
Don We Now, Wren's Gay Apparel.

In this still shiny New Year, tis the season for cult vlogger/mind swapped & body possessed YouTube goddess, Wren Adams, to finally get her own fiction series. These ongoing stories will springboard our hapless heroine into a whole new set of adventures, joined by a larger cast of characters, journeying through Time and Space; and other locations beyond the budget of an aspiring internet filmmaker.
So with Wren Adam's enthused blessings, I present to you the first of two tales; where a less than jolly old elf finds Christmas derailed somewhat, as he searches for the true meaning of the season in the strangest places - while trapped within the cuddly body of a quite unusual young lady.

Christmas Fairy Queen

Christmas Fairy Queen

by Robyn Hoode

I wish I were a Fairy Queen
Life would be a farce
I’d climb up all the Christmas trees
And slide down on my … hands and knees.

Jerry had always found Christmas a bit of a bore. This Christmas turned out to be anything but.

The Dolls' House

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"I thought that if I gave birth to a boy she'd ask me to leave," Nick's mother said. "How did she take it when I was born?" he asked. "I let her think you were a girl." Nick shook his head, trying to work out the implications. "But we were there for almost four years. You couldn't keep my sex a secret for all that time." "Yes I could."

Author's Note: Like most of my stories, this is a light-hearted cross-dressing romp. Although Seacombe Independent Girls' High School plays only a small part, I have included this as one of my SIGHS stories. If you enjoy the story, please click on the Good Story button at the end. I'd also be delighted to receive your comments by clicking on the Send Author a Message button. Enjoy.


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Arliss In Wonderland: 1. The Patent-Leather Attorney

"Mother bought a huge new mirror — and it's haunted!"
Arliss' sister had informed him on the phone.
"You'll see when you come home!"

Arliss In Wonderland (or Ten Years Before The Looking Glass), by C.S. Lewis-Carroll

Unconsummated Love

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Matt Hodgson predicted that the Annual General Meeting of the Hillary Hodgson Museum and Literary Appreciation Society, formed to preserve the memory of his great-aunt, was going to be the most boring day of his life; instead, it proved the opposite. So many new experiences in one day, it was difficult to say which was the most precious.

Author's Note: There's no explicit sex in here - not quite - but lots of fun. I have turned off comments but if you enjoy the story, please click on the Good Story button, and you can always PM me. Best wishes and Enjoy


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The Adventures of Captain T - Episode 25,490

Captain T - Episode 25,490

The War on Christmas

by Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2013 Melanie Brown

Even Christmas won't stop the evil that would prevent the galaxy from being glamorous.

Twice Foiled Thrice Lustful

Twice Foiled, Thrice Lustful

By Paul Calhoun

It's Halloween season, so I thought I'd bring back one of my most popular casts, though not in the way requested. Filip/Rachelle and Rob meeting is a romantic story, and Halloween is the season for tricky stories! So we have Delmore and Lerman once again trying to prank a friend with a girl disguise.

With the score so heavily weighted against Delmore, one can only wonder what the third installment will do to him...

Jessica Rabbit

Jessica Rabbit written by Barbie Lee. Edited by Catherine Linda Michel. This is a re-edit and expanded version of the FM story.

The bleeding edge of research is called experimental for a very good reason. No one knows exactly where it is going to lead. Ricky needed help with his research. The only one he trusted was his boyhood lifelong friend Tom. Little boys never grow up, they get older. Ricky played a Halloween joke on Tom inside that experimental machine.
The Mexicans thought the lab was a drug lab and destroyed the lab and machine in their efforts to acquire it. The Cartel, Mexican Gov, FBI, CIA, NSA and even the Russians want what they think that lab was and the man who built it. Ricky and Jessica are forced to flee for their lives. How long can one hate their best friend for turning one into every man's wet dream with no way back?

Ashley's first kiss.

The dance was in full swing when Ashley walked into the side entrance. The swish of the petticoat under her skirt was driving her mad. With every movement she knew she was a girl, the petticoat didn't let her think of herself in any other way.

