Chapter — 25
Darabar 20th Juwur — 06:00BN
Stood in the bathroom Amy looked at herself in the mirror above the wash hand basin, laying on the small shelf above the sink was her father’s close-shave razor and the blade was open. ‘Why mum, why did you have to disappear on us. I hate that shite hole school, I hate Abigail Miller and all her friends. Why do they never leave me alone.’ She looked at the open close-shave razor and realized she was thinking the thoughts about suicide again. “NO,” she shouted and realized that had been a lot louder than she had meant it to be.
Bill’s voice called through the locked bath room door, “You ok sis?”
“Yeah thanks,” she called back and closed the blade putting it away in the cupboard. She washed her face and put her bra and dressing gown on. She walked out of the bathroom, passed her brother who was standing outside waiting to get in.
As she passed him, Bill said, “You thinking those thoughts again?”
She turned, looked at him and nodded. She looked down at the floor.
“Sis, you are stronger than them, don’t let them win.”
As she turned into her, Hemma’s and Beatrice’s room she smiled at Bill and said, “I’m not letting them win, but it’s getting harder.”
She walked in and saw Hemma and Beatrice sleeping peacefully on the bunk beds. She walked to it and shook the pair awake.
Hemma opened her eyes and looked at her, she smiled and cuddled her. “I love you sis.”
Beatrice woke and peered over the railing of the top bunk and smiled at her two sisters.
“I love you both, but you’ve got to get up and ready for school, Bill’s going to be taking you, dad’s already left for work.”
“Ok,” replied Hemma and the pair got up and walked to the bathroom. Where they waited for Bill to finish.
Amy then got herself dressed and went down stairs where she made sure her school bag was ready for her when she left to catch the school bus. In the kitchen she prepared Hemma, Beatrice and Damien’s breakfasts and small lunches. She looked in the fridge and saw very little. ‘I hope dad gets paid today, we need some food.’
Bill walked into the kitchen, grabbed himself a cup and made himself a coffee. “You want one sis?”
“Yeah, thanks, I’m going hungry today, we’ve got no food for my lunch, the kids have theirs. You going to school today or any day this week?”
“What is the point, I’m not learning anything, I’ll be lucky to walk out with any qualifications.”
Damien walked in and sat at the table where he started to eat his breakfast. Damien was soon joined by a smiling and happy Hemma and Beatrice.
Amy opened the door and saw the new face, she had seen the previous evening, walk up the side passage of the Bitch Vixens Home base. She turned towards the main road and started to walk towards it.
She called out to her, “Hang on.”
The female stopped, smiled and waited for her to catch up.
“Hi, I’m Amy, you are?”
“Nibola Calton, Nibs to my friends.”
“Hi Nibs,” she said and after a short pause, “I remember you now, both me and my brother Bill saw you yesterday riding pillion with Sandra.”
“Yeah you did,” replied Nibs who looked her up and down, but kept smiling at her. “You off to school?”
“Yeah, one of the City-run dumps. I wish Sam, my stepmother, hadn’t disappeared. We lost her income; she was a PA for a Rotork VP, which paid for me to attend the Rotork Academy.”
“Any idea why she left?” asked Nibs sounding as if she wanted to know why.
“No, none. Duggie, my dad, does his best but it isn’t enough some weeks. Bill, my older brother, run’s errands for the dealers on the corner over there, so we can get some food on the table some days. I know one of the regulars wants to get in to my knickers,” she said. She wanted to meet someone who could put the dealers in their place, and also do the same to the bullies.
“Bad luck on the Sam issue. You got an up-to-date photo I could borrow. I’ll put the picture up on a few missing person galleries I know of.”
“Thanks, the Vixens are some of the best and nicest people I know.”
“Thanks. Hey does Bill attend school?” She heard the question and realized that Nibs was someone who cared for people.
“Yeah, if he can be bothered to.”
The pair started to walk towards the corner; Nibs stopped and she wondered why Nibs looked up and down the main road. “Just thinking where I am going to go.”
”I’m going towards the fuel-station on 827th Avenue.”
“Ok.” Nibs joined her as she walked slowly down the road towards yet another day in hell. When they had reached the junction that would lead to the fuel-station, they crossed the road, her inquisitive nature got the better of her and she asked, “How come I haven’t seen you with the Vixens before yesterday evening?”
“I only joined the Vixens last Frodar,” replied Nibs
She remembered the party Nibs was talking about, both Bill and her had been invited to go, but that Frodar she had not felt like even chatting to her dad about the problems at school let along going out to try and enjoy herself. “Oh that party they had, both I and Bill had been invited but Bill was out delivering some drugs, and I didn’t feel like socialising.”
After a short while Nibs said, “Not to worry, many more parties to be had.” She then offered the Cambar cigarette she had been smoking. “I had better warn you it’s pure.”
She stopped, looked at it and thought, ‘Fuck it why not, it’s not like no one smokes.’ She said, “Hell why not.” She took it and sat down on a low wall. She couldn’t help but start to cry. She had never met anyone like Nibs she had presence that she had never come across. She was confident, caring, compansionate, but with out showing them obviously. She felt an arm around her shoulders pulling her into its warm embrace. She felt safe within these powerful arms, not even her dad had arms that felt the like these did.
A soft voice came to her through the flooding tears, “What’s wrong, Amy?” The tone was soothing and comforting. Not unlike Sam had been when she had hurt herself or was feeling down.
After the sobbing had eased slightly. “I hate going to school just ’cause of where I live, right next door to one of the major drug dealers in the area. I get picked on, mostly name-calling and such. Most of the school thinks I am one of his whores, as he owns nearly all of the neighbourhood, only my home and where you are living are free of his clutches, bar Bill. I keep being asked to get a free sample.”
When she had sat back up straight Nibs said, “Tell you what. I’ll pop to the school one lunchtime and we’ll see how the bullies handle someone like me.”
“Would you do that for me?” she replied still crying.
“Yeah, I was also the target for bullies at school. That was until I had finished my exams. ‘Bullies should watch for the reply punch’.”
“You, bullied, no way?” she said as the tears stopped and she wipped away the residual.
“Yeah, anyway you have a bus to catch. If you have any academic problems pop over and I’ll see if I can help you. I was a straight-A student in a few of my subjects, History and Chemistry being two.”
“Thanks,” she said as they started to walk again. They reached the fuel-station, as the school bus was just pulling up.
“Hey next time they give you shit tell me,” said Nibs as she walked on and turned past the front of the fuel station.
“I will, thanks again.” She sat on the wall as the people who always got in first climbed aboard and headed for the back. She boarded and sat in her normal seat at the front.
As the driver pulled off she thought about what Nibs had said, ‘No one has ever offered to come in and deal with the bullies. I know I am going to need help to get my exams in a couple of years. Why am I letting them win I am stronger than that, the young ones need someone who is strong.’
Torbar 16th Auar — 07:45BN
Amy arrived at the Fuel Station where she heard a group of girls start quietly talking and they kept glancing in her direction. They boarded the bus and sat in their normal seats, as did she. As the bus left the fuel station the forecasted rain started to come down hard and the colour of the clouds which had been building for a lot of the morning didn’t look good. The whispering and the feeling of being watched continued throughout the trip to the high school. She was happy she had Mark Hill first and his wife Angelique third and fourth.
The walk from the bus to the school entrance was down a pavement strune with puddles most stretching from one side to the other. Even using her light jacket as a hood she got wet. A couple of people she knew to say hi to walked the across the car-park using a large umbrella and they used it to shield her from the worst of the rain.
The female who’s jacket had the badge for Combat 90, a local Street Gang, which had a relatively good association with this school. Most of the gang didn’t care about school. She said, “You ok hun?”
“Yeah thanks, I’ll be ok.”
The pair stopped and looked out, “I bet it don’t clear until this evening if not over night.”
“I hope it does ease at least before the end of school,” Amy said, “otherwise I’m getting very wet.”
The male who also had a jacket with the emblem of Combat 90 dropped the umbrella. The three of them walked in and she went left and headed for her form room.
It was next door to the form room of one Abilgail Miller, the ring leader of the bullies. She was standing opposite the door with four of her chronies around her, most were laughing at something one of the had said. She walked into the form room and Abilgail called after her, “Got that sample for us yet hunny.” The sneer in her voice was repulsive, she had only heard her sneer as she said things at her.
Form time happened as it always did, then the bell for first period went and the class got up and headed out of the door. She walked out after putting her jacket into the straps of her rucksack. She walked and thought she heard people whispering again.
She walked into Mark Hill’s Science class and sat in her usual seat far end of the front long desk, nearest the door. Even in there she thought she heard people whispering and she couldn’t help but feel people’s eyes were on her. She knew tomorrow was the anniversary of Sam’s disappearance and was feeling down because of that.
Mark caught her as she was leaving the class and he asked, “You ok, you don’t look very happy.”
“I’m ok Mr. Hill,” she replied as one of Abilgail’s group pushed past her out of the door. Mark looked after him. “I’ll let you go, but I want to see you after school one day, and don’t worry about getting home, either me or Angelique will drive you.”
“Thanks,” she said and walked out. Mark Hill was a nice teacher he made his lessons fun and interesting.
The next lesson, which was Maths was one she was not that good at, happened. As did all Maths lessons. After that came first break, the rain was still coming down in droves which made everyone stay in. She walked to the library and found a desk hidden away. She took a novel from the shelves and started to read it. The twenty minute break ended and History started, Angelique Hill’s subject.
This like all the History lessons was fun, but she still couldn’t get the feelings of people watching her and the whispering to go away. She began to feel very down by the start of lunch which again had to be indoors due to the weather. She sat near the canteen windows and looked out of them or read the novel she had picked up. She had no lunch again, as the three younger ones needed it more than she did.
The two from Combat 90 walked over to where she was sitting and the gent asked, “Can we join you hun?”
“Yeah,” she replied and slid the book she had taken out of the library into her bag.
“You had any lunch hun?” asked the woman.
“No, my two younger sisters and younger brother need the food more than I do,” she replied.
“Here take this and get yourself a lunch,” said the bloke and he handed her a five deck note.
She smiled at the pair and left heading for the food run. She return a few minutes later with a good sized dinner, but she was still depressed and she knew she was looking it.
“Cheer up it can’t all that bad can it,” the female said, “I’m Gill and this is Roger, you’ve probably guess we are members of Combat 90 Street Gang.”
“What’s the cause of the depression and unhappiness?” asked Roger.
Amy stuffed fork full of chips into her mouth. “The bullies, life mainly.”
“Who Abilgail and her bunch of friends?”
She nodded as she took a mouthful of Ojan juice.
“She and that bunch will get there comeuppance soon I think,” replied Gill.
After ten minutes the pair got up and left, when they did the feeling of people whispering at her returned. The intensity grew over the rest of lunch, and it kept growing through out the afternoon form.
The fifth lesson was with Mrs Killant for Spinnayian was in her form room. Twenty minutes into the lesson the feeling of people watching her, looking at her, the thoughts that people were whispering about her got too much. She slammed her chair back into Paula’s desk and that shifted with the force of the impact. At the same time she sent her desk flying and she ran from the class room crying her eyes out. She knew where she wanted to be, the only people other than her direct family she knew who understood what it meant to be different, ‘The Bitch Vixens’.
She ran from the class and she headed for the main door, she slammed into two people and they were forced to step aside from the power of the impact. Her eyes were blurry with the tears that were streaming down her face. She hit the door and the force caused both the heavy doors to slam and bang very loudly against the wall.
Within a few metres she was drenched to the skin, she just didn’t care. She wanted to feel the security she had felt when Nibs had held her the few weeks before. The friendly smiles from Abs, Tina and Sandra, and the fun times she had when Paul was around. Her trainers landed in the puddles and she just ran on, she crossed the road outside the school and headed down the back roads and alley ways towards South Central.
Stood in the main door were Mark and Angelique they watched her back as she crossed the road and disappeared into the back streets.
Mary Killant walked up and stood beside them and said, “What the hell just happened?”
“I think the bullying she’s been suffering from has gotten too much. That and the fact that from what we know tomorrow is the second anniversary of her mum’s disappearance. I wonder how many times she’s thought about killing herself.”
Angelique said, “That is something I wonder myself hun. Mary.”
Mary turned and headed back to her disrupted class, shaking her head.
“I wonder where she is going?”
“Home I guess, we can drive past tonight and see if she’s in.”
As Amy ran, wet and semi cold, the pavement and tarmac changed into muddy roads and then it became heather and similar plant life. The West Richmond Bad Lands, as the area was called, was used by the local gangs for war zones. Various grasses, piles of tipped rubbish, burnt out car and van wrecks along other items people didn’t want and couldn’t be bothered to recycle littered the area. Amy ran on and about half way across she had to stop. She collapsed as images and sounds entered her mind, the images and sounds were not of the local environment. As suddenly as they had started they stopped, she stayed in the shelter of a burnt out van wreck for a short while as she tried to make sense of what she had just seen. The images were as real as if she was seeing them for her self, the sounds sounded as real as well. She now wanted answers to the question of what the hell happened.
She stood up refreshed, another question popped into her mind ‘How come?’ She had run a good three miles and she had only been resting a few minutes, she looked for her phone and realized it was in her bag still at school. She started to semi walk and semi run, she checked her pockets and found her breather unit with her medication. She would have had sports this afternoon and she always needed it afterwards. She felt as if she didn’t need it now, something else was keeping her medical condition under control. She pressed on and soon left the bad lands crossing over the under ground CW17 she walked along the main roads. She was beginning to feel a little light headed as the cold from the wet clothes began to effect her judgement. She shook her head to clear this issue and began to run again.
About 45 minutes later she turned into the minor road that led to hers and the home base of the Bitch Vixens. ‘Nibs please be home, please be home.’ She turned onto the driveway and ran up the steps and knocked on the closed door.
Abs’ voice came from inside. “It’s open.”
She opened the door and stood under the overhang from the roof very wet and shivering, her hair a matted mess her top hanging down, her bra was visible as were the six tattoos she had, two on each arm and one on each of her breasts.
Sandra looked up from reading something and said, “Get those clothes off now. Bathroom, move.”
“I’ll get a hot drink made,” said Abs and headed from the breakfast bar to where the drinks were prepared.
“Yeah, make it a Chai.”
She stepped into the front room and her trainers went squelch and water was dripping from her, she walked into the bathroom.
She was followed by Sandra who stood in the bathroom doorway saying, “Get those clothes off now, or you will catch the sniffles, young lady.”
“Ok,” she responded and took her top off and dropped it into the bath. She sat on the edge of the bath and simply slipped her trainers and socks off and these also went into the bath. She undid the trousers and slipped them off with her pants and this pair of clothing items also joined the trainers and top in the bath she could see little streams of slightly coloured water run from the clothes.
“Is Nibs around?” she asked sounding hopeful that she was.
“And the bra hun,” said Sandra. “Nibs should be back later Paul, Tina and she went out to conduct some research.” Then the sounds of three motorbikes were heard turning into the driveway. Sandra turned and headed across the corridor.
She picked up a towel and started to dry herself. Sandra returned and chucked a green towelling bath robe to her. She put it on and stood in the door way, still shivering.
“Come here you and let me sort your hair out,” said Sandra.
She crossed the corridor heading to sit on the bed beside Sandra, who took the towel and started to rub and dry the wet hair.
“Stay here whilst I sort out some clothes for you hun.” The voice she heard was one that cared for how she was feeling and she was feeling cold and safe at the same time.
As Sandra was sorting through the clothes she passed her a bra and a pair of panties. The next items were a pair of black baggies and one of her rockster t-shirts. When she had put it on the sleeves stopped just above the tattoos on her arms.
Nibs walked in to the room, stopped just inside the room and looked at her sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hi love. Hi Amy. What do we owe the pleasure?”
“Oh nothing,” she responded and she knew she was looking very depressed.
“Your lying Amy, you should still be in school and yet you’re here, what happened today? Bullying?” asked Nibs sounding very concerned at her state.
“Yeah bullies, name calling, and everything, I hate that school,” she said and started to cry, she placed her head in her hands and just cried, she couldn’t hold it back any longer, tears pouring down her cheeks. She felt the embrace of someone and then realized the embrace was the same as she had felt what seemed like ages ago when she had met Nibs for the first time. She rested her head on her damp leather jacket tears still streaming from her eyes.
The voice she heard was also the same, caring, compashionate, wanting to help in anyway she could, “Let it all out hun. You have no need to hold things back.”
She just couldn’t help her self, the last two years hit her full force and she just cried and cried all the time she was feeling the secure embrace of someone who understood what it meant to be on the receiving end of the bullies.
A little while later after she had been able to slow the tears to a trickle did Nibs ask, “Do you want to tell me what happened today?”
“Yeah I need to talk to someone who understands,” she responded. “It started this morning I thought a group of girls started to whisper things and I know they were looking in my direction if not right at me. From what I heard it concerned the disappearance of Sam, me, and the local dealers.” She couldn’t hold it back talking about her Sam just made it worse and the tears just flood out again. She felt Nibs’ arms embracing her again. After a couple of minutes again she was able to control the crying.
Sandra’s voice came from the other side of her and also sounded caring, comforting and soothing, “We are in no hurry hun we will always be here for our friends.”
She had never heard the words ‘we will always be here for our friends’ from anyone. Those words made the friendship she had with these people special. They were Giths and Gangrels, she was a kid from a single parent family.
She felt like Nibs moved her to Sandra’s embrace and this too felt strong, warm and comforting.
Nibs returned to the bed and she just waited for her to be ready.
After a little while Amy sat up off Sandra’s chest and took the cup Sandra offered her. She took a sip from it.
“You feeling a bit better now hun?” asked Sandra.
“Yes I am, thanks, I have never had friends like you lot,” she responded she knew her face was no longer one of sadness, but was one of being a lot happier.
“Shall we go and sit in the living room so you can tell us all about what happened today?” suggested Nibs.
“Ok,” she responded.
Nibs stood and offered her hand to her leading her into the living room. Tina was sat on the sofa against the wall quickly vacated it when they walked in. Nibs and Sandra sat down and she sat between them.
She took another sip of Chai, and started to tell everyone about her day, “It started on the school bus this morning, a couple of the girls started whispering in the seats just behind where I was sitting, they were saying Sam ran away cause of me being a failure at the Rotork Academy and because I was dating one of the drug dealers, and was one of his whores,” Amy took another sip of Chai and continued, “Then a bit later other girls got in on the whispering act and it spread to some of the boys as well.”
“Ok hun,” said Sandra using the same tone as she had in the bed room, “Take your time.”
