In the Name of Love - 12

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Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

The Greatest of These is Love

“If we commit ourselves to one person for life, this is not, as many people think, a rejection of freedom; rather, it demands the courage
to move into all the risks of freedom, and the risk of love which is permanent; into that love which is not possession but participation.”
Madeleine L'Engle

Years previously…

“Oh my Jesus,” she exclaimed, and not as in sacred prayer but as a surprised expletive. Her eyes darted back and forth between the front door and the door to Tim’s bedroom. She half-frowned and put her hand to her face in frustration as she realized what had just taken place in her own home… in their home. She knocked on the door softly.

“I can’t Mom…I don’t feel so good,” Tim’s voice cried weakly before the sobbing resumed. Her child needed her more than at any other time in his life, and she just stood there in silence; a silence that would last for years….

Came into a dream in the night
When all the world was sleeping so tight
A treasure in store, perilous moments
Knowing their love was so true
A help from their friends, brave and so daring
Angel, soldier, in the night

Hope lay flat on her back; it felt soft so it had to be a meadow or park. She thought she heard the soft gurgle of a stream, and the twitter of all sorts of birds. The breeze felt just cool enough to be comforting. She went to sit up and noticed she wasn’t wearing her clothes, but the rough dungarees and tee shirt of a twelve year old boy.

“I’m sorry,” the boy said as he offered her his hand. She accepted the help and was quickly lifted to her feet.

“I had….” She caught herself as her voice seemed raspy.

“Had it comin’? Yeah…I guess you did.” She realized that it was Danny standing there; his arms folded in what would have appeared to look like gloating except for the odd look of sadness on his face.

“I should have stopped them….” He looked back over his shoulder at two boys who were walking quickly down the street.

“I guess…I got a taste of my own medicine,” she….he said as Tim dusted himself off.

“You…you can’t …. If anyone knows….” He looked down at himself, feeling weak and useless; a very good representation of what his father continued to point out. Danny reached over and shook Tim’s hand but there was almost a reluctance in his voice.

“Well….let’s…” He paused and looked down the block. The two uber-bullies were still watching and he shook his head as he followed through with a very manly hand shake.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said almost wistfully as Tim began to retreat; walking backwards up the front steps of the porch.

“T…t…tomorrow,” Tim said and ran around to the left and into the side door of the house. He walked quickly to the stairs up to his room, but stopped and peered through the drawn curtains of the hall window as Danny ran down the street and around the corner. Tim sighed and shook his head as tears began to fall. He wasn’t any good as a boy; that much was clear if only to him, but he didn’t feel like he’d ever be allowed to fit in the niche of life that God had ordained. He leaned against the window frame and began to weep…..

Trinitas Hospital ER Triage….

“Hope…Hope?” The girl looked up and saw her mother’s face practically creating a fluorescent eclipse from the overhead light. She went to sit up but the strength left her arms and she practically fell back into the bed.

“The doctor….” Liz turned and looked at the nurse before returning her gaze to Hope.

“You…you passed out….the doctor….” She paused; that hesitation that shouts ‘this is my fault,” before continuing.

“You… She’s worried. They haven’t gotten the results for your blood test, but..” She gasped.

“They’re concerned about if you’ve been eating or not.” Danny stepped next to Liz and patted her on the back.

“It’s not serious from what they already can see, but you put a scare in everyone,” he went on; making sure that he smiled warmly; the last thing Hope needed to deal with was more guilt.

“But….but what about Dad?”

“Dr. Mehet is sure that his other kidney is okay; his back was so torn up from the crash that the kidney was lacerated,” the nurse interjected as she checked the monitor next to Hope’s bed.

“Things look better for you as well, but the attending wants to keep you overnight for observation. We’ll be moving you up to the floor in a few minutes. I’ll be back but I’ll leave you folks to each other for now, okay?” She didn’t wait and disappeared behind the drawn curtain.

“I …. I haven’t been able to keep anything down….so I’ve just been … “ She put her head down; another opportunity for shame driven by poor choices fostered by horrible self-esteem. Danny stepped close and lifted her hand and held it, rubbing her wrist softly with his other hand.

“You’ve been…. Growing.” He smiled and turned back to face Liz, who gave him a welcoming nod.

