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(aka Bike) Part 1936 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Julie’s in love,” I said to Simon who was sitting in bed reading some financial journal or other.
“Yes dear,” he said back to me.
“She’s going to call the baby Alice if it’s a girl and Roger if it’s a boy.”
“Is she?” he said. He clearly wasn’t listening.
“Her boyfriend is an astronaut.”
“I’m sure,” he replied.
“He’s going to Mars next week–just for a couple of years–might have to stay there.”
“Good lord,” he suddenly exclaimed.
“Teddy Fraser has retired.”
“Who’s he?”
“Chairman of Van Stallin hedge fund.”
“Is that important?”
“I’ll say.”
“Would you say it was more important than your children?”
“That would depend upon the criteria being used.”
“I was trying to tell you about Julie.”
“That’s she was pregnant and married to an astronaut from Mars.”
“Listen to yourself.”
“Oh, okay you were lying.”
“You weren’t listening.”
“Okay, I am now–what about Julie?”
“She’s got herself a boyfriend.”
“Is that good?”
“She’s eighteen so it isn’t up to us.”
“Oh yeah.”
“He works in a bar across the road from the salon.”
“Not much of a catch then?”
“I don’t know, for all I know he’s waiting for a job confirmation from NASA.”
“He isn’t is he?”
“I don’t know, I doubt it.”
“Well at least he’s got a job.”
“He smokes.”
“Perhaps she’ll make him stop.”
“I have no idea, but I hope she’s strong enough not to try it herself.”
“At her age, she’ll have already tried it and not liked it.”
“She might get seduced into it by peer pressure.”
“Yeah, except you know that won’t happen.”
“I hope not.”
“Cathy, she’s not stupid.”
“I know but girls do stupid things at the behest of boys.”
“So what stupid things have you done at the behest of boys? Apart from marrying me, that is–thought I’d get it in first.”
“Very good, Si.”
He smiled his response.
“Except that wasn’t something I did at the behest of a boy; I married you because I wanted to.”
He looked surprised. “But I asked you to.”
“But I agreed to it.”
“Yeah, but doesn’t behest mean, at my request or invititaion?”
“Yes, but it was my decision–I could have said no.”
“But you wouldn’t have got such a generous offer anywhere else, would you?”
“Probably not–but I’d have got lots of bike rides with Kevin.”
“Oh that’s right throw that bumpkin in my face, why don’t you?”
“I’m only joking, Si.”
“Yeah, well it isn’t too funny from where I’m sitting.”
“You’re jealous, Simon Cameron.”
“Yeah, what of it?”
I smirked. “I’m glad I married you.”
“So ’m I.” We kissed.
“I had an email from Jacquie earlier.”
“How’s her course?”
“She’s staying in Salisbury.”
“Yeah, for a few weeks.”
“I think it might be longer.”
“This is pure intuition, but I think she’s in love as well.”
“It is coming up to St Valentine’s Day. What’s his name or don’t you know?”
“I have a feeling it might be, her name, but I don’t know for sure.”
“Some gossip you are.” He picked up his journal again then laid it down. “She has a girl friend–you mean she’s gay?”
“I think she could be.”
“Oh well, whatever floats her boat.”
“I think she’s staying with this girl, so she might not come back.”
“Is she going to be missed?”
“Of course, but her help round the house was less than perfect compared to Ingrid.”
“I take it she’s still with David?”
“Of course.”
“So that’s all right then?”
“I suppose so–they seem very happy together and Hannah seems content, too.”
“Don’t see her over with our girls too much, do we?”
“She comes over now and again, but they don’t seem to get on that well which surprises me.”
“Oh well, let’s get some sleep, Six Nations starts tomorrow.”
“Oh, does it?” I knew any sort of help I needed would be less than forthcoming. “Who’s playing who?”
“England and Scotland and Wales and Ireland.”
“Oh, who’s going to win?”
“Seeing as England beat the All Blacks before Christmas, I suspect we’re going to take a beating.”
“There’s a surprise.”
He gave me a scowl.
“What about the other two?”
“Wales have home advantage but Ireland are in better form, so I suspect they’ll just sneak it.”
“I see the England ladies lost to Sri Lanka last week.”
“At rugby?” he squeaked.
“No, cricket.”
“Oh that, yeah–bit of a surprise–might do ’em good, put them on their mettle.”
“Yes, Babes?”
“If decided that things were getting too much for me...”
“What d’you mean?”
“I feel so tired all the time and I have no time to do what I want any more.”
“That’s what happens when you have a family.”
“If I was to give up my job at the university?”
“That would be up to you but if you wanted to stay as ecological adviser to the bank, it would be harder without some academic standing.”
“I’ve got a PhD, what more do they want?”
“Someone who’s working in an academic institute or university.”
“Oh well, the money was nice while it lasted.”