Usually when she walked in to a dance she was all hip swinging ready to dance or host a show. Today she was almost shy in the way she moved. She didn't understand it, it was almost like the simple act of dressing more like a daddy's girl had changed the way she was and that was just not possible.

The Vagina Monologues

Tricia and Tony both have their own special relationship with the vagina. When Tony tries to get one, it leads him into all sorts of difficulties.

The Vagina Monologues
Lin Dale


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It Was His Mistake… So Why Am I Dressed Like This

It Was His Mistake…
So Why Am I Dressed Like This?

by: Patricia Marie Allen

Based on “One Small Mistake,” by Rachel Ann Cooper,
a story posted on Fictionmania

You may have read about my friend Cory’s mistake the got him a closet full of girls clothes, but if not, I’ll bring you up to speed.

Triple Cross Double Prank

Triple-cross Double Prank
By Paul Calhoun

Something I intended to be a short but became a bit longer. One of the few times I decided to go with something that pretty much exists in its own domain without any sequel hooks.

Two boys disguise their friend as a pretty girl to prank a fourth one, but is that all that's happening?

Alannah Goodspeed and the Peril of Pixie Parenthood - Chapter 1/?

Alannah Goodspeed and the Peril of Pixie Parenthood
by Jemima (Tychonaut)


Chapter 1/?


Alan Goodspeed is an ordinary teenage boy with all the hopes and dreams of any other teenage boy. Except for when he was a teenage girl. And then there was the whole pixie parenthood thing. That's fairly normal... right?


Two's A Wolf

Two’s a Wolf
By Paul Calhoun

A commission.

A wolf takes a rabbit home for supper and his friends go to rescue him with the help of a suspicious hare and a sexy bitch suit.

I had a lot of fun with this because I thought I wouldn't get any more really original 2-person suit ideas, then I was given a toony feral comm and realized I'd never done anything like it!

Teenage Robot Stories

Two stories based on My Life As a Teenage Robot

1: Sheldon house sits for the Wakeman's and finds Jenny's spare outer casing. Sexiness, hilarity, mistaken identity and attempts of superheroics ensue. Includes a brief reference to:

A commission to do Sheldon in an XJ-9 disguise again, this time using a test version of her adult body

Curse the Protagonist 2: Rise of the Antagonist

Curse the Protagonist 2: Rise of the Antagonist

Time has passed since the strange happenings from before and Kayla has become very adjusted to her new self. However, things are about to get a whole lot stranger.

Only Fools Fight With Fire

Only Fools Fight With Fire

Jim is your typical awkward teenager who finds himself in way over his head.

I thought that I would try my hand at more of a light-hearted story again, seeing as its been about a year since I last wrote in this sort of style.

Playing for Keeps

Kellly Bundy's Sex Mutant Pesticide

Kelly Bundy’s Sex Mutant Pesticide

Synopsis: To prove the safety of her company’s pesticides, Kelly uses Bud as an unwitting volunteer. The first change anyone notices is that Bud grows breasts. But the changes don’t stop there. Is Kelly the biggest slut in the Bundy household? And what is Marcy doing with the pesticide sprayer? (This is a takeoff of one episode of Married With Children. In my opinion, a lot of TG could have been done here. They dropped the ball. I picked it up and ran.)

When I saw the episode of Married With Children where Kelly’s pesticides made Bud mutate and grow breasts, I knew that there was potential. But the episode dropped the ball. So I decided to continue the feminizing mutations of poor Bud. And of course, Marcy sees this as another way to torture pool Al…


Being Christina Chase | Chapter 54: The Journey (Final)

"Who gives this woman away to be married to this man?" asked the minister, shaking Christina out of her admiration of Richard.

