The Making of Nibs: Volume 2 - The Wacker War - Chapter 5 to 8

Chapter 5

After changing and walking to the canteen the group saw Richard with, a now very defiantly, Nicole and Jane sat at one of the tables. They seem to be looking at something on a tablet style computer. Jaboc was walking out of the food run with Ithian who had his arm in a cast and it also looked as if he had his left shoulder bandaged.
She led the group to the food run and they all collected a large meal, each.
When they had reached the end someone wearing chef whites walked out of the kitchen and said, “A bowl of food for the pup. We’ll make sure one is out in the morning and evening for him.”
“Thanks,” she replied and took the food bowl. Sandra who was behind her took the bowl that contained water. In the food bowl was a mixture of meat and biscuits.
The group walked to where the five adults were sitting and joined them.
Richard looked up and said, “Hi again guys. I guess you are wondering what the hell is going on?”
“Yeah,” she replied as they sat down. She placed the food bowl on the ground and Sandra placed the bowl of water beside it.
“Right, what we currently know about the situation is that it looks like Wacker and we think five light and mechanised infantry mercenary commands have taken control of this area.” On the Tablet screen was a map of the area under their control. “They don’t like the fact the Club has set up combat roadblocks directly opposing ones they’ve setup.”
“The other thing is that we are still looking in to the legal situation concerning water and electricity supplies,” said Jane. “From what we know the switch has been thrown through out the area and has effectively closed down most of the corporate controlled areas. The Corporate Enterprises and Cybertek sites are still working but that’s due to having advanced back-up generators, but even they can’t operate without water.”
On the projector screen that had been set up in the corner of the canteen came the leader of the largest party in Suraban government. His voice came over the speakers after one of the staff turned up the volume. The leader said, “I’m here to read a joint statement from the board of Wacker Inc and the government of Suraban. With the help of Wacker Incorporated the city is funding a major rejuvenation scheme in the area currently controlled by Wacker Security forces. The general plan is to demolish all unoccupied apartments, and I mean unoccupied as having less than three flats rented out and fully paid for, at least a month in advance.”
“What the feck is he on about,” Nicole said.
“Hang on,” said Jane, “Let him finish.”
“All the confirmed empty blocks have been listed for demolition, and after demolition Wacker Incorporated through its housing and construction arm will construct modern apartments to replace the ones torn down. No questions, thank you.”
“Leader of the Council, does it matter if the people are in occupation or not?”
“No, to my understanding they have been served with eviction notices.” The Leader of the Council turned and disappeared back into city hall.
Richard just stared at the screen. “That’s it. Bye Wacker.”
“Tell me about it,” said Nicole and she took out her PDU like item and started to compose a message. “If Wacker wants a land grab, they’ve picked the wrong corporations to go head to head against.”
Jane just huffed.
“If what you guys showed us is true then they’ve also gotten into bed with a major interdimensional corporation. The CSMR you saw, and we can confirm at least nine more, all originate from a corporation called Nanurai. From the reports other members of the Council have brought back, they are nasty and in the end they will collect payment from the parties on the contracts. They don’t care if it’s in the form of slaves, property, minerals or money, they do collect. It means the Conspiracy is also involved in this and we rarely take prisoners.”
Sandra looked at the group and asked, “Can I take it then the street at least are going to be fighting Wacker.”
“Very much so,” replied Jaboc. “We have an extraction team preparing to leave in about half an hour to go and get two elite operatives, Surat and Bret.”
“Then if I may suggest contact Sarah she should be informed as I know for a fact the Gangrels are not going to take this laying down.”
“Already done,” said Jane. “At the moment Sarah is preparing the Gangrel’s response to the take over, and if I know Sarah it’s not going to be a pleasant response.”
“Well Ithian, what brings you back here?” asked Nicole.
“What brings me back, a fuck up in the D-Door I was trying to cast. I was planning to arrive on Phase world and got dropped off here. What I do know is the building I was near is being used as a cultist base for worshipping something. I’ve not seen the statue before but it didn’t look nice. I almost got caught by the High Priest, and the goons you guys stopped had been sent by him to bring me back, he knew I was a Line Walker.”
“That changes a few things,” said Richard. “Would you say he was in possession of skills or abilities.”
“Don’t know, I would say abilities, but that’s only a guess on my part.”
She looked at Richard as he looked slightly spaced. She guessed he was mulling things over in his head.
“In the long run it does mean it is going to need looking at and I would say pretty quickly, as this and the Wacker issue may be interrelated,” said Richard when he had come back to the present and now.
“Not for the next couple of days it’s not,” said Jaboc. “At least six of the young ones have just been in a situation they’ve never been in before and should be allowed a couple of days to relax.”
“I agree with Jaboc,” said Jane. “This can wait, in a couple more hours we will have a full Echo Security Tactical unit on site, we can use them to contain the site. Plus we don’t have the forces to launch any major Conspiracy operations yet.”
Richard looked at Jane and Nicole and said, “I know, I wasn’t even thinking about launching any major operations until we can field at least four complete combat units, and we have one on site at the moment. You guys are now one of those units.”
She looked at Richard in utter shock. She then noticed everyone else including Ren and Hell Bright were also staring at him, again in shock.
“I concure,” said Nicole. “You all handled the patrol and the rescue of Ithian in a fashion that I would say marked you all as beyond professional. We in the Conspiracy look for those people, professional, understanding of situations and I would say you all are willing to go the extra mile to protect Darra Von.”
“I’ve already sorted out accommodation for all of you here in the main club,” said Jaboc. “You all understand that everything you guys do for the Conspiracy can not be told to anyone at all, unless they are in on it.”
She nodded that she understood. “A question, how much does Misty know?”
“Misty is a member of the Conspiracy, and has been for a few years now. The rest of her team know nothing of the work, to them she is their team leader. She is training them to make them ready to become members but they’ve not reached that point yet.”
‘That explains the smile.’ She took a piece of roast Jibum and also a piece of roast Tatan.
Ithian turned to Nicole and asked, “I have a question. Who received my Mana Call message, as I sensed it being received, but I also sensed something else, it was as if it got transferred?”
“I think I may have received your message Ithian,” replied Amy. “Hell Bright took it from me and that was how we knew about your situation.”
“Arh, right. Hell Bright may I say that the fireball was a little excessive but effective none the less.”
Hell Bright signed at Ren who translated the message, “Thanks Ithian.”
Ithian then looked as if he was concentrating on something and said, “May I say this I sense that both of you are powerful, but your aura is uncontrolled my dear.” Ithian was looking at Amy when he said it.
Amy cut a piece of meatloaf and shoved it into her mouth. “Until a couple of days ago I never knew I was different.”
“Whilst I am here, I am right in saying that my lab is still here?”
“Yes it is Ithian,” replied Jaboc.
“Yes then, whilst I am here I will teach you both some basic controls and a few basic spells that you both might find useful. Hell Bright other than the Fireball, what other spells do you know?”
Again Ren translated for his sister, “Fireball, Blink, Flesh to Stone, and a couple of simple spells that allow me to juggle small balls of fire and also help in my work here at the club.”
“Ok, give me a couple of days to get over the injury and then come and see me. We’ll start on teaching you two to control your abilities.”
She noticed both Nicole and Jane were not exactly staring at Ithian, but they did have looks of surprise on their faces. ‘I think Amy and Hell Bright might become something of a special team. That and us four anyway.’


After dinner was finished and the plates cleared away the group followed Ren and Hell Bright led them to a large room in which was some Yallam Ball games, a large tele, a few computers and a few arcade machines. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and enjoying the company of friends.
During the evening she said to Amy, “At some point over the next couple of days can I have a chat to you about the entire mission?” Nibs asked.
“Yeah no problem. Can we do it in a few days, what with everything that has happened over the last few days I want to have some time to think things through and try and work out where I’m going now, especially having the offer of someone helping me to understand my abilities. I have a feeling me being able to do what Hell Bright can do is only the start of the things I can do.”
“Yeah no problem, when ever you are ready.”


The following morning in Command and Control stood Richard, Jaboc, Bret and Surat, who was heavily pregnant. Jane and Nicole both walked in from online conferences they had had with the chairs of the various companies, and the government of Echo County effected by Wacker moving to control the area.
As the pair approached the table Richard saw them smile at Bret and Surat, Bret had his arm around Surat’s waist.
Jane asked when they had arrived, “How are the pair of you and how long?” Jane indicated she meant the baby.
“Just under a week now, and I think we are both now fine thanks. We’ve already said thanks to Jaboc and Richard for the extraction yesterday evening.”
“We were waiting for you two before we made our report,” said Bret.
“Ok,” responded Nicole.
He looked at his older brother and sister and saw their faces’ were ones of concern.
“What we can tell you is that it looks like Sec Com are also involved. We saw a couple of four man units all packing advanced weapons move past the main doors of the apartment during the day, they all were heading south towards the Church of the Reformed.”
“When during the day?” asked Jaboc.
“About 03:30AN,” replied Bret.
He looked at the pair and said, “Right around the time of the fire fight.”
Jane looked at him and shook her head. “If those teams were heading for the fire fight, then it would mean Sec Com are also involved and highly likely providing the elite elements.”
Jaboc looked at the pair and asked, “How were your conferences?”
“Good would be the answer,” replied Nicole. “One of the Cybertek sites is on the borders and can be supplied via a storm drain. Site security has secured the drain 200metres from the fence line. The other is in a little bit more of a situation as they have no direct way of supply other than the Sub-way. Site security has not moved yet to secure the entrance way, they are waiting for reinforcements from other sites to be in the area which should be by late today, early tomorrow.”
Jane who had been working on a tablet computer looked up and said, “The Corporate Enterprises site here.” The site highlighted on the map table. “Currently has water supplies for five days, if it’s rationed then they should last for a couple of weeks. That’s not the issue, this is.” Two more sites highlighted both in the north, but completely surrounded by the area controlled by Wacker. “Both the sites are conducting research that the board of Corporate Enterprises, Echo Tech and Delatron Mineral Conversion does not want to ruin. Both sites are working on creating Anti-Matter on an industrial scale, rather than the small scale David Fost and Andrew Allburn were able to do at the Academy six years ago.”
“Hell!” exclaimed Jaboc and Bret.
“How close are they?” asked Bret.
A controller walked over and whispered something in Jaboc’s ear. Jaboc turned and walked to the station where he sat down at it.
“The last report given to the board of Delatron was they were a few months away from producing the first few pounds. It’s not that, the site is also this site of the actual reactor vessel it is to supply.” The larger of the two sites highlighted. “I can tell you now Delatron is preparing a military response to make sure the sites are supplied and kept supplied.”
Nicole took her PDU from her pouch and looked at an email it had just received. “Ok I can now confirm that the Prime-Minster has contacted the chair of Wacker and has informed him that the current siege situations surrounding all the sites linked to Echo Tech Inc is being looked upon in a serious light and may bring a serious response from them. He has contacted the two task forces in the Allan Straight and has placed overall command in mine and the council’s hands.”
Richard stared at Nicole. “What land units are assigned to the two?”
“The 3rd, 6th and 7th Seabourne Assault, the 12th Jaggen and the 10th Hakkan Heavy divisions. The 6th, Jaggen and the Hakkan have just undergone a refit and are now equipped with Conspiracy rated CSMRs, and combat vehicles.”
Jaboc stood up and returned to the table. “I have Captain Hoster on a secure channel.”
“Put him through,” said Jane.
On the screens above the map table appeared the Captain and two of his officers. They looked unhappy.
“Good morning Captain,” said Nicole.
“Good morning Nicole, Jane,” responded Captain Hoster and he looked a little more happy at the fact the pair were on site. “This is serious for you two to be present.”
“Not really, we’ve both retired to Life President positions and are here as Street Ghosts rather than as chairs. The chairs are being kept well informed of the happenings as it has affected a few corporate sites.”
“Ok. I was wondering what the hell is going on and if my force’s presence will help or hinder the situation.”
“At the moment, we are unsure of the total situation ourselves as we are still gathering information concerning it. From what we know, it would likely help the situation. Where are you at the moment?”
“We’re currently heading for the port of Ria-acap. I’ve promised the force some shore leave.”
“How many days out are you?”
The captain looked at his diary and replied, “One day at the current speed of 20 Hirrans.”
“Be ready, I would advise captain,” replied Nicole.
“No problem, I’ll broadcast to the fleet and organise shore leave rotas, the ones who’s been on duty the longest going first,” replied a tall blonde haired commander.
Richard felt his shoulder get tapped and he turned to face the person tapping it. He saw Sharra standing behind him. “You might want to see this, the street are looking like they are going to mobilize a full armed response to the Wacker Take-over.”
He looked at her in shock. “I thought they might. What type of response are they looking at launching?”
“Take a look, it’s all over BlackNet.”
He followed Sharra to her station and on the screen was a page from the Suraban Forum board. He looked at the screen and saw the page count was already in the high twenties. “That’s what? Into high 400 responses already, when was the topic started and who by?”
“This one was started by Harry Cutter, Andres son. It looks like a few notables have also responded, Damien, K-dog and others. It also looks like the world Street Ghost population are preparing to go to war against Wacker if what I read from the other boards is right,” said Sharra.
He smiled an evil smile at the thought of the world’s Street Ghost community going to war. “Wacker has no idea what’s about to hit.”
“No, and the rest of the Corporations should take note as well,” said Sharra. “I’ve noticed a trend on the boards towards a more militant aspect concerning the corporations and governments.”
He felt his PDU vibrate as it received a message. He took it out and looked at the sender, it was Damien. He opened the message and it read-
I’m seriously thinking about getting the team back together and helping in the upcoming war against Wacker, you up for it?
He hit the reply button and typed-
Bring the team to Club Milana and join the fight. I’m already here along with Nicole and Jane. I think the team might have increased by at least two assuming they are not busy with their own team.
He knew that would bring a response for Damien and likely bring him to the command centre as well.
He walked back to the table and said, “Guys, I think Wacker are have opened a Fradan box.”
“Your kidding Richard,” said Jaboc as Ithian walked into the command centre.
“No, Andres Cutter’s son started a thread and it has over 400 responses in, how many hours, Sharra?”
“It was started yesterday evening.”
“All of them are saying we heading to help kick Wacker from the area.”
Nicole smiled at the information. “Oh feck me.”
“And it looks like the Street Ghost community world wide is going to war as well.”


At 13:00 the group of eight friends gathered in the garage and Nibs said to Amy, “Today we go shopping to gather you a new wardrobe. My treat.”
Amy looked at her and smiled. “Thanks Nibs.”
The group walked down into the main parking area and saw a unit of four Echo Tech Tactical response troopers getting ready. They were in a large room under the garage.
As the group walked past Ren said, “That is where the specialist power armours are kept.”
She nodded that she had heard him and thought, ‘If they’ve ordered the deployment of specialist equipment then they must think this Wacker incident is very serious and along with the cultist base this can only mean they are taking things very seriously.’
At the vehicles Paul asked Amy, “Do you want to drive hun?”
“Mm.” Amy looked as if she was thinking about it and said, “No. I want to just ride today.”
“Ok hun.” Paul gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Nibs climbed onto her motor-bike and rammed the kick start down. “Hun where would be a good place to go, and I don’t think it is wise we go to far from the club.”
“Githage has a branch in South Cliff District let’s go there and then spend the afternoon window shopping in Naks,” replied Sandra.
The group headed out of the back entrance and after a few minutes they were driving through the area the refugees had now made home. Even after one day the area was not looking that good.

As Ren drove the FAV through the street following the bikes both he and Hell Bright were looking around at the area. “This is not good sis. This area use to be so nice.”
“I know bro, but it’s up to us to get their homes back now.”
“I know.” He looked around and saw a couple of city security officers in an alley-way they had one young guy against the wall and they looked like they were roughing him up. In other places women worked the street corners for pimps and drug dealers.
When they drove towards the Naks shopping precedent they saw an Echo Security vehicle drive slowly past them, the officers looked as if they were looking for something, their heads were constantly moving looking at the various groups of youths and young adults.
The group parked up in the underground car-park and he said to Nibs, “Did you see the streets?”

“Yes I did. I’m not very happy with what I saw especially from the City Security units,” Nibs replied. “It’s something to look at, but as the adults said, we do not have the forces in place to help the refugees or the inhabitants.”
The group walked out of the car-park and right in front of them was Githage. The shop front was similar to the branch in North except it had a low wall on which the glass was resting, the door was in the middle and on either side was a couple of manikins all of them were wearing standard Gith clothes, baggies, tops with logos from the famous bands of the scene or various places the Gith community held special. The group walked in and just inside was a couple of early twenties Giths. Holstered at their waists was a MA4 pistol and beside the holsters was a long side handle baton.
The inside of the shop was similar to the other branch in that down one wall was the House of Gith and the rest of the shop was laid out in a similar manor except down the back were a few dresses from the High Line.
Amy turned to Nibs and asked, “How much?”
“What ever you think you need hun,” she replied, “I’m also going to buy a couple more items here.”
After an hour of browsing and trying on items Amy had purchased a complete new wardrobe. They took the bags back to the FAV and placed them all in the storage compartment under the hood.
The group returned to the precident where she suggested, “Coffee I think?”
“Yeah,” responded everyone else.
Sandra asked, “Any good places, Ren, Hell Bright?”
Ren stood thinking for a second and replied, “Naks Coffee Emporium is good.”
“Does it serve Chai?” she asked.
“It does, I’ve not tried it, but people say it is good,” replied Ren after Hell Bright had signed something.
The friends turned down the precident and started towards Naks Coffee Emporium.
She looked around whilst her and Sandra’s arm were intertwined. The crowds seemed nervous, she could not place the nervousness to any specific event other than the starts of the Wacker takeover and the refugees that suddenly descended on the communities. She hopped the Street Ghosts would fight Wacker as it might set a precident that becomes unstoppable in a few years.
From the Creation Universal store on the right hand side ran gent who looked around 22, 23 years old, he was wearing a blue hooded top and the hood was up covering his head. In the gents hands were a couple of high tech items. She released Sandra’s arm and moved so she was closer to the path of the thief. The thief sprawled over her leg and stumbled for a few steps. Two Creation Universal Store Security persons, one a woman the other a man, were in close purisut of the thief. As he stumbled, after tripping over her leg, they grabbed his jacket and he ended up in the air and landing hard on the concrete slabs that made the walk-way.
The gent grabbed the items from the thief’s hand and the woman heaved him into the air. The two security guards walked him past the friends. The pair smiled, ‘thanks’ at them. The thief’s face was one of ‘You’ll pay for that’. She just smiled at the thief and thought, ‘In your dreams mate.’
The friends approached the end of the precident the sign for Nak’s Coffee Emporium was gently blowing in the light breeze. They took up some seats in the front, Daraus sat under the table whilst Ren Paul and Abs all dragged chairs over.
“Did you see the thief’s face when the two grabbed him?” asked Paul when the waiter walked over to them.
“I did Paul, such a horrid face as well, as if he thinks he can get even with us.”
The waiter asked, “Can I take your orders please?”
The group gave their drinks to him and he disappeared back inside to sort it.
“What does Chai Latte taste like? I’ve seen it advertised on menu boards, but I’ve never tried it,” asked Amy.
“That depends massively on what type you try, I know of eight different receipts being served from coffee shops. That doesn’t include my own receipt or those from friends I know. The nicest one I’ve tasted is the type that Demology Café serves, sweet, but not to sweet, and the various spices do make it a good drink. We do have a supply of Big Malla’s Chai, but I want to know what the ingredients are so I can make my own.”
A few minutes later the waiter returned carrying a tray on which was eight tall cups and a small plate on which was the bill.
When the waiter had placed all the cups and plate down Ren picked up the bill and handed the waiter a 20deck note and he disappeared back inside. “Is it me or does the area seem like it’s on a knife edge?” Ren picked up his cup of Latte and took a sip.
“I’ve felt the same,” Nibs replied. “It’s as if the area is nervous about something. I just can’t place what it’s nervous about.” She took a sip and as the various spices hit the mouth she smiled as this was a slightly new flavour than the other’s she had tried and liked.
“Nibs, may I try some?” asked Amy.
“Yeah, of course,” she replied and passed Amy her mug.
Amy tasted it and placed the cup back down and smiled as the spices and other ingredients were tasted. “Very nice, I think I’ll have to try some soon.”
“Most coffee shops sell it,” said Ren. “I think the canteen at the club has some, it’s kept in the kitchen in a large urn by the door for staff to help themselves.”
She looked at Ren and smiled at the fact. Walking down the precident came three Giths all of them looking around and they smiled when they saw the group sitting at the table.
The three walked over and one of them asked, “What Unit?”
“The Bitch Vixens, what unit?” replied Sandra.
“South Cliff Mashers,” said the same person. “You guy’s involved in the problems?”
“If you mean are we involved in getting Wacker to give up the area they seized, yeah we all are,” Nibs replied. “You three want to join us?”
The one who seemed to be the leader looked at his watch and said, “Can’t, we have to be someplace soon.”
“Ok, we hope to see you on the front lines,” said Paul and smiled at the three.
“We’ll try and make it,” said another member of the group. The group then stood and left the friends sat, drinking their drinks.


