
The Sissy Farm 7

Chapter 7 covers Michelle's introduction to her 'Uncle Penny' and a whole spectrum of 'Alternative Life-styler's' in London.

The Sissy Farm 7

List of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.

Janice My Younger sister

Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.

Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy

Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist.

Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant.

Miss Stern Miranda’s mistress who owns the shop.

The Wynter Lioness - Chapter 1

The Wynter Lioness
Chapter 1


by Tychonaut

Prince Henry Wynter was the Heir to the High Throne of the Heptarchy and prophesised to one day lead his people to unparalleled greatness. Twenty two years after he abandoned his destiny and his throne for the chance to be the person he felt he was meant to be, he finds that Fate has not yet finished with him. The events surrounding the proposed appointment of a new Heir to the High Throne have consequences that reach as far the remote farmstead refuge of the former prince and threaten to destroy the new life that she has built for herself.

My Summer Time Romance

My Summer Time Romance

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:Two friends figure a way to get into the Spring Dance, where going Stag is not allowed. One will go as the other's date. The gambit is a dream come true for one.

Second Chances - Part 2

Second Chances
By Alexander Kung
Former bully Ryan now finds himself in the body of “Creepy” Kelly Daniels, the school outcast, a lonely troubled girl with a miserable life. Compounding the problem is she now finds herself having feelings for the boy she used to bully so badly.

The Green Fog~12

We stayed the night and I was almost comforted by being in familiar surroundings–but not quite, because I was wondering if our guess had been right. Were Auntie Betty and Uncle Archie across the water in Dunoon or had they been caught out in the fog, like so many others?


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 19- Chasing Some Tails

Dogfighting is a bitch! But where does Inkypus think he's going?


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Martina's Story 11

This Chapter investigates Martina's transvestism and transsexuality and the issues she has with it. It describes Sally's reconciliation through the loving of both families and it describes the decisions to start motherhood by Martina's friends.

Choices Chapter 5

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. So far we have learned that Blair likes dressing up as a girl and that Kirk doesn't like having a New Age preacher mistake him for one.

A Teacher’s Choice

“Mommy, can I change into my play clothes?”

Second Chances - Part 1

Second Chances

By Alexander Kung

Rich and privileged Ryan Thomas enjoyed the powers and perks of being the mayor's son, bullying everyone he deemed inferior to him. He took a particular sick sadistic joy in torturing one boy in particular, Jessie Taylor. One day Ryan's bullying goes too far, inciting the wrath of Jessie's magic using Roma grandmother, who twists the very fabric of reality in revenge. As punishment, Ryan now finds himself in the body of “Creepy” Kelly Daniels, the school outcast, a lonely troubled girl with a miserable life.

Choices Chapter 4

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. In the last chapter, Kirk openly and noisily shopped as a boy for clothes in the girls' department in order to distract the clerks from Blair's more furtive shopping expedition.

Chapter 4, Part 4 --- A Preacher’s Choice

Choices Chapter 3

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. So far Maggie has convinced her husband to let her transform his younger son Blair into a girl, and Pierre, her hairstylist, to give Blair the works. Brother Kirk may be getting hit by the fallout from Operation TG.

Choices, Chapter 3 (Part 3)

The Hardest Battle, Part 4

More than two years since the last chapter was posted, Regina's story continues after a killer cliffhanger. What's a former prince to do when the murdering madman who killed her father and changed her into a pretty pet asks her to be his bride? And what must the head of the Thieve's Guild do to make his uncle an "honest woman?"

Sorry it took so long, folks -- and if you've never seen the story before, go back and read parts one through three first! *grin*

Choices Chapter 2

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. In Chapter 1, Maggie used her sexual wiles to "persuade" her husband Laird to let her transform Blair, his effeminate younger son, into the daughter she craves.

Part 2, Chapter 2 Pierre’s Choice

Healing Mishap -9-

Healing Mishap -9-
By Lanzaq

Cael nodded yes to Kate and downed the potion from Arric. Kate quickly incanted what sounded like a poem in High Church and the tile seemed to melt like hot, gray wax. The six climbed their way down on a wooden ladder that also appeared to be untouched by thousands of years. "Well. We have creepy entrance to a creepy dungeon underneath a church that apparently had metric tons of secrets, an elf that is allergic to the magic they used and we were led here by a note that became illegible halfway down and," Verris said pausing to adjust his robe on his shoulders. "Lets get going shall we? The person that wrote the note sounded like they needed help didn't they?"

Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 17- Up on the Rooftop, Quick, Quick, Quick

Quillian let's it all hang out, the transformation scene some people have been waiting for. :)



Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Healing Mishap -8-

Healing Mishap -8-
By LanzaQ

The conversation between the group and Patty continued on for several more hours until eventually Alyssa was called up to her room by her mother. The five all began to retired. In the order of the most inebriated. Ash first, then Arric, Verris, Cael, Kate, and Finally Raleigh. However one thing was over looked. Ash had so quickly staggered her way up the stairs leaving behind her backpack. Raleigh being the last one at the table had remembered Ash threatening his men. 'One peek wouldn't hurt would it?'

Choices Chapter 1

Choices, Chapter 1

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist.

Choices, Chapter 1, Part 1 -- Laird’s Choice


Chapter 01 Laird’s choice
Chapter 02 A hairstylist’s choice
Chapter 03 Amber’s choice

The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu

The Chronicles of Mana
by Saless
Chapter 2 — Deja Vu

Wow, that last chapter sure had a sad ending, didn't it? Sorry for the long break everyone, I've been soooo busy! My sisters keep dragging me into political stuff, not to mention that attack last month we had to fend off. Jeez, you'd think people would get it through their heads that we're plenty powerful enough to protect Avalon when Mom's not here!

