Pre-editor version - The Making of Nibs-Volume1:The Beginnings - Chapters 21 to 24

Chapter 21 — Welcome to the Festival Scene

On Moroth morning Darla woke along with all the friends at about 06:00BN, and soon joined in the hustle and bustle of people getting dressed, having drinks, and just generally making sure the house was ready to be left again maybe, for quite a while.
The twins spread the dust sheets over the furniture whilst the rest of the group was making sure that the house was clean and tidy.
Around 08:00BN eight everyone bar Gary, Bee, Rachel and Daraus, whom had already left in the vans, gathered and had a last smoke before departing for the Festival. Darla was the last person to walk out, she turned and closed the door, she then pressed her thumb on the scanner which released the swipe card from the reader which she then removed and the system locked the door. She then smiled and walked down the steps and towards her bike. Everyone started their motor-bikes or motor-trikes and drove down the dirt track away from the house.


All the bikes pulled into the garage located on the main road just north of the Forest Scope. After filling the tanks and paying for the fuel they all headed out heading for Suraban. As the group approached the junction for IC5 Nibs slowed and placed her helmet on her head and made sure the chin strap was tight, the rest of the group did the same and then they all turned onto IC5 and accelerated down the onramp. The group was soon passing the slower moving cars and vans.


As the motor-bikes and motor-trikes approached the outskirts of Suraban they saw signs indicating that the IC1 Bridge over the Stevran was closed due to vital maintenance.
“Ok, which route then?” Nibs asked.
“IC3 then CW23 then CW8,” replied Gary.
“Where are you Gary?” asked Sandra as Sandra indicated to pull right and cross into the middle lane from the outside.
Misty was already in the middle lane and passed Sandra as she pulled in.
She closely followed Sandra and indicated again to pull into the inside lane.
“Just passing the truck stop now,” replied Gary
“Ok,” said Sandra. “Chat to you in a short while then.”
“Yeah chat to you in a bit,” responded Gary.
A short while later Darla who was at the head of the group, indicated right and pulled onto the slip road that would take them from IC5 to IC3. As Darla entered the corner and released the throttle the bike began to slow. Darla banked with the corner the bike slowed even more. As Darla passed the apex of the corner slipping towards the inside the bike accelerated out of the corner straightening up. As the left indicator flashed Darla pulled left onto the inside lane of IC3.
She was closely following Darla and just behind her was the rest of the group. As they joined the IC3 Darla pulled over and dropped back down the group to close to the rear.
As Darla pulled over she became the leaded and she accelerated to about 120mph and soon covered the 8.7 miles to the junction of the CW23. Just before the junction she pulled over into the nearside lane and when the junction started she moved over and lightly applied the front and rear brakes slowing the bike to 70mph. As she crossed the apex of the corner her speed was close to 50mph and she then opened up the throttle and began to straighten up. The interchange road from the opposite side of the IC joined and two more bikers joined the road heading in the same direction. She pulled over and slowed slightly and let the rest of the group pass her. Abs who was just behind her in the convoy took the lead as they joined the CW23. The group overtook a 4 trailer road train, two of the containers belonged to Rotork the other two were blank and had no logo or indication of who owned them.
Each side of the CW was walled and all that you could see over were the tops were trees. As CW23 crested a rise they got the first sight of West Hills District. At the same time they also caught their first glance of the Blue Ridge hills, which are a set of low hills but they had a distinctive blue ridge to then, due to the top of the hills being made from a blue quartz mineral. As the group sped into West Hills District they passed the first of many Upper class and Exec enclaves.
All they could see over the walls were lines of trees, but they knew from the tele programs that the houses hidden behind them belonged to some of the most powerful people in the city. These people had either made their money from working in the corporations or via less legal means. Even with the multi-million deck bank balances they had, some were still very active in corporate affairs. Most of them did very little actual work, most of their time was spent in private intrigue and espionage against other members of the enclaves rather than the corporate or governmental variety.
“The Toffs’ district,” said Abs over the communication system.
“Not exactly Abs, North and North Ridge Districts are Toff districts, not this area of West Hills, slightly upper class yes, but not Toffs.”
“Do I have this right? Does Richard C live in this district,” asked Abs as she saw the bike slow to allow a car pull into the middle lane to overtake a slower moving van.
“That’s what the Street Ghost rumour mill has it as,” she answered. “One very true ghost fact is that if you specialise in espionage or in similar lines of Street Ghost work, you make sure you have at least one apartment in the surrounding communities, more often a couple at least. All with fully equipped safe rooms with escape routes, planned, practiced and secure.” She continued as she joined the four person line that ran behind Abs. “I’ve heard some interesting stories on BlackNet about the stuff and happenings here in Intrigue City.”
“Intrigue City?” asked Paul his voice sounding as if he was very interested in knowing about the area.
“Yeah, it’s the name that the Street Ghost community has given this area and the sounding support communities,” she answered. “Most of the areas Street Ghosts have named are centres for work in the city. Combat Mall in the north Industrial Districts of North Cove, Western Beeches, North Hills, and South Docks. It’s ten square blocks of combat and battle related equipment stores, R&D centres, Battle Training grounds, and the only way to get into the Newbran Combat district, 21 square miles of free fire zone. There are stories of entire Ghost teams disappearing in the Newbran Combat district.”
“Jesium,” said Paul sounding somewhat shocked.
“Oh and don’t use that word in there. It’s rumoured that the last person to do so was visited by a wraith who goes by the name of Jesium,” she replied
“You’ve got to be kidding Nibs,” said Abs.
“No she ain’t,” said Misty.


When the group came off the CW8 they drove through the streets towards the large park they knew would be holding the festival. They saw some signs for car parking and followed one and entered the main car park bar the one linked to the Athletics stadium. The park itself was a large measuring easily 50 hectares. Criss-crossing it were foot paths and cycle-tracks, hedge rows and trees lined some of the paths. Small clumps of trees dotted the park along with small mounds and small ponds, these were ringed with plants that would conceal animal life. On the northern side was a large athletics stadium and associated car-parking. A skate-park and a couple of children’s play areas were also located in the park. The skate-board park was near a smaller car-park.
The group slowed and stopped near the railings. They all climbed off and she stretched after the ride. She walked with the rest of the group onto the actual park land where they all sat down to wait for the vans to arrive.
A little distance away they could see a small pile of things, it looked like someone was also pulling their hair out waiting for something to arrive.

Tina sat looking at the gent in the middle, her improved vision saw it was Tim, her brother and he looked like he was smoking something. When the vans arrived they parked up along side the motor-bikes and motor-trikes. Gary, Bee and Rachel climbed out along with Daraus who just jumped out and bounded over to where the group was sitting. He went to the small gap between Nibs and Sandra and sat down.
Abs and her got up and they walked to the van Gary had been driving. Abs slid the side door open allowing her into the van. She bent down and opened one of the under work top cupboards retrieving a couple of cookers and the tea and coffee making equipment.
Tina overheard Nibs say“That guy seriously needs to chill out. I swear he’s going to burst a blood vessel soon.”
“More than bloody likely, as I think he’s my older brother,” she said when she returned with the cookers, and drink making equipment. Abs carried a large water carrier and the container of mugs. When the pair had sat down Abs filled the two kettles and a few seconds later they were on the cookers being heated.
A low loader pulled into the main car-park and was followed by a second one and then the nose of a third appeared in the entrance way. Each was stacked with fencing panels and the feet needed to stand them up.
Tim picked up his bike and cycled over to the gate into the main park, where he unlocked the gate and gave the driver of the lead lorry a sheet of paper with what looked like a plan drawn on it. The driver climbed down and was joined by the other drivers and a mate who climbed down from the cab or the third truck.
When Tim had finished dealing with the driver, she could see the relief on her brother’s face. She called to him using her old male voice, “Hey mate, come chill with us for a bit, the lorry drivers know what they are doing, so leave them to it.”
Tim turned and thought for a second and walked with his bike over to the group. As Tim approached she confirmed her earlier suspessions about him smoking as between his fingers was Cambar mix between his fingers. “Hi, my name is Tim Griffiths.”
“Do you want to try something a little stronger,” said Rachel and passed him one of her Cambar mixes she smoked. She knew Rachel only ever put a few strands on tobacco in hers.
“Thanks,” said Tim and sat down in a gap the both Rachel and Grezt had made in the circle. “Ah, I see you have tea and coffee making facilities?”
“Yes we do, would you like a drink?” she inquired.
“Yes I would thanks.”
“Oops our manners. Sorry,” she said again using her male voice rather than her normal female one. “Allow me to introduce Paul, Abs, Nibs, Sandra, Misty, Bee, Rachel, Angelique, Grezt, Gary, Darla, the twins Angel and Damieel and lastly Daraus. Oh and myself Tina.”
She could see his face was one of ‘I know that voice’. Tim opened his mouth as if to say something then he stopped and thought for a second and asked, “That’s the voice of my missing brother. How the hell can you know that and mimic it?”
“Thanks bro,” she said looking rather annoyed at his comments. “Look at me,” she continued, “your eyes don’t deceive you, it is me, John. You have a good memory for what my voice sounded like.”
“Are you surprised the week before you left the rows you and mum had. What the feck?”
“I’ve been living full time as Tina since I moved out.”
Tim just stared at her. Then after a couple of seconds he said, “Ok, we will have to catch up,” then he asked, “What have you got to drink?”
“Chai, tea, coffee, cannabis tea,” said Nibs, as Tim took a draw, then coughed and spluttered a couple of times.
Everyone present smiled at his reaction.
“Cannabis tea please,” replied Tim.
“No problem,” said Misty as she dropped a scoop of normal tea and a scoop of ground cannabis into a small teapot and added hot water. After a few minutes the brew was readied and poured into a cup. Misty then passed Tim the cup who took it, raised it to everyone and took a sip.
“Strange taste, but nice,” said Tim after tasting it.
“I know festivals and I also know that the person to ask about helping out over one is either the site manager or someone connected with the committee,” she said looking rather inquiringly at Tim. “And I’m guessing that you are the site manager?”
“Yes I am, and what can you offer the festival?” asked Tim looking at each member of the group as if he was studying them.
“Fourteen fit people, globally linked by a communication system that can be patched into nearly all networks, security for the nights, stewards and general help people. All we ask is for a small area to reside whilst the festival is happening?” she asked. “We would commute to the site but we live in South Central district.”
“What type of security could you offer?” asked Tim.
“We’re all Street Ghosts,” replied Misty.
“That changes a few things then,” said Tim with a smile. “No problem at all, can’t see why not as we do need a trained security to patrol the site over the weekend. I’ll confirm it with the chair, but I can’t see any problems, you have all got Street Ghost ids? As one of our number was a Street Ghost once and is still listed as inactive.”
“Yeah we do,” said Paul.
At this Tim got up and passed the Cambar cigarette, after taking a second take, to Grezt who passed it back to Rachel. Tim walked to where his stuff was, collected it together and walked back to where the group was sitting.
Upon Tim’s return with his stuff, Gary said, “Well anyway, enough with the chilling, shall we secure the site.” Gary stood up and dropped his jacket where he had been sitting as the sun had appeared and the clouds were beginning to dissipate.
“True,” said Tim in response to Gary’s suggestion. “First job is to secure the crew and site office areas and they are both around us now.”
“What is the situation with the car-parks?” asked Misty as she also joined Gary in standing. The rest of the group also stood up and dropped the jackets they had been wearing.
“We control both car parks and we always close them to the general public as it gets hectic as hell over the weekend. The District Council opens up the Athletics stadium car park, and operates a minibus service from there to here for the disabled and infirm, et cetera. The plan is to keep all vehicles that will be here the whole weekend in the small car park and only use the main for deliveries and as a trader entrance, other than crew-related vehicles.”
“Good as we will be needing access to the vans and bikes, as the vans are our mobile command centre and if we need to get places we need the bikes,” said Nibs as she got up and was joined by Sandra. They both dropped their jackets on the ground and covered Daraus, who then wriggled out from under the jackets.
She saw a small red van had pulled into the main car-park and driven towards the open gate. It drove onto the park and headed for where the group were standing around. She saw and recognized the driver as Celia and to her Celia’s face was one a great happiness. Sat in the passenger’s seat was a small girl, who Tina recognize but she remembered the young girl as a baby cum toddler.
The friends walked to where the first stack of fencing was and Paul dragged the first piece of Herris off the pile and along with Gary they carried it back to the crew area and laid it on the ground.

Nibs and Sandra walked to where Tim was chatting with the new arrival. Nibs asked, “You got a plan of the site saying where the fencing goes?”
“Yeah I have,” replied Tim, “Celia, meet Nibs and Sandra, I think?”
“Yes, hello Celia, the plan please,” said Sandra.
Tim walked to where he had dropped his stuff and took out one of the plans. He then handed it to her and said, “Give the crew area enough room to house your tents and the vans.”
“Ok, we’ll leave the vans on the car-park side rather than bring then onto the field.”
“Right so how are you going to do this then?” asked Tim.
“Park the vans end to end with the blue one on the end,” she said.
“Why the blue one on the end?” asked Tim as he walked towards the fencing pile and saw six pairs working on carrying fence panels from the nearest piles to the crew and site office areas.
“The blue one is the main command centre and has been outfitted with a ISW mount in the door. Its been equipped with a belt feed to 10,000 rounds of APEX ammunition,” replied Sandra. “We of the Gangrels have a saying prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.”
“Weeouch!” exclaimed Tim. “What’s the ISW?”
“A MA70ISW,” she said.
“MA70!” exclaimed Tim, and stared at the pair. “That’s a military grade weapon.”
“We know,” said Sandra.
“Darla’s mum and dad had an armoury stocked with military weapons and equipment from a place known as the Academy. Which on the BlackNet Forum message boards is an R&D centre for the Street Ghosts,” she said as both her and Sandra looked at the plans and worked out floor area for the eight tents and area around them.
“I take it you know what the hell you are doing then?”
“Yes, nearly all Gangrels undergo thirteen weeks basic training at Command in South Docks. During our time there we are taught to be safe and sensible around all weapons from simple knifes to the HSWs that are seen on the back of some pick-ups,” said Sandra as she carried a couple of feet to the gate and dropped one there. Sandra then started to walk down the hedge and a short distance later she dropped the second one. Sandra then returned to the pile of feet and took two more. As Tim and her grabbed a couple of feet each, they followed Sandra who continued, “Even through mine and Paul’s mum and dad were already members and had done basic training, we both completed it with a training cadre. Nibs hasn’t but she has considerable knowledge of the Street Ghost scene.”
“How much do you know of the Street Ghost scene Tim?” She looked at the plan and dropped a second one as a marker of a junction off the outer fencing.
“Hang on, wouldn’t it be easier to have the vans inside and a route out to the main area,” suggested Tim, “and a little bit. John was a Street Ghost once. That was until he had an accident which has messed up his leg. When you meet him you’ll understand I think.”
“Did you know that only a Full Street Ghost can sponsor people to become Street Ghosts?”
“Yes I did know that, why?”
“I sponsored all the Vixens, I’ve been classified as a Full Street Ghost for the last six months. And I spent almost eighteen months learning the scene from a member when I lived in Ne-U-Bar.” She looked at the vans and the new idea and the hedge, ‘The hedge is going to make it kind of annoying to get into the vans.’ “I agree with you Tim. Hun lets move them so they are inside the perimeter.”
Sandra stopped and dropped the two feet she was carrying and asked, “Same order of vans though?”
“Yes,” she replied and started towards the red van. Sandra soon caught her up. “I think we need to paint them though.”
“Yeah we do,” replied Sandra. Sandra then opened the driver’s side door of the white van.
She opened the red van’s door and found the keys still in the ignition. She smiled and climbed in, she turned the keys and the engine started. She closed the door and selected reverse so she could slowly back it out and right so the nose was pointing at the gate. Tim walked to the gate and opened it as she selected first and slowly accelerated. As she passed the white van Sandra reversed out and followed her. She turned onto the field and took a wide circle round and parked up along side the hedge row where it joined the one that completely ringed the park. Beyond which was a sharp mound that was a deteritant to those who liked to ruin places, with vehicles. She reversed it so the back had enough room to open, but not much more. Gary had jumped into the blue van and had driven that one onto the park. After Sandra had parked with a similar amount of room behind hers. Gary positioned the blue van at the front.
As she locking the driver’s side door and taking the keys from the ignition she saw Paul carrying two feet walk down past the drivers side. Looking in the rear view mirror she saw him drop one foot at corner made by the hedge row surrounding the car-park and the one that completely ringed the main park. Paul called to the three drivers, “Any chance you can move forward a couple of feet as we need to drop a the fence panel behind here and along the hedge row on the road.”
Each van then moved forward by a couple of feet with Gary moving first then Sandra and lastly she moved her van. Abs and Tina slotted the first fence panel in place whilst Gretz and Bee carried the second one down beside the vans. Nibs moved over and got out of the main sliding door.
Gary joined Paul in carrying feet and clips whilst the rest of the groups carried fence panels.
A tall guy, with grey wirely hair arrived and asked, “Do you want me to do anything?” On his back was a acoustic gui-dram.
As Sandra and her walked towards the now considerably reduced pile, Tim turned to face him. They took the next panel and her improved hearing heard Tim and Celia talking around the initial base, “No, these guys have volunteered to help set up, steward, provide security and break the festival and all they ask for is a small area for them to stay.” She went back to concentrating on what Sandra was doing with the other end of the fence panel.


After a few hours of fence panel shifting and erecting, the crew area, Site Office and main Stewards area were totally secured. In front of the crew area was the back stage area for Stage 1 and beside the stage was the first of the two beer tents that operated on site. As Sandra and her walked in from putting up the last panel to secure the Generator for Stage 1, the Beer Tent, Crew area and Site and Steward Office they watched Darla and Misty playing house, so to speak. They were using the red van as it was designed to do used as an area to live from. In two piles outside the kitchen area, which had been tarped off so people walking by on the street couldn’t look in were the tents and everyone’s personal kit. The side door of the blue van was open and both the stations were ready and powered up by the internal power, the aerial was also up and transmitting.
Celia was erecting a couple of small tents into which she guessed a lot of the things around them were going. A short distance away was the fire pit, Gretz had constructed whist the five had been hunting. In it was a small fire that was heating a old fashioned kettle, which was hanging from a hook that was fixed to four poles that came from the corners. The kettle was close to boiling at this point. Misty walked out from the kitchen area smiling at the pair was they walked in. Sat around the fire already was Angel, Damieel, and Paul. Gary was coming out of the white van. Abs was stood with Celia helping her unload her van and erect the tents and gazzibos.

Tina arrived into the crew area from the toilets over the other side of the car-park and said, “I had forgotten how much fun it was being at the festival during set up.”
Three young ones and Daraus ran past and into the crew area.
Tim walked up and said, “It’s cleared you guys can stay, Celia has no problem and the chair said, it helps in keeping certain people from camping as crew.”
“That’s good to hear,” Tina said. “Who is the chair this year?”
“Do you remember Big Malla?”
“Yes.” Then as something dawned on her, she said, “She’s not?”
Tim nodded. “She’ll be here this afternoon.”
“It will be good to see her again.”
Both Sandra and her looked at Tina asking the same question, ‘who’s this?’
“Big Malla, is a large dark skinned woman from Chivvera. She use to look after the younger ones, my last year here was Willoo’s first. Celia had her nine months after one fair and the following one was my family’s good bye, we moved to South Harbour District, two months afterwards, we never made any more. Tim is four years older than me and three days after I moved out Tim moved back to the area and I guess volunteered again.”
“You said hi to Celia yet?” asked Tim to her
“Not yet, I’ve been kind of busy.” She turned and walked to where Celia had stood up.

Nibs, Sandra and Tim walked to the fire area and sat down. She looked beneath the fire pit registered that the grass had been removed. She looked around for it and found it had been placed under the white van. and saw the grass beneath and surrounding the dish had been removed. She looked around for the turfs and saw them under the white van. She lent in and said quietly to Sandra, “Good idea, we need to remember that when having an open fire.”
“Yeah,” replied Sandra as the pair sat down and Darla walked out carrying a tray with loads of cups on.

Tina walked towards where Abs had just turned around and gotten something from the open side door of the van. “Celia, hi, I’m not sure if you would remember me from seven years ago?”
“Tim said that some one we use to know was back. Welcome back.” Celia looked her up and down in an approving manner. “What name do you go by now?”
“Tina and let me introduce my partner Anna Detric, Abs to everyone.”
Celia looked at the pair and shook her head at the sight, “Those last couple of years before you moved I knew something was wrong, but I would never have guessed it was you being Trans.” Celia turned to face her and called, “Willoo, here now.”
The three youngsters that had been playing around the six man team working the right hand side of the trader gate ran over, Daraus trotting at Willoo’s heel.
“I want you to meet someone who has come back to the festival after seven years, so you see people do come back and she’s brought most of the guys in black as friends and helpers.”
Willoo looked at Tina and said, “Hellooo friend.”
“Whos pet?” asked Celia to Willoo.
“That’s Daraus, he’s one of the Vixens,” she said.
“Ok, what species is he? I would say from the colouring and amount of fur, he’s not pure bread dog.”
The group walked to where the teas were being sorted and sat down around the fire pit.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, she turned and saw Sandra was offering her a Cambar cigarette. She took it and removed her lighter from her pouch and lit the end.
Abs answered Celia’s question about what species Daraus was, “We aren’t sure. He has the eyes of an albino wolf, but the colour of a Timber Wolf cub. We found him in the Low Back Forest, no sight of it’s mother and he’s not been long of this world by his size.”
“That I would agree with, but albino eyes with Timber Wolf cub fur.” Celia paused for a bit and continued, “That’s not a combination I’ve heard of before, ask Melanine when she gets her which should be some time today, she’s an expert in things out of the ordinary.”
She saw the three younger one’s eyes light up at the mention of Melanine arriving. “That’s a name I’ve not heard before?” she asked Celia.
“No, she volunteered the following year to your last one. Her, her husband, Adam, Adrian and Cathy, have helped set up and she and her partner Griffit organize the Chill-Out Zone. Adrian has for the last couple of years looked after all the young ones during the set up, when the fair was open and site break.”
“You said husband Adam and then partner Griffit?” she asked her looking generally interested.
“Yes, Adam was one of six bystanders that were gunned down in a local pub when one of the local crime bosses took offence at something one of the people drinking had done. No one has every been arrested for it and I think the case is currently a cold case. The local Echo Tech Security have been regularly re-looking at the files, but still have not found anything new to tell them which group he had pissed off.”
“That’s not good,” said Abs as Darla passed her a cup of coffee.
“No,” said Celia and Misty passed a cup to her.
“Adrian is fun to be around,” said the female of the other two.
“That’s Dorris and the gent is Marick. Yeah. Adrian looks after the children whilst we are putting the festival together and then looks after them and helps in the kids area when the festival is open. He loves them with an unbridled passion. You must have had some adventures over the years and how is Dominic?”
She smiled when she remembered her younger brother Dominic. “To be honest I have no idea. I’ve not spoken to mum, dad or Dominic since I moved out, three years ago.”
“What!” exclaimed Celia looking very shocked and then her face went to one of not being very pleased with her. “You’ve not seen your mum in three years, how come?” The tone Celia used, Tina knew she was being told off, she deserved it. She knew that much.
“The last couple of weeks before I moved out, all me and mum use to do was row and argue over the stupidest of things, and to be honest I’ve not needed to. The Vixens and Gangrels have given me more of a family, I know mum never accepted me as Tina, so why force those who do not accept to accept.”
Celia sat there thinking about what she had said and said, “Yeah, your right, but it pains me that the situation exists in the first place.”
“At some point I will contact them, I know something will happen that I will need to.”
A horn sounded from the main car-park as a sat-rit style car pulled up. She looked over and saw a woman get out of the passenger’s seat and she immediately noticed her eyes were red, and she also had large bags under her eyes. She nudged Abs who was also looking at the woman.
Celia looked over and said, “Mel.” Then as Mel stepped over the bar Celia’s face went for being happy to see her to one of being very concerned at her state. “What the hell is up?” she asked as her friend came and sat beside her.
“Adrian and I had a massive row and he walked out, he’s not answering my calls, and a report from a friend he was seen leaving the Tran Youth Centre with a friend and couple of people known to be associated with Trivvoth.”

Across the fire pit both Nibs and Sandra looked very concerned at hearing what Mel was telling Celia.
“Adrian is a nice kid, that argument was serious to have him leave home and been seen with one of the problems this and the nearby districts have. Trivvioth is the boss of a relatively powerful organized crime family. He’s suppose to support one of the local gangs, I think it’s the Blue Diamonds and I can tell you they are not like by the locals at all,” said Tim looking very concerned at the news
She looked at him and asked, “Any ideas how come?”
“No, we try and stay out of it, but sometimes the problems of the local areas spills over onto the festival,” replied Tim and he then took a mouthful of coffee.
She looked at him and then felt Sandra tap her on the shoulder. She turned her head to look at Sandra, and she had a worried look in her eyes. The face she was pulling was, ‘I know, talk to you later’.
Daraus padded over and lay beside her right heel. She over heard Celia say to Mel, “Can you have a look at the pup beside. I’m sorry I’ve not been introduced?”
“Nibola Calton, everyone calls me Nibs, Sandra Patterson my partner and this is Daraus, a wolf of some kind, but that’s all we can work out.”
“A wolf, I would say you have a Timber Wolf pup from the colour of the fur,” said Mel
“Yes, I would agree but he also has the eyes of an Albino Wolf, blazing red,” said Darla.
“The Albino is always white from the start, not a light grey. Can I take a look?”
“Yeah,” she said smiling as Mel’s expression had lifted slightly.
Mel got up and walked around the fire to where Daraus was laying picking him up by the scruff of his neck. Mel then opened the right eye and looked at it. She could see how dark the eye was. Up-until this point she had really looked at Daraus’ eyes. She placed him back down and returned to her seat thinking. After she had sat down, she said, “I would say from the eyes and the colour of the fur around the eye socket you have something that I have only heard about from myths and legends.”
“What do you think he is then?” asked Darla as she sat beside Tim.
“An Angel Wolf.”
She noticed how Darla looked at Mel as if to say, ‘You must be kidding’.
“No I’m not. I’ve seen the eyes of Albino wolves and they are considerably brighter red than those. They I would say are a mauve more than a red which from the myths is the colour people say the eyes of the Angel wolves are. I’ll check when I get home, I’ve got to go to the local Security Station and give them a statement about Adrian’s disappearance. I’ll be back later this afternoon and Griffit will be here this evening.”
Sandra and her got up and was joined by Angel and Damieel as well as Paul and Gary.
When the group had exited the crew area Daraus bounded over and Gary said, “This could be serious.”
“I know,” she replied. As the group walked she knew her face was one of ‘I’m thinking fuck off’. They arrived at the pile of fencing, feet and connectors. She looked at the plan seeing that the fencing ran all the way along the hedgerow and had a gate and Emergency gate at the entrance way into the park. She also looked for the next pile of fence panels and saw them near the middle of the next stretch of hedge row. “Ok then, this pile from the Generator pen to as far as we can get them. The plan indicates and Emergency gate and people gate when the footpath comes through the hedge row.”
“Ok,” replied Paul as Gary and him picked up a pair of feet each heading towards the generator pen. Paul dropped one of his feet at roughly the right distance for a fence panel.
Angel slid the top panel off and dragged it to where it would join the fencing of the generator pen. She was closely followed by Damieel and then Sandra.
A young woman, no older than maybe 22 walked to where she was dragging a fence panel off the stack. She asked, “Hi I’m Leia. You need any help?”
“Yeah, grab some of the connectors and finger tighten then on the fence panels,” she requested
“No probs,” replied Leia as Tim walked over carrying a plan and a can of something.
“Any of you want to give me a hand marking out where the marquees and power lines are going?”
“Yeah I will,” replied Leia.
“Oh, hi Leia. I see you’ve met the new crew and very likely the security for this year’s festival.”
Leia looked at Tim when she had stood up. “What!”
She stopped and smiled at her, “So, we are security now?”
“Yeah, just had a quick chat with Darla and she says that’s what you guys do. You assist other gangs and providing security is one of the jobs you’ve been called to do.”
Gary walked back and took two more feet saying, “Yeah I know I have, I’m not sure about the Vixens but I only joined eight months ago.”
Tim nodded as she took the fence panel she was pulling to be the next panel in the chain. Sandra and her lifted it so it was vertical and Sandra dropped her end into the foot. She dragged the closest foot over and slid the fence panel into the hole on the foot. When that was done Sandra headed back for the pile and took the next panel. Angel carried the panel to where she was standing, waiting to drop the panel end nearest her into the second hole of the foot.
A new gent passed her and was carrying the bag of connectors and he started to join the fence panels together.


After the group, of seven friends the six Vixens and a new guy to them, had finished three entire piles of panels they returned to the crew area. The new guy was called Reiner and had been helping at the festival for four years.
Back at the crew area where a few new faces, one was a large lady who very definitely came from the continent of Olliath. Tina, Abs, Gretz, Rachel and Angelique walked back in just behind her and her group. Tina made a bee line for the lady from Olliath and when she was close enough, the pair, after she saw the woman’s eyes open in shock they embraced as friends do.
Willoo started to jump up and down as a white Esszan type motor-car pulled up. She looked over and saw climb out of the driver’s seat a woman. Tim got up and called, “Celia, KaVon and John are here.”
“Excellent,” came Celia’s reply from the area of the crew area that was Celia’s zone. Tim walked to the gate and opened it. The car drove on and as it approached the entrance to the crew area Angelique opened the gate. It drove in and parked up beside a new motor-caravan and Celia’s Van. Out from the passenger door came a large stockily built gent.
Tim walked back into the area and said, “Hi John.”
“Hi man.” She looked at the way he walked and realised he was walking on crutches, when he travelled past the back of the car she looked at the legs. The right leg was fixed with a couple blue metal halos and rods that went into his leg and a set also held the halo’s apart.
She turned to see Tim sit back down asking, “Is he the inactive ghost?”
Tim nodded and smiled.
“I can see why he’s on the inactive list.”
John sat on one of the seats and took out of his pocket a tin, similar to the one she stored her Cambar in. “Celia, catch,” said John and then from the other pocket came a blue bag and it was then in the air heading for where Celia was standing. Celia caught it and walked to the fire to joined John and KaVon in sitting down. From the back of the Esszan came two young girls one around the age of Willoo and the other younger by a few years. From the same pocket as the tin, came a bag in which was a green material similar to the way Cambar looked.
She offered her half finished Cambar cigarette to John, who accepted it sticking it in his mouth and then lighting the tip. He took a draw and his face screwed up a bit as the pure Cambar smoke burnt his throat.
“What you got in here?” asked John as he passed it back.
“Pure, I take it you mix?”
As Celia looked like she was about to roll a Cambar mix she asked, “How much do I owe you John?”
“Forty, thanks.”
Celia took her purse from the right hand pouch of a pair of cloth pouches. From the purse came a twenty Deck note which got passed to John.
She heard Sandra quietly snort and she looked at her. Her face was one of being angry at something. Sandra then realised she was looking at her and smiled. Sandra got up and walked to where the tents had been dropped bending down to pick one up. Sandra then moved a short distance away empting the contents on the floor so she could start to put it up.
She then heard John’s voice say, “What are we doing about security especially with the situation on the streets at the moment?”
“Meet the security,” said Tim. “The Giths and the five new women.”
John looked at her and asked, “What level of training have you lot got?”
“We all hold full Street Ghost Licences and as Tim put it eight of the Giths have done Gangrel basic training and I spent 18months learning direct from the scene,” she replied.
“Without knowing what Gangrel basic training consists of. No worries. I pretty much run the security and the stewards here.”
She nodded as Darla handed her, her mug with a steaming drink in.
“Thanks Darla.”
Melanine and a second woman, she guessed was Griffit as they were walking hand in hand, entered the crew area and they both came and sat beside her. “From the books I have, I am confirming that Daraus is an Angel Wolf.”
She looked at her in shock. She had heard one myth about the white furred wolf, who’s eyes burned with a deep red. “If Daraus is, then why me and Sandra, their must be people who deserve him more than we do.”
“The one thing I know from the myths is that they select very carefully and they know if you and those around are of a good heart.”
Griffit looked around the fire at the various people and to her she looked really happy. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I over heard you and Celia talking earlier and something Tim said a while back. What has been going on in the local area?”
Melanine sat back and said, “The argument me and Adrian had was over me dating Griffit. I’m bi, but whilst Adrian’s dad was alive I held that side of me in check, he died a couple of years ago and I let go, I’ve been with Griffit for eleven months now and we are friends first and foremost, and sexual partners second.”
She noticed Melanine squeeze Griffit’s hand, the small movement of the hand squeezing most people missed, she had been trained to notice, and to understand how they would react in situations. To her mind as long as they knew the other was safe, then they would be strong and helpful.
“What is going on in the local area. Is that one of the local street gangs is running out of control, they are extorting money from businesses, saying if they don’t pay then the boys are going to visit. The boys are a mob of twenty local youths, high and looking to wreck someplace. I know a lot of the local traders have been complaining to the authorities about it. I have no idea what has happened since, I heard that a couple of weeks ago.”
“Ok,” she replied and looked at her partner trying to work out why the snort and face. After a couple of seconds she took out her PDU and powered it up, she checked the power bar, which was almost full. She connected it to the Net. She was going to two places, one was the BlackNet Forum for Suraban, the other was to post an advert for the festival on the Young Trans site. The message to the BlackNet Forum site was going to ask for information about the situation in the area. When the two messages were posted she shut her PDU down.
Melanine got up and walked to where Celia was standing thinking about something.
Griffit asked when Melanine was gone, “What were you doing there?”
“Posting a message to BlackNet and also to a Young Trans site I belong to, I’ve only been out a couple of weeks and I’m loving it.”
“Ok. May I say that you do look very good like that, but the shadow could do with some dealing with.”
“I know,” she replied smiling, “but that comes in a while when I’ve been able to earn the money I will need to complete the treatments.”
“How far are you planning on going?”
“Don’t know, at the moment I’m exploring life, having a loving partner, and all things Gith.” She took a mouthful of Chai. This brought her up, from the initial taste it wasn’t chai she got from the cafés she used.
“I can see from the way you just pulled up, you’ve just had some of Big Malla’s spiced Chai?” asked Griffit as she took a mouthful aswell.
“Yeah, I know my Chai, but this one had a spiced taste all of it’s own.”


Tina, Abs, Gretz, Rachel and Angelique walked in through the entrance to the crew area. She saw Big Malla standing chatting to Darla. In Darla’s hands was a tub of something. Tina went straight towards Big Malla and when she was close enough she said, using as close to young John’s voice as she could remember, “Hi Big Malla.”
Big Malla turned and looked her in the eyes and she said, “I remember those eyes, John Griffiths or who ever that person became, come here and give me a bloody hug. It is so good to see you. What the hell brings you back?”
“We saw an advert for it in a café we use in the Harliquanis Mall, South Peninsula district,” she replied, “and I go by the name Tina now.”
“Yes, my young lady, what is this I hear from Celia about you not speaking to you’re mum.” Big Malla looked at her in a very disapproving way. She also sat down on an empty seat and had a young girl run up and almost jump into her lap. “Hang on Demitre, let me get settled first.” After a few seconds Big Malla said, “Now I’m ready.” Demitre almost climbed and was lifted into Big Malla’s lap.
“Yeah, I’ve already had the lecture from Celia. I will I promise, but it has to be in my own time.”
“Hey I know. Something like this drives most families apart in some form or another, but one thing I do know your mum and dad will always love you in some small way and a simple letter telling them that you are ok and that they are thought about releases so much tension it’s unbelievable. Very few people know that I had a daughter that rebelled against me when she was 14 and disappeared. We had had some slanging matches and the previous couple of months. Then out of the blue I receive a letter through the old fashioned post, it had been forwarded on from my previous address. I contacted them and said thanks and invited them here. The letter was from my daughter, it said she was sorry for the things she had said, it also told me she was working and had been living with a partner for five years. The relief I felt knowing she was ok and not dead was massive.”
“Yeah I bet,” she replied and was handed a mug by Misty, who also handed Malla her cup.
“You left when, seven years ago now, and Tim came back three years ago now. So what have you been up to in those three odd years?”
“Loads, I now run with the Bitch Vixens, a Gangrel Street Gang unit, the entire unit is here helping. I am also living with my life partner.”
Over her shoulder came Abs’s head and she planted a quick kiss on her cheek. “Hi, who must be Malla.”
“Yes I am, and you must be Tina’s life partner?”
“That’s me, I’m known as Abs, it’s short for Anna Detric.”

