
Susie and Jeffrey 48 - 52

Along the Waterfront

"This is pretty captivating, but give over, before someone throws a bucket of water over us."

"All right, but I am full of animal magnetism, aren't I, Jeffrey?"

"There's no doubt about it, Susie," I purred. "Don't be surprised if, one morning, you wake up and find a squirrel stuck to your forehead."

Susie and Jeffrey 48 - 52 by Jamie Hayworth

Maiden by Decree Chapter 25

“Try this one.” She smirked, handing him a stave made from gleaming ebony wood with silver caps at both ends.

“This is magic!” He responded looking the weapon over with a curious expression on his rather plain face. “What does it do?”

“You’re the mage,” Mina answered simply, “you figure it out, but you can hit people with it until you do.”

Maiden by Decree
Chapter Twenty-Five
A Really Bad Mistake or, Is this Knight nearsighted or what?

By Maggie Finson


You know like the Christmas Carol story renoun,'Scrooge'! Remember the three spirits ,his back from the dead business partner § the first to visit before bedtime? The three spirits of Christmas pastΔ, presentâ„—, and futureΩ.

As I live I know death and I know life ,I know both as one and the other, I know them. Its a horrable thing when your called to die and you can't escape it. You don't remember anything about the instruction given before going to earth or even your family in heaven.

Susie and Jeffrey 44 - 47

All at Sea

"Well, think again, Jeffrey - eating a Penguin bar is the closest I've come to killing an albatross."

"Funny you should say that, Susie, because their chicks are a delicacy; you scoff the lot - bones and all."

"What about the beak and feet?"

"Obviously not, but everything else - apart from the feathers."

"I've never seen them down Tesco's, Jeffrey."

Susie and Jeffrey 44 - 47 by Jamie Hayworth

Maiden by Decree Chapter 24

Maiden by Decree

Chapter 24


Or: There is no rest for the wicked!


Maggie Finson

“I think we may want to move our attack time forward, my lord.” Sestalphas calmly told Garret.

“Why do that?” The Knight asked. “We already have things planned out.”

“Well, I think your lady is alive and well.” The other answered and pointed at the walls of Aruendal Castle. “Look for yourself.”

Trouser Snake -6

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 6~~~~~

“I thought the boy scouts were supposed to be better than the girl scouts at that kind of stuff.”
I picked up another piece of Salisbury with my fork. “So did I.”

Manny and Maude - 3 - In this Land

Midway through his contract to guard Maude the Seamstrist, as she travels the Land Beyond creating beautiful clothes, Manny daily found himself wishing he had never crossed the bridge and accepted her offer. Admittedly, he had grown to like the talkative witch; however, strange things happened around her. Worse, those strange things seemed to happen too him. First trapping him in the body of Maude’s daughter, Lirial, then as a gorgeous, amazonian sized pixie. He could definitely use a quiet day off by himself. But will the most dastardly band of villains (on a skill testing exam, the only band of villains would also be acceptable) in the mountains have different ideas.


Trouser Snake -1

Trouser Snake
by Shinigami
~~~~~Ch. 1~~~~~

I was having great fun with the cheerleaders. “Look at my pom poms, not my breasts! Yaaaaay breasts! I mean pom poms! Watch me kick and show my panties! Yaaaaaaay PANTIES!” You can tell a number of things from this. First, I had (and have) an odd sense of humor. Second, I was perhaps not as sexually mature as other boys my age.

Maiden by Decree Chapter 22

Okay, it's been awhile and I apologize for the wait. I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to get it out there so hope on the story wasn't given up...

In this chapter plans are laid, some are nixed, and in general, the mayhem continues.

Maiden by Decree
Chapter Twenty Two
 By Maggie Finson
Maiden at Large

Or: What Do You Mean, Armed and Dangerous?

Elan Owen 2: Watch Out Here I Come - Chapter 0

There comes a time in every story when it must begin... so, in the immortal words of Rhino the Hamster "LET IT BEGIN!"


Chapter Zero: Enter the Duction

To Shape One's Life - 2

Part 2 of 4

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

A tree cannot grow in the sky,
nor clouds be in the sea, nor fish live in the fields,
nor can blood be in sticks nor sap in rocks.

-- Titus Lucretius Carus<

The Bell Curve

The Bell Curve
By Ricky

She had beautiful eyes. Warm, liquid brown eyes that that showed her eagerness while they bored into your soul. She was stretched languidly on the couch, her trim belly bare and her legs spread wide in invitation. I had been neglecting her terribly, long hours at work and no time for her, yet there she lay there begging me to come over and stroke her body. I felt like a cad as I stood there.

The Poseidon Adventure

The Poseidon Adventure

by: Lilith Langtree

**Winner of the 2009 May Day Writing Contest**

Meriel should have died from the tidal wave that destroyed her yacht.

Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess
By Ricky

Things have been kind of quiet around the Old Gods Home when a couple of young punks on Earth decide to desecrate an image of the almost forgotten fertility goddess Sheela-Na-Gig. With a little help from her retired buddies she still has enough power to give the punks a lesson in femininity.

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 9)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 9

Lilith Langtree

Sam, my laywer, nodded and I saw the grim look on his face. "So, when did you grow breasts?"

Desperately Seeking Stephanie

Inspired by, but not a direct copy of, one of my all time favourite films. When she wakes up in an anonymous hotel room after a nasty crack on the head, she doesn't know who she is, where she is, or even recognise her own face. But as always in Seacombe, one should not take things too seriously.

This story was first published on FictionMania, with just a few changes from the original.

Working Girl ~ A Day In The Life

The alarm went off, sounding like a amplified version of Big Ben and my head nearly came off with the noise.
After throwing the clock across the room, my heart rate dropped from an estimated two and a half thousand to a mere two hundred. With some reluctance, I cracked one of my sticky eyes open.

Working Girl ~ A Day In The life
By Susan Brown


Girlwind : 01


"Don't you talk to your mother that way, young lady!"

"I is being doing what is bestest, and you is being a dummyhead!"

"Okay, don't talk to ME that way, either."


The Story of an Irresistable Force
In a Life of Immovable Objects

by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

The Mystery of the Missing Frocks

bridget_mod_face.jpg       Everything a great crime mystery should have: romance, a detective and a road chase - except that this is no "Love Story", "Sherlock Holmes" or "Bullit" and there certainly isn't a great crime. Follow our intrepid narrator as he falls in love with a girl in London, becomes a woman in Seacombe, then on to modeling in a West End fashion house and, in a "Not The Thirty-Nine Steps" finale, to the Scottish Highlands to uncover…
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks
by Charlotte Dickles

In Memory of Andrea

(whose Petticoat Detective stories provided the inspiration for this story.)


Susie and Jeffrey 13 - 18

"He'll have his suspicions, but there's no need to worry - just swat him away, like any girl would a snoopy thirteen year old boy."

"I can't wait, Susie: it's my dream come true - a randy teenager feeling me up."

"I know, Jeffrey - and I promise you, I'll be doing that later."

Susie and Jeffrey 13 - 18 by Jamie Hayworth


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