“They started to whisper things like, if they dealt drugs they would like me as their whore. It went on all day. I normally sit out side during breaks and lunch, but with the rain I wasn’t able to. I was forced to sit in the canteen it was just hell all I could hear was people whispering and looking at me,” Amy’s started to cry again and took some of the toilet paper. She blew her nose and wiped the tears from her eyes. “It got too much and by the middle of the afternoon’s first period I lost it. I ran and I know I hit a couple of teachers as I did. I was crying so much I just didn’t care, I need to be away from that place. I wanted Sam to be outside, but she wasn’t. I just ran, my only thought was where did I feel the safest, and each time I came to the conclusion with the only people to understand what it is like to be different, you guys,” she said and looked at each one in turn.
She saw everyone was listening intently to her and looking at each she swore she could see anger boiling in their eyes. She didn’t want to go back to the school but she realized that she would have too as dad was in no place to home teach her. “I was about half way home, crossing the bad lands near the free fire zone close to the school, when I had a series of visions.” She wiped away more tears and continued, “It may sound as if I am going mad, but I swear I saw Sam. It was as real as you all are.”
Abs said, “No we won’t think you mad. If you want to tell us then do so.”
“I know you and Sam where close,” said Sandra as she squeezed her hand.
“Thanks. She was right there in front of me and looked as if she was not very happy at all, from what I could see, it looked as if she was being forced to work somewhere. The next vision I was able to look around the scene and she was as close to me as you lot are, but she wasn’t alone, she was working with other people, but she was being watched by a couple of very strange looking creatures. One looked like a tall ape and the other was at least eight foot tall and was wearing what looked like a large suit of armour.
“What surprised me they was a tall creature sitting on a raise area. Its mouth had no lips and was full of dagger style teeth. He was wearing a helmet which contained a large eye, that I swear blinked and moved in the holder. He was holding a staff with a large transparent container at the top, inside the container was a large worm like creature which moved as if it was alive.”
She looked down and saw a small animal sat at her feet looking up at her. She couldn’t help herself but she had to bend down and pick the animal up. The feeling of just having an animal sat in her lap was incredible, it was uplifting, something she had never felt before. “Who’s this?” she asked as she started to stroke him.
“That little fur ball is Daraus, we found him during a trip to Darla’s Forest retreat,” replied Sandra.
“What is he?” she continued.
“We ain’t sure,” answered Nibs. “We’ve been told by someone knowledgeable she thinks he may be an Angel wolf.”
She knew that when she looked down at Daraus she looked sorrowful. She couldn’t help herself but she just felt like stroking Daraus, which made Daraus very happy and snuggled down into Amy’s lap.
As she stroked Daraus she heard a soft comforting voice saying to her, “Sleep sorrowful one, let me show you your sorrow and love, let me take you to a place where you can be once again with your mum.”
As hard as she tried she couldn’t keep her eyes open and she drifted off into a peaceful dream filled sleep.
Amy realized she was no longer sat in the living room with her friends, she was stood on a large open expanse. Walking towards her was a figure covered in whiter than white hair. From his back was two large very finely haired wings, his face, beautiful and scá¨ne.
He stopped a short distance away and said in the same soft comforting voice as she had heard when she had drifted off to sleep, “Amy I come to you this day as a guide, for I am Daraus and I will guide you upon a journey that should show you that you are not and will never be alone. For the people sat in the room with you are there to help you, and that includes me.” Suddenly the figure disappeared and standing at Amy’s side was a large white dog style creature, who said in the same voice as the figure, “Journey now with me, though your fears. This journey will cause you pain and heart ache, but these I think are necessary to allow you to become what I know you are, to gain the strength that I know you need. Remember this, you can not effect what has happened, you can only effect what will come.”
A fog appeared and surrounded both her and Daraus. It disappeared as suddenly as it came and revealed a scene of Sam sitting in her office in Rotork Tower in Suraban. Sam looked happy as from the clock on the wall it was approaching the end of the working day and she would soon be on her way home to Duggie and the rest of her family. Beep, beep went the high tech phone on her desk, Sam lent over and pressed the intercom button, a voice said, “Would you come into my office please Sam. I have some thing for you to do.”
“No problem boss,” she responded, got up and walked into her boss’s office via the interconnecting door. Sat in three chairs in front of the large desk where two humans and a creature that looked like the one she had seen earlier that day, during the visions, they all turned to face Sam as she entered.
“Would you please close the door my dear,” said a voice from a darkened corner to the right of the door where Sam stood in complete shock looking at the ape creature. The door behind her closed on its own. “Don’t be afraid these are three colleges of mine,” the voice said as the lights where turned up and Sam could see what the voice was emitting from.
Amy realized that it was the creature she had seen sat on the raised platform. She went to say, but stopped herself in case it revealed them.
“Say what you want Amy, remember what I said earlier you can not effect what has happened and this has already happened. Two years ago today.”
She smiled and said, “I saw that,” and pointed at the creature which stood, “earlier this afternoon.”
“I know you did. That’s the reason why I brought you here. So it may reveal it self to you.”
The creature said as a shocked Sam stared at it, “I am High Lord Karazzakkia, High Lord to my Master Lord Tyythauiyffuth the owner and chief exec of Rotork and soon Rotork Theaban, and soon the President of Naban.”
“What are you? What do you want with me?” said Sam after regaining her composure.
“What I am, I am a high lord, an extension of the Splugorth intelligence that owns Rotork. What do I want with you? I want you to be my concubine my dear. You have served my human front,” and with that he/it changed to the human Sam worked for and then back again, “very well over the years. I now want to make sure that you are safe from the violent streets that may take your life at a moments notice.”
“Never. I will never be your concubine.” Sam turned and tried to open the door which was jammed closed.
“You will come round in time my dear,” and the creature spoke a series of words that Amy did not understand. When it had finished Sam fell unconscious. It walked over to where Sam lay, lifted her head and placed a small black ball object against the back of her neck. Amy saw legs protrude from the ball and insert themselves into Sam’s neck. “Take her to my air transport my slaves. I shall be travelling to the Pyramid this evening.”
“Yes master,” the two humans responded, they both got up, picked Sam up and carried her out of an unseen door.
The ape like creature remained sitting and spoke, “Boss why did you want me here?”
“I wanted to ask you, when would the Serpent armour production facility be ready to start production?”
The scene faded as the fog grew back, the last thing Amy heard was the ape creature saying, “A month perhaps two.” The fog dissipated and both Amy and Daraus stood again on the open expanse.
She asked, “Daraus what where those,” and after thinking for a bit, “creatures.”
“The creature who put you ‘mum’ to sleep is a willing ally of an alien intelligence that has to feed off an energy field called Mana, all living things produce it naturally and this planet has a naturally high amount. The two humans were tattoo men, warrior slaves of the Splugorth Alien Intelligences. The ape creature was a Kittani, let’s just say most of them are as evil as the Splugorth and have been allies of them for close to 40,000 years. Onwards to our next stop Amy.”
The fog began to rise and after what seemed like a couple of minutes it dissipated and they where stood in a birthing room of a medical facility. Laying on the birthing bed was Sam and stood at her side was Duggie, the female doctor passed Sam a newly born baby and she asked, “Have you decided on a name for your new daughter?”
Duggie looked into Sam’s eyes and answered, “We have. She is to be named Amy Demitrie.”
Amy stood stunned and then said, “That’s my name.”
“I know. Sam is your birth mother!” said Daraus. “This is something that you need to ask Duggie about.” The fog rose again and as before when it dissipated they were again on the expanse.
Amy went to sit down and sat on a rock that suddenly appeared. “Hey where did that come from?”
“Your thoughts and dreams Amy. This is your dream plain. I am as I said when you fell asleep your guide on this journey. Here your dreams are real and you can be with your memories of Sam and the love you two had.”
“What I know from what I sense and have been able to detect, you are a human manifestation of a Chaing-Ku dragon. The joining that created you is not possible with a human. It leads me to believe that your mum has what is called the Copier mutation. Whatever creature your mum mates with a human version of it will be born. I do know that the mutation is incredibly rare, but if I am right then your mum may be the savior of the race. You need to ask your father about what a Chaing-Ku is and can do, but I do advise doing it in private, away from ears that can hear. ”
Amy nodded agreement to what Daraus had said.
“I also provide you with this advice, Nibs Tina, Abs, Sandra and all the rest of the Vixens accept you as you, as they accept all things. The general populace would not, they fear the unknown and different. Use your gifts to protect, help and never use it to hurt and destroy for those bring ruin and pain. The Vixens and a few others know this, they understand this and hide the skills and the abilities they have. Talk to them, learn from them, follow their teachings and you will not go far wrong.
“You are asleep, wake when you want to, but before I leave you I will show you Sam. I am unable to travel there as it is protected by powerful runic inscriptions.”
A fog cloud appeared and in it Amy saw Sam working as a slave to the High Lord, who like earlier was sat on the raised pedestal now stroking the head of a large animal like creature, it was coloured green and was covered in what looked like scales. Stood to one side of the dais were two men similar to the two Amy had seen earlier in the office, they looked like they were guarding a large door.
“Before you go Daraus, why doesn’t Sam fight?”
“She is, but in her own way she knows she is unable to fight them physically at this time, so she is fighting them by showing you she is alive and by learning, by watching those who keep her and others prisoners.”
The cloud faded and she was alone, Daraus had also disappeared from the plain.
She sat and thought about what Daraus had told her, shown her, the feelings she felt around her friends. After a short while she woke up and found she was sleeping on the sofa in the home of her friends exactly where she had been when she fell asleep. Daraus was still asleep on her lap. Nibs was stood in front of the cooker stirring a saucepan. Sandra was sat next to her looking at a tablet computer. Abs and Tina were watching one of the News Channels and Paul was sat at the computer again reading something. She stretched, yawned and looked at the clock located on the projector screen, it read 07:34AN
“Feck have I been asleep that long?”
“Yes you have. I wouldn’t worry about Duggie worrying. I popped over earlier and told him you where here,” said Tina.
“Oh, you are also invited to my 18th birthday party tomorrow evening,” said Nibs, “The five of us discussed the issue whilst you were asleep and we will visit your school tomorrow lunch time and have a chat with those who think its fun to bully.”
“Thanks, you lot are great,” she said feeling a lot happier. She hoped now the depression she had been suffering from would begin to lift.
“No problem Amy, we all suffered from it but due to having the friends we did we were able to deal with it,” said Paul.
“I think I had better get going home,” she said.
“No you’re not going anywhere,” said Nibs. “Well not until after dinner your not.”
Chapter 26
Through out Amy’s explanation Nibs’ anger was boiling just below the surface, not only for the bullies, who would be facing the reply fist tomorrow, but also the dealers on the corner. She knew they needed dealing with and they, the Bitch Vixens, had the fire power to do it. To her mind most people who looked down the barrel of an MA240 or 260 did exactly what you told them to do, with out much argument.
As Amy finished, she could see Amy slowly dropping off to sleep, stroking Daraus.
When she had fallen asleep, she quietly said, “We deal with the dealers tonight.”
“I agree,” responded Paul. “It would be best to do it after the sun has gone and night has fallen properly, as the lights on the corner and up the street don’t work at all and I think we are best if it’s night.”
“Yeah especially as I would say we use black light and the weaponary we brought back from Darla’s place,” suggested Abs, “and tomorrow I think it’s about time the bullies were put on notice that we don’t like them and will be paying them visits.”
Sandra got up and said as she headed for the corridor, “The local community relay on then for small amounts of cash.”
“Think though hun, it’s the payments back that hurt the people. I bet most would be happy when they are gone.”
Paul stood up heading for the computer and switched the monitor on. He slid in the first of the two memory cards and started to upload the pictures they had taken in the rain.
She stood up and walked to the kitchen so she could start to prepare one of the shoulders from one of the daken they had killed.
A couple of hours later Amy woke up and said “Feck have I been asleep that long?”
“Yes you have. I wouldn’t worry about Duggie worrying. I popped over earlier and told him you where here,” said Tina.
“Oh, you are also invited to my 18th birthday party tomorrow evening,” she said. “The five of us discussed the issue whilst you were asleep and we will visit your school tomorrow lunch time and have a chat with those who think its fun to bully.”
“Thanks, you lot are great,” she said feeling a lot happier. She hoped now the depression she had been suffering from would begin to lift.
“No problem Amy, we all suffered from it but due to having the friends we did we were able to deal with it,” said Paul.
“I think I had better get going home,” said Amy.
“No you’re not going anywhere,” she said. “Well not until after dinner your not.”
After dinner was finished and cleared away. She said, “Who’s coming with me for a walk.” Daraus stretched and padded over to the door. “Thought you would.”
“Is it open to anyone?” asked Amy.
“Yeah,” she answered.
“Me then,” responded Amy.
She got up and walked to her room to retrieve her damp jacket and shoulder holster rig, she also grabbed a jumper from the bottom draw of the chest of draws. When she returned she passed the jumper to Amy who had retrieved her wet shoes from the bathroom. She sat on the back of the sofa and put her feet in them and squelched towards the door.
Abs asked when Amy had squelched a couple of steps, “What size feet are you Amy?”
“Size 7, why?”
“Wait here and get those trainers off,” replied Abs and she disappeared and after about a minute returned with a pair of boots, “Here these are now yours Amy.”
“Thank you Abs,” said Amy smiling and she kissed Abs on the cheek.
Amy and her followed Daraus down the steps and up the drive way. They turned right and walked in silence towards the local park, Daraus padded at her heel.
She could see Amy was deep in thought through to the start of the park where she asked, “Nibs can I ask you for some advice?”
“Yeah no problem.”
“Well its not exactly advice I want to know what you think I should do.”
“Ok,” she responded.
Amy told her what she had dreamt.
When Amy had finished she looked at Daraus playing with a couple of other dogs saying after thinking about it, “My advice to you, cause I guess you want to find Sam, is to follow your heart. Tomorrow talk to everyone else in the Vixens. The plan is to go for a meal first, then onto Club Millana to watch Richard C, a good friend of my old self and also a good friend of mine, in one of a few street fights and also to enjoy good music and company.”
When the three finished the walk, Daraus and her walked Amy to her front door and she said, “Don’t worry about your problems with the bullies.”
“I do and I don’t,” said Amy. “See you tomorrow Nibs.”
“Yeah see you tomorrow.” She turned and wandered back to Home Base. She stood at the corner of Home Base and looked at the house on the corner. She could see six people inside as some of them scored and others sat smoking or doing what ever they did to get high. She then turned and walked back to the house. In the living room Sandra, Paul, and Abs where all loading magazines with bullets. She shut the front door and went through the door into the corridor, opened the trap door into the cellar and dropped through it. She collected her MA240 assault rifle from its hide under her bike seat, she was joined by Tina who disappeared in to the Hydroponics area and slid five complete sets of armour into the main loading bay area.
She went back to the trap door hole and stood under it. She grabbed the ladder from it’s run and scaled it to the corridor. Tina then closed the ladder and passed up the cases containing the armour, she also passed up the some extra firepower and a box of 8mm ammunition and a box of 10mm APEX magazines.
She then pushed the cases into the living room and when the last case was moved Tina also grabbed the steps down and then slotted them away when she was in the corridor.
Paul said when the pair had returned, “Ok what's the plan then?”
“Simple,” she responded. “Do what we do best, scare them into leaving the area.”
“That may be easier said then done,” said Tina as she dropped the magazine of the Zonal Firearms DX-2 assault shotgun in to it’s home and checked the ammunition status.
“I doubt it. Having this level of firepower shoved into your face generally scares most people,” said Sandra. “Especially if we give them a small demonstration, if they require one.”
“Which will be me, I think,” said Abs as she operated the action on her Echo 27. Just then the group heard an explosion in the distance.
“It looks like the local free fire is partying this evening,” said Paul.
“Add into it they are all high on something and they are dealing with us,” she responded and began to undress. She opened the case that contained her Black Light Armour. She sat on the sofa and put her legs into the legs of the second skin. She stood pulling the top half on over her head and tucked in the back, she then removed the ceramic plates that’s made up the protection layer and slid ever one into their pockets making sure each was secure and the nanotechnology was working before moving onto the next one. After the armour was completed she picked up her set of combat webbing and put it on. She made sure the front and side pouches where secure. Into the left side pouch she placed her communications box and the tactical computer from the case. She made sure the cables where plugged in and also made sure that the plugs at the neck end where free. She then took her pistol and slid that into its holster on her left hand side and then grabbed her helmet and MA240 and said, “I’ll meet you out side the back door.”
She then walked towards the back door, where she slung her rifle, opened the face plate of the helmet and placed it on her head. She locked it into place on the armour. She then connected the bundle of data cables to the port on the back of the helmet and closed the face plate, this activated the technology and brought up the display. She operated the switch that allowed her eye movement to shift screens around on the inside of the blackened visor. After everything was set she switched off the corridor light and opened the back door.
She stepped out into the night. The few street lights that did actually work where on but flickering trying to stay lit and they were a little distance away, the ones on the corner and up the street didn’t work at all. As she moved up to the corner Daraus padded beside her heel. “Sorry Daraus. This time you can’t join us, as you are known to be our pet and we need to be anonymous tonight.”
Daraus looked up at her and seemed to smile, he then returned to the house.
She knelt at the corner of next door and switched to thermo looking at the front of the house. The thermo vision system picked up what she had seen earlier six heat patterns. Paul soon joined her looking the front of the dealer’s house.
Paul asked, “Where’s Daraus?”
“I sent him inside. He’s too well known as being ours for this operation.”
“Ok,” responded Paul.
She saw two more people approach the front door, they stopped, knocked and waited. A couple of seconds later the door opened and they where allowed entry. “That makes eight inside.”
“Confirmed, Thermo shows eight bodies,” said Paul.
“I’m moving to cover the rear of the target house,” she said into the inbuilt microphone.
“Confirmed,” responded Paul and moved to cover her movement across the street.
She crossed the street heading for the short distance of Duggie’s front that had no fence. When it did start she slowed and looked around using the high frequency infra red system. The surrounding area was quiet of people and sounds, it was 11:30AN. The alleyway down beside the target house looked like the local dumping ground for large and small items of household rubbish. She moved slowly through it watching, using both Infra-red and normal vision for things that would make a sound and alert the people inside to the fact she was moving towards the back of the house. Just as she approached the back right corner of the house, a dog from over the rear fence started to bark and after a short while got shouted at, “Shut, up you stupid mutt.” The dog quietened down. From her position she could see the back of the house and the backs of the houses that fronted the main road, in some were a few candles burning, more than likely they indicated where people were squatting. The back of the target house had a large back veranda, which had a battered old swing lover’s chair on and very little else. She then switched over to thermo and after checking the near vicinity for unseen thermal images switched back to infra-red.
Paul switched over to the position lock system, the tactical computers were equipped with. He saw a blip had stopped moving a little distance, he assumed it was Nibs and was on the far side of the street and was about to negotiate the dumping ground that was the side of the target house. Very soon he saw three more blips activate and move towards his position after a couple of minutes.