"I do," Alek answered. He looked at Christina who returned his gaze. He knew that his niece was a modern woman, and she didn't look upon the ceremony the same way that he did. For Christina, this was an opportunity to wear a pretty dress in front of the whole town and live out the fantasy wedding that she'd been dreaming of. For Alek, the traditional implication of the ceremony was all too clear. He was giving his precious child away to the care of another man, and he knew that things would never be the same again.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 54 - The Journey
(Final Chapter)

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Costumes and Cars

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Brittany really does not want to give up her Easter Saturday in order to move her school's costume collection. On the other hand, her brother Tom says he'd do anything to see Sir John Thunder's collection of cars.

Author's Note: This is a standalone story, one of several set at the Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, or SIGHS. If you enjoy this story, you might like to try more SIGHS stories: Jolly Hockey Sticks; Your Starter For... and Strings of Sighs.

Warning: This story, like most of my other stories, is a light-hearted cross-dressing romp, and is not to be taken seriously.


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Being Christina Chase | Chapter 53: The Question

"Hey Andrei," Steph said with a poorly veiled sense of trepidation. "I got a major 411. Ollie heard through the grapevine that the cops found Christina's car last night. They had it towed to the lot at public services."

"They found her?" he said in disbelief. Andrei did not notice that the rest of the family, including the large German Shepherd that was lurking behind the couch, took notice.

"No," Steph answered. "They just found the car. No Christina."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 53 - The Question

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 52: Linger

It was the end of the summer, which was one of the best times on the mountain. The air was still warm enough that no one needed to wear a coat and there were still a few weeks of life left in the world before the chill set in and all the trees that weren’t evergreens started to lose their leaves. To Christina, it felt as though she were walking through an insubstantial world of dust. While everyone else in town was holding on to the last vibrant breath of summer, Christina felt the onset of fall on every inch of her skin.

She could tell that the world was growing cold.
Being Christina Chase
Chapter 52 - Linger

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Wigging Out

Wigging Out
By Paul Calhoun

A man finds a female disguise and then forgets to take it off before he answers the door.

A test of a couple of masking elements I wanted to try out. First the mask itself which is unlike those I usually use and also an exploration of what happens when the target boyfriend knows from almost the very beginning who the female really is.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 51: Eggshell

"I can't believe you," Christina said as she shook her head. "You're so disgusted that you went through all this just to make sure no one in Oak Grove found out about me."

"Is that what you really think?" Richard said with a mix of hurt and anger.

"Why else, then?"

"If I was so ashamed, do you really think I would have told all of my business partners?" he shot back. "Why do you think I cashed in every last favor I had with them to convince them to keep up this charade against their best instincts?"

Christina shook her head. She didn't want to listen to a word he was saying. She eventually asked, "Why?"

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 51 - Eggshell

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Strings of Sighs

When the cellist doesn't turn up for the rehearsal of their school's string quartet, the girls decide they need a stand in. The problem is, the only other decent cellist they know is the second violin's brother.



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A pair of themed pairs

A pair of Themed Pairs
By Paul Calhoun

I felt like riffing on a couple of ideas without making a big series out of them. Two love doll stories and two prehensile limbed alien stories. Sweet doll, stuck doll, exploited alien, opportunistic alien.

Adult for when you work out what the words 'venerate' and 'gratify' mean. Oh, and sex dolls. But really those two words are a hell of a lot dirtier in context.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 50: In Charge

"Uncle Alek?" Christina pleaded. "Where are we? What happened to me?" Her thoughts, which had been sluggish and unfocused, were now racing in her mind as they processed the darkness and the intense pain.

Alek placed his hand on his niece's head and stroked her hair. "Tina," he said softly. "Tina," he repeated, this time commanding the girl's attention. "You are in the hospital. You have had an accident." Alek was fairly certain that "accident" was not the correct term, but that wasn't important right now. "You had an accident but you will be alright."

Christina nodded slowly. She felt completely disoriented and untethered to the world except for the feeling of her uncle's hand on her head. "It hurts," she winced.

"I know Sweetheart," Alek said as he reached for a plastic bulb hanging from a wire on the wall. He felt the button on its tip and pressed it, summoning the nurse.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 50 - In Charge

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.


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