E.A.F.O.A.B. Point Of View: Cathy's View-1

E.A.F.O.A.B. Point Of View: Cathy's View-1
Easy As Falling Off A Bike Fan-Fiction
by Stanman
E.A.F.O.A.B.Is the ongoing story of Charlie Watts who thanks to being almost runover by Stella Cameron during a thunderstorm, finally realizes her dream of becoming a woman who marries Simon Cameron and becomes the mummy to an ever increasing troop of children who are loved by Henry Cameron, Cathy's father-in-law.

Synopsis:Is where, we get to here what Lady Catherine Cameron feels aabout her family

I am Cathy Watts, I will one day be the Lady Catherine Cameron, Wife of Lord Simon Cameron, but that is in the future, but when I think about how it all started, I can't help but wonder if I would be here now if not for Stella. We met by accident. literally.[giggle.] I was riding my bike one sunny afternoon when it clouded up and started to storm. At the time, I was still Charlie Watts, I had started taking hormones and I was able to hide my breasts under a loose top or strap them down.

I am a girl born with boy bits, at the time, I was shy and introverted. I was afraid to show the world who I truly was. But thanks to my sister Stella, I am now Strong, and sure of myself, if not for her, I would still be Charlie. Well, I was trying to get home to my apartment when Stella hit my bike's rear wheel which sent me flying into the roadside hedges. I was lucky that all I got was a few scratches, but my poor bike suffered from a bent rear wheel.

Stella took me and my poor broken bike to her cottage that she shared with her brother Simon. At the time, i was sure that I had become the victim of some bizarre family and would wind up as the main meal, but I now know that things are much worse, [giggle.] I am soon to be a member of this wacko family and I will not have it any other way!

When Stella saw that I was a girl with boy bits, i thought for sure that she would freak out, but she accepted me and became my mentor in becoming a woman. She was the first one to see the wonderful woman that I would become and that I was the perfect match for Simon. She started by giving me some clothes, including my favorite red boots, we are both the same size in women's clothes. With makeup and a brush, brought Cathy to life. I was truly gobsmacked when I saw how beautiful that I was. All this time, I thought that i would be another ugly woman, but Stella brought out my inner self and it was a knockout.
Stella is very beautiful too, too me, she looks far better than I do or ever will, but she sees me as beautiful as does her brother. She says that a part of my beauty my attitude about myself. Most women are vixens looking out to see how much they can get from a guy, but I am the opposite.

When I finally met her brother Simon, something clicked between us. Until then, I thought that I was sexless, but now i wanted Simon and my body was responding to him as he was to me. I was confused about my reaction, but Stella reassured me that I was being a woman.
That time with Stella and Simon opened up my eyes to who I was and Simon was becoming special to me, if i was a real woman, i would have given myself to him, but i still needed to be sorted and I was lucky that Simon is a gentleman. He helped me get my bike repaired and get a loaner until it was ready, what I found amusing was that he got jealous when other men saw how beautiful that I was. I must admit that I was responding to them, but I love Simon and am saving myself for him. Thanks to Simon, I was able to handle a couple of bullies that have been tormenting Charlie. Big Mac and his sidekick liked to make my life as Charlie difficult, but as Cathy, I have stood up to them.
Big Mac asked me out, but when he treated me like a trophy, I went back to my apartment. Later, he painted graffiti upon my door that I had to wash off, then when they tried to stop me from getting into my apartment, I fought back. [giggle.]

They weren't expecting for a girl to fight and i actually won their respect, it was later on that they tried again when I had my bike with me. THIS time, I ran over them and broke Big Mac's nose for him and a few ribs too boot. First time that I know of a bike being used to defend a girl from assault. The last time that I tangled with them, Simon was with me. I would have let him handle both, but when they ganged up upon my hero, I saw red and attacked. According to Simon,I flew into the fight and then started landing blows upon my cad. All that i know it that I couldn't let them hurt Simon like that.

Those two have left me alone ever since then because now they know that they will have Simon to deal with if they hurt lil' ol' me. Simon is a gentle giant of a man. he is a teddy bear until he gets mad, then he is a bear. I am glad that I met him and that we found each other. If not for Stella, we would not have met and we would not know love as we do. Most of all, I would still be Charlie and I will always be grateful to her for bringing Cathy to life.care for litters like my Mum does.
Things are much different for me now and I have my friends to thank for that. They saw something in me that was wanting to come out and now that it has, I am much more than Charlie ever was. But it has been a journey filled with challenges.

Stella saw in me the perfect match for her brother Simon and took steps to help make that possible. The girls that Simon dated would mistreat him, they would try to get him to buy them very expensive things and then dump him when they got what they wanted from him. I am not that way, in fact I have gotten mad when Simon has given me things.

