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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Balthasar's Extract - Part 5

(The Titanic Era Diary of Evelyn Westcott)

Evi Westcott (born Edward Tucker) is a turn-of-the-20th Century Alpha female, impatient with the roles polite society has assigned to women — including accidental women like herself — and in a hurry to set things straight. Evi is eighteen. Touring Europe with Auntie Enid, she’s learning about Life in its astonishing diversity and seeking the key to a safe future for herself and the rest of ‘Tottie’s Girls’ — the dozen gender-dsyphoric youth who like Evelyn depend for their happiness on a secure supply of ‘Balthasar’s extract.’

1911 is a fine time to be young. The world is full of new things — the automobile, the aeroplane, social consciousness, moving pictures, mental hygiene and ragtime. Women are dumping the corset and demanding the vote, kicking over the pedestals upon which Victorian Sensibility has placed them. It is a time of creativity and experimentation in the natural sciences, of rapidly growing comprehension of how ‘internal secretions’ regulated human physiology.

Join Evi as she and Aunt Enid arrive in Vienna — sophisticated, elegant and decadent to the core. Of, if you are new to this series, begin at the beginning (some 75,000 words ago) or go to the end of this chapter for a very short synopsis of the story so far.

All Things Denied 10 - 'A British Cowgirl'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1
All Things Denied

Chapter 10 - 'A British Cowgirl'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

As our heroine rides off into the sunset . . . "Wait! That's not a bicycle!"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 313

Easy As Falling In A Lake.
by: Bonzi translated from the Miaowish by Angharad.

Over the next few days, Stella, made a good recovery. Henry, took things in hand and as soon as she was physically strong enough, she was going to go to an exclusive clinic in the countryside near Hastings.

At Aunt Greta's 9 — Encounters With Friends

At Aunt Greta’s–
Encounters with Friends

by Gabi

Chapter 9 of a Continuing Saga…

I went into the last vacant cubicle, closed the door, but discovered that the bolt was missing. ‘Bum!’ I thought, ‘Oh well, we’re all girls here,’ and with my thumbs hooked in the waistband, eased my knickers down to my knees before sitting “on the throne”.

Suddenly, before I could sit down, the cubicle door burst open and there was Lucy Barker. She took one look at me and screamed.

I looked down at myself and discovered to my horror that, once again, I had a PENIS!

S-Idol - Part 10

The Old Alhambra -1-

The Old Alhambra

This tale is complete in Six Chapters which will be posted at approximately weekly intervals

This, the first chapter, is entitled

The Quiet Woman.

Readers should be aware that this is primarily a Ghost Story.

The TV/TG element is crucial to the plot but occupies a comparatively minor part of the text.

Those wishing to absorb a little of the ambience prior to reading should visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW4ThXetHkI&NR=1 and listen to Helen Shapiro sing the last verse and refrain of the song that runs like a thread throughout the tale.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 11: Friends

Synopsis: Allyssa is the target of a test between friends while something sinister runs afoot.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Eleven

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 312

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad
part: guess what, 26 doz!

On the way home we went to the university, where I checked up on my babies. Spike seemed happy to see me, or maybe it was the brazil nut she nibbled while I held her. I was pretty sure she was pregnant again, so she was making her regular contribution to the captive breeding programme.

The Knockout!

She ran through the alley with abandon. The heels didn’t slow her down she was a great athlete. She hopped the fence without hesitation, which was pretty impressive for a girl in a mini skirt. Up the back stairs of the apartment she dashed two steps at a time. She was sure that she was safe and that she had lost her pursuers. She had successfully run for her life.

A Story With No Title

I pulled her close and kissed the top of her ear, pushing ever-so-slightly through her upswept hair. I leaned back and looked into her eyes, the world outside of those amazing eyes ceased to exist and I knew just how lucky I was. She was the one that Mom had always told me I'd find one day. That I'd know the girl that would be tied to me as surely as the sky is tied to the horizon as soon as I looked her in the eye for real.

A Story With No Title
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 311

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad (Bonzi's out clubbing).
part: 311

We all spent a very difficult night, when sleep came, it was fitful and anything but refreshing. I awoke once crying, don't ask me why, I can't remember what I was dreaming about, but I assume Stella may have been involved in it.

Case Files of Dr. Sanura Miller - Casefile 4572

"At a mere 28 years old, Sanura Miller is now an esteemed Doctor specializing in the new field of Elementology and Operator of the National MORFS Elemental Registry Database. Dr. Miller has taken it upon herself to help police the Elementals of the world. These are her case files."

A Mother's Love 2 - The Sequel (Complete)

Alys sent this to me to repost, she said that there are some minor edits in the content previously posted and a concluding few paragraphs.

A Mother's Love 2 - The Sequel (Complete)

by Alys

Mia - Chapter 1 - 5


By Brianna Luna

Jeremiah was always a little different. He tried to fit in, but never quite managed. It wasn't until around his 16th birthday that he actually realized the problem, and Mia was born. Mia is a story of transition, of new beginnings and familiar pains. With support from her Mom, and her best friend Mia is growing into the woman that she always should have been.

Ghost - part 1

"Max had always loved superheroes and comic books, so when MORFS spread last year he thought it could be cool. His parents, along with pretty much everyone else was afraid of what was happening. So what will Max do when he undergoes MORFS while his parents are out of town?"

Yin Yang - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story)


Laura is still stuggling with her new gender and although she has started to assert herself it is now causing tension with her Mother. She meets another new kid at school and makes a friend, but this new friend just brings up even more issues for Laura to deal with.


Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 310

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 310

"Why don't you go home and have a shower and change, I'll wait here and I'll let you know if there's any change."

"I'll be alright," I replied to Simon.

"You look like something from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

"Gee thanks, Simon, you really know how to make a girl feel good."

"It's a gift," he said and sniggered.


More DopplerPress

The Model Sister by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Kirk let a little issue of being mistaken for a girl go a bit too far. Sure, he looked like his sister. A lot! And he could make money as a girl model. Bunches! But there were other problems.... Boys!


The Model Sister
by Melanie Brown
Sisters Book 2
Now on Kindle

S.P.A.R.C.L.S. by Alecia Snowfall NOW on Amazon!


Audience Rating: 


Well the oldest back burner project is NOW released for sale on Amazon only. This is not a transgender fiction. Actually it's a mainstream sci-fi romance. Click on the image to buy from Amazon. BTW, BigCloset gets 50% of the royalties on this.


Just to tease and torture, here is a snippet from the book:

Game of Spies by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Who hasn’t had a bad day? But Capt. Wainright’s rapidly went downhill after answering a distress call only to wake up from suspended animation in the wrong body—that of a 15 year old girl! His ship now overrun by heavily armed troops, he (or she), will just have to soldier on—it’s going to get worse before it gets better!

Game of Spies
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

Eerie Saloon 2: House Rules by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

As the girls of the former Hanks Gang serve their 60 days at the Eerie Saloon, they begin to adjust to their new bodies and make new lives. This being the Old West, there's also a shootout, poker games, and a kidnapping.

Wilma, Jessie and Bridget have new opportunities but old ways of thinking, especially thinking of themselves as men, are hard to break. It's all a question of learning the new rules for how to live as women.

Eerie Saloon 2
House Rules

by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson

Now on Kindle from Doppler Press!

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