He heard the back door being closed quietly and was joined by Abs, Tina and Sandra.
Sandra asked Paul, “Is the blip on the far side Nibs?”
“It is,” he responded.
“I’m moving in support,” Sandra said. As she crossed the street she followed Nibs in using Duggies land before moving on to the dealers place. After a couple of minutes she had negotiated the rubbish stewn side alley way.
“Who’s this?” asked Nibs quietly.
“It’s me hun,” she responded.
“Team alpha this is Paul are you receiving?” came out of the internal speakers.
“Confirmed, we are receiving,” responded Nibs.
“Confirmed,” she also responded.
“Abs is moving to a better vantage point via the ladder at the back of Home Base to cover the assault. I and Tina are moving to positions in front of the target.”
“Confirmed, Team Bravo, Charlie. Signal when in position,” said Nibs, “Go on my signal.”
“Confirmed,” Paul said. “Moving to assault positions when Abs is in position.”
“Abs here, I can see the house, I have eight thermal images from inside and a couple of what look like heaters working.”
After receiving Abs’ confirmation of her being in position Tina and he moved across the street and took up assault positions on either side of the steps leading to the front door. The side nearest the main road thankfully had a couple of cars which hide Tina from the one main road street light that was working. The rest of the front yard was similar to the rear area, it had lots of house hold rubbish and other things, like rusty engines and other assorted car and bike parts. Along with a few rubbish bags dumped in the garden.
“Team Charlie to Team Bravo, I have two bodies moving towards you.”
“Confirmed,” he said after checking thermal vision for himself.
“Physical take down?” asked Tina.
He nodded as the door opened and one of the two said, “Thanks man, we’ll be back in a couple of hours with the stuff.” The two of them walked out and closed the front door with a bang. They then started down the three steps that led off the front veranda to the driveway. As they walked up the path and passed Tina and his hiding places, both of them moved and applied tight sleeper holds to both of the targets, they also removed the target’s vertical bases with a good boot to the back of the knees. When they were on the ground it took about thirty seconds for them both to stop moving.
“Dealt with,” said Tina, “Moving to the door.”
“Confirmed Team Bravo, signal when ready,” Nibs said.
After ten seconds, Paul signalled, via the signal beep. After a final thermal check of the interior to confirm the locations of the occupants, and she said, “Move.”
The rear door almost came off its hinges as Sandra booted the door open.
She led carrying her MA240 in the assault position, she knocked the guy sat in the chair nearest the back door to the floor before he could reach for his sidearm and bellowed over the inbuilt helmet speaker, “Anyone moves and we will kill you.”
Paul and Tina entered, via the same method, the front door and Tina brought the stock of her DX-2 assault shotgun round and caught one guy in the side of the head as he was going for the assault weapons by the door. Paul quickly removed any chance of them getting access to them by picking them up and sliding them down the front veranda, they both fell off the end in to the alley way.
“We have rights,” said the guy who was face down, after she had knocked him to the floor.
“You would have if we gave a shit and if we were cops, as we are not and we don’t give a shit. You haven’t got no rights,” said Sandra. Sandra’s voice like hers distorted by the software in the tactical computer.
“You all have until morning to vacate this premises and area. If we see any of you within five miles of this address, we will bury you 6ft under,” she said in a very stem voice. “And if you think we were kidding when I say that, Team Charlie. Fire.”
The crack of a heavy round was heard from outside and them a large hole was created in the side wall and floor. Then a small explosion was heard from the area under the house as the .55cal APEX round exploded.,
“Extract, Extract,” she said over the communication system. “And remember we see you, we bury you.” Both teams extracted from the building, Sandra and her leaving through the back door and Paul and Tina left through the front. All four disappeared into the night.
As the pair got into the garden they both went face down in the darkness created by the verandas shadow from the lights inside.
A few seconds later one of the guys from inside stood on the veranda where the steps joined, she could see he was looking out over the garden. Never once looking down, and even if he did, she thought, ‘if you had looked down, the night camouflage and the black light armour would hide me from your gaze.’ He was carrying an M22, which from what she could see the safety was on and it didn’t look in good repair.
She heard him say “They fecking well disappeared.”
She then heard another voice coming from inside, “You must be kidding, they where here ten seconds ago.”
“I know, but they’ve totally disappeared,” said the guy standing on the veranda and he then went back inside.
She moved to the fence that marked Duggie’s property from the dealers, Sandra joined her and using the tree half way down the fence they scaled the fence and dropped into Duggie’s garden. As she was going over the fence her hearing picked up a conversation from inside the target house, “I’m leaving tomorrow early, the fire power they where carrying was not the usual firepower for the local gangs, those guns where far more advanced. I think the way they handled themselves they are quite likely to be Street Ghosts, and I’m sorry I’m not ending up six foot under cause you think they won’t carry out their threat,” and after hearing the response from the guy she had smacked she smiled, “Yeah you may be right, I have no problems in handling the local gangs but not Street Ghosts they are ruthless and most will keep their promises.”
As the pair moved through the rear garden of Duggie’s house, Nibs was operating on infra-red saw someone standing in a rear window, she saw the person was Amy. Amy looked like she was smiling at them as they both moved through the garden. After again quietly stepping over the low fencing that marked Duggie’s from the Foxxes’ place, they moved passed the side of the house crossing the road and they headed for the back yard of Home Base.
When Nibs and Daraus had turned and walked across the street Amy opened the door smiling. Her dad was sat in the living room playing with Beatrice, whilst Hemma was doing some work. Bill she thought was probably up stairs reading or designing something. She knew he had a real talent for designing adverts, posters and she thought with a little encouragement he could become pretty good at advertising and designing campaigns.
“Dad, I would like to talk to you in private please,” she said.
“Is now good enough,” replied Duggie.
“It could take some time.”
“Ok.” Duggie looked at the clock on the mantle piece and said to Hemma and Beatrice, “Bed you too, it’s a good thirty minutes after your bed time Beatrice. It’s pretty close to yours as well young lady.” He was looking at Hemma as he said that.
She walked down the corridor into the kitchen to make her self a drink.
“Head into my den Amy, I’ll meet you down there,” called Duggie from carrying Beatrice up stairs.
“Is Bill in Dad?”
“No, he went out a couple of hours ago and I have no idea when he’s going to be back. I’m working from 5 tomorrow.”
“Ok dad,” she replied and seeing a fresh large cartoon of mily in the fridge she poured herself a glass and walked back down the corridor to the door to her dad’s private den. The only place in the house where the kids’ didn’t go ever, only he and Sam had spent time down there. She opened the door and walked down the hand made stairs to a landing. A small sign at eye height read, ‘Please remove your shoes before proceeding.’ She did and walked down the final steps into a good 10metre square room. The floor was covered in cushions in the middle was a depression again it was full of cushions. Lining the walls were pictures of him and Sam in many wonderous places around Darra Von. A few had Sam and a large green…dragon in, her eyes opened slightly when she saw it.
“Yes Amy, the dragon you see is me.” Her dad’s warm voice said as he came down the stairs. He took off his shoes and walked to the centre and cleaned out the cushions from the depression. She saw it was a circular seating arrangement with a table made from solid rock. “Come and sit, my daughter, for tonight you learn the truth of me and Sam.”
She walked to the middle, sat down and cuddled up to her dad.
Duggie looked down at his daughter Amy and cast an Aerial Helper spell. He sent it off to get him a drink of water and to bring the packet of biscuits as well. He started, “33 years ago I met Sam your mother when she was working as a legal secuatary in the Legal department of Rotork Rujuniva. I was working at the time as delivery guy, and regularly took large consignments to the department building in the capital, we got chatting and friendly, then one day Sam not being exactly the reserved type, asks me on a date, I go and we love each other.”
Duggie felt Amy move as she took a sip from her glass. Amy looked over as the tray with the glass and packet of biscuits on floated down the stairs. He saw her eyes open in amazement at it. Amy then turned to look at her dad and asked, “Are you doing that?”
“Yes and no. When you snuggled into me I cast the Aerial Helper spell and sent that to get my drink and the biscuits. In a bit I will explain what both me and Sam know you, Bill, Hemma, Beatrice and Damien are.”
“We’re human Chaing-ku, dad, I think rather than you telling me your story I think I’ll tell you what I dreamt and saw earlier today. I know some things that you don’t about mum and what she is doing at the moment.”
This time is was his turn to be surprised. “How?” was his only question as Amy pulled away slightly.
“How do I know that dad,” replied Amy and she then explained what had happened that day concerning the dream and visions.
Throughout Amy’s telling he sat there listening intently to what she was saying. When she had finished he sat thinking. “Come here you, I never realized that telling you Sam was not your mum had hurt that much.” He took her into the warm security of his arms.
“That doesn’t worry me dad, I know now, what worries me is the situation she is in now. I’m going to go and do my best as I try and rescue her. I think the Vixens from across the street are going to help.”
“I think I should then tell you what I can do as it is very likely that you will be able to do them as well.”
“Please dad, boy is Miller going to be in for a shock tomorrow.”
He looked at her and smiled. “The tattoos are magical tap one and concentrate on it.” She tapped the short Karack blade wrapped in flames. In her hands appeared the blade and it had flames coming from it. “Now concentrated on it disappearing.”
It disappeared, “Dad what do they all do, you have lots more than I do, why?”
“Why, at the time when we decided to tattoo all our children, we decided to stop it at six. As Chaing-ku we can have lots. Humans can’t if you go above six the magic involved in the creation destroys any ability to control magick, and to those in the know who saw you and the tattoos they would think you a interdimensional traveler or an Attlan, a member of a race who tattoo them selves with these tattoos, we taught them how to do it. What each does, the suit of armour creates a magickal shield that surrounds and protects you from the advanced weaponary the true enemy use. The Bird tattoo, creates a bird that will warn you if people get to close and will attack them if you tell it to. The one on your wrist allows you read and understand all languages except Magickal runes and writings. The one on the opposite wrist provides you with protection from being controlled and turned into a vampire. That one.” He pointed to the one on her right upper arm, “Gives you the power to shoot bolts of fire from you finger tips, you also become immune to all fire and similar.”
Amy sat there and said, “Dad, Ms. Miller had a strange looking tattoo on her lower arm,” and she points to the location on her lower left arm. “It’s a wolf’s head and when I look at it, its eyes glow with a white aura.”
He looked at Amy in shock. “That sounds like Miss Miller has a magickal tattoo.”
“I think she has more than just one, last summer she came to school on a few occasions in just a bikini and crop top and I saw at least eight across her body and arms.”
“Eight!” he quietly exclaimed. “That makes her a tattooed warrior.”
“Yes and what the hell is a high lord and Splugorth intelligence?” asked Amy
“What a High lord and Splugorth intelligence are, are some of the worst nightmares you can imagine. Our lovely nice world is just a venier covering what is a very nasty and dangerous place, the Splugorth are a race of creatures that live for thousands upon thousands of years most control massive empires that span dimensions. They control the empires through the High lords and in these places people like me, you, the guys from across the street would be slaves and similar to those who support the rulers, it’s what is happening now in places around Naban and very likely across the world.”
Amy yarned and he said, “Up to bed you. You understand that what I have told you can not be told to anyone other than those you truly trust, and not to Bill, as he is likely to go next door and do something stupid.”
“I know dad. I just wish Bill could see that he could be really good at designing adverts and drawing.”
“So do I,” he said as he followed her up the stairs grabbing the shoes and Amy’s new boots. “Whose boots?”
“Mine, they were a present from Abs.”
“Oh I almost forgot Mark and Angelique Hill called past today asking after you, they said would you go and see them tomorrow first period, they’ve organized it so you can. I think they are concerned about you.”
Amy turned towards the kitchen to wash her glass up and said, “I know they do, they are the only two teachers that do.”
“They also have your bag and jacket.”
Amy looked out of the window over the sink and she saw two people drop from the tree on the dealers back garden into their garden. They crossed the garden and stepped over the low fence between them and the Foxxes’ garden. She turned smiling at what she knew the guys had done. She walked out of the kitchen and switched the light off and again as she left the corridor. She went upstairs and as she did she said, “Night dad.”
Duggie looked up from unfolding his bed and said, “Good night Amy and remember what I taught you all those years ago about controlling one’s anger.”
“I do dad, and thanks.”
When all five where back inside, they all felt very happy that the operation had gone so well. Daraus ran towards the group when they opened the back door and launched himself at Sandra who was the first person through the door.
“Whooh Daraus,” said Sandra. “It’s good to see you too.”
Woof, woof, went Daraus
As the group walked up the corridor, they opened the face plates on their helmets, and when they had entered the living room they disconnected the data cable, unclipped the back of the helmet. They then removed the unit and placed it in their cases.
“A successful operation that,” said Paul.
“Yeah, but I measure success on outcomes not how well the job goes,” Nibs said, “Lets wait until tomorrow when they’ve gone.”
“That’s true, plus the ramifications for the local community will be massive if they do leave, most of the houses are in hock to them,” responded Paul.
“Some will be happy they’ve gone, others not so, you’ve got to remember the income for most of the people here is below the poverty line which isn’t good,” said Abs.
“I know,” she said as she removed the magazines and other technology from her webbing, “If they go that’s good if not, I’m sorry to say it we bury them. We have to.”
“Yeah we do,” said Paul. “Anyway Nibs, it’s your birthday tomorrow so I say we chill for the rest of tonight.” He took out the first ceramic plate and slipped it into it’s home in the case.
“What are the plans for tomorrow?” asked Abs as she did the same.
“Mm,” she said, “help Amy with her bullying problems at school.”
“Then out to the restaurant for about 07:30AN-ish then to Club Millana for about 09:30AN-ish to watch Richard C in a street fight,” said Sandra. “We’ve invited Misty’s group to the club, but the table we’ve booked at the restaurant is for ten. Paul suggested we invited Amy along and seeing as you did do exactly that today, we haven’t had to worry about it.”
“Ok,” she said, as she removed the second skin and folded it up and placed it in her case.
Paul nudged Sandra at her comment, Sandra just turned and looked at him with a face that said I know you like her.
The rest of the evening was spent watching a couple of good films and getting stoned.
Sandra and she walked into their room, when Sandra had closed the door, she asked, “Is Paul after Amy?”
“Yeah he is,” replied Sandra as she undressed for bed.
“I think Amy may have some kind of special ability,” she said as she removed the trousers she had put on after the raid.
“What makes you say that hun?” asked Sandra after she had climbed into bed and lit the final Cambar cigarette of the day.
She joined her and replied, “When we were crossing Duggie's yard, I was on Infra-red and saw who I thought was Amy stood in the window, she smiled at us as we passed.”
“That’s freaky,” responded Sandra, “As the whole point of where we were moving was well out of the light from the house,” after a moments thought Sandra continued, “Hang on, you know I can see auras.”
“Yeah,” she responded.
“You saw the tattoos she has on her arms.”
“Yeah I did,” she replied taking a draw on the Cambar cigarette and exhaling the smoke.
“I swear I saw areas within the overall tattoos glowing a faint white, and she produces a very vivid blue aura. One of the designs was an eye surrounded by a sun and both the eye and sun where glowing.”
“That does sound interesting,” she said. “Something to be looked at tomorrow I think.”
“Yeah I think so too,” responded Sandra.
“Mind you there’s a lot we don’t know about Amy and the rest of her family,” she replied. “Oh and earlier I swear Daraus put her to sleep and, never mind.”
“What hun?” Sandra asked sounding interested at what she was going to say.
“I think Daraus put her to sleep.”
“Ok,” replied Sandra.
Daraus jumped up and gave her a sloppy kiss.
“I swear you know what we are thinking Daraus.” She swore she saw an image of a human face where the muzzle was and it winked at her and smiled.
“What time should I set the alarm for hun?” asked Sandra.
“About 10BNish, it will give us a few hours to get ready,” she replied and stubbed out the Cambar cigarette. She kissed her love on the lips and they both laid down cuddling with Daraus located at their feet.
Chapter 27
Sandra heard a quiet knock on the bedroom door. She looked over at the clock and saw it read 09:30BN. Sandra got up and tiptoed out of the room, wearing her bath robe, and into the living room where Paul, Tina and Abs where wrapping the various presents they had got Nibs. She took the Githage bag that contained her present to Nibs and took out of the bag a thin square box. She took a large piece of wrapping paper and wrapped it up and placed it at the bottom of the pile of other presents.
When she had finished it she got up and went into the kitchen to prepare Nibs her breakfast. When she heard the alarm go off she walked in to the bedroom carrying the tray which had on it a hot steaming cup of some of Big Malla’s Spiced Sweet Chai Latte, a bowl of Nibs’ favourite cereal, a vase with a single black rose in and four envelopes, all containing birthday cards.
“You know the significance of the Black Rose hun?” asked Nibs who was sat up stroking Daraus.
“Yes, when it is laying on the pillow beside your head, but when the Black Rose is given by a partner to a partner on her birthday it means that my undying love is yours forever and a day,” she replied. “Mum and dad told me that when I hit 14. Paul and I were inducted at the next Gathering, which is something we must think about for you and your formal introduction to the Queen Sarah.”
“True,” said Nibs as she passed the tray to her. Nibs took it and put it on her lap.
Sandra then walked around the bed to her side and climbed back into bed and gave Nibs a kiss on the cheek.
Nibs took the four cards and opened each of them and found the top one was from her and Daraus, who had placed a paw print just under her name. The next one was from Paul and then Tina’s and lastly Abs’ card they all had jokes on and made her laugh when she read them.
When the breakfast was finished Nibs swung her legs out and stood up taking her green towelling robe from the foot of the bed.
“Now close your eyes hun, the rest of the house has some surprises for you in the living room,” said Sandra
“Ok,” she said and closed her eyes.
Sandra took her by the hand and led her into the living room where she said, “Open your eyes hun.”
She opened them and Abs handed her a large box wrapped in birthday paper. She took it and moved to sit down on her usual sofa. Daraus came in from the garden jumping to the sofa to sit beside her. He placed his head on her thigh. She unwrapped the box and opened it. She took out the helmet she had bought on the trip to Darla’s forest house, except on each side of it was a stylized image of the Black Fairy. “Thank you guys this is beautiful.”
“Thank Abs for it she had the idea,” said Paul.
She got up moving to give Abs a kiss on the cheek and also gave her a hug.
“You are the personification of the Black Fairy, fun loving but deadly serious and very evil as well, when your friends are in trouble,” said Abs.
Tina was next to pass a small wrapped box to her. She unwrapped and opened the small box, to find two identical Celtar crosses in earring form. They matched the one she wore around her neck. Sandra took them and removed the studs she had in, Sandra then inserted the new ones. They had been designed to sit on the ears and hang just slightly below the lobe. “Thank you Tina these are beautiful.”