I was afraid to be beholden to him, but he was simply being generous and trying to meet my needs. He never has tried to force the issue of sex upon me because he is a gentleman. But I have seen him have a few problems too when it comes me. On more than one occasion, I have seen him need to relieve himself because I had aroused him and to be fair, he has aroused me as well. It does my heart good to know that as a woman that I have that affect upon men.
Stella loves her brother and hates that all of his dates were so cruel, but she too has been a bit mean as well. She will spend money upon clothes and have Simon pay for them. most of my wardrobe comes from her cast offs. She will wear something once and give it to me or even give it to me still in its wrapper. She does this with Simon's blessings too.

They have a deal where she helps get his date ready and receives half of what the date purchases. She says that that is how she can afford to buy all of the clothes that she does. but I have become more than a way for Stella to get clothes, I have become her sister.
She has been there for me when I needed her during my battles and I have been there for her, we have saved each other from being hurt and we will do so again. I am forever grateful for meeting her and will be there when she needs me. She was there to help me stay together when Simon learned about my secret and never let me down. She sees me has a woman, not a man and has helped me to become a woman physically. Thanks to her, I have had the surgery and am now a woman. She used her contacts within the medical fields to help me, if not for her, I would still need to be sorted, but before that, I had to face Simon with the truth.
At first, he was mad at me and Stella, but in time, he saw me as a woman and proposed to me. I accepted on certain conditions; I would be a virgin bride, I would have had my surgery, I would be legally a woman, I would get my degree from the university. He agreed to my terms and now we are all set to wed.

I have another secret that Stella and I hope that stays a secret. She had an abortion and almost died, if not for me, she would have passed away, leaving us to mourn her. The quacks that did the abortion screwed up and Stella began to bleed. I was able to call for help, but I was going on automatic, I wanted to wail and cry, later when Stella was safe, i did break down with Simon and Tom. She is my sister and friend. She has seen me through my worst times as Cathy just as I will be there for her.
I must hold a secret from my sister Stella that would hurt her if she was to ever find out, the father of her child left everything to me. Des was a photographer/cameraman who helped me to make my famous dormouse film that the High Street Bank has been using so effectively in their Green Earth Campaign. She, Des and Simon know each other from secondary school where Des and Simon were good friends. When I met Des, he fell in love with me even though I am married to Simon. I must admit that he did his best to woo me, but Simon has my heart.

Lucky for me, he finally chose Stella and in time, he sired Puddin' upon Stella, even though they never married. I was hoping to see them get married when tragedy struck when Des ran off the road during a storm, killing himself. When Stella learned about his death, I had to save her from an attempted suicide. I fought against her despair and finally won long enough for Harry and Simon to intervene and get her to with us, but when Puddin' was born, she lost it and had to be put away until she recovered,leaving me to fret over how I could help.

I did the only thing that I could do, I gave everything that Des had willed to me over yo Stella. Des for some reason, had chosen me as his only heir, knowing that while I might like him, I loved Simon. Why couldn't Des have fallen for Stella instead? Me, I AM not a real girl like Stella is, yet he fancies me, a bloke who became a girl. Why do I seem to attract these nutters?

Well, I digress. I went to the attorneys that were in charge of his will and made it look as if Stella was his only heir. I didn't need anything from Des except for any unused film from when we'd made my movie for High Street Bank, little knowing how it'd help me in the future. I am glad that Stella is both my sister and friend with out her help, I'd still be Charlie Watts and still debating over whether or not I ought to transition into Cathy Watts. Because of her love and influence, I had the courage to become who I am, a wife and adopted mother of foster children, all with the blessings of Harry, Monica, Simon and Stella as well as my adopted Daddy, Tom Agnew.
Tom Agnew is the Head of the Science Department at the university where I enrolled as Charlie Watts and accepted me as Cathy Watts when I transitioned, but I didn't know it at the time that he saw in me his daughter Cathy, who had died, years ago.And she was a girl like me.

When I started at the uni, I never thought about me being so like another girl, but according to Tom, I am a lot like his real daughter whose name was Cathy, as well. He learned to accept her and loved her for the daughter that she was, but when she died, a part of his heart died with him that came back to life when I came into his life.

He adopted me as his daughter and I moved into his farmhouse along with Stella and Simon, which he likes. To him, having us around is a blessing as to him, we have brought new life into his home. But for me, it is something more as I have me a daddy who loves me for who I am. If not for his generosity, I'd not be the foster mum that I am. I am the foster mum to Mima, Trish, Livvie, Billie, Julie, and Danny. Each one needed me and I responded and became their new mummy.
Mima is the youngest and loudest. She tended to speak at full volume when we first met, but now, she has toned down the volume and likes to help me to fix dinner and help around the house. But her banshee voice did cause a bit of a misadventure, one day that I am glad wasn't caught on tape as Spike's launching herself into my blouse was.

