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(aka Bike) Part 1960 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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Women seem to have a greater capacity to overlook imperfections in their partners than men seem able to do, except perhaps Simon. However, I hope that in time Jacquie will come to see that my confrontation with Jerry was in her long term best interests.
During that afternoon, we talked about how their relationship had come to happen. Jerry was a teacher at the college–if you recall, Jacquie was doing an access course to enable her to go to university–and one of Jacquie’s tutors. As these are sometimes one to ones, it’s very easy for some sort of chemistry to happen between two people.
The problem arises in the definition of conflict of interests in the eye of the tutor, because some of the students are over eighteen, so legally adults. It’s sadly, not an uncommon event for a student to feel attracted by an older and seemingly sophisticated tutor and unscrupulous ones might even try to sleep their way to a degree or whatever qualification is on offer; so the abuse of the trust can come from either direction.
We’re all human and therefore can be tempted either by our own egos or the overtures of another to cross the boundaries of integrity and once we’ve done it once, it probably becomes easier to continue doing. I knew several at my uni who had affairs with students and was propositioned once or twice myself. It’s also happened since I’ve been teaching, both other staff and students have tried it on, though only once did it happen in a tutorial and I laughed at him because I was genuinely shocked by his suggestion.
Sure, it felt good to think I was attractive to a man nearly ten years younger, but my loyalties lie with my husband and family–the man I married because I love him, who would be devastated if I were ever to betray him, and I think my family would be equally disappointed. Call me old fashioned, but that sort of loyalty and honesty might not be always top fashion, but I think it still counts to a great number of people. Could I forgive Simon if he did the dirty on me? I don’t know. If I did it would take some time and I suspect something inside would wither and die causing loads of pain. Would I leave him if he did? Again I don’t know–very possibly. I doubt whether Simon would ever betray me but we are all human, and men at times do think with their willies and their egos.
Back to Jacquie, she seemed to calm down enough to be able to eat something later on. I warmed up two of the delicious meals David had cooked for us, well the main courses–Si and Danny with help from Tom ate all the soup and dessert, so we had a lot of choice.
She then decided to go to bed and I walked her up to her room, “You don’t have to do this, Mummy; I’m not on suicide watch, you know?”
“I would hope that you would never choose that to talking things over with me or one of the others to see if a better course of action was available. At times we can’t always see the wood for the trees.”
“Okay, it’s been a very tiring and awful day–I need to sleep, now, Mummy.”
“Okay, sweetheart.” I hugged her and kissed her. “It’s been a very hard time for you and I’m proud of the way you’ve managed to deal with things–it does get easier with time. I promise.” So saying I left her to retire though I wasn’t sure if I entirely believed her. It was going to be a long night.
“She okay?” asked Simon as I returned downstairs for a cuppa and a cuddle with my personal full sized teddy bear.
“I don’t know.”
“Can’t you do your blue light stuff to stop her doing anything stupid?”
“I doubt it.”
“But wouldn’t that be healing for her?”
“Undoubtedly, but it also seems to be a requirement that we learn something about life as we live it, otherwise how would we grow?”
“What, growing unhappy?” he volleyed back at me.
“I felt quite a bit flowing into her while we were talking and she did sleep for short time in my arms.”
“Does that make you feel good, being there to protect her and have her depend upon you?”
“Not particularly, she’s not a baby she’s an autonomous woman.”
“Is she?”
“No she isn’t, she’s vulnerable–especially to creeps like that black woman.”
“Not getting a little racist are we?”
“Certainly not, in fact Jacquie raised that point and I felt I gave a reasonable account of myself as not being racist.”
“So why did you go down the study?”
“She came straight out at me about being transsexual and made all sorts of unpleasant digs. If she was really gay; she was a fundamentalist type who disdain anything they haven’t tried. There are some who see us as less than something you step in, by us, I mean transsexuals.”
“But you’re not transsexual anymore, you’re cured–you’re female whatever she says.”
“I tried arguing that line, Si, she didn’t want to listen, in fact she didn’t listen until I read her energy like a printout.”
I felt something cold run down my spine–“Quick, Si, she’s done something.” We both dashed up the stairs and found her lying asleep in bed. She only stirred and didn’t wake, and her energy felt quite alright.
“That’s funny, it’s never done that before.”
“What hasn’t?”
“The energy, it gave me a jolt because someone I care about is in trouble.”
“Stella,” we both said and rushed into her apartment but she was sitting watching television. Then while Si explained, I checked all the others–they were fine–as far as I could tell.
I decided to go to bed and was in the bathroom when the phone rang. Simon must have answered it and a few moments later he rushed into the bedroom. “That was Dad, Monica’s had a heart attack and might not live.”
“Oh my goodness–I knew someone was in trouble.”
“And, like Kiki, I believed you implicitly.”
“What do we do, how can we help?” I asked.
