
My Obsession, Part 22 of 29


Part 22 of 29

Saturday, October 12, 2013
Well, actually I'm writing very early Sunday morning in the communal kitchen so I don't disturb any of my fellow campers. And why am I up early on a Sunday morning? Simple: My fellow campers may be beacons of femininity by day, but they snore like longshoreman during the night. Not that I've personally been able to listen to a longshoreman snore, mind you, but there must be some truth to the old saw or nobody would have started sawing with it.

On My Back

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On My Back
A Short Story as requested by Taxidermist
By Maryanne Peters

I used to think that driving a big rig was the ultimate in freedom. The road is stretched out in front of you – this great country – where the road seems to go one forever. Hell – it does. It never stops!

My Obsession, Part 21 of 29


Part 21 of 29

Monday, September 9, 2013
Much food for thought in Psychology today. Only the second class and my head is spinning. The prof dug right in with personality types. The old Greeks decided there were four: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic. Meyers-Briggs thinks there are sixteen. Other people throw other numbers into the pot. Kind of like a lottery but nobody is a clear winner.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Six

Chapter Six of Seven - Completed

The attempt to teach Tony a lesson went wrong, wrong, wrong. Jill finds herself at his mercy; and it appears Tony has none. Warning: note explicit sex, although the sex is not gratuitous, it is graphic.

To Return Home 1.3

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help in editing this!

I woke up sometime later. I was in my bed, and Mama was sitting in a chair beside me, keeping watch.

How long have I been out, Mama?

A couple of hours, Rosie.”

The Letters Chapter 3

The Letters.png Thanks Malady, for your help in editing!

The Letters Chapter 3

Greg opened envelope number three. He had to admit, the belt appeared to work, and he also assumed that his grandfather had somehow either invented the thing, or found somehow.

Thus, when he opened the letter, it was with great anticipation that he started reading.

Kinda neat, isn't it? I really enjoyed it the first time I tried it too. Sorry to say, you're getting a hand-me-down time belt. I'm not sure how long the power will last, but it doesn't seem to have lost any potential since I started using it.

I know you are wondering how I know about you,. What you're thinking. I'll let you consider that yourself. There's no need for me to tell you. You'll figure it out yourself.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

What woman feels comfortable about her boyfriend staring at other women? It is not just annoying, it is demoralizing. OK, so I might not be the best-looking woman, but I expect his eyes to be on me.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Five

Chapter Five of Seven - Completed

Tony, one of the partners who own the large corporation all of them work for, is coming to Omaha to meet with Jim. How will they ever explain Jill?

A Positive Attitude Part 3

Part 3

The next day was much less eventful for Francesca. It was me that was the brunt of a salon work-over, coming out with long nails, a new look and earrings. I must say that when I looked at myself in the mirror I thought I made a good looking girl. My height, or lack of it, was certainly a factor in my favour.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 15 & 16

Positively Patsy Part 15

When he came down he looked at the hole in the wall and asked me how I had opened it and I showed him the birthmark on the stone. “I just had to push it” I told him. He stood outside the room and shone his torch inside and gave out a whistle.

My Obsession, Part 19 of 29


Part 19 of 29

Friday, September 6, 2013
A light day, only one mid-morning class. That's the ideal Friday for a college student, no afternoon classes to cut to get an early start on the weekend.

TG Techie - Chapter 48 - Based Love

Wednesday morning I awoke without a penis again. I was ready to call the whole thing a hoax (note: I almost called it “fake news” but stopped before I did something I’d hate myself for). Only it had appeared just yesterday and also showed up in the shower.

I spent some time, water washing down my back looking at it. It sprang straight out of my mons, had no testes, and was otherwise exactly like my old penis. It seemed to only appear when it was erect, and my arousal didn’t trigger an erection every time. This looked to just be a case of system checks.

Making Changes

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Making Changes
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I am in distribution. Ok, so I drive a truck. But I also distribute.

Long-haul work is hard. Guys like me don’t get paid enough. What’s wrong with supplementing income? Shit goes missing all the time. Some of what goes missing ends up in my lock-up. Some of that gets sold for cash. What’s the big deal?

Queer -1- Montana



1. Montana
by Morgan Preece

I'd been called queer practically ever since I started school, but I didn't really find out what it meant until seventh grade. This was back when gay still meant happy to most people, and queer was an insult.

