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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


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The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

Billy Two Shoes ~ A Christmas Story

The little lad was small for his age, ten years and one month, and was unusual in as much as he could read and write–not very well, but better than his father Albert, the woodcutter
Billy Two Shoes ~ A Story at Christmas

By Susan Brown



My name is Janet. I met Danny when I was almost twenty.

By Janet Baker

Danny was the first love of my life. I was nineteen at the time, Danny was younger but that was all right, he made up for our age difference by his unlimited enthusiasm and his devotion to me.
I lived on a farm. Danny came to live with us. He was an orphan, his father unknown, his mother killed in an auto accident. Danny was bereft, he cried constantly. I comforted him and we became inseparable.

Camp Kumoni : 66

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited and made better by Nick B

“What about my feet?”

“In heels, you don’t do a lot with your feet. You just shift your weight or take baby steps.” Tricia demonstrated.



Without a Trace - Part 6: Baiting the Trap

Without a trace part 6
Baiting the trap

JR after his mom hugged him smiled as his stomach again made its presence known and sheepishly grinned. His sister and her partner grinned and even his mom laughed, as a group they decided to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. They walked through the hospital corridors in an uneasy silence JR’s mother holding tight to his hand. He felt a bit uncomfortable but his Kylie side was comforted at the close contact. He had to be honest he was scared at what his sister wanted him to do but also proud.

Gaia's Avatar - 2

Theia continues to learn a great many things about the environment and about herself -- as Gaia's avatar and as a woman.

WARNING: If you have a fear of snakes, then this story isn't for you. A large nonpoisonous snake figures prominently in this story.

NOTE: Votes and comments have been disabled for this story. Please just relax and enjoy it if you care to read it. If you do read it and feel moved to comment, private messages are always welcome.


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Sissy's Interlude -- Pt 6

Sissy’s Interlude -- Pt 6

Maid Joy

Mistress had turned me over to a lady at the lingerie store. I didn’t know how to react. Part of me was mortified, part of me burning from embarrassment, and part of me was reveling in this chance that I had always dreamed of.

The people who were in the store weren’t really paying attention to me, which was a relief. I could only imagine the panic if someone realized that a man was in here.

A Shootist Disarmed

Forced into the wider world, Sascha must learn to make his own way. But should he take the easy route, acting as people expect him to act, being who people saw him to be? Or can he grow into something more, his own Sascha, without further diminishing the current Sascha.

Kelly's Journey -6- Choices

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 6: Choices
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After learning the terrible news, Kelly decides to make the most of a bad situation, much to Julie's dismay. In school, Kelly proves to be a tom boy as she excels in sports side by side with her best friend Johnny. Her small size and quickness contrasts well with Johnny's size and strength. Together, they become the school's top athletes, while Kelly also excelled in academics, easily earning herself several scholarships. Yet, as her dressing continues, it expands to help others in need. Yet at a game, she finds out who she is.

Camp Kumoni : 65

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Where’s Katie?” Erika ventured. She hadn’t seen the tall girl all day.

“She’s guarding our table.” Rachel stated.

“Oh my god, you’re serious.” Erika shook her head.


Something Feels Strange...

Something Feels Strange…


Chris is your average good teenage boy.  He has a wonderful girlfriend, is an avid runner, and near the top of his class in school.  He leads a well ordered life and he likes it that way.  Things are going good until...


Chapter 1:  Panic!

Gaia's Avatar - 1

A financial genius doesn't know when to stop making money and Gaia (Earth as goddess) takes advantage of the golden opportunity.

WARNING: If you have a fear of snakes, then this story isn't for you. A large nonpoisonous snake figures prominently in this story.

NOTE: Votes and comments have been disabled for this story. Please just relax and enjoy it if you care to read it. If you do read it and feel moved to comment, private messages are always welcome.


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Football Girl ~ Chapter 3


‘Hello, Mum. It’s me … Mark.’

The alarm on my mobile went off, waking me from a dream that upset me somehow. I couldn’t even remember the details but it involved my mum, step father and me having a row in the middle of the pitch at Melchester in front of thousands of fans…

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

Kelly's Journey -5- No More Kelly Boy

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 5: No More Kelly Boy
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After agreeing to be a date for one of Mister Woods clients sons, young Kelly finds that the "fire" she had as Kelly boy is there for her as Kelly girl

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

by Charlotte Dickles

Ben Scott, otherwise known as Ebenezer Scrooge, was the company hit man, and his idea of a Christmas gift was to announce the downsizing of the medical laboratory, along with huge redundancies, on Christmas Eve. But as he found to his cost, always beware scientists bearing gifts.


More DopplerPress

Texas Belles at Amazon


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My sister's all-girl J-POP band (in Texas?) needs a bass player. No problem, I play bass, but if I take the gig, it won't be an all-girl band.... So, obvious solution and I do look cute, unfortunately....

What do you mean, we're a hit? And we've got a contract!? And we're going to JAPAN?!?!

I can't be most popular girl in the band! My name is Sam...

Texas Belles on Kindle

Bobbi McGee by Chris Leeson on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Rob Wescott was unlucky when it came to love. That harmless statue that his ex sent him and he left by his bed turned out to be not so harmless when he woke the next day.

Rob, now Bobbi had to make a new life for herself. But would she continue to be unlucky in love?

Bobbi McGee

by Christopher Leeson

Imperfect Futures by Angela Rasch now on Kindle


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Two stories from BCTS in this volume:

Danny's Perdition: It’s the 24th century and Danny has discovered that his work for the government has several times condemned people to termination. The newest suspect has been thoroughly transformed by a department called “Visual Perfection,” and now Danny must do his duty, once again. Would traveling across the continent in an antique machine offer a realistic alternative?

Also included A Dollar Short: Tilford has a dead-end job. The idea that someone would offer him a great position seems alien.

Imperfect Futures
by Angela Rasch
Buy on Kindle
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