“He’s sending his driver for you–is that okay?”
“Of course, look can you keep an eye on Jacquie if I go?”
“I’ll try.”
“I need better than that, Si, or I won’t leave her.”
“Get Sammi or Julie to help if you need to.” I went to redress, only in some comfortable clothes for a long sit in a car and then a hospital. One day this family will manage without me having to supply rescue or back up services.
I’d just drunk a cuppa when the car arrived, a Mercedes–and boy did that thing shift? Barely an hour later we were entering the car park of a large London private hospital, one with its own ICU–boy, this was costing Henry something, unless he had good insurance–of course he did, the bank sold it.
He met us outside her room. He looked grey with worry but he hugged and kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks for coming, Cathy. See what you can do, darling, name your price, but just save her–please,” he said tears falling as he spoke.
“I’ll do my best, Henry.” I pecked him on the cheek and went into the room to start my vigil.

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You know...
You know, despite the circumstances, it's nice to see that Henry actually cares about his wife as much as he talks about Cathy dumping his kid and seeing him.
The rest is interesting as well. Time will tell how Jacquie does... (Well, time and the author/editorial team.)
Glad that Jacquie
is better, but now the worry is Monica and Henry.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Whew, jump from crisis to crisis
Thought Monica was pretty healthy. What happened? Glad there is plenty of support at home for Jacquie.
Women are different
The symptoms of a heart attack are so widely published that most people know them. What isn't understood is that the symptoms are fairly different for women. Monica might have already had some minor attacks and not even realized it. Henry and Monica haven't been around recently for Cathy to notice, although I suspect she'll beat herself up for not finding out in time to prevent this.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Actually Karen, sometimes you
Actually Karen, sometimes you don't get the symptoms. When I had mine in August I did not have any signs, just a very tight feeling in my chest which passed in a few moments. No pain down the left side so it can be very trying. I did not get attention until four days later.
That was kinda my point
When I said that Monica may have already had some and not known it, because women's symptoms are not what everybody hears. For me, I was having continual problems with being short of breath when doing any vigorous activity. For months my doctor told me that was because I needed to exercise more. Finally it got so bad she booked me for a stress test. I didn't last for two minutes before I had a heart attack right there on the spot! One of the main arteries supplying blood to my heart had a 99% blockage . A quad bypass later and I'm putzing along again.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Not Monica!
I suppose Cathy has a long, sleepless night ahead of her. I expect Trish will be there in the morning to give her support s well. I really do feel for Henry, he seems to be devastated by this. I do think there might be a few fireworks if Monica recovers and Henry tries to "reward" Cathy, family is family in Cathy's eyes.
Perhaps Jacquie might learn something here, seeing Cathy "at work" so to speak. Realizing in her gut that Cathy has her welfare in mind would help her see the end of the relationship more clearly.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Just one problem
with that scenario, sis, Henry is in London with Monica, the rest are in Portsmouth - hence the chauffered car. I obviously didn't make it clear enough. I shall.
I figure
Henry can make that trip possible if he knows it will help Monica. Don't need the whole family showing up though. Heck once the sun comes up Henry could rustle up a helicopter for point-2-point transportation. Faster than the car.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Im probably 2 chapters ahead of myself
but there is a great little speech snippet pertinent to what is occurring now in chapter 1960.
"...We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too."
It serves to illustrate the current dilemma and choices present with in this story arc. I am not sure what is in Chapter 1962, but this so fit this one :)
What's going on?
First, Simon. And now Monica. Both with heart attacks. Is there someone or something attacking them? Or are these just coinkikidinks?
Red MacDonald
Cathy, Jacqui, and Monica
Cathy suspects something is wrong with Jacqui but I don't. The blue light energy that flowed into Jacqui while she was Cathy's arms was to make her relax so Cathy would be free for something more important. The shock from the energy when Cathy touched her told her it was not Jacqui she needed to be concerned about but someone else. That someone turned out to be Monica.
Come on EAFOAB pt 1961 so we can see what really happens to Monica and Jacqui!
Those fanatical felines are at it again! Another cliff hanger, perhaps two depending on Jacqui's condition. Do I dare offer them scritches, scratches and tummy rubs after this episode? YES! Go for it, both of you!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
And this is why Cathy is a Guardian of the Blue Light
'See what you can do, darling, name your price, but just save her—please'
Cathy could potentially be one of the wealthiest women on Earth if she somehow earned money for healing. I suspect the Shekinah might actively prevent it but otoh Cathy would never do it as she has too much integrity.
All the money
lots of power, And yet in the face of Mother Nature completely helpless, That then is Henry's dilemma, So lets hope that Cathy can produce the miracle that might yet be needed... A family are waiting and hoping that the blue light will make a much needed appearance...
Cathy to the rescue!
It is possible to love more than one person, so I'm not surprised Henry cares for Monica very deeply.