“They’re going to take you up in a few but I wanted to …. Something to keep you until tomorrow, okay?” She looked in his eyes; feeling confused and unworthy as she noticed once again the very strong man was shedding tears…for her.

“I love you. I’ve loved you for so long, and that’s without condition. If Tim came back and Hope went away, it wouldn’t change how I feel for you, but I suppose I really like Hope a lot.” He laughed softly and it evoked a sad response as she turned away and began to weep. He reached over and gently tugged her chin back to face him and kissed her softly.

“You have so much coming at you all at once, and I don’t know what to say other than I think you need something…someone in your life that’s constant…some… unchanging and sure….I hope…” He laughed at the word, which gently coaxed a smile from her.

“I’ll be back first thing, not matter what, okay?” He kissed her again and went to walk out, but stopped next to Liz. Lifting her right hand, he squeezed it and nodded, as if to say ‘your turn.’

Dreams can be so real and so true
They come alive for me and for you
Daring for love, wrestling the moment
Danger surrounds, so blue
Weather the storm, brighter horizons
Angel, soldier, in the night

“Your father is in recovery. They managed to save the kidney but he’s lost his spleen and …” Liz shook her head. She reached over and grabbed Hope’s hand.

“It’s my ….” She stopped in mid-sentence as Hope’s eyes flashed.

“No, Mom… no.” Hope shook her head and pulled her hand away enough to put it on Liz’s arm.

“You…you’re right. I told him I was going to your Aunt…….’s house. He must have been on his way. The nurse said the police ordered a blood test….he….”

“I know….” Hope bit her lip, as if the secrecy and shame had been passed upward to her father rather than passed down through God knows how many generations.

“Now who’s blaming themselves, honey?” Liz leaned closer and pressed her forehead against Hopes; something she hadn’t done since Tim and Heather were in grammar school. Hope went to pull away, but Liz wrapped her up in a hug.

“We’re so screwed up,” she said; as close to profanity as Hope could ever recall coming from her mother’s mouth.

“And you, young lady, are going to have to take care of yourself.” Hope winced at the endearment; an entirely brand new if completely necessary exchange between mother and daughter. Those two words would have been enough but she continued.

“I am so sorry.” Too many apologies followed by inaction and enabling; this time something broke between them. Needless shame that held them apart replaced by trust and hope as ironic as that sounds. Hope leaned closer and kissed Liz on the lips; like a little girl bestowing thanks to her Mommy at bedtime. The gesture wasn’t new to them, but known only to them, since Pat had practically prohibited any exchange of affection between mother and son.

“I talked to Heather….” Liz stammered. Hope smiled through her tears. Her sister’s memory was banished from the McKenna home; barely spoken in so many years. As the reality of the moment set in, she put her head down and began to weep, but the relief of her mother’s words

“It’s okay….I know you do….I’ve heard you… when your father was out of the house… I miss her too.”

“It’s….no…Mom….you don’t understand….” Hope’s face grew red and her expression went from sad to a panicked shame in a split-second.

“It’s my fault, Mom. I killed her…it’s my fault.” Liz’s eyes widened in horror over the words.

“No, honey…it was an accident.”

“No…it’s my fault. Daddy….DAD said I killed her….” She shook her head in a plea for understanding and forgiveness. She desperately needed understanding, but forgiveness was required for another.

“No, honey….no… what gave you that idea?” She immediately lapsed into her default mode of protecting her husband; as if it was Hope who was confused rather than accepting the cruel accusation he had leveled against his child.

“No, Mom….you don’t understand…Why can’t you understand. Heather was late getting ready for Tasha’s birthday party because I was playing….”

”Liz? I thought you were going to have her ready to go?” Pat snapped as he looked at his watch.

“Just a second, Pat. She’s in the bathroom brushing her teeth.”

“Well, tell her to hurry,” he called from the kitchen door.

“I’ll be in the car.” She heard him walk out as she was leaning against the doorframe of Heather’s bedroom.

“Come on, you two. Heather? Get a move on. Tim? You can play with your sister later.” She spoke hurriedly. Heather jumped up from the small table in the middle of the room and ran past Liz and down the hallway.

“Bye Mommy…bye Timmy….” She yelled as she ran out the door. Liz turned around and faced Tim. He sat at the table with a blue stuffed rabbit in his arms. She walked over and knelt down and kissed him on the cheek.