“Thank you for being who you are Nibs,” said Tina. “Abs is right when she says you are the personification of the black fairy through.”
Paul handed her his present next, it tubular and was soft with hard lumps in it. She unwrapped it and when the paper had been removed she untied the cord securing the tubular leather protection. She unrolled the item and saw, what she recognized to be a religious symbol important to the Paygan religion.
“Allow me to show you and over the next few days instruct you in its use. It’s a Paygan Medicine bundle, as you know both me and Tina are priests in the Gangrel Paygan group and tonight is a special night for us as it is a planetary alignment that includes both our moons and seven other planets in our system,” Paul said, “At 10:42AN this evening it starts and lasts for 37 minutes, if we weren’t going to the club we would be conducting a ceremony in the garden to celebrate.
“The bundle has five herbs thought by Paygans to have special qualities and the nine crystals are also thought to possess similar qualities.”
“Thank you Paul,” she said looking very happy and interested at the sametime.
“Don’t thank just me, Tina wrote the runic inscriptions in the corners of the outer, deer, leather covering and she also inscribed the wheel inside,” Paul said.
She got up and gave Tina a kiss on the cheek and said, “Thank you.”
“And lastly mine hun,” said Sandra and handed her another wrapped box, this one thinner than Abs’.
She unwrapped it and took out a full length leather trench coat. On the back was an embroidered image of the Black Fairy but this one was holding two short staves and slung from its shoulder was an Echo MA260 Assault pulse rifle. In the background was Nibs’ bike and over the head were the words ‘The Black Fairy Vixen’ and below was written ‘Be Warned’ the writing was in deep red thread. The wings where extended as if she was about to take off.
“Thank you hun,” she said, getting up so she could give Sandra a kiss on the lips. After sitting back down she asked, “Can I ask, have they left or are we preparing to bury them?”
“They left at a quarter past nine,” said Abs rather happy at the fact, “I saw them leaving when I returned with your helmet.”
“That’s good we’ll check it out tomorrow evening.”
“Anyway I think we had better get ready to go and help Amy,” said Paul
Knock, knock came from the front door, “It’s open,” called Paul.
The door opened and Bill stood on the other side of the door.
“Come in Bill,” said Paul.
“Amy said it was your birthday Nibs. Just something small from us as a thank you for being a human who cares,” said Bill stepping into the living room, and offered her a small bag with something at the bottom
“You know where we are going at lunchtime?” she asked as she got up and walked towards Bill.
“Yeah to her school to have a chat with the bullies. I wish I could go but Beatrice is off school with a stomach bug and dad had to go to work today,” answered Bill.
She then took the bag and opened it taking out a bracelet.
“Well if Beatrice is off sick you had better get back to her,” said Tina.
“It was Sam’s, Duggie said I should give to you this morning, he thinks Sam would have wanted it to be with someone with a good heart.”
“Thank you Bill and tell Duggie thank you.”
Bill turned and started down the steps. “Hang on Bill,” she said and stepped on to the veranda. She closed the door, and said in a quiet voice to Bill, “Can you ask Duggie if it would be possible for me and Sandra to have a private chat with him in the next few days, tell him it concerns Amy.”
“I will, shall I drop off a note to you giving you and idea of when he’s free.”
“Yeah,” she responded. “Now get back to looking after Beatrice.”
“I’m gone,” said Bill, “and happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” she responded sounding happy turning to walk back inside, the clock read almost 11:00BN. “When does Amy’s school lunch start?” she asked.
“Assuming it’s a city run school, around 01:00AN,” Tina said.
“So three hours then,” she said.
“Enough time to get dressed and find the school,” said Paul as he stood and headed for the kitchen and the coffee peculator.
At the same time as Paul walked back in after seeing Bill and getting the address of the school, the four girls walked in from the bedroom corridor after and Sandra and Abs sat down waiting for the time of departure.
Tina walked to kitchen and asked, “Coffee everyone?”
“Yeah,” answered everyone.
Nibs walked to the cupboard beside the front door and took down a tin of food for Daraus, she opened it and scooped half the tin into the bowl. She picked up his water bowl, so she could replace the water. She looked down and saw Daraus sat there waiting for the bowls to be returned to the floor. She put the water bowl down first and then placed the food bowl down. When she stood up Daraus had his muzzle in the bowl and was chomping his way through the food.
She turned and headed back to the sofas, her short staves now firmly fixed to her legs.
Sandra said as she came back, “They look good, they suit your weapons and you hun.”
As she pasted Tina she handed her two cups of coffee mouthing, “you and Sandra.”
She nodded that she understood and took a sip from one and found that was hers. “Thanks, I’ve always had a plan to carry them there, but never had the items needed to make it the leather stall had everything else except the clips which were easy to get. He also told me how to decorate it as well.”
“Got any ideas for the designs?” asked Paul.
Tina walked back carrying three cups. Paul got his and he took a sip from it before putting on the ground and taking out his tin.
Abs got the next cup and that went straight to the coffee table and was joined by Tina’s cup.
“Yes, something very similar to the designs in the Celtar Cross and the ear rings.”
“That sounds like a really interesting design to do, but the work in the cross and the ear rings is incredibly intricate.”
Soon the time rolled around for them to leave for the school. She had brought up the map and had a rough idea of how to get to the area.
As everyone walked out the front door, Paul grabbed the baby carrier, they used to transport Daraus, from the hanger beside the front door and said, “Who’s got Daraus?” Who was walking at Nibs’ heel.
“Me,” she said in reply.
Paul passed the carrier to her. She also took her sunglasses from her pouch. She smiled as she remembered taking them from a prostrate Simoine all those weeks ago.
“Thinking about your last day as school hun?” asked Sandra as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Soon all five bikes were on the driveway and Paul had closed the garage door.
She put the carrier on her back. Sandra grabbed Daraus and slid him into the carrier so his head was looking out over Nibs’ shoulder, his front paws were resting on her shoulders as well.
Everyone stood on the kick starts, which started the engines and selected first, they all pulled up the driveway past the blue van and turned left. At the main road junction they turned right, heading for Eban Hill which was close to the High school Amy went too.
It took about twenty minutes to drive the distance to the school and all five motor-bikes parked up in the student’s car park. After climbing off Nibs let Daraus down and passed the carrier to Tina as she had volunteered on the drive over to carry Daraus when they left the school. Nibs, Sandra, and Paul, with Daraus padding along beside them, all walked to the main area between the school buildings. Here they found a secluded table to sit at and waited for the bell to indicate the start of lunch.
At 01:00AN the bell sounded and the students started to come out of the buildings.
Amy left the house, and had hopped to see Nibs that morning so she could wish her a happy birthday. She turned towards the fuel station, and she was feeling a lot happier. The chat to dad last night had given her, her confidence back. She would act depressed and she knew miss Miller would be her usual self, but she also knew that at lunch time she would be getting such a comeuppance.
At first period she walked to Mark’s Office and found both Mark and Angelique sat waiting for her. “Come in Amy. I guess your dad told you about us coming to see you last night?” asked Mark
“Yes he did,” she replied.
“Good. We were both concerned about what happened yesterday, am I right in saying that it’s the bullying you’ve been getting?” asked Mark sounding very concerned at the bullying.
“Yes it is.”
Amy walked to one of the easy chairs and sat down.
“You look a lot happier today Amy.”
“Thanks Mrs Hill.”
“Please like this.” She indicated the relax atmosphere. “It’s Angelique. Do you want to tell us what happened yesterday?”
She then told the pair what had happened but left out what happened after she had left the school and when she got to Home Base.
“That is not a nice story at all. Abilgail has a lot to answer for then. I’ve heard reports from other teachers that she is also picking on other students. I’m keeping a very close eye on her now, for two reasons someone by the name of M Killaton has just listed a street gang out of a tenant block just south of the Wacker hospital. From the descriptions and reports of local Gangrels is that he’s been seen with Miss Miller and they’ve been in charge of the gang. I know that they’ve also employed a Gangrel unit to assist in training the gang.”
The bell for second period rang outside in the corridor.
“Right, thanks for popping by. Oh yes your bag,” said Mark as he rummaged through a pile of things. He found in and presented it to Amy along with her mobile. “I thought I had better take this, just in case.”
“Thanks, it’s got some sentimental pictures of friends lost and family.”
She slipped it into her trouser pocket and took the bag. She left Mark’s office just ahead of both of them. She walked down the corridor and turned the corner which would take her to her second lesson of the day. She almost walked into the back on Miss Miller who was talking to a group of her friends. She avoided her by continuing straight down the corridor, this route would make her a bit late, but it was safer, other wise she may blow laters fun.
Amy walked out of the main block carrying her bag and lunch. Dad had been paid yesterday for the last three days work and had four confirmed days and possibly another eight after that. A lot more work for her and Bill having to get the young ones out to school. She still looked down as she glanced around the area, she couldn’t see her friends, but she knew they would be in the area.
As the last of the flood of pupils had left the buildings Sandra spotted a lone figure slowly walking to a table and said to Daraus, “Find Amy and bring her to us.”
Daraus stood, stretched and padded off in the direction of the lone figure. It took him about five minutes to locate Amy who was sat on her own at the opposite end of the courtyard area, slowly eating her lunch. He jumped to the bench, seat next to her and put his paws on the table top. He looked at Amy who looked down and he saw her face change to one of realization of who it was.
“Where’s Nibs Daraus?” asked Amy.
He jumped down looked up at Amy who suddenly realized he had been sent to find her.
Whilst Daraus was finding Amy, Nibs and Sandra was using their improved hearing to filter out the background noise and listen into the various conversations. She heard one group say, “There’s the druggie whore, oo what’s that with her, a druggie play toy?”
She looked over and saw a group of nine girls giggling as Amy and Daraus walked towards them and said to the other two, “Found them Sandra, Paul.”
“Oh where hun?” asked Sandra.
“The group of girls over the far side of the court yard,” she replied.
“Ah, got them now,” said Sandra, “and repeated the last comment so Paul knew what was being said, “Your druggie lover buy you the animal so you can remember your step mum.”
“I thought you were changing sis,” said Paul with a smile, “I see the change is for the better.”
“Yeah I am Paul and it is for the better of everyone.”
When Amy and Daraus had rounded the last corner she saw Nibs, Sandra, and Paul sitting at the table, she ran to them and gave Paul, Sandra and Nibs a hug.
“Time to have a little chat with the bullies,” Nibs said, “Would you join us and show us which group it is.”
“It would be my pleasure Nibs,” responded Amy, as Sandra passed Amy the Cambar cigarette she had been smoking along with a lighter, “I like your coat Nibs, birthday present?”
“Yeah it was, from Sandra.”
The four of them, with Daraus padding beside her heel, walked past small groups of pupils and as they moved, heads were turning and looking at them. Nibs knew that first impressions counted and she knew the manor of her walk, the sunglasses, the new jacket, her short staves was the image of a Street Ghost. Having Sandra and Paul both wearing their jackets with the Unit’s name and Gangrel Street Gang across the back was just what she was looking for to complete the picture. Amy walking with a purpose head up back straight gave them the reason for being there. She thought to herself, ‘The persona of the Black Fairy must be seen with a certain amount of trepadation.’
Two hall monitors walked out of the main building and started towards the group. She just stopped, turned her head towards them and just stared them down. They stopped and slightly back up.
She finished the walk to where Abilgail and her group of friends were. Abilgail was sitting with her back to them as the approached and she noticed a few of the group gulped when they saw the group. Sandra whispered in to her ear, “Most are producing a faint white aura.”
She smiled as she took out her right short stave and brought it down hard. As it hit the table it made a resounding crack. “Ladies.” She paused. “Gentlemen, I hear that you find if fun to bully people, would you like to call me names like the ones you call Amy.” After a short pause as she looked around the table and smiled at the three teenager men, “I take a very, very, very dim view of bullies especially one’s who bully my friends and as Amy is a friend I take an incredibly dim view of it. I advise you all to grow up as if I hear of another incident of you lot bullying people, who are different to you, I will be back and next time I won’t be just talking, I will be acting.” After a last intense stare at all those sitting at the table, the four friends turned and walked away in the direction of the student car park..
Paul turned to Amy, as the four of them walked away, and asked, “Do you wish to join us and blow this joint Amy?”
Amy spent about a second thinking and replied, “If that’s ok with all of you?”
“Yeah, that was the reason why we came today, was to give you the chance to enjoy life away from bullies and school work,” she said.
“Oh we are so scared your druggie friends had to come and save you from us,” said Abilgail. She heard the sneer in the tone of voice.
The group stopped and Amy turned saying to her friends, “Would you mind waiting for a couple of minutes?” She could see her eyes were those of, ‘that’s it, no more’.
“No we don’t mind Amy,” said Paul after looking at everyone.
Amy then walked back towards the group and punched the Abilgail, using the palm of her hand right on the nose, which flattened against her face and forced her to sit down on the ground, hard. Abilgail glared at her. She looked down at her and said, “That’s, for the last comment and all the others I’ve heard you utter over the last couple of years. Sam didn’t run away, she disappeared and I intend to go find her.” Amy turned around and walked back towards her friends.
She turned and faced the bullies. “Oh and by they way, get your facts right before making assumptions, we are all Street Ghosts. Watch for us in the night.” She turned back and continued to walk towards the bikes.
She saw one of the teachers walk out of one of the buildings and she then heard him say “I doubt we will be seeing you again Amy. Good luck in your new life.”
When the four friends arrived back at the bikes, Abs and Tina were chatting to the two people Amy knew from Combat 90.
“No problems I hope?” asked Abs.
“Nah,” replied Paul.
Gill asked Amy, “No problems I hope hun?”
“Yeah but it’s sorted now,” answered Amy.
“Who was it?” asked Roger.
“Abigail Miller and her group of friends,” replied Amy as Nibs picked up Daraus and put him in the baby carrier Tina was wearing.
“That would have been fun to watch. Is there anything we can do?”
“Yeah make sure that they don’t do it to other people in the school,” replied Amy.
“Yeah we will,” said Gill in response and the two of them walked off in the direction of the court yard.
“It’s nice to be recognized,” said Tina.
“Especially by those we haven’t helped,” said Abs.
“Let’s blow this joint and head back to ours to chill before the party tonight,” suggested Paul looking very happy at something, she knew it was Amy being with me and accepting the initial offer of leaving the school.
“Yeah, lets,” said Amy smiling a happy smile.
“Now that’s the attitude I like to hear, one were the person is at peace with themselves,” she said in response to Amy’s reply. She climbed onto her bike and indicated for Amy to join her. She then slammed the kick start down to start the engine and along with the others they pulled out of the student car park and headed for home base.
When they got back they found Gary’s bike parked on the driveway, they all parked up outside the garage and walked into the house. They found Gary sitting on the sofa smoking a large Cambar cigarette, he said when they had walked in, “Hi guys.” Gary sounded rather happy at the fact of it being a party day.
“Hi Gary,” replied everyone.
Tina took the carrier off and from it jumped Daraus who walked to his bowl and lapped at the water.
“How was the match?” asked Sandra.
“We won 46-20, we are in the final,” replied Gary and turned to face them. “Oh happy birthday Nibs.” Gary got up and retrieved a large bag which he then passed to Nibs flat. Inside the bag was a couple of boxes. “I hope I got your size right, you’re a size 12 yeah?”
“Yeah I am,” she responded and opened the bag. She took out a full length dark purple dress and shoes. The dress had a built in corset and lace sleeves.
“Oh is that the finished jacket Sandra?”
“It is,” replied Sandra.
“Give us a twirl Nibs,” requested Gary. She did. “Oh very nice. Sarah did do a good job on the embroidery.”
Paul took the jackets and waited for her to hand him hers. When she had taken it off and passed it to Paul everyone sat down and relaxed.
“Yeah she did,” said Sandra.
After finishing at his bowl Daraus padded over to where she was sitting just in front of the sofa and lay down.
Amy who was sitting next to her turned to face her and said, “I’m sorry I’ve not been able to get you a present.”
“You have Amy,” she said smiling, “being here is present enough and Bill popped over this morning and gave me this and said it was Sam’s.” She showed Amy the bracelet Bill had given to her that morning.
“It was and I know Sam would have wanted someone of good heart to have it,” Amy responded when she saw it on her right wrist.
Gary said, “Hi Amy,” and smiled. “Can I take it you will be joining us this evening?”
“Oh, hi Gary,” responded Amy, “Yes I will.”
“Good, more the merrier,” said Gary.
Around 03:00AN-ish Darla and the twins pulled into the driveway.
When the three new arrivals walked through the front door, they all said, “Happy birthday Nibs.”
”Thank you Darla, Angel and Damieel,” she said.
All three walked over and sat down on the pile of cushions and bean bags and passed two large, long wrapped presents to her.
She took them both and by simply feeling the weight of them and looking at the length of them, she realized what they were, “You shouldn’t have Darla, Angel, Damieel. Thank you so much.”
“You know what they’ve got you hun?” asked Sandra.
“Yeah I do but only one who knows the culture of ancient Jarrzar would recognize the weight and feel of a pair of Naj Blades also known as Assassin swords.”
Darla and the twins smiled and nodded a yes reply.
She unwrapped the two packages and found it was a matching pair. On the outside was a strip of silver like metal and coming from that was thin tendrils of what looked like the same metal. The tendrils had been worked to form a highly intricate pattern that looked like it was only on the surface of the short staff. There was no obvious indication that it was a blade of any kind.
Upon looking at them which everyone was. Tina asked the question, which she knew everyone was asking, “They aren’t a blade, they look like a pair of short staves?”
She handed the one she had been looking at to Tina and said, “Watch.” She took her hand away and the top of the blade came away in her hand. Connected to the section in her hand was the blade section. The top of the scabbard section was now missing and cut into the wood of the scabbard was a groove where the blade section sat.
She brought the blade so she look down the length of the sharp edge. “Feck me the edge is sharp.” She stood up and went to the cupboard beside the computer station. She took a piece of paper out and rested the sheet on the blade. She gently dropped the blade so letting the paper drop off. The actual paper didn’t move down the blade it fell in half. Everyone stared in shock at the two pieces of paper.
“Feck!” exclaimed Darla, “when Tony said they were sharp, I never realized they were that sharp.”
She then looked at the inscription at the base of the blade. She asked Darla, “Can I ask how you got them?”
“Yeah, no problem, Tony from Demology café got them into the country for us they arrived a couple of days ago and we picked them up this morning.”
“Do you know where Tony got them from?”
“No all I know is that I asked for a pair of Naj swords.”
“Ok,” she replied. “Hun can you get me the digital camera?”
“Why do you want the camera hun?”
