Father's Disgust

Daddy's Girl -- Part Five

Lawrence's natural loveliness permits him to continue living a girl's life and he takes a chance to go with another girl's family on a camping trip as a 'girl friend;' Lawrence continues to worry about his father's reactions.

Daddy's Girl -- Part Four

Lawrence finds being Heather so delightful. Will that be his fate? He is becoming 'one of the girls' to joy of his mother. But what about his father?

Daddy's Girl -- Part Four

By Katherine Anne Day
(Copyright 2009)
Editorial Assistance from Julie

Daddy's Girl -- Part Three

Lawrence becomes one of the girls, and perhaps the prettiest of the group, but still faces the disapproval of his father.
Lawrence's beauty grows and attracts attention, but he's still a boy.

Daddy's Girl -- Part Three

By Katherine Anne Day
Daddy's Girl  © 2009 By Katherine Anne Day
Thanks to Julie for her editorial assistance

Daddy's Girl -- Part Two

Lawrence Jr. dreams about being one of the Bennett girls in “Pride and Prejudice” and soon learns that he can indeed be a pretty girl. He shares in the giggling friendships of a group of girls, but his father’s disgust at his girly ways deepens.

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