Sat in a small plain office in Wacker Headquarters was Sergant Deems, the most senior of the security troops to survive the first real engagement of the war. Sat opposite him was a grey skinned female and a similar skinned male, they both looked like they had considerable amount of cyberware beneath the skin.
“You are telling us that all you saw was two foot across balls of white energy and these destroyed the APC from the inside out,” asked the female.
“Yes, that along with the fact they had advanced armours and they all seemed to be using APEX ammunition. We tried to pin them down but they had an escape route,” he replied.
“Yeah and another 10 dead. You have no more information to give us on the matters?”
“No, I wish I could help,” he replied. ‘I know one thing, who ever that was I want to know who they are. That equipment was far more advanced than anything I’ve seen or heard about on the forum boards.’


“What the feck, this should have gone without any casualties, now I hear we lost 16, 10 to being burnt to death. How the feck did they burn to death?” the chairman asked sitting behind his desk on the top floor of the head quarters.
“That we are still looking into,” replied a grey skinned female. “From the reports it was as if a nuclear explosion had happened, according to one report. The other weapons used included MA260s D300s and what we think is some form of advanced plasma weapon. We have versions but they are still on the drawing boards of Sec Tech.”

Chapter 6

Savraday 20th Auar 09:30BN
Amy and Paul were laying in their guest apartment. The pair were enjoying the warmth of each other when Amy said, “The last few days have been hectic as hell. What with you guys taking me out of school and then the invite and Nibs’ birthday, the restaurant and club, and then straight into a fully fledged war.”
“I know hun,” responded Paul, “But welcome to the world of the Vixens. We have weeks like that, when one thing just leads into the next thing, but then we can weeks we do feck all, and you do wonder why you do it.”
She looked up at the ceiling and thought, ‘I love it, the life, and I love Paul, Nibs, Sandra, Abs and Tina. I love Hell Bright and Ren. I love this culture that is the only way to see it; I love the Street and Gith culture.’ “Yeah,” she replied smiling. “Then the fun starts all over again.”
“That’s it,” said a voice from the darkness.
She recognized the voice as Nibs’. ‘This is strange, I never took Nibs for being that way inclined.’
“Nibs is that you?” asked Paul.
“Pretty close Paul well done,” said Nibs as she turned the dimmer switch up a bit. Ren was stood at the foot of the bed.
Ren then said in exactly the same voice as the earlier voice, “Good morning Amy and Paul.”
“We where wondering if you two love birds, wanted to join us this morning for some combat sparing, Richard, Jane, Jaboc and Nicolai, have said they would join in, teach, practice and critique,” said Nibs.
“Sounds like a bit of fun,” said Paul.
She looked at Nibs and thought, ‘If I didn’t already love Paul. I would for you Nibs in a big way.’
“It should be as the plan is for everyone to wear basic black light. Which will mean we can fight closed fist and at full power and hopefully avoid breaking bones and such.”
“Now that sounds like an idea,” she said. She swung her legs out, and realised very quickly both Ren and Nibs were still in the room. “Feck me Ren, I think the Vixens have an open policy on things, but I am a night shirt. NOW GET.”
As Ren and Nibs disappeared up the passageway past the bathroom she called, “Where you two going?”
“Canteen,” said Nibs.
Paul joined her and swung his legs out and took the Cambar cigarette that was in the ashtray and said, “See you in a bit then.”
“Oh yeah, two coffees on the side,” called Nibs as she shut the door.
“Coffee, where!” exclaimed Paul.
“Right here,” she said and passed him the other cup.
“Thanks hun.”
The guest room they where living in was about seven metres square. A couple of wardrobes, a dressing table, a couple of comfy chairs and a large double bed made up the rest of the furnishings. Other than that is was simple but effective. She walked up the short corridor and turned left into the en-suite bathroom.
When she returned Paul was up and had finished his coffee and disappeared into the bathroom, and when he came back she was putting on her new boots, which she had bought the previous day. “Come on slow coach,” she said.
Paul quickly grabbed his trousers and quickly put them on and they are closely followed by Paul's boots. She had already grabbed her shoulder holster and put it on.
“Hun, a piece of advice, always check the ammunition is there, you never know,” said Paul.
“Thanks,” she said. She slid the Y7 out and checked the ammunition in the magazine. After sliding it home she opened the door and was stepping out when Paul came around the corner in hot pursuit. “Hey hang on hun.”
“Yeah I am just this side of the door,” she said as Jane walked past her on route to the canteen.
“Have you one up the spout or not?” asked Paul.
“Don't know,” she said and smiled at Jane who returned the smile and waited for the pair.
“Hi Amy, oh. Hi Paul,” said Jane as Paul stopped in the entrance and made sure he had everything.
“Keep one in the spout,” said Jane. “It speeds reaction times, as you can draw cock and shoot, faster than draw, load and shoot.”
“I’ve got everything I need for the day. Let’s go and get some breakfast.”
“You heading for food then?” asked Jane when the group started to walk towards the ramp down into the Canteen.
“Yeah, then to the armoury to change for the sparring session,” said Paul.
“Yeah good point, I did say I would enjoy a good workout. I think it will be interesting actually. I know Richard, Jaboc and Nicolai have all said their up for it and I think Ithian may watch if he doesn’t join in.”
“It does sound fun,” she said. “Can I ask you a couple of questions that have been bugging me?”
“Ask away, I’m very much like my brother and half sister. I have no secrets.”
“Thanks.” She smiled at Jane’s reply. “What’s it like to run one of the most powerful mega corps and being one of the leading powers behind the Conspiracy?”
Jane laughed out loud. “The big one first.” Jane paused and continued, “It’s a fun, its actually quite fun, on one side I get to see the Corps, how they do business, how they try and cover their more nefarious schemes and on the other, I get to.” Again Jane paused and thought for a bit and continued, “No you can’t say it any other way, get my lovely hands dirty in the trenches.”
“I mean you’re what 300 years old, from what Richard said on Ulleam, doesn’t it get annoying that the corps never learn, they can’t win,” she said as the group turned down the ramp to the canteen.
“No, I find it quite interesting especially when the Corporation conducting some illegal activity has a large army massed some place in the mega verse, but is powerless to use cause in doing so they would start a war none of them can win, cause what starts here may spread, and they know that. The best bit is seeing how underhanded they can be in their schemes at world domination via the backdoor.”


Sat in the canteen were Nibs, Sandra, Tina, Abs, Ren and Richard.
“It should be an interesting session this, especially with Nicole and Jane both getting involved,” said Richard. “I wonder if Ithian will watch, I remember the last time he was here, he enjoyed sparing with some of the students at the Academy.”
“Yeah it should,” Nibs said. “Ithian has been here before?”
“Yeah it was when he taught Sharra and Emily to be Line Walkers. I still think the pair carries their training toys.”
She noticed Jane, Paul and Amy, enter the canteen and head for the food run. Nothing was out on the run as the kitchen staff had cleared it at 09:30BN. She watched Jane lead the pair to the kitchen doors and she opened the kitchen door and after a few minutes she closed it and led the group to where the others were sitting. Ithian and Nicole walked in from the direction of the Armoury and also walked towards the group.
When Jane had arrived she sat down beside her and said, “Good morning Nibs. This should be an interesting session, all of us sparring with True Adepts and I think experts in Gangrel Street. It will be interesting to see how Gangrel Street has progressed over the years.”
“What Jane?” she asked sounding some what surprised at what Jane had said.
“Oh, you don’t know the history of the Gangrels, Nibs?”
“No,” she replied shaking her head at the same time.
“Right, myself and Sarah started the Gangrels 150 years ago to provide the Conspiracy with well trained caring foot troops. We invented Gangrel Street as a way of bringing people together as training you were always being watched and critique by the rest of your group. Everything a Gangrel does during basic training is designed around being a team player and a unit member.”
“Arh. Sandra said something about most of the new members go and do Basic Training, only in a few cases does basic training not happen.” Her face was one of ‘now I understand’.
“How long have you been a member then Nibs?”
“Since the Frodar 14th Juwar, I was asked if I wanted to join at the party the Bitch Vixens held to celebrate the end of the exams and schooling. It was also the time I came out of the closet and became Nibs.”
“Interesting, and might I say you have turned into one hell of a unit leader, I’ve noticed all of the group look up to you. You have an understanding of the streets and, I don’t know, but you seem to understand people.”
She smiled at Jane’s description of her. “I think you’ll find I know how people will react to events and how various stimulai will effect the reaction. Take this situation, across the street to Home Base was a drug dealers home that controlled the local community through loans and similar. Because of where Amy lived right next door, she was bullied by a group of students. Me, Sandra, Tina, Abs and Paul all decided that it’s time for them to move, and so we go in full force, fully armed and by being vicious and very blunt, they leave. They thought they had rights, and yes they do if we had been security, but as we were Street Ghosts, they got the message and left the following day. We need to check to see if they have left.” She looked up and noticed Hell Bright was walking towards the group carrying something, just behind her was Nicole.
Hell Bright sat beside Amy and reached over, she tapped Ren on the shoulder who then smiled at his sister. Hell Bright signed something.

As Ren said, “Amy, please accept this gift as a gift of friendship and the offer of me helping you and us both learning from Ithian whilst he is here.” The same words Amy heard in her mind. “At some point I will tell you why I don’t talk.”
Hell Bright then handed her the item she was carrying. She looked at the small leather bound book. On the cover were a few strange looking patterns of lines. As she looked at the various groups of lines she saw that took the form of symbols and runes she had seen on her father’s shrine. The more she looked at them the more she realised, ‘I know what they mean. That’s Teeam which is protection. That’s the rune for Cruum.’
She looked around the friends sitting with her and saw everyone of them had smiles of their faces. ‘Damn it, I am going to become something more, I have friends, people likely willing to train me and a friend who is also learning.’ “Teach me Hell Bright.”
She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and the lips of Paul kiss her on the neck. She looked around and looked into the face of her partner. “And everyone else, teach me what I need to know.”
“We will Amy, that I promise,” replied Paul.
“If everyone has finished breakfast she we head for the armoury so we can get ready.” Everyone got up and headed for the armoury after placing the dirty bowls and plates on the racks.

