
The Family that Plays Together, part 04 of 10

I leaned way over to get a closer look at my reflection, and suddenly there was a splash of water that blinded me for a moment, and something was grappling my arms and shoulders, pulling me down into the water.

In the Name of Love - 11


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

Where There Is Love

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”
Madeleine L'Engle, A Ring of Endless Light

Darin Dares - Chapter 7 of 7

Darin Dares

Chapter 7 of 7

© 2014 by D.L.

We were soon on our way and I noted that we weren't heading for home, but instead going towards the town centre. I didn't bother asking our destination, and my mother wasn't in a talkative mood, so we made the journey in silence.

Out of the Ashes, Part 5 - Monday Afternoon and Tuesday

The sergeant had just released my ankles when his radio bleeped.


“We’ve got her,” came over the radio, loud and clear.

“Thanks, out.”

He looked up at me and saw my smiling face.

A World of Elvish Wonder Ch3

Hearing someone behind him breathing, quickly got to his feet and spun around, causing his hair to fly in front of his eyes, he had at one point had fairly long hair, and thus he instinctually brushed it behind his ear, he was surprised at the angular shape of his ears, it was at this point he realised he was an elf! He gasped, his face burning red, as he saw two women standing in front of him, incredibly embarrassed, he noticed one of them had golden blond curls draped down to her mid back, and was quite a bit shorter than him but no less stacked.

Gaby Book 10 Chapter *37* Pegged


Chapter *37*

Well it wasn't as outrageously bad as the night before, Jess was to be the centre of attraction this evening after all. Still I could've done without looking like a reject from Fame although I was thankful that it did a thorough job of offering a smoke screen as to my identity. Manda was also suitably toned down leaving Jess to dominate our threesome. We set off to eat - I am so not missing the pie tonight!

Sisters 21

Work was a bit of a shock after the weekend. We had a couple of domestics that turned nasty, and that really brought a few things home to me. We had a remarkably strong family, all things considered, and clearly Tony’s much smaller one was just as strong. Enid in particular was someone I decided never to get on the wrong side of, which raised another thought: I was making so many assumptions about her son and my sister, particularly about the permanence of their new arrangement.

Darin Dares - Chapter 6 of 7

Darin Dares

Chapter 6 of 7

© 2014 by D.L.

At the bell for the third period I headed outside and over to the sports block. Given that I really don't like having to use the changing rooms, and that I have threatened to boycott the lesson, I was apprehensive as to how the next hour would unfold.

Struggles - Chapter 12 (Part one of two)

Interlude: Rich Bromely, the young man from a small Pennsylvania town was abruptly introduced to the world, a man’s world, in 1966 when he lost his student classification that deferred him from the draft just as the Vietnamese War was heating up. Rich graduated from Johnstown High School, attended a small community college for two years and met a girl named Brandi. Rich and Brandi met through a mutual friend and attended separate schools, she in upstate New York. They only saw each other occasionally but they both felt the other was the one they wanted to be with for the rest of their lives. They became engaged shortly before Rich enlisted for four years in a special program, a program that would likely keep him out of Viet Nam.

Almost A Girl Chapter 2

FROM THE EDITOR: There is a mystery here. Some of you have guessed... sort of... what it might be. While some things might seem cruel, all may not be as it seems.

We rejoin our teens as they are about to enter the mall. Stick with this story. Regardless of how things might seem, I promise a happy ending.

My Best Friend's Girl Revised

I am incorporating suggestions made by Angela Rasch. She helped me edit this so I am thanking her and using her suggestions to make this better. I think it is even better thanks to her. The first chapter is all her suggestions so I am giving credit where credit is due. I will use her suggestions for the next story I write as it does help to make it better. Also I cut the getting ready for the prom chapter and turned it into a paragraph inserted before Leon arrives. I was not happy with the chapter and felt it slowed down the action of the story. I hope you like this better.

Masks Chapter 37

Masks Chapter 37

Chapter 37

We leave heading for class and I sneak a look back and Elizabeth just threw her Starbucks coffee in a huge splash all over the hallway wall and she’d be coming for us or at us if it wasn’t for two teacher’s bee lining it to see what’s going on.
Yeah my mask’s still on pretty tight and I might still be Stephen but I’m really Stephanie…and Stephanie's tired of getting stepped on already.
Has anyone ever came out and not taken huge amounts of bullshit?
Maybe, Maybe I’m going to find out.

*And Now…

Almost A Girl Chapter 1

by Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


“You’re a freaking freak! Say it! Say you’re a freak! SAY IT!” Gus yanked my left arm, causing me to drop my schoolbooks.


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