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Rising Dawn
Chapter 13 - Wait there is two
I begin to rise up, into the sky. Going about 150mph, the dragon is keeping up with me.
I continue to climb up, and soon reach 20,000ft in the air. As I level myself off, the dragon rises slowly through the cloud layer. Now this is getting me worried, why has it not attacked me yet. I have shown myself to be something that it must have some interest in.
Then it suddenly opens it mouth and launches a typical breath weapon towards me. I quickly move my wings to in front of me, then separate them to part the air in front of me. This move causes the breath weapon to spread around me as if I have had a ship prowl in front of me.
The dragon is surprised by this, so I seize upon this moment and activate my Gun Powers. From the bracer's, I pull out a M60. The different thing about this M60 from normal is the fact it does not have the usual ammo supply, the belt for the M60 extend from it, and hooks up into my back.
Then I let it rip and the dragon shrugs off, most of the damage caused by this burst of fire. But as is the case some damage was inflicted. It drops slightly but then it recovers and uses its wings to blast a burst of air towards me. I stop my wings and drop to avoid the air blast.
Had that blast hit me, it would of pushed me back far enough that it would followed up with something more nasty. I quickly fly up to the dragon and catch it being over me now. It must of taken the chance to move foward.
I release the M60 and change weapons to Pair of Plasma Pistols and unleash a barrage of plasma death on the dragon. From the force of the plasma bolts hitting the underside of the dragon. It physically moves up, and up and up.
Then I horrible realisation came to me. As I see the bolts hitting the dragon, I see it not reacting at all to this latest attack of mine.
It is then I hear a deep voice.
"Ah, someone thinks they can stop me."
"Yeah, I can. If my sister could be here, she could kick your ass as well if not better than I can."
"Well, I sense that your power is puny compared to mine, so I make sure that you go down twice as fast."
"What you mean."
"I mean this."
It is then the dragon, then starts to rip itself apart. This confused me for a moment, It is then I realise what its doing.
Its splitting itself in two, kinda like a Black Pudding from D&D.
I recover from the stupor that this latest event had put me into, then I commence firing plasma into the dragon, well dragons now.
But alas it is too late, the dragon has completed its splitting and I now have to deal with 2 of them. I think, I feel that I am over my head with this. Only if my sister could join me here as Soul Synchro. But I know that would be miracle, due to the fact I currently am Soul Synchro.
Hopefully something will happen soon. Please someone help me.
There is then a flash of light.......
Well, stupid muse being a pain. But better late than never.
Please leave comments and also if there are any glaring spelling errors or html coding errors please comment as well, heres the next chapter title -
Chapter 14 - Even odds
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Rising Dawn Chapter 13
Me thinks that the dragons will rue tangling with her.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine