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Recovering From Trauma

Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Sara and Cindy look down at all the women and some men who have been brought to the center for help and recovery. Both of them couldn’t understand why anyone would forcibly turn innocent males and some women into the opposite sex.

“Mom and sis weren’t joking when they said that there would be days when this job would get to you.” Cindy looks at her twin sister standing next to her.

Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Chosen - Chapter 4

I had never enjoyed shopping more. My feet ached and we’d about doubled the mortgage on the house, but I had so much new stuff. We did just about manage to empty the back of the car in one trip when we arrived home, but only with both Mum and me carrying as many bags as would fit in each hand.

“What the hell is this?” Dad grumbled from his seat. The water on his table was untouched and there were a couple of extra beer cans beside the one I’d left him. Well, if he wanted to start Sunday with a hangover, that was his lookout.

Layabout. Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Abigail appraised my movements and told me to take shorter steps with my feet trying to follow a straight line. Then I had to lose my slouch that the weight of the breasts were forcing on me. We worked on all of these until I walked correctly, with my head high and my shoulders back. That was a whole new feeling.

Royal Performer - Chapter 8

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 2

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Masks 11 - Complicated Life - Now on Kindle


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The State Troopers waited at their roadblock. All other traffic was diverted. It was just them and the armed fugitives headed their way at high speed in a hot - in more ways than one - muscle car. The brigands could outrun the police ground vehicles, and even the helicopters, but not the radios. The Troopers stood in the afternoon sun, sweaty, tense and edgy, shotguns and assault rifles at the ready.

Masks 11

Rodford Edmiston

Now on Kindle from DopplerPress
Masks 11 on Kindle

Constant in All Other Things - Season One


David Sanders saw something he shouldn’t have and Agent K will do everything she can to keep him alive–-but who can he trust as he sinks deeper into a disguise he never chose, and will he ever find himself again? This collects the first ten chapters--the first story arc--into one place. Transitions between chapters have been smoothed out and hopefully it reads as a single novel-length narrative.

Constant in All Other Things - Chapter 10

Yin Yang - Part 2 (A MORFS Universe Story)


MORFS has left Laura in a strange situation. She's now the female idential twin of her former male self. If that wasn't bad enough, everyone around her is pushing her to accept her new life as a girl, but is that what she really wants ...?

Amazon - Part 10b: Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10b: Home Stretch
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer.

Wednesday, February 28, 2001
Washington, D.C.
6:00AM EST

Connie had been stirring restlessly, even before the alarm sang its raucous song. Her sleep had been broken by sharply imaged dreams that had, more than once, left her suppressing a scream of fear as she bolted upright in her bed.

Tales of the Season: Charlene's Story - Chapter 1


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.     Based on 'Tucky Season' what would Tuck's 'Big Sister' be like and how did she react to all of her adventures?

Double Jeopardy

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 25 The Phone Call


“Em, you’ll be a great mother, you took great care of Kevin. I couldn’t have done a better job. That was the first time he went to bed without an argument.” Mary said. “How did you do it?”
“Trade secret.” I giggled, “We mothers need to have some secrets.”

Constant in All Other Things - Chapter 09


Chapter Nine: Cindy and Harry’s blossoming friendship consumes David’s final days at the Clinic. But once they've had their final date, will it be time to say farewell to Cindy for good?

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 24 Cross Country Threats


I turned back to Ally and Sandy, “Hey guys, I think I have a real problem and I mean a real serious problem.” They both stopped laughing and looked at me. They could tell I was serious.
“What’s wrong Em?” Sandy asked.

The Deception of Choice. Part 11. Chapters 33, 34, & 35.


David arrives at the Finishing Centre. So much more freedom there. If he can just hold true to his resolve, all will surely be well. Or will it? Life is never quite so straightforward. Particularly not for David. And freedom is anyhow only relative. "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage;"

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 23 Cross Country Skiing


Mr. J looked at Sandy. “Sandy, I would like to have a little chat with you; NOW!” Mrs. J just returned and heard the request and said, “John can I have a word with you please? In the guest bedroom!” I saw him jump. “No, I want to talk with Sandy!” Mary said, “No John, you will talk with me now! OR ELSE!”


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The Princess of Q'fahr now on Amazon Kindle


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This is a story I did a few years ago and posted on Sapphire's. It's an attempt at Science Fiction and Adventure. At the time I wrote it, I had never read any of the Gor books. Now that I have, I'm surprised at some of the similarities.

The story is about Bill, who, through a travesty of justice gets involved with a dying boy. With the help of the boy's late uncle's writings, Bill is pulled into a strange, savage world.

The Princess of Q’fahr

Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2005

Princess of Q'fahr
Princess of Q'Fahr on Amazon

All Those Things You Always Pined For - New Kindle Edition


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I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby

Adrenaline surged...daring every sensory organ in my body to absorb the tiniest nuances of my first day out in public dressed as a woman. I touched the velvety skin on my wife's arm. "I'm so lucky!"

"Lucky?" Nicole shook her head in obvious bewilderment. "You've always wanted to be a woman," she had accurately said nearly eight months ago.

All Those Things You Always Pined For on Kindle


All Those Things You Always Pined For

by Angela Rasch

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