
Pre-editor version - The Making of Nibs-Volume1:The Beginnings - Chapters 21 to 24

Chapter 21 — Welcome to the Festival Scene

On Moroth morning Darla woke along with all the friends at about 06:00BN, and soon joined in the hustle and bustle of people getting dressed, having drinks, and just generally making sure the house was ready to be left again maybe, for quite a while.
The twins spread the dust sheets over the furniture whilst the rest of the group was making sure that the house was clean and tidy.

Pre-editor version - The Making of Nibs-Volume1:The Beginnings - Chapters 1 to 4

For all those lovers of the original The Making of Nibs, here the latest and very definetly the best edit so far. I think most of you will agree this is tighter and the world truly lives.


Chapter 1

Sitting in the living room of Damien Cameron’s home in Suraban, were Timaus, Damien and K Dog.
Timaus placed his mug of coffee down asking, “Do you think I should put Nicholas Calton forward for selection to the Academy?”

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