Nibs got up after finishing her chai and walked to where Sandra was playing house mum, with there kit. “What’s up hun?” she asked after she had bent down.
“What John and Celia just did, the exchange of money for Cambar. The supplies the Gangrels have we could destroy the need for dealers and payment. It’s one of my pet hates.”
“Arh, how does everyone else feel about the subject?”
“I know Paul and Tina support me, Abs is sitting on the fence, Gary, Darla don’t know.”
She sat down just out side the door, Sandra came out of the door and joined her. “So I say go and get a large amount and make this festival, for the crew, a free Cambar festival.”
Sandra sat there thinking about the idea, “Yeah why not. I know SD Unit Nine have a couple of large growing rooms and a couple more sites supply the other units, and if need be I can always put a request in to command.”
She smiled. “I think some of us could do with a refill. I know I could.”
“That’s settled then get the rest of the fence panels up and I’ll go and sort out some Cambar”


A couple of hours later 70% of the fencing was up and the two groups were feeling the hard work, Tina, Abs, Sandra and her less so than the rest. To Angel and Damieel is was as if they had spent the afternoon lightly working out the way they moved the panels around. She shook her head at seeing them carry and shift the panels effortlessly.
Sandra had left an half an hour earlier on the mission to gather a large quantity of Cambar for the crew and also to have a chat with a couple of local units about the situation in the area.
When the group had arrived back in the crew area they say Malla, Misty and Darla sat around the fire pit pealing something and dropping them into a large bowl. The three of them were laughing at something. A large long tent had gone up along the fence of Stage 1’s back stage area. Celia’s area looked tidy and a couple more tents had sprung up in the mouth of one was Leia and laying inside, head in the doorway was a gent. Nibs estimated him to be about Leia’s age. The front of the other tent was zipped closed.
She walked to the front of her tent and grabbed her cup from the entrance she was heading for the kitchen. On a long, strong table was a large urn, written on the side were the words ‘Big Malla’s Spiced Chai Urn’, a sign on the top said, ‘Help your self’. She did just that, she opened the tap and poured a mug full and after closing the tap she walked out to the where the fire was and sat beside Malla. She said after taking a sip of the hot Spiced Chai, “Madam, may I say I like your Spiced Chai. It’s got a twang the other Chais don’t have.”
“Please it’s either Big Malla or just Malla, and thank you. I make it myself from spices and herbs I grow at home. There are so many new faces this year what with the friends Tina brought and may I ask, you are?”
“Nibola Calton, I’m know by nearly everyone as Nibs.”
“Nibs it is then.”
Darla stood up picking up the bowl and she tipped it into a large saucepan that was on a large grill over the fire. Daraus came padding in with four other dogs two small terrier type and two larger lean, you could see the power in the pair’s bodies. Behind then came a young woman no older than her. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a vest style top. She had to her ear a mobile and was talking to someone about art or something similar.
When the woman had arrived she sat down beside her taking out a small bag of tobacco and a small plastic bag. From the small plastic bag she took a quanity of Cambar and the woman started to make a Cambar mix.
She took out her tin and said, “Rather than use yours, use mine, I’ve got more coming sometime in the next couple of hours.”
“Thanks mate. Your new aren’t you. I’m Hinita and the two small dogs are mine. The one with the brown nose is Himms the other is Maelstrum. The other two belong to two of the guys talking to Tim.” Hinita then looked around and saw a lot of new faces. “Ok. When did the festival gain so many new people?”
“Yeah, I’m known as Nibs, and yes you have Tina Griffiths to thank for the sudden increase in helpers.”
Tim walked back in looking really happy and surprised. Tim walked to where she was sitting and said to her after he had knelt down, “We’ve never got the fence to the position it is now until mid Torbar. I won’t ask, but feck me you lot work fast.”
Malla turned around and asked, “How much is done then Tim?”
“We’ve just got the chill out area to fence and then the internals and secure compounds to sort.”
“That is good, assuming the marquees come tomorrow then we should have them up by Ulleam and then the last couple of days finishing off,” said Malla.
“That’s the hope, I hope the fencing company deliver the rest of the fences tomorrow, we are sixty panels down and they haven’t delivered the low fencing we need for the arena,” said Tim.
“Ok. Ring them tomorrow lunch time if they don’t arrive in the morning.”
She looked at Darla and asked, “What’s for dinner and what is the status of the meat we brought back?”
“Ulit shoulder and vegetables. The meat is at a local restaurant freezing, Melanine and Griffit took the lot and dropped it into a friend’s chest freezer.”
“Ulit Shoulder. How come?” asked Hinita
“A few of us over the weekend went hunting and brought back five kills. We butchered, and skinned them before we left where we were. Abs I know is going to spend some time cleaning the skins whilst we’re here.”
Hinita looked and thought about something and then asked, “How much do you want for a skin?”
“Don’t know, your best bet is to talk to Abs about it.”
Hinita then looked down seeing the various items on her lap she started to make a Cambar mix from supply in Nibs’ tin. Sandra walked back in smiling and carrying a rucksack that looked rather full. As she walked past her Sandra stopped and only when she was looking up at her partner did Sandra place a kiss on her lips. Sandra then walked to the tent and took off the small rucksack. Sandra placed it inside the inner tent and took a bag from it carrying it to where she was sitting. She took from her pouch a clear bag and passed it to her saying, “Yours hun.”
“Thanks,” she replied smiling.
Hinita looked at the bag and said, “How much is in that bag?”
“Almost two ounces, it’s what our tins take,” replied Sandra. “Arh, I see you smoke, well have a present from the local Gangrels.” Sandra took a bag from the large one and gave it to Hinita saying, “Just don’t sell it.”
Hinita looked at the bag and started to say something then Sandra cut her off, “The Gangrels get Cambar free, and we grow enough to wipe out the need for dealers and the semi illegal trade in it, and ours is a lot stronger than you get on the streets.” Sandra then looked at John and Celia and said, “Here for the pair of you, just under two ounces each.”
“Your kidding!” exclaimed John whilst he was looking very wide eyed at the bag in his lap.
“No, at some point over the next couple of weeks give me a list of all the core crew smokers and I’ll give it to Wester Park Sliders. They have agreed to supply the core crew with free Cambar. They along with SD Unit Nine will be providing support forces should we need it over the next couple of weeks.”
“That’s a good point I need to talk to you about the security arrangements for the weekend,” said John.
“Have that chat after dinner I think,” she replied.


Sat in the open door of the blue van was Nibs. She had just slid her pistol home and was about to start teaching Sandra about the Command and Control, and the surveillance options they now had.
John hobbled over and lent against the door and asked, “How much do you guys know about the current situation surrounding the Blue Diamonds?”
“Enough to know if they come calling over the weekend, they will have the very sharp thin edge of the stick with us and the other local units. When I left I visited a couple of local units and asked them about the current situation, which is that Central has declared the entire gang Personna non Grata. Which mean’s be seen in anything related to the Blue Diamonds and expect to be removed from the gene-pool,” said Sandra.
“I asked you,” and John was looking at her, “earlier about the level of training people had. You said something about Gangrel Basic Training, what does that involve?” asked John whilst he was looking at Sandra.
“Basic Training involves normally a minimum of ten man units learning how be a unit, being safe around fire arms from the pistols we all carry through to the HSWs. We also learn how to protect our-selves in both ranged and up close and personal both with our fists and other combat weapons.”
“Ok, how about security procedures?”
Sandra walked to the door crouching down, and replied, “The Bitch Vixens are mainly a close assault unit, but we’ve like all the other units have a basic understanding of security procedures.”
“That’s good, it adverts my own issues about handling issues of the entrance gates,” said John and he took a draw from the Cambar mix he was carrying. “What about the general level of equipment?”
“We all work on a global communications network that is routed through the command and control centre in the van,” she replied. “We are also equipped with state of the art equipment taken from the armoury beneath the forest retreat of Darla’s parents. We all have a complete set, including all the technology, of Black Light armour, MA series weapons and APEX ammunition, we also have access to standard ammunition.”
“The box here,” said Sandra whilst she tapped the cupboard beside the entrance, “contains a MA70ISW with a belt feed to 10000 rounds of 10mm binary APEX ammunition. We prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and the worst next weekend will be the Blue Diamonds coming down mob handed.”
“Black Light you say?” asked John.
“Yeah,” she replied and accepted the Cambar cigarette Sandra passed her. We found 25 complete sets at the retreat and brought them all back. The plan is that all people on security duty wear a set and you use here as the base for the security.”
John looked into the van and saw the monitors and computer stations. “Can I take it all the cupboards are weapons and such type equipment?”
“Most are, the cupboards under the bench contain surveillance and communications equipment.”
John turned and looked across the crew area and the area just outside and looked as if was thinking about something.
Outside the crew area were a couple of the local traveller vehicles, they from what she had been told by Tim and Dan helped in decorating the site and they organized the art gallery. Hinita had her Rudeashian drum out and was playing it with a couple of other drummers. She remembered back to the twelve months she had spent with Cubadar. ‘It would be really good to meet him again. I know he will have a lot of new stories and beats.’
“Hun,” said, Sandra as John hobbled off in the direction of his family’s tent.
“Sorry, miles away, just thinking about times spent with other friends.”
“Ok, you were going to teach me about the van?”
“Yes I was, wasn’t I.”

Tina and Tim sat around the fire, Abs was reading one of the local papers in their tent.
“So you going to tell me about what you have been up to then?”
“Yes I am. You know about the rows and such me and mum had.”
Tim nodded his head in reply.
“The moment I closed the door the last time, a weight lifted and Abs will tell you I was so much more happy. A couple of weeks later after Sandra and Paul’s mum and dad’s funeral, me and Abs moved in to the Bitch Vixens Home Base in South Central.” She took a draw on the Cambar cigarette and went to offer it to her brother.
“No thanks, sis,” said Tim, “I smoke, but I can’t take a pure one, it rips my throat to pieces. Thanks anyway.”
She smiled at her brother and asked, “You got your present from Sandra and the rest of the Vixens?”
“What the bag of Cambar?” asked Tim as he took out his tobacco pouch, his long cigarette papers and small bag of Cambar.”
Tim nodded, ‘yes’. “I couldn’t believe it when she dropped it into my lap. How come anyway, you all have large tins?”
“Yeah, it’s one of the perks of being a Gangrel we get Cambar free.”
Tim shook his head, and started to roll a Cambar mix. “I couldn’t help but notice that all of you are carrying pistols, how come, I thought it was not permitted under some rules you guys live by.”
“No you can carry a pistol as long as it’s only loaded with blanks. Ours aren’t we all carry live ammunition.”
Tim looked at her in shock, “What, you are carrying live ammunition for that, cannon.” He was looking at the Colt X33 44 magnum under her arm pit
She looked at him and smiled, “Yes. Even though it is unofficial, the Gangrels act as Central’s police force. I don’t know of a single street gang that can match a War Zone Gangrel force.”
“How come some of the street gangs, from what I know are pretty good.”
She shook her head, “To untrained eyes yes they may seem good, lots of victories and such. Yes?”
Tim nodded his head to her question.
“90% of all Gangrels when they join spend thirteen weeks living at command in South Docks learning how to be a Gangrel. As part of the training we are taught to work as a team, we get taught how to act around all weapons, be they fire arms or knives. A large part is getting fit and when you are they hit you with Gangrel Street, our own combat form, it was designed to be effective and nasty. The first rule you get told is there are no rules to street fighting. It’s very true, if a kick to the groin works at stopping people, then a kick to the groin happens. Nibs took down a six foot four inch 250lbs defensive footbaal player in two moves. She landed a kick to the groin and then brought her knee up and it connected with his face. Nibs is a trained street fighter as well, so the bully was lucky as that combination has been known to kill people.”
“I bet,” said Tim looking in the direction of Nibs. He then muttered, “Remind me never to get on the wrong side of the Gangrels.”
“Ok. How’s mum, dad and Dominic?”
“Mum and dad are ok, I don’t know about Dominic, I never really talk to him unless he picks the phone up when I ring and that is rare.”
Angel walked out of the kitchen area and walked to the fire carrying a tray of cups.
Then a fast beat picked up from the drummers out side and she started to sway in time to the beat. Tim just sat beside her. She was thinking about so many things, but she felt good as she had seriously thought that when she walked out she would never see Tim again, not seeing Dominic was also not a good thing to happen, but that couldn’t be avoided though.
After a few minutes of just sitting there, Tim said, “I have to admit though you do look good sat there, ask you a personal question sis?”
“Yeah, I have no secrets, secrets lead to mis-trust and other problems.”
“Your tits, are they real, and how far do you intend to go?”
She sat there and looked at her older brother. “They are real. When I had finished Basic Training, I was seen by one of the doctors the Gangrels have access to and he wrote the prescription for me and has said that he was happy to write a referral to any medical doctor qualified to treat trans people. I’ve been on them ever since.”
Tim shook his head and said, “I have to admit you do look very good sis, you look fit, strong and confident. Not like the way I remember John, he was weak, timid and lacked confidence, but I can see why, Celia has chatted to me about being trans and how it makes people feel. The festival had a trans woman volunteer for a couple of years between us leaving and me coming back. She left the year before I came back to help. No one has heard from her since.”
“Ok. When Darla told me and Abs and I went shopping, I dreamt John was being picked on and a girl dressed as a Gith laid into them and scattered the attackers. When I looked up I saw Tina looking back at me.”
Tim shook his head slightly smiling as Angel passed both him and her a hot drink.
“Damn, it’s got a bit nippy,” she said and called to Abs, “Hun can u pass me my jacket?”
Abs got up and carried her jacket to her and continued on out of the crew area and started to watch a couple of people who had started to twirl things. She put it on and said, “How about you, you’ve probably had some adventures yourself?”
The next couple of hours was spent chatting and telling each other their adventures and fun.
“I’ll say this the Gangrels sound like a great bunch of people,” said Tim.
“We are, and the festival crew they also sound like a good group, just like I remembered them and the feelings are the same as I had when mum and dad helped.”
“I know, those feeling’s don’t just go away,” said Tim and he wrapped his arm around his sister and gave her a hug of welcome home.

Nibs and Sandra sat in the door war of the Command and Control van watching Tina and Tim. “It’s good to see Tina feeling the way she does now, she was very aphrensive about what awaited her when she did return, she thought her mum and dad had come back and had begun to volunteer again,” said Sandra
“Well it’s nice to see so many people happy,” she replied smiling. “Tomorrow is going to be fun finish the fencing and I think we help put the marquees up.”
“That will be interesting,” she said, “I’ve seen various marquees up. I wonder what style will be here.”

Chapter 22 —

Early the following day Nibs, Sandra and Daraus were sat around the fire pit having had the last security shift of the night. The sun had been up for a couple of hours when Tina and Abs’ tent door opened and Tina stepped out.
“Good morning you two,” said Tina.
“Good morning Tina,” said Sandra.
She nodded her hello and pointed to the still steaming kettle.
Tina’s eyes lit up as she grabbed her mug from the entrance to the tent and saw the coffee and other items sat on a small table beside the fire place.
“We did a bit of a skip raid during our shift, and found a couple of slabs that will serve as somewhere to put the kettles and the table for the coffee, and other drink making stuff.”
“Nice idea,” said Tina she grabbed a seat beside her. “You two enjoying it here?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “Ever since you guys asked me to join I’ve been loving it, I said to Griffit yesterday, I’m enjoying life, having a partner and all things Gith and Alternative.”
“Same here. You’re lot happier than you were last week,” said Sandra after taking a mouthful of coffee.
Tina bent down and sorted out herself her first coffee of the day. “I know, seeing Tim was a surprise, but it’s so good that the original crew hasn’t changed that much in seven years.”
An hour later a couple of trucks pulled up in the main car-park in front of the gate, the two drivers and two mates climbed out. They walked towards the crew area as she stood up and started towards the gate to let them in. She stopped when she saw then walking towards the crew area and sat back down taking a sip of her coffee. She then felt the weight of the kettle and headed for the kitchen area to re-fill them.
She heard the lead guy say, “Hi, you got a drink on in there?”
“Yeah in a second,” she replied as she turned the tap off, of the now almost empty water carrier. She walked back out carrying them and four cups she took from the table hanging one of the kettles over the fire pit.
“I don’t remember you, where’s Tim?”
“Still sleeping,” said Tina, “Hang on.” After a couple of seconds, “Your Jeff aren’t you?”
“Yeah, how do you know that?” asked Jeff looking very perplexed.
“I’m Tim’s sister/brother from seven years ago, I was known as John Griffiths.”
Jeff looked at her and said after recovering his mouth from the floor, “That’s some change.”
“Yeah I know,” said Tina as she got up and asked, “You lot want a drink?”
“Yeah please, thanks,” replied Jeff.
An hour later Tim’s tent door opened and a very bleary eyed Tim appeared and said, “Good morning campers. God your up early sis.”
“I know I don’t need much sleep.”
Tim then looked at Sandra and her and asked, “Any thing to report?”
“No, easy night. Did a bit of skip raiding and got a small table for the coffee and stuff and a couple of slabs for the kettles and pans to sit on.”
Tim nodded asking, “Is the water hot?”
“Stick it on the fire and it will be,” replied Sandra.
“Hi Tim,” said Jeff as he walked back in from the toilets.
“Oh, you are here.” Tim stood up and moved the seven feet to a free chair. He lent forward and hung the fullest kettle on the hook.
“Who’s got the keys for the gate Tim?” asked Jeff after Tim had taken his first mouthful of coffee.
“Nibs has them,” replied Tim.
She smiled at Jeff who looked rather annoyed, “Why didn’t you say you had them?”
“You never asked,” she replied. She then passed them to Jeff who stood and dragged the other driver with him. A couple of minutes later the two trucks’ engines started, slowly they drove onto the site and parked up just outside the crew area. The pair walked back into the crew area and gave Tim the keys.
“Thanks,” replied Tim.
“What is the situation about crew for putting up and taking down the marquees?” asked Jeff
“Meet your crew,” replied Tim and pointed at the three, “with others. They had 70% of the fence up by 7 last night.”
“70%!” exclaimed Jeff, “That is good. If your that good, then we should have them up by this evening.”
“Yeah, show us one and we’ll do the rest, if you want to supervise the complicated ones like the stage 1 and 2 and the Gallery.”
After thirty minutes the first signs of Celia and Malla getting up happened with Willoo appearing from her’s and Celia’s tent and the rear door to Malla’s van opening. When Willoo had appeared she headed for the fire, pit rubbing her eyes, she said, “Hello friends.” Daraus padded over to Willoo and she bent down and gave Daraus a stroke, this got Daraus to give her a sloppy kiss in reply.
“Good morning people, and I think it will be a fine day as well,” said Malla.
“Good morning Big Malla,” said Tina who was smiling, that hadn’t been off her face since she got up.


A couple of hours later the two trucks had deposited their contents of pegs, cables, bundles of various coloured canvases and pole sections in seven locations around the site. Nibs and the rest of the Vixens and Raiders, minus Misty and Darla as they helped in the crew area and manned the C&C, along with a few of the other crew were gathered around one of the single pole marquees. It took the group an hour and a half to put the actual marquee up.
When it was fully up and all the sides were on Gary, Paul and a few of the crew went off with the driver and the two mates to erect the twin pole marquees. It left three single pole marquees to be erected.
As the group of twelve friends and Jeff walked to where the first of the piles were, she suggested, “Lets put two up and then the first to finish starts to put the third up.”
Tina called back as she led Abs, Angel and Damieel and Angelique towards the second pile, “Ok Nibs.”
She looked at her and stuck her tongue out as she walked off.
Gretz along with Rachel had already started to sort out the pole.
“Sledge hammer, I knew I had forgotten to pick something up,” she said angrily turning towards the crew area and the tools in the white van.
When she walked into the crew area she saw Melaine and Griffit both on their knees painting signs for when the festival was open. Two more new faces were sat around the fire drinking a drink. She slid the side door open and reached in, taking the two sledge hammers from the tool area. She turned around and saw Tim head towards the gate as a truck carrying some toilets had arrived.
She carried the two sledge hammers back to the group and handed one to Bee who swung it and it impacted the top of a setadar spike. Sandra was holding it until it was in the ground. She continued to walk to where Jeff and the second group were getting things ready. Angel smiled as she approached and headed to take the sledge hammer from her.
When she had returned Sandra was holding the third spike which would act as the base of the pole Rachel and Gretz were dragging the various quarter sections out so they were in place around the pole.
Jeff walked to the head of the pole and started to attach the four steel cables that would support the pole when it was up. “Nibs,” spoke Jeff as he looked up, “can you run the four cables out and then take four spikes and place them at quarter points.”
She nodded her reply and walked the cable that ran down the actual pole itself. When she had made sure the cable was not tangled Bee and Sandra walked to where she was standing. “Where’s the next spike going Jeff?” asked Sandra as Jeff walked towards the group.
“Pretty close to where you are standing. Place a spike at quarters the pole.” He then turned and walked towards the second erection team.
A couple of hours later the all but one of the marquees were up and the first batch of toilets had arrived and been sited in the back stage areas of the four performance stages and the Gallery. Two had also been placed in the crew area. One of the pair had been sealed so it could be moved to the steward area near the main gate. The toilets the public would use were arriving on Frodar.
When Sandra and her walked back in they saw John was sat in the command and control vehicle and stood outside were a pair of new women. The left one of the pair had mousey coloured hair, she was wearing a pair of dark blue cords and a black light fleece jacket. The other was wearing a pair of jeans, a bikini top and she had red hair that reached her shoulders. She could see Misty sitting in the passengers seat explaining something to the three.
Darla walked back in from somewhere in the main field and was followed by a couple more new people. “Drinks you two?”
She shook her head to clear it and replied, “Thanks Darla, Chai please.”
The pair walked to where Willoo and Katerina were sitting around the fire, Daraus was laying between the two chairs.
She looked at the sight and suggested to Sandra, after they had sat down, “Shall we let the pair of them be in charge of Daraus whilst the festival is not open to the public. It would keep him busy and hopefully out of mischief and would give us the time to get the festival properly set up.”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not,” replied Sandra, “Celia, how do you think Willoo and Katerina are going to take being responsible for Daraus whilst the festival is not open to the public?”
“Don’t know, they should be supervised, but Katerina and Willoo are both intelligent and have been around animals for all their lives. Let them have him today and ask them again tomorrow and each day.”
She nodded as did Sandra at the good advice Celia had just given them.
She saw the two women move away from the van. When they had she saw the red haired woman was carrying a Delt 357 in a side holster. The mousey coloured haired one was also carrying what looked like a Coltanar Police Service Automatic. John climbed out and was followed by Misty.
The red haired one asked, “With the new technology, what would happen if something was to occur?”
“That’s easy, you hand all tactical control over to the security forces and they deal with the situation. Hi I’m Sandra and this is my partner Nibola also known as Nibs.”
“Carol Hill, Street Ghost and I work as a bouncer at a local night club.”
“Ruth Timms a team member when we get offered Street Ghost work.”
“And for the last few years the festival’s security force. Meet two members of the new and improved security.”
“Hi, I guess we’re going to be working together then over the weekend.”
“It kind of looks that way,” she replied as Malla handed her and Sandra a cup of hot spiced Chai.
She took a mouthful and smiled at the beautiful taste of the drink. “What are your thoughts for the security over the weekend, John?” she asked.
“At least one person in command and control. I would like to have two, but I think the numbers are only going to allow one in there. Then split the entire force into two and have each work as a combination of static security on the gates and patrols around the rest of the site,” replied John, then Darla handed him a thermal mug. “Thanks Darla.”
“No problem John,” said Darla as she handed out the rest of the cups on the tray she was carrying.


The afternoon was spent relaxing in the crew area Tina and Abs were out and about meeting the local units. The rest of the Vixens were sat in tent mouths or around the fire. Celia walked in after returning with Melanine from a local place which stored paint for people after they had finished with it. The centre also acted as a place where people could go and get leftover paint.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, and then a voice asking, “You two busy?”
“No,” replied Sandra.
She turned to face the voice and saw it was Melanine. “No,” she replied and looked around to see a pile of recycled wood and a good twenty paint cans of various colour. “Right then, what do we need?”
“That lot,” replied Griffit as she sat back pointing to a list on the fence.
She looked at the list and saw it had about twenty items on. “How are the signs being placed?”
“The ones on the gates are being fixed by strip ties and the ones for inside are either being fixed with strip ties or hammered onto posts and then they are hammered into the ground,” replied Celia.
“Where’s the posts then?” she asked as she knelt down and picked up a paint brush and dipped the tip into the red paint.
“We make them as we need them,” replied Melanine as she and Sandra headed off back to the car and the paint in the boot.
She looked at the list and decided to start on the sign for the Skate Board stage.
Most of the afternoon was spent creating the signs that were needed.



Frodar 5th Auar 09:00BN
Laying on the bedding mat Nibs was looking out across the crew area. Both John and KaVon were just about up, they liked the late nights and hated the early mornings, she could see that be the state of their eyes. Katerina and Demmia were both sat on smallish chairs eating their breakfasts.
Inside the inner tent was a small pile of clothes and the rest of the personal gear the pair used. Their pistols were locked in the command and control van.
Sleeping beside her was Sandra and at the foot of the pair was Daraus who padded up between them looking at the pair when he was at the doorway. She swore she saw a face where the muzzle should have been and it smiled at her. Daraus then headed out into the crew area.
Damieel’s head appeared in the door way asking in a loud voice, “Do you two want coffee?”
“Thanks Damieel. You’ve just woken sleeping beauty here.” She smiled at her. “Please.”
“Hey, I heard that,” came from the sleeping form next to her.
“Oh, you are awake then,” she said re-lighting the Cambar cigarette she was smoking.
Sandra rolled over on to her back and looked up at the roof of the inner tent.
She looked at her partner who was happy, smiling and looked very relaxed. She passed Sandra the Cambar cigarette and lighter then Damieel appeared again in the door. She was carrying two cups each was steaming.
Sandra rolled over and shifted slightly so she wasn’t exposing herself to the festival crowd. She then let out a plume of smoke and smiled ‘thanks’ at Damieel. Sandra rolled over onto her front reaching out to take her cup from Damieel she then sipped it as it felt hot from holding the cup by its handle. John was sat cooking on a couple of gas cookers the frying pan he was using came off and he took out a couple of strips of some meat. It went into a roll which Tim picked up and he then headed for the pairs tent.
He knelt down and took a bite from the roll, asking when he had finished his mouthful, “No problems last night?”
“None we heard off, the Gallery was up late, but it was quiet music and singing,” she replied.
“Ok, we should have the District inspector on site at about 3.30 4ish, which team is on?”
She sat and thought about it, and replied, “I’m not sure I think it’s team two.”
“Right,” said Tim, “Any chance when I go round with the person someone from security comes with me.”
“I would have thought someone would be free to,” she replied and then stared at him.
After a couple of seconds he left the pair to get up. She dragged the front of the tent down, sitting up when it was. She pulled the sleeping bag from her legs and said, “I need a shave today with out fail, I’ve let it go two days, no more.” She grabbed her pants and slipped them over her legs and they were joined by her trousers. “I also need to get some washing done, this I’ve had on a couple of days as well and I ain’t got a clean one.”
“Yeah your not the only one who needs to do some washing, so do I. I wonder how many of the others are also in the same situation.”
A few minutes later Sandra rolled the front up and stepped out and into a pair of sandals Celia had given her a couple of days earlier.
As she stepped out she said, “I think today I’m going bare foot, my feet were toughened once, I think they need to get back there.”
John called to the pair, as Nibs bent down and zipped the front of the tent up, “Breakfast guys,” she looked at where john was cooking and saw a couple of rolls similar to the one Tim had just had.
“Thanks John,” said Sandra as she walked towards him and took the two rolls.
She walked to where Sandra was standing eating a mouthful of roll, she took the second roll Sandra was holding and asked KaVon, “Do you know if anyone has a 3 metre length of cord, I want Daraus on a lead this weekend.”
“Ask Celia or Melanine. Yeah that’s a good point where is Melanine and Griffit. I’ve not seen them this morning.”
“Don’t know, we were up chatting until about 1, then me and Sandra took a patrol and they had gone when we got back,” she replied after finishing her mouthful. “What’s the meat?”
“I think it’s from the meat you guys brought. She brought us some yesterday and said some more should be coming today,” replied KaVon
The pair nodded thanks around a second mouthful and walked towards the Command and Control Van.
Ruth was stepping out as they approached and said, “You two want your pistols?”
“Yeah, thanks Ruth,” replied Sandra as she licked her fingers after finishing the roll.
Ruth turned stepping back into the van and could be heard opening the cupboard beside the ammo store. She then reappeared and handed the pair their pistols and ammunition blocks. And got the order wrong.
“The 44 is Sandra’s,” she said when she saw Ruth had passed her Sandra’s pistol.
“Oops, sorry,” said Ruth with a slight chuckle in her voice, she then crossed her arms and got the pistol’s right. “I’m surprised you use that cannon,” asked Ruth looking at Sandra.
“I’ve found that when someone is looking down the barrel of a weapon more than capable of blowing the back of a head off they are very complient when I want them to do things.”
“That I can understand,” said Ruth as they three walked out of the Crew Area.
“Do you know what happened to Melanine and Griffit.”
“Yeah, they got a call from some security person and they left,” replied Ruth as she stopped and checked the door of the toilet.
Sandra and her continued walking towards the traders zone between Stage 1 and the Theatre area. As they walked they passed Tim who looked like he was fighting with one of the small marquees owned by people connected to the festival.
She Tim look around and started to run towards them shouting, “Nibs. Sandra. Hang on mates.”
Heading from the Chill Out Zone was Angel and Willoo, Daraus was walking at Willoo’s heel
They both stopped and waited for Tim to catch up. Out of breath Tim said, “Would you mind heading for the chill out zone and finish the set up there, Melanine and Griffit ain’t in and are likely not to be in today.”
“What’s happened, they vanished last night. Ruth said they had had a phone call and just left.”
Angel smiled at the pair as they passed.
Sandra turned and said, “Daraus heel.”
Daraus walked away from Willoo’s heel and padded to where the pair were standing and sat beside Sandra’s heel.
“From what Griffit told me when she rang, Adrian’s been seen with the leader of the Blue Diamonds and was seen being the eyes as he collected protection money, it’s even on security camera footage.”
“Feck me. They likely to be in at all over the weekend?” she asked.
“Don’t know,” replied Tim. “I’ll sort something out, but could you two go and help setup the Chill Out Zone?”
“No problem,” responded Sandra and the pair turned towards the Zone.
“I’ll send a copy of the area plan to you in the next few minutes,” called Tim as they walked away.
As they walked away she said nodding and smiling at a member one of the stalls who was setting up, “I wonder about what Tim has just said. I think Adrian is being led rather than going willingly, what with what Melanine was saying last night.”
After a couple of seconds Sandra said, “I agree, but I also think he may be rebelling as well. To have a dad and then loose him violently and then to have your mum start seeing and sleeping with women can be quite a shock to the system. I’ve known Gangrels go off the rails due to less.”
“Bloody hell!” she exclaimed. “What happened?”
“One guy knew his dad was in jail for murdering a Corporate Security ‘goon’, who we find out during the trail had been running a small protection racket in the local businesses. Mum doesn’t divorce dad, but starts seeing both men and women. The guy went off the rails and had a nervous breakdown. He almost killed himself with his pistol a few weeks later. Mystique from the Dark Mysts Combat Support Unit talked him into giving her his pistol and then became his best friend. Mystique drove him from Central District to Gangrel Command three times a week to see one of the counsellors the Gangrels have. I think it’s time we let you into the whole secret. Only the A rated units know the full picture.”
She looked at her and went to say something.
“We would have told you when you were introduced to the gang, it’s the traditional time for telling members we told Tina when she was introduced.”
“Ok, I’ll let you off not telling me, you got any other secrets?”
“No. Officially the Gangrels also include 17 full Mercenary Commands and 177 Youth Feeder groups, these groups feed trained personal directly to the mercenary commands. We also have an under 14s section called the Young Gangrels. Across the broad the rules each group lives under are the same, we care for the little people. Seek members from those disadvantage by society.”
She smiled at Hinita who had just walked out of the Gallery somewhat the worse for the lack of sleep. “Morning.”
“Good morning,” responded Hinita rather sleepily as she walked towards the crew area. Behind the Gallery was Hinita’s truck and home.
Sandra continued when she realized she was listening, “The Gangrel Street Gang has over 1100 members spread through out Suraban and that doesn’t include the support personal and the guys at command. The reason the Street Gang is not as big at the other groups is the environment here in Suraban. The very north and some of the western side a lot of the people who would join the street gang join the youth feeders. The street gang does have units in these areas, but we have more in the south. Most of the mercenary commands have their bases in the north of the city around the Newbran Combat District. Most of the commands have a few youth feeders feeding directly into the ranks, most of the youth feeder units feed directly to a central pool and the commands select from there.”
“What about training and all the support services that would be needed?”
“Gangrel Basic Training applies to all, all Gangrels should undertake basic training. Only a rare few are deemed not to need it, your one of those,” replied Sandra as they reached the Chill Out Zone.
She looked around and saw one zone had already fully set up and was semi open for business. A second was setting up. The area’s generator was in place and the two areas for the toilets that would be used by the public were ready if empty and at the other end was one of the entry gates.
As she finished looking around she saw out of the corner of her eye she saw a large multi-coloured van driving slowly across the field, in front was walking Dan who was wearing a high visibility vest. When he had arrived he said, “Tim sent me with this for you two and he arrived as I was coming across.”
“Thanks Dan,” she replied and saw Sandra was already chatting to the driver of the van. She walked over and said, “Hi.”
“Hi, I was just telling your colleague I’m this area,” said the gent, with a very heavy Spinnayan accent. He pointed to the area which said, ‘Cats seeks Dog’. “My name is Hiemlirk. I was wondering where is Melanine or Griffit?”
“From the reports we’ve heard, Mel’s son was seen to be involved in an outlawed gang and the local security called her last night and we’ve not seen either of them since,” she replied.
“Ok. Has my area been marked out?” enquired Hiemlirk.
“From the fact one has set up I think we can assume it has,” replied Sandra.
“And your in the far corner. Only one more to arrive and that looks like a stall rather than an actual area,”
Heimlirk climbed out and stretched saying when he had finished, “That is a long drive.”
“Where were you before you came here?” she asked in perfect Spinnayan.
Heimlirk looked at her very surprised. “That’s perfect Spinnayan. I left Port Freeton yesterday morning. It’s over a thousand miles from there to here.”
“I know,” she replied, “I lived in Spinya for a half a year and I have a talent for picking up languages.”
He walked to where the area was after a few seconds of looking at it he headed back for his van.


As Sandra and her walked back into the crew area they saw Melanine was crying against Celia’s shoulder and Griffit was stood behind her with her hands on Melaine’s shoulders comforting her. Sandra looked at her and caught her attention and indicated ‘Can I have a chat with you’ to her. Griffit moved away and walked towards the pair.
“What’s up with Melanine?” she asked
“The local security force says that if Adrian is picked up with any known Blue Diamond then he is going to be treated like a gang member,” replied Griffit.
“Feck me!” quietly exclaimed Sandra. “All I hope is that if he is spotted then it’s by a Gangrel unit and not City Security. Hun can I borrow your PDU. I’ll email the local units and give them a heads up on the situation with Adrian. If they come into contact with him they will offer him a place as a probe, but he will be treated as a full Gangrel, everyone is. Don’t tell Melanine I don’t want to raise her hopes and then it not happen.”
“You would do that for Melanine?” asked Griffit sounding very surprised at her offer.
“Yes Griffit. The Gangrels recruit from those people disadvantaged by society, from hearing Melanine talk, Adrian has been disadvantaged by society. We understand that it is not easy to come to terms with the death of a family member especially a loved father, and then, nothing against you Griffit, to find out your mum is bi-sexual and she is dating women can send most people off the rails. The Gangrels care for all especially the little person, those not able to defend themselves or get in over their heads. It sounds like Adrian has gotten in over his head.”
She took out her PDU and handed it to Sandra after booting it up. “I’m going to go and have a shave.”

“Ok.” Sandra opened NetBrowser and went to her Gangrel email address and from the central servers she selected the various units in the area and sent them an email explaining the situation concerning Adrian and asking that they keep an eye out for him. After sending it she shut it down and saw Nibs was looking in a mirror fixed to the fencing and in front of her was a bowl.
“That can not be fun for her,” said Griffit. “Will you find out if the do find him.”
“Probably not,” she replied. “It’s better that people outside the unit don’t know. The message will be read and dealt with by the people who need to read it.”
Griffit sat there and said, “I wish I had had the Gangrels in Ulin. They hate people like me, lesbians, I’ve known them to torture, rape and degrade the lesbians and gays. I won’t go back ever, well not until we get better treatment than we do now. Bastards. I watched them as the took away one of my best friends just because she had been outted by her ex-boyfriend.”
“That’s not right at all.” She was very angry inside, ‘Why do people do that hate people like Griffit, I bet they would hate people like Nibs and Tina. No, that is wrong.’


Nibs, Sandra, Daraus and Tim were all waiting at the main gate for the District Inspector to arrive.
He walked up and smiled at the three people waiting for him. “Good afternoon Tim, ladies.”
“Afternoon,” responded Tim. “Shall we.”
“Yes, lets.” The group led by Tim started to walk towards the main Beer Tent and Stage 1. Stood outside the generator enclosure was Brac, the head electrician, who smiled as they walked past. Tim constantly chatting to him, answering questions and all the other jobs the Site Manager has to do when the District Inspector is on site.
About half way round Tim and Gavin stopped and Gavin asked Nibs and Sandra, “Tim says that you two are two members of the new security the festival has brought in. I don’t seem to have any details.”
“That would be because we were only employed as security when the festival found out that the fourteen members of the security team all hold Full Street Ghost licences. Also nine members, including us two, are members of the Gangrel Street Gang and are listed on the Central Databases as Security trained.”
“Well with that, I’m happy. You must know of the situation on the streets around here?”
“We do, and we are ready should they try anything. All the stewards have been briefed about the security procedures in place for this festival,” she said. “From what we have been able to find out they either don’t know the fair has a new security team or they think they will be able to brush what ever security is present aside. Which if they try, they will find out that it’s them getting the rough end of the stick.”
The rest of the tour went without incident and when the group arrived back at the main gate, Gavin said, “I have no problem in allowing you to open and good luck over the weekend.”
“Thank you,” replied Tim.
“Command and Control, Nibs. We are cleared to open.”
“Yeah,” came back over the earpiece from all the guys in the crew area who could hear her comments about opening.
The three walked back to the crew area and found the steward and security briefing had just started and so they joined the back of it.


After the first shift had just finished, Sandra and her had walked in from completing their last patrol they saw Abs, Ruth and Carol were all sat around the fire with a hot drink. John was sat in the command and control vehicle as he had volunteered to cover the over five hours the festival was open this evening.
She collapsed into one of the seats and was, she knew everyone could see, very happy indeed. “This is great, I will have to thank Tina for suggesting coming.”
“It is great, isn’t it,” said Ruth.
Then over the speakers in C&C came Darla’s voice saying, “Control, Gate two. We have a group of youths trying to blag their way onto the site, and from what I can see some of them are packing at least side arms.”
All of the people sat around the fire sat up with what Darla had just said.
John then said, “Thank you gate two, message received and understood. Patrol teams, Control. Head for Gate two.”
“Control, Paul. On route to Gate two now. ETA 2 minutes.”
“Control, Gate two. Fire Arms Visible.”
“Move,” commanded John and all the people around the fire headed for the van, Abs jumped up into the open side door and sat in the driver’s seat. Carole followed Abs into the passenger’s seat where Nibs noticed she dropped her pistol and checked the breach and magazine.
She shook her head as she, Sandra and Ruth climbed into the back John had shifted seats to the rear one so allowing access to the main weapons store. She opened the cupboard door and she began to remove the weapons stored.
As she was doing that, John said, “Car-park gate get the crew area van exit open.”
The next sound was Abs starting the engine and driving up the short driveway before exiting into the main area.
The entire festival was now absolutely dark and quiet, as the security briefing had said that the second trouble happens kill the sound and the lights, only the generators are to remain running. She realized the noise other than the generators and van’s engine was the revellers understanding that something was going down or about to go down.
As Abs exited the road, John said, “EMU gate 4, C&C, get that gate open.”
She passed Sandra Abs’s sniper rifle which she took and placed behind where Abs was driving. The next weapon was a HK22 SMG which she used to tap Carol on the shoulder. She then took out a second HK22 and when Sandra had turned back she passed it to her. Tina appeared in the door and took the next weapon in her hands which was an MA60. The next weapon was a second MA60 which she passed to Sandra. She then unclipped her bow as Tina jumped out and disappeared and she also took a handful of normal arrows.


When Sandra had climbed in behind Nibs she opened the cupboard holding the MA70 and clipped back the door. Nibs then handed her Abs’s sniper rifle which she placed behind her and she also grabbed a HUU and passed it to Abs who was about to start the engine. Abs took it and slipped it over her head and then went back to driving the van out.
As she turned back Nibs handed her a HK22 which she used to tap Carol on the shoulder. When Carol had turned around she saw her face which was one of shock as she took the HK. Carol carried out the standard safety procedure with the weapon. When she had turned back she saw Nibs was holding a second HK which she took and passed to Ruth who was looking out the windscreen in the middle. Sandra then took an MA60 as Tina jumped into the open door and hung on as Abs drove out of the open EMU gate. Sandra passed Tina the MA60 and that was closely followed by her HUU unit which she took and disappeared from the door. Ruth followed Tina out of the open side door.
She turned back and took the second MA60 Nibs was holding, she saw Nibs unclip her bow as she turned and grabbed her HUU and along with Carol they both disappeared out of the side door. As she jumped out she moved right and knelt down. She placed the HUU over her head and configured it for the smart link. The screen inside the HUU displayed the High frequency infra red view of the area. It showed the group of twenty, twenty five people some seven looked like they were carrying and were acting very aggressively towards the gate staff and Darla.
She looked along the fence line and saw stewards leading the people away from the area and others were also bringing in extra flood lamps, which she knew combined with the lamps on the van would make their lives difficult when they moved to secure the area.
John’s voice came over the communication system, “All people report.”
“Sandra here, ready you getting my cam John?”
“Yes I am,” replied John.
She then looked at the van and saw John sat in the door operating the MA70, and she could see Abs resting her sniper rifle on the bonnet of the van. She saw Nibs had moved close to the fence and was standing bow drawn back, arrow notched. She thought ‘I hope that’s not one of her special arrows.’
A few seconds later she heard John’s voice command, “Now,” and the flood lights came on and illuminated the area with light. The compensators took care of the initial glare and allowed her to view what was happening. She could see most of the group bar the seven were suddenly looking very scared and most had their hands shielding their eyes from the light and they were looking around into the now pitch blackness. She knew that only people trained in understanding the street would know how to react to the differences in light.
One person caught her eye, he, like the rest was shielding his eyes, but he didn’t look as scared as the rest. It was as if he had been given some training and through that gained the discipline not to look scared but controlled. She saw Tina and Carol move closer to the group. Just inside the fence line was Gary, Paul and Darla. Darla was carrying her HK27 and was looking around at the situation beyond the fence.
John’s voice came again this time over a megaphone, “Everyone on the floor, palms up, legs crossed at the ankles,” he paused slightly to let the instructions sink in and continued, “NOW.”
The speed which the scared group went face down impressed even her, she then realized that this was not a part of the general plan for the group and this was the first time they had dealt with this type of situation and she knew they were very scared. Unknown force with unknown firepower all they could see was a figure in the side door of the van and he looked like he was operating some form of weapon. She saw Tina and Carole move and at the same time she saw Darla, Paul and Gary move out from the festival.
She maintained her position along with Ruth, Nibs and Abs. She saw Tina swing the butt of her MA60 and it removed the legs of one of the guys who had remained defiantly standing his weapon was soon on the pile near the fence line as Tina bent down and said something very forceful into the guy’s ears. One guy went to punch Darla which she blocked and brought her knee up and the power behind the impact forced the guy to flinch and this allowed Darla to apply a wrist lock and forced him against the fence and like Tina said something to him. More than likely concerning how stupid he was being.

Tina heard Darla’s message immediately leaving the Skateboard stage and running for where the Van would be leaving the crew area. She saw it leave altering her path to intercept it. She jumped on and grabbed the handle just above the door. She took the MA60 Sandra passed her along with her HUU. After the van had left the festival and had turned heading around in a large arc towards the site of the incident. She jumped down and went to ground. She placed her HUU over her head and dropped it into place.
Upon switching it on she was able to see the whole scene for the first time, the high frequency infrared lamp providing enough light for the infrared camera to use and work. The scene was of a large group of people most of the older ones were standing in a group to one side, she guessed they had moved to there when the shit hit the fan. She could see inside the fence line was Darla who was now holding her HK27 and beside her was Paul and Gary, both of them had their pistols out. She looked over the field and saw Sandra and Carol jump out. The pair spread out from the departure point. Sandra knelt and lifted the MA60 to her shoulder. Nibs was the last person out before Abs turned the van around and headed back to the middle of the area where she turned and made sure John was in a position to command the scene. She saw Abs climb out and grab her Sniper rifle using the bonnet of the Van as a rest site.
She heard John’s voice over the communication system order, “All people report.”
“John, Tina. Set and ready.”
After a couple few more seconds whilst the stewards dealt with the final preparation inside the festival she heard John command, “Now” and the ten flood lamps inside the festival went on and the four above the door of the van were switched on. The light compensators in the HUU made sure she was not blinded. She saw the instant the lights went on they all of the group brought their arms and hands to shield their eyes from the very bright lights. ‘The light is doing nothing for their night vision,’ she thought.
She stood and moved using a stouped run and again went to ground a good bit closer to the group. She saw Carol also move and glanced at where Sandra was and she was still kneeling with the MA60 in the ready position.
When John commanded the group to their faces she only moved when most of them had gone face down. Upon reaching the scene she brought the shoulder stock of her MA60 round and impacted it with the back of one guy’s legs this caused him to collapse and she placed her face very close to his head and said, “I bloody well hope you lot ain’t Blue Diamonds, cause if you are, you’re in a lot of shit.” Before she stood up she grabbed the guy’s pistol and threw it towards the gate. She looked at where it hand landed and saw one of the stewards pick it up and place it with the other pistols and knives. She stood and saw one guy had his face against the fence holding him there was Darla who was having a few words with him.
Suddenly in amongst them were more guys all of them wearing night camouflage and carrying similar assault weapons. Then Nibs’ voice came over the communication system, “Local Gangrels are now on site. Hand control to them only when they have active control of the situation. Darla lock the gate when you get back inside, we’ll keep that gate closed until tomorrow.”
She then heard Darla’s voice replying, “Confirmed will do when not holding this guy.” She saw one of the new Gangrels take the guy from Darla and he was heaved into the middle of the others with pistols. The guy she was standing over looked up and the look in his eyes told a tale all of its own to her, he feared what was coming, he knew what was going to happen very soon. She looked at him with a bit of pity, but the law was the law, Street Gangs that went out of control were investigated and if they were found to have broken the rules then Central would pass a judgement, only in the most extreme case would they pass Persona non grata judgement. He knew that when he was taken away he was effectively dead as the Gangrels were renouned for not being very sympathetic in situations like this.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, looking around she saw a second guy had arrived. The pair had taken control of the guy. She moved back and took up a covering position.
She saw Darla, Paul and Gary retreat back inside the gate and she saw Darla lock the gate closed. She stood and headed for where the van was parked. She stepped up into the open side door and saw John sat at the back smiling at something, more than likely the effectiveness of the new security.


As Abs was driving the van, very slowly under steward escort, back to the crew area Nibs and Sandra both smiled at everyone and then stepped off and headed for the Gallery. Earlier in the evening during their security shift, they had seen Hinita sat with a few other people and they all had Rudeashean drums close by.
As they started to walk towards the Gallery Willoo, Katerina and Doris ran with up a happy Daraus on his length of cord lead. She bent down and made a fuss of Daraus and Daraus gave her a kiss in return. “Willoo can I have the lead, we’re off duty and I want to enjoy the company of my partners.”
“Yeah no problem, can we look after him tomorrow?” asked Katerina.
“Of course you can,” she replied and Willoo handed her the end of the lead. As they walked off Daraus walked at her heel. The three ran off in the direction of Stage 2.
“Hun,” said Sandra.
“Yes darling,” she replied.
“I’m not sure but I think Adrian was in the group we’ve just stopped.”
“What makes you say that?”
The three stopped at one of the traders stalls in the East Trader Zone. She picked up a necklace and asked Sandra, “What do you think?”
“For you or me, I like the cross you wear.”
She smiled and remember how she had gotten it, ‘I want to visit those two, find Tammeria and the others at some point.’ “No I thought for you. I think its suits you.”
Sandra took it and looked at in the mirror and smiled at her partner’s choice it, did suit her.
She smiled at the stall owner who walked over to the pair and asked, “You two with the security crew?”
“Yeah,” she replied and then asked, “How much for the necklace?”
“On the stall, with what you lot did this evening you deserve it. That gang has been the cause of a lot of problems for the local area.”
She noticed the venom the trader used when he was talking about the gang. “Thanks.” She released the catch and placed it around Sandra’s neck and closed the catch. She looked at her partner in the mirror.
“Thank you hun,” said Sandra and gave her a light kiss on the lips.
They both smiled and left continuing towards the gallery. As they passed one of the food vendors on site, Sandra suggested, “Food, I’m hungry.”
“Same here,” she said as her stomach made grumbling sound.
They both stopped and joined the back of the queue. When they got to the front the Skate-park Stage had just start to play and the voice from the singer was high pitched screems rather than actual words or lyrics. Sandra’s arm slipped through hers and the pair passed the marquee. Stood near the back was the stage’s steward, they nodded at him.
He looked back and made the sign of ‘Arh’ to the music and singing. They approached the Gallery and saw Hinita and her two dogs sat on the ground. Sat on a Rudeashean Drum was a tall gent, he was very quietly playing a beat. She looked at him play and realized, ‘I need to play again.’
Hinita stood when she saw the three and walked towards them saying when she was close enough, “What the hell happened earlier?”
“We had an incedent at Gate Two, the power and sound being killed were as a precaution. It’s back though,” she replied.
“Yeah I know. I saw how you looked at James, do you play Nibs?”
“I did a couple of years ago.” She smiled at her saying, “Any sessions tomorrow I could join in on?”
“Yeah James is planning a couple of workshops tomorrow afternoon evening.”
“I’ll be here,” she said. The four then walked into the actual Gallery and browsed the exhibits.


A while later after all the revealers had been cleared from the site, Sandra and her were walking back to the crew area when Sandra stopped and looked out-side the fencing. Sandra said, “Hun look at the person sat there.” She pointed at him.
She looked over and saw the gent sitting there. “I wonder if that’s Adrian, from what you said earlier today I think he could be.”
“I’m surprised he’s sat there and not someplace warm.”
“Some people need space after what happened tonight. We can’t know what was going through his mind during the take down. I can guess but that’s from someone trained in combat.”
The three started to walk again and she said, “I hope he’s going to be alright out there.”
“I would have thought so. I hope he’s got someplace to go as I don’t think he’s going to be coming in here.”
She looked her as if to ask ‘why?’
“Melanine and Griffit.” her face was ‘You should know hun’.
“Oh, yeah I forgot this has been such a great night I forgot that this isn’t run by the Gangrels. You’ll be surprised at how many big events we don’t get to this is my first true festival.”

The three walked back into the crew area and they smiled at everyone who was sat around the fire.
Malla walked in just behind the pair saying as she passed them, “People of the festival we made this evening even with the problems, over three thousand decks which means tomorrow and Sumdar’s taking are profit for next year.”
Everyone around the fire chorused, “Yeah.” Everyone looked very happy at the news.

Chapter 23 — Festival Savraday

Nibs lay in the tent, beside her was Sandra, who like her, had loved the Frodar evening.
“If today is anything like yesterday, then it will be very good,” she said.
“Yeah,” responded Sandra.
She sat up as the front of the tent rustled. “Who is it?”
“Joanna, I’ve got your washing in a bag, I’ll leave it outside the tent.”
“Ok Jo, thanks,” called Sandra.
She grabbed one of the crew tops and slipped it over her head, afterwards she opened the door and brought the bag in. She closed the front and sorted the clean clothes into two piles. She took one of her three clean bras and pants sets and put them on, these were joined by the clean trousers and a clean crew top.
Sandra soon joined her in getting dressed and the pair exited the tent with Daraus on his lead. Damieel handed them both a coffee as they walked towards the fire pit.
Tina was sat looking very contented at things and how the last few weeks had worked out. “Hi you two, have a good evening last night?”
“Great thanks.”
“I wonder what today will bring?” responded Sandra.
“Yeah true,” responded Malla from the kitchen area.
After she had sat down, she asked, “What is the time?”
“07:35,” replied Malla, “I’ve not been to bed yet and I won’t go to bed until effectively Moroth when I’m home and had a bath. I’ll be back Torbar to help break the festival.” She walked out and sat around the still going fire. “I have to admit, this is the first year I’ve been to when we’ve not had to relight the fire at least once. You lot keep some strange hours though. I noticed Sandra sleeping yesterday and you doze as well Nibs.”
“It’s something mum and dad taught both me and Paul when we were little.”
She saw Paul and Gary walk back in from a patrol of the site and Paul placed his hands on Sandra’s shoulders and looked loving at his sister.