Everyone entered the Armoury as Ithian walked in the opposite direction and stopped, he lent against the railing for a ramp which led into a second level.
Nibs walked into the area between two runs of lockers and heard Nicole ask Ithian, “You going to come and watch, it might be interesting.”
“Yeah I will,” responded Ithian.
As everyone got changed Sandra said, “You and me hun?”
“No, Paul. Me and you?”
Paul looked at Nibs and replied, “Ok, armed or unarmed?”
“I don’t mind.” She slid the knee pad into its pocket and sealed the top closed. She took from the case the plates that made the back of the leg protection for her left knee.
“Armed, I fight with short blades.”
“No problem, I’ll fight with my short staves, rather than the Naj Blades.”
Jaboc walked through the armoury on route to some place when he stopped and turned towards the lockers. “I wasn’t planning on joining the session, but seeing you all getting ready, I think I will.” Jaboc then opened his locker and removed his t-shirt.
The friends all move to the middle between the two sides of lockers. She saw Jaboc look and think about something. “Use the main club the rings are still present from Ulleam.”
“Ok,” responded Richard and led everyone towards the back entrance and the ramp up to the main building.
“Amy, how much street fighting have you done?” she asked as they walked up the ramp.
“None, I have vague memories of dad teaching me and Bill some basics but that was over 10 years ago,” replied Amy.
“Allow me Nibs,” replied Jane. “I’ve been told I’m very good at the basics and you never know that training might come back.”
She smiled at the pair and thought, ‘You impress me Jane, you, Nicole, Richard.’


Inside the main club the raised area is still present with the four rings that closed the evening’s entertainment. Nibs, Paul, Nicole, Richard, Abs and Tina all take to the rings, with Nibs and Paul in one, Nicole and Richard in a second and Tina with Abs in the third.
Paul stood opposite her, in his hands were a pair of short blades. They were about the same length as her Naj Blades. In Nibs’ hands were her short staves, both running up her arms. She placed her left fist in front of her face and placed her right one just above and then she dipped her head in respect at Paul.
Paul dipped his head in response and swung his right blade at her upper left arm. As the attack started she had the left stave in place to block and her right foot on route towards Paul’s head. Paul ducked under the first foot but completely missed the fact she had started a spin which meant her left heel was also coming in as well. As the right foot touched the ground the left heel hit Paul’s left shoulder and the armour went ridged and stopped the actual damage from transferring to the wearer.
“Nice combo Nibs,” said Paul as he rubbed the area. “I felt that impact.”
“That’s the idea Paul. Fight at a power level that will be felt and full speed. Then if you get hit you know about it and can learn.”
Ren stood at the side watching the fight said, “Even I missed the left heel, and I’m experienced in the realm of street fighting.”
She then continued and brought her right stave in and picked up the back of Paul’s knee. Her left stave she brought and placed enough force to knock Paul from this vertical base through the point of no-return and into over balance. Paul ended up on his back with her looking down offering her stave to help him back up.

Outside the ring sat on the first level were Amy and Jane. Jane asked Amy, “How much do you remember?”
“Very little,” Amy replied. “The only time I’ve actually hit anyone with enough force to hurt was on Ulleam when I broke Abilgail’s nose. I used this.” She showed Jane the position for a Flat palm strike.
“Do you know that attack’s name?” asked Jane.
After a couple of seconds she replied, “No.”
“That is a flat palm strike and it used exactly how you used it in breaking bones and shattering joints. How about defences?”
“Again not really I think it might when I start practicing, I realised sat in the canteen I knew what the runes were on the cover of my Spell Book.”
It was Jane’s turn to look shocked. “How could you, you’ve never been taught. Have you?”
“No I think I would remember something like knowing the names of and functions of runes.”
She noticed Jane slightly shake her head at something. “Ok, if your ready. What type of close quarter weapon do you see yourself favouring?”
“Something along the lines of these style.” She showed Jane the two blades her father had given her on the Darabar.
Jane smiled at the pair and took the shorter one. Jane unscabbarded the short Karack blade and looked at it. “If I didn’t know better I would say this was made a very long time ago. I would say before the meteorite hit. Which would make these blades probably older the 2600 years,” said Jane as if she was musing over something. “Do you know how the previous owner came in to possession of them?”
“Yes, the previous owner is my father Duggie.”
“Accept my appologise then.”
She smiled at Jane and replied, “Accepted. Dad did say I shouldn’t mention this to anyone I don’t trust, and I trust you Jane. My father is a Chaing-Ku dragon.”
Jane’s eyes opened wide and she just stared with her mouth hanging slightly open. “You must be mistaken he can’t be, the last Chaing-Ku left Darra Von 270 years ago.”
“No Jane I know what dad told me Torbar evening, I also saw pictures of him and my mum Sam. He was in his lizard form in some of them. You must be adopted by Duggie then as Chiang-Ku can’t have children with a human.”
“They can if the woman has the copier mutation.”
Jane again stared at her. “How many brothers and sisters do you have?”
“One older brother and two younger sisters and one younger brother, why?”
“All by Sam?”
She nodded ‘yes’.
“Amy I think you and Sam could be the saviour of the race. They are a dying race, some scholars estimate 3000 years and we won’t have any Chaing-Ku left in the mega-verse. Which would be a travisety, they are a noble race with many fine examples of why people should be helped.” Jane stood up and said, “Let’s re-start your training, and if your father did as good a job as I think he would have, then you will be in the rings in no time.”


After twenty minutes of Nibs and Paul sparring and Paul learning a lot, as was she. She was learning the methods the Gangrels used in their street fighting. ‘Gangrel Street is vicious and very to the point.’
Paul said, “Enough Nibs, you’ve battered me around this ring.”
“You’ve done the same to me Paul,” she replied as she helped him up again. “You know how to fight the gangs of Suraban and likely fighters from the various schools and similar, I know how to street fight in the arenas of places like Ajar, Teabban, and other similar sites. I need to learn a lot myself. I have the skill base I don’t have much experience.”
Paul looked shocked at her. “You lacking experience, no way Nibs, you are excellent you see an opening and go for it, your blocks and dodges happen long before you are under threat from being hit.”
She smiled at Paul’s words. “Those are due to more being an adept than anything else and having trained with people learning similar fighting skills.”
Paul turned and jumped down, he was replaced by Sandra who said, “You and me hun?”
“Yeah, give me a chance to recover,” she said and like lightning used her right short stave to stab Sandra in the gut area.
Sandra moved as the attack came in. “You bitch.”
“Nice dodge, you remember the third rule of fighting me, expect the unexpected.”
“What like this.” Sandra swung her fist in towards her gut area and she dodged back and missed the opposite fist as it came in and landed against her cheek.
“Nice attack.” She went down and started a spin which brought her leg around and the speed of the spin swept Sandra’s legs out and she sat down rather hard.
“I know I am hun,” she replied. “I use momentium to assist me. You punch to the face started the spin move.” She looked at where Richard was standing watching, Nicole and Ithian were also both watching.

“Damn Nibs is good. All she needs I think to become a Tiranna master is self control and experience,” Richard said from outside the ring.
“Tell me about it,” said Nicole. “I would love to know how come though. You said you were the last of the Tiranna Masters Richard.”
“I am, to my knowledge that is.”


After spending a good twenty minutes practicing and re-learning the skills her father had taught her Amy and Jane both sat down to watch the various fights in the rings. Nibs and Sandra were fighting in the ring.
“Watching those two and the others, I have a lot to learn,” Amy said.
“No you don’t Amy. You have all those skills, they are just not at the front of your mind, with experience and practice you will. With out knowing what fighting skills your father was trained in, I would say you have the potential to become very skilled.”
She noticed Ithian and Hell Bright walk towards where the pair was sitting. Ithian asked, “May we join you?”
“Yes,” responded Jane. “I need to go and have a work out, so I’ll leave you three to chat.”
“Ok, thanks for the lesson Jane,” she said as Jane left and headed for the rings.
Ithian and Hell Bright both sat down. Hell Bright said in Amy’s mind, “For the period Ithian is here he is willing to help us learn the arts of Line Walking.”
She looked at Ithian in shock which after thinking about what Hell Bright had said turned to a one of smiles. “Thank you Ithian.”
“Your welcome, both of you. Last time I was here I trained Sharra and Emily to be Line Walkers as well.”
Hell Bright looked at Ithian as if to ask, ‘Sharra from here’?
“Yes Sharra from here Hell Bright. I see she never told you she was a Line Walker. I think Emily is the same, she keeps that knowledge hidden from people unless they already know. It’s to protect them selves and others if it was to get out.”
She along with Hell Bright smiled and saw Paul walking towards them. “Hun, you up for some practice?”
She sat there and replied, “Yeah, I am.” She stood up and followed Paul towards the rings.
“Armed or unarmed hun?” asked Paul.
“You choice, as the whole point is for me to learn.”
The pair climbed into the ring as Nibs and Sandra finished and jumped down, only to be replaced by a couple of new people.
“No problem,” she replied as Paul turned to face her and dipped his head to her. She bowed and took up a traditional defensive stance. She looked around and saw quite a few of her friends were watching the fight. She smiled as from the 20 minutes with Jane, a lot more of the skills her dad had taught her had become re-learnt.

Nibs stood watching Amy and saw in her body something she had not seen in any of the others. She seemed to glow a faint dark green. With out knowing what Sandra saw her she looked at people’s auras she would have said it was an aura of sorts. She watched the pair and as she stood in her defensive stance she saw it was similar to the stance Sensei Hume had taught them and the other students when they first started at the school.
Paul came in using a stance similar to the street fighters that had a base in the South Aticcian fighting art of Gittar (Jet-a-tar). Paul lashed out a punch kick combo and Amy pulled back as the punch came in and as the kick landed she again went with the blow. As Paul brought the attacks back Amy twisted and launched a punch, punch, kick combo and all three attacks hit. Each impact forced the armour to go solid and they also forced Paul onto the defensive.
Sandra said to her, “That was a nice counter.”
“Yeah it was,” she responded. “Paul’s on the defensive and Amy is on the attack.”
Amy span down Paul’s left hand side and landed right back heel against his back. Amy span away as Paul was forced to take a couple of steps and stop.
Paul turned and said, “That was a sneaky attack.”
“Learn from it Paul. Expect the unexpected,” she said from outside the ring. “Who taught you Amy?”
“My dad did when I was two or three. Jane has helped in unlocking the training.”
She nodded her understanding of the training.


