Uneasy Money
A 50,000 Word Romp
In a little self-indulgent preamble, Susie persuades Jeffrey to show off their latest comedy misadventure to a largely indifferent audience. After which, for those still interested, it's more of the same crazy dialogue and lunatic situations. Following an entertaining diversion on the way home, Susie and Jeffrey hit the treasure trail and lead their pursuers a merry dance before waltzing their way to the top of the Tower.
The 4X4 bounced on its wheels as our missile struck, caving in the roof above the driver's seat.
"Bull's-eye, Jeffrey! That's buckled their steering wheel."
"They'll be going home on the bus, Susie."
"It serves them jolly well right - pity about the window-box, though. It was probably someone's pride and joy."
"Look what they made it from - no wonder it had such an impact."
The shattered cement casing of the upturned planter revealed its humble origin.
"Ah, Jeffrey, do you know what we've done?"
"Yes, Susie, we've thrown in the kitchen sink."
"And we're not half finished - I hope we haven't peaked too early."