“What about your films or is Brian bloody Cox going to film harvest mice?”
“Quite honestly, I couldn’t give a toss.”
“What about the breeding programme and the dormouse research?”
“It doesn’t need me–someone else could do it.”
“Cathy, are you all right?”
“No,” I sniffed, “I just feel so tired all the time and I miss Billie so much.” He put his arm round me and I wept uncontrollably.
“Why don’t you take a sabbatical?”
“If I did, I wouldn’t go back.”
“You might miss it after a while?”
“I doubt it–I feel so tired all the time,” I yawned as if to emphasise the point.
“I suppose we could manage on my salary,” he said quietly and I nearly laughed hysterically–he earns a couple of million a year if you remember. “But what are you going to do with yourself with all that time?”
“Sleep,” I answered my eyes closing.
“Yeah but that would only last–oh you’ve gone to sleep,” I felt him in the distance talking to me and lowering me back on to my pillow whereupon I turned over and went off to sleep very quickly.
“I hope you know what you’re doing girl,” I think he said but I might have dreamt it I felt so tired part of me wanted to sleep forever.

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Is Cathy
coming down with something? Physical, mental, or spiritual?
Much Love,
Valerie R
Worrysome symptoms
Depression or cancer?
Some nasty virus?
Or just stress?
What what what?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Worrying Development
I dont like the sound of this. Is our amazing Author feeling tired of keeping the story going, day after day ? It would not be surprising - who ever imagined that Angharad would be able to keep going for nearly 2 000 episodes. Even more amazing, she managed to write a few other stories between them. Anyone who has ever tried to write a story knows how hard it is, especially keeping it going.
I sincerely hope I am wrong, and that there will be at least another 1000 episodes to go !
Bless you Angharad, for this fantastic series. Please tell me I am wrong. I think I am sometimes confusing you for Catherine, because she seems so real, even when she does these strange things with the healing Light. It is a good thing for us scientists to be reminded from time to time that there is still a lot we dont know and that quite a lot of what we think we know is probably not quite right !
Please, if you can, keep going with this marathon ride - I know I am not alone in needing to read some every day. I think you have added to this site so much, it would be sad to wake up one day and find no more "Bike". Please promise us to carry one, please.....
You've definitely given us
You've definitely given us something to worry about here, Angharad.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I think Cathy is feeling
overwhelmed. Sincerely hope it isn't anything more.
What Cathy needs is some time
to herself so she can recharge her batteries. Maybe a weekend at the castle, hotel, or one of her many properties so she can relax and do some cycling is what she needs. she has plenty of other adults who can take over and pitch in. The older girls can help sort their sisters and Danny and Stella can take them to school. I am sure that if Cathy was to get sick or o away for a bit that they'd take over.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Sadly she can't even take any solace with the sky pixies
As she has no belief in transcendental beings. As that aspect of Cathy is a reflection of Ang I doubt Cathy will ever believe that Shekinah is the Real McCoy.
Oh Myyy!
Something's not right in Denmark.
Okay, I stole the subject and that line up there, but it sounds like something's a tad wrong... Stress CAN do that to a person... And, Cathy's been under quite a lot... She's looked like one of those people who thrive under stress, so folks keep piling it on... Not realizing there's a breaking point. It's not been that long since she earned her PhD either... That CHANGE can be stressful... Oh, my...
While Simon sitting there holding her is a good thing... She may need more help. Ho, boy...
(On the other hand, our editorial staff may be getting tired of the story... And, if that's so... They may want to take a sabbatical as well. We do want the editorial team in good condition - whether they continue the story or not.)
And, yes, I know another stressed out PhD... Who's tired a lot.
Thank you,
? ? ? ?
When was the last time Catherin did any thing just for the fun of it. Taking time just to be with her self no responsibilities no kids to watch no schedules. Also she has cut her self off intellectually from the source of her renewing energy even while continuing to pump out all the Watts it takes to care for everyone.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Am I reading ...
Am I reading between the lines here? Hope not but physical health is always first priority.
Cathy better start taking more care of herself.
Look after yourself Ang.
Wouldn't that be just like Shekinah
to somehow allow Billie to come back to the Cameron's in another form to quiet Cathy's Mourning that never ceases? Only to make Cathy aware of it and try to disbelieve that it is Billie.
Sounds like a possible story arc.
Oh Dear
Oh dear. Cathy is in need of a good rest. It shows how human she is that her body is saying I need a break from all the stress.
I am certain she will bounce back, her batteries recharged and ready to take on the world once more.
For example, at her next lecture she may spot two people at the back, one a non-descript woman of about thirty and a man she has met before. Severus ‘my friends call me Sevvy’ from Special Branch. Who knows, a little espionage may be just what Cathy needs. Just a thought.
Love to all
Anne G.