrior by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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John was pissed that he died on the beach at Normandy.

Princes Warrior Proof 3 - Kindle Book Cover.jpg

It was June 6, 1944 and to say Private John Burton was unhappy would be an understatement. Even though he had heard General Eisenhower's speech on the radio, he really wanted to be elsewhere. Not that he wasn't a red-blooded American and not that he didn't grasp the importance of the mission. It's just that he was convinced there was a German bullet with his name on it. It was a feeling he just couldn't shake. All the trouble his parents went through to raise him, scolding him into good behavior, getting onto him to make good grades. And then all the money and effort Uncle Sam went through to prepare and train him for this exact moment, everything his life was moving towards would come to a wasted end on a beach in France he'd never heard of. He just knew it. And he was mightily annoyed about it.

Being annoyed couldn't describe how John felt when not even ten feet from the landing craft onto the sands of the beach before being cut down by German machine gun fire. Talk about being angry as he fell onto the sand...

And then even more angry when he woke up in another time and place as a naked teen girl...

Princess Warrior
On Kindle!
by Melanie Brown

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This story is 226 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 11


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 11 Another Alexis,

Astrid came into the room, “Mummy we have another big sister Alexis, but she needs your help we are going looking for our big sister now.”

Chris was shaken when she saw the girl, “She looks like an identical twin of my Alexis.”

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This story is 51 words long.

The Might-Have-Been Girl Chapter 16


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"Teen blonde-hair.jpg
The Might-Have-Been Girl

A novel by Bronwen Welsh

Copyright 2015

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This story is 9 words long.

Seeds of Evolution

Seeds of Evolution

Alien spores have spread across the planet, causing those infected to change...to evolve. Bryan learns that he is one of those who has been infected, and that soon, he too will become an evo.

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This story is 40 words long.

Had to be done

He was not expecting to lose

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This story is 6 words long.

The Chrysalis Project Book 2: Steel Dove Book 1



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The Chrysalis Project: Steel Dove
  TIffany is in New York. What will
  happen when the 'City that never sleeps'
  meets the Operator that never quits.

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!


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This story is 35 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2783

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2783
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

A Light in the Dark 3

This is fanfiction set in the Whateley Universe, and does not follow canon. I'm just using their sandbox.

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This story is 18 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 10


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Alex & Chris
by Sharphawlad
Chapter 10 Fun at the show.

The two of them caused a stir when they arrived at the theatre. The only seats Tilly could get were in the Royal box. The show was the Ken Dodd Show. Christobell said, “I always liked Ken.”

“So do I aunt.”

Ken looked up and said, “I see the Royal box is full tonight. I can now put on by Royal appointment on all my shows.”

There was a knock and a diddy man brought a message from Ken. “The king of the Diddymen invites you both back stage after the show.”

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This story is 102 words long.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 16

I woke up in pain.

My leg and hip felt fine, but my right hand was icy cold and cramped. Mrs. Jones was sleeping at my side, blood smeared on her clothes, still she was smiling peacefully. Easing myself out of bed, I found I was dressed in a nightgown. For at least the tenth time I wondered what was up with people constantly putting me to bed and changing my clothes every time I was injured. Raising the hem, I saw my leg was perfectly healed without even a mark. My hand wasn’t so lucky.

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This story is 97 words long.

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 11 - 12

Chapter 11

I was woken from a deep sleep by my mum calling my name “Joe time to get up honey” she whispered whilst gently shaking my shoulder

“ What time is it mum?” I asked with a dry voice trying to focus

“Nearly 8. Come on sleepyhead we need to get a move on. Martin will be here for you at 11.30” she told me

‘God Mum its Sunday. Can’t I lie in?” I turned my head on my pillow and felt a sharp stab in my head as I realised I was again wearing a head full of rollers

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This story is 98 words long.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 30

Where-oh-where can Atalanta be? The school and the Reservation is in a panic looking for her. Another exciting chapter as our heroine goes missing! LOL! Melodramatic yes but it is a lot of fun.

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This story is 34 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 9


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The manager said, “Did I here you correctly? That is certainly not lady Middleham or her daughter Angela.” Alex & Chris Chapter 9 The correct Lady.
by Sharphawlad

He dialled a telephone number and a voice said, “Lady Middleham speaking,”

“Oh it is Clive the manager from the Royal in Scarborough. We have two customers who appear to be using a Stud charge card. An older lady & a girl about 24.”

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This story is 70 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2782

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2782
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Xìngbié; part 6 (of 12): Know who your Friends are


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“Um… shit.”

Nat stood at the end of the lunch line with his tray, looking out at the cafeteria and feeling unusually confused.

He had no idea where to sit.

Fighting the knot in his gut, Nat looked for a familiar face. He spotted Gavin sitting with his friends at a table, but it looked like it was full. Besides, how awkward would that be? Sure, Gavin and he were friends, but they didn’t really share friends. Nat would just be intruding.

There came a tap on Nat’s shoulder. He looked around to see Emily, from his next period, standing there with a tray in her hand as well.

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This story is 111 words long.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 15

It was hard to walk as I followed the whisp. It was hard to breath. I ignored everything around me, trying to bring the pain under some kind of control.

