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“You’ll probably be able to come early afternoon. Like I said, we're positive it’s a concussion based on the tests. We’ll prescribe something for pain. Ellie looked past Dr. Cabrera almost absent-mindedly
“I’m sorry, you just said something about a prescription for pain. Anything else?”
“Ice packs should do the trick, but either way Rickie is going to have that nasty bruise on her neck. Your daughter is very fortunate. One inch either way? She’s one lucky girl...
RWJ University Hospital Somerset...
The room light overhead left Rickie reaching to cover tearful eyes with murmurs leading to a failed attempt to roll over. The bruise on the right elbow led to wincing as the murmur escalated into a very loud ‘ow.” Two figures rushed into the room, but haste was quickly replaced as the nurse calmly helped Rickie further up onto the pillow. She grabbed the bed control from the tray table.
“Let’s lift your head a bit and I’ll get another ice pack for your elbow, sweetie.” The young lady smiled warmly and looked as if she would just kiss Rickie’s forehead.
“Rashida Henderson, Aide,” her name tag displayed.
Thank you,” Ellie said as the girl retreated.
“I’d hug you, but that wouldn’t help at all.” she said to Rickie with a half-frown. She stepped close to the bed and kissed her right index finger before touching Rickie’s lips.
“Best we can do until you’re feeling a bit better.” Rickie smiled weakly and winced a bit from the pain-inducing expression.
“She’s cute,” Ellie said, using her arm to point to the doorway. Rickie frowned.
“I’m sorry, babe. We should…I should just have left the recycling until it stopped snowing.” Rickie winced at the memory of the accident; forgetting almost immediately the comment Ellie made about the nurse.
“I’ll bring a change of clothes when I pick you up tomorrow. You want a skirt and leggings or your jeans?” She seemed to be fading out as her words were immediately confusing. The room grew dim even as another voice spoke…
“Ice packs should do the trick, but either way Rickie is going to have that nasty bruise on the neck. Your child is very fortunate. One inch either way? He’s one lucky boy...
London, England, 1884
Almost like awakening suddenly on a moving carousel, the young lady became ill immediately but managed to keep things together. She rose up and found herself sitting at a plain table. She looked up into the very warm and inviting smile of a girl ages with her. Something seemed off about the girl’s dress.
“You gave everyone a terrible fright. That brute tried to trample you but his mount would have none of that. He tossed the man into a pile of beer kegs and the local constabulary arrested him straight off. The horse tried to stop, but not before bumping you to the ground. My uncle says you’re due for a nice rest and now that your inheritance has been restored, you’ll be quite set. Oh, sorry. I’m Enola… we sort of met when you hid in the dressmaker’s shop.”

The girl looked down at herself reflexively and suddenly realized what seemed off. She and this Enola lass were wearing identical dresses. And that in turn triggered a deepening heat on her face and neck as she recalled the reason for her own garb. Her eyes widened with fear; prompting Enola to quickly add.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe. Uncle Mycroft talked to a doctor friend…”
“He what?” The girl choked back a sob.’
“Oh, bother. I’ve set you off, poor dear.” Enola said, stepping close.
“The Uncles are good friends with a doctor who is practically a royal. He has a cousin…” Enola turned away as if seeking advice from someone.
“I know you’ll keep secret, what with your own unique situation? Rather mostly unique since the young lady has some help in not becoming who he could never be. Being both never worked, but her cousin “helped her put aside half to become whole,” as Uncle Sherlock put it.
“Oh,” was all the girl could say before choking back a sob. Enola stepped close and kissed her on the forehead.
“I…I’m sorry.” The girl pleaded as her face grew crimson; leaving her a near-equal mixture of embarrassed, confused, and oddly comfortable.
“Oh not to worry,” Enola said softly before kissing the girl on the cheek.”
“Not to worry at all.” Enola smiled and the girl looked up in plea as the room began to spin…
Agrabah, Arabian Peninsula, somewhere else in time…
The figure lying in the midst of very large comfortable pillows stirred; her left arm raised overhead to block the sun peaking through tall gauzy curtains.