“It’s okay for now, honey, but we’ll have to be back to normal before Daddy and Heather get back, okay?” She stood up and breathed out a heavy sigh. The boy smiled and nodded before returning his attention to the rabbit and the large teddy bear sitting next to him at the table. He wore something much fancier than Heather, since jeans and a top might do for a friend’s birthday party but a blue dress handed down from mother to daughters was de rigueur for a tea party…..

”Oh, Liz…Oh…” Her sister Doreen held her and wept. She looked over at Pat and shook her head as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Mommy…why are you crying?” Tim had walked over and was tugging at Liz’s sleeve. She looked down and shook her head; words struggling to escape without any success. Pat stepped closer and knelt down and went to speak, but his expression changed as he noticed what Tim was wearing. In all the haste of the whole day, Doreen hadn’t thought at all about Tim’s clothing and he was still wearing the blue dress from morning play. Pat stood up and walked quickly through the still-open front door. Tim followed.

“Daddy….why is Mommy crying?” The boy was confused and scared; the mixture of his mother’s sadness didn’t make sense put alongside what seemed like anger from his father.

“Why is she crying? She’s crying because your sister is dead!” No attempt to soften the tragedy for a child; Pat’s anger took him places where even he had feared to tread to that point. But in the midst of the loss the whole family would feel for years, it still was all about Pat McKenna. Tim shook his head in disbelief and screamed.

“No!!!!!!!” He ran up to Pat and put his arms around Pat’s legs in a frightened hug, but Pat literally pushed him away and down. Pat was always in a hurry, but he took his time to break his child’s heart.

“You….It’s your fault. If ….” He stammered; practically spitting the words slowly at his child…his only child.

“If… you just had to…didn’t you?” He pointed at Tim and around him, circling the dress slowly in display.

“Because she was late we had an accident….because you made her late….It’s your fault.”

“NO!!!!” The boy pled through confused tears as grabbed Pat’s ankles. It couldn’t be. And if that wasn’t enough, the worst was yet to come. He tried to hold on, but Pat pried his arms free.

“Daddy….Daddy,” the boy sobbed, but his pleas fell upon deaf ears and eyes that were blind, but not so sightless that he couldn’t see the boy’s face enough through his own angry tears. He slapped Tim on the left cheek; hitting his ear and jaw and sending him sprawling. The boy lay on the porch and sobbed as Pat walked slowly back into the house. It was the first time Pat would hit the boy in that self-absorbed anger of denial and perhaps the worst. Beatings would come, but none so shameful as the first, since striking him in the face was angry enough, but made it a personal dismissal of his only child….

“I made her late…that’s why she died, Mom…it’s all my fault.” Liz had never spoken a word to Hope about the accident itself and she knew immediately where that horrific impression had arisen. She pulled Hope into an embrace before hold her out just enough to look into her eyes.

“I want you to listen, Hope.” She paused to get her thoughts together, but Hope lowered her head. Liz lifted Hope’s chin softly and leaned closer, putting forehead to forehead like she would do with her and Heather. A gesture that was meant to soothe provoked instead as Hope practically snapped; not in anger but in sad shame.


“It’s not your fault. Your father drove through a red light all because he didn’t want to be late for a meeting…” Liz began to shake and she continued.

“Another Goddamn meeting….He killed my baby.” She began to sob. Hope pulled her close; confused and frightened.

“No, Mommy….no…” Not the sweet endearment from a ‘new’ daughter, but a desperate cry for her mother to stay with her and not retreat like every other time. Liz looked up and spoke haltingly as calm returned to her voice.

“No….I’m….it’s alright….” How could it be alright? One life destroyed by death and the slow deaths of neglect and abuse all for the sake of a man’s pride. She felt misunderstood and repeated herself with a new, never-seen clarity.

“I’m…I’m sorry, Hope….my…my…” She looked at Hope as if she was seeing her daughter for the first time, and in essence she was, since up to then it was her choosing to believe without knowing. But now it was completely different as she really saw Hope as the young woman who had hidden all along.

“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.” She paused and her eyes flashed with anger before her expression softened, but only a little.

“We’re going to see this through. No more….” Hope nodded nervously. Facing down new challenges in the huge changes that had already occurred was one thing. Facing down the idea that both of them were on one side and her father was on the other was another thing entirely, even if it was his idea to make that distinction.