A little while later Nibs saw Richard was stood on the first floor chatting to someone. She looked closely at the gent and recognized him as Damien Cameron. She walked over with Daraus at her heels as Sandra was sparring against Sam, Sharra’s number two in the Club security department.
“Hi Damien,” she said. She looked at him as if to say, ‘It would have been nice to have heard from you’.
“Sorry, do I know you?” asked Damien.
Richard looked at Damien and replied, “Do you remember when I emailed you I said the team may have increased by two?”
“Yeah I do, I was wondering what you meant by that,” replied Damien.
Richard replied, “Meet one half of that pair, Nibola Calton also know as Nibs and you knew her as Nick Calton.”
Damien looked at her, his eyes opened wide in shock. “My creator!” exclaimed Damien. “Saying that I do see Nick in you Nibs, and may I say you look very cute in that.” Damien’s face was one of mirth as he said that.
“Thank you Damien,” she responded. “I hope to add the breasts in a few months, but this is as close as I can get it. Richard forgot one member of the partnership and that was Daraus.” She bent down and picked up Daraus and gave his head a ruffle. “Some people should learn that as a Gangrel I accept all as equal, no matter what that person is or may be.”
“I saw you fighting the female, from what I could remember of you when you and Richard sparred, you’ve gotten better.”
“The female as you called her, is actually my partner Sandra.”
Damien looked rather embarrassed at the fact. “Sorry Nibs.”
“Not to worry.” She looked at the fighters in the rings and saw Jane was fighting Nicole and Jaboc. Sharra was going at a bloke she had seen in the armoury on the Darabar.
“Can I ask, was it you know had the fight here on Ulleam?” asked Damien.
“It was,” she replied. “I wonder where Metzza went to when he left here.”
“That was a vicious fight you had. I could feel the impacts and I was watching it on the net.”
“Thank you. Richard, who’s Sharra fighting?”
Richard looked at the rings and replied, “That’s Benny the master of arms here at the club. He runs the specialist armoury courses the club runs for the Street Ghosts and the City and Echo Tech Security forces.”
Benny landed a double kick, elbow attack and this caused Sharra to go face down and then roll out of the way as Benny went to stamp down on her back. Sharra back rolled and thrust kicked Benny in the upper chest and neck area. Benny stopped and allowed Sharra to regain her vertical base.
“Nibs, would you, and your partners be interested in joining me on a Street Ghost operation paying 250K each?” asked Damien.
“Yeah, when would you be looking at going and who else is on the team?” she asked.
“Andres Cutters, Richard, Nicole if she’s up for it and a couple more. The employers want to listen in on a conference that is happening in a hotel on the north west side. From the intelligence from them, even with the Wacker problems the meeting is still going ahead, and it likely to incorporate profiting from the current situation.”
“Who’s the group we’re going to bug?” she asked and noticed Richard was intermating the same.
“One of the major crime syndicates. A second one are the employers.”
“I’m all for that,” said Richard whilst his face was one of smiles. “Having some competition in the crime families is good, it make’s our lives more fun.”


After a couple of hours the friends gathered in the changing section of the armoury, where she suggested, “Anyone know a place off club where we can relax for the afternoon before getting ready for the Gathering this evening?”
“The beach house,” replied Ren. “It’s where me and Hell Bright grew up before coming here. Dad and some of the local notables hold parties and similar there.”
“Now that sounds like a good place to go to,” said Paul.

Chapter 7

“Whilst we are there we can start to think about getting you your own bike Amy,” she said.
“I’m not ready for my own motor-bike,” said Amy.
Ren looked at her and then said, “Rather than us look let the Club look, you never know you might get a motor-trike instead.”
She look happy with the idea.
Ren turned and walked towards one of the guys working on a pick-up. One of the guys looked over at the group and smiled at Ren. The gent took a note book and wrote something, he then turned and headed for a store area. Ren walked back to the group and said to Amy, “Fred, the head mechanic said he has the prefect bike for you Amy.”
Fred walked out pushing a low bike. The seat was low in the bike, not high over the back wheel, the back wheel, which was more two black racing bike tires were in a box behind the seat. Running from the around the front wheel was a full fairing. Fred pointed at Amy and then indicated like a old fashion mime did that it was hers.
“The motor is a 120kw electric in the box, the power is provided by an 125kw water fuelled fuel cell, it’s the same that’s in the FAVs,” said Ren.
Amy walked to it and looked down at it and said, “Thank you Fred, you will have to teach me how to maintain it.”
Fred took out his note book and wrote something.
Nibs along with everyone else headed down into the car-park and quickly the all drove up the ramp and waited for Amy to join them.

Fred walked towards the group pushing the motor-bike, she stared at it. ‘That’s mine.’
In her head came Hell Bright’s voice, “Hun, when Fred gives something, accept it. These gifts are given rarely and only to those he respects, I think someone might have said you’re very new to the scene and Darabar was your first operation ever.”
She looked at Hell Bright and smiled at her. Hell Bright just simply returned the smile with one of her own.
Ren said something about the motor being electric, she was still caught up in the fact someone she had never met before today was giving her something that must be worth 14,000dks.
She walked towards it and said, “Thank you Fred, you will have to teach me how to maintain it.”
Fred smiled and took out his notebook and wrote, ‘I will. From the reports you handled yourself well on Darabar.’
She looked at Fred asking, “What do you mean?”
Fred wrote, ‘One of the controllers, works as a mechanic.’
She looked at Fred and said, “Now I understand.” She stepped over and sat down. She placed her left foot on the foot plate and Fred pointed at the button on the right controller. She pressed it and the electrics went live. The screen in front of her had a digital readout and said, 5kw. Down the left hand side was various indicators they were all off on the right hand side was the fuel meter which read full. Also under the fuel indicator was a section, dimmed saying ‘Vehicle Control System’ ‘I wonder what that it.’ She heard the vehicles come up the ramp.
“Ren, Hell Bright as you know the way, you have point,” said Nibs.
She looked at Hell Bright and saw she wasn’t wearing a communication rig.
Ren pulled up the ramp heading for the front of the club. She turned the throttle and the number in the kW rose, she released and gingerly lifted her foot from the ground. The bike didn’t fall over, she placed her right boot on the foot plate and she felt the bike change slightly. She operated the throttle again and this time the bike moved and on a digital read out beneath was displayed three zeros’.
As Abs turned up the ramp out she slowly followed Abs, she removed her right foot and the bike started to slow. She put it back and the bike accelerated again. She quickly caught up the guys as they left the club grounds and turned south. They passed under the CW6 and where the main road forked, Ren took the right hand fork and headed for the coast. A short while later the group pulled up outside a set of large gates. Ren did something at the front and the gates opened and they group drove up the short driveway. In front of them was a small building, with a set of double doors and a couple of windows either side. Ren walked up to the door and opened it, he disappeared inside and a couple of minutes later he pulled the double doors open.
He turned and walked down a set of stairs that ran down. They started some four metres in. Hell Bright led the group to the cloak room where everyone hung up their jackets.

