
My Obsession, Part 29 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 29 of 29

Epilogue, October 9, 2020
The whole Covid-19 mess has left me with a great deal of time on my hands. One of the things I have done is re-read my diaries from the beginning of my transition. I've decided that sharing them might be a help to someone else who is thinking that living as a woman is a desirable thing to do, so I've excerpted those parts about transitioning.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Ours had always been a very religious household. I guess Mom was really the key to that. Dad always said the strength of faith comes from the women. But he was the elder in our church, and he seemed fully committed.

How I Saved the Life of Andrew, the Soul of Andie and How I had a Teenage Girl Supermodel Assassinated

This is the conclusion to the interconnected Amy Amstel stories started in “My Date as a Teenage Girl Model”. If you haven’t read the earlier stories I suggest you start there (330+ Kudos clickers can be wrong but the odds are in your favor). The stories about Amy Amstel are mostly self-contained though.

Transatlantic flights seldom are fun. If you start from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2 you don’t exactly get off on a good start either. If you really are a bit too tired to work it’s even less fun. Flying west I try not to sleep on the flight since that really messes up my sleep-cycles. I was a bit surprised to find a scraggy teenager in the seat next to me. Not the usual passenger in first class. I decided that a long chat with the boy would be preferable to pretending to work. It didn’t start too well. When I introduced myself, Harry Howard, and told him that I was editor–in-chief of the most important fashion magazine for men the boy looked horrified. Apparently not a fashion aficionado. Well, I could have told that from his clothes. Jeans and white T-shirt as well as disheveled hair. Despite that he had a “groomed” look if you looked closer. Actually if you looked very closely he was kind of “pretty”. Shaped eye-brows, holes in his ears, just a hint of mascara remaining on those very impressive eye-lashes. Intriguing.

My Obsession, Part 28 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 28 of 29

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Even though he officially retired some years ago, Grandpa is still a force to be reckoned with at the library. If he needs the community room on New Year's Eve then naturally he gets the community room on New Year's Eve even if the place is shuttered tight. He says he knows just where all the bodies are buried and there's no budget for re-interring them so they just have to let him do what he wants.

Adrenaline Jackey page 6

It was not long before I arrived at Frankfurt’s house. It was decent size and sweetly placed in a nice neighborhood. I had met Frankfurt in kindergarten after both being into Pokémon. We used to hang out every day with our Gameboys and play the newest games. We somehow got every class together, and that cemented our friendship continuing even now.

Adrenaline Jackey page 5

There was a lot of screaming on the car ride back. Usually, this would bring me to a bad mood, but I felt powerful and in control this time. I felt like whatever my dad keeps yelling and threatening me with didn’t matter. It can’t matter. My smile kept and even turned into my wild grin a few times throughout the ride. I realized that he’s not really yelling at me or even cares about actually punishing me. He only cares about how indignant I was to him. How disobedient. He would not ever punish me because that’d take energy and time. He doesn’t really wanna put in the effort.

A Positive Attitude Part 5 (Final)

Part 5

The nurse took me back to my room where I was put back into bed and given a shot to allow me to sleep. The next day Francesca came to see me and she told me that I was no longer her maid but would now be classed as family, as will Mario when he recovers.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 19 & 20

Positively Patsy Part 19

August, September and October we had the music school. This time we had ten very talented late teens that knew all about ‘Amazon’ and Greg’s work and were very attentive from the word go. These were all from foster homes and had shown their talents through high school bands.

Adrenaline Jackey page 4

It was almost three when my parents came in with dad’s signature, “Hey buddy, how you feeling?” He always comes in with that when I put myself in the hospital accidently.

“I’m fine I guess.” Mom came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder

“You gave us quite a scare with that stunt you pulled.” Dad’s voice nice yet with a tone of ‘you’re so fucking dead when we get home’. Why can’t he just be an asshole all the time and not put up this stupid act?

My Obsession, Part 27 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 27 of 29

Thursday, December 26, 2013
I have a decision to make, and I've been putting it off. Mary Ann and I have been tossing around our options and her family has been able to offer some pretty good advice, but the decision is mine in the end. No, that's not completely true. Mary Ann and I have to make the decision together as it affects the both of us.

To Return Home 1.4

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his work in proofreading and ideas!

Chapter 4

I stared at Carla. “I’m your sister. Rose.”

Carla laughed! “I don’t think so. Rose looks pretty good, but you’re obviously a genetic female.”


Daddy spoke up. “It must be her bots. They’re programmed to protect the individual. To do that, they might cut off any memories that will cause a mental breakdown.”

Adrenaline Jackey page 2

I could see a light at the end of a tunnel, “Come on, push, push.” A voice cheered, “You’re almost there, keep pushing!” When my eyes adjusted, I was looking at a nurse. Did I just get Isekai’d? “Mr. and Mrs. Kellerston, congratulations! It’s a girl!” Oh no, I wasn’t isekai’d. The nurse put me in mom’s arms. She looked much younger and happier with a smile on her face. Dad’s face popped into view; I’ve seen pictures of my dad young but seeing him now is so different. He’s attractive, very attractive, nothing like he was when I was well yeah.

My Obsession, Part 26 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 26 of 29

Monday, December 16
Oddly, I got the answer to finding Mary Ann's gift in the psychology exam this morning. There were questions about family relations and - of course! - dysfunction. Which made me realize I should call her brother Dale and ask him if he has any bright ideas. I had to slap myself and put my mind back on the exam after getting another bright idea.

Hatching a Heroine - Chapters 9, 10 and 11

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right?

Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

Hatching a Heroine - Chapters 7 and 8

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

My Obsession, Part 25 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 25 of 29

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Turkey day. No, not the day we eat the turkey but the day we get the turkey. Seems like a lot of fuss to get a turkey when the supermarket had piles of them in the freezer, but Eve swears it's worth the effort for a fresh organic turkey.

Adrenaline Jackey

“D-Do you re-really wan-wanna do this, Roman?” My pudgy, little brother, Naples stuttered to me. He was only nine, timid, and terrified of anything and everything. One time he got scared of a snail. Yes, a snail, those cute little buggers. Mom had to hold him real tight to get him to stop screaming. Probably doesn’t help that he’s baby’d by our Mom. Fortunately for me, I got a free snail to add to my collection. Named her Shelly along with Dr. Slugger and Slimy.

Hatching a Heroine - Chapters 5 and 6

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

Hot Water Helps You Clean

Hot Water Helps You Clean
by Angela Rasch

I had just finished conditioning the oak woodwork in our twenty-year old home’s basement with Murphy Oil Soap when the doorbell rang. I scanned myself in the wall mirror and wished for the millionth time that my uniform fit me better. There’s only so much you can do to make a maid’s dress look natural on a forty-year old male body that weighs in excess of two hundred pounds, unless you make drastic changes. . .operations and hormones. I sighed . . . Once again considering things that could never happen.

TG Techie - Chapter 49 - Flow in the Hay

Autumn stroked the inside of my thigh all the way back to the school. I found myself idly wondering what her dick would look like. If it would fill me up the way I was hoping Regular Dave would.

Our two car caravan pulled into the space under the school at...a time. Susan was waiting for us, casually chucking a roach under the dumpster, and pretending it was a cigarette. We pretended with her, as we piled out of the cars and apologized for being late.

“You’re not late, it’s the time it always is when you show up,” She said.

The Loft ~ Chapter 1

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © -

Chapter One


Hatching a Heroine - chapter 4

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

Hatching a Heroine - chapter 3

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

My Obsession, Part 24 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 24 of 29

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Dress shopping with Eve and Mary Ann. I'm getting a real kick out of being a bridesmaid, something I never aspired to in my wildest dreams. Some of the girls I know on campus are addicted to something called Say Yes To The Dress and can go on for hours about finding the perfect wedding gown. Hey - I love wearing dresses and enjoy shopping on my rather limited budget, but really! I just can't get into gushing about this neckline or that train or who knows what else.

Mommy, mommy, mommy. Chapter 2

When I came in the next day Josie asked, "So am I right in thinking that
you have made up your mind, you are going to join us in the project?"

"I am still thinking about it and think it's probably the best thing for
me but what's difficult is I don't know if I want to become a girl

"So what's holding you back?" she asked.

Hatching a Heroine - chapter 2

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

A Positive Attitude Part 4

Part 4

I was being held by Mario as I blubbed and then felt the weight of Francesca against my back. There I was, being sandwiched between two people who both had the opportunity to kill me but had refrained. As I sobbed I felt a sense of being someone who meant something to these people.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 17 & 18

Positively Patsy Part 17

Other things progressed while the American riders were with us. They were mainly practising the dressage portion of the sport but, seeing we already had some show jumps in store, they set them up and did some jumping practise.

Hatching a Heroine - Chapter 1

It's one thing to be pulled into another world to fight an evil queen, but what do you do when the spell that transports you there also gives you a woman's body? And what if it feels... right? Edited by Talia Eliott Belser

My Obsession, Part 23 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 23 of 29

Monday, October 14, 2013
Last day at camp, sort of bittersweet. We got up much later than yesterday and not a few of the girls were moaning about the amount of wine that they drank the night before. The phrase 'wine is a mocker' - in my father's voice, naturally - ran through my head but I wisely kept it between my ears.

Cinder Elli

For two years, Elliot's wicked stepmother and horrible stepbrothers have been forcing him into to clean the house, dressing him in his mother's old clothes and working him to the bone without rest....

Now, on the night of the Princess's Ball, the 20 year old orphan dreams of escaping to the palace and ingratiating himself with a well-to-do woman.

When a bumbling fairy godmother bursts through the window, he thinks his dreams have been answered! Of course, they're actually just beginning.

This is the *completed* story - not a preview, like last time.


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