
The Bank Heist - Part 10 of 11



Part 10 of 11

Chapter 15
When we got home late, the other girls took one look at us and asked why we both looked like we'd gotten laid but hadn't been in the bedroom yet. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get used to girls asking questions like that, I was brought up to think girls didn't do stuff like that.

Mommy, mommy, mommy, chapter 5

Mommy, mommy, mommy. Chapter 5

A few days after the now-infamous Pool Party I went to the campus to see Dr.Z and Josie. It turns out I was more satisfied that I thought I would be. Not only did Duane get totally humiliated but I heard from others that he left school and went home. My hope was that now he won’t be preying on other females anymore.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and Josie was there, smiling. We hugged and I asked how she and her newborn son was doing.

The Bank Heist - Part 9 of 11



Part 9 of 11

Chapter 14
It took us two days to read all the things I had been given. It looked like being a Court Reporter involved more that pushing buttons on a machine, you had to take stenography and legal vocabulary and quite a few other courses to qualify. For a seventeen year old high school dropout, it looked like a lot to do. I just had to tell myself I was a twenty-one year old A student - just like my transcript said.

The Bank Heist - Part 8 of 11



Part 8 of 11

Chapter 12
If my first - and last - date on Saturday was exciting, Sunday at the zoo was something else. Scary, exciting, thrilling, all mixed up. I now knew that Vito was no longer wanted as a murderer, although they would probably want me to do time for burglary and general mopary and dopary. I could still use that as an excuse to stay in my disguise as Eliza.

TG Techie - Chapter 52 - [XXX] Tech Director

We all sat in a circle and enjoyed the soft foam. Across from me, Sarah took her shirt off. She didn’t even make an excuse. Everyone knew what was rolling down the pipe. But if everyone just had sex with whomever they felt like, someone might get left out. If they got left out, they might get jealous. If they got too jealous, they might slip to someone outside of the crew that the crew was an orgy club. I think at least one of us might get arrested, and we would certainly not be allowed to see each other ever again.

The Bank Heist - Part 7 of 11



Part 7 of 11

Chapter 10
Patty was right. It took three more days for Mike the Cop to ask me for a date. It was the first time I talked to a cop and he was the one being nervous. Go figure! We got off the bus and Mike the Cop just happened to be walking by the bus stop when we arrived.

The Loft ~ Chapter 4

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft 2 - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © -

Chapter Four


The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 29 & 30

Positively Patsy Part 29

The next day we got the full band back in, staying in the studio. We set it up as it would be on stage and worked on the six solo acts, with the choir now standing back beside the band, half on each side. I must say that our stars were very good and looked good as well in their stage gear.

The Bank Heist - Part 6 of 11



Part 6 of 11

Chapter 9
The alarm goes off and Patty shags me outa bed again. I shouldn't complain, it's almost an hour later than I hadda get up for school. That makes me think. Looks like Vito ain't gonna graduate this year as he's hiding out from the cops. I bet the pigs have been swarmin' around the school hopin' I was stupid enough to come back.

I ain't that stupid.

The Bank Heist - Part 5 of 11



Part 5 of 11

Chapter 8
It took three more days for the storm to stop and the plows to clear the streets so cars could move once more. Other than sleepin' with Patty, I had a hard time learnin' to be Liza. The girls were determined that I would be the kind of girl that no one would think twice about bein' anythin' but what she looked like.

Cross Country Disconnect – 16 Is Caryn on her Own?

Cross Country Disconnect – 16
Is Caryn on her Own?

By Jessica C

Gary misspoke and was challenged...
Result: Caryn Emerges for Homecoming…
Sarai becomes Caryn’s girlfriend…

From Russian with Love | Chapter 4: Fräulein

The drive into the city was peaceful. Papa never told me what the city was called, nor did I care about the name. It’s just the place when we needed something that we couldn’t find in town.

The Bank Heist - Part 4 of 11



Part 4 of 11

Chapter 6
Now we get to the interestin' part that I've been making you wait for. We writers need to put in some suspense so you good folks will keep on readin'. We gets back to the bedroom and it dawns on me I ain't got no clothes to wear. This little fact had dawned on Patty last night, and that wicked sense of humor I told ya's about cut in again as she hands me a pair of her panties.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 27 & 28

Positively Patsy Part 27

I now had time to sit down and write ‘One Night in June’ for the band, Greg, five stars and two choirs. This would be the biggest hurdle to overcome. After about a week at getting a basic idea sorted, I rang Sarah and asked if she knew of a local composer who could help me with it and she gave me a name to contact.