Having completed their latest circuit of the site Paul and Gary both walked back into the Crew area and saw Tina, Nibs, and Sandra had all woken.
Joanna then left the toilet and headed for the Crew area.
Paul walked so he was behind his twin sister and looked down at her. She looked up at him and smiled. ‘The only way this could be better is having mum and dad alive,’ he thought. He then looked at his sister’s partner and she was also smiling looking into the fire.
He moved and took the seat beside Sandra and smiled as Damieel walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray with some cups on.
Joanna also sat down and said, “This has been the best festival ever. I’ve never stewarded a festival which has the vibe this one does.”
“What is the vibe?” asked Malla as she walked out from the kitchen carrying a couple of cups. She passed one to Nibs, who nodded ‘thanks’.
“It’s difficult to describe, but I’m feeling as if I am safe and a lot of the punters are enjoying it more this year as well.”
“I’ve had comments in the information tent about the new security system in place. A few people have asked who found the people in black, they are curtious, helpful and very professional. All I do is smile and say, ‘I know, we have to thank one of the past members for the help’.” Malla then took a sip from her cup and asked, “Up until this week I’ve never heard the name Gangrel Street gang, and yet some one said you guys have 1100 plus members, how come?”
Gary was the first to reply, “The simplest reason is that we don’t advertise as other gangs do other than we are all members of the Gith culture. Most of our members come from either families of previous members or the brother or sisters of current members, we also take members from those disadvantaged by society.”
Joanna looked at Gary with a face that asked ‘what’. She asked, “Disadvantaged by society?”

“Yes Joanna,” Sandra replied. “My partner Nibs arrived at the school most of the Vixens attended ten months ago and became the other major street gang at the school favourite target. Rules of the school meant we were unable to intervene as they were also bullying a few other members of the student population, but none to the level of Nibs’ suffering. At that point we only knew her male side. She may have walked out with top marks but that’s due to intelligence and strength of character, but by being bullied she is disadvantaged by the school culture.” She took a mouthful and continued, “As is our way I asked everyone what they thought about us inviting Nibs to join us. Everyone had no problem and so I broke into his place and looked at the person Nibs is, it’s now that I find out she’s is Trans and it’s then I understand the depression she seems to be suffering from.”
She felt the hand of her partner squeeze her hand in an affectionate manner.
“Come the end of exams party to which we invited both Nibs and Tom, one of the other favourite targets, and it’s then we ask her to join the Bitch Vixens, she accepts and here we are now.”
After she had finished Paul said, “When we get home we are planning on asking another member disadvantage by her school, from across the street to us. She lost her mum a couple of years ago, dad is temp worker and some days Bill, her brother, stays off school to look after Damien and any of the other two young ones who is ill. We know she is being bullied as she only joined the school a couple of years ago, and before she was attending Rotork Academy, but due to her mum’s disappearance she had to transfer. She was the PA to the President of the then Rotork and now president of Naban. We’ve met her old school friends from the Rotork Academy, a bunch of stuck up toffs a few weren’t but that was to do with where their families and the culture they grew up in. I know she’s been suffering from depression which I think has gotten to the point where she’s thought about sucide. That would devastate the family.” Paul took mouthful of his drink.
“That is something we as Gangrels do our best to avoid and attempt to stop, before it hits the suffers,” she said. “I like Amy a lot and I know it would devastate me if something bad was to happen. I would start a hunt and go after the reason for it, and in this case it’s a one Abilgail Miller and her friends. A Gangrel on the war path is best avoided.”


After Nibs and Sandra’s first shift of the day, the pair left the crew area after the shift changed and were caught up by Abs and Tina.
Tina asked, “Where you two going?”
“To play some Rudeashean drums,” she replied smiling at the pair.
“You going to join us?” asked Sandra.
“Yeah, why not,” replied Abs.
A few minutes later they arrived at the Gallery and found James and the others just getting ready.
Hinita walked around the back of the small group setting up and asked, looking very happy that Nibs and Sandra had been able to make it. “You going to join us today?”
“Yes I am,” she replied and walked to where a pile of drums were stood. She picked one up and played the three main beat types. She made the face which said, ‘this is well strung’.
She joined the others whilst a few people twirled Poi and other items across the main festival goer’s route-way. One of the small group was twirling a 5ft staff.
After no more than five minutes a few more people had joined the group drumming and James started the workshop. She listened to what James was telling those who had never played before. He started the first beat and after a few minutes the group were playing the base beat and James played the over beats and passed it to Hinita who after a short while passed to her.
Everything Cubaddar had taught her and all the feelings she had felt when she played, returned. She played the over beat for a good thirty seconds then passed it back to James. After a short while he brought the beat to a finish and started a second beat which she knew and matched James beat for beat, response for counter response.
After he had brought that beat to a close he asked, “You know of any beats?”
“Yeah, except I don’t know how easy they will be for everyone as I was taught them by native Rudeashean.”
“Who cares, start slow and we’ll try and pick them up.”
“Ok,” she replied and smiled as she played the first base note and then played the main beat slowly for a good six runs and then when she could see everyone had it she started to get faster. James and Wayne took over playing the backing beat and let her fly.


Inside the Gallery a tall dark skinned gent heard the work shop start and after a couple of beats had finished he heard a traditional beat of the eastern tribe, his tribe. This person knew the beat well, he walked out and saw the drummers playing and behind then were a group of people twirling Poi and other items in time with the beats.
He walked to the end of the semi-circle grabbing himself a chair as he went. Just as he sat down he unslung his drum, taking it from its bag. As the female opposite him hit a response and counter-response section of the beat, James and the others played the counter response they had been taught, except he played the traditional counter-response, the one other tribes and families used to signal they had heard the message.
He looked at each person seeing the experienced ones, he came to rest on the last person in the line, she was the leader of the circle for this beat and passed the lead to him for a while. He played and the intensity of the playing rose to a whole new level. After a good minute he passed it back to her and she brought it to a halt. After it was finished all of the group and others standing around listening clapped the beat and the two leaders.
One of the experienced players said, “That was incredible. You know any good beats that you want to teach us mate?”
“Yeah I have a few,” he said and started to slowly play a beat.


Nibs looked at the new arrival and heard the beat start. She instantly knew the beat as one of the Rudeashean beats she had learnt during her and Cubbadar’s visits to his home tribe. As he played she saw in him the style of the player, a style she had seen only Cubbadar use. She smiled inwardly as one of her friends from her travels was sat opposite her, playing with her without knowing who was opposite him.
After the beat was finished she stood up and walked around the back of the group. She placed the drum where the spares had been and knelt down beside him and asked him in fluent Rudeashean, “Did you know a gent who went by the name Nick Calton?”
“I did know a gent by that name a very fine player and student.”
“Bloody hell, it is, Cubbe, I’m the new and improved Nick or as I am called now, Nibs.”
His eyes opened in surprise and stopped playing the next beat which James had started. “Where the hell is your drum.” He didn’t look very happy at the fact.
“I gave it to Jarrina when I left, I hope she still has it?”
“She does and she still plays her heart out on it. She never said where she got it from.”
She smiled as she remembered Jarrina, she came to the group without a drum and some sessions she wasn’t able to play as all the spares had been taken by other players, but when she did play she was good.
“She wouldn’t have known it was me unless she could recognize the patterns on it, I left it the day of departure at 05:00BN.”
Cubbadar smiled at the present Nick had given a fellow drummer, the drum he had made him, “Why leave it behind?”
“Come and meet some very special people, I know one will very definitely want to meet you.”
Cubbadar stood up and one of the people watching asked him, after some else had picked up the last spare drum, “Can I?” and she indicated she wanted to play.
“Yeah,” replied Cubbadar and handed his drum to her. she sat in the seat he had vacated.
As the pair moved off, she replied, “When I left I never thought I would have the chance to play again and I haven’t until now been in a position to play. Why carry something that you are never going to use again?”
“Yeah, true. You would have had weight issues with moving, and you didn’t move to Suraban from Rudeash?”
She looked over to where Sandra was sitting and saw Daraus laying beside her, he looked asleep. “No, I went to South Aticca and from there to Ne-U-Bar. Then to here and the hell that was the high school I was sent to, but through that I meet my life partners Sandra and Daraus.” She then looked around for Tina and Abs who were a short distance away practicing and learning how to twirl Poi.
When the pair had arrived at where Sandra was sitting she said, “Hun, I want you to meet someone from my past, the guy who taught me how to play Rudeashean Drums and loads of other useful things.” Cubbadar and she sat down and as the sun was strong and quite warm she took out the shades. She said, “Cubbadar meet my partners Sandra and Daraus.”
“Good afternoon miss,” responded Cubbadar. “You’ve lost none of your playing skills.”
“That is a compliment coming from you Cubbadar. How is the rest of the circle?”
Cubbadar said in reply after thinking about it, “The circle is still going strong, my sister says she still thinks of you as one of the nicest foreigners she has known. I also bring a message from the Language 101 teacher you destroyed from the stories I’ve heard. She apologises to you and the class the following week, she took a few days off to recover.”
She remembered some of the swear terms she had used and smiled. “Would you mind taking a message back and you need to take my phone number and email, and I need yours.”
“Damn true,” said Cubbadar as Abs and Tina walked over each carrying a pair of poi.
“Cubbadar meet Tina and Abs, two of the many new friends I have here in Suraban.”
“Hi, Cubbadar. Very interesting name,” asked Abs as she and Tina sat down.
“It’s a traditional Tribal name. I have standard name as well, but I like Cubbadar.”
After fifteen minutes of catching up, Cubbadar, Sandra and her all got up and went back to the circle. Where they started to play.


Nibs and Sandra were stood watching a local rock band play to the audience in the Stage 1 Marquee. The lead gui-dram player was making it sing notes she had only heard from some of her un-heard music collection. She looked around the listeners and saw a female stood near one of the main marquee support poles. She took a closer look at the person and saw tell-tale things that marked people as Trans.
“Stay here hun, I need to check something.” She moved away and walked towards the woman, who was almost dancing to the music. She stood beside her and looked at the person and recognized from her pictures on Trans-Youth as Chloe-Yinst. “Chloe-Yinst?” she asked inquiringly.
Chloe turned and looked at her and went to say something, she then looked away and looked back saying, “Nicki?”
“Yes, I was once called that, I now go by the name Nibola Calton or Nibs to my friends. Come and join me and my partners.” She grabbed her hand and led Chloe to where Sandra was standing smiling at the two.
“Good evening young lady,” said Sandra when they had arrived.
“Hun meet Chloe from Trans-Youth. Chloe meet Sandra and Daraus.”
“Hi,” responded Chloe. “How come? On your profile you said you were trapped by family.”
“That’s my old one, I updated it just under three weeks ago, and I put up a couple of new pictures, one of the new me, and a second of Sandra and me. Hun we need to get a new one of all three of us.” She indicated she meant Daraus as well.
“I’ve been kind of busy, looking after mum and my younger brother. They are thankfully away for a few days which has given me the break I needed. Seeing your post about here gave me the incentive to come.”
“And it’s good that you did, the more trans people who come out the better it is for everyone,” said Sandra.
Tina, Abs and Cubbadar walked into the tent carrying a couple of trays of burgers and drinks.
“I think outside and enjoy the sun,” suggested Abs.
“Yeah, why not,” she said.
The group walked out and found a spot where they could see the stage. “Guys meet Chloe a friend from Trans-Youth. Chloe meet Tina a fellow trans woman, Abs her partner and Cubbadar a friend of mine from Rudeash.”
“The pleasure is all mine, miss,” responded Cubbadar.
This made Chloe blush a deep crimson and look away in embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed hun,” said Tina, “Cubbadar put into words what I know I was thinking and I’m certain Abs was thinking similar.”
“May I say from a genetic woman’s perspective you look good in that dress, it suits you,” said Abs.
“Not even my trans friends say things like that,” responded Chloe and she blushed again.
“Hun, I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for these people. You being here is excellent before I went full time I thought I would never meet the people I chat to. Since coming out, I’ve met Tracy, Robert and Fiona a few weeks ago, at Dark Zone Youth Centre.”
“Yeah I know those guys, they said they would try and make this evening and tomorrow,” replied Chloe smiling and looking very happy.
“Food,” said Abs and handed covered warm boxes to Sandra and her. Cubbadar then passed around the drinks
“It will be good to see them again,” said Tina.
“Yeah that’s true,” she said and she then took a mouthful as a gent walked out of the tent looking for someone and walked towards the group.
“Chloe, you said you wouldn’t move.” Haben-pride sat down beside Chloe and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Sorry, I met a friend from the Young Trans site. Nibs meet Haben-pride.”
She looked at him and smiled, “We’ve already met.”
“How?” enquired Chloe expecting an answer.
“Remember I volunteer as a steward and crew for the festival,” replied Haben-pride.
“Yeah I’ve busy until today.”
“Meet four members of the festival security team.”
Chloe stared in shock at Haben-pride and slowly turned and stared at Nibs. “I never took you for being security personal.”
All four girls smiled at Chloe. “You need to read mine and Tina’s profiles, we all are members of the Gangrel Street Gang. I joined when I went full time and haven’t looked back since.”
“I definitely would have never taken you for even thinking about street gangs or anything to do with the street culture Nibs. You never struck me as being that way inclined.”
“The time when you and me chatted Chloe, a lot of it was the depression talking. I’m a full Street Ghost and have been for almost seven months, I know people like Damien Ruthouse and Tiamus.”
Now it was Haben-pride turn to stare at Nibs. “How?” he asked. “Those two are names at the top of their game. I’m listed as an associate and I will remain one until I am ready to become a full. John has already said he is willing to be my sponsor.”
She then told Haben-pride and Chloe how she met Damien and Tiamus.
At the end of the tale she said, “We have a security shift to get ready for.”
“True and I have a stewarding shift to get ready for.” Everyone got up and looked at Chloe sat on the grass. Haben-pride said to her, “You coming hun?”
Chloe looked up at everyone and said, “Oh sorry.” She then stood up and grabbed Haben-pride’s hand and the group walked back around Stage 1 to the Crew area and their shifts.


After the steward and security briefing for the last shift finished Haben-pride, Chloe, Vartoughi-rose Sandra and Nibs all walked out as a roving team. Vartoughi-rose was six foot three inches tall and towered over the rest of the group. She came from Hipotite and her Basic was not brilliant, but she knew Deebinian pretty well. Chloe and Haben-pride were hand in hand as was Sandra and her. Stage 1 was undergoing a band change and so was playing random music tracks from a DD player.
Tim was standing in the entrance to Beer Tent 1 in his left hand was a plastic glass of what ever beer the bar was selling and a burger was in the other. He smiled and nodded at the group as they walked past. Sandra and she both nodded a reply, their faces were ones of joy and happiness.
She said, “I don’t know what could be better, I’m here with my partners and a friend from the one place that has kept me sane over the past ten months the last three weeks I’m not including and have the possibility of meeting more.”
“Not much,” said Chloe. “I’m trying to work out what has changed in you, you were always a good ear in the room, a person a lot of us turned to for someone to shout and rant at. The advice you gave, gave a lot of us a boost especially in my case and a kick up the arse in Tracy’s case.”
She looked questionally at Chloe.
“What you don’t know?”
“No, this is the first I’ve heard of me giving Tracy a kick.”
“Yeah, not actually in the chat room, when you met her at Dark Zone. If she gets here tonight I think you’re see what I mean.”
Nibs broke away from Sandra and walked towards the Gallery. James sitting out side tensioning a drum. “James.”
James looked up and replied, “Yes Nibs.”
“Your choice, pick me two drums and set them aside I’ll pay for them tomorrow after I’ve been to a cash point.”
“Ok.” James smiled. “Bring me 20decks for each, and play with me Wayne and a couple of others when the fire show is on.”
“Done, I’ll make sure Cubbadar is also there.”
James smiled at her statement.
“I’ll pick them up later, I want them for tonight in the crew area.”
“Yeah, I’m going to be there as well.”
She left James and caught the group up as they passed the Skate board stage and the Huntress cover band that was playing.
As they approached Gate 4 Ruth who was that Gate’s security saw them and smiled. She walked over to them and said quietly to her, “I know I saw Adrian earlier today, and I swear he left with a couple of people dressed in similar fashions.”
“Thanks,” she replied. “Sandra and I saw him last night after the festival closed sat on one of the mounds and we know he slept there last night.”
“Well I hope he’s ok now.”
She smiled at her saying, “If he did then I think he will be safe and brought back to the straight and narrow.”
The group moved on from the gate and entered Traders Zone 2. In the large arena that separated Trader Zone 1 from Zone 2 was a judging workshop. They saw Tina and Abs watching, they both had wrapped the pair of poi around their waists and tucking the ends into the trousers. Most of the stalls were open and they seemed to be doing a good trade as most had quite a few people in them.
“Remind me hun, I want one of the skirts from here as a memory reminder.”
“I thought you had an eidetic memory.”
“For conversations, involving me hun. I remember everything else in the same way as everyone else.”
Sandra’s face looked as if she was going to say something but she said nothing. As they walked through the Zone they came upon the second Beer tent and the entry to the Chill Out Zone. People were streaming through the massive archway coming in from Gate 3, the second main gate. Walking down the path that had been made by the people walked Fiona, Robert, Alli and a couple of new faces.
She tapped Chloe on the shoulder and pointed to them. She bounced up and down really happy they had made it and she walked towards them.
One of the two security men working the beer tent walked over and said, “Nice take down last night.”
“Thanks, not to excessive I hope.”
“No the boss says thanks as well, he’s been having trouble from the gang and I think the take down removed the head of the gang,”
Nibs smiled at the news, and thought ‘I need to contact Peter about what happened to the guys they took away.’
Chloe walked back with the group of five and then she realized one of the two new faces was Tracy, she was now very Gith as was Alli in appearance. Fiona was wearing her usual style of clothing mini skirts, revealing top and a pair of low heeled court shoes her hair was in a pair of bunches and her make up was not to heavy, but you knew she was after something else. Robert was wearing a pair of jeans, a baggy t-shirt, and a pair of walking boots. Alli and Tracy were Giths, plain and simple, they both were wearing dark green long flowing skirts, and a top that hinted at what was below. The last girl was in general everyday wear of a pair of feminine light weights and a top, her shoes were a pair of flats.
“Nibs,” said Alli happy to see her friend. “This is a surprise I thought you lived over South Central?”
“Yeah I do, but Tina comes from this area and her mum and dad use to volunteer here. We saw an advert that reminded her about it. Friends allow me to introduce my life partners Sandra and Daraus.”
Sandra walked over and said, “Hi friends.”
“Hun, meet Tracy, her partner Alli, Robert and Fiona and a new person?”
“Yes, meet Jackie, this is her first time out,” said Alli.
“Hun, if you want to stay and chat, I can wander this area and meet you back here, Abs and Tina aren’t too far away as her come Dan and Leia.”
She looked at the route Tina and Abs were walking and saw Leia and Dan both heading towards the chill out zone. From behind then appeared Abs and then she saw Tina leaving one of the trader stalls. “Oh, yes, I can see them now. Ok, chat to you in a bit then.”
Tracy opened her eyes in happiness at the news that Tina was also near by.
“Yes, very nice Tracy,” she said looking Tracy up and down.
“Thank you,” replied Tracy. “Meeting you and Tina that evening and then chatting to Tybias, Simon and Sarah told me where I should be and I now live as a member of the local Gith community.”
She smiled at the news as clockwise security patrol walked up. Tina saw the group, “Hello, I never expected to see you lot here.”
“Snap,” responded Tracy.
“No Chloe lives in the area and told the room one evening about it. Alli and Robert saw some adverts and here we are.”
“Friends, meet Abs my partner.”
“Hi Abs,” said Fiona.
She saw Jackie at the back trying not be noticed and she said, “Don’t try and hide Jackie, Tina, Abs, meet Jackie this is her first time out.”
“That is good to hear,” responded Tina as she looked at Jackie stood just behind Robert, who moved aside to reveal Jackie who was blushing a crimson.
“Young lady, may I say you look lovely in that,” said Abs.
“Thank you,” came Jackie’s quiet reply.
“Just because I have good hearing doesn’t mean people can talk quietly around me,” responded Abs smiling. “Don’t be frightened, Tina and, I’m not sure with you Nibs, suffered the same nerves the first time out. Does your mum and dad know about you?”
“No, I had to change at Roberts before coming here,” replied Jackie as Sandra, Haben-pride and Vartoughi-rose returned to the arch-way.
Haben-pride walked around the group and grabbed Chloe around the waist and smiled at her friends. He then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Very nice,” responded Fiona to the kiss.
“Lucky you Chloe,” said Tracy.
“Thanks guys,” said Chloe. She then gave Haden-pride a kiss in reply.
“We will see you around, but I think we have some patrolling to do,” she said and the group departed the area.

As the group departed Sandra whispered in Jackie’s ear, “You look beautiful, if you get any trouble from the people here, find the nearest person wearing a high-viz and get them to contact Sandra or Nibs.”
She saw Jackie smile as she left arm in arm with Nibs.


Stood out side the Stage 1 marquee were Nibs, Sandra and Daraus, Haden-Pride, Vartoughi-rose, Frank, Elle and Jenni were moving the festival goers out of the marquee. Celia had already buzzed the pair with her fluffy duster. This made Nibs quietly chuckle as it just seen natural that this person with a fluffy duster would just come up to you and give you a dusting almost.
Stood to the side of the marquee was a couple of gents a little worse the wear for alcohol consumption and Frank asked them move towards the exit. Nibs focused in on the conversation between the three.
“Would you please move towards the exit, there’s going to be no more music tonight mates time to go home.”
“There’s always going to be more music if we say so,” responded one, then saying, “Come on where’s the next band.”
“There’s no more bands mate, you have to leave the site,” said Frank and one tried to move around him towards the stage, where the Kim and Liam was finishing removing the last bands equipment.
Nibs moved in one motion towards Frank and was soon standing beside him blocking one of the pair whilst the other was blocked by Frank. “Would the gents please like to move towards the exit, it’s time for you two to go home and go to sleep I think. We have more music and events happening tomorrow.”
The gent who was in front of her swung his fist at her head. She saw the attack and moved her head out of the way. “Sir with the amount of alcohol you have consumed this evening and I’m had none all weekend, it wouldn’t be much of a fight and you would ‘be’ heading for the exit.”
The pair then slowly started to move towards the main gate, a short while later they bumped into some friends and got their second wind. The group headed for the main gate. She then pulled back and had Sandra and Daraus join her. Haden-pride also pulled back as there were quite a few stewards now moving the last remnants towards the exits. Stood at the main gate was Gary and Paul when the last of the people had left they closed and secured the gate.
They joined Nibs, Sandra, Daraus and Haden as they walked back towards the crew area.
“Today has been brilliant,” said Gary, “I’ve never enjoyed myself so much.”
“I know, man the music alone was more than I expected. I wish I had known about festivals a few years ago,” said Paul.
They walked back in and found Chloe, with Malla and a few other crew and stewards sat around the fire dish, enjoying the after day chill.

Chloe said to her, “Thank you for being you.”
“Anytime hun,” she replied. “After we got back the first time I went and found them watching James at the Gallery. I know Hinita was chatting to Jackie.”
“That’s good to hear,” she said and took a sip from the cup of Chai she was holding. The heat from the cup and the fire was warming her nicely.
“One thing I do know, they are all coming back tomorrow.”
She smiled at the news and the fact she was sitting here with friends both new and old in the form of Cubbadar. “Hun, where’s Cubbadar?”
“I think I saw him in the Gallery chatting to James and Wayne.”
Cubbadar along with James and Hinita walked back in, both Ruth and Dan had Gui-drams beside them. Cubbadar sat beside Chloe and asked, “How have you found today miss?”
“I have loved this evening. I’ve meet so many nice people, Haden-pride had said the festival was an excellent place to make new friends. He said they accept all as people not societal norms. Then to meet Nibs a friend and I may say confidant in my case was too good to be true. The traders say the female of things rather than the male which I may say is the way I see myself some days, but that’s due to my skills with make-up.”
“Now that is something I think people here and I would say Fiona would be more than willing to help you correct.”
Sandra walked back from the toilet and sat beside her.
She asked Sandra, “How much make-up have we got here hun?”
“A bit, why?”
“Tomorrow is ‘Ladies Day’ and Chloe has admitted she’s not that good at make-up.”
“Yes I see,” replied Sandra. “I think the canvas that is Chloe will look her best tomorrow, you staying on site tonight hun?”
“No,” replied Chloe.
“Get here as early as you can as a few of us are going to be wearing the same traditional Gangrel make-up.”

Chapter 24

Sumdar 08:00BN
Sat around the fire was Nibs, Malla, Celia and Ruth. Sandra, Daraus and Tina had taken the 07:30 patrol. They had probably stopped to chat as some of the cafés and eateries had arrived in the main car-park and had carried supplies across the field. The pair walked back into the crew area carrying a couple of large bags of rolls.
“A present from the Bower Café,” said Tina.
“That’s good of them,” Nibs said and she lent forward and stirred the fire back into life. She stood up and walked to the pile of wood beside the kitchen. The pile was not that big and could do with restocking. She bent down and picked up a couple of timber blocks and a couple of planks. She returned to her seat placing the planks over the few flames and the blocks beside the fire pit. “We need to restock the wood pile today.”
“Do that when Dan gets up,” said Malla.
Into the Crew area walked a happy Chloe and Haden-pride followed her in. “Good morning campers and friends.”
“Good morning Chloe,” she replied and Daraus walked in from playing with Himms and Maelstrum as they came in ahead of Hinita and Brain, both of them had slept in the Gallery as security for the exhibits.
“Good morning,” said Hinita as she sat down. “Creator do I hate the early mornings.”
“It was quite nice this morning seeing the sun come up,” said Sandra.
“I don’t mind seeing the sun up, but I then go to bed,” replied Hinita.
“Arh, ok,” said Sandra then she picked up the full kettle and hung it on the hook over the fire.


Celia and Nibs returned to the main car-park after collecting Celia van’s worth of wood from a local building site, Dan was a steel fabricator at. After Celia had parked up close to the gate in, she climbed out and opened the side door. She grabbed a couple of the large pallets and after she had opened the harris fencing she carried them to the crew area and dropped them against then outside fence.
She turned around and saw Sandra was working on Chloe’s make-up for Ladies Day. As she had walked in she had seen a couple of the crew wearing long dresses that if they had tits looked good on them.
Cubbadar walked in wearing his traditional tribal clothes and over his shoulder was his drum. “Good morning Nibs,” said Cubbadar and then, “Good morning Malla, Sandra, Chloe.”
“Morning Cubbadar,” said Malla as she walked out of the kitchen. “Oh, your back, that was quick.”
“Yeah the wood was already piled and prepared.”
“Dan’s work is good for that,” said Celia as she carried an armful of off cut shoring and similar.
Paul and Gary both walked in and Gary headed for his tent and grabbed his head band.
“I’ll say this,” said Paul, “some of the outfits and dresses are fun and very imaginative.”
“From what I have seen I know,” she said as she headed out of the crew area. She was hoping the stall where she wanted to buy her reminder dress from was open.
A few minutes later she saw the front up and the owner was placing racks and clothes rails outside. “Good morning,” she said as she approached and saw the skirt she wanted. Just behind it was the exact opposite of the one she wanted.
The owner’s wife came out from a caravan at the back of the stall and walked to where she was standing looking at the two skirts. “Can I help?”
“Yes. No, I’ll take both thanks.”
The owner walked back in and said, “Give us thirty for the pair and I’ll throw in a couple of tops for an extra ten.”
“Done. Now to choose the right tops.”
“That is easy,” said the wife and she led her to a rack where similar tops to the skirts were hung up. “Here you go, the prefect two, and if this sun holds we are going to be in for a good afternoon and evening.”
“I hope so, it looks like the stalls and crew are getting into the mood for ‘Ladies Day’.” She took out forty decks and handed it to her and left carrying the two skirts and two tops.
As she walked back she saw James and Cubbadar sat outside the Gallery chatting and enjoying the sun. She headed for the pair and said, “Morning James.” She took out her wallet taking forty decks out and handing that to James.
James took the money and smiled asking, “You going to join the workshops this afternoon?”
“I will if I can. We are planning on entering Daraus in the dog show and team two have the security shift this afternoon.”
“Arh, ok, we hope to see then,” said James.
As she turned and walked away James asked Cubbadar, “Are you in a position to have a visitor after the summer is over. I’m planning on touring both Afrradal and Olliath to learn some new beats.”
She returned to the crew area and saw Chloe was sat around the fire pit in a long, very pretty skirt and top that you could see cleavage, but it was subtle. She took a good look the her chest and realised they were forms and not natural. The make-up Chloe was wearing was subtle and without knowing she was trans it would be difficult to tell. Sandra had done an excellent job of doing her make-up. She saw Sandra backing out of the tent. “Hun I have a surprise for you.”
Sandra’s eyes lit up and she stood waiting for her surprise.
She took out of the bag the skirt and top combination. She looked at it and said. “That’s yours isn’t it?”
“No, they had the exact opposite skirt behind the one I wanted, which is also in the bag with a similar top.”
“Thank you hunny,” said Sandra looking very happy. “We’ve done Chloe’s make-up for the day, your next hun.”
“Right then shall we.” She followed Sandra after taking her small make-up bag from the inner tent. “You did a good on Chloe’s make-up. If you didn’t know she was trans I would have said she was a real girl.”
“Thank Tina for the base, I hate doing that bit. I excel at the finishing touches, I’m doing simple Gangrel make-up today for the two of us. Abs and Tina I think are doing the same.”
After thirty minutes sitting in the chair in front of three small mirrors she was finished. Sandra and her then disappeared and changed into the festival skirts and tops. She came out first and walked to the seat beside Chloe. “That is a nice skirt and top,” she said.
“Thanks Nibs,” replied Chloe looking very happy, “Big Malla has already committed on it too and you look very festival in that.”
“Thank you, I feel in a festival mood,” she said.
Sandra soon exited the tent and did the front up, she joined her and Chloe around the fire.
Big Malla came out of the kitchen area carrying a tray on which were four mugs all of them steaming with freshly made hot Chai. She passed each a cup and the sat down as well.
“Where’s Daraus?” she asked Sandra.
“Tina, Abs, Willoo, and Katterina took him for a walk, hopefully he will be good for the dog show.”
“We can but hope,” she said and took a sip from the cup. She smiled when the sweet spices and flavours of Big Malla’s Chai slipped down her throat. “Malla I need your receipt, I love this Chai.”
Malla smiled in reply saying, “Ok, on one condition you lot come next year and each year after that or provide us with as good a security setup.”
“The best answer we can give is we’ll try. I never got the figures for yesterday’s takings?”
“Ask Vee, I’ve not even been told them either, but from her face as she left to go home with the evening’s takings, was very much one of happiness.”
“And that happiness is cause we took yesterday over 15,000 decks, that has paid for next year.”
Malla smiled a big smile, “At last we are self sufficient and today’s money is profit to be ploughed into the local community.”
Vee walked to the fire pit and sat down, happily smiling at the news. “The money aside, this year has had a different vibe to the festival. Everyone is having a lot more fun.”
“Don’t know, I’ve had comments from the festival goers and they have said they feel safer this year than they have over the past few years. To be honest it’s you guys that have had that effect, some have asked you who guys are and if they can employ you to security their events.”
Sandra put her cup on the ground and said, “Damn I wish we had known, we could have put together a display of things, and probably brought in a couple of people to be a front end for us.” After a few seconds of thinking Sandra said, “Can you remember who asked you?”
“No,” replied Malla.
“Ok. Tell you what, I’ll give you commands number and get the people to ring then, it’s the best people to enquire off.”


Team two and the steward shift that would be working with them were in the steward area being briefed by John and Nibs. At the end of the briefing John said, “Have fun out there and remember the security teams and people are there as a detraint to those who like to thief or blag.”
Sat in the stewards were Alli and Robert, as both were old enough to volunteer. Sat beside Alli was Tracy and Chloe was with Haden, Jackie and Fiona were stood at the back with Tina and Abs. Jackie was in a long straight velvet material dress, Tracy had lent it to her along with the top she was wearing as the outfit she had on yesterday evening was her only one, other than odd assortment of other clothes.
Jackie suddenly said, “Tina, I think mum and dad would be ok with me being Jackie, but I think they need to see more adult members rather than Tracy or Fiona.”
“No problem hun, either me or Nibs would be more than happy to.”
“Thanks, when Tracy and Alli persuaded me to come out they will tell you I was scared as hell about it, but Robert said he would be my chaperone.”
Tina smiled saying, “And now you’re here?”
“I love it, I’m still a little scared of talking to people, but I think that will go when I get more practice.”
“Tina, do you know who did Chloe’s make-up it’s excellent,” asked Jackie.
“Yes, me and Sandra,” she replied. She looked at the make-up Jackie had on now and she asked, “May I ask who did yours this morning?”
“Most of it I did, Tracy finished it off for me.”
Sandra and Nibs both walked over after the briefing was over smiling Alli and Robert were on roving patrol with Tina and Abs, Haden and Keeley would be with Nibs and Sandra. Vartoughi-rose hadn’t been able to get the time off her job at the local hypermarket to help on the day shifts.
“We have thirty minutes before the gates open, I think a last patrol before we open, you know you two will be the only security on patrol whilst the Dog Show is on.”
“Yes Nibs we do,” she said, “Sandra, when we get back from the first patrol have a go at Jackie’s make-up.”
Sandra looked at the make-up Jackie had on and nodded. “Yes, I think we can do something here.”
The group turned and walked out of the Steward’s Area and into the main area of the festival.
Sandra asked, “Which way?”
“If you don’t mind I think we’ll go that way,” said Abs. She was pointing towards the Gallery.
“No problem at all,” replied Nibs and then her group headed off in the direction of the Theatre.
Tina’s group turned and started to walk towards the Gallery.
“I have a question Tina, Abs. How would I go about joining the Gangrels?” asked Jackie
“The best way for those not disadvantage by society would be to find the nearest one to you and go and ask,” she replied.
As the group walked the traders were putting the finishing touches to their stalls the beer tent had been open for about thirty minutes. Even the staff behind the bar looked like they were getting into the spirit on things. The head bouncer was standing at the entrance and nodded hello at the group as they passed.
As the group moved away from the Beer Tent Alli said, “That bouncer is an arrogant son of a … I swear when he’s working the door he personally touch searches the older female teenagers through the door of the Club I and a lot of the local Gith community use, it’s also used by others.”
“In what way?” asked Abs looking concerned at what Alli was saying.
“I don’t know, but I swear he gets turned on as from about 13:00 onwards he always chatting to the girls he seemed to take special attention of, once I saw he almost have one guy thrown out because he was chatting to one pretty blond girl. I left very near the end of the night and she was sat at the far end of the bar, not even thinking of leaving. I found out outside she was the 15 side of 16, she looked 18, 19 in her short mini and all the rest of the slut look, no offence to Fiona, but that is the only way to describe her.”
“Sounds like someone the local Gangrels should be looking at. Do you think he knew her age?” asked Abs as James, Hinita, and Cubbadar were all sat outside the Gallery. Brain walked out and joined them in sitting outside, the sun was beating down, hot but not too hot, there was also a light breeze blowing which kept the heat and sun stroke victims down, as the previous day the first aiders had been run off their feet with people who had had to much sun.
“This has been the best weekend I’ve had. Meeting you guys, the traders, a couple have apologised to me when they have made a mistake. I think Robert or Alli have pulled them up on it.”
“That is good to here,” responded Abs, “We were very lucky in being Giths, and to society Giths are strange and so we were able to get away with it. I think it was three months.”
“No six months before I got rid of the facial hair, they Gangrels do care for their members. I’m under a Gender re-assignment specialist, but at the moment I’m leaving things as they are and when and if I do decide to have the op, it’s a four week wait and I’m under the knife.”
“That’s nice to hear,” said Fiona as the Skate Board stage was gearing up.
Stood in the entrance way was For-un who smiled at the group as they approached.
When they had approached she asked, “No problems last night?”
“No, just waiting on the first band to arrive and the Skaterz Display Team are ready to start the workshop and displays. So we’re pretty much set for the day.”
Jackie looked upset as they moved away. “What’s up hun?” she asked.
“I wish I had my trousers here, I use to blade and I know the Skaterz Display Team have a very good Blade Team. I think two of the world’s best Extreme Sportz Bladers come from the Skaterz Blade Team.”
“You every done it in competions?” asked Alli sounding interested.
Jackie replied, “No I was never that good, it was more a method of getting me around and keeping me fit.”
Kim walked over from EMU Gate 8 and smiled at them. “You wouldn’t mind waiting here whilst I do something?”
“No, it’s what we ate suppose to do,” said Alli.
Kim disappeared towards the toilet block.


Nibs, Sandra, Haden, Keeley, Chloe and Fiona walked through the Traders Zone they approached the small craft zone.
The zone was small as only three craftsman had come to this years festival. One of the three was a leather worker who was sat out under his work awing working a strip of leather. The second was a traditional joiner and sat outside was a few of the items she had made. The third was a tailor a couple of manikins had her wears on.
She said, “I’ll catch you up I need to pick something up.”
“Ok, hun,” replied Sandra.
She walked to where the leather crafter was working, she smiled at him as he looked up and saw her approach. He stood up and turned towards a table alongside his live in van.
She stood on the edge of the awing and awaited his approach.
“Arh Miss, there you are,” said the gent, he picked up what she had come to collect and pay for.
She took out her wallet and took out the 50decks they had agreed on, on Frodar evening. She looked around the work area and saw the work he was working on and the tool that sat beside it. ‘That’s how they do it,’ she thought as the blunt ended piece of wood and damp leather, ‘Then edge the design.’
The gent walk over carrying her two short staves fitted to a pair of holders that would hang down beside her legs and be looped over the utility belt she wore.
She asked, “The edging tool you are using, where would I get one from?”
“Any good leather suppliers.”


Sandra, Nibs, Haden, Keeley, Chloe and Fiona all walked back in just ahead of Tina’s group. Sandra waited for the other group and as they approached she had a good look at Jackie’s face and thought, ‘I think simple and bring out her eyes, they have a real piercing quality to them.’ As they walked in she guided Jackie to the seat set up in front of three mirrors.
Tina followed and said to the pair, “Back in a sec. Jackie, clean off all the make you have on now and begin to work a good amount of moisturizer in.”
“Ok,” replied Jackie as she sat down and Sandra passed the cleansing pads to her.
“I leave the initial stages of the work to Tina. That part I find hard, and she has an eye for where you will need covering,” she said as Tina, Fiona and Tracy walked back.
Fiona and Tracy both sat and watched the transformation.
Tina looked over the various make-up items and selected a light concealer and started to apply it after the moisturizer had been worked in.

Twenty minutes later Jackie sat around the fire with a new look to her face and the knowledge of how to do it herself. She turned and looked at Tracy getting sorted and she hoped learning from true experts.

After Nibs and Abs had arrived back at the crew area, Tracy was sat with Jackie smiling, laughing and chatting about something. She walked to the front of her tent and grabbed her cup. She turned and headed for the kitchen opening the urn of Chai. She saw it was about half full so she poured herself a drink. As she walked out Sandra indicated by making a T sign with her hands that she wanted a drink. She walked to the front of the tent taking Sandra’s mug and filling it with Chai. She took it to Sandra and saw Fiona’s new look. “Now that’s different.” As the very subdued but revealing of beauty make up brought out features that the look she had used covered before.
“Yeah, when Fiona removed the make-up she had on I saw a beauty in the face that is I would say only enhanced by what we have done,” said Sandra.
“Very much so hun, here, your chai,” she said.
“I think I need to look seriously at my wardrobe,” said Fiona, “I so feel like a classy woman, rather than the slut I thought I was,”
She turned around and returned to the fit pit joining the rest of the group. Tina walked over as it was all now up to Sandra’s skill in the finishing touches.
“Tina, how many belt holsters do we have in the van, the shoulder holster rig is beginning to chafe a bit?”
“I think we have ten, generic fabric ones and five leg holsters.”
She got up and started towards the vans. She stopped, turned and asked, “Which one?”
“White, lower left rear, I think. That’s where they are I remember seeing them as I went rummaging for the fat-blade,” said Abs
She walked to the white van and slide the side door open. She climbed in, turned heading down towards the back. She stopped and stouped opening the cupboard where the holsters were. She found the fabric holsters and magazine pouch. She took a set and closed the door, returning to her seat. She slipped her Delt 357 out and slotted it home into the belt holster. She fitted it just behind the left leg short stave holder.
“Hey, they look new Nibs?” asked Tina.
“Yeah, the leather-worker in the Craft Area made them for me yesterday, I’ve just picked them up,” she said.
“We’ve also got rid of a complete hide, he’s going to be around later to take a look at that we have,” said Abs.
“That’s a point, has Hinita seen you Abs about some skins for the drums?”
“No she’s not yet, I’ll catch her next patrol.”
Fiona stood up and joined the friends around the Fire Pit.
She said when Fiona had sat down, “Ladies and gents shall we go and spend the afternoon and evening enjoying the festival.”
“Yeah,” said some of the friends and they stood up whilst she put more wood onto the fire.


Tina, Abs, Alli, Tracy, Robert, Fiona and Jackie were slowly walking the security route whilst Nibs and Sandra got ready for the dog show.
The group slowly walked up passed the Skate Board Stage and the Bladers Team were performing a display in the skate board park. Stood behind the fencing were a small crowd, at one end was a husband, wife and younger child. Jackie saw them and went very pale indeed and had to stop.
She turned looking quite concerned and saw Jackie’s face and asked, “What’s up?”
“My mum, dad, and brother is stood watching the Bladers.”
“Arh,” she responded. “Well it makes things a bit more interesting then. I don’t know what you look like in male mood but I doubt they will be able to recognize you, and if they do then we cross the bridge about them having a chat with us. I do think Nibs and Sandra would be better for it as she has known you a lot longer than I have.”
The group walked over to the railing and Tina and Abs stood between Jackie and her parents.
Jackie’s dad said to one of the guys leaning against the inside of the railings, “I wish Adam was here, he would love to watched you guys go.”
“Why, is he a bit of a blader then?”
“Yeah, he has a pair and uses them, but I don’t think he’s ever gone near a skateboard park.”
“Tell him, we run afternoon and evening sessions here at the weekends through out the summer and we are also organising a trip to the World Extreme Games Championships when it happens in Echo County.”
“Ok, thanks,” said Jackie’s dad.
Tina and Abs both turned and ushered the rest of the group away.
“Remember what your dad said, he saw you watching them,” said Abs.
“See he didn’t recognize you,” she said.


Nibs and Sandra walked to where Stephanine was registering dogs and their owners for the Dog show.
Stephanine saw them join the back of the queue and when they arrived at her she said, “All-ready registered. I did that earlier.”
“Thanks, Abs and Tina are patrolling we’re on communications though,” Nibs said. Stephanine turned to one of her helpers and handed him the clipboard she was carrying and walked with the pair to an empty area where they all sat down.
“Thank you for coming,” said Stephanine. “I honestly don’t know what we would have done without you on Frodar.”
“Thanks. Thank Tina and her family more than the rest of us,” she said. “She suggested coming.”
After waiting for thirty minutes for the start of the Dog Show whilst the final entrants and the the obstacle course was set up inside the arena.

Daraus walked at Sandra’s heel into the arena the obstacles were setup ready for him. He looked around at the people watching and the human inside him thought, ‘Lets try and win this for my friends.’
Sandra led him to the see-saw and stood at the middle and said, “Come on Daraus. Come to me.”
He padded to her, sat down and looked up at her. Sandra bent down and picked him up. Sandra walked back to the start of the obstacle. Sandra said, “Up the slope Daraus. You know exactly what I want.”
‘Yeah of course I do Sandra, I’m having some fun and making a lot of people laugh.’
This time when Sandra had returned to the middle he walked to the exact middle and made the whole balance go horizontal with the floor. He just sat there looking up at her. Sandra moved towards the opposite end to the one he started on and he jumped down and followed her, to the laughter of the crowd, including Nibs.
Sandra looked at him and looked as if what had given up on the balance and they walked to the next obstacle which was a small jump except the area beneath the bar was open. He walked right underneath it and smiled at Sandra as if he had been a good boy.
“Daraus follow me.” Sandra walked round to the other side and stepped over the bar. He followed and again he walked right under the bar. “Not under, over, jump over the bar Daraus.”
The rest of the course was the same, he did the opposite to what Sandra wanted him to do.
At the end of the course he got 4.5 from one judge, 4.6 from a second and a 5 from the third judge, which gave a respectable score of 14.1.

After they had finished it and left the arena Nibs bent down and made a big fuss of Daraus which got the resultant lick in reply.

After all the other entrants had completed Daraus got third place behind a couple of incredibly funny dogs and owners, but he only lost first place by 0.3 so the partners weren’t too unhappy by that. Then the next competition was ‘Find your owner’, they hadn’t entered Daraus in that one, but seeing the dogs trying to find the owner was hilarious and had Sandra in stitches laughing. The last event was the Festival king and queen. Nibs just walked Daraus around the six judges; who after a bit of consultation wrote the scores down. At the end of the competition the scores were announced and Daraus was voted the king of the Festival just ahead of a brown-coloured long-haired lapdog. The queen was a short haired mountain rescue bitch.


After the Security shift had finished Nibs, Sandra and Daraus were walking towards the theatre as it had a open comedy stage during the changeovers. Tina caught them up and asked, “Nibs, Sandra, would it be possible for you to have a chat with Jackie’s parents, they are here now in the acoustic tent.”
“Where’s Jackie?” she asked.
“She’s in the tent with Alli, Tracy and Fiona. Last I saw was Haden and Chloe were heading that way, Dan and Ruth are about to do a fifteen minute set.”
Sandra looked at her and the group changed direction heading for the Acoustic tent and the café located inside.
When they had arrived the previous three piece were just coming off as Sandra, Tina and her walked in they saw Dan and Ruth nod, and she returned the greeting. Jackie was sat opposite the café area. Tracy and Fiona, who was sat with a gent not much older than she was, except he was a Gith. The three walked towards them.
She knelt done beside Jackie and asked, “Which three are your mum, dad and brother?”
“That group.” She pointed to the group sat over in the lounge section.
“Shall we then?” she asked Jackie.
Alli and Tracy both said, “Good luck hun.”
Fiona then said, “If they don’t you always have us.”
The pair of them walked towards the family group Jackie knelt down and said to the three, “Dad do you remember standing watching the Bladers perform you said ‘I wish Adam was here, he would love to have watched you guys go’?”
“Yes,” replied Jackie’s dad, “I do remember.”
“Well Adam did as me.”
Jackie’s mum looked at her and said after a few seconds, “Is that really you Adam under there?”
“Yes it is mum,” replied Jackie. “I’ve wanted to tell you about the real me, but I’ve never had the friends or the confidence to do so. I asked that one of my friends and confidents from the young Trans net site I use to.”
“Provide you with moral support. Please have a seat, I’m David, this is Maurice and our son Oliver.”
The pleasure is all mine, I’m Nibola Calton, also known as Nibs.” She sat down along with Jackie. “You probably have hundreds of questions.”
“Yes and the first is yourself, how do you define?” asked David.
“I define as a full time trans woman and have been for the last three weeks, before then I was a three major high school student and the target of the schools bullies. Lets just say ‘bullies should look out for the reply punch’.”
As she chatted she was also watching the happenings on stage. Dan sat down and plugged in his Gui-Dram and made sure the cable was tucked away and not likely to come out by accident.
“That I know all too well, I’m a city security officer, I work as a plain clothes detective working from the security office on the borders of West Hills and Blue Ridge. I would say by the fact you are carrying a pistol you must be security and I would say more than likely a Street Ghost as well. May I ask how old are you Nibs, that is ok to call you that?”
“Yes it is David, I’m 17 now and 18 in a week and half. I am a full Street Ghost and also a member of the Gangrels Street Gang, as are most of the members of the security forces here. Jackie’s not here on her own either, sat over by the entrance are more of her friends from the chat room.”
Dan started to play and soon Ruth joined him, they both sang aswell.
David looked at the group and saw them all sat over there. “Go and bring them over here you, I’ve never met the people you call friends.”
Jackie got up and disappeared towards them.
“My work has brought me in contact with some interesting and varied peoples, most Trans I see they have an attitude problem.”
“I’ve not been out that long and haven’t really started to explore the alternative world yet.”
Jackie returned with the entire group and they sat down after David said, “Maurian, Oliver move this way and let them sit down.”
“Is someone going to introduce us please and what is everyone, to me you all look like real girls?” asked Maurian.
Jackie introduced each and each described them selves in terms on status as Trans or real.
She looked at Oliver who was sat beside her, he was looking around in wonderment, “Oliver how old are you?”
“12 ma’am.” He blushed a bit.
“Hay don’t blush, just think of Jackie as your new sister.”
After a while of chatting and listening to the excellent music coming from Dan and Ruth, both Carol and Leia joined the large group.
Maurian asked Jackie, “Why didn’t you tell us, we are family?”
“The simplest reason mum is so many of my friends from the Trans chat room who have, have ended up on the streets with no one to help them or support them. I thought that would be my fate mum,” replied Jackie
“What, you must be kidding, they get thrown out on to the streets for being trans?” asked Maurian looking very shocked at the information.
“It’s very true,” she said, “On more than one occasion I’ve been the crying board in the room. A lot of the girls looked up to me before I went full time. Now, I think I’m a goddess to some.”
“It’s all down to the Tele and how they portray the perfect family of dad, mum, the boys are boys and girls are girls. A boy can’t be a girl.”
“And a girl can’t be a boy. Hi I’m Robert.” He walked up looking very relieved.
“And how do you define, trans or real?” asked Maurian, “I’ve asked everyone else in the ground.”
Robert sat down between Chloe and Leia replying, “I self define as a Trans Man, I was born a woman and when I can raise the funds I will become as close to a man as I can.”
“Thanks, it make life easier if I know from where you come and how you define, as all of the Trans women look stunning, in that make-up. Who did it? Nothing against any of you, but that is the work of a trained make-up artist.”
“Never knew I was one of those,” replied Tina looking very pleased with herself. “My self and Sandra did all of them and taught them how to do for them selves.”
“To come back to the situation, so how do they survive, eat, sleep and such?”
“Most to be honest are eaten by the meat factory that is Street Life. Depending on the back grounds most who come from corporate enclave backgrounds, don’t survive very long, the street life deals a heavy blow to those arrogant and who act above their station. Of those from the street, most survive of sorts, they are very careful with who they make friends with and they pretty much live on the fringes of the Alternative and Gith scenes. The lucky few are caught by the Gangrels and are given a place they can call home. We accept people as people, be they Gay, Lesibian, Bi-sexual, Trans, Intersexed, Straight, or whatever, you are you. We judge you on your actions from the point of meeting or if we’ve been watching you from the start of that watching. Tina was picked up by Abs and she is now the person you see their, a professional woman, who specialises in electronics, and communication systems. Her preferred weapon is Z2 Assault Sniper Rifle and she as Spotter for Abs,” replied Sandra. “Now Nibs has introduced us to the world of the Young Trans more will be helped.”
One of the male staff members walked over and asked, “Can I take a drinks order?”
David replied, “Yeah I could do with a drink?”
“I’ll get the tab,” she said. “My treat for my friends.”
Everyone then gave their drinks order to the male staff member. He headed back to the café section and started to fill the order.
“I know the work the Gangrels do for those people downtrodden by society,” said David.
The staff member returned carrying a large tray and passed out the drinks. She gave the staff member more than enough to cover the bill and said, “Keep the change.”
“Thanks,” responded the staff member and he returned to the counter.
After a while of chatting Maurice said, “I think I might look at offering my help to the trans community.”
Oliver and two of his school friends walked back into the marquee and over to where the group were sitting.
She said to Jackie when the three had sat down, “You happy. See it weren’t that bad was it?”
“No, thanks Nibs. Not only are you a confidant, but you are … I can’t describe what you are.”
“I agree with my daughter Nibs, you have a presence that builds self confidence and changes people’s attitudes,” said David.
After Jackie’s reply, one of Oliver’s friends looked around the group and muttered something and left the table. Oliver followed him out of the tent.
Sandra lent over and whispered in her ear, “Lets just say what came from his mouth was not very nice as it concerned the Trans community.”
She looked at Sandra and Oliver’s other friend who said, “And what you heard from Ben is not my opinion. I’ve never really like him, he has a foul mouth and that is due to his mother’s language. I just wish I was older I think I could really fancy some of you.”
Jackie and Fiona both blushed at the comment. She guessed that they were ready but to hear comments like that from someone most of them don’t really know was nice.
Oliver walked back and upset and angry at something. When Oliver had sat down he said to Jackie, “That twat is no longer my friend and I told him he could. Not a nice person that boy and the mother’s as bad.”
After a couple more hours of chatting the festival closed and all of the people left, but email’s, phone numbers had been exchanged and the Gangrels knew where to find most of them, online.”
The break went without incident and on Frodar some emotional farewells were had.
“We will always be around, we have your phone numbers and emails and you have ours,” she said.
“True,” responded John. “It has been excellent to work alongside such professional people.”
“Very much so.”


When the two group reached Home Base Sandra said to Misty’s group, “We are having a party at Club Millana on Ulleam next week, you lot are invited. We’re going for a meal first I think and then onto the Club.”
“What’s happening at the Club?” asked Misty.
“A friend of mine, Richard Chancer is having a Street Fight with Surabon,” replied Nibs.
“We’ll be there,” replied Misty.

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