Hey, Little Girl

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Hey, little girl

Hey, little girl.

Right now, you’re 9 years old, and you’ve had to survive some pretty awful stuff already, so I think you need a present.

And here it is.

You are amazing. You’re so strong to have survived what you’ve gone through, you’re smarter than you give yourself credit, and you’re beautiful, even while disguised as a boy.

Yes, I said beautiful. I know what you’ve been told, especially by HIM, but you really are beautiful, and worthy of being loved.

And you are loved, and will be loved, more than you can even imagine at this moment, even when you finally come out and tell everybody about being a girl.

And how do I know this?

Because I’m you, forty years down the road.

And that’s how I know these things, dear.

Now hold on to my present, and I’ll see you in the mirror in forty years.


Dorothy (the big you).

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