“I….” Hope put her head down.

“No…no more shame. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Liz shook her head and Hope returned the gesture; less emphatic but accompanied by a half-frown. She reached over to the chair on the other side of the bed and grabbed her purse. Opening it up she pulled out a bottle.

“I…I’m so sorry, Mom…..I’m so sorry.” She shook her head again and handed Liz the bottle; cheap Vodka.

“I know….We all have some changing to do, and I guess it starts right now, okay?” Liz opened her purse and produced a similarly shaped bottle. Hope’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I’m sorry, too, honey.” She pulled Hope into one more embrace as they cried together; perhaps for the first time as mother and daughter. It was a very sad and disturbing reason to begin to cry, but it was the perfect reason to begin to hope that things would finally change.

A few days later, Trinitas Hospital...

“Pastor McKenna?” Pat looked up to see two Cranford Police officers standing at the doorway to his room.

“Yes? Can I help you?” His voice was sullen and dismissive.

“We’re here to serve you with an order to appear….. The doctor explained about your injuries and the judge is giving you leeway. The warrant has the date and time for appearance. We won’t be making an arrest today, obviously, but it would do you well to seek counsel. Officer Jefferson is going to read you your rights, but that will also be repeated at your appearance before your arraignment. I’m sorry to disturb you; we’ll be only a few minutes." The other officer read Pat his rights and handed him the warrant.

“This is ridiculous.” Pat threw the paper and it landed at the foot of the bed.

“You and your attorney may discuss your objections at your appearance. I’m sorry for your injuries,” Officer Raheed said; showing Pat much more respect than he deserved. Pat sat silently as the two left his room. A few moments later there was a soft knock at his door. Liz stepped into the room.

“Are you doing better?” she asked. He smiled and nodded.

“Good,” she said flatly. He completely misread her and spoke.

“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses, Liz.” He grinned; not a broad smile but an almost arrogant smirk. She shook her head but agreed; at least in part.

“I have come to my senses, Pat. More than you’ll ever know, I expect.” Liz practically duplicated his expression but for the tears that began to well in her eyes. That old saying almost applied; you’ve got to be cruel to be kind? She wasn’t quite cruel, but it wasn’t an easy thing for either of them to face as she continued.

“You’ve hurt me for the last time, Pat.”

“What, I hurt you…that’s….” She held up her hand and snapped.

“Shut up, Pat…just shut the hell up.” He was so taken aback that it left him speechless for the moment.

“You’ve bullied me….ignored me…. Removed from me almost all the self-respect…” She shook her head and he went to interrupt again.

“No….I gave away my self-respect, but no more. You can’t push me around any longer and you can’t hurt your daughter anymore.” She turned and faced the doorway. Hope stood nervously. It was likely the prettiest and best-dressed she’d ever been in her short, new life, but she had decided to go all in; an effort that wasn’t wasted on Pat because he lapsed into silence as he saw his daughter for the first time.

“I won’t …..” Even with her mother to back her and a new resolve to urge her forward, it almost was too much to bear; that she had to convince her father what was entirely obvious to everyone else.


“No, Dad…my name is Hope!” Her words were angry and her tears flowed, but she continued.

“You took away my life, Dad…” Understandably, Pat misread her again and spoke.

“I…didn’t know you….”

“No you didn’t, Daddy, but that’s not what I meant.” She reached into her purse and produced the same bottle of Vodka she had displayed only days before to Liz, but it was empty.

“This ….not being a man of God…not being a minister….this is your legacy to me…and this… Oh, and don't worry. We've both stopped. ” She looked back at Liz as she struggled with the words while suppressing needful crying. She dropped the empty bottle on the bed at his feet and reached into her purse, producing the picture of her and Heather; the only picture of Pat’s two daughters.

“Mom told me….you….” she wanted to curse him, but she had struggled all the way over to the hospital. As much as she wanted to be angry with him, she wanted to forgive him even more; not for his sake, but for her need to be free from his tyranny. If she stayed angry at him, then he would win and continue to hold her captive. While she was angry, she was not going to let that rule her words.

“You let me…you….” The thought of the loss was too much for her and she lapsed into sobbing even as she fell onto the bed like a little girl. Liz stepped closer and grabbed Hope’s neck softly and began to massage it; belying her own anger.