My Obsession, Part 18 of 29


Part 18 of 29

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 (continued)
All of my musing on the past is how I started my day. Because of my late enrollment, the only English Literature class with any openings occurred at eight o'clock on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Since Monday was Labor Day, school started on Wednesday. Thus I began my day wandering around campus lost and confused. Over the summer I had gotten used to the library's more civilized hours, opening at ten. I had to get up before the sun in order to shower, dress and ride the bus.

Broken, Too!

Lexi’s memory has returned and now her father is slated to get out of prison on a technicality. Lexi is also struggling to keep Alex in check. What will happen when her father returns and how will she deal with Alex?


Broken Too.jpg

Broken, Too!

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(All images and artwork are property of and copyrighted by Shauna J. Rousseau.)

Author’s Note and Caution: This is more the story of the father and is only being provided by popular demand. It won’t be to everyone’s taste since the father is forced into a sex change against his will. It is not forced femme in the typical sense—but it is forced. At any rate, here it is for those that want to read his story.



Mommy, mommy, mommy

Chapter 1

"MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!" I heard my daughter scream. I dropped everything
and ran outside, thinking the worst. Did she fall, did she hurt herself,
did something or somebody scare her? It took me a minute to figure out
where her pleas were coming from and my panic level tripled, thinking
"Please, please, let her be safe!" Imagine my relief when I saw my
daughter hiding next to her playhouse; petrified by a tiny spider.


Muse 1.jpg
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“You do believe that my work is art, don’t you,” said Claude.

“Of course, I do,” Blythe said. “And I only want to play a role in helping you to be that artist.”

And that, is the title and essence of this story.

My Obsession, Part 17 of 29


Part 17 of 29

Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor day. Time for the big parade.

We were up early to get ready for the parade. The living room was full of boxes and hangers containing the costumes when my fellow workers arrived promptly at 8:00 AM to get dressed. Jenny and Beth from the library were part of the group, as well as Audrey.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Two

Chapter Two of Seven - Completed

Jim wakes up naked in a motel room. There are two letters on the table. One is from his wife and the other is from his three friends. There are several boxes in the room filled with his secret wardrobe.

The beginning, Sarah book 1 part 1

Sarah, Part 1

As I slid down the embankment. Was I safe? I thought. Breathing hard, I didn't know how far I had run or for how long. Once I saw it happen I just took off. Did they get a good look at me? I think they did. Did they get a good look that I didn't know. They didn't want any witnesses though or they wouldn't have shot at me. Just hearing those shots hit the door frame was enough motivation for me to run. And run I did.

My Obsession, Part 16 of 29


Part 16 of 29

Sunday, August 25, 2013
Mom called again today. This time her voice was not as strained, for that matter neither was mine. We just chatted, nothing special. She got a great laugh out of Grandpa proposing to Eve and even took my wearing Sylvia's engagement ring better than I expected.

A Positive Attitude Part 2

Part 2

I woke up in the morning to the sound of a womans’ voice telling me to get out of bed and into the shower. I thought that I had been in the shower last night but obviously I was not clean enough. She told me to make sure I sat when I went to the toilet and to make sure I shaved my face twice while I was in the shower.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 13 & 14

Positively Patsy Part 13

He moved to the other picture and told me that this was a picture of the Lady Olivia Reece who died in 1670. He said that it was she that paid for the sarcophagus that is in the church where Richards’s body lies. I was interested that they had him in a special place and the vicar told me that Richard was a very rich man for his day.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part One

Part One of Seven -- The complete novel has been posted.

Jim’s three co-workers are upset with him for having them dress in French-maid costumes for a company event. They meet with him, and demand that he go through a rehab process to become more sensitive to their feelings.

My Obsession, Part 15 of 29


Part 15 of 29

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Had another session with Audrey today. No tears and heavy stuff this time, but more "What do I do from here?" Somehow when I talk to Audrey I have to get things straight in my mind so I can tell her about them. She knows the right question to ask when I run dry and she's helping me.

Portia, Virtual Princess 2

Larry was online for a while before Andy and spent that time hanging out and chatting with others. Viktor appeared and the two of them gathered some other people to participate in challenging quests. When Andy finally logged on, everyone was biting at the bit to get going.

As he entered the house Tuesday afternoon, there was a large package inside the front door. His mother called out, “Andy, a package arrived for you. Come in the kitchen and tell me why you are getting large packages I had nothing to do with ordering.”


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