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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

David and the Birds

David and the Birds

by Miss K

I'd completely forgotten about the human-faced birds.

It started this morning when I found myself by chance in the neighbourhood where David lived. It was unexpected. I wasn't thinking about David, nor was I particularly intending to be in that particular part of South London. It just happened.

To Touch a Palm, part 1

It was getting dark when I got there, and I'd managed to get off the
wrong exit, too, guessing downtown was where it wasn't, as I always do.
It meant an anxious tour through the dark and empty streets down by the
river, looking for a place to stay, finding nothing until I finally
passed an open space -- park or vacant lot, I couldn't tell and didn't

What Maisie Knew: 20. Susan Triumphant

Susan smiled and flounced. "What can I say?" she grinned. "I'm just that clever! So when's Maisie get here? I have to tell you guys what I found out about Misty Sabatino. It's scandalous."

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rhapsody, Chapter 3 - Molto Agitato

Chapter 3 — Molto Agitato
By Jillian

Detective Johnson was at my house in less than 15 minutes and once there didn’t waste any time in listening to the phone message. “What did he mean, ‘my message’?”

I took a deep breath and said, “He vandalized my car and spray painted ‘You talk, you die’ on the trunk lid. Truth is that threat’s why I didn’t report it in the first place.”

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 23 A Burden of Existance Epidode 1

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 249

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi Cat (an' 'er).
part 249.

I managed to get Simon into the kitchen alone. "Just where were you last night?"

"Erm, yeah, sorry about that, I did text you."

"When I was in bed. It frightened the death out of Des."

"Did it?" he laughed, then obviously re-ran what I said, "It what!"
He laughed nervously, you are joking aren't you?"

The Greatest Lie -6- Babes in Gangland

This is a sometimes violent story with very raw sex scenes. If that's not what you want to read, please do not read this story.

The Greatest Lie
Chapter 6

Alex flirts with death again but her life begins to turn around. It's just possible she can really have what she's always wanted. If she survives.
Babes in Gangland
by Alexandra Rios

What Maisie Knew: 19. The Idea Of Swapping Mothers

Maisie cut me off. "Listen to me. I know that Ida seems like a nice person. Maybe she is nice to you and your mother... and to everyone else on earth except me." At this point, Maisie was fighting back tears. She dropped the wrench, balled her fists, and swore. "I'm NOT going to cry...," she said, gritting her teeth.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 11 - New Realities

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 11: In the aftermath of Kirk's attack, everyone is looking for answers. More than one person finds out more than they ever wanted to know.


 © Nick B 2008

This story was inspired by Kristina L S who mentioned it in passing in a PM. I took her literally and well, instead of writing the next chapter of The Sight that I know so many thousands, well hundreds . . . okay, both of you are waiting for, I decided to indulge myself and this is what happened . . .

This story was tweaked (slightly) and proofed by the most excellent Gabi. Sorry I forgot to put it in earlier

It’s everyone’s favourite party game isn’t it?

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 6

After climbing two steps and being provided a gentle boost from Chuck, Hiromi was seated on the mare known as Dolly. Hiromi began to laugh hysterically almost from the moment her butt landed in the saddle.

“Having a good time?” Chuck asked.

“Yes,” Hiromi said as she continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Six

Plot synopsis- Ripley visits Australia and Hong Kong with Chuck, Chrysanthemum is debriefed, A family prepares for a cross country move, and Dr. Wagner’s superiors face a crucial decision.

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea, last part

Halfway across the river, the ferry turns. The gulls, as always, surprised by the boat's movement now wheel and dive, complaining cries as they take up their stations once again. The turn means a breeze from a fresh direction can ruffle hair, feather the hem of the skirt that after all these months I dare to wear so that it dances round my knees.

What Maisie Knew: 18. She's Not Maisie

"Maisie, you're *not* fat," I told her. "You've never been fat. You're never going to BE fat. You're so not fat that you, uh, that you..." I didn't know how to finish, but it didn't matter. Her face had changed, and she was furious.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Camp Kumoni : 34

Camp Kumoni Ch. 34

by Anistasia Allread

As the storm rages outside . . . :

Erika approached the table with a smile, wanting to know what they were whispering about. Samantha’s head popped out of their meeting and gave Erika a look. She shook her head, signaling her that she wasn’t welcome right now.



Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 247

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by:Bonzi translated by Angharad

I was in a bed, it wasn't my own. It was night, well it was dark, so I assumed it was night. My fanny was so sore. I wondered if I'd been too enthusastic with my dilation. I switched on the light on the bedside cabinet, there was blood on the sheets, my blood.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.07 - Gym


..........." by the way do you know what?"
"What?" I asked
"He fancied you," she replied.
"No he didn't!" I said a little indignantly.
"Yes he did and you fancied him too," Meryl responded.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 4.7 - Gym

by Alys

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea, part 4

I try to shape my days now by my work. Numbers in charts, words battered out of a keyboard, spit out from a whirring printer: Let's say it is work like that I do, work meant for grey-walled cubicles under flickering fluorescent lights.

What Maisie Knew: 17. Just Like Us

Maisie was full of surprises. I knew she was rich, that she'd always been rich, and that she didn't clean her own house, let alone her own room. She didn't even make her own bed! Yet, here she was digging through trash with me, and she seemed to find it less disgusting than I did.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

The Greatest Lie -5- Law and Order

This is a sometimes violent story with very raw sex scenes. If that's not what you want to read, please do not read this story.
The Greatest Lie
Chapter 5
Law and Order

WARNING! This story meant solely for adult audiences! It contains scenes of graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading, hit the back key or dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! This story is purely fictional. All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

A Murder Misstery Aloft

A Murder Misstery Aloft
 © 2008 by Nom de Plume

For those who came in late, Matt McCoy — now Madeline Moreau — is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did….after learning about her secret girlhood, Maddy spreads her wings...and more.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 246

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by: Bonzi typed by Angharad.
part 246.

"I'm not at all happy about this film," Simon opined as we drove back to my father's house.

"Neither am I."

"For different reasons, I suspect."

"Okay so you don't trust me with Des, and I don't want to make it full stop."

"I trust you, it's Des I don't. He's been a Casanova since he was about fourteen."

Rainbow Girl - Part 12 - Conclusion - A Revolution

".....please go now Hywel and remember what ever happens," I said.


"I love you," I said as I gave him a last kiss and then pushed him out into the corridor.

"I love you too, Enfys," he responded....


Rainbow Girl - Part 12 - Conclusion - A Revolution

by Alys

What Maisie Knew: 16. Someone To Tease

Maisie asked, "Why do you go to therapy? I know why I go — I've been screwed over by my parents. But why do you go? There's nothing wrong with you. Is there?"

"Uh, it's kind of personal," I replied.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way


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