“You told her that it was her fault that Heather died? How the fuck could you do that, you bastard? She’s been under so much condemnation from your cruelty to begin with and you went and did that? It was bad enough, but it was your fault, Pat. Yours alone, and you let her believe she ….You killed my baby, Pat…You!!!!”

“No…No….I …I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry….” He pled, but Liz would have none of that.

“I …I know you….didn’t….” She looked down at Hope. The girl continued to sob.

“I’m sorry, Daddy…I’m so sorry….” The girl was still held captive in his arrogant sway. Liz stooped next to the bed and gently tugged Hope’s face in her direction.

“No, honey…you didn’t….please…” She stood up and glared at Pat.

“All we ever wanted to do…all she ever wanted to do was to please you…to make you happy…and you threw it away…all of the love she ever could give to you and you just threw it away like it was garbage. And to make her feel so …. Do you even know what that did to her?” Liz was practically hysterical.

“I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry….” Pat repeated, echoing Hope’s words as girl continued to sob.

“No, Pat…you’re not sorry for what you did…you’re sorry for what you wrought…. You’ve lost every bit of love anyone ever had for wasted it and it hurts, but too bad. You never thought of anyone but yourself and you’re still doing it. I’m sorry….I helped you get where you are, and I hope I can come to the place of forgiveness.”

“You…forgive me?”

“I forgave you a long time ago. I only hope I can earn my daughter’s trust and forgiveness. And I hope I can finally get to the place where…I can forgive…..myself,” she said haltingly through sobs.”

“But…what about us?” Pat completely missed the urgency of Liz’s words.

“There is no ‘us,’ Pat. There hasn’t been for a long time. I’m not sure there ever can be…” Her voice trailed off at the prospect of lost love; rather love almost irretrievable. She stood silent. Hope raised herself out of the bed and stood next to Liz, holding her arm. She faced Pat and spoke.

“I…I forgive you, Dad…. Really.” He looked at her and began to smile in anticipation of another moment purely designed for his benefit. But she shook her head slowly at his expression and spoke.

“I’m sorry, Dad….” She urged Liz slowly toward the door.


“I don’t hate you, Dad….” She turned and looked at Liz for strength. Liz nodded slowly and Hope finished.

“I love you….like I’m supposed to…but I don’t like you….I hate what I’ve become, and I know that even if I forgive you, I can’t be around you….you hurt us too much, Dad. No more. I love you. Good bye.” She gasped and stifled a sob at the finality of her words before she and Liz walked out of the room.

At the Di Pasquale house, later that evening...

Lina and Noorah were cleaning up the dinner table and Susan and Liz were sitting on the couch, talking. Carlo sat in the rocking chair near the television watching ESPN. And Danny and Hope were sitting on the glider on the front porch. Hope was absentmindedly pushing the glider back and forth with her feet. Danny stood up as if to walk into the house, but turned and offered a hand to Hope. He stepped forward and she stepped back; feeling awkward. He pulled her close.

“I’m so proud of you,” Danny said as he held Hope in his arms; not a ‘loving’ embrace so much as a brotherly embrace, which left Hope feeling uncertain.

“You are so brave….” He paused and searched for words. She looked at him and shook her head.

“I’m not brave, Danny. I’m a coward. I’m an alcoholic. I used people to protect myself. I’m a fucking coward, and you’re blind.” She went to rest her head on his chest but pulled back.

“Look at me. I’m not pretty. I’m not even a girl, Danny. I’m a fucking freak. I’m nobody you need to love…don’t be stupid, okay?”


“No, Danny. I’m messed up. I hurt people. It doesn’t matter. Everybody made excuses for my father all these years and what did it do but make it easier to hurt everybody….everybody. And I’m no different. I used people. I used Susan. I even used you.” She began to sob. Danny pulled her close and she pushed his chest with her arms in an attempt to pull away. He held her fast and she began pounding his chest with her fists; not hard but weakly in surrender.

“No. You’re different. You wanted to change and you have. You don’t want to hurt people and you’ve already shown Susan and my family just how much you’ve changed. And if you used me, then I used you, and even more. You didn’t know who you were when we were kids, but I knew who I was and who I wanted. I never told you. I never let you know just how much you meant to me. And….” Danny choked back a sob.

“I never told anyone what I knew about you…how your Dad beat you. How he hurt you. If I had said something maybe…”

“No…I …. I wasn’t….it wasn’t…” She mouthed the last two words and Danny’s eyes flashed with anger; not at her but or her as he repeated aloud what she had just said silently.

“Not worth it? You were always worth it… You deserved to be loved and no one….not even me.”


“No..wait…let me finish. I didn’t love you…. I wanted you…I needed you, but if I had loved you I would have done whatever it took to let you know. I was a coward all this time and I let you believe that no one cared. If I had said something then…”

“You don’t know what he would have done…”

“No, Hope…I mean if I had said something to you…We could have done something. But…” He looked away, searching for strength.

“It says….you know this…it says….Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” She shook her head and went to pull away once again; tears of shame mixed with regret and sadness flowed down her cheeks. He pulled her closer and she had no strength to resist.

“Through all the bad stuff Carlo and me and Susan had to go through, I guess nothing was able to take away our faith. And Dad came around at the end and things made me remember just what I believe.” Another head shake followed quickly by a stroke of hair; leaving Hope feeling both lost and saved at the same time.

“And we always hoped…funny….we wanted to see things differently. I always hoped that God would help me be a better person….to be kind and caring…I hated my Dad for so long for what he did to Susan, but in the end I found that I had to be kind and caring no matter what….” He swallowed and continued.

“And I wanted to be a good boy so that I could be good for you…from the first time we kissed…. I knew you were different….not that what you had been was bad, but that there was so much of you that no one knew but me….”

“No…please.” She winced as her voice cracked. Another reminder of things left undone for too long; not a bad sound, but entirely different than what she had hoped for as a child. He smiled gently at her; the kind of smile that lets you know you’re not as bad as you think you are.

“But most of all, I’ve always loved you. I felt ashamed and awkward and scared, but you made everything go away with a nod and a smile.”

“But I was Tim back then…not me.” She shook her head.

“You’ve always been you. The person I’ve always known…since we were little. I knew you never wanted to be a bad boy….because….” She shook her head again in futile disagreement.

“You weren’t bad….Hope and you were never a boy…not inside.”

“I’m not a girl either, Danny…you’re wasting your time.”

“On you? Never…but you’re right. You’re not a girl.” Her eyes widened in surprise at his quick agreement. As much as she didn’t feel like a girl, she desperately wanted to be accepted that way. His growing smile confused her until he said at last.

“You’re not a girl, Hope…you’re a woman…a beautiful woman.”

“No…no, Danny…stop…”

“What…you’re not beautiful? You can’t tell me what I think, Hope….no one can. We’ve both been through way too much of that for too long. So don’t start now. You’re beautiful to me because …. Just because…and….” He paused, leaving her to shake her head in confusion once again. He lifted her chin slowly and leaned closer.

“You’re mine….mine to hold and care for and cherish….Waste time? I wasted too much time not telling you how I’ve felt, but no more wasting time. You’re beautiful; you’re mine….and I love you.” With that he pulled her close and kissed her; just enough to be romantic and just enough to leave her weeping in his arms in relief. After a few moments she looked up and saw he’d been crying. He smiled at her and she sighed.

“I…love you Danny….I’ve loved you forever….do you really love me?”

“As my Aunt Lina would say, ‘yeppers,” he said and pulled her close for another kiss.


Deep as the ocean
As high as the sky above
Clouds passing by
When love will find its way
Into your heart

Come into a dream in the night
When all the world was sleeping so tight
A treasure in store, perilous moments
Knowing their love was so true
A help from their friends, brave and so daring
Angel, soldier, in the night

Look for Hope and Danny’s continued story in For This Reason….

A Dream in the Night
Words and music by
Ciarán Brennan
as performed by Clannad

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That Was Strong Stuff

littlerocksilver's picture

But it had to be. I wonder how hooked on alcohol she is? Obviously, it is an escape, but is it an addiction?




And I totally understand Hope's struggle to accept that he loves her.

I feel it all the time ...



erica jane's picture

Stop making me cry when I read your stuff. Just so much emotion in these pieces of yours.

~And so it goes...

Sniffle sniffle, yes you had me weeping again!

So much emotion packed into this one sweetie it's hard not to... Hope & Danny just might make it after all! Pat obviously still doesn't get it, but he will. Some how I don't think he will be able to function to well on his own! Thank you Drea for this! Loving Hugs Talia