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Night Entries; Chapter 4
Here is the last chapter of "Night Entries". It doesn't have the tough stuff of the earlier ones, and it ends on a hopeful note. Thanks to all those who read and commented.
Well, we’re home, sort of. Trouble is, our house has been rented out, so we cant actually live there. For now we are in a motel, doesn’t that sound like fun? I have to spend like a hour on the bus to get to school, but oh well.
Can we get any further from my school? We left the motels and now are in a place literally on the other side of town! I’m on the bus for almost two hours every day!
Finally, in our own place again. It looks like my mom and my step-dad are making up. I honestly don’t understand how she can forgive him so easily. Meanwhile, I had a chance to meet John’s friend Alex, and he seems like a good guy. He’s got this Saturday night session of a game called Dungeons and Dragons, it sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
I found out Alex cross-dresses. Its weird, apparently he goes out in public and everything. He even showed me pictures of him in a dress at an event downtown. He gave me some magazines that deal with guys who dress up as girls, and its interesting stuff. Somehow, I don’t think I’m the same as the guys in the mags, though. It sounds like for them, dressing up is just for fun, or for sex. Me, I dont care about sex, and it doesnt feel like just fun. But at least now I know there is some support out there.
I had the best weekend ever, diary! My mom and my step-dad went away, so I was alone. Also, my neighbor left me the keys to her place so I could feed her cat for her while she’s on vacation, so I had the run of both my house and hers. So I spent the weekend in a dress, and felt so much better for it.
I’ve found some people to hang out with, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it feels good to not be totally alone all the time, but on the other, I feel sure that they would reject me if they knew about the girl stuff. Ah, well.
I wish I could have a girlfriend, Diary, but what girl would want a guy who feels more like a girl than a guy? Love is a luxury only “normal” people can afford.
I need a girl name. All the mags talk about having a girl name, even Alex uses “Brenda” when he’s dressed up. My mom once told me that if I had been born a girl, my name would be Dorothy, so maybe I should go with that.
Diary, which me is real? the male me, the one I show to everyone? or Dorothy, the girl who is stuck inside and unable to get out? And if Dorothy is the real me, what do I do about that?
Last night, I read about this woman, named Christine Jorgensen, who was actually born a guy and had surgery to change into a girl. I had no idea such a thing was possible! Am I like her, Diary? I don’t feel like the guys in the cross-dressing mags, that’s for sure.
Can you believe it? I’m a senior now. Boy, the time has flown by here. Soon, I’ll be graduating, and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. And How Dorothy fits in with that.
Well, well, well. Hello Diary. Its been a long time. I thought I had lost you many years ago. Its kinda funny to read the entries now, and think how mixed up I was back then. I wish I could talk to my younger self, tell her its going to be okay, that although the road ahead will be difficult, she will one day be me, living and working as Dorothy, with friends and family who support her. To think, I could have missed all this if I had killed myself all those years ago. I guess that goes to show you never know what the future holds. But I have more hope for it than I have had before, and that’s good enough for me today. Thanks, Diary, for being there with me. Good night for now.
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Putting on my tinfoil hat now...
"I wish I could have a girlfriend, Diary, but what girl would want a guy who feels more like a girl than a guy? Love is a luxury only “normal†people can afford."
Dorothy, stop stealing thoughts out of my head! I've thought similar sentiments many times in my life. :P
Interesting series. Doesn't get deeply into it, just an overview of one girl's childhood.
stealing thoughts
I'm pretty sure a lot of us have felt something like that at one time or another. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
and other people too...
Who'd want to have a relationship with an asexual, period? I've felt a spiritual/emotional bond many times in my life, for many girls, but then I always come back to the fact that I'm not interested in her sexually at all. I'm certain that even if I tried for the sake of the relationship, anyone I'd date would be able to tell, get a vibe, that I'm not feeling anything the least bit sexual, and I'm sure that'd be a major turn-off.
Ah well... maybe someday...
So no... that thought is definitely not something only a few have had.
To be honest, I think transsexuals are a little lucky, after transition, they probably have a better chance at finding love than I do. Unless they're also an asexual, truly an asexual, didn't just feel that way while struggling with their gender in the early stages but found out otherwise during transition.
*hugs dorothy*
Glad you made it through it, and here's to a long and much happier rest of your life!
Abigail Drew.
Night Entries 1-4
Dorothy, Thank you for having the courage to share with us that wonderful / scary/ black / bright / Important part of your life. yes i know it is 'fiction' but i had similar experiences and thoughts growing up, trying to discover what and who i was. in many ways i still don't know, but at least you had a little bit of faith to rely on. i tried to believe and have faith, but it never really took hold or root. i had some violence in my life, not as abuse, but punishment. the words hurt more. i withdrew and it took 20 plus years to understand who i am... i know who i am now... i am not who the world sees, but i know who i am... thank you for taking me on your journey.
not fictional, hon.
the only fictional part of this story was having the diary to write in, and I changed the names to protect the other people involved. Otherwise, this is my life, as best as I can recall it and share it. Thanks for commenting.
oh i didn't mean...
That it was fiction Dorothy, Note i put the word fiction i quotes... i meant that placing it here at a fiction site, the less observant (sorry) might see it as a story.
my apologies if i offended
no offence taken, hon.
I hope nobody actually thought it was fiction, but you never know...
Night Entries, Chapter 4
The last entry was the best,
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine