
Being Christina Chase | Chapter 49: Crash

On the way back to Nina's room, Christina felt a mechanical rumble from the back pocket of her jeans. She took out her cell phone and saw that Richard was calling. She immediately froze, feeling a slight tightness in her chest. She was transfixed by the name on the tiny screen and was unable to move her fingers on the device before the call went to voice mail. Christina waited for the notification that indicated there was a new voice message, but it never came. Instead, there was a second rumble indicating that she'd just received a text message. She felt her stomach sink and it was though she'd temporarily lost her ability to differentiate up from down. She forced herself to read the message.

It read simply, "We should talk."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 49 - Crash

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Catburglar 2: Seeing Double

Seeing Double
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly and Reg have been dating for awhile, but Ned is starting to worry that the elusive Starling is becoming too notorious. He's also worried that he and Kelly never show up in the same place. He can decrease the number of heists he pulls as Kelly, but she'll need her boyfriend's help to fix the second. The only problem is that she'll have to get him to do it without him knowing why!

I, Vera

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 48: The Anniversary

“I really love you,” she repeated. “I’ve never felt this way about … anyone. Ever. Lately, when I’m not with you it feels like … I dunno. It’s like everything is a commercial, and the movie doesn’t start again until you’re there.”
Richard said “I feel the same way,” as he snuggled his date.
“Yes,” he said tenderly. “You’ve turned my whole world upside down and now I find I can’t go back to living right side up.”
“What if,” Christina said as she watched the stars poke holes in the night, “we couldn’t be together? Would you be sorry?..."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 48 - The Anniversary

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 47: Letting Go

Alek walked alongside his wife as they passed various vendors offering hot dogs, cotton candy, and all the other delights of summer found at the county fair. While everyone around him was having fun, he was in a particularly foul mood. Not only had Christina left Boris with him, soon after, the girl and her boyfriend had disappeared. Keeping a sharp eye on his daughter and her ginger haired boyfriend who were walking several paces ahead of them, he vowed not to lose another one of his girls.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 47 - Letting Go

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 46: Priorities

Looking over her shoulder, Christina saw the man she loved, though she'd never seen him in such a state. It was clear that he hadn't shaved, and judging by the way his hair stuck up at the part on the left side of his head, it was evident that he'd either not showered or hadn't spent any time on his hair that morning. Christina had never seen the man with so much of as a thread out of place. Seeing him, she picked up her pace, which was promptly matched by her cousin and Steph.

"Wait," he begged.

Turning around, Andrei stopped and threatened, "Stay away from her."

...Christina had never heard him sound this angry before.
Being Christina Chase
Chapter 46 - Priorities

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 45: Princess

As right as it felt, Christina knew she’d eventually have to leave this life behind.
There would be no storybook ending for Christina Chase; there was no way she could conceive of it.
Even if she could figure out a way to remain Christina forever, she could never believe that anyone
would ever want to marry her. Since coming to Oak Grove, Christina had experienced being popular
and the intoxication of feeling desired, but the essential truth remained the same; in the end,

everyone would always leave her.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 45 - Princess

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Cakeboxer: 3. Kicking It Old School

"Am I supposed to act all flustered and nervous and all that?"

"No," Jack replied. "No offense, but I don't think you're that good an actor. But not to worry, we've already given them the story... And they've been told that you're kind of a ditz."

Cakeboxer: part three of three, by Kaleigh Way

Getting What He Deserved

Author's note: After the discussion here about certain stories and websites, I could not stop myself! Enjoy! Apologies if this offends anyone, as my sense of humor can be odd at times.

Cakeboxer: 2. Today It Gets Real

After a bit of silence, Jack said, "Anyway, they're great people. I arranged for you to stay with them while we're shooting. I think you'll find it more convenient, and it will be a hell of a lot easier for you to stay in character."

He stopped in front of an old house on a street lined with old houses, and shut off the engine. My hands were folded in my lap and I was looking down, mulling over what Jack had said. I asked him, "In character means wearing a skirt?"

Susie and Jeffrey 125 - 144

Susie switched off the phone and gave me a triumphant grin. "I told you so, Jeffrey - a top-notch murder case has come hammering on our door."

"No, it hasn't. And I wish you'd be a little more discreet about our doings, Susie - Steve Spooner could easily get the wrong idea about us."

"Never mind that, Jeffrey - this is cosmic."

"Don't you mean kismet?"