“I want to send a picture of the inscription to Jum and Wong I think the inscription belongs to one of the master sword smiths. If it does, then he broke Jarrzarian Law by making these.”
Tina asked, “May I Nibs?” She indicated she wanted to have a look at the other one.
“Yeah. Here.” She handed one to her.
“You’re kidding,” exclaimed Darla.
“No I’m not Darla. Jarrzarian Law states no one can make or ask to have made a Naj sword with a lethal edge, if he got caught he’s looking at two and a half million deck fine plus at least twenty years in prison plus the revoking of his license to create swords. That is a serious punishment for a Sword Smith.”
“Why are they called Assassin Swords?” asked Tina in ‘I am getting that right aren’t I style’.
“With out knowing that was a blade, from just looking at it would you say it was a lethal blade?”
“No, quite simply from just looking at the outside you can’t tell,” replied Tina as she passed it to Abs.
After a couple of seconds Abs asked, “How do you get the blade out and which end is the handle?”
She looked at the item and said in reply, “The end nearest you is the handle. How do you get it apart? Place your thumb at about a hand width from the end and press.”
Abs did that and the two separated. She looked at the fact in shock. “That is a light catch.”
“It’s no catch, the scabbard fits so snuggly to the blade even in full flow combat using them as staves the scabbard will not fly off. The first time I use them will tell me if they are made by a master smith or a simple sword smith. I’ve fought using a pair made by a master sword smith and fought using a pair made by the same master’s apprentice as one of his test pieces. The difference when fighting is considerable as the master made set the scabbard didn’t move. The set made by the apprentice moved very slightly. And how to tell which end the scabbard is. In the base is a tiny amount of metal as the blade curves down.”
Darla placed a small wooden box on the table. She looked at the box in a puzzled fashion.
”The cleaning kit Nibs,” replied Darla.
“They are the perfect weight for fighting with them as staves,” said Tina
“I know,” she replied as she focused in on the base and the inscription there. She took the picture and took the camera to the computer and booted it up, when it had finished booting she opened two NetViewers and in one did a search for Jarrzarian sword smith inscriptions and in the other she checked to see if either Jum or Wong was online. Wong was, she opened BlackNet messenger and typed ‘hi’ and pressed the enter button, very quickly Wong replied with, ‘Hi’
She then typed, ‘Are you on voice?’
Wong replied, ‘Yes I am why?’
‘Can I switch over to it as I have a question I want to ask you and I’m here with the rest of the Vixens,’ she typed.
“Ok,” replied Wong over the voice system.
“Hi Wong. Can I send you a sword smith’s inscription.”
“Yeah no worries, can’t you look for it on the net,” said Wong.
“I am looking on the Net but it’s not listed on the Sword Smith Lists.”
“Ah, ok, send the image.”
“Sending now.” She pressed the send button, then selected the image from the camera and pressed the ok button.
After about 30seconds, Wong said, “Got it viewing now.”
After a couple of minutes she transferred the Messenger to the tablet and switched the sound system over to receive its source from the tablet and not the computer. She said, “I’m not surprised you can’t find it, it’s ancient Jarrzarian and if the details I have in front of me are correct it belongs to Krum-Wong-Fu.”
“Krum-Wong-Fu,” she repeated.
“Yes,” responded Wong.
“Feck, Double feck,” she said. “Do you want to tell everyone here who Krum-Wong-Fu was or shall I.”
“I don’t mind doing it, but Jum would be better as he’s much better read on Jarrzarian History than I am.”
“Ok, would you correct me if I get it wrong, to your knowledge, please Wong?”
“No problem.”
Amy got up and asked, “Drinks everyone?”
“Yeah thanks,” everyone, including Wong, replied.
Abs also added, “I’ll give you a hand with it Amy.”
“And that’s a good point, you got a NetCam setup?” asked Wong.
“No we ain’t,” she responded. After a brief pause, she continued, “but we can, back in a sec.” She got up and walked to the bedroom and opened her tech bag. She took out one of the two NetCams.
Abs called out, “What do you want to drink? Darla brought some beer over.”
“Caferras please Abs,” she replied and she started back towards the living room.
She returned to the living room and plugged the NetCam in, Wong sent the invite for Nibs to view hers Sandra pressed the ok button and on the Tablet appeared a NetCam window with Wong walking towards a couple of arm chairs.
“We keep our NetCam on when ever we’re online and it’s always aimed at the arm chairs so people know when we are at the computer and up for a chat,” said Wong.
“Now that’s a good idea,” said Gary.
She clipped the NetCam to the top of the projector screen and aimed it at the middle of the coffee table, “Ok Sandra click the NetCam transmit button on BlackNet Messenger,” she requested. “Someone switch the projector on and run DigitalShow please.”
After Sandra had run the program and Paul had switched the projector on Wong appeared on the screen. Sandra then clicked the NetCam connect button, and Wong had accepted the invite to view, she said, “Now that’s better.”
Abs and Amy returned with two trays with the drinks on and re took their seats.
She said, “Hi Wong,” and waved at the cam, “It’s good to see you again.”
“Same here, Jum will be back soon, he works at a local club as security and I know he will be happy to see you again.”
“Ok, yeah it will be good to see him too. I wish I had kept in contact with you,” she said.
”Introduce me Nibs,” said Wong.
“Sorry Wong, everyone wave when I say your name,” she suggested. “Sandra my partner in all things.”
Sandra said, “It’s nice to put a face to the name Wong and also nice to meet another one of Nibs’ friends.”
“Are you the person Nibs was talking about when we first chatted on messenger?”
“Yeah, that was me,” replied Sandra.
“Can I get on,” she said.
“Sorry, Nibs,” replied Wong.
She then introduced everyone else in the room to Wong, and as she had suggested each one waved when she introduced them. At the end she said, “Lastly but by no means least we have Daraus.” Nibs pointed to where Daraus was laying looking up at the screen.
After she had finished Wong said, “May I say you look well Nibs.”
“Thank you,” she responded and from the speakers came the sound of a door closing.
“Hi Jum,” said Wong, “Nick or to be more correct Nibs is on NetCam.”
Jum suddenly appeared and sat on the other arm chair, he reach forward and took a cordless mouse and placed a can on a small table, and said, “Hi friend, long time no see,” in native Jarrzarian.
“Jum please basic only, only I speak Jarrzarian,” she said.
“Sorry Nibs,” responded Jum in basic.
Wong turned to Jum and asked in Jarrzarian, which Nibs translated, “Is this the symbol of Krum-Wong-Fu?”
After viewing the picture which was on the screen where he was. “Yes it is, why do you want to know?” asked Jum.
“I have a pair of Naj blades with that inscription on the base of the blade just above the start of the hilt,” she said taking a swig from the glass and letting the liquid pour down her throat.
“May I see them Nibs?” asked Jum.
“Yeah,” she replied and picked one up from the coffee table and showed Jum.
“Can you remove the handle, I need to see the shaft as to my knowledge all documented Naj Blades, from that era, are known about and haven’t been sold. Mind you I don’t think you or your friends could have afforded the estimated asking prices.”
“Why, not?” asked Darla looking rather playfully miffed.
“The estimates on the last pair to be sold were 20million decks and when they did sell a pair they went for almost double that.”
“Ouch,” said Darla looking rather relieved.
She pressed the remove button located in the base of the hilt and then released it. She swivelled it to complete the release. The hilt spilt and allowed her to remove the entire blade.
“Show me the base where the hilt sits,” requested Jum.
After a couple of minutes of Jum looking it over, Jum said, “You have a pair of original Naj Blades Nibs. Do you know the provenancing of the blades?”
“Darla,” she asked.
“No I don’t,” responded Darla. “I did a bit of research into native Jarrzarian martial arts weapons and discovered that the Naj Blades where the closest bladed weapon to Nibs’ favourite weapons. A friend of ours was able to acquire them for me.”
“Let me research something here and I’ll message you Nibs,” said Jum.
“Ok,” she said, “and that a good point we need to get ready for this evening.”
“Oh yeah we had better start thinking about that,” said Sandra. “The table is booked for half seven.”
“Table?” asked Wong.
“Yeah, it’s my birthday Wong,” she answered.
“Happy birthday, we’re gone.” The picture froze as Wong pressed the pause button.
“Amy can’t wear that this evening,” said Abs and Darla.
“Damn right,” said Sandra and after a quick glance at everyone who nodded their approval, Sandra turned to Amy and asked, “Amy we of the Bitch Vixens ask you to join us as a full member.”
“You are kidding aren’t you,” responded Amy looking rather shocked at the invite.
“No,” said Paul, “We are not kidding. Do you want to become a Bitch Vixen, a Gangrel and a Street Ghost?”
“A Street Ghost,” exclaimed Amy, her eyes opened in even more surprise.
“Yeah we all are,” she said smiling. “Some of the comments when we walked to where the bullies were sitting were along the lines of ‘That’s a Street Ghost’ and the tones used were of awe, respect and a bit of trepidation.”
“Yeah,” replied Amy and smiled a big beaming smile. “But can I ask that you help me in my search for my mum, Sam?”
“Hey,” said Tina, “I thought Sam was your step mum?”
“Duggie told me that Sam is my birth mum, but due to work and other things, she left when I was little, and reappeared when I was eight. Duggie and she both decided that it was better and easier if Sam became my step mum rather then mum. I understand it in some ways, but I also wish they had told me a lot sooner than Duggie did,” responded Amy.
“Amy you’re a Bitch Vixen first and foremost now,” said Darla, “And Vixens help Vixens.”
The girls all stood and walked towards the bedrooms to get ready leaving Paul and Gary in the living room.
“I have a question. If I am a Vixen, this is not what a Vixen wears for a night on the town,” said Amy.
“Very true,” said Abs. “Leave that to me and Tina.”
Sandra and her said, “Baggies the shower first.”
“Ok,” responded everyone.
The pair turned right and closed the bath room door behind them.
As Nibs and Sandra got undressed Sandra said, “I swear those runes moved when you handled the blade.”
“The blades did feel as if they belonged to me in some way, if that doesn’t sound strange,” she replied as she cleaned the earlier makeup off and ran her hand over her face. She found a few rough areas and decided to have a second close shave. She then ran the bowl full of water and got her shaving kit down.
“No it doesn’t, what with the things that have been happening to us, what with our abilities. I’ve been doing some research into my own aura sight if that’s the right word. I found three references to it, one in a book Paul owns on Paygan magic rituals and spells, one from a translated ancient,” and Sandra put a lot of emphasis on the word ancient, “scroll that was found in an excavation in the north of Jarrzar and the third in an online paranormal journal edited by Professor Zikheim which refers to a specific scroll held in the Suraban Central museum. It’s never seen the light of day on any display.”
“Yeah,” she responded sounding interested in the research Sandra had done. When she had finished Sandra was getting out and nipping the tops of any erroneous hairs. Nibs checked the back of her legs and arms and nipped any in those locations. She then climbed into the shower and like Sandra had a good wash down. Whilst she was washing herself Sandra took a look at the back of her and nipped any hairs that had appeared.
“Do a scan after we are ready, it will be easier to for you too see the different auras when everyone is together.”
“Yeah, that’s a better idea hun.”
In the apartment of Wong-Ma and Jum-Fu. Jum was having an online chat with a close historian friend. “You know you told me that Krum-Wong-Ma made 40 pairs of Naj blades and you have documentary proof of 38 pairs. I may have found the 39th pair.”
“You must be kidding me the last two were thought last when Zuaarbh disappeared 440 years ago, Jum.”
“No I’ve seen his mark and the blade shaft has the runic inscription of the five chromatic and five metallic dragons. I can’t be sure but I think there’s an eleventh dragon wrapped around the very bottom of the shaft and in all my research I’ve never seen that runic inscription before.”
“I would need to see it first hand to help in determining what it is, but this means there is a possibility the 40th pair may not be lost and out there in someone’s hands.”
“Or buried in forgotten place,” he added.
Back in Suraban when Nibs and Sandra had finished getting ready she opened the door as Abs, Tina and Amy passed, Sandra just looked shocked as they passed heading for the living room.
She asked Sandra when she saw Sandra’s expression, “What’s up hun?”
“Abs and Tina’s are the same colour as me and Amy is producing a vibrant blue. Lets join the guys in the living room.” The two of them smiled and walked hand in hand out into the corridor and entered the living room were the rest of them were. Amy was wearing one of Abs’ Dark rocker low cut sleeveless tops, black tight leather trousers and the boots Abs had given her yesterday.
“Nibs a message from Wong, and Jum want to NetCam chat with you for a bit,” said Paul.
“Ok,” she said and activated NetCam and the voice system.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were there,” said Jum.
“Sorry Jum, what’s up?” she asked.
“A historian friend of mine wants to see the shafts of your blades, he wants to check something.”
“No problem,” she said and took one from her thigh holders and removed the hilt. A NetCam request was received from a Dr Hi-Jar Fong, which she accepted.
“Hi,” said Hi-Jar Fong and then he said in broken basic, “May I see both side of the blade and base.”
“Yeah no problem,” she said in Jarrzarian and showed Hi-Jar Fong each side and the base.
“Thank you Nibs. I now have enough information to go and try and find out what the eleventh dragon, on the base, is. I will let Jum know my findings in a couple of days,” replied Dr Hi-Jar in Jarrzarian.
“Ok, thanks and bye Jum, we’re off out.”
“Ok, Nibs, enjoy your evening.” The line went dead. She pressed the stand by button and made sure the hilts where locked in place before sliding it home into the scabbard. When they locked closed, she looked closely at the scabbards and hilts, it was as if it was one length of wood not a hilt and scabbard. She returned the Naj Blade to her thigh clips.
“Ah, I mustn’t forget this,” she said and headed for the bedroom where she grabbed her old leather jacket. Upon returning to the living room, she said to Amy, “A gift from me to you, welcome to the Vixens and do you wish to drive?”
“Drive,” responded Amy.
“Yeah, drive my bike.”
Amy stuttered, “What? You have got to be kidding me, drive your bike.”
“All Vixens ride so you might as well get use to is and start learning,” said Tina
“Yeah,” said Paul. “If Nibs hadn’t said I would have.”
“Ok,” responded Amy as Nibs handed her the leather jacket.
“Shall we go,” said Abs, smiling.
“Hang on,” said Tina, “your communication system.” Tina handed Amy the transmitter box, black choker and ear piece. “Clip the transmitter to your belt, wrap the choker over your voice box and ear piece into your right ear. Its voice activated.”
“Ok guys,” she said. “No one use channel four unless vital. That will be me to you Amy. I’ll teach you how to drive.”
All of the group descended to the driveway, and everyone walked into the garage where Abs said, “Your second gift from us is this.” Abs disappeared behind the sheeting that split the garage in two, returning after a few seconds with a pouch, “Your Gangrel Pouch, I know you smoke Cambar, therefore your tin, pipe and lighter, and your third gift,” said Abs as she swiped her card which opened the armoury cupboards and took out a Y7 9mm pistol and a shoulder holster.
Amy took off her jacket and put the shoulder holster on. She made sure the cables were inside the jacket when she put it back on.
“Right lets go,” said Darla after Abs had locked up the armoury and garage.
She walked over to her bike, inserted the key and said to Amy, “Switch to channel four on your communication system.”
“How?” asked Amy.
She then explained how the system worked, the commands used and how to control the box.
When Amy understood the system she switched over to channel four.
“Good, can you hear me?” she asked with out opening her mouth.
“Yeah, I can,” responded Amy.
“Excellent,” she said. “How much do you know about motorbikes?” she asked in her normal voice.
“Not much,” replied Amy.
“Right,” she said, as she led Amy to her bike, “My bike, a Carddra 950GSx.”
“I’m going to be driving a 950?”
“Yeah,” she replied, “Don’t be scared by it, it’s heavy to lift standing still, but once it’s moving your weight and balance keep it under control. Use your common sense rather than just your mind, is the first rule, the second is don’t fight the bike go with it, the bike is equipped with an auto-gyro which keeps the bike relatively upright and should make sure that you can’t over lean when travelling.”
Amy climbed on and said, “What next?”
“The basics first. Your right hand controls the throttle and operates the front brake via the lever, your left hand controls the clutch via the leaver, your left foot operates the gears, which currently is in neutral, push down once selects first, push up selects second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. Your right foot operates the rear brake. Have you ridden a push bike?”
“Yeah a few years ago,” responded Amy.
Everyone else climbed on to their bikes and started the engines.
“Just think it’s like riding a bike. I’m going to be on the back, follow my directions. Oh yes you had better wear these.” She passed Amy her sniper gloves. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow for clothes and other things you’ll need. And don’t worry about things like money, I have more than enough and we are about to be paid a very large amount of money for a Street Ghost Job.”
“Ok,” said Amy as she put them on, “Now what?”
“Start the bike, the kick start is by your right calf, its servo assisted.” Amy put the ball of her right booted foot on the L piece, “Now stand and force your whole leg down hard, and twist the throttle a small amount, not right round, otherwise your flood the engine.”
Amy went to stand up on the kick start and forced her whole leg down, when her leg was on the down stroke she operated the throttle and the servo assistants started the engine as her leg reached the bottom of the action.
“Give it a bit more gas now,” she said. The engine revved and died to a purr. “There you go, one bike started,” she said as Amy smiled.
“Ok, maybe I can get use to it,” said Amy.
She said, “Get out of here you lot.” she said to Amy, “Take your time, everyone out there will take corners at speed. Take them wide if you need too.” Everyone else pulled up the driveway to the minor road and turned left, They stopped waiting for Amy and Nibs to join them. “Pull the clutch fully in then push down the gear lever to select first. Take the revs to about 4000 rpm and slowly release the clutch.”
She climbed on behind Amy and slid her hands into the pockets on Amy’s jacket, and then Amy did exactly what she had told her, revved the engine to about 4000 rpm selected first and slowly let the clutch out the rpm dropped as the clutch engaged the drive system. Nibs then said, “Keep the rpm at about 4000 as you ride, use the front and rear brakes to control the speed more than the clutch.” Amy did as she had instructed and slowly pulled up the driveway and using the brakes. “Now pulled the clutch in,” she said as she crossed the apex of the driveway and was on flat ground rather than the slope of the driveway, as the bike slowed Amy placed her foot on the ground to support the bike.
“Shall we then,” said Amy looking very pleased with herself.
“Well done Amy,” she said.
“Thank you Nibs.”
Daraus was at the top of the steps up to the house. Sandra said when she saw him sitting there, “Do you know something, I think it would be fun to have Daraus join us this evening. He is as much a member of the Vixens as we all are I think.”
Tina turned to Angel and asked, “Would you let Daraus ride with you?”
“Yeah, no problem,” replied Angel and called, “Come here Daraus.” She tapped the seat behind her.