“Uh…” she cooed. The sound was almost echoed as a very content-looking tiger uttered what sounded like a mixture between a purr and a low growl.
“Shhh, Rajah? Let me be?” The girl said. She rolled over slightly and found herself facing someone who looked mostly familiar.
“Time to get up, sleepy head,” the young lady said as she pushed a lock of hair from the girl’s eyes.
“Besides? It wouldn’t do to let you be when you haven’t figured out who you are.” She leaned over to a table nearby and produced a silver mirror. She held it up to the girl, who pulled back with an almost horrifying start.
“What…what’s…who?” the girl stammered as she stared at her reflection.

“You, Fatima…You!” She resisted the urge to tease and just hopped out of the pillow bed; pulling the girl…Fatima…to her feet.”
“What? Jasmine? What’s going on?” Fatima pleaded. Rajah rubbed against the girl’s arm and urged her closer to the other girl… Jasmine… Fatima’s near twin.
“It’s what you wanted, oh heart of my heart.” Jasmine stepped closer and urged the mirror into her doppelganger’s hands. Fatima… the love of Jasmine’s life in a way.
“Your wish… a whole NEW world? A new fantastic point of view? My point of view?” Fatima almost shuddered at Jasmine’s words.
“You were rubbing the lamp and said something like, “I’m so tired of being a thief. What I wouldn’t give to have a life like yours?” Jasmine laughed softly, but it was nowhere near a taunt.
“No more swords or breadlines, my darling.” Jasmine stepped even closer and kissed Fatima on the right cheek.
“I don’t know how, and I almost don’t care,” she said. She pointed between them with a broad gesture. Similar but different clothes. Their hair was practically identical but for the black of Jasmine’s vs the auburn of Fatima.
“You …” Fatima stuttered again. Her face had turned very pale pink and she swooned. Jasmine caught her and lowered her into a nearby chair.
“I am not going to lie. This is exactly what I want. I do not desire riches such as what my father amassed. I …” she paused and looked into Fatima’s eyes.
“You did not laugh or joke when we talked last night. The Jinn whom Jafar replaced heard the cry of my heart.”
“But what… how?”
“I know not how, but what? Dear sweet love?” Jasmine glanced down at her body and then at Fatima’s”
“We are having twins.” Fatima shook her head as if Jasmine was stating the obvious.
“How can you know? We are going to have children, of course, but no more..” Fatima gasped. The finality of the change was both joyous and saddening.
“You did want this, my darling and now it will come to pass.” Jasmine’ eyes were welling with tears, but her face brightened in a grin.
“How? I can no longer…” Fatima bit her lip; the bitter irony hitting her hard. No longer the thief or even a prince, and never again to be a father.”
“You misunderstand. We are having twins. One from me and one from you.” Jasmine did tease, but only a bit.
“Quite a fantastic point of view? Most assuredly so. Two heirs to rule judiciously, with compassion and mercy. Guided by the Twin Queens of the realm.
“But?” Fatima seemed to protest only about the confusion she felt.
“But nothing, my dear wife. I will always treasure my love of Aladdin, but henceforth, it will be Queen Fatima who holds sway to my heart.” Jasmine gently lifted Fatima to her feet and guided her back to bed.
What? I don’t…” Fatima protested again; feeling more incapable than saddened. Jasmine helped her lie down before lying down next to her mate.
“No worries, dear one.” Jasmine rolled Fatima over until they were embracing back-to-front.”
“Time enough for the new? Let us rest as you suggested. We have all the time in the world to figure this out.” She kissed her bride softly on the neck before her hands began to explore the closeness that went far beyond the nearness they shared. Fatima nodded slowly and in a few minutes she had fallen into a contented sleep…
Somerville, New Jersey, the present...
“Is he okay?” The girl in the grey uniform asked the nurse.
“It’s not uncommon for some with minor head injuries to talk in their sleep. He’s resting comfortably despite the talking. Vitals are fine. So it might just be something the doctor will discuss with his mom.” The nurse had barely gotten the words out of her mouth when the boy said very loudly,
“CQ CQ WR2 GFO… WR2 GFO, come back!”
The Rebel Base on the Fourth Moon of Yavin 4; a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Kaydel Ko stood back amidst the celebration. As much as she had really wanted to join in, she nevertheless could not push aside the pain of the almost unbearable loss she felt. A familiar face interrupted her musing long enough to urge a bottle of water into her hands. The young man kissed her softly on the cheek and spoke in a near whisper to her ear.
“I know, Lieutenant Connix. It is almost too soon, with Leia gone and so many lost. Retreat as you must. It’s less of a struggle for me and some others of us because we weren’t as close as you.”
“She…she was like a mother to me, Beau..” Kaydel stifled a sob. He touched her arm gently before easing away to join the revelry. She turned to walk further into the hangar from everyone, but her way was almost blocked by yet another, if imposing figure.
“I am so, so sorry,” Rey said; her tears mirroring the young woman.
“I wanted to tell you…especially.” Rey shrugged and looked away. Their commonality was blessed and painful at the same time. Doubly since the woman who had become a mother to Kaydel had also welcomed Rey as her own in a way. And with that welcome came a privilege to get to know Han Solo perhaps as few would; almost like the fathers Rey and Kaydel never got to know.
“It’s just so… unfair.” In a just universe it might have been, but both young women had learned that in life, there is no fair nor unfair. Life just is what it is.
“She’s with him now,” Kaydel said, looking skyward to whatever paradise might have welcomed Leia and Han Solo. As many who had been lost in the thankful triumph over the past several days, the two had become very dear to Rey in her own way. And while Kaydel barely knew the man that Han Solo was, every bit of love Leia had for Han became part of being the adopted family that Kaydel…that she and Rey had come to know. But Rey shook her head.
“I…I almost did not care… Their reunion took away something I fear I will never again know in this lifetime.” Rey struggled to continue, but Kaydel grabbed her by both hands; finishing what she hoped Rey was about to say.
“But in our own ways, we will always have that love buried…no… safely hidden within our hearts. Both of them touched me. And touched you. We share that. And it is ours forever.” Kaydel’s soft sob was one, not of despair, but of hope.
“Yes…” Rey paused; pulling away as she searched for words when words alone would never do. She turned back; grabbing Kaydel once again, but in an embrace. Rey leaned close and kissed Kaydel tenderly. Whereas the kiss of departure with Kylo Ren would always have a special place within her being, it was the here and now and promise of this kiss that would urge both women forward in hope.
Kaydel sighed deeply as she leaned back only a little as bliss overtook her…
It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I keep saying that but I can't... my mind can't... words... should've sent a poet. I'm a poet and don't know it...
Station... floating down...floating... (like a little girl) Twinkle twinkle... little star... how I wonder... ellemenopee... (shaking her head) ...have to stay awake... stay awake... (slipping) Please... please... She passes out….*
Somewhere and sometime else…
Ellie climbed out of the now-translucent pod and began walking. Whatever beach she now traversed was nowhere near anything or anyone she might ever know.
She stared up in awe at the swirl of colors overhead. How far had she come? For how long had she been gone? Since abandoning the travel pod, she was almost lost in wonder. Wherever she was, it was nowhere in any galaxy she knew of. Something or someone had brought her so many light years from home.
“Why?” she found herself asking. Not what or where but rather why…
Off in the distance, she saw a figure walking toward her. Contact? As the figure drew close, the familiarity was both awe-inspiring and grief-inducing. Not the father of the story she had adored for so long, but her own father… Richard MacDonald Sr.

She raced into his arms as tears cascaded down both their faces.
“Hey, kiddo.” He stroked her hair just like every other time until the day of his passing. She would recall telling her friends of his tenderness, only to be met with awkward stares, since fathers only tossel little boy’s hair. No gentle touch. No forehead kisses and hugs between father and son… Other fathers and sons!
“Ellie?” Not Richie or Junior. As much as she hoped for an endearment, she feared rather that the endearment might end swiftly and that this specter would cruelly depart. Her father stooped only a bit and kissed her cheek.
“Your mom wanted to honor my mom and name you Lauren… if you had ‘come out’ a girl. You did, of course. Just not in any way to be seen.”
“You are my child, but your name was Richard. I named you after your Mom… the best person I know. Ellie Marie MacDonald.” Richard smiled at her; not a specter and certainly not an extraterrestrial greeter, but her late father; visiting his “there-all-along” daughter one last time this side of eternity. He kissed his right index finger and touched her lips.
“Tell your mom no hurry, okay?” He smiled and she smiled back and nodded.
“Oh…Ellie?” She stared at him as he began to disappear.
“Tell your mom she’s the best,” he said and simply faded away.
Richard MacDonald Jr. began to weep. He turned to walk away, but not before looking back in disappointment since his father was gone. But when he turned once again, he found himself, not on a bright, strange beach on an exotic planet, but sitting up instead in a hospital bed in Somerville, New Jersey…
RWJ University Hospital Somerset, Somerville, New Jersey, the present...
“Hey, kiddo. There you are.” Ellie MacDonald looked down at her only child in relief. Sometimes a deep sleep after a concussion can cause some concern, but all the tests came back negative, and it was really just a need for rest after a frightening accident the afternoon before.
“We’re not going home after your discharge, babe.”
Richie sighed; hoping that they might take in the Time to Eat diner nearby. She noticed the disappointment and produced a can of San Pellegrino Blood Orange Sparkling Water.
“We have to make a quick stop. There’s a department here that we need to visit,” she said as she used her left arm in a broad gesture to indicate the hospital itself.
“Gender-Affirming… Your dad came to me in a dream last night and reminded me, oh light of my life. And tomorrow we both have an appointment with one of Dr. Kelly’s friends about what I need to do for you…seeing how you’re my daughter and all.”
Richie’s eyes widened in amazement. Ellie stepped close to the bed and draped a pretty Mauve long sweater along with some black leggings and a pair of her rainbow-daubed Sketchers on Richie's knees.
“Just one thing? While it might be confusing to some, I really don’t think ‘Junior” suits you, and your dad agrees. She blinked back happy tears, looking up as if she was in conversation with someone else before saying at last,
“And Ellie?” her mother laughed softly.
“Daddy and I think you’re the best.” (Reprise)
* excerpted from CONTACT working script by
Menno Meyjes, Ann Druyan, Carl Sagan, Michael Goldenberg, and Jim V. Hart
Rewrite by Michael Goldenberg ; Based on the Novel by Carl Sagan
All AI portrayals are modified pictures of yours truly
Title - AI Self-Portrait Painting - PortraitAI
Five - AI Enola Holmes FaceApp
Six - AI Jasmine from Aladdin FaceApp
Seven - AI Kaydel Ko Connix from The Rise of Skywalker FaceApp
Eight - AI Dr. Ellie Arroway from Contact
Nine - AI Stock photo - teen hospital patient FaceApp
Theme from Enola Holmes
composed by Daniel Pemberton
A Whole New World
from Aladdin
words and music by
Tim Rice and Alan Menkin
performed by Wiinie Su
featuring Priyam Balsara
Rey's Theme
Star Wars Trilogy
composed by John Williams
Theme from the Motion Picture
composed by Alan Silvestri
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An interesting approach
The jumps from character to character gave me a brain cramp at first, but I just relaxed and went with it.
interesting plot.
Past, Present, And Future
Are all female, and if that's your heart's desire, why not?
It's important to listen to the music accompanying this fable.
Order from delerium
Fantastic story! Love the way this surreal jumble of bits and fragments from tv shows and films (that Richie was inserting the girl he dreamed of being into) coalesces as Richie/Ellie surfaces back into the real world. I somehow sensed that the snippet of Ham radio jargon after the Aladdin segment (now that's a Disney sequel I'd love to see!) was a reference to Contact, and what happened when she wound up in that movie's climactic scene was a powerful way bring the dream sequences together with her actual life. It was a profound and moving scene in the film, and your twist on it made sense; since both Jodie Foster's character and Ellie figured out fairly quickly the beach they'd landed on was a simulation, pulled from their mind.
The concluding scene back in the real world was an ending better than any dream.
Her ecstatic smile in the last image says it all.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
jumping into characters
here I thought I was the only one who imagined myself a girl going along with the characters of my favorite books and movies . . .