"Cosmic kismet is what it is," Susie enthused. "I've already deduced the empty, old house has a Jones & Co For Sale sign in the garden."


"Indubitably - that's the scene of the crime dad was at. No wonder he's a worried man."

"If you're right, I suppose it could prove awkward for him - the property sort of being in his care."

"There's more to it than that - dad's up to his ear protectors in really big trouble."

"Not if he only discovered the corpse and reported it to the police."

"Step on the mental accelerator, Jeffrey - innocent folk don't just find dead bodies."

Demon Summoning

Demon Summoning Cover.jpg
Walter is an ordinary college student on his ordinary way to the library. It is All Hallows' Eve though; an evening where extraordinary things transpire and an evening that will change his life.
Copyright © 2012 Beyogi
All Rights Reserved.
Thanks to Janet Miles for editing.
Thanks to Draflow and Sleethr for proofreading and their suggestions.

Twice As Mice

Twice As Mice
By Paul Calhoun

A pair of mice have to infiltrate a cat party and find out that this week's glamour girl cat wasn't going. You can guess what happens given this season's theme.

'Till There Was You

Synopsis: It had been years since Chris had imitated pop singer Princess Kristiana. When he does so at his aunt's birthday party, he is shunned by his cousin Pete. But it won't be long before Pete is desperately longing to get into Chris's panties.

This is another story from the Ten Years of Big Busts archives. All people are entirely fictitious. Warning: contains humour, sex and crossdressing. Don't read it if you don't like such things.

by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Susie and Jeffrey Books 4, 5, and 6

Susie and Jeffrey Books 4, 5, and 6


Odyssey, Blow-ups Happen, and A Quiet Night In - chronicling Susie's and Jeffrey's adventures across the bay and their safe return home.

For E-Readers and now htm files added.

Click Here!

Also Jeffrey's Countdown Numbers Game and Sudoku programmes.



Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

A download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 43.

I've split the original 1 into 1 and 2.

Book 3 is the morning and afternoon of manic Monday. The trip to the bank to deposit their winnings turns into an odyssey. Susie and Jeffrey may wander aimlessly, but the direction the story is taking becomes clear. As they dispatch increasingly dangerous 'monsters', any plot regarding Jeffrey's TG status recedes into the background. However, I've carried on regardless for another 101 chapters with what might have been better posted elsewhere as Susie and Denise.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Keep it in the family

A round of sex with Emily was fantastic, Patrick discovered, and he would do almost anything to repeat the experience. But it seems Emily's enjoyment of sex ran right across the family.
This story contains humour, sex and crossdressing. If you don't like any of those, don't read it. This story is entirely fictitious and is not based upon any living person.
Keep it in the Family
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Epub and Mobi


Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Updated

Their first week together - a download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 24.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Decade of Big Busts Stories - Just a Dusty, Old Suitcase

girl with suitcase.jpg

The discovery of what appears to be a sex doll whilst Bill and Lucy help their friend Gemma to move into her new house provides a weekend of fun and games for all three of them


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Travelling Hopefully


Synopsis: The woman awakening in the empty rental cottage hadn't a clue how she'd got there or even who she was. However, as she tries to discover her identity and how she got there, she quickly realises how much she really enjoys sex,.

The story is set in England and is a longer length story, so sit back and enjoy. Caution: Contains explicit sex and some sexual abuse, as well as humour.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69

Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69

An army of bimbos has plans of world domination... and transformation. This story was originally written and posted in 2004.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *33* Boom Boom!


Chapter *8.33*

Hop Boom Boom!

Although my ankle was still a bit swollen and I've got a few colourful bruises, with the Mittelrhein on at the weekend I couldn't really afford to miss another days training. As a result of such thinking I was up with the sparrows and by six thirty I was honking up the climb into Altenahr. The Mittelrhein is at least not a premier series event, just a regional event on the other side of the river so we get to experience the intricacies of the Westerwald's climbs.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *31* Pointed Attack

Chapter *8.31*


Chapter *8.31*

Pointed Attack

That was something that even I thought was outside the box when Dad suggested it last night, it was certainly not a move that the rest of the race foresaw. The road curled around to the right and up, not hugely steep but no stroll either. Apparently we were following the ‘Deutches LimestraáŸe', whatever that is, we passed some tower thing then the road swung sharply left and the climb took on more urgency.

Blame it on the Receptionist

btr dressed.jpg

It was all the hotel Receptionist's fault. If she hadn't have confused him with someone else, none of it would have happened.

Blame it on the Receptionist
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


You Had Me At 'Girly Lamp'

What happens when the lamp you buy isn't the one you intend to buy?

A story inspired by a sketch with the annotation "girly lamp."

A friend of mine wrote this, he normally doesn't write TG stories, but upon reading this I knew it needed to be shared. It is definitely written tongue in cheek and don't let any of the tags turn you away from this story.

It's Dorothy's fault...again.

Dorothy and I were once again chatting when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...

We have the Technology.
We can rebuild him.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I welcome you to our new facilty for the rebuilding of victims of accidents.

Today I am going to show you our first victim. Steve Ashton was a pilot who suffered a major crash. Over 20% of his body was burned from the fuel igniting. His arm and both legs were crushed and severed. His pelvis was also crushed at the same time.

Your Starter for...

uc white dress.jpg

When Michael correctly answers the starter for ten points in his school's "University Challenge" game against the local girls' high school, he never realised it would also lead to him not only meeting the girl of his dreams, but turning into one.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Big 4 - 0


Synopsis: Adam's wife, Jane, is approaching the big birthday, and simply doesn't want to go there. What is needed, Adam suggests, is an away from it all holiday to put back the fun in life. But he doesn't quite realise exactly what type of fun they are going to embroiled in.

The Big 4 - 0
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 6 - Sun, Sand and Seacombe

Sun, Sand and Seacombe
by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Apart from sun, sand and Seacombe, there was one other essential ingredient for a good holiday for aging Abigail. Unfortunately, as she lay on the beach at that British holiday resort on the first day of her holiday, it looked as though that particular component might be in very short supply. Until, that is, the bloke just in front of her goes for a swim in the sea and has his clothes stolen. But how on earth can Abigail ensure that he doesn't go dashing off home as soon as his immediate problems are resolved?

Author's Note: To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year. It's worth saying that this, like most other of my stories, is meant to be fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.



Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Curse the Protagonist

Curse the Protagonist

"Cold. So...very....cold."

"Oh come on Jim, you could've used a less cliché dieing line."

"Dude!" John nudged his unorthodox friend, "Show a little respect, he's just been hit by a freaking lightning bolt!"

"Oh please," Kyle laughed, "Jim's the main protagonist, he won't die."

"Ummm dude." The fourth member of the group, Gary, interrupted. "The story's just started."

"What?" Kyle turned around in confusion.

"The story's just started meaning there's been no character development yet and thus there is no protagonist."

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

Nil - Nil

Nil - Nil

The Euros are on so here's a little football/soccer themed story to mark the occasion.

*the Euros is a football/soccer tournament for those that don't know

Synopsis: Ashley has been offered the chance to play soccer in America and with his old high-school buddy acting as his crumby agent what could possibly go wrong?

Notes: This is just a silly idea that I came up with as I went along. It sort of changes style at the end but hey-ho it's nice for one of my stories to actually have a happy ending for once.

There are also a few jokes aimed at American/British differences that may or may not be lost on some of you.

Where Did We Put Keith?

Where Did We Put Keith?

This story contains strong language, sexual content and boys acting like jerks. (A little different for me) So you have been warned.

This story doesn't flow in a straight forward way, it is fairly scattered with headings for where/when each separate sequence is located - you should be able to pick up the whole storyline as you go along.

This story is just a little fun really; a silly little teen story, don't take anything in this piece at all seriously.

Enjoy. (Or at least try to!)

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *24* Pfalz Start


Chapter *8.24*

Pfalz Start

As you can imagine with six teen girls on the prowl for ‘just the right' outfit things were going to get pretty um ugly! I'm not sure the fair city of Mainz had ever seen anything like my friends shopping before, they are animals!

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 13

"DAD! It was not my fault. I swear that the burritos I ate at the mall yesterday were the ones responsible"


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 13
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro


Gaby Book 8 Chapter *23* Homecoming Queen


Chapter *8.23*

Homecoming Queen

We did make a stop near Frankfurt Airport for the necessaries and for Gloria to have a break from driving. It seemed to get brighter the closer to home we got, the sun even showed its face as we travelled up into the Westerwald, false hope however, it chucked it down when we dropped down to cross the Rhein at Koblenz!

“I'm home!” I sang out sticking my head round the kitchen door, “could someone help me with the bags?”

Silence was the loud reply so I dumped my Handtasche and went back down to where Gloria was pulling my bags out of the boot.


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