Nibs walked just behind Hell Bright as she walked down the stairs to the landing that ran both ways. The group exited the passage way into a large open area, the ground some twenty feet beneath them. The bridge they were on was supported from the roof by cables, running down from the roof to the ground was a long thin pole and in front of it was a gate. She looked over the landing and saw a large open plan area the entire wall facing the sea was glass. The floor was a very large living area, a large open plan kitchen and a bar, standing behind which was Ren filling eight glasses with Cabilla.
Hell Bright opened the gate and grabbed the pole and was a couple of seconds later stood on the floor.
Ren looked up and said, “Hi, welcome to the Beach House.”
She opened the gate and soon joined Hell Bright on the floor. Daraus trotted down the landing and down the stairs at the end.
Ren said when everyone was at the bar, “I thought about just spending it enjoying the sun and the pool outside.”
“That is a great idea, but none of us have swimming costumes,” she said.
“Not a problem,” said Ren. “Dad holds events here and has a supply of swimming gear in the changing rooms.”
“Shall we invite Misty and the rest of the guys,” suggested Tina.
“Why not,” said Sandra. “Why not invite Misty and the Raiders to the Gathering this evening.”
“Now that is a good idea,” said Paul, he then took a mouthful of Cabilla.
After the drinks were finished, the group followed Ren and Hell Bright to the changing rooms, which were off a corridor that ran away from the back wall. The pair led them into the two one for men and the other for women, in both were racks where different types of costume were hung up. The friends changed and soon were walking out onto the veranda that over the sea and cove.
The veranda was a large affair with a 20metre long by ten metre wide swimming pool and a large ten person hot tub/spa to the right hand side. Around the pool were sun-loungers and easy chairs, a few tables also dotted the area. Running from both sides was a long ramp that took people to the beach proper five metres below them.
Nibs and Sandra walked to a pair of loungers and Daraus jumped up onto one of the loungers at the foot and lay down.
“Bath him today hun?” she asked Sandra.
“Yeah, might as well.”
Paul who was also sitting on a lounger asked, “Ren how come, this must be expensive. Private Cove?”
“Yeah private cove, dad’s last Ghost operation earnt him 1.2million decks, dad has 35million in cash and another 15million in stocks and shares. One of the first lessons dad taught us, was take payment in shares, they may be worth less to a Street Ghost, but by running a proxy, you get the final accounts and reports automatically sent to you, you can attend the main meetings and you have the right to walk into any office and demand to see the local accounts,” replied Ren. “Me and Hell Bright have 100,000dcks worth of shares in Forden, and Bratish Airliners from our last two operations.”
“Nice amount of money tied up there,” said Paul.
Nibs stood and walked to the pool side and slid in, she grabbed one of the two airbeds that were floating on the water. Sandra picked Daraus up and passed him to her and she placed him on the airbed and then she pushed it slightly so it drifted out into the middle of the pool.
“Why did you do that,” asked Tina.
“It’s time Daraus had a bath, pool, bath time,” she said. “Especially if he wants to come this evening that is.”
A short while later a buzzer went and Ren reached down to a small control box and asked, “Who is it.”
“It’s Gary, Darla and the Twins, Misty and the Raiders couldn’t make it.”
“Come in, we’re on the Veranda out the back, the front door is open,” replied Ren.
A couple of minutes later the rest of the friends walked out of the door and stood looking at the scene.
“Swimming costumes are in the changing rooms down the corridor this side of the bar, and the bar is open,” said Ren.
The four friends walked back into the house and disappeared down the passageway. Five minutes later Gary walked out carrying a tray of Cabillas and distributed them to the friends without a drink.
A few more minutes later Darla and the Twins walked out and the twins slid into the pool and swam underwater to where Daraus was floating. They came up and tipped the airbed over dumping Daraus in the water.
Nibs just quietly chuckled to herself.
Darla said in a stern voice, “Twins, here now.”
The pair swam to the side helping Daraus as he paddled to the side. They placed him on the side and as they climbed out he shook himself dry. The Twins walked to where Darla was sitting on a easy chair.
“What do you say to Nibs and Sandra,” said Darla in a tone that didn’t warrant arguments.
“Sorry Nibs. Sorry Sandra.”
“Not to worry, we had said Daraus should get a bath and you save us the problem of doing it ourselves,” said Nibs.
The Twins smiled at her answer. Daraus walked over and gave sat between the pair for a few minutes and then the lashed out his tongue and caught both.
‘That is a damn long tongue,’ she thought.
“So how has the club been?” asked Gary. “And whose bike is the dark red low motor-bike?”
“The bike is mine, gift from one of the mechanics at the Club,” replied Amy.
Gary stared at her, “Nice motor-bike.”
“Yeah, very nice. What’s the engine?” asked Darla.
“A 120Kw electric motor,” replied Amy.
Nibs took a sip from her Cabilla and smiled at the thought, ‘I love being me, I love Sandra, my friends from around the Darra Von, Jum, Wong, Tammeria, Fredicks, Cubaddar, Greetza, Nimbo, Matt, Chic-Dar, and everyone, I need to email the girls on the Young Transgender.’
Sandra passed her the Camber cigarette, she had been smoking.
Nibs accepted it and joined Amy as she walked into the house heading for the bar. “Any chance I can have a chat?”
“Yeah, let me take Paul, me and Tina a drink and then ok?” replied Amy.
“Yeah, I could do with a refill as well,” she replied and sat at the bar. “How you finding it?”
“What the last few days.” Amy started the pump and the glasses started to fill.
“Yeah,” she responded.
As the second glass filled Amy looked deep in thought and again whilst the third glass filled. She moved onto Nibs’ glass and said, “It’s been interesting. That’s the best way I can describe it. It’s been interesting and fun.” Amy picked up the tray and headed back for the outside. Paul was standing on the end on the diving board looking down at the surf breaking beneath.
“I thought there was a pool down there, but it’s just the sea,” said Paul.
“No it’s not, when dad built the house he dug a ten metre deep pool the sea fills it when it washes in,” said Ren.
Amy put Paul’s glass down, she handed Tina hers and took the last one herself. She turned and walked around the pool and said to Daraus, “Paul needs a swim.”
Nibs noticed Daraus lift his head and look at Paul, he jumped down and padded to the start of the diving board. Paul turned round and saw Daraus sat at the entrance. He stood and padded onto the diving board and stopped four steps in.
Paul looked down at the surf breaking, he stepped off the end. Kersplosh was heard Daraus then padded off the diving board and returned to his sleeping on the foot of Nibs’ lounger.
Nibs and Amy turned down the ramp.
“How have you personally been finding things?” she asked. The sand at the bottom felt nice under her feet the last time she had been on a beach was whilst she was in South Aticca.
“Being serious, the last few days have been a roller coaster for me. For the last couple of years I’ve been suffering from depression caused by the bitch I floored on Ulleam. She joined after me and she immediately started to call me names and things.”
“Interesting,” she said. She knew she sounded interested. ‘Most bullying comes from people within a group and from those already there.’
“The school did nothing. Bill was also enrolled in the same school and one day a month was his average attendance. Most days he just simply walked out the door and headed in the opposite direction. He would wait for dad to leave and go home. In the end he looked after Hemma, Beatrice and Damien when dad was working and helped around the house or ran errands for the drug dealers. It had gotten to the point when I was beginning to seriously think about killing myself.”
The pair reached the rocks and she handed her glass to Amy whilst she stepped up and then she took the two glasses from Amy with her elbow she helped Amy up.
The pair sat on a smooth large boulder and Amy continued, “Then I met you. You changed everything I became a lot stronger and I thought who would I be effecting by killing myself, my family and mum. You know what happened the Torbar. The evening after the walk, I had a chat with dad and he confirmed everything that I had dreamt. On Ulleam morning I went and chatted with a couple of my favourite teachers, Mark and Angelique Hill. Oops I meant to go and see them a couple of days ago.”
“Not to worry. Go and see them in a couple of days, I think they may want to help but need you to be present to help,” she said.
“When Daraus jumped up and got me to follow him I knew you and the others were close. I walked right past them and didn’t care what they were saying. I knew why you were there, but to see you walk up to the table and actually stick up for me in that way.”

[The Author is not happy with this bit - Any suggestions email me please]
“Its nothing special hun, we would do it for anyone we called friend without question,” she said.
“Yeah, maybe, but it was nice to see, and then I was in heaven. The clothes, the food, and just the company made that evening, but the icing on the cake was Paul, when you where fixing to go head to head with that guy.” Amy took a mouthful and looked out across the cove and the Datum Ocean.
“Yeah I do, I know I’ve made an enemy there.”
“I was groped but some random twat, Paul saw his gestures and said he wanted the twerp, and then to have him say that he kind of likes me.”
“Its more than like hun,” she responded. “Paul loves you, with all his heart. He would do for you what I would do to find Sandra. He would move heaven and hell. We all would.”
Amy sighed a happy sigh. “I think I do love him too, no I would do the same for Paul, no actually for all of you including Ren and Hell Bright. Realising that has put a lot of my feelings in place and I understand them,” said Amy. “The feeling of wanting to be on the same side as Paul, but doing what my natural instincts told me to do and stop and wait. The abject terror I felt when I was going to engage professional soldiers in a fire fight, never having even fired a weapon before. Then my natural cowardice said no when I decided to move to engage people on the far side of the road after the rest of the unit had joined me and engaged the enemy. Then to have Hell Bright appear put two rounds at the lead vehicle, then the sudden total blackness as I guess we must have used Magick to travel cause I was back in the alley way when the blackness went.”
“Yes that’s a lot of it. Its been said a combat patrol is 90% boredom, 10% abject terror as you are fighting to stay alive and to keep everyone else alive,” she responded, “What about yesterday?”
“Yesterday and today, have been great, oh shopping for new clothes rather than the second hand ones I’ve been use to for the last couple of years, that in its own right was great, but to go shopping and have friends who would give me their honest opinion about the clothes, what they looked like on me, I’ve never had friends like those, not even when I was attending the Rotork Academy did any of the students give me 'their' opinions rather than the opinion of the group. That brings us back to today, and this morning, having Jane, the chair and chief exec of a AAA-rated corporation actually teach me the basic combat attacks and defences was something I don’t think anyone could dream about happening.”
“Well don’t get to use to it. In a couple of sessions you may be training with the rest of us, and we not that easy,” she said.
“Yeah, you could be right,” said Amy, and the two of them slid down from the rocks. they where both standing on the ground Amy turned and gave Nibs a kiss on the cheek and a hug. When Amy had released Nibs, they both walked back to the Veranda.
Sandra who was sitting had Daraus curled up on the floor just in front of the loungers, and most of the group looked incredibly happy.
“Can I ask what’s happened up here?”
“Yeah, Darla, Gary and maybe the Twins if they want to, are thinking about starting a North Stevran Vixens, the unit will be run along the same lines as the Vixens. As Darla said, the six of us live either in the same house or in very close proximity to each other and with both Gary and her living on the North Side it’s very hard to get to us for combat training and the other jobs that would be needed to be done, seeing as we are now a ghost team as well as a gang unit, and that’s the other bit of news, Sarah is holding a Gathering tonight, and as Gangrels we are all invited,” said Tina.
“Formal wear only, which means formal dresses and such for us girls and formal wear for the men,” said Darla.
“Hang on, isn’t the plan to formally introduce me to the gang on the next gathering event?”
“Yes hun it is. Why?”
“Then wouldn’t it be better if Amy was introduced as well tonight?”
“Hell yeah,” said Paul, “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“Yeah introducing you and Amy would really put Timothy’s nose out of joint. Another two members supporting Sarah’s position,” Sandra said, “The gathering is when we as a gang play politics.”
“Well anyway, what are we going to wear for the evening?” asked Amy, “I know the stuff we brought yesterday wasn’t formal wear.”
“Leave that to us, girls,” said Tina and Abs.
“Nibs also needs something formal for the evening,” said Sandra.
“Do I, Gary's present is formal,” Nibs said.
“That it is,” said Sandra.
“Does the invite also include us lot?” asked Misty and Ren.
“Yeah of course it does, the more the merrier,” Gary said.

“The time is 17:20, shall we say meet up at Gary’s at 21:00 and then travel from Gary’s to the Gathering,” inquired Sandra.
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan,” said Darla and got up and began to clear away the dirty glasses and plates. Everyone got up and helped make sure the house looked as good as it did when they arrived. When it was finished everyone went and got changed back into their outdoor clothes and wandered through the house to the small entrance building on the clifftop.
Everyone climbed on to their transport and pulled out of the grounds of the house and headed to their respective homes. Ren and Hell Bright both said they would follow Sandra’s group to their home and change for the trip to the Gathering.

When Nibs and Amy had walked back up the ramp from chatting, Sandra said to the pair, “You two ready to go and get ready to be introduced to the Gangrels.”
The pair smiled at the friends.
“You do realise that you two are also invited,” said Abs
“You intermated that fact earlier, but I didn’t think you guys meant it, we’re not Gangrels,” said Ren.
Hell Bright also looked slightly shocked at the invite.
“You may not be Gangrels, but you have the same attitudes as Gangrels, are Street Ghost and so therefore know the same stresses as Gangrels, and bloody hell your our guests,” said Darla. “We’ll meet you at command, around 21:00 in the entrance lobby.”
“We’ll meet you there,” said Sandra.
“Everyone come to mine to finish and we can organise I lift from there,” said Gary.
Everyone stood and cleared away the dirty glasses and got changed back into their street clothes.
“The dress code for this evening, what is it?” asked Ren.
“Formal attire,” replied Abs. “Women in formal or smart dresses and the men in suits.”
“We’re going to have to go back to the club and collect them from there. We’ll meet you lot at yours then in an hour to hour half,” said Ren. He was looking happy at something.

Hell Bright said to Ren, “Keep this conversation a secret bro.”
“Ok,” replied Ren. “I’m surprised you remember my side of the link.”
“That is something you don’t forget. Do you know something, I think the adults are hiding something, but I don’t know what and I think it’s something to do with them.”
“I know sis. I think so to, but how do we go about finding out?”
“Let things lie, it might come out at some point, but I think we should keep our eyes and ears open. You have realised who the current commander of the Gangrels is?”
“No, the current commander is Sarah,” replied Ren.
“Yeah, you should keep your eyes of the Mercenary sections of BlackNet, the Sarah they speak of is Sarah Cutherlate,” she said.
Ren knew his face was one of shock. “Council of Twelve Sarah Cutherlate!”
She sent a symbol which was her nodding her head in a yes reply.


Everyone walked up the spiral stair case to the ground floor and where the bikes were.

Chapter 8

Nibs, Sandra, Daraus, Abs, Tina, Paul and Amy all arrived back at Home Base and walked up the steps.
Sandra opened the door and said, “Me, Nibs and if Amy wants are blagging the shower first.”
“Ok, sis. I guess you two will have it afterwards then.” Paul was looking at Abs and Tina when he said it.
Tina nodded and replied, “You are a bloke and don’t need the amount of time us girls need to get ready.”
All the girls smiled sweatly at him and disappeared through the doorway heading for the bedrooms.
“Get sorted in mine,” said Sandra.
The three girls all walked into Sandra’s room. “As Amy is closer to your size and build Abs, I’ll leave you to sort out her formal wear for this evening.”
“No problem. I know the perfect dress,” replied Abs.
The three of them got undressed and put on bathrobes. They crossed the passage-way and entered the bathroom. Sandra turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature knob so the water would be the right temperature for them. She then climbed in and let the running jet of water drench her long brown hair and body. She reached over for the shampoo and gave her matted hair a really good clean and then applied conditioner.
Nibs stood in front of the sink and took her shaving kit down from the small cupboard and gave her face a good close shave, as this night she wanted to look her best for the gathering. Upon finishing shaving she turned around and got a kiss from both Amy and Sandra.
“Thank you both,” she said in a happy sounding voice.
Sandra said after she had stepped out of the bath, “I love you more than you’ll ever realise Nibs.”
“I also love you in the same way hun,” she responded.
“Anyway, your next,” said Sandra looking at her. “Get that dirty hair washed and conditioned otherwise I will do the washing.”
“Ok hun,” she responded. She stepped into the bath and allowed the warm water to get her hair wet.
Sandra who was also shaving her underarms and other areas that needed it passed her the bottle of shampoo. She dropped an amount into her hand and massaged it through her hair.
“When was the last time I did this, actually wash my hair rather than just rinsing it?”
“A long time ago, I think either during the break down week of the Festival or the weekend we came home,” said Sandra.
“Yeah a while ago.”
She finished in the shower and patted her self down and stepped out of the bath. Amy stepped into the shower and let the water run down her body.
Sandra said to Amy, “Right you, sit on the edge of the bath, whilst I shave your legs and arms, and you need a touch up with the razor Nibs, especially in the chest area.”
“I know, I need to start looking at starting hormones and getting on the books of a specialist soon,” she said. “So what are you going to wear tonight then hun? Oh I almost forgot, hun Damien Cameron has offered us a 250K payday to help him and others bug a conference in the nearish vicinity.”
“Interesting.” Sandra thought about something. “I think I will dress slightly down so not to spoil the look of you two. I have a feeling Abs and Tina are going to wear the same make-up. I was thinking of making the five of us look the same, as the five of us are all Vixens and I think we should look the same in the make up stakes and slightly changing it for Hell Bright.”
She stood in front of the small mirror and gave her chest area a shave. She turned around and sat on the edge of the bath to wait for the expert hand of Sandra to arrive so to finish the job.
Quite quickly Sandra finished shaving the legs and arms of Amy and then moved onto her. After finishing with her the three of them walked back across the corridor.
Nibs called out when they were in the corridor, “Abs, Tina we’re finished in the bathroom.”
“Thanks,” came Tina’s reply and the pair appeared in the corridor. They dropped off three dress bags and the pair’s make-up cases in Sandra’s room.
She asked, “Drinks?”
“Please,” responded Amy, “Have you got any Chai?”
“We do Amy,” she responded and looked at Sandra. Sandra smiled her reply and roughed the head and neck area of Daraus who was sitting on the bed watching the going ons.
She crossed the corridor and knocked on the bathroom door. “Drinks?” she called through.
“Please, Cabilla thanks Nibs,” called Abs in reply.
She knocked on Paul’s door and asked him the same question and got the same reply. She turned and headed for the kitchen. She gathered the glasses and as she was pouring out the Cabilla and sorting the milk for the three Chais Ren and Hell Bright walked through the door carrying dress and suit bags along with a make-up case. “Drinks you two?” she asked.
“Please, two coffees thanks, Nibs. Where is everyone?” replied Ren.
“Paul is in his room, furthest door on the right, and the girls are in Sandra’s room, first door on the left,” she replied as she poured the coffee from the percolator jug into the two cups. Ren finished the coffees and carried his and Paul’s Cabilla to Paul’s room.
She placed all the rest of the glasses and cups onto a tray and headed back to Sandra’s room.
Sandra had hung all the dresses on the doors of the fitted wardrobe, and on the dressing table were the three make-up cases and other make-up items. Hell Bright was sat on the bed wearing just her bra and knickers, Amy was similarly dressed and sat on one of the two comfortable chairs. She distributed the drinks to the various people present and left the tray with the two glasses of Cabilla in on a small low table she had seen in the wardrobe.
Sandra took her water-pipe and loaded the bowl and took a draw through it. Sandra offered it to her and she took a draw through it and checked the bowl. She reloaded it and took a second drag. She offered it to Amy who also took a draw and then offered it to Hell Bright, who refused it.
Tina and Abs walked in and closed the door behind them. “Right lets get started,” said Tina. “So what is the plan for the make-up?”
“I thought everyone the same, and altering it slightly for Hell Bright to indicate her status as a guest,” suggested Sandra.
Abs looked at the dresses hung up and nodded her head in acceptance of the idea but said, “The main colour the colour of the dress.”
Tina nodded yes and grabbed the water-pipe and took a draw through it. She then reloaded it and offered it to Abs, who took it and also took a draw and offered it to the room.
Everyone turned it down which got Abs to place it back on the table.

Tina said, “Sandra, Abs, I’ll let you two sort the bases out whilst I sort out the finishing touches.”
“Done,” replied Sandra and Abs.
She walked to the make-up cases and rummaged through the three and also Hell Bright’s. She knew what she was looking for the eye liner and containers of eye shadow. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at her face. She looked at Nibs getting her face covered with the concealler, which would be followed by the foundation, onto which she would add the finishing touches.
She picked up the pot of matt white foundation and the moisturizer. She noticed Hell Bright and Amy were both applying a quantity of moisturizer as well. Abs passed her and she kissed her partner happy in the knowledge that tonight was going to be a special evening as it was the first time in just over three years since the Bitch Vixens actually introduced anyone, she had been the last member introduced. ‘I need to go home and see how mum, dad and Dominic are.’ She thought back to Githage and the gent called Dominic. ‘No can’t be.’
A few minutes later she had applied the foundation and had started to apply her nail polish which was dark maroon as her dress was the same colour. She would get Sandra to complete the eyes as she had to close her eyes to finish it.
Nibs walked over to where she was applying the final coat of nail polish.
She looked at Nibs’ face and said, “I would start by applying some nail polish Nibs.”
Nibs took the dark purple and started to apply the first coat.
She finished applying the clear topcoat and after that was dry she asked Nibs, “Look at me, now close your eyes.”
Nibs did and she started to apply the finish to her face. She looked at Amy as she walked past her with Abs.

Amy sat down after walking in from the bath room and reached for her bra, she slipped it on and then slipped the knickers up her legs. She noticed Sandra looking her and then she noticed Sandra’s face which was one of she was thinking about something.
Sandra walked past her and took each of the three dresses Abs and Tina had brought in out of their dress bags and hung them behind the garments. She looked at each and said, “My creator they are beautiful. Even the dresses some of the girls from The Rotork Academy had weren’t as beautiful, and some of them were daughters of chief executives and chair-people.”
“This is the one you’ll be wearing Amy,” said Sandra as she dragged one forward. “You going to wear that bra this evening?”
“I wasn’t sure, but seeing the dress, no I can’t really,” she replied as the door opened and in walked Hell Bright carrying her dress bag and make-up case.
The dress joined the three hanging on the doors and she walked to the bed and sat beside Daraus.
Into her head came Hell Bright’s voice, “I should have said at the Cliff House, but those tattoos are beautiful.”
She smiled ‘thank you’ at Hell Bright.
“Your welcome hun,” responded Hell Bright.
Sandra handed Amy a matching bra and knickers and said, “These would work.”
She looked at the pair and looked at the dress and smiled. “Yes they would.” She quickly changed the bra and knickers and the two tattoos on her breasts were now fully visible.
When Nibs walked in, she was carrying a tray on which were four cups and two glasses, she handed out the drinks and placed the two glasses on the low table Sandra had gotten out of the end wardrobe.
She looked out of the window and thought, ‘I love you guys, each and ever one of you.’
Nibs offered her the water-pipe. She took it and took a draw from it. She then reach over for her tin and loaded it. She offered it to Hell Bright who put her hand up to stop the offer.
“I’ve never smoked before,” said Hell Bright in her head.
Tina and Abs walked in and Tina said, “Right let’s get started. So what is the plan for the make-up?”
“I thought everyone the same, and altering it slightly for Hell Bright to indicate her status as a guest,” suggested Sandra.
“The main colour the colour of the dress?” asked Abs.
Tina grabbed the water-pipe and took a draw through it. She then reloaded it and offered it to Abs, who took it and also took a draw and offered it to the room.
Amy stopped Abs from offering the water-pipe to her. She stood and walked to the dressing table and took a quantity of moisturizer and she started to massage it into her face. She remembered Wendy saying, ‘When ever you apply make-up you should make sure you moisturize and cleanse first.’ Hell Bright joined her in applying some moisturizer.
She looked at Nibs and Sandra as Sandra worked the concealer in and that was followed by the matt white foundation the unit favoured on formal occasions. She finished and asked Sandra, “What colour nail polish?”
“The colour of your dress or closest to it,” replied Sandra.
She looked back as Sandra was blending the join of the breast forms to the skin with a more natural looking foundation.
She rummaged through the make-up and found a deep midnight blue and a slightly lighter royal blue. She looked at the colour and took the midnight blue. She opened the top and started to apply the first coat.
Nibs stood and walked to where Tina was sat doing her nails.
Sandra said, “Your next Amy.”
She moved to the chair and closed her eyes and let Sandra sort her face.
“Whilst Sandra is sorting your face, I’ll sort our nails it’s one of my many skills. I’m a trained beautition thanks to the Echo Tech Academy on the Club grounds and being Conspiracy wise from a young age,” said Hell Bright.
‘I’m going to have to ask about that, as I don’t think the school is going to let me back not now I broke Millers nose. Hang on, what did dad say, more than 6 tattoos and you become a supernatural person, I’ve never cut myself with a knife and I should have on a few occasions. Was that a glare or was it shock.’
“You lot even close to being finished?” Paul asked through the bedroom door.
“No, and we won’t get finished any quicker by you asking us,” Tina replied, “Your just going to have to wait.”