Daraus jumped from the veranda and ran the short distance to Angel’s motor-trike, he jumped up behind her. When Daraus was settled, everyone selected first and headed for the main road.
As the bikes accelerated, she said over the communication system, “Give it some more gas and when I say change up or down change the gears.”
Amy accelerated the bike.
She said, “Change up.”
Amy pulled the clutch and selected second, she then released the clutch and the bike accelerated. She then slowed the bike as she approached the junction and followed the rest of the guys round the corner heading for CW9.
“Nice,” she said. “After a while you will get to hear and understand the engine sounds, so you should be able to select the right gear for the sound and speed. I would advise not selecting sixth unless you know you have a good clear run ahead. This is how I learnt by driving Sandra’s bike.” She said after a short while, “Listen to the engine, and change up.”
Amy did as instructed and changed up and accelerated more. She said with a happy sound in her voice, “I think I am beginning to get it.” After a short while before she could say she change up. Amy did just that, she changed up and continued to accelerate and follow the rest of the friends.
“Bingo, very nice,” she said. “Keep your eyes on the rev counter and change gears when it reads about 6000RPM.
As the two of them slowed for the junction that would take them onto the CW, Amy dropped the down through the gears as the bike slowed, and as the lights indicated red. Amy stopped and she said, “I think you may be getting it Amy.”
“I think so too,” replied Amy, sounding very happy with herself.
She looked in the wing mirrors and saw that Amy was looking very pleased with herself and she knew she must be feeling similar feelings to the ones she had felt when she had been offered the chance to become a member.
As the lights changed the group turned left and accelerated down the on ramp, Amy now changing up through the gears as the bike accelerated when the group had moved onto the CW they all surrounded Amy and her. Angel with Daraus, riding pillion, in front, Damieel behind, Gary, Darla, and Tina on Amy’s left and Sandra, Paul, and Abs on her right hand side. The group accelerated to about 100miles per hour, and stayed on CW9 until junction 21. As the junction approached the group indicated right and took the off ramp. They slowed for the roundabout at the end of the ramp. They indicated right and took the main road exit that would lead them to the restaurant.
After a couple of minutes of driving down the main road, Sandra said over the communication system, “Restaurants just ahead,” and indicated to turn right in to the car park, in front of it. The restaurant was a combination pub and quite exclusive restaurant.
All the bikes slowed and stopped. When everyone had parked up she said to Amy, “Enjoy that.”
“Loved it, especially the speed we where going on the CityWay,” responded Amy.
“See it weren’t that bad was it,” said Sandra.
“No it weren’t. It was easier than it looks when the bike gets moving.”
“Anyway it’s almost 07:20AN, time to eat I think,” said Abs after looking at her mobile.
“Yeah time to eat,” said Paul.
All ten of them plus Daraus walked into the Pub section of the establishment, hanging up jackets on the coat hooks provided, and they walked up to the bar. The pub area was an open plan bar with lots of seating alcoves around the walls and a few round tables and chairs located in the floor area. The bar front was made from, what looked liked wood or a substitute and didn’t look out of place with the other fittings which where of similar made material.
The bar-girl said, “Hi, can I get you some drinks?”
“Please,” said Sandra, “Ten Cabillas and some water in this please.” Sandra produced a small cloth bowl which sprang open.
“No problems Ma’am.” The bar-girl started to fill the first of the glasses she had gotten out from under the bar area.
Paul walked over to where the concierge was standing and said, “The Patterson party. My sister confirmed a table of ten with you yesterday evening?”
“Yes we have the table almost ready we should only need a couple more minutes,” said The Concierge and looked up, he saw him in his best Gith makeup and the guys face changed to one of shock.
He replied, “Thank you, would you be so kind as to inform us when the table is ready.”
“Yes sir.”
He walked back to where the group was standing and retrieved his glass of Cabilla from Tina.
Sandra caught the conversation between the concierge and the head chief, “Did you realise the party of ten was a bunch of Giths.”
“From what I can see from the jackets not only are they Giths but they are bikers as well,” said the head chef.
“Very likely as they did pull up on those bikes,” and from what Sandra could see the concierge was pointing at the bikes.
“As long as they pay, let’s serve them the best. My son is a Gith and he’s actually a very pleasant person to be around.”
“Ok,” responded the concierge.
She put all her concentration back into listening to the group and very soon afterwards one of the waitresses came over and said, “Madams’, sirs’, your table is ready.”
“Thank you,” said Abs.
Nibs lent over the bar and called the bar-girl over and said, “Can I ask you keep on eye on our pup Daraus,” the bar girl lent over the bar and saw Daraus lying on the floor with the bowl of water.
“No problem, ma’am,” replied the bar-girl
“Daraus will cause you no problems, just leave him alone,” she said and followed the rest of the group into the main restaurant area.
The main restaurant area, like the bar, was large and open plan. Along one wall was a long table with ten seats four each side and two at either end. The concierge met them as they walked through the door way, “This way sirs,” he said and led them to the long table, the rest of the room had various sized tables sitting between four and six people, a couple of the tables sat only two people. Five of the tables had customers on who looked around when the group entered and most just simply returned to enjoying their meals.
“May I ask who the birthday person is?” asked the concierge.
“I am,” she replied.
“Your seat ma’am,” the concierge said and indicated the seat at the head of the table facing the car park.
“Ah, thank you,” she said and went to the seat indicated. Sandra moved to her right hand side and Amy went to her left. Paul moved next to Amy with Tina beside him, Damieel sat at Darla’s right, who sat opposite Nibs at the other end of the table. Angel went to the opposite side to Damieel and up the other side of the table was Abs, who sat opposite Tina and Gary sat beside her.
After everyone was seated the concierge said to the entire table, “Waitress Dieter will be serving you this evening.” The waitress who was stood next to him was dressed in a black skirt that reached her knees, black mules and a white short sleeved blouse. Her hair was matt black and in the style traditional of gith’s generally. The make-up was subtle but very definitely gith in style.
“Thank you,” said Paul. When the Concierge had turned and returned to his stand, Paul asked, “May we enquire as to you name and what unit?”
“My name is Charzz, and I’m sorry sir, what Unit?”
“We are all members of the Gangrel Street Gang and as your hair is of a gith style and your make-up is definitely gith.”
“Arh. I have heard of the Gangrels, but no the local area has a very big Gith population and I’m a member of that crowd but I must earn something to live on. The wine menu sirs, ma’ams.” She passed out ten copies of the wine menu.
“No need, but thank you,” said Sandra, “We’ll be drinking soft drinks from the bar. We’re heading for a Club Millana later and we don’t generally drink when we are driving.”
“Ok,” responded Charzz and then asked, “Can I refill your glasses?”
“Please,” she said.
She went and collected a tray and gathered up six of the glasses and disappeared out towards the bar area. After a couple of minutes she returned carrying six full glasses of Cabilla and set them out from where she had removed them from. After she had finished, she disappeared and returned with the soup menu for each person.
Paul lent over and said to Amy, “The vegetable soup sounds nice.”
“Yes it does Paul,” responded Amy.
Abs said to Tina, “The mushroom soup sound delicious.”
“It does at that hun,” replied Tina.
Charrz returned after a few minutes with her order book and asked, “Are you ready to order,” when she saw most of the chatting had died down and the menu’s where all closed.
“We are thank you,” Nibs said with a smile on her face.
She took the order of four Vegetable soups, three mushroom soups and three crab mulligatawny soups.
After ten minutes the waitress returned with a colleague, both of them carrying a tray each, a third one was carrying a large bread basket. The last waitress placed the bread basket in the middle of the table and departed for another table that had indicated they wanted her. Charzz and the second waitress, who where carrying the trays placed each of the steaming soup bowls in front of each person, so that each person got the soup they wanted.
She then picked up her soup spoon and started to eat.
After the soup course had been cleared away Charzz brought ten main course menus, and place one in front of each of the group.
As Charzz was dishing out the main course Gary whispered in her ear, “You busy this evening, as were going to Club Millana after here and I thought do you want to join us.”
“I wish I could, but not in this.” Charzz indicated her current outfit. “If you are down here again, I’ll give you my number.”
“Ok, thanks.”
A short while into the Main Course Tina asked Nibs, “You were going to tell us about Krum-Wong-Fu?”
“I was wasn’t I,” she replied and then took a piece of Mullab. “Krum-Wong-Fu was a master sword smith who lived during the rules of Emporer Shillan the 4th and Emporeress Tillatar and was the first amongst the 20 sword masters in the Emporer’s employ. He was also in the employ of one of the most ruthless criminal syndicates. He is suppose to have been commissioned to produce 40 Naj Blades and as the only tree that has the properties required by the scabbard lives in the south of Jarrzar in the Emporial Gardens, Krum broke the law and stole enough wood to make 80 scabbards and handles. He completed the 40 and they went on to be one of the most feared weapons in the syndicate arsenal. Up to that point the blades were simply a martial arts weapon combining the short staves versility and the lethalness of a blade.”
“How hard is it to actually make a Naj Blade?” asked Tina.
“You talking about traditional creation using folded Azzar Sei?” she asked.
Tina nodded as she stuffed a piece of Nut loaf into her mouth.
“Try first find a master to be apprenticed to, then spend ten maybe twelve years under him and then maybe after 7 maybe more years experience, and you may have the skills necessary to actually produce a weapon worthy of yourself.”
Tina stared at her. “You’re kidding, minimum of 17 years to gain the skills necessary.”
“Yeah and the master must be willing to teach you the skills. They can terminate the deal at a moments notice.”
“Ah, ok.”
She took a mouthful of Cabilla and she cut a piece of the Mullab and put that in her mouth. “Back to the answer, The syndicate disagrinated after being in existence for 200 plus years due to internal friction between the ruling house and three of the other houses. Most of the blades were kept in circulation, but two were lost during a massive street battle between one of the houses and the City of Tullabar Milia. The battle destroyed the house but also led to the down fall of the Emporeress Tillatar. The next few emporers built Jarrzar into the trading power house it was for the following 200 years.”
Amy asked her, “How come you know so much information? And back at the house you spoke, I think, Jarrzarian fluently.”
After finishing a mouthful of Puttan leaves she said, “I have a talent for languages and I have an eidetic memory for conversations. I know nine languages including basic and five computer languages.”
Amy stared at her. “Nine languages. I know Basic and that’s it.”
Sandra lent over and said, “That’s all I know hun. Nibs is very talented in certain areas.” Sandra gave her leg a squeeze under the table.
After the meal had been finished and the group was waiting for what Charzz had said was a special gift from the head chef and concierge.
Paul stood up and said, “A toast to our newest two members Nibs and Amy and if there time from now is anything like ours, they and us are in for some interesting and fun times I think.”
“Here, here,” said everyone.
Nibs then stood and gently persuaded a now very shy Amy to stand. “I think a toast from us now, in answer to Paul’s. To friends we both never realised we had, both here and in my case abroad and to those who have faith and see past the surface.”
Everyone said, “To friends.”
Then the head chef wheeled out a large trolley with something covered on the top shelf, the concierge was walking just behind him.
The concierge passed the chef and walked up to her and said, “Is the animal in the bar yours?”
She saw he had a smile on his face.
“Yes is he causing a problem?” she enquired.
“No but the chef has a gift for him. Would you call him please.”
“No problem,” she said and called, “Daraus heel.” Very quickly Daraus was sat at her side.
Out from under the cover the chef produced a large metal bowl and placed it in front of Daraus and said, “For you so you as a member of this group can also sample our food.” He then turned his attention to the table and said, “For the birthday person, a cake, I keep in the cooler for special occasions,” and he removed the sheet that had hid the cake which was square and covered in white icing, on the top was the words, ‘Happy Birthday Nibs’.
“How did you know my name?” she asked.
“I asked the waiting staff to listen for names and what with the smile you have on your face I guessed you must be Nibs and you are seated at the head of the table.”
Darla stood after the cake had been cut and distributed to all, “My toast as the oldest member of the Vixens and out of the current grouping the one who has been a Vixen the longest. I may only be around for a short amount of time in the scheme of the new generation, but if the newest members sat opposite me are anything to go by the Vixens and the Gangrels have little to fear.”
“Yes I agree with that sentiment,” said Gary who also stood and raised his glass to both Nibs and Amy, he was soon joined by the rest of the original Vixens, who all raised their glasses at Nibs and Amy.
Nibs and Amy both nodded and smiled ‘thank you’ and raised their glasses in response. When everyone had returned to their seats, the entire group tucked into the cake and the coffees that were brought over to the table.
At the end of the meal Darla called Charzz over and asked, “Can we have the bill please?”
“Yes ma’am,” replied Charzz and disappeared, shortly returning with an itemized bill with the drinks they had consumed crossed out. Darla then took out her wallet and handed Charzz her Abtron World Bank gold card. Charzz disappeared and returned after a couple of minutes with the credit card and receipt. Darla then took out a one hundred Deck note and placed it on the plate where the credit card and receipt had been. She also stuffed a twenty Deck note into Charzz pocket and said, “A gift from us.”
“Thank you ma’am,” said Charzz, “I will.” As she walked past Gary she smiled at him and handed him a small card. He looked at it and saw the mobile number on the back.
She smiled and left the table to sort them selves out before departing for the Club.
When everyone had retrieved their jackets from the hangers by the door and walked over to the bikes, darkness was dropping fast, Nibs turned to Amy and said, “Do you want to ride or shall I?”
“Can I, I will very likely need you to drive home when we leave, as I am not exactly a night animal.”
“No problem and nor was I,” she responded as Amy climbed on to the bike in the drivers position, and along with everyone else slammed the kick starts down.
She climbed on behind her and the group pulled out of the restaurant car park. Again as they drove down the main road they surrounded Amy and her. Behind Damieel sat Daraus. After roughly six miles of travelling past apartments, town houses and the odd corporate housing enclave, most of them look maintained and relatively nice. The group arrived at a five way roundabout complex and took the main road that exited on the far side of the roundabout heading west southwest. After a short distance they saw posters for the club advertising the fight night.
The group slowed and turned into the main gateway, which looked very much like the entrance ways that some enclaves had except that where normally the gates stopped people from coming in, this evening the gates were wide open. Inside were a lot of revellers waiting for the main fights to start at about 11:00AN. The first fight was a bout against Lady Lee and The Amazon. The last fight of the evening was going to be the big one, Richard Chancer, master of the Tiranna Martial Arts, and Surabon, a master of the Tabal Combat Forms.
Located around the main house, which was massive three stories, at the front, with a semi submerged basement area, were, to the south, was a large six storey office block style building. To the north and along the main road were a few apartments. Damieel led the group to an area where the club staff indicated for them to go and parked up.
When everyone had gathered behind the bikes, she said to Amy, “Now that was an excellent drive thanks.”
“You’ve never been in a night Club Nibs have you, I know you’ve never Amy,” said Sandra.
“No,” she replied, “but I am now officially 18 and it’s legal for me.”
“True,” said Sandra and then she said directly to Amy, “I wouldn’t worry about having problems from the punters inside. Most of the cliental respect the Gangrel gang and see the Street Gang as equals and therefore welcome in clubs and pubs frequented by Street Ghosts and bikers more often than not.”
Amy was smiling as Sandra said that. Paul then walked over and offered his arm to her, which she accepted and followed Nibs, Sandra, who were also arm in arm towards the main door, and Daraus.
As the group approached the main building they saw a ramp down to an underground area. The door of on the entrance was closed and a couple of security walked up the side of the club. Around both the north and south side was a high mound easily 20feet high and looked man made. On the south side were also a few Echo Security vehicles and a couple of Echo Medical emergency response vehicles parked in a purpose build car-park.
The main door was up ten steps and standing in front of it were three Street Ghost security people. The rest of the Street Ghost, Gith and alternative scene cliental were going through two small doors either side of the main door. Stood on the ground in front of the steps were another couple of Street Ghosts. One had a list on a clipboard.
Sandra and her walked to this person and she said, “Nibola Calton and her friends, we are guests of Richard Chancer.”
After the person checked the list he replied “Yea I have been informed that you were coming please,” and he gave the gesture to indicate permission to pass. Two of the three at the top of the steps up opened the large double doors and allowed the group to enter.
As the group passed, she said, “Thank you,” to the security people. They all smiled in response.
Inside was another security person watching the two streams of people being processed by the staff. He directed the group to a small booth in the middle. Above the window was a sign that read, ‘Please deposit all your firearms and ammunition along with any unwanted jackets and other items with the staff member.’
The staff member smiled as the group approached and she dropped her pistol out and took the four magazines from the opposite side. She also removed her trench coat and passed that and her shoulder holster rig to the staff member, who placed all the items in a basket and removed one half of the ticket which was passed it back to her. The basket was then taken up. Sandra who was just behind her did the same, as did everyone else.
When Darla, being the last person had deposited her stuff and received the ticket, the person behind the counter asked, “Are you Nibs Calton?”
“I am,” she answered.
The person then handed out a red card to each, which said ‘VIP access card’. “Use this to gain access to the VIP lounge tonight and when you get your drinks from the main bars. Your drinks are on the house, by order of the manager and owner.”
After everyone had deposited the card into wallets and purses, the inner doors opened to reveal the inside of the club.
The inside of the main club travelled all three stories and in the centre of the roof, right over the raised area was a large glass dome beneath that, on the top floor was a long sheet of glass and from what she could see inside there were a few people chatting and watching the crowds mill about. On each side of the window were two platforms the top pair was supported from the roof by what looked like cables. The lower ones was supported by pillars coming from the ground. It looked like the two floors were made from a transparent material.
On the raised area extending from the back of the club were eight people dance fighting in time to the music.
As the group approached the bar to the left of the door, the crowd parted to let them get access to the bar. They ordered ten Cabillas and when the barman had finished pouring the drinks, Nibs suggested over the communication system, “Second tier looks the quietest.”
“Yeah it does,” came the reply from Bee as she tapped her on the shoulder, “Happy birthday.” She moved to give her a quick hug.
“Bee,” she said.
“The invite to the club to come and watch two of the leading street fighters on the same bill and your 18th birthday sounded to be an excellent idea. Misty seems to know Richard Chancer from someplace and got us in for free and we have VIP passes for the VIP lounge over there,” and Bee pointed to the large window on the second floor.
When everyone had taken their drinks they all followed Bee to the second tier seating area, the entire floor was made from square pieces of transparent material so the people sat on the tier could see the dance floor and the first tier.
Here they could see the raised area had been divided up into four circles each ringed by posts and lengths of cord.
Bee led everyone to where Misty and the rest of the Raiders where sat. Misty said, “Happy birthday Nibs. It isn’t much but, here catch.” Misty passed her a small bag, which contained a small hand drawn picture of the Raiders and the Vixens at Darla’s forest retreat, “I drew it from memory after the festival had finished.”