To Return Home 1.5

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 1.5

The three of us decided it was time to exit the connection with Carla and speak to Daddy and the rest of the command staff. We tried to release our grip on the necklace in real life, but we couldn’t.

Danger! I wasn’t sure where the voice came from, but it sounded in my head as if someone was standing right beside me. I looked at Mama and Rachel. They had clearly heard it too.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 3: Snake Eyes Mother Fucker

With red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, I found myself on the long road to the nearest city. I needed to change out the quad with a car and quickly. You don’t hear people using a four-wheeler as a main way of transportation, not to mention that the wheels are meant for on-road, and well it gets cold swiftly on a four-wheeler. Or it’s supposed to, oddly enough I’m not cold at all. Must be part of my mutation… or Russian blood… or training. One of the three. Maybe all of it, but I digress.

Married Quarters

Married Quarters
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I am slightly embarrassed that I did not pick her sooner, having worked with transwomen before. I am not even sure what tipped me off, but it must have been enough to give me confidence to say: “You’re trans aren’t you?” She looked as if I had pulled her whole world down around her.

The Bank Heist - Part 3 of 11



Part 3 of 11

Chapter 5
The girls went off to their bedrooms and I was left on the couch. I tried to figure out just what I was goin' to do, that talk of body bags had me scared. It all sounded cool and great fun when Uncle Jimmy got me inta the heist, but someone gettin' killed was a shit show I wasn't ready for. I fell asleep before I could do much more thinkin'. It had been a long, strange day.

TG Techie - Chapter 51 - Playlist Announcement

I've set up a playlist with all the songs I've mentioned in TG Techie. In the cases where I mentioned a band instead of a specific song, I included something accessible from the band. The exception of course is Die Antward which does not have any accessible songs.

I thought that there would have been more references, but the playlist is fairly short. Less than an hour and a half. Not to worry! There is more in the pipe as we speak. I expect to get something out on Thursday. That will have songs in it, and the playlist will be updated.

Lingerie Thief

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Lingerie Thief
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1.

“You may not be surprised to know that in the week before Valentine’s Day, we get a lot of this,” said Frances Digby, casually. The manager of the classy lingerie boutique “Dessous” looked at her captive with condescending disdain.

The Bank Heist - Part 2 of 11



Part 2 of 11

Chapter 3
I was havin' this really strange dream. Like, I sometimes have sexy dreams, ones that make me change the sheets before my mother can do the job, but they're usually not all that vivid and I don't remember much when I wake up.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Epilogue

A year had passed since Derrick's rather eventful birthday party.

Heather was stretched out on the sofa, enjoying a delightful glass of very expensive Merlot, when the security guard at the gate house called to inform her that there was a visitor requesting entry.

Realizing who it was, Heather ran to the front door to greet her daughter Ariel. They embraced lovingly.

“Ariel, I'm happy to see you. This is a surprise though. Why didn’t you call to let me know you were coming?”

Hatching a Heroine - Chapter 12

Lonna lay on her stomach, small wings folded forward up and under her chest, her stubby red tail lashing side to side. She kept turning the events of the night over and over in her head.

Melissa had called her beautiful. Even despite her being a half dragon, a runaway princess, and an all around mess… Melissa had called her beautiful.

So Lonna had kissed her.

And then Melissa had said she was a girl, and it felt like everything clicked into place. It felt like everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be…

Mommy, mommy, mommy, Chapter 4

Mommy, mommy, mommy. Chapter 4

I woke up after the best sleep I've had in weeks thinking about my evening with Devin. How comfortable I was with him and knew I wanted to be with him again.

Looking back I was now so much more confident and happy. I pulled back my hair up into a loose, messy bun, wore a loose blouse and skirt and sandals, wore a bit of mascara, eye liner and lip gloss and felt so feminine. Grabbing my purse I headed to Room 01, maybe for the last time, to have my Exit Interview with Josie.

From Russia with Love | Chapter 2: Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck

I find that drawing soothes my nerves. Painting takes time and I have to get it set up, but drawing is easy with just paper and pen, I can let my mind go and doodle. Sometimes I’m working on a picture. Sometimes drawing comics. Sometimes I just doodle. Right now, I’m currently making a really fucked up piece of art while I cry my eyes out for the umpteenth time. Oh boy, am I emotional. I don’t think I’ve ever been this emotional in my life. I’d cried sure, but never for this long. I don’t even know what I’m drawing to be honest, all the tears are staining the paper.


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