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Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy

Being raised as a boy but developing female body changes at puberty makes for a very difficult mental condition. Sometimes I present as a boy who dresses as a girl and other times I present as a girl who hides the fact that there is a penis in my panties.

Betrayal and Forgiveness

Opening the wedding invitation that evening was like a stab in the heart, even though I had suspected this was coming. I sat down on my bed and heaved a huge part-sigh and part-sob. Vicky had chosen Pete over me, so that was that. It was easy to see why she might think he was the better choice; he’d always been more successful and manly than I was. In business he was doing extremely well, on the path to becoming a young executive, whereas I was never going to be executive material; I didn’t have much of a head for business. And Pete did seem like a nice enough guy, at least compared to some of the losers Vicky had seen in the past. Even though he was my rival I’d always almost liked him.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10)

Chapter 18

I thought the prior Monday had been unusual. The atmosphere at school was unreal. Everyone already knew that Jenny had dumped Tommy. Neither of them would tell anyone why and the number of often conflicting rumors were unreal.

Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 32 and 33
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Audra: A New Life - Part 2 - Going Home

First Kisses at Midnight


New Year’s is supposed to be about a time for forgetting old acquaintances, but sometimes it’s also about remembering old loves. Is there a spot in your heart for "the one who got away"? Have you ever said to yourself, "I’d do anything for a second chance with her/him"? Here’s a letter from someone who did.

Timeout 3- Continuous Play - Chapter 7


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Joanie meets some magazine models and learns of the pros and cons of modeling, then bares her self to the cameras and an interviewer. More nonsense with the kittens, Pinkly and some of Joanie newest friends. She has an amusing time with a grumpy security officer and she teaches a class she's a student in. Boy these are hard to write when you're tired.

No Obligation, Part 15

Becca discovers she's not quite herself anymore (but doesn't seem to mind). She also gains another mentor and friend, takes a "paws" in the action to go fishing, and discovers that you really CAN go home again ... especially when nobody knows you left.

No Obligation
Part 15

by Randalynn

"Transformational Analysis"

The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church, IV

The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church, IV

By Melissa Tawn
A solution for transsexuals is set up within the framework of the Catholic Church, and Cardinal O'Connor resigns her position.

What Did I Do?

Passing Tones, Chapter 3

Kyle continues his search for a balance between masculine and feminine, and along the way maybe finds love as well.
Passing Tones
Chapter 3

by Jillian Marie

Thanks to Karen J, Angharad, and Angel for kindly helping me prepare this story for public consumption.

Timeout 3- Continuous Play - Chapter 6


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Joanie's mutant niece meets the couch killer kittens and the ever gracious Peeper. Tom and Tina meet Suzy -- lust at first sight. A precognitive hints at Joanie's future and Joanie house hunts. A friend of Ms. Carson visits campus, a secret of her past is revealed.

Christopher's Adventures in Miss Johnsson's "Girls World" Store 2 - An unexpected Event

Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

You asked for more? Here's your answer. Enjoy it.
An a wednesday afternoon, Christopher returnes to the shop...

Rainfall -4- Rise

Synopsis: With the fate of Allaron in the balance, Ghanton is beset upon by the forces of the newly empowered Rainfall Cult even as an enemy within the town’s walls is unleashed by Rainfall’s new

Rainfall -3- Resurrection

Synopsis: The captured Therobelin comes face to face with the warrior goddess Crystalia, who forces him to confront his true feelings about the state of the world he has sworn to protect. (Part 3)

The Greatest Gift


More DopplerPress

Heaven and Hell 5: Lillith's Ransom at Amazon


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TG Universes & Series: 

Lorelei did such a good job on various Hellish problems that she got kicked upstairs. No! Not up THERE, just into the Bureaucracy of Hell. The Big Guy Down Below has a cruel sense of humor.

Oh, Joy.

And now a new problem! Lillith, Queen of Temptresses, Mother of Succubae, has been canned — literally! Jade has her in a canning jar displayed as a trophy.

Heaven and Hell 5 Cover

There's only one thing Lorelei can do. Sit on Lillith's throne to keep peace among the Succubae while moving ahead with Hell's agenda—including maintaining the Truce with Heaven—and figuring out how to get Lillith's pretty butt out of the Can!

Oh, Bliss!

Imperfect Futures by Angela Rasch now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Two stories from BCTS in this volume:

Danny's Perdition: It’s the 24th century and Danny has discovered that his work for the government has several times condemned people to termination. The newest suspect has been thoroughly transformed by a department called “Visual Perfection,” and now Danny must do his duty, once again. Would traveling across the continent in an antique machine offer a realistic alternative?

Also included A Dollar Short: Tilford has a dead-end job. The idea that someone would offer him a great position seems alien.

Imperfect Futures
by Angela Rasch
Buy on Kindle
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