I had agreed to let Mima see Spike, so I took her out of the cage (Spike, not Mima) and held her while Mima petted her. Unfortunately, she, (Mima, not Spike) spoke and startled the dormouse, causing Spike to bolt away. I took a crying Mima out and consoled her, then once she as sorted, went back to look for Spike, only to have the little aerialist fly back to me from the air vent that she had chosen as sanctuary. She landed on top of my head, startling me a bit, but when I felt her tiny paws as she settled down, I knew that it was Spike and got her in hand to put her in her cage with a Brazil nut.
That misadventure was the second time that Spike and I had a misadventure, the first time has been immortalized on tpe and You Tube for all to see, making me a bit of a celebrity. I had agreed to allow the media to look at the lab where I was leading a team dedicated to breding dormice for transplanting into the wild. Of all the dormice, Spike is my favorite.

She has a tuft of white hair on her forehead that gives her her name. Me, I have made Spike my pet and have tamed her so that she will actually take a nut from me, then scamper off to eat it. She'll do it for others, but I'm the only one that she'll let into her home without going into a panic. Like wild dormice, she will try to get away from strangers, or attack as a last resort, which is why not even my students will handle her unless I am there. I should have been ready for her to do something that day.

All went well until all of the camera flash bulbs went off, starting her. She raced into my blouse, found a safe spot, took a wee and went to sleep. Now that entire interview is on tape and on You Tube, including my retrieving the sleeping Spike and putting her in her cage. Now, I am known as the Dormouse Lady, or if the know of my marrying Simon, Lady dormouse. But that does not take into account one thing, Spike's wee stained my blouse. Oh well, at least she survived and my family got a good chuckle out of it.
Now Trish is a girl like me, a boy who is really a girl. She was in an orphanage where she was being constantly bullied for being a girl until I adopted her. She had been pushed down some stairs becuse a bully knew that she was a boy wearing a dress.

I knew that if she stayed there that the bullies would keep on hurting her, and the orphanage wasn't doing a thing about it, leaving me to help the poor girl. How could I say 'NO' to her? She reminded me of myself when I was her age. Like Trish, I too had a bully in my dad who did all that he could to beat the girl out of me, but he couldn't and iin the end, accepted me as his daughter. But that took a lot of changes before that happened and even now, I wonder about him.

Growing up, my dad would punish me whenever he saw me being girly. I did what I could to be a girl by lettng my hair grow and wear unisex clothing, and in one play, I played a girl and got away with it. My first time out in public as a girl.

Later, when I was getting ready to go to the uni, we got into an arguement and he beat me up, So, I left home for the uni. But I finally despaired and attempted suicide, only to be saved from my despair. Now, because of that, I can not take tylenol due to my liver.

Years later, he got word to me that Mummy was dying, so Stella took me to see her, and she saw us as angels, which Daddy says opened his eyes to who I was. Later on, he suffered from a stroke. So I as his dutiful daughter tended to his needs at the clinic where he was recovering. It was during this time that he accepted me as his daughter, but to this day, I wonder if he was well, if he'd have still become the loving father that I so cherished.
When I took her in, she couldn't believe her good fortune in having a mummy who understood who she was. Trish had believed that she was alone in the universe. BBut when she knew that I was Charlie, she gained the confidence that she needed and became a very smart young lady who likes to be very girly.

In school, she tends to keep her teachers on their toes with her answers and has caused a few to wonder if she is really a midget. All that I know is that she loves me and that is more than enough. She also has manifested a Blue Light that heals, like mine. Her's is not as developed as mine, perhaps beause she is so young, But I have been the recipient of her gift when I've been hurt and an appreciate it's effect upon me.
I developed the gift first and had to learn how to use it as applying it drains me. I was trying to help an accident victim when the blue ligh came out of my hands and healed te victim. At first, I didn't believe that I had the power, but when I saw te blue light come from my hands, I had to accept it as a fact about me because I am an athiest scientist and only go with the facts.
Livvie is a girl the same age as Trish. Like Trish, she was at the orphanage, and was best friends with rish. Livvie was very protective of Trish who had been pushed down some stairs and got hurt. Trish soon recovered thanks to my blue light after I got her home where she told me about Livvie. I was soon adopting a third girl, much to my amazement, and she proved to be a great big sister to Mima and best friend to Trish. Best of all, if need be, she will baby sit Stella's daughter, Puddin.
Danny is a boy who we are fostering. Last Cristmas, the orphanage where I acquired my daughter asked for me to let Danny and Billy to spend Christmas with me. At first, I didn't want to, but the girls and Simon convinced me to do it. Danny has proven to be a great brother for my daughters and my daughter love him back. Simon is quite chuff having a boy about the place to spend time with. It's not that he doesn't love our girls, it's just that like any daddy, he wants a son to bond with.
Billy, the other boy became Billie, a girl like Trish. He often asked me if I wanted for him to be a girl, but even though I reassured him that I wanted for him to be a boy, he chose to be a girl, thanks to Trish and her influence. Now Billy is a bit small for his age and according to Danny, has been bullied by other children. Danny and Lizzie would defend the child, but their taunts and name-calling made Billy feel that he was not a proper boy even with Danny and Livvie there for him.

Billy can't help being a bit small for his age and there are plenty of small male athletes is sports, mainly jockeys. But even with my support, he chose to be a girl, like me, with more than a bit of encouragement from that meddler, Trish.

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