
The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 4 - The End

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Four: The mystery solved

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Ragnarok Shorts: Tales From The Spellbinder Universe

In a world where magic reigns
supreme, identity and
gender can be as fluid as the
forces of nature. A mad
scientist, a transgender
woman who has become
involved with a radical
revolutionist group, a goddess
of mischief, a supplicant to an
inexperienced goddess, and a
young apprentice; each
person's life takes a strange
and unexpected twist as
elemental forces reshape
their existence.

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 3 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Three: In which I become a Mata Hari!

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 2 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Two: Boys! Even when they're pretending to be girls, they can still make mysteries over the most stupid things. Or could there possibly be any basis to Ben's - oops, I mean Stevie's - suggestions?

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 7: The Final Chapter/in inceptum finis est

"...Bella" Lucifer said and a blinding light irradiated from the coin before flying into my chest and making my whole body glow.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as what could be described as a ghostly version of my male self was ripped from my chest and sucked into a glass vial.

Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 6: To Be Male Or To Be Female

I woke up the next morning to see Bellatrix directly above me,grinning.
"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"I saw what you were dreaming about, big strong Tyler. His long arms cradling you, His large c-"She said giggling before I cut her off with a deathly stare."Sorry"

The door swung open and Sarah and Angela ran in, my sister jumping up and down in excitement "Can i come shopping with you two, please,please,please,please" she said, clearly on a sugar rush from a few too many bottles of Irn-Bru.

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 1 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 5: Friday?

I woke on the beach, it was made of buttons, the silk sea tickling my toe nails. I looked around and saw two figures further up the beach so I walked over. I could hear some really weird music being played from a pipe.

"Hello" I said to one of them and as he turned around I was greeted with what could only be described as a knock off rasta mouse sitting on a tree stump next to a sleeping stuffed fox that looked like a rasta version of Basil Brush . The mouse then spoke to me in a very heavy jamaican accent.

Unintended Consequenses

“Good after ladies, gentlemen, and others. I am here to present the newly proposed Lincoln Convention Center, as designed by the Smith and Jones Architectural Firm of Chicago, Illinois. The design is for a building of no more than one million square feet, with maximal usable exposition space. I believe that you will find that we have done just that.”

Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 1: Origin

Once A Boy Now A Girl

Billy was your average sixteen year old until he encountered a mysterious website that would change his life forever.

This story is also on my TG Storytime account, This is also my first time using this website so don't complain if i screw this up a bit.

Chapter 1: Origins

Adventures in BC Chat Gaming: RISUS Ghostbusters Part 2

Adventures in BC Chat Gaming
RISUS Ghostbusters: Part 2 of ?

GMed by Melanie E., with the gameplay talents of Doc (Greeneggs667,) Stardraigh, Fiona, 0xNaomi, and Dorothy Colleen

After the lukewarm reception of our last game log I considered not sharing this one, but then I thought what the hey. So, more RISUS Ghostbusters adventures!

This time around the menagerie includes magenta ferrets, ex chihuahuas, and even secret agent frogs! What could our noble (or at least generally well-meaning) ghostbust-ettes be in for now?!


Adventures in BC Chat Gaming: RISUS Ghostbusters

Adventures in BC Chat Gaming
RISUS Ghostbusters: Part 1 of ?

GMed by Melanie E., with the gameplay talents of Doc (Greeneggs667,) Stardraigh, and Serena

When the BC Dungeon's Pathfinder game closes early, those who stay around are left to find... OTHER ways of entertaining themselves. So, why not a nice game of RISUS?

Funky Lady: A TG Mixed Tape

Funky Lady: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A mortally wounded superheroine chooses her successor. A young man makes a mistake when administering a love potion. In the near future changing genders is as easy as popping a pill. Hit play on the first Mixed Tape collection of 2015 for all these stories, an interview with Morpheus, and more!

Shivering With Antici... pation: A TG Mixed Tape

Shivering With Antici... pation


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

It’s Halloween. While on assignment a warlock finds himself observed by strange man with tape recorder. At a music festival for monsters, two security guards set out to apprehend an intruder. As darkness falls across the land, and the midnight hour draws near, hit play on this collection of spooky, sentimental and surprising seasonal short stories. [Includes an interview with Zapper (creator of the Consultant Universe).]


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