It took another hour for the makeup of the six to be finished. Each of the girls’ main dress colour was the colour that Tina used to draw a spider’s web design on the eyelids; they then filled in the holes in a checker board fashion, using a colour coordination, The colour of the dress with a contrasting lighter shade for the rest of the spider’s web. Tina then ran black liquid eye liner from the inner corner of the eyes to the side of the face just over the cheek bones; they then drew in a maroon red an eye-liner line from the bottom of the ears to about two thirds the way along the chin. Then each one completed the make-up with nail varnish and lipstick.
The girls slipped the dress bags over the dresses and got changed into their normal street clothes, as it would be easier to make the run to Gary’s and change there. From there it was more than likely Gary had already organised transport to Command using one of the shuttle busses Command ran.
The girls walked out and Nibs noticed Paul’s face was a bit dejected. “Paul its better to drive to Gary’s and change there. Otherwise we are going to ruin the dresses and we wouldn’t want that now.”
“No we wouldn’t, not tonight,” replied Paul looking a lot happier.
She looked at the clock and saw the time was 19:00. “What's the time table from Gary’s?”
“We should arrive at Command at about 21:00 and the introductions from about 21:15, so forty five minutes from Gary’s, about thirty minutes to finish getting ready,” replied Sandra.
“And about forty five minutes from her to Gary’s. We should leave now then.”
Everyone picked up jackets, dress bags and their travelling makeup containers. The dresses and make-up containers were stowed in the FAV’s storage area. Ren and Hell Bright climbed into the FAV
“What about Daraus?” asked Ren.
“Call him Ren,” Nibs replied.
“Daraus here,” called Ren.
Daraus ran from around the sleeping wing and jumped into the gunner’s seat of the FAV. Ren backed it out of the driveway. All the bikes followed and were soon driving down the main road heading for IC7.


Forty minutes later Sandra who was leading the group turned onto the driveway in front of Gary’s home. The entire frontage of the house was a driveway, which was behind a low wall and small flowerbed. The house itself looked like it had five bedrooms and they felt like large rooms. From the driveway the group could see the room behind the front ground floor window looked like it was a store room of some kind.
“What does Gary’s dad do?” Nibs asked as they parked up.
“He runs a small electronics company. From what I know they supply small and medium sized companies with security gadgets,” replied Sandra.
The group took the dresses from the FAV and walked to the door which as Sandra went to ring the bell the door opened and Gary stood inside in his suit.
“Come in. Sandra do you want to take the girls to the spare bedroom at the top of the stairs,” said Gary.
“No problem,” responded Sandra and started up the stairs that ran from just inside the door.
The rest of the girls followed Sandra up the stairs and into the spare bedroom just left of the stairs on the opposite wall. Daraus followed the gents to the living room.
‘Strange. I would have thought Daraus would have stayed with us. No matter,’ she thought.
The room was about five metres square with a single bed under the window that ran for three metres along the back wall. On the opposite wall was a dresser and on the right hand wall was a small wardrobe. Everyone put their dress bags on the bed. Tina, Abs and Hell Bright placed the small travelling make-up cases on the dresser.
The girls walked down the stairs and turned towards the living room that stretched for two thirds of the back. The last third was the large kitchen that stretched up the side of the house. The girls walked into the living room sat in the arm chairs and sofas were Paul, Ren and Gay, all three had drinks. A large set of double doors led onto the garden via a conservatory. The room itself had a three piece matching sofa set a low coffee table which sat in front of a modern gas fire, above the mantle piece was a large flat screen television and sat in a large glass fronted cabinet next to the fire place was an expensive stereo. Near the exit to the garden was a small four seat dining table which had a vase containing what looked like real flowers in. The floor was covered in a thick green and cyan coloured carpet which felt slightly springy under the feet. Working in the kitchen was Anna, Gary’s mum. The kitchen was divided from the living room by a long work surface and a solid back. Also sat in the living room at the dinner table down the left end of the room was Gary’s dad Bob, he looked like he was working on some paper work.
He looked up and said, “Hi Sandra, Abs and Tina.”
“Hi Bob, Anna, some introductions are needed,” said Tina. “Nibs, Amy and Hell Bright.”
All three waved their hellos. All the girls grabbed a seat or in the case of Amy got grabbed around the waist. Sandra grabbed Nibs’ hand as she moved to the seat beside her and dragged her so she was sat in Sandra’s lap.
“A piece of good news Tybias has offered to give us a lift today, it looks like a few members of his command aren’t coming. He said he would arrive about 20:10,” said Gary.
“What do you girls want to drink; we’ve got most spirits, a few cans of larger and a couple of bottles of Carbirra?”
Nibs answered, “A glass of Carbirra, thanks Gary.
“What spirits are there,” said Sandra as she sat down and dragged Nibs so she was sitting on her lap.
“Most types,” responded Gary.
“Velleem, please,” Sandra responded.
Hell Bright gestured that she wanted the same as Sandra. Abs and Tina answered, “BarKam, thanks.”
Amy who was being hugged from behind by Paul, replied, “Carbirra thanks Gary.”
“Gary you said, you might know someone from the Gangrels who may be interested in some security system testing,” said Bob looking up from his work.
“I did, didn’t I dad, Nibs, you interested?” asked Gary.
“Might be, what’s the job entail?” Nibs asked.
“I run a small security firm and I have a couple of pending contracts that require the security system I install to be tested. I don’t think they care who tests it, but they want it tested,” replied Bob.
She thought, ‘Could be a good job, I might even get the two people I’ve seen advertising their skills on the Young Transgender involved if they are interested.’ “What’s the pay like?”
“50,000dcks to who ever does the break in,” said Bob.
“Can I get back to you, as I might do it for a small amount and train a couple of young people I’ve seen advertising similar skills and give them the bulk,” she replied.
“Anyway, enough talk about work, we need to look at getting ready,” said Sandra.
She stood up off Sandra’s lap and helped her up. The girls left the living room and headed for the spare bedroom.
“Sounds interesting that job Nibs,” said Tina as she checked her make-up in the mirror.
“Who you thinking of training hun?” asked Sandra.
“The Young Transgender site has a job forum board and a couple of people have put adverts up saying they are security specialists,” she replied as she lifted the dress Gary had bought her for her birthday. It felt good, [Description to come]
Soon all the girls stood ready and slipped their jackets on over the dress. She picked up her Naj Blades and slipped them into the pockets in the lower back section of her trench coat. They walked down the stairs just as a horn was sounded from outside.
“Tybias is here,” called Sandra.
Paul, Ren and Gary appeared in the door way and walked to where they had hung their jackets. Gary opened the door and Tina and Abs walked out first arm in arm.
Sandra stood and offered Nibs her arm. She accepted it and followed Tina and Abs out into the early evening. The sky was almost cloudless and in the distance you could see the start of the evening proper with the sun creating a light red colouration in the sky. Paul and Amy followed them out arm in arm like them and Tina and Abs.
Tina opened the side door and they climbed in and sat just behind the driver’s seat. Beside them was Ben wearing a very smart suit. Nibs Sandra and Daraus climbed in and headed for the back seats in the corner was Simon like Ben he was wearing a smart suit and looked rather handsome, his dreads were tied up in a top knot style affair. Daraus lay under the chair. In the front were Tybias and two of the women that had been working at the workshop. Amy and Paul climbed in next and they sat in front of Sandra and her. Ren sat in the last seat of the three. The last two free seats were taken by Gary and Hell Bright. Gary slammed the door closed and Tybias pulled out and headed for IC7.
For the duration of the journey Nibs was looking out of the window concentrating on nothing and everything. She brought each of her senses to their current peak and let them settle. She was listening to the conversations as they happened and keeping quiet throughout the journey. Her thoughts skipping through all the lessons she had learnt on control, and self control. ‘Hume taught that self control came through the control of one’s own actions. To control an action is to have self control. To land a punch and leave no mark, but do damage at the same time is total control, but to do it with no obvious attack was mastery of one self. Cubbadar taught to attain the perfect control one must learn balance and to judge a balance point. You can always maintain and control all balance points. You can be to one person overbalanced, to you it is the judge of a balance point. Uthura taught that to control one’s surroundings is to control you, control your actions and know your enemy. And lastly Richard, the most fundamental truth summed up in to be come a master you must learn mastery.’ These and the one of the old lady in Ne-u-Bar ‘What did she mean when she said, ‘I am very important to the future and have special gifts that will allow you to truly fight the evil that is coming.’
As Tybias turned on to the dirt road that led to Gate One Sandra, whispered in her ear, “We’re almost at command. What have you been doing?”
“Thinking, remembering, controlling hun. Thinking about the lessons the people who taught me my street fighting skills said about mastery and control. Remembering an old lady who said something to me in Ne-u-Bar, and controlling my various senses, you can never be too prepared,” she replied.
Sandra gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “That’s why I love you Nibs, you are always alert and ready.”
The van slowed and stopped by what looked like a gate house of some kind. She looked around the outside, the evening was drawing on quite quickly but the scenery she could see was one of a heavy industrial environment. Dotted around the area was fuel cracking towers, storage vessels and what looked like a Setadar foundry and production site as well. In the distance she could see the towers of more fuel cracking areas and other industrial sites.
“The Gangrels own about 60 square miles of industrial and old residential. Some of the older members and ex members say the site belonged to Corporate Enterprises and was as you see it a major setadar and fuel producing centre five miles north is the old port before Stevran was dredged and it became the centre,” said Sandra.
In the front, on the passenger’s side a guys headed appeared and he looked around the mini-bus and called to another one, “Cleared, open the gate.” As the Minibus slowly accelerated she looked at the gate house and saw four people working the gate, it looked like two were inside the gate house itself and a little distance away were two pick-ups both were had a twin, what looked like a Twin belt fed MSW on a pole in the open back area.
The van drove down the dirt track towards a small building.
“Where’s the Gathering, I can’t see much that would be able to hold the numbers you quoted?” she asked.
“Wait and see, not all things are obvious to those unknowing of us. Remember this is when most new recruits are told the finer details about Gangrel membership,” whispered Sandra in reply.
The van stopped and the side and front doors were opened by ushers wearing camouflage trousers and green tops, who stood ready to welcome to arrivals. The friends in the van exited and congregated waiting for everyone to arrive. They walked down the plush carpet towards the building.

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