”Thanks Misty,” she said and gave Misty a light kiss on the cheek.
They group dragged tables and chairs over to increase the seating and table area.
“What are the rules here?” asked Amy and Tina as one of the Ushers walked over from the direction of the stairs that led to the VIP lounge.
“Very simple friends,” said the usher. “When the pre fight show ends at about 10:00AN anyone can enter a ring and either challenge or accept an issued challenge. The fight then continues until one is unable to continue, submits or leaves the ring and does not return for a count of ten. The club owner hopes you had no problem with the door staff.”
“No, none, thank you,” she responded.
“Richard hopes to see you all after his fight in the VIP Lounge.”
“We will, thanks,” she said.
About 10:00AN the floor was cleared and four referees entered the rings along with four house fighters. A voice boomed from the speakers, “Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured guests of Club Millana I give you fight night. The four fighters in the ring issue an open challenge to anyone who thinks they have the skills to compete.”
Soon all four rings had two fighters in, as club goers entered the rings to fight.
Nibs, Tina and Amy all walked to the bar on the first level to replenish the group’s drinks. As they walked they were jossled by someone without realizing someone was behind them and she bumped into another club goer, completely by accident. The dump caused his drink to slop over the edge and down his front. When she had dumped into the guy and caused the spill she stopped and said, “Sorry,” in a very apologetic, but her normal male voice.
The person turned and looked her up and down and said, “You fucking transvestites we don’t want your kind here.” He was a good six feet tall and had a well toned arms and she guessed he also had a well toned body. He had a single strip of hair in the middle of his head and his arms were covered in one continuous tattoo.
She said “Please tell me you did not just say that?”
As the situation evolved the revellers moved aside and formed a small area around her and the other person, Tina and Amy where both stood at her side.
Tina immediately contacted Sandra over the communication system saying, “We have a problem, some one has taken offence at Nibs ‘cause of her life choices.”
“Say what, you trannie scum, fuck off out of my presence.” He threw the drink he was carrying all over Nibs.
She looked down at her how very wet clothes and she tensed and released her fists preparing them to belt this guy.
Sandra looked at the first tier and found the small area with Nibs, the guy, Tina and Amy in the middle. She saw a female security person heading for the situation and said, “Tina, a female security person is inbound.”
Tina looked up and nodded her reply.
When the female security person entered the area, she said, “You have two choices outside or the rings?”
“Rings,” the guy said in a stern voice, “I’m going to make you wish you hadn’t come here tonight.”
Richard, who was looking down upon the situation, turned to Jaboc and said, “This could be interesting. One of Surabon’s group has just thrown a drink all over one of my guests.”
“Mm. This could be,” answered Jaboc and then asked, “How good a fighter is the person?”
“Pretty good, some times she pushed me when we did spare and if I’m not mistaken she is carrying her short staves with her.” He smiled at the memories of Nick fighting with them and if what he knew to be the usual reaction when a person takes the life choices she made. “She’s likely gotten better.”
He looked at Jaboc who was smiling. “Combat challenge?”
“Yeah,” he replied and spoke into the club’s communication system, “Samantha ask them if they wish to have a combat challenge issued?”
He looked at the floor area and saw Surabon had just stood up and was beginning to head for the situation and he didn’t look pleased. “I think I had better get going, I’ve just seen Surabon approaching the situation and he’s not happy.”
“Ok, chat to you soon, and say the same to your female friend, good luck.”
“I will do,” he said, as he disappeared out of the back door.
Surabon was sat on the first floor tier on the opposite side to where Nibs and her party were sitting. He had seen the after marth of the bump and saw the drink get tipped down the person’s front. At this he mentally said, ‘Metzza is gone, that is the last straw.’
He got up and was followed by his six current students as he crossed the floor area towards the situation.
He arrived as Richard arrived at Nibs’ side.
He said in Metzza’s ear in a tone that he meant what he said, “I will support you now, but after you and I are no longer master and student. I banish you from my sight on pain of death. Do I make myself clear.”
“On pain of death I don’t need your support, I’m more than you think. You teach nothing but want perfection.” He then spat on Surabon.
At this he turned and walked the six paces to where Richard and Nibs were standing saying, “I shift my support to you my dear. Metzza has dishonoured me for the last time. After this the next time I see him we will be fighting to the death, only one of us will leave the circle alive.”
The female security person said, “I’ve just been instructed by the management to ask do you wish to issue a combat challenge?”
“A what?” Nibs asked.
Sandra, Daraus, Paul and Abs all pushed their way through the circle and joined Nibs, Tina, Amy and Richard. She felt Sandra kiss her on the cheek.
She was silently receipting a prayer of combat “Creator I pray to you this day to provide me the skills I need and the tools to build my armour and weapons. I pray for the strength and knowledge. Control and sight. Hearing and feeling. Oh creator I call upon both your sides female wisdom and compassion, male anger and strength.”
“Do you want to fight him and it’s armed or unarmed Nibs,” said Richard and smiled at Surabon as he approached them.
“Hell yeah, shall we settle this in the ring?” she asked with a confident voice. ‘I have friends at my back, my skills are good, let’s see how good they are.’
“Yeah,” said Metzza. “If the trannie thinks she can handle herself I say armed.”
“Yes I can. Armed it is,” she responded.
“What weapon do you choose to fight with?”
She replied, “Short staves.” She took the pair from their holders on her thighs.
“Short Blades,” Metzza replied.
The group then started to move towards the rings after the other combatants had been asked to clear the rings. Metzza and a few of his friends moved to the far side of the raised area.
On the main speakers came the announcer’s voice who said, “Ladies and gents of Club Millana and all those watching us on the live cast. We bring you an unexpected contest pitting on one side, an unknown of reputed considerable skill aged a mere 18 this very day, and on the other one who is master to some but student to Surabon. Who this very night finished his relationship with Metzza the Unforgiven.”
She and her group walked to the ring and she stared at Metzza as he prepared himself.
Surabon said to her, “Be careful, Metzza is very good.”
“Thanks,” she replied.
Richard who was stood to her right hand side asked, “Do you remember when I said I have two gifts for you?”
“I do Richard,” she replied.
“Then the second are these.” He produced a pair of short staves and offered them to her.
“No thanks, tonight, these get blooded for the first time.” She lifted the pair Darla had given her.
“May I have a look at them?” asked Richard.
“Yeah, here.” She gave them to him and he immediately opened the blade and took a close look at the sword makers mark. She noticed Richard’s eyes open and stare in utter shock at the mark.
“You do realize the maker’s mark has been physically engraved into the actual metal, not just the harick patterning.”
It was her turn to stare at Richard. He split the handle and looked at the hilt. “I will need to have a chat with you about these, but I think they may be over 8000 years old. These date from around the time of the last Grand master of the Tiranna Martial Schools. Kick his arse,” said Richard.
She bent down and removed her boots and concentrated on a pin head of light just in front of her closed eyes.
Amy was standing at ring side when one on Metzza’s friends squeezed her right buttock and before she could react he had moved out of reach and was laughing at her and she thought her friends. “Your mine arse hole.”
Paul walked over from chatting with Tina and asked, “Why the face and who’s yours?”
“That guy just tweaked my arse.”
Paul looked at the person and said, “No he’s not, he’s mine. Remember what Darla said, Vixens help Vixens and I do like you too.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
She blushed and turned wearing a big beaming smile across her face.
“Why thank you Paul, and I like you too,” and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Tina joined the pair and she and Paul started to quietly chant the prayer of celebration.
Richard looked at where both Paul and Tina where standing the both seemed to be concentrating on something and their mouths are moving in time with each other. He tapped Paul on the shoulder, which caused him to stop. He said, “May I ask what are you doing?”
“Conducting a ritual of blessing as a planetary alignment happens in 5 minutes.”
He then remembered the alignment and said would you join me in a ritual to bless Nibs, all I need you to do is to chant Rimmbi, Dalid, Karm.”
They both nodded and started to chant the words. He, being a master of the Tiranna, had gained certain abilities one of which was to Magickally bless either a group or just one person, the blessing was in the form of armour, defence against surprise and the ability to instantly heal from the time the first wound is made for five minutes.
Sandra who was getting use to the various auras people produced saw a ball of light grey form above Nibs.
She looked at Metzza and saw he was producing a very distinctive white aura similar to the ones she seen when they went to Amy’s high school coming from the group associating with Abilgail. ‘I hate not knowing what I am seeing.’
After a couple of minutes she saw the bubble of grey drop and settle over Nibs. At the same time she saw a very faint ghostly outline and she almost couldn’t see it, but it approached Nibs and came to rest inside her.
Nibs looked at her as it did and she saw her eyes were solid black, no pupil, iris, or anything. She knew her mouth was slightly open but that was the only action she could do. Nibs winked at her and smiled.
“Hun, everything is going to be ok,” said Nibs as the female in the ring indicated for both combatants to enter the rings.
Sat in a pub somewhere in West Hills, John, Ruth, Carole, Dan and Malla were all enjoying the evening’s entertainment from Club Millana and the Street Fights.
John stared at the screen when the words ‘an unknown of reputed considerable skill aged a mere 18 this very day’ and the camera zoomed in on the person. “That’s Nibs.”
“Feck me!” exclaimed Ruth, “it is, and there’s Sandra, Paul, Tina, and Abs. I’m wondering who the new girl is. She looks somewhat happy.”
“I would say she’s Paul’s partner. Look at how he’s holding her.”
On the screen Paul gave the new girl an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
“I agree,” he said.
“We should send her our good wishes, for the day as well,” said Malla.
Nibs walked to the steps up, walked up the three steps and stood on the outside of the ring and bowed to the referee, she then entered the ring and in the manner taught by Sensei Hume she bowed to Metzza. She showed her weapons to the referee who looked at them and then she looked at Richard. Who she saw nod ‘they are ok’. She nodded to her and she took up her defensive stance, except this one wasn’t right. Her left short stave was up her left arm, the right one on was out in the usual fighting stance.
She stood there relaxed looking at Metzza. As she looked at him her vision was also showing something else. His body was covered in a shimmer, not really visible to the referee or it seams the people outside. Metzza returned to facing her.
The referee backed up a few steps saying when she had stopped, “Fight.”
Metzza moved, fast, he whipped around in an anti-clockwise movement whipping his left blade around and closely following the blade attack his left heel also targeting her head.
As Metzza started his attack the entire scene slowed, the people in the background became blurs the only sounds where the breathing of the pair and the beginnings of a whistle as the knife swing started. She decided the best defence was to place her left short staff stopping the knife and kick attack which were both coming for her head. She would counter attack by moving in on an anti-clockwise move and ramming her knee into his back.
As Metzza’s first attack completed he felt her knee strike right into the small of his back. The power forced him to hop a few times as his attack hit her short stave, which just stopped the attack dead, the arm didn’t even move an inch. He brought himself back to a vertical position, he knew he looking very surprised ‘This thing should not be able to do that. No planet modern close combat weapons can stop my rune blades. Yet her stave stopped it dead and theirs not a scratch on it.’
He saw her begin her next attack and then he felt the impact of stave against his rib cage and then a second strike again against the opposite side, and he felt those attacks. ‘There is no way on Darra Von that thing is going to beat me, no trannie has beaten me, ever.’
As Metzza hopped away, after Nibs first attack she brought her right stave in and it hit his ribs hard. Following that hit she brought the left stave in and that too hit his ribs on the opposite side. For the return strike she flipped her hand over and reversed the direction of the stave. She swung it so it targeted his chin on an upward climb direction.
Metzza turned so his right side was facing her, the stave caught him just under the chin. The power of the attack forced him up and over in a high arc.
Sandra stared in shock at the power in Nibs’ first attack and the speed she brought the second and third attacks in was incredible.
Tina who was stood next to her whispered in her ear, “Feck me. Nibs is good. Nibs is very good.”
“Yeah I know. The power she has through and the speed, if she’s anything to go on, are we going to be as fast and as strong?”
“I would say yes we will be. I’m going to use my abilities to fight the corps rather than support them.”
She then saw Nibs return attack had caught Metzza right under the chin. He took off in a high arc. At the impact and the launch, the crowd collectively gasped. Even she with her knowledge of street fighting knew that area some times led to death.
As Metzza took off Nibs back off a few steps and went to the same style of stance as she had taken at the start of the fight. ‘What the feck is going on! I’m not that good. My stance is wrong, my attacks are wrong. Who the hell has taken up resisdence in my body, they can fuck off. MY BODY, MY LIFE.’
She saw Metzza land on his front, he brought up his head as the shimmer disappeared. ‘That’s better.’ Metzza brought his arms in and his legs to the ready power position under his body. His hands still grasped his blades. His hand checked his jaw and he sprang at her.
As Metzza started the roll she got ready to receive what she knew would be the first main attack either one blade stabbing in or both, either way the only way to miss the attack was not to be there. She went to move left and readied her staves in case he put a second or third attack with the first one. The blade swiped outwards, this surprised her a little as it was a nice way of catching someone who moved either left or right.
As the blade swipe followed her she brought her right stave in and targeted the wrist area rather than the blade. The stave hit and it stopped the swing. He span anti-clockwise in an attempt to surprise her.
The left hand spin did surprise her slightly but the left stave was there almost instinctively as her hearing picked up the faint whistle of the left blade swing. As he was spinning he reversed the right blade so to use it as a stabbing weapon and brought it in targeting her gut area. She reversed the right stave’s position and smacked his wrist again, this aggressive parry’s strike actually weakened the wrist enough to force Metzza to drop the right blade to the ground. She quickly whipped her left foot in and knocked it across the ring towards Sandra and Richard.
Metzza span away throwing the blade from his left hand into his right, he then used his left to rub his right wrist. She could see his eyes were pin pricks as he analyzed and watched her trying to work out how he could beat her.
She knew how to stop him, but she needed a clear shot at his back. He moved his left arm to a position ready to defend against any attacks and slowly came towards her.
‘I’ve got one chance otherwise ‘it’ is going to beat me.’
He did he had an idea how he could do it, but it needed her to open herself to him. Those staves, they were lethal. He had never in his long life come across staves like them, they were rock solid and yet looked so highly crafted they couldn’t be as hard as they had proven themselves on a couple of occasions. ‘I wonder what took my armour out, I doubt it was it hitting me, it must have been those staves, they must be magickal in someway.’
Nibs started to bounce around a bit in the fashion Uthura had taught her. She went to hit his head and this brought his left arm up. She then bounced to his left and this bought him around to face her again. He was going to chase her around the ring. She stopped moving back and bounced on the spot. He thrust the blade forward. She brought her left stave across in front of her and then brought the right stave in slightly closer to Metzza than the left stave and trapped his blade.
As Metzza tried to withdraw the blade to strike again, she span down his right arm and placed her left arm around his neck using the direction of the short stave as a stop. Her right hand dropped the other stave and grabbed his wrist before he could stab her with the blade. She applied a wrist lock and using her massive strength she forced his wrist to almost a right angle. This caused Metzza to drop the other blade. She then dragged his whole arm up his back and used her foot, which she placed against the back of his knees, to force him to the ring floor where she held him until he stopped moving.
Sandra was watching the fight unfold and saw the roll and dual thrust strike, the next move scared her as it was very fast. The strike of the stave against the wrist revealed her massively as that she understood, aggressive parrying, a very effective way of forcing people to drop things held in the hands.
She saw Metzza spin and the saw the reverse blade and the blade that had stopped in front of her. She looked back at the fight and saw Metzza was rubbing his right wrist.
She saw Richard have a quick glance at the blade and she saw him open his eyes wide at something and he then smiled at her and pulled Surabon slightly back from the ring side.
As Metzza moved and was caught completely by surprise by Nibs’ counter attack she smiled as she applied a sleeper hold and put Metzza into the land of sleep.
As she watched the end of the fight she could see the same ghostly figure beginning forced from Nibs, it looked like it was fighting to stay inside, but it was loosing the battle. She could see more and more of it being thrown out, until it got completely forced from Nibs’ body and thrown back where it dissipated and disappeared.
As Nibs stood in the ring she sprang from the ground and was the first person in the ring.
Nibs stood up from the form of Metzza as he slept face down. ‘What the hell just happened to me. I feel different but yet I feel complete now.’
The sound of the crowd erupting in cheers and applause brought her back to the there and now, combined with the feeling of having a pair of arms wrapped around her neck and a kiss placed on her cheek.
The referee walked over after checking Metzza and raised her arm to indicate the winner of the fight. The crowd erupted in noise. The referee moved close and said, “The management has provided a change of clothes for you in the changing rooms. The usher will show you to them.”
“Thanks,” she responded and along with Sandra she walked to the edge and used the steps to get off the rings. As the pair got to the ground, Daraus was at her heel. She looked down and he looked up and to her he looked pleased at something. ‘I wonder what Daraus is so pleased about.’ She turned towards the usher as Metzza was was moved to a stretcher and that was taken away to be checked out. The usher led the pair into the back area and the changing rooms located there. As they departed the floor area the crowd were still cheering the fight, as most of them knew the reason for it and they loved an underdog winning.
The usher showed them to the changing room where she looked at her ruined outfit.
“What the hell happened out there, that was no way you?”
“I have no idea. I remember the entire fight as if I was fighting it, but my moves, my blocks, my attacks were not mine You know I don’t fight one stave down one stave up, it’s not my style it’s both up or both down.” She took off her drenched top and put it over the bench seat. She took one of the dark red tops from the clothes rail. On the front was a small logo representation of the building with the words ‘Club Millana’ around it. Across the back were the words ‘Club Crew’
“I don’t know if this is anything, but I saw a grey ball rest over you before the fight and then an apparition floated and landed inside you. Just before you climbed into the ring your eyes were completely black, there was no iris, pupil or white area.”
She turned and looked at her, she knew her face was one of I wonder too. “That is something to be looked at later.”
She unclipped the short stave holders and took her trousers down and after she sat down she took them off completely. “Why hun?”
“Why what hun?”
“Why did he hate me so much to throw his drink over me?”
“Who knows, only he does.”
She selected a pair of baggies and slipped them up her legs and over her backside. After she fastened it, and put her utility belt on she found two ties that fitted the standard utility belt she wore. She fastened the ties around the belt and fastened the two short stave holders around her legs.
“I’ll say this, they worked.”
“I know, I love this design. I think it may work for combat knives.”
Sandra looked at the design and said, “I think you might be right.”
“Shall we return to the floor,” she said smiling at her partner.
“Let’s enjoy the rest of you birthday.”
The pair stood up and opened the door, sat outside the door was the usher who as the door opened stood up and said, “The management has extended the invite of the VIP suite for you and your friends. To my knowledge the four from ring side have been shown to the suite.”
“Thank you,” she said and the three partners followed the usher as he headed out the back doors.
“What happening outside?” asked Sandra.
“The rest of the fighters have agreed to allow Richard and Surabon to fight early and they are at the moment fighting.”
The pair smiled as the usher led the pair through the maze of the corridors and ramps to the top floor, and the doorway into the VIP room. The usher opened the door and showed the pair into the room. Stood in the middle was a gent just over six feet tall, long straight silver hair tied back into a male pony tail, he turned as the door opened and smiled as the pair walked in. “Good evening and welcome to Club Millana, Nibola Calton and Sandra Patterson and unknown pet?”
“Good evening sir and Daraus is no pet, he is as much a partner as Sandra is,” she said using the tone that indicated ‘it would be nice to have his name’.
“Arh, ok. I’m Jaboc, the owner and manager of the Club and the grounds surrounding it.”
“Good evening Jaboc,” said Sandra as the pair walked to the front and looked down on the ring. Where they saw Richard execute a series of kick attacks, which Surabon blocked a few and dodged a few. Stood beside the ring where the rest of the group. Sat at the tables on the second tier were the rest of the friends, they all looked like they were enjoying the current fight.
Into the VIP suite walked two young people. She looked at them and she said, “I swear I’ve seen you two before.”
“Yeah quite possibly, the take down a few weeks ago, me, my sister Hell Bright, my name is Ren, and our adoptive father, Jaboc were scouting new band talent and were at the bar just down the street. We assisted in the take down, whilst dad provided cover with I think Angel and Damieel.”
“How are the group?” asked Jaboc.
“They are ok, they are loving the fights,” replied Ren
At this Surabon launched a series of rapid punches and elbow strikes, which rained down on Richard’s head and upper arms. After receiving a good ten hits Richard was able to get inside the blows and land a few heavy knee strikes and then he was able to move and get behind Surabon where he tried to apply a sleeper hold.
Surabon saw the move and eased his way out of it, bringing his leg around and forcing Richard from his position behind him.
“Those two will go at it for a while yet,” said Ren. “Excellent fight, Metzza on the street fighting circuits is a well known fighter, but by fighting you here, when he was known to be one of Surabon’s students was the worst mistake he could make. After this fight Surabon will inform all the reputable fighting arenas of what transpired and he will not be allowed to even step foot through the door. I think you may have made an enemy there as well Nibola.”
“Please it’s Nibs, not Nibola.”
“Sorry,” said Ren and Hell Bright signed something to Ren who translated it, “Hell Bright says thanks and she hopes that you two and the rest of your friends will want to make friends with her and me.”
She smiled at the pair saying, “What made you think we wouldn’t?”
“Oh something in the way you are Nibs. It’s very hard to describe.”
“Yes, we like all our friends out there would love to be your friends.”
Hell Bright’s smile grew into a beaming smile as she and Ren walked over to join the group.
After a few minutes of watching the fight Ren said, “I don’t remember a pup being with you then?”
“No Daraus wasn’t, he joined us on a hunting trip to the Low Back Forest we found him and he kind of adopted us. A friend from the West Hills Music and Arts festival reckons he’s an Angel Wolf. That we will take on advisement, but he has been very close to some strange things happening.”
After another ten minutes of watching Richard fight Surabon Richard was able to connect the right combination of attacks and moves which allowed him to place a sleeper hold on Surabon and he dropped off to sleep. Richard laid him on the ring, stood up and stepped away.
A few seconds after the referee checked Surabon he declared Richard the winner. The crowd cheered and clapped after the fight. Richard came down and the crowd parted to allow him and the other four friends to move towards the back area.
Twenty minutes later Richard and the other four walked in and joined the rest of them. When the door opened she noticed the glass darken slightly and then returned to full transparency.
“Multi-glass, very nice,” she said
“Yes Nibs, very observant,” said Jaboc.
“Yes and its one of Nibs’ unique skills, her ability to notice the smallest thing,” said Richard.
Into the arena below walked the two women who had been the first fight on the card.
She looked at Richard and said, “When I first come into contact with you Richard you started to became a friend, and now I count you as much a friend as the rest of the people here and outside. You do realise that I have no idea how to say hi.”
“That’s simple,” said Richard and moved to embrace her like a brother embraces a sister, “You are family as much as Jane C and Nicolai are.”
“Your!” she exclaimed looking very shocked, took a step back from the embrace and continued, “Jane C and Nicolai’s are family, as in what type of family?”
She glanced at Paul and Tina, they were both looking at Richard in shock.
Richard then looked at them and said, “I think you me and your friends here. Don’t worry about Jaboc or his kids they know everything I am about to tell you, Jaboc graduated from the Academy 16 years ago.”
Jaboc then said, “Well all this standing is tiring for the legs, lets grab some seats where we can chat and drink. I retired from active ghosting six years ago to bring up Hell Bright and Ren. We’ve met before, the gang hold up on the connivance store.”
“No way!” exclaimed Paul.
“Yes, Paul I presume,” replied Jaboc.
“I was impressed that night, the way you dealt with the entire situation was one of utter professionalism, violence where it counted, discretion 90% of the time. The only person I don’t recognize is you my dear.” Jaboc was looking directly at Amy and he looked as if he was wondering who she was.
“Sorry, we asked Amy to join us as a member this afternoon, she accepted,” replied Paul.
“Any way shall we go and sit down and talk, I think that’s why we are here.”
“Yes lets,” Richard said and moved to the seats.
After everyone was seated, Jaboc said, “Yeah, I was impressed and I made it my job to find out as much as I could about all of you. Out of all of you, including your friends out there, most of you were relatively easy to get information on. I just did a trace on your Street Ghost Pages. Nibs you were not so easy. Your Street Ghost page gives a lot of information about your street life. But nothing about the person before meeting Richard. Being a retired Street Ghost I pulled in some favours and a couple of NetHackers conducted a complete NetSearch on both Nibola Calton and your previous name. Here are some things about your past they were able to find out.”
She sat listening to Jaboc and Sandra snaked her arm around her waist and cuddled in. Daraus sat on the floor beside her left heel.
“The fact that Pamela and Antoney Calton aren’t your birth parents.”
“You are kidding me,” she exclaimed, she knew her face was one of shock.
“I wish I was. You were adopted seven hours after your birth. From the medical records my friends were able to find, some look as if they have been sealed. You were the oldest of quads, your brother and two sisters disappeared after that. Their medical files along with your birth mum and dad have been sealed and they were unable to open them. All the official records have been filled with zeros. I’ve not been able to find out anything else.”
“Thanks,” she said in a matter of fact tone.
“I’m surprised at your reaction Nibs,” said Ren.
“Why, they put me up for adoption, not much I can do about it now. If they want to find me they will find me,” she said.
“Ok,” responded Ren. She could see he was trying to work out why she had reacted that way.
“Yeah. Right drinks,” Richard said.
“Good point, you all are my guests tonight and as much of tomorrow as you need to recover,” said Jaboc and he got up and went through a door and slid the grill over the VIP bar up.
“When you spoke to me a few weeks ago you spoke to me about a conservator Nibs?” asked Richard.
“Yeah I did, sorry Paul, we have been keeping a few things secret from you, but until now all we’ve really had is information from conspiracy sites and some of the more out there forum boards.”
“Don’t worry, watching you down there told me you were different and to be honest it don’t change who you are and sure as hell it won’t stop me from being a friend, Vixens help Vixens,” said Paul. “That is our unit’s motto.”
Sandra, Tina, Abs and her all smiled at Paul’s statement.
One of the two doors to the rest of the Club opened and in walked a staff member who headed for the now open bar.
“One problem,” said Sandra looking at Paul. “Nibs ain’t the only one who is changing, me, Abs, and Tina all of us are. How and why, we have no idea, that’s one of the reasons why we are here to try and work out what the feck is going on.”
“Sis, I don’t give a shit, how much you change, you are my sister,” said Paul smiling at her, “as is everyone else, you are my friends, I will always be there for you. I know how much you love Nibs and how much Nibs loves you in return, I love each of you, including you Amy probably as much if not more. May I ask what the changes have been?”
“Yeah you can, this is what we know. Our hearing, sight, speed, and strength are all improving. Do you remember the first trip to Misty’s?”
“Yeah I do,” replied Paul.
“Do you remember the woman in the blue body armour at the first stop?” asked Sandra.
“Yeah,” said Paul looking as if he was trying to work something out. She noticed Paul’s arm was around Amy’s waist.
Amy sat listening inventively resting her head on Paul’s shoulder.
“I over heard her talking to the controller in the Tactical response unit van. Just before the local security forces moved us back I heard the controller say that the security forces had a Conservator cornered in the apartment block. When we got back from Misty’s the four of us researched it and a few other things.”
“And discovered a nasty four to six armed killing machine,” said Richard.
“Yeah,” said Abs. “How did you know?”
“I put the information there,” replied Richard as Jaboc passed him a drink.
“I think I am beginning to understand now,” Paul said.
“What would you and Amy like to drink, the bar is open,” asked Jaboc
“Ah, right,” Paul looked at Amy and said, “Northern Blue and Cabirra,” and Amy just nodded a yes as she looked up at Paul, “Two of.”
“No problems,” said Jaboc.
Richard continued, “What a Conservator is, is a bio-borg hunter, and is used by the Splugorth.”
At this Nibs saw Amy suddenly sit forward and even she begin to listen to what Richard was saying.
“The what?” asked Tina.
“The Splugorth are alien intelligences that control empires that span dimensions. On Darra Von some control the various Mega Corporations around, other intelligences seek to dominate people by changing them from living breathing people into undead monsters that need blood to survive.”
“That can’t be true, it would be reported on the news,” said Sandra as even she looked stunned by what Richard was telling them.
Even she was thinking, ‘What the feck. This can’t be true, the Corporations controlled by.’ “What are the Splugorth?” she asked
“What they are Nibs, are very evil and very nasty. They feed of an energy field called mana and off the suffering their minions cause the populations of the planets they control. To them humans and other races are nothing, pieces of meat if you want. Most will be sold as slaves to the powerful rich members of the elite. They along with their supporters normally don’t bat an eyelid at the fact humans can not stand toe to toe with them in the arenas. In some Arenas they go through 80 to a 100 humans and human like races each day, and they are the ones killed in the actual arena to provide entertainment for the masses.”
Paul looked at Richard as Jaboc handed him and Amy their drinks, she could see his mouth was open in shock. “How do they get these slaves?”
“Either they are born to it or they send slaver teams to gather them. Normally it’s a bag over your head and you are then man-handled into the back of a Van and that’s it, you have almost zero chance of escaping or seeing freedom again,” replied Ren
“Ok,” she said and wrapped her arm around Sandra.
Jaboc tapped her on the shoulder asking, “What drink would you two like to drink?”
“Yes,” she said and looked at him asking, “have you got any ales or similar?”
“We do, we have Blam Sweet Ale and Blam Foxxers Ale,” replied Jaboc.
“Blam Sweet Ale, thanks,” she said.
“Sandra?” asked Jaboc looking at Sandra. He also moved to the other side of the pair.
“Let me tell you my story as it’s probably the easiest way of telling you what the hell is going on,” said Richard. “Just over three hundred years ago I was living with my mum, Duchess Gill Chancer of the Fiolith Peninsula. I’m the youngest of four, Nicolai or Nicole, she self defines as Trans, Karen, second in line, had a mental age the doctors at the time estimated to be about 10. Now we estimate her age to have been about 14 maybe 15. Jane third and then me. I’m very much the adventurous type when I was young. It was a bad idea to teach me to walk.” Richard took a drink and continued, “If you took your eyes off me for a second, I was gone. When I was about three we moved under the request of the King of Darrimuth to travel and be his embassador to the Ajar court. When I was five and half. Someone left the front door open and I was gone. I knew enough about the street environment from my past forays out of the house, that I wasn’t easy meat. I had taken what my dad had taught me about defending my self to heart. A couple of the local street toughs saw me and they knew who I was they had seen me with mum and dad enough times and the caught me. I gave them such a beating it impressed a gent who took me under his wing and taught me how to become a Tirannan Master which I became aged 20.”
Jaboc walked back to Nibs and Sandra carrying two glasses and a small bowl. He put the bowl on the floor for Daraus and placed the two glasses on the small table. She took out her tin and rolled herself a Cambar cigarette and lit it.
“Mum and dad had both long been recalled to Darrimuth when I walked back Ishura, the then new capital. When I had left the Temple in the Ajar Mountains, now it’s Naligator, Ajar was at the time a lot larger. I became a travelling missionary, helping people when and where they needed help. During this time I became aware of what was around, Slaver Teams, the very nasty criminal organisations, and in some cases the control of the very government. I spent eight years travelling all over Zukarra, Jarrzar, and Afrradal. I was in Afrradal when the prophecy happened. It was a waking dream that confirmed my earlier suspisions about the existence of the Evils. It called for all the recipitants to travel to a Stone circle. All I knew was the direction, East.
“I travelled east and within three months I had arrived at the Stone Circle in my old home’s estate. Mum and Dad had both died seven years previously. Nicolai as she was known was one of the commanders of the King Rulff army, Jane was a courtier and along with Karen ran the estate when Nicolai was away. Both Jane and Nicole was she was when she was at home welcomed the nine other recieptants and when everyone was together did we go to the stone circle where, and I’m not kidding the full creator, half female, half male told us the prophecy. It concerned the coming of a force some time in the future that will have the ability to get rid of the evils and defend Darra Von from their attacks.”
She looked around and took a mouthful of the ale. She noticed Amy and Paul were intently listening to what Richard was saying.
“I returned to the Missionary work and I continued to fight the evils in my own way. About six months after starting I was contacted by a group calling them selves the Conspir. They at the time were fighting the evils where they could, but they also kept the war hidden from the perceptions of the masses. They said it was to save on hysteria. Now we keep it hidden to save the world from total destruction. As the inventiveness of humans and destructive power of the weapons they create as increased massively over the last three hundred years.”
She knew Richard meant the massive arsenals of weapons of mass destruction the countries had now.
“Over the following years the twelve as we became known fought, advised and supported the Conspir, we also took more and more of it under the wings of the Twelve. The reason is that it looks like we were chosen because we each bring a distinctive skill base to the group. Ju-Dong is one of the leading diplomats we in the Conspiracy have, Qu-Darth is the second, but he is much better at mediating in disputes and similar. I brought a tactical mind only rivalled by Kev Marks, but he is superby at leading the forces. The prophecy itself gave us all certain skills and abilities. One ability we all gained was, none of us have aged in three hundred years. A second is the ability to view another dimension, and the third is the ability to travel to any dimension we have been to previously, either physically via Magick or and open Rift in the dimensional walls of our home, or via the viewing ability.
“Some 200 years ago Nicolai and Jane formed Echo Tech Inc as a way of the Echo County trading with the rest of the world it also became the most effective means for the Conspiracy to operate, as a person or group travelling as an official party from Echo Tech Inc was less likely to draw suspisions from local people.”
“How does that effect us?” asked Abs.
“How it effects you is that you are apart of it now. Most of the intelligences and other Evils, would love to control you four so they can experiment on you, and try and work out why you are different from all the other adepts. I know you all are different, both me and Jaboc have worked with adepts and even though you are undergoing the same transformations, you do not seem to have the biggest side effect and that is an increased metabolism, I can see now that you all are breathing normally, not permanently hyper-ventilating which other adepts do. If a normal Adept had just done what Nibs had done they would have had to eaten a massive meal to replenish the energy stocks they had burnt.
“I’ve told you about the Conspiracy the choice is now yours and the offer to join is permanent.”
“If my partner is up for it then so I’m I,” she said and looked around the room at the rest of the friends.
“Where you go, I go, Nibs,” said Sandra, “we are partners in all things.”
“You can count me in then as well,” said Abs and Tina simultaneously looking like the Evils had better start being very careful.
“Looks as if I might as well go and keep you lot, and that includes you Amy out of trouble,” said Paul. “I could see you wanted to join Nibs and everyone when the offer was made.”
“I think it is probably best we don’t tell the others about this at the moment,” she said and took a mouthful of drink and then re-lit her Cambar cigarette.
“That is very possibly a very good idea,” said Richard smiling at the news. “Paul and Sandra, what I am about to tell you is an apology and an explanation about certain events in your past, that now you are apart of the Conspiracy you would very likely have found out. The death of your mum and dad was due to a combination of events. Intelligence knew that the site where they worked had an entrance to an underground slaver base located on it, the drums that collapsed and crushed your dad’s cab was an accident, a strike team, had been sent into the base and the firefight that resulted between the slaver forces and the team cause a minor collapse in a tunnel that ran under the drums and it was that that cause them to collapse. Everything else was as you know it, the company had, cut back on the health and safety which led to the drums being unlabelled and the safety signs not being present. Echo Tech via one of its Trust funds made sure that you always were looked after, they made sure that you were placed in the high school you went to.”
“Thank you for your admission Richard,” said Sandra. “So what, the Conspiracy made it look like the company had done it as compensation?”
“Yes and no, the trust fund forced the company to do it. Via the threats of some very public law suits.”
“Ah, well I know I am grateful to them, as if it hadn’t of happened then I would never have met Nibs.”
“Yeah,” said Paul.
After a couple of hours of chatting and just generally enjoying the excellent company of Jaboc, Richard, Hell Bright and Ren. She noticed the rest of their friends getting ready to leave. She turned to Sandra and said, “I’ll be back in a minute hun.”
“Ok,” said Sandra and realized what was happening outside. Sandra also stood up and joined her as she walked to the exit and towards the friends.
“Sorry, I’ve not been much of a host.”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Misty and she winked at her.
When she smiled she realised she knew what was happening in the VIP lounge.
Darla then said, “Nice fight, especially the last knockout move, he really didn’t see it coming.”
“Anyway I think we will head off, we are all going back to Misty’s for the rest of the night,” said Gary. “I think we will head home tomorrow, as most of us have had a lot to drink, and I know I ain’t going to be safe on the bike driving home.”
“We need to think about the operation,” said Misty. “Give us a ring tomorrow, so we can organize a get together and plan and start training for the operation.”
“Yeah will do Misty, when we are all in the land of living,” she said.
“Have fun you lot,” said Darla. “You may want this for Daraus.” Darla handed her Daraus’ cloth bowl.
“Night guys,” she said as the group started to descend the stairs heading for the exit.
She turned and the pair walked back to the VIP lounge.
After another hour of chatting Jaboc ordered some blankets and cushions for those who wanted to get some sleep, which happened to be most of the group as the day had been a long one.
After collecting a couple of blankets and cushions the pair moved some of the sofas and large cushions around so they had enough room to lie down in comfort. She made Daraus a small bed out of one of the blankets, and very soon everyone except Amy and Paul who were quietly talking were fast asleep.
To Be Continued in Volume 2:The Wacker War.
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