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This story is 30 words long.

Shadow of the Heart Chapter 4



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Shadows of the Heart

Chapter 4


I was stuck with this guy that my spell did not work on. What am I going to do now? If the office pulls him in and interrogates him my secret will be out. What will I do then? I could always run to Wind Haven. I don't want to give up the work so that's out. I need to get a handle on this.

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This story is 71 words long.

Horse Talk & The Girl Who Loved Them Chapter 22


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Final chapter
After being tossed into the mix master and traveling up and down the world, Katrina finds a balance in her life. Always a challenge, life is a constant adjustment, even when family and friends are there helping and sharing. It might not be the future she envisioned as she left high school behind. Life means taking the good and bad and keep going. Besides she has something no one else has. She talks to horses.

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This story is 77 words long.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 14

I was resting that afternoon cleaning Crier, trying to control the anger that filled me, when a whisp came to the garden. I looked away from the images running over it’s surface that reminded me of home tugging at my soul. “Lead the way,” I said, looking at the light beneath it.

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This story is 53 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 8


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Alex & Chris
Chapter 8 Tilly & Aunt Christobell go to a show.
By Sharp

Back in Scarborough Aunt & Niece had quickly got all the shopping required. Rose had also mentioned.

Christobell, “I could do with going for some special outfits. I need a complete wardrobe & rather fast most of my other stuff can be dumped.”

Tilly, “Shopping with you is almost like shopping with Aunt but more fun.”

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This story is 70 words long.

Secondhand Life - Part 33

The limo was waiting when we landed downtown. Apparently Dennis called in a favor from Haute-Shot's bank, so we got to use their rooftop pad. On the way to the restaurant, I had a chance to brief the guys.

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This story is 39 words long.

Changes in Paradise


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Changes in Paradise
by Raine Monday

When a young girl disappears, Detective John Paradise must locate and return her to her father. But will he succeed when he begins to find out the truth about her kidnapping and John himself begins changing in unexpected and embarrassing ways?

Book One and Book Two are now available on Amazon!

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This story is 57 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2781

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2781
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 13

The next morning I counted the days since I'd arrived, it was hard with how time moved so strangely. It didn't help that when I slept I spent time training with Crier, sometimes figuring out when I'd actually slept and when I'd been awake was difficult. Still, I had a pretty good guess that it was my birthday.

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This story is 58 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 7


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Alex & Chris
Chapter 7 Tilly goes to the theatre
By Sharp
Christobell handed her niece a parking pass. “I use this when anybody take me out.”

15.00 Back at the airport the plane was just landing.” Rose, “Miss Chris they turned up unexpectedly, and Miss Alex spotted them straight away they look like three clones of her & the youngest one has been calling Alex & Miss Angela big sisters all day. Miss you are a big sister as well.”

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This story is 79 words long.

Guts and Lingerie 2


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This is the continuation of Guts and Lingerie, to read the first part Click here
Chapter 2
Jenny woke up in the morning at the same time he woke up the last day. He got up and took a

picture of himself in the nighgown and struck it in the nightgown section. He was hungry and

hence had his breakfast of toast. He then went to Marge's bathroom and had his feminine

bath. He again wore the dressing robe and checked the list. Today it was formal clothes. He

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This story is 88 words long.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 30 - 33

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


For three straight weeks the wagon train pushed on, battling their way through the great Continental Divide, always heading toward the Willamette Valley. The terrain was very rocky, forcing them to set up block and tackle to haul the wagons over particularly steep inclines, and then down the deep ravines.

Often they would take their teams down separately and the men would work the ropes and slowly guide each of the wagons down alone. It was safer this way, but often mishaps could and did happen.

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This story is 101 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 5

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This story is 0 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2780


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2780
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Riddle of Sappho - Canto II

A Whateley Academy Adventure

The Riddle of Sappho

by EE Nalley & ElrodW

Canto II

Skimming down the paths of the sky's bright ether
On they brought you over the earth's black bosom,
Swiftly--then you stood with a sudden brilliance,
Goddess, before me;
Hymn to Aphrodite,

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This story is 47 words long.


More DopplerPress

Butterscotch by Joyce Melton now on Kindle


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Maybe Butterscotch will be your favorite flavor, too!

Joyce Melton
Now on Kindle

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This story is 14 words long.

300 Rains by Heather O'Malley at Amazon


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The first 2015 publication of Doppler Press was Heather O'Malley's


Geoff Greenfelder's discovery should have changed his life by rocketing him up the ladder of academia . Instead, it changed his life in ways he never could have imagined. After partaking in a sacred ceremony by the Amazonian tribe he discovered, everything in his life changes, including his very own body. What should have been an occasion for joy becomes a trauma Geoff must work through. His only hope for returning his life back to normal is finding the answers that lie in unraveling the mysteries of the tribe before he can return to it.

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This story is 103 words long.

I Was A Porn Star For The FBI By Melanie Brown On Kindle


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Melissa Peterson – formerly Paul Peterson – has given her all to her job. Her identity… even her masculinity.

I Was A Porn Star for the FBI
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 31 words long.
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