Draca says that a lot of people are still confused about where Mom comes into this story! LOL! You'll see! ;) Just keep reading, and I'll try not to have such a long break before the next chapter, OK?

Hugs and Kisses!


Martina's Story 8

This is the first new chapter of Martina's story, I've extended it for big closet like I did for Skipper.

It records the girls Melanie, Beatrice and Martina's first term in college in London.

Hope y'all like it..


Martina’s Story 8.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

The Chosen~12

As I awoke, I realised without opening my eyes that I was on some sort of sofa. I felt strange, disorientated and surrounded by lots of people.

‘She’s awake,’ I heard faintly and then it all rushed back. I was away from danger and my parents were here!

My eyes snapped open and there she was–Mummy...


The Chosen

Susan Brown

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 3)

Then I heard the door to the room being smashed from the other side. The door held true, and I heard the monster howl before trying to smash it again. I could hear the door creak and I could feel dust falling from the ceiling. I heard the monster try to smash the door open again but this time it was accompanied by a howl of pain. After that, everything was quiet. No hammering, no smashing, no howling. Everything was quiet, apart from our own heavy breathing and sobbing.

"Is it gone?" I asked Vicky as I loosened my hold on her.

The Half-Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon

Chapter 3
by Shin Eris
Proofreading by Stanman63

Martina's Story 5

This chapter describes how Lucinda discovers Martina's secret and how she exploits the situation.


Martina’s Story.

Chapter 5.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

Beverly. My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend.

Chenille. My older half sister.

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapter 23 and 24

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 15 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Intro by Carla Ann

“Tiffany, I’ve asked you how everything is going with people and the activities you’re involved in, but you haven’t mentioned how you are coping with everything.” She emphasized the ‘you,’ when she asked that.

“Well, better than I was last year,” I started. “Way better than last year… I have a lot of friends now, and I’m not getting picked on every day.” I saw her eyes boring into me looking for something else. “Alright, I don’t know how I’m doing right now.” I told her honestly.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well for one I’m really tired of everyone guessing I’m five if I wear the wrong clothes.” I told her hesitantly. I was sure my parents had filled her in with everything anyway, “Tuesday was pajama day. Mom and I had found some cute pajamas with feet on them that would fit Amy and me, so we wore them for pajama day. We really did look cute dressed like that, and I was having a lot of fun with it. That was until the sub in English class thought that I was someone’s little sister that had come them to school that day.”

I was really surprised Dr. Reynolds didn’t laugh about it, but I continued, “Then the next day the whole squad was wearing shortalls and our hair done in pigtails and I looked to be about five again. One of my best friends even brought a doll to school to play a joke on the sub that we’d had. I don’t think she knew that it really upset me though. I’m not five, I’m twelve! Amy has grown about five inches here in the last couple months, but I’m still the same height I was last year. It’s good for cheerleading stuff because people can toss me so easily… but…” I was doing my best to not go into tears over all of this. “as long as we’ve got my puberty stopped then I won’t be doing much growing. That’s all on top of the fact that I’m never going to be able to have periods like my friends… and I’m stuck with this stupid thing between my legs,” I told her with a great deal of exasperation. “I’m so tired of having to look at it, or hide it, every time I turn around. I know you can’t do anything about it till I’m eighteen – but I wish it could be gone now!” I had gone to tears now.

The Green Fog~10

‘Everyone down on the floor,’ I ordered as I looked in the large mirrors and reversed with considerable difficulty.

It was easier said than done backing up the bus like that, with bullets whizzing all around–it was so flaming big! Luckily, the people firing at us were rotten shots and I managed to get out of the line of fire before getting pranged.

As soon as I could, I stopped, gently nudging a red telephone box, but considering everything it wasn’t a bad effort.


College Fees - Chapter 10


College Fees - Chapter 10

by Susan Louise Montague

They were both so well read that no matter what they discussed the conversation flowed readily and they were like two peas in a pod.

Ovid 18: The SEALs


by The Professor (circa 2004)

Ovid’s security has been breached!
A team of SEALs is tasked with discovering Ovid’s secrets,
but are they a match for The Judge?

College Fees - Chapter 9


College Fees - Chapter 9

by Susan Louise Montague

“I think she is passing out her teachers, she will have to give us fashion tips from now on,”

The Staff of Atlantis

The Staff of Atlantis

by Birion

James Thompson was an archaeology professor with dreams of Indiana Jones. But his latest treasure may be too much for him...

Chrysalis - 2 - Escape

A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

Chapter 2 — Escape

Laura has achieved her dream, but now she has to escape. And even once she's done that, she should probably be watching her back...

Ovid 17: The Talking Head

Ovid XVII: The Talking Head

by The Professor (circa 2004)

A television anchorman will risk anything
to become a network correspondent–
but the risk is greater than he ever imagined.


The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 2)

"Maybe you are a mother. You just don't know it yet."

Sue gave me a look that said something like, "not possible".

"PAT!" came a voice that made both me and Sue jump.

"Uh oh, I better go. Don't want to get in the way of your pissed off-sounding boyfriend," she said.

"Sue!" I said as she retreated and waved me goodbye.

The Half-Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon

Chapter 2
by Shin Eris
Proofreading by Stanman63 and Mystic_dragon


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