
Tink: A Strange Fairytale 6

Tink headed off for lunch after martial arts, not bothering with a shower since she hadn't done enough to work up a sweat. At Crystal Hall she met up with Page, Serena and a few other Whitman girls. They were all talking about their classes, which ranged from the common history, English and science; to the weird, magic, esper and quantum physics; to the holy cow they teach that at school! Which included firearms training and how to shoot a fire accurately at one hundred feet.

“You're not saying much for once Teri, what's up?” Page asked.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 5

“So did you get into trouble for this morning?” Thad asked, as they sat beside a big window in the library enjoying a bit of peace and quiet, his eyes looked almost exactly like the brilliant sun shining on them.

“Nah,” Teri answered, waving away the thought. “They mostly wanted to know what happened, and that I was alright. India on the other hand is in big trouble.”

He looked at her incredulously. “Her name is India?”

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 4

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Also, when I first posted this chapter on Crystal Hall, I was asked why it was a Red Flag day with all the students arriving. In canon when Tennyo arrived, she mentioned how it was a red flag during orientation, so I'm going with it. It also makes some jokes possible.

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not Edible


Hi, I'm Rin. When the school I went to went bankrupt, I had to find another school to go to. The only choice left was a school that is so full and crowded, there's hardly any room to breathe. So with only one week left to change schools, I had to do something drastic. I picked the only other choice left, which is an all-girl's school. By the way, I'm a boy.

'Trap' definition in Urban Dictionary:
"A pre-op transwoman who is both passable and hot. The kind that, when you find she's packing heat, you just don't care. "

Wait what?

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not Edible
A story of a boy's life in an all-girls school.

By Shiina Ai

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 3

“Hey! I'm sitting here!” Teri, who was all of six inches tall, yelled at the enormous butt descending on her.

The woman let out a scream and hurried away, yelling that a doll had come alive. Teri just looked over at the little girl who was staring at her with wide eyed wonder, and said, “Some people just don't pay any attention do they, Michelle?”

“Nnnnooo!” the three year old said, her eyes still as big as saucers staring at the little fairy.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 2

Well I was going to do a bit where Teri went to a anime convention, and met up with an H1 mob but the humour seemed a little too rough and mean spirited for the story. So to heck with it, I'm keeping to like it was originally done. Enjoy.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 1

Because I've had a bunch of people ask me to post this story since Crystal Hall where it was originally posted is down for the foreseeable future, here is Tink. And for those who've read it already, there is a new opening transformation that isn't as creepy, and in the next chapter is a whole new section of Tink's summer of fun as she meets H1 and goes to an anime convention. It's funny.

Magical Misadventures

This was originally posted on another site, but my muse lost interest. Now I'm trying to reinvigorate my muse. Expect the next chapter in a few days.

Gregor stirred a great boiling pot with the long ivory ladle, ignoring the multicoloured steam that rose from its silvery surface. He focused on the patterns that appeared with each stir, half formed creatures, images from his past, demons reaching out their faces scowling and cursing silently.

An Accidental New Life - Part 4

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

An Accidental New Life - Part 3

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

An Accidental New Life - Part 2

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

An Accidental New Life - Part 1

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

The Music Celebrates With Me: A TG Mixed Tape

The Music Celebrates With Me: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

An unfortunate man, lost in a cave, a mysterious voiced calling him deeper. A witch with an acid tongue and an advice column. A travelling showman who is more than the charlatan he appears to be. Hit play on the latest Mixed Tape collection for all these stories AND MORE!

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 8


Good morning, everyone. My name is Felicia Belphere Metrune. I am the only daughter of Baron Alphonse Lartes Metrune. I am 11 years old. I haven't always been Baron Metrune's daughter though.

I was originally a 29 year old man who lived in Cornwall. One day I got hit by a truck and you've probably guessed it, I was reincarnated into what seems to be medieval Europe.

14 triremes? (lol) Is this all you've got? Come to mommy. Let this beautiful lady show you how a legend is born. Muhahahahaha!

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 8
A tale of love (?) and change (lol) in a medieval era.

By Shinieris

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 7


Good morning, everyone. My name is Felicia Belphere Metrune. I am the only daughter of Baron Alphonse Lartes Metrune. I am 11 years old. I haven't always been Baron Metrune's daughter though.

I was originally a 29 year old man who lived in Cornwall. One day I got hit by a truck and you've probably guessed it, I was reincarnated into what seems to be medieval Europe.

No, I'm not a pervert! Lili, why won't you believe me? It's a misunderstanding!

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 7
A tale of love (?) and change (lol) in a medieval era.

By Shinieris

Grandpa's New Ride


Grandpa's New Ride

by Katie Leone

Grandpa has an old ride, ancient, a relic really; when he decides to change it for a new one, his grandson Scott jumps at the chance to join him at the auction. A fun sci-fi romp by one of BigCloset and DopplerPress's favorite authors.

Wishes and curses- Chapter 2 School life

In this chapter, Terrance goes through quite possibly his worst day at school ever and meets some new faces.

(This is the first story I have ever written so please be patient with me, comment or send me a message for any feedback you have and I hope you enjoy!)

Wishes and curses- Chapter 1 beginnings

The seemingly perfect guy Terrance Allbot! Good grades, athletic, what more could you ask for? A better personality. Everyone thinks he is perfect until they get to know him. He is a sexist jerk who thinks all women are under him. He was doing fine in life until a girl with a 6 year crush on him was turned down by him. She left saying a sentence he would never forget "You will pay for your mistake of being such a sexist jerk!"

(This is my first story I have ever written so please be patient with me, as I might not be that good. The chapters will be relatively short, but I will try to make a lot of them. It just depends on the feed back of the first few chapters. Not complete yet. Enjoy!)

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Paul confronts his mother about what The Wizard may or may not have done to her. He’s pretty much on the mark as to what actually happened. Since he has her attention, he’s finally able to come out to her about his being transgender. She’s not happy and is convinced it’s The Wizard’s doing. Myrtle is convinced she can take The Wizard out. Tom confronts his parents about what caused their animosity. They didn’t read the instructions!

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume II. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Swishy in Satin: A TG Mixed Tape

Swishy in Satin: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A sextet of stories from six very different authors. Hit play on July’s Mixed Tape flash fiction collection for sea-creatures, sexy transformations, an interview with Amy Komori AND MORE!

A Hard Sell

Tim tolerates his job as a car salesman to support his girlfriend Anne in her career ambitions but at some point things must change for both of them.

(Originally posted to Fictionmania on 11/05/2014, I decided to bring it over here with some minor edits. It could benefit from a rewrite but at some point stories have to be allowed to stand as they are.)

Walk on the Wild Side: A TG Mixed Tape

Walk on the Wild Side: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by Trismegistus Shandy and PersnicketyBitch

A young superhero obtains a mysterious cassette. In the near future high school students will be required to spend time as the opposite sex. A trans woman and a transformed man share lunch. Hit play on this month’s sweet and steamy TG Mixed Tape for all these stories, an interview with DAW, author of Battle for Earth and the Ragnarok Rising trilogy, AND MORE! [Also includes contributions from Amy Komori, Tmc and Jenny North]

In Moderation

Today at CosmiCon Justin will have the chance to fulfill his fantasy of cosplaying Duchess Immensia of 'Tachyon Dynasty' fame with his wife Sarah accompanying him as her loyal sidekick Nanoboy. How will the daring duo fare against the convention crowds?

Calamity's Child: A TG Mixed Tape

Calamity's Child


Edited by Trismegistus Shandy and Hutcho

Aliens! Djinns! Secret Agents! Succubi! A mysterious gender-bending ray gun! Hit play on this month’s TG Mixed Tape flash fiction collection for all these stories and more and an interview with Kathryn Mayhew, author of The Call of the Void saga.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 9

Eli leaned forward and turned his head. Cory's phone had good speakers, but he really wanted to be sure he was hearing everything he could. "HDM Girl?" Eli froze.

"Did he just say 'HDM Girl?'" Cory asked in amazement.

Eli gulped. "Yes. He did."

Both glued their eyes to Cory's computer and waited for the video to catch up. The yellow haze of light faded, and a familiar bluenette smiled at Robert.



Susan Brown.

Originally published in 2000, this story has been reworked, tidied up, edited a bit more and hopefully made readable.

Please note that this story is a bit naughty in places and girls of a delicate nature